S: 465 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICl OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS— BULLETIN A. C. TRUE, Director. ORGANIZATION LIST OF THE Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations UNITED STATES WITFI A LIST OF AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS IX FOREIGN COUNTRIES. OF FL LiB.^. I WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1902. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Scientific Burning arid 1 > Weather Bcreac — Willis L. B&oore, Chief Bureau of Animal Industry — D. E. Salmon, Ch Bureau of Chemistry — H. \V. Wiley, Chief. Bureau of Plant Indfstry — B. T. Galloway, Chief. Brui.Ar of Forestry — Gifford I'inchut, Chgef Bureau of Son.. — Milton Whitney, <'hii vision of Statistics — John Hyde, Chief 3 . Division of Entomology — L. (). Howard, Chief Division of Biological Sukvey — C. Hart Merriam, Chief Section of Foreign Markets— F. H. Hitchcock, Chief. Library — Josephine A. Clark. Librtiriou. Office of Experiment Stations — A. C. True, Director. THE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Alabama— College Station: Auburn: P. H. Mell.* Canebrake Station: Uniontown; J. M. Riche- son.* Tnskegee Station: Tuskegee; G. W. Carver.* Alaska— Sitka; C. C. Georgeson.f Arizona— Tv csoji: R. H. Forbes.* Arkansas— Faycttevilk: R. L. Bennett* California— 1\< rkefcy: E. W. Hilgard.* Colorado— /V/ Collins: L. G. Carpenter.* CoNNECTHTT— State Station: New Haven; E. H. Jenkins.* Storrs Station: S?6rr«; W. ( ). Atwater.* Delaware— Xnrark: A. T. Neale.* FLobldA— Lake Gtoy: T. H. Taliaferro.* Georgia— Epperiftient: R. J. Redding.* Hawaii— Federal: station: Honolulu: J. G. Smith. t Sugar Planters' Station: Honolulu; C. F. Eekart.* IDAHO— MOSCOW.' .1. A. M''Lean.* Illinois— I'rbo.no: E. Davenport.* Indiana— Lafayettei CS. Plumb.* Iowa— Auk. k C. F.Curtiss.* a -Manhattan: J. T. Willard.* Ki-:*-\\v \i in -i ii- -Amfu ret: H. ELGoodelL* Michigan- -AgHi idturai College: C. D. smith.* Minnesota— St. Anthony Park, St. Paul: W. M. Liggett.* Mi>si>sippi— Agricultural College: W. L. Hutchin- son.* Missouri— College Station: Columbia; H.J. Waters.* Fruit Station: Mountain Graves J. T. Stinson.* Montana— Bozenum: 8. Fortier.* Nebraska— Lincoln: E. A. Burnett.* Nevada— lie.no: J. E. Stubbs.* New Hampshire— Durham: W. D. Gibbs.* New Jersey— New Brunswick: E. B. Voorhees.* New MEXICO— Mesilla Park: Luther Foster.* New York— State Station: Geneva; W. H. Jordan.* Cornell Station: Rhacaj LP, Roberts.* North Carolina — Raltigh: B. W. Kilgore.* North Dakota — Agricultural College: J. H. Worst.* Ohio— Wchster: C. E. Thorne.* OKLAHOMA— Stillwater: .1. Fields.* Oregon— OoriiaUis: 3. Witbyeombe.* 1'ennsylvama—>/"^ College: H. P. Armsby.* Porto Rico — liia Piedras: F. D. Gardner. t Rhode \si.\yi)— Kingston: H. J. Wheeler.* Sorm Carolin v— CU insou College: II. s. Hartzog.* Soiitb Dakota— Brookings: John W. Heston.J Tenn ESBEE— Knoxrilli : A. M. Soule. § Te.\a>— Cnlligi station: J. H. Connell.* I'TAH— Lotion: .1. A. Widtsoe.* Vermont— ■Burlington: J. L. Hills.* XlHtilslA—Blacksburg: J, M. McBryde.* Washington— frjtftman: K. A. Bryan.* West Virginia — Morgaritdwn: J, H.Stewart,* Wisconsin— Ma, list, n: W. A. Henry.* WYOMJNG^-Zaramfe: E. E. Smiley.* • Director. .d agent in charge Acting director. § Vice-director. 465 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS— BULLETIN NO. 111. A. C. TRUE, Director. ORGANIZATION LISTS OF THE Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations IN THE UNITED STATES WITH A LIST OF AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS IX FOREIGN COUNTRIES. .MARCH, 19G2. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1902. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Stations, Washington, D. C, March /. 