E2/Union of South Africa U1TIT3D STAGES EEEPARTMEITT OP AGElCULTUBE Bureau of Entomology pjid Plant Quarantine LIBRARY Washington, D. c. STATE PLANT BOAR] 3. E. p. Q.— 471, Supplement ITo. 3 July 25, 1941. PLANT-QUARAITTI!E IMPORT KSSTRICTIOITS IT.TIO'xT OF SOUTH AITHICA EEVISIOIT 01 SEaULATIOITS CONCERHIIIO TOMATO SEED By Proclamations ITo. 65 and No. 87, 1941, the G-overnor- G-eneral of the Union of Sou.th Africa has amended the Schedule of Proclamation Ho. 286 of 1936 to provide for the entry of tomato seed from areas not infected with the bacterial canker of tomato. The paragraph entitled "TOMTO SEEDS" on page 8 of 3. E. p. Q,. — 471 should he amended to read as folloiirs: "TOMATO SEEDS (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) from Germany, Italy, Horth America, or any coimtry v;here bacterial canker of tomato (Aplanohacter michiganense E. P. Sm.) occurs: Import permit required; must he accompanied by an official certificate stating that the seed was produced by plants officially inspected in the field and found free from that disease, or that the seed V7as produced in an area where the said disease does not occur." Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomolog;:!,'" and Plant Quarantine .