LIBRARY STATE i'LANT BOARD E-4-75 ^Tay 1939 United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine KEYS FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF SOME LEPIDOPTEROUS LARVAE FREQUENTLY INTERCEPTED AT QUARANTINE By Hahn W, Capps, Division of Insect Identification The following keys are intended to assist quarantine inspectors in recognizing the lepidopterous larvae most frequently intercepted at ports of entry and are based on the differential characters noted in the literature, and on the larval collection and host catalogue in the United States National Museum, In using the keys, it should be borne in mind that their validity is dependent on three factors, viz,'(l) structure, (2) origin, and (3) host. Moreover, the characters used for separating the families are not completely diagnostic for the entire family but will serve to separate the species treated here. The dravdngs used to illustrate the keys are diagrammatic and not complete in ell details. Only such characters as are referred to in the text are figured. In checking against setal maps showing lateral views, the head of the larva should be to the observer's left; in dorsal views the head should be toward the observer. The specimen should be placed in a Syracuse watch glass, immersed in alcohol, and examined under a low-power binocular microscope. - 2 - KEY TO FAMILIES 1, Body with nvanerous short siBcondary setae (A) • ♦ 2 A - Body without numerous short secondary setae (a) • 3 2, Body cylindrical, not depressed, segments divided into 6 or fewer annulets (a)j crochets in a continuous mesoseries, not interrupted by a spatulate lobe (b). fTTTrrr A B Fieri dae p. 9 Body depressed, fusiform (spindle-shaped), segments not divided into annulets; crochets in a me so series, interrupted at center by a spatulate lobe (a)# 1 n \ ■. 'i Lycaenidae p. 10 - 3 - * 3, With more thsoi one pair of abdominal prolegs 4 - mth abdominal prolegs absent except on 6th segment Geometridae p, 14 4, Two setae in prespiracular group of prothorax (a) 5 t ^/ ° - Three setae in prespiracular group of prothorax (a) , 6 A 5, Proleg-bearing segments with seta IV behind, and 7 below, the spiracle (A); crochets in a longitudinal mesoseries (B), / / / 0/ /- r A Noctuidae p. 11 Proleg-bearing segments with setae IV and V close together below the spiracle (A); crochets in a continuous ring or a penellipso. / / 7 ^ Pyralididao p. 14 - 4 - 6, Setae IV and V of prole g- bearing segments close together below the spiracle (A) -i~7^ / / Setae IT and V of proleg-bearing segments distant from each other and below the spiracle (a) • 14 / o / / . -V -liv 7, Paired setae II of 9th abdominal segment on a sclerotized plate (dorsal view (a)) 8 I II i Ml A Paired setae II of 9th abdominal segmeni; not on a sclerotized plate (dorsal view (a)) • 10 /I 1 W / III I II II I III - 5 - 8, Seta I of 9th abdominal segment approximately equidistant from setae II and III (dorsal view (a)). ■ I I A Tor trie idae p. 31 Seta I of 9th abdominal segment closely associated with seta III, on a single sclerotized plate (dorsal view (a) ) • 9 ft FP f? 9, Seta VI present on 9th abdominal segment (A and B). i — a. A B Olethreutidae p. 30 - Seta VI absent from 9th abdominal segment (a). r VII vii: Phaloniidae p. 32 - 6 - 10. Seta III of 8th abdominal segment directly in front of spiracle (a)j seta I of 9th abdominal segment approximate to seta III but not on same plate (b). -f / y^ ^ -/^ B Cosmopterygidae p, 25 Seta III of 8th abdominal segment not directly in front of spiracle (A and B)j seta I of 9th abdominsil segment not closely associated with seta III (C, D, and E) • 11 \ \ \ / HII B / y V -7^ / -II B 11, Submentum with a large ovsd pit (a); seta III of 8th abdominal segment above and slightly behind the spiracle (B)« \ / HII B Blastobasidae p. 29 Submentxan without an oval pit; or, if pit is present, seta III of 8th abdominal segment above and in front of spiracle (a),,. 