1002. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith manuscript of a bulletin containing the organization lists of agricultural colleges and experi- ment stations and a subject list of publications of the experiment stations received by this Office during 1901. The list of agricultural experiment stations and kindred institutions in foreign countries has been revised and a list of publications from such institutions has been added. The matter has been compiled under my direction by Mr. I). J. Crosby and Miss M. T. Spethmann, of this Office, and 1 recommend its publication as Bulletin No. 111. Respectfully, A. C. True, Director, Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. CONTENTS. Page. Key to abbreviations 4 The Office of Experiment Stations 5 Officers of the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations 6 Officers and referees of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists of the United States 7 Officers of the Association of Economic Entomologists 8 Officers of the Association of Veterinarians of Experiment Stations 9 Officers of the American Association of Farmers' Institute Workers 10 Agricultural colleges and experiment stations in the United States, with gov- erning boards, courses of study, boards of instruction, and station staffs 11 Station publications received during 1901 74 Foreign experiment stations 85 Foreign station publications received during 1901 102 Index of names 112 3 KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS. (Adjunct), Adjunct professor. Agr., Agriculture, Agriculturist, Agricul- tural. Agron., Agronomy, Agronomist. Anal., Analytical. Anal., Anatomy. Arbor., Arboriculture, Arboriculturist. A rch i. , Architecture. Arith . , Arithmetic. Assoc, Associate. (Assoc. ), Associate Professor. Asst., Assistant. (Asst.), Assistant Professor. Aslron. , Astronomy. Bad., Bacteriology, Bacteriologist. Biol., Biology, Biologist, Biological. BoL, Botany, Botanist, Botanical. Chair., Chairman. Chem., Chemist, Chemistry, Chemical. (Tuiiat., Climatology, Climatologist. Dept., Department. Dir., Director. Econ., Economy, Economic, Economics. Elect, Electrical, Electricity. Engin., Engineer, Engineering. Engl., English. Ent., Entomology, Entomologist. Expt., Experiment, Experimental. Flor., Floriculture, Florist. For., Forestry. Gard., Gardener, Gardening. Geol., Geology, Geologist, Geological. Geog., Geography. Gov., Governor. Hist., History, Historical. Hort., Horticulture, Horticulturist. Hush., Husbandry, Husbandman. Indus., Industrial, Industries, Industry. Instr., Instructor. Irrig., Irrigation. Lab., Laboratory. Lang., Language, Languages. TJJbr., Library, Librarian. Lit, Literature. Math., Mathematics. Mech., Mechanics, Mechanical. Met., Meteorology, Meteorologist. Mil., Military. Min., Mineralogist, Mineralogy. Mijc, Mycology, Mycologist. Path., Pathology, Pathologist. Pedag., Pedagogics, Pedagogy. /'// Uos. , Philosophy. Phys., Physics, Physicist, Physical. Physiol., Physiology, Physiological, Phys- iologist. Pol it., Political. Pomol., Pomology, Pomologist. PracL, Practical, Practice. Prep., Preparatory. Pres., President. Prin., Principal. / 'si/eh . , Psychology. Rhet., Rhetoric. /V/'., Science. Sec, Secretary. Sta., Station. Sten., Stenographer, Stenography. Supt. , Superintendent, Teleg., Telegraphy. Treas. , Treasurer. Univ., University. V. Dir., Vice-Director. Vet., Veterinary, Veterinarian. 17/., Viticulture, Viticulturist. Zool., Zoology, Zoologist. THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. STAFF. A. C. True, Ph. D., Director. E. W. Allen, Ph. D., Assistant Director and Editor of Experiment Station Record. