E2/ Bo 11 via UITIT2D STATF.S TiEPAIdl^'Em 0? ACrRICULTUES Bureau of Sntomolo,^'- and Plant Quarantine Wajhiuft on, D, C. E. E. P. Q,. 434 Januarj^ I.?, 1939, PLMT-QUARAf^TIr^ IMPOHT F:^ST:^ICTI01TS EE1PU3LIC 07 BOLIVIA UHITZD STAT":S DII'Ai.friiLN^ OF AGRICULTUPi: BUHEAU OF ENTOMOLOG?Y AlIE PLAl^IT QUAItAl-TTII'IE T-'ASHIiiaTOx.", D. C. E. E. F. Q.-484 Jrjiur-rv 13, 193:^. PIAi>IT_QVAIl?i\^Ii^ I1.{P0RT BZSTRICTIOIJS OF Ttm EEPUBLIC OF BOLIVIA This digest of the plant-qiiarantinc i:upcrt r-. strict ions of tlio Republic of Bolivia has hocr. T)r«.p^.rcd for the infoma- tirn of nurGoryncii, plcu-it-quarrntino officrals, and others interested in the cxporTiation of plar.ts and plant products to thj.t country/-. It was prepared by Hariy 3, Sha^.?, Plant Quarantine In- spector in Charge, Foreign Service Inform...'" ion, Division of Foreicjn Plant Q,uai'..n tines, fron^ the originrl text of the sur^reLie decree of '.^ly 28, 1937, creating an.c. reg-'-.Iati ng the Bolivian Plant ProtBction Service (Strvicio de PcJ.icia Sanitaria Vegetal) and reviewed by the Chief of that Service, The information contained in this circular is believed to "be correct and complete up to the tir.e of its preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original text, and it is not to bi intcr- TDretcd as legally authoritative J PLAFx"-Q,aARAI'!T'IIll ILiPOHT fj::STR:Ci:iONS OF TrC E:PU"3LIC C? BOLIVIA 3ASIC LTGISLATIOil Sv.prcme Decree of Hay 28, 1937, creating and re^p^latirie, the Plant Protection Sex-vice (Servicio de ?ol-=.cia Sanitaria Vegetal). This decree is divided into four cns'pters inclucHng dories- tic phytosanitar;;^' rig.'ulationG (articles 1 to 6), ret;;ulations on plant iiiportatioii (articles 7 to 13), those on -)lants for expor- tation (articles 13 to 36), c'xrd f;erj'.Y3.1 prov5siors (articles 17 to 2o) • Only Cha]:tor 11, including;' articles 7 to 12, is in- cliided in this digest. SU1.3'AH:f Importation Prohioited PLAi-rrS Al^D PAPJI'S of PL:i:TS that carry a£,ri cultural pests. limoortation P.estrictec. PLAIITS AND PAPl'S OF PL:U-;'r5: Zvery shi;oTnert r.ust oe accompanied "by a phytosaiiitary inspection certificate irsuod "by com- petent authority of tne country of origin and is subject to inspection on arrival. UBRARY STATE PLA^^^ BOARI liiipoi't Periuit Required Article 7. Applicatior. s for pennits to introduce plants or parts thereof shall he r.ade to the Chief of the Plant Pro- tection Service (Servicio de Felicia Sanitaria Vegetal), and shall contc.in the lollowii.g data: (a) FaiTio and nddress cf the inporter, (h) ilarae and liind ci product, (c^) Countr^' of origin. (d) Pur,:>ose for v/I-icl. the product is intended (plantin-'^, sowing:, or sale), (e) Custorr^s office or route tnrough rhich the importation is nade. - 2 PhytoscnitarT Certificato Eeouired Art. 7 Cont'd, For its clearance through the custom- house concerned, the presentation to the a'3ents of the phyto- saiiitary service is required of a phytosanitary certificate issued "by co/.:petent authority of the country/" of origin. Inspection on Arrival Art. 8. The roq_uirenents of the pr.Bceding article having "been conplied v/ith, the agent of the Plant Protection Service will detcmine the good sanitary condition of the inported products in the frontier customhouse and will issue a signed certificate author- izing the continuation of traiisportation. IToticc of Arrival Art. 9. Importers of plants or pcTts of plaiits are required to notify the Plaxit Protection Service of the arrival of the mer- chandise at the customhouse whore delivery is to he made to the interested person or at the railroad station of destination, in crder that the said service r.ay have it inspected by one of its officials, v/ho will carrj" out a new disinfection, if neces- sary, hcforo whic . the importer will declare the purpose of the im.portation (planting or sowing:). Disposed of Infested Plants Art. 10. If the agent of the Plant Protection Service finds danger of infection, he will adopt one of the following measures: (a) Disinfection V7ithin 15 days with r.aterials that he indicates, at the expense of the interested person. (h) Incineration in the presence of the interested per- son, or of any authority who witnesses the operation, within a period of 10 days, without responsibility to the State with respect to iiidemnity. (c) Quarantine of suspected ir.portations during which investigations of the case are made. Plants Carried by Passengers not Exempt from Certifica.tion Art. 11. Piailroad passengers are prohibited from, carrying living plants or parts thereof with them unless those products are accompanied fey the corresponding phytosanitarj^ certificate issued by competent authorities. The presentation of tliis certificate should be required both by the agents of the Plant Protection Service ojid riiilroc.d conductors. The l.-^.ck of tho. cTtliicatc will rc-:;ult i:i the cor.fi sc:?.tion of the plcrts cr.rriod, vrlthout ri^'ht to indcnnity. Art. 12. It is the fvjTictior. of the Pl.-^^nt Protection Service to specify "Pests of Agricultiirc" in order to prevent the irportr- tion of plants or parts thereof that contain then. liilii