12 A - 7 - 12, Setae I, II, and III of 9th abdominal segment on a sclerotized plate (a). m \ A Hyponomeutidae (part) p, 32 ( Argyresthia ) Setae I, TI, and III of 9th abdominal segment not on a sclerotized plate (A and B) 13 / -II x/-- IN / ^ •^ _ •^ •^ \ 13, Seta I closely associated with seta II on 9th abdominal segment (a) , % y / A— A Oecophoridae (part) p, 29 ( Endrosis and Hofmannophila ) Seta I of 9th abdominal segment not closely associated with seta II, approximately equidistant from setae II and III (a). X N* y Gelechiidae p, 26 - 8 - 14, Crochets of abdoniinal proleg in raultiserial rings (a). A -Tineidae (part) p. 33 (Acrolophus) Crochets of abdominal proleg in a complete ring, enclosing a short longitudinal series (A), or in a pseudocircle (B)« B Hyponomeutidae (part) p. 32 (Acrolepia and Plutella.) - 9 - Family PIERIDAE 1, Larger seta-bearing tubercles of abdominal segments broadly expanded at bases, about as wide as high (a) ; body with bright yellow and fuscous or blackish stripes ,.,.,, 2 Larger seta-bearing tubercles of abdominal segments not broadly expanded at bases, higher than the width at base (a); body light green, with or without pale-yellow or whitish stripes 3 A 2, Head black, except for gray firont end a light-gray patch on each side; body with 2 yellow stripes (middorsal and spiracular); anal shield black, with a short yellowish median stripe; spiracles with black rims and pale-yellov/ish centers, Europe , Hosts: Cabbage, cauliflower, and mustard. Fieri s brassicae (L.) Head -whitish, except for pigmentation of tubercles; body with 3 yellow stripes (middorsal, subdorsal, and spiracular) ; anal shield -vrfiitish, except for pigmentation of tubercles; spiracles with black rims and brown centers, Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands, Hosts: Cabbage, cauliflower, and mustard, Ascia menus te (L,) UBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD - 10 - 3, Body with a yellow middorsal stripe; proleg-bearing segments with yellowish or vdiitish pigmented band, discontinuous shortly posterior to the spiracle (a)» A Europe and North Anerica, Hosts: Cabbage, cauliflower, and mustard. Pieris r apae (L.) Body without a middorsal stripe j proleg-bearing segments with a whitish or yellowish pigmentation enclosing the spiracle (a) . Europe and Nortii America. Hosts: Mustard and turnip. Pieris napi (L») Family LYCAENIDAE Head retractile, usually difawn into prothorax; body color light green or with a slight pinkish tinge j spatxxlate lobes of abdominal prologs not solerotized edong lateral margins, Mexico, Hosts; Beans and cotton (borer in green pods and bolls), Strymon melinus (Hbn.) - 11 - Family NOCTUIDAE 1, Prolegs present on abdominal segments 3 to 6 ,,,,,, , 2 Prolegs absent from abdomineil segments 3 and 4, present on 5 and 6« Canada, England, and Mexico, Hosts: Cabbage and other crucifers, Autographa spp. 2. Adf rentals extending almost to the vertex, longitudinal ridge less than one-half the height of front (a)j a yellowish middorsal spot on metathorax and abdominal segments 1 to 4, A Cuba, Mexico, West Indies, and South America, Hosts: Peas, pepper, and tomato, Peridroma margaritosa (Haw, ) Adf rentals terminating definitely before the vertex, longitudinal ridge at least one-half the height of front (A); metathorax and abdominal segments 1 to 4 without yellowish middorsal spots , , ,, 3 A 3, Skin with short, sharp spines ,,,, - Skin smooth or with flattened granules - 12 - 4, Tubercles 1 and II of abdominal segments with spines (A); mandible with a broad plate on oral surface (b)« A B Mexico and West Indies, Hosts; Cotton (bolls), beans, okra, peas, pepper^ and tomato, Helio-t±iis v iresoens (F . ) Tubercles I and II of abdominal segments without