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTS. E. W. Allen and H. W. Lawson, B. S., Chemistry, dairy farming, and dairying. W. H. Beal, B. A., M. E., Meteorology, fertilizers, soils, and agricultural engineer- ing; editor of Experiment Station Work. W. H. Evans, Ph. D., Botany and diseases of plants. C. F. Lang worthy, Ph. D., Foods and animal production. J. I. Schulte, B. S., Field crops. E. V. Wilcox, Ph. D., Entomology and veterinary science. . C. B. Smith, M. S., Horticulture. D. J. Crosby, M. S., Agricultural institutions. William Henry, Indexing and proof reading. G. A. Harlow, Librarian. Mrs. C. E. Johnston, Clerk in charge of routine business. Sarah L. Sommers, Record clerk. ALASKA EXPERIMENT STATIONS. C. C. Georgeson, M. S., Special agent in charge, Sitka. F. E. Rader, B. S., Assistant at Sitka. H. P. Nielsen, Assistant at Kenai. , Assistant at Rampart. HAWAII EXPERIMENT STATION. Jared G. Smith, Special agent in charge, Honolulu. T. F. SEDGwiCK,\\griculturist. Frank E. Conter, Farm foreman. PORTO RICO EXPERIMENT STATION. F. D. Gardner, Special agent in charge, Rio Piedras, near San Juan. 0. W. Barrett, Entomologist and botanist. James Mackinlay, Farm foreman. NUTRITION INVESTIGATIONS, MIDDLETOWN, CONN. W. O. Atwater, Ph. D., Special agent in charge. C. D. Woods, B. S., Special agent at Orono, Me. F. G. Benedict, Ph. D., Physiological chemist. R. D. Milner, Ph. B., Assistant. irrigation investigations. Elwood Mead, M. S., C. E., Irrigation expert in charge. C. T. Johnston, M. S., C. E., Expert assistant in charge of Cheynne Office. J. M. Wilson, C. E., Agent and expert in charge of California Office. R. P. Teele, M. A., Editorial assistant. Clarence E. Tait, B. S., Assistant in charge of maps and illustrations. A. P. Stover, B. S., Assistant. J. D. Stannard, B. S., Assistant. Frank Adams, B. A., Agent and expert. Frank Bond, B. S., Agent and expert. 5 OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. President, W. M. Liggett, of Minnesota. Vice-Presidents, W. 0. Thompson, of Ohio; J. H. Washburn, of Rhode Island; H. J. Waters, of Missouri; J. H. Worst, of North Dakota; J. C. Hardy, of Mississippi. Secretarii and Treasurer, E. B. Voorhees, of New Jersey. Bibliographer, A. C. True, of Washington, D. C. Executive Committee, H. H. Goodell, of Massachusetts, Chair.; Alexis Cope, of Ohio; G. W. Atherton, of Pennsylvania; H. C. White, of Georgia; Ex officio: The President; the Junior Ex-President (A. W. Harris) ; the Secretary. Chairmen of Sections, Agriculture and Chemistry, H. J. Waters, Entomology, F. M. Webster, of Ohio, of Missouri; Mechanic Arts, H. W. Tyler, of Massa- Horticulture and Botany, J. Craig, of chusetts; New York; College Work, J. L. Snyder, of Michigan. Secretaries of Sections, Agriculture and Chemistry, C. G. Hop- Entomology, H. E. Simmers, of Iowa; kins, of Illinois; Mechanic Arts, F. P. Anderson, of Ken- Horticulture and Botany, Aven Nelson, tucky. of Wyoming; College Work, W. E. Stone, of Indiana. Standing Committees, Indexing Agricultural Literature, A. C. True, of Washington, D. C, Chairman. Methods of Teaching Agriculture, J. II. Connell, of Texas, Chairman. Graduate Study at Washington, C. Northrop, of Minnesota, Chairman. Uniform Fertilizer Laws, H. J. Wheeler, of Rhode Island, Chairman. Military Instruction in Land-grant Colleges, G. W. Atherton, of Pennsylvania, Chairman. Cooperation Between Stations and U. S. Department of Agriculture, E. A. BKYAN, of Washington, Chairman. Pure-food Legislation, W. A. WITHERS, of North Carolina, Chairman. Animal and Plant Breeding, W. M. Hays, of .Minnesota, Chairman. Cooperative Exhibit — Agriculture, W. II. Jordan, of New York, Chairman. Cooperative Exhibit — Mechanic Arts, W. E. Stone, of Indiana, Chairman. Advisory Committee on Programme, E, A. Bhyan, of Washington, Chairman. 