spines (a); mandible without broad plate on oral surface, usually a tooth- like projection on the second rib (B). A B Mexico, West Indies, and South America. Hosts: Beans, com, cotton, lettuce, peas, pepper, and tomato, Heliothis obsoleta (F») 5. Skin with flattened granules (a)j sclerotized plates at bases of body setae moderately large and flat or slightly convex (b)j [adf rental area and that along longitudinal ridge -vrtiite or pale, appearing as an inverted Y {y\) (c).l ABC Mexico. Hosts: Com, cotton, beans, grasses, kale, rape, spinach, and sugarcane • Laphygma frugiperda (A« and S.) - 13 - Skin smootii; sclerotizod plates at bases of body setae minute, much reduced (a) A \. . O \ " ■ 6, Setae Pg, P^, Adf,, and F-, in line (a)j dark pigmentation at base of seta lib oil mesothorax (b); mandible without a toothlike projection on oral surface (c); third segment of labial palpus as long as, or longer than, basal segment (D) . X X B Mexico, Hosts: Beets, pepper, and tomato. Laphygma exigua (Hbn.) Setae Pg, P-j, Adf,, and F-, not in line (a) ; no dark pigmentation at base of seta lib of mesothorax (b); mandible with a single, pointed, toothlike projection from the second ventral rib on oral surface (C); third segment of labial palpus not more than one-half as long as basal segment (D), B D Canada and Mexico, Hosts: Peas, pepper, and tomato. Agrotis c-nigrum (L,) - 14 - Family GEOMETRIDAE Skin granule se; setae spatulate (a) . Mexico and Scotland. Hosts: Cut flowers and heather. A Ptychopoda spp. Family PYRALIDIDAE 1, Seta lib of mesothorax with a dark sclerotized ring at base (a) • * \ \ V ^ ^ -* Seta lib of mesothorax without a dark sclerotized ring at base (a) .« «... y \ A - 15 - t 2, Prespiracular shield of prothorax extending below and behind the spiracle, posterior part weakly pigmented (a) j body color pinkish, with -whitish, discontinuous, longitudinal bands on most of the segments (B). xf® Cuba, Mexico, and Puerto Rico, Hosts: Corn, peas, and sugarcane, 6 Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zell.) Prespiracular shield of prothorax neither extending below nor behind the spiracle (a)j body color white, or if pinkish, the broken longitudinal bands absent 3 A 3, Skin granulate (under low magnification) 4 Skin smooth (tmder low magnification) ...*...••*..• 5 4, Sclerotized plates at baset of body setae broadly oval and flat; seta II of abdominal segments 1 to 7 below level of seta I (a); large larvae, borerp in logs. )9 Costa Rica, Honduras, and Mexico, Host: Cedar (Spanish cedrella) logs. Hypsipyla grandella (Zell.) - 16 - Sclerotized plates at bases of body setae very small; seta II of abdominal segments 1 to 7 on level with or higher than seta I (A) i small larvae, in green corn. Mexico, Host: Com, Yl \ o Moodna bisinuella Hamp, 5, Seta III of abdominal segments 1 to 7 each -with a pigmented, ere scent- shaped plate at base (a) ,,, , \v. o - Seta III of abdominal seg;ment8 1 to 7 without such plates (a),, 7 |\ ^:» A. 6, Setae I and II of abdominal segments with strongly sclerotized and moderately large plates at bases (a). -II England, France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, Hosts: St, John* 8 bread and tamarind (pods), Myelois ceratoniae Zell< - 17 - Setae I acid II of abdominal segments with weakly sclerotized and much reduced plates at bases (a) . \ V A Cuba, British West Indies, and Jamaica. Hosts: Grapefruit, orange, and fig (in the fruits), Myelois venipars Dyar 7, Pro thoracic shield pede yellow, with pattern of blackish or fuscous markings as illustrated (a). Bahamas, Earbadres, Ptiertc Rico, Mexico, and Tfest Indies. Hosts: Beans ar-c". peas (in the pods), Fundella cistipennis Dyeo* - Pattern of markings on prothoraoio shield not as above 8 8. Setae I and II of abdominal segments with definite pigmented plates at bases (a) , Practically cosmopolitan. Hosts: Stored products (grain, dried vegetables, and fruits), Ephestia spp, - 18 - Setae I and II of abdomineil segments without definite pigmented plates at bases (a),- T^:; \ o Practically cosmopolitan. Hosts: Stored products (grain, dried vegetables, and fruits), " Flodia interpunc te 1 1 a (Hbn.) 9, Prothoracic shield wilii pattern of dark fuscous markings as illustrated (a) . Practically cosmopolitan. Hosts: Lima beans and pigeon peas. Pattern of markings on prothoracic shield not as above Etiella zinckenella (Treit,) 10 LO, Prespiracular and protiioracio shields fused, setae IV and V on the lateral margin (A)j setae la, lb, Ila, and lib of mesothorax on a single sclerotized plate (b) (lateral view). Mexico . Host: Pineapple ^ s Y^'\ s, \ 1 V V o A B Alpheias sp. Prespiracular and prothoracic shields not fused (a); setae la, lb, Ila, and lib of mesothorax not on a single sclerotized plate (b) 11 / ^ A B - 19 - t 11, A single transve.rso plate (without setae) on posterior dorsal area of me so thorax (dorsal view) (a) 12 A pair of plates (without setae) on posterior dorsal area of mesothorax (dorsal view) (a), or such plates absent 15 12* 71 of meso- and metathorax bisetose (a) 13 VI of meso- and metathoreuc unisetose (a)j [body color i^itish, with 2 pink longitudinal stripesi a small pigmentation surrounding bases of setae- IV and V on proleg-bearing segments (B). 1 A B Mexico. Host: Sugarcane (borer in stalk). Chile sp. - 20 - 13. Body -with a distinct pinkish middorsal stripe (a) ; plates at bases of body setae weakly sclerotized and concolorous with the body, _ j r ? \^zsr _ China, Japan, and Hanchuria. Host: Rice straw (borer in stems). Chilo simplex (Butler) Body without a pinkish middorsal stripe (A)j plates at bases of body setae strongly sclerotized and heavily pigmented or weakly sclerotized and concolorous v.lth the body , 14 V 14. Plates at bases of body setae blackish or fuscous. Mexico, tropical America, and Oriental regions. Hosts: Green conn and sugarcane (borers in ears and stalks), (Summer form) Diatra ea spp. - Plates at bases of body setae pale, concolorous with the body, Mexico, tropical America, and Oriental regions. Hosts: Green com and sugarcane (borers in ears and stalks). (7<'inter fonn) Diatraea spp. 15, Meso- and metathorax each with a pair of plates (without setae) on posterior dorsal margins (a) ; Igroup VII of first abdominal se@nent bi setose (B).1 j j.. OQ tS^ <3 -VII A B, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Fawaii, Tahiti, and Japan, Fos-is: B«ans -axuHi pigeon peas (borer in pods). Maruca testulalis (Geyer) - 21 - Meso- and metathorax -without such plates on posterior dorsal margins; [group VII of first abdominal segment bisetose or trisetose ] , , 16 .6, Head capsule with a shieldlike extension over base of antennaj [puncture A^^ in line with or somewhat behind a line connecting setae At and Ag (A); pvmcture 0^ directly posterior to ocellus VI (B). 1 A B Europe, the Orient, and Canada, Hosts: Beans, com, and pepper (a borer), Pyrausta nubilalis (Hbn.) Head capsule without a shieldlike extension over base of antenna (a) 17 17, Ocellus II much closer to ocellus I "tiian to ocellus HI (a) j head pale yellow, without definite markings Cuba, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. Hoots: Cucumber and squash. Diaphania spp. - 22 - Ocellus II approximately equidistant from ocelli I and III (a); head blackish, fViscous, or (if pale yellov/) with definite Diarkings ..., , 18 18, Ocellus I distinctly larger than ocellus II; body with pinkish longitudinal stripes (a) « 19 A Ocellus I approximately equal in size to ocellus II; body ■without pinkish longitudinal stripes 20 19, Head blackish or fuscous, wilii a distinct iwiiitish area along adfrontal suture, extending to vertex; seta 0, anterior to a line joining setae L-^ and Op (A), Barbadoes, Cuba, Guam, Jamaica, and Mexico, Hosts; Cabbage, mustard, radish, and turnip. Hellula undalis (F.) 23 - Head peder (mottled appearance), area along adfrontal suture pale but not -white j seta X)^ posterior to a line joining setae Li and 03 (A) . Canal Zone, Cuba, end Mexico. Hosts: Mustard and vvhite chard. Hellula phidilealis (Walk.) 20, Prothoracic shield mth a dark fuscous reniform spot posterior to seta lb (a)j plates at bases of body setae weakly sclerotized, pale end concolorous with the body, , , 21 Prothoracic shield wiliiout a dark reniform spot posterior' to seta lb; plates at bases of body setae moderately or heavily sclerotized, brown or black .,..*,.• * 22 21, Prespiracular shield ovate X^)i distance between Adf q^, and F-^ greater then that between Adf^ and Adfg (B). A B Canada, Bermuda, Mexico, and Puerto Rico, Hosts: Celery, out flowers, beens, lettuce, and spinach. Phi yc taenia rubigalis (Guen,) - 24 - Prespiracular shield ere scent- shaped, often extending below the spiracle (a)j distance between setae Adf^^ and F^ less than that between Adf-, and Adfp (b). Cuba and Mexico, Hosts: Eggplant 9md tomato B Lineodes Integra (Zell.) 22, Sclerotization extending from postero-lateral margin of prothoracic shield to prespiracular shield (a); plate at base cf seta I blackish, ovate (b). V / 1 / ii- / ^ ^ <6 ^ A B Central America, South America, and West Indies, Hosts : Beets, cotton and cut flowers, (Larva a foliage feeder, seldom intercepted^ Loxostege similalis (Guen,) Ho sclerotization extending from postero-lateral margin of prothoracic shield to prespiraculej- shield; plate at base of seta I brown, triangxilar, with a small fuscous pit near antero-dorsal margin (a) 0" 23 - 25 - 23, Prothoraoic shield with blackish or fuscous shading below level of seta lib (a)j prespiracular shield enclosing the spiracle (A)s plates bearing seta la - lb and Ila - lib of mesothorax fused (b), / I ( — V- ii" Mia lib Puerto Rico. Hosts ijoaranthus. B Paohyzancla bipunotedis (F») Pxx) thoracic shield with blackish or fuscous shading below level of seta Ila (a); prespiracular shield not enclosing the spiracle (a) j plates bearing setae la « lb and Ila - lib of mesothorax separate (not fused), a small fuscous pit near center of dorsal margin of plate bearing setae Ila - lib (b). "5 A B Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands, Hosts s Eggplant and tomato. Paohygencla periusalis (Walk,) Family COSMOPTERYGIDAE Seta Ila of prothorax above level of seta la (a)j crochets of abdominal proleg uniordinal, in a complete ring (b). ^ /. / Mexico and ^st Indies. Hostst Com. cotton (bolls and lint), and dried fruits. Pyroderces spp. - 26 - Family GELECHIIDAE 1, Abdominal prolegs rudimCTitaryj each proleg usually with not more than 3 or 4 crochets (a) . Practically cosmopolitan. Host: Stored grain. Sitotroga cerealella (Oliv.) Abdominal prolegs normal ; each proleg with many more than 3 or 4 crochets • • 2 2, Setae on prespiracular shield of prothorax in a linear arrange- ment, shield enclosing the spiracle (a)j crochets of anal legs biordinal, interirupted at center (B); anal fork present (b). \ A B Costa Rica, Mexico, Puerto Rico, England, and Italy, Hosts: Almond, apricot, cherry, peach, plum, nectarine, and tamarind (bean pod), Anarsia lineatella (Zell,) - Seta© on prespiracular shie3.d of prothorax triangularly arranged, shield not enclosing the spiracle (a); crochets of anal legs \miordinal or biordinal, not interirupted at center (b); anal fork absent (b) 3 A B *. 27 - 3, Setae Adf, and A^o d^^® together ^ decidedly anterior to apex of front tA)j Pi but slightly above level of Adf-j^ and -Rith Pg laterad of P^ (a) « Setae Adf^ and Adfg not closely associated, anterior to apex of frontj seta Pg posterior to P]^ (a)j [puncture A^ beti^sen setae Ai and Ag (A) j prothoracic shield light bro-vm, -with a pale reniform spot posterior to seta lb (b)j seta III of 8th abdominal segment above and in front of spiracle (C)j crochets of abdominal prolegs uniordinal and arranged in a penellipse (d)| akin smooth,] \ \ \ Brazil, Egypt, India, Mexico, and Wast Indies. Hosts! Cotton and okra. Peotinophora gossypiella (Saund.) 4, Prothoracic shield pale, idiitish, -with dark fuscous shading along lateral and posterior margins (a). A Bahamas, Chile, Cuba, Mexico, Peru, Hawaii, end Virgin Islands, Host: Tomato, Gnorimo schema lyooper si sella (Busck) - 28 . Prothoracic shield entirely dark brown or blackish 5, Line joining setae L-^ and O2 tangent to or passing liirough ocellus I (a); setae V, TV, and VI of 9th abdominal segment in line (approximately) (b). A Cuba and Mexico. Hosts: Pepper and tomato, \ 7 v N. B Gnorimo schema gudmannella (TO. sm, ) Line joining setae L, and Op distinctly posterior to ocellus I (a) J setae V, IV, and VI of 9th abdominal segment in a triangular arrangement (b). Practically cosmopolitan. Hosts: Potato (Irish) and tomato. V B Gnorimoschema operculella (Zell,) - 29 - Family OECOPHORIDAE 1. number of ocelli reduced (only 2 present) (a)j submentian with a large oval pit (b). A B Practically cosmopolitan. Hosts: Bulbs and roots Endrosis lacteella (Sohiff , ) All ocelli present (l-II and III-IV more or less fused (a))i submentim without an oval pit. A Europe . Hosts Bulbs, Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Stsdnt.) Family BLASTOBASIDAE As there are few reliable characters for separating the larval forms in this family, specific determinations are very difficult. However, the following combination of characters will help to separate them froKi those? of closely related families; Large oval pit on the submeatumj seta III directly above, or above and slightly behind, the spiracle on 8th abdominal segment? only 3 setae in group YII of abdominal proleg and frequently with a dark ring about base of seta III on abdominal segments 1-7, Mexico^, Centrel j^exdca, and West Indies, Hosts; Cotton (bolls), banana (debris) ^ pepper, and pineapple. - 30 - Family OLETHREUTIDAE 1, Anal fork present; seta VI of 9th abdominal segment on same plate with setae V and rv (a) Anal fork absent; seta VI of 9th abdominal segment not on same plate with setae V and IV (a), i — a. Praotically cosmopolitan. Hosts; Apple, pear, and quince. Carpocapsa pomonella (L.) 2, A blackish or fuscous band nn side of head, extending from lateral incision of hind margin to, and including base of, seta O2 (a) J pro-tiioracic seta lie dorsocaudad of Ic (b). rV^ / /- lie fpt B Mexico . Host: String beans. Epinotia opposita Hein, - 31 A short black or i*uscous band on side of head but not extend- ing to seta 03 (A)j prothoracic seta IIo directly caudad of seta lo (b). ^ A B AustreJ-ia^ China, Japan, and Mexico. Hosts: Apple, peach, pear, and quince. Grapholith a spp, (May be any of several species infesting these hosts.) Family TORTRICIDAE Several species of Tortricidae attack pepper and tomato, Ho-wever^ the larvae of the genus Platynota are readily recognized by the white chalklike appearance of the elongate plates at bases of setae I and II (a). The characters noted below will separate the two species frequently intercepted. \ A 1. Head capsxile and prothoracic shield blackish or fuscous. Cuba and Mexico. Hosts s Pepper and tomato. Platynota rostrana (Walk.) Head capsule and prothoracic shield pale yellowish^ no dark fuscous shading along posterior margin of shield. Cuba and Mexico. Hosts i Pepper and tom&to. Platynotc. stultana (Wlsm. ) - 32 - Family PHALONIIDAE The only phalonild with which we are concerned here is an as yet undescribed species in pepper pods from Mexico, The family character 8 given in the key in oonjtmction with the host should suffioe for its identification. Family HYPONOMEUTIDAE (including PLUTELLIDAE) 1* Plate at base of seta III enclosing abdominal spiracle (a)« / r Belgium, France, Holland, Italy, and Spain. Host: Leeks, Aorolepia assectella (Zell,) - Plate at base of seta III not enclosing abdominal spiracle (a),, 2 \ \ 2, Pro-ldioracic shield pale, without fuscous markings; setae IV and V of proleg-bearing segments close together but not on same plate (a) J 9th abdoioinal segment bearing 9 setae, I, II, and III on a single plate or with seta I slightly posterior to margin of the plate (B); prolegs nonnal, crochets in a complete ring (c). / / ^ / • //::;; -V -IV / ABC Italy, Norway, Scotland, and Sweden, Hosts: Hoss roots and sorbus berries, Argyresthia conjugella (Zell,) - 33 - Prothoracic shield pale, with reddish- fuscous markings; setae IV and V of proleg-bearing segments distant from each other (a); 9th abdominal segment bearing 7 setae, I, II, and III not on a single plate (B) ; prolegs long and slender, crochets in a pseudo- oirole (C). / / / o J ^' A B C Practically cosmopolitan • Hosts: Cabbage, carrot, celery, broccoli, mustard, and turnip, Plutella maculipennis (Curt.) Family TINEIDAE Prothoracic and prespiraoular shields adjacent, partially fused (a)) ocelli I and II approximate. III, IV, and V close together, -with VI posterior to and slightly below V (B), Central and South iUaerica. Host! Orchid, B Acrolophus sp. - 34 - References Bottimer, L. J. 1926, Notes on some Lepidoptera from eastern Texas. Jour, Agr, Research 33: 797-819, illus. Busck, August 1917, The pink boll-worm, Pectinophora gossyplella , Jour» Agr, Research 9: 333-370, illus. 1928. Phthorimaea lycoperslcella , new species (feonily Gelechiidae) a leaf feeder on tomato, (L®P»)» Hawaii Ent, Soc, ?roo, 7 (l)j 171-178, illus, Crvimb, S« £• 1926, The nearotic budworms of the lepidopterous genus Heliothis . U, S, Natl. Mus, Proc. 68, no, 2617, art, 16, 88 pp., illus, 1927, The army worms. Bull, Brooklyn Ent, Soc, 22s 41-55, illus, 1929, Tobacco cutworms, U, S, Dept, Agr, Tech. Bull, 88, 179 pp,, illus, I 1932, The more important climbing cutworms. Bull, Brooklyn Ent, Soc, 27: 73-100, illus, Davis, E, G,, Horton, J, R, , Gable, C, H,, Blanchard, R, A., and Heinrich, Carl, 1933, The southwestern com borer, U, S, Dept. Agr. Tech, Bull, 388, 62 pp., illu$, Ellis, William, 0, 1925, Some lepidopterous larvae resembling the European corn borer. Jour, Agr. Research 30: 777-792, illus, Forbes, W. T, M, 1923, The Lepidoptera of New York and neighboring States, Cornell Univ, Agr, Expt, Sta, memoir 68, 729 pp., illus. 35 " Fracker, S. B, 1915, The classification of lepidopterous larvae, Univ, 111, Eioi« Moncg, 2 (1), 169 pp., illus, Garman, H,, and Jewett, H. H, 1914, The life history and habits of Hie corn-ear worm ( Chloridea obsolete.), Ky, Agr, Expt, Sta, Bull^ 187s 03-691, illus, Garmsn, H, 1918, A comparison of several species of Lepidopt^ra infesting apple in Maryland -with additioned notes on ^he oriental peach moth, Md, Igr. Expt, Sta, Bvdl, 223; 103-126, illus, 1920, Observation on the structure and coloration of the larval corn-ear worm, the budworm, and a few other lepidopterous larvae, Ky, Agr, Expt. Sta, Bull, (Research) 227? 56-84, illus. 1930, The oriental peach moth in Connecticut, Conn, Agr, Expt, Sta^ Bull, 313: 401-451, illus, Halloway, T, E, 1916, Larval characters and distribution of two species of Diatraea, Jour, Agr, Research S* 621-626, illus, Halloway, T. S,, Haley, W, E,, Loftin, U, C, and Heinrich, Carl. 1928. The sugar-cane moth borer in the United States, U, S, Dept, Agr. Tech, Bull, 41, 77 pp., illus, Heinrich, Carl 1919, Note on the European com borer (Pyrausta nubilalis Hbn, ) and its nearest American sdlies, with description of larvae, pupae, and one new species. Jour. 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