6 OFFICERS AND REFEREES OF THE ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL AGRI- CULTURAL CHEMISTS OF THE UNITED STATES. President, H. J. Wheeler, Kingston, R. I. Vice-President, R. J. Davidson, Blacksburg, Va. Secretary, H. W. Wiley, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Executive Committee, The President; the Vice-President; the Secretary; C. G. Hopkins, Urbana, 111.; F. D. Fuller, Geneva, N. Y. Referees, Phosphoric acid, C. H. Jones, Burlington, Dairy products, G. W. Cavanaugh, Ith- Vt. ; aca, N. Y. ; Potash, H. B. McDonnell, College Park, Foods and feeding stuffs, C. A. Browne, jr., Md. ; State College, Pa. ; Nitrogen — determination of nitrogen, F. Tannin, W. H. Teas, Ridgway, Pa.; W. Morse, Durham, N. H.; Insecticides, J. K. Haywood, Washing- Nitrogen — separation of nitrogenous bod- ton, D. C. ; ies, L. L. Van Slyke, Geneva, N. Y. ; Sugar, G. L. Spencer, Washington, D. C. ; Soils, F. P. Veitch, Washington, D. C. ; Food adulteration, W. D. Bigelow, Wash- Ash, G. S. Fraps, Raleigh, N. C; ington, D. C. Associate Referees, Phosphoric acid, B. H. Hite, Morgan- Ash, F. T. Shutt, Ottawa, Canada; town, W. Va. ; Dairy products, C. A. Browne, jr., State Potash, C. P. Beistle, State College, Pa.'; College, Pa.; Nitrogen — determination of nitrogen, E. Foods and feeding stuffs, F. D. Fuller, B. Holland, Amherst, Mass.; Geneva, N. Y.; Nitrogen — separation of nitrogenous bod- Tannin, G. A. Kerr, Damascus, Va. ; ies, R. Harcourt, Guelph, Ontario; Insecticides, J. Emory, Washington, D. C. Soils, C. C. Moore, Washington, D. C; Sugar, L. M. Tolman, Washington, D. C. (optical methods) ; L. S. Munson, Wash- ington, D. C. (chemical methods); D. S. Da vol, Caro, Mich, (special analytical methods used in sugar industry). Food adulteration, W. D. Bigelow, Washington, D. C. (meat and fish, fermented and distilled liquors); L. M. Tolman, Washington, D. C. (fats and oils, dyes); A. McGill, Ottawa, Canada (cereal products); H. W. Wiley, Washington, D. C. (infant and invalid foods); A. E. Leach, Boston, Mass. (saccharine products); L. S. Munson, Washington, D. C. (vegetables — canned, dried, or otherwise pre- served) ; W. H. Ellis, Toronto, Ontario (tea and coffee); F. T. Harrison, London, Ontario (cocoa); A. L. Winton, New Haven, Conn, (spices and condiments, baking powders, and baking-powder chemicals); W. Frear, State College, Pa. (vinegar); A. S. Mitchell, Milwaukee, Wis. (flavoring extracts); L. M. Tolman and L. S. Munson, Washington, D. C. (fruit products); W. M. Allen, Raleigh, N. C. (pre- servatives). 7 OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS. President, A. D. Hopkins, of West Virginia. First Vice-President, E. P. Felt, of New York. Second Vice-President, T. D. A. Cockerell, of New Mexico. Secretary, A. L. Quaintance, of Maryland. OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF EXPERIMENT STATION VETERINA- RIANS OF THE UNITED STATES. President, W. H. Dalrymple, of Louisiana. Vice-President, G. E. Nesom, of South Carolina. Secretary- Treasurer, ■ J. J. Repp, of Iowa. Trustees, James Law, of New York. Cooper Curtice, of Rhode Island. D. E. Salmon, U. S. Department of Agriculture. OFFICERS OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF FARMERS' INSTITUTE WORKERS. President, W. L. Amoss, of Maryland. Vice-President, W. L. Hutchinson, of Mississippi. Secretary- Treasurer, G. C. Creelman, of Ontario. Executive Committee, The President and the Secretary-Treasirer, ex officio. Franklin Dye, of New Jersey; C. D. Smith, of Michigan; M. F. Greeley of South Dakota. 10 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. ALABAMA. Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. GOVERNING BOARD. Trustees: Gov. TV. D. Jelks (Pres. ex officio), Montgomery; John W. Abercrombie (Supt. of Education, ex officio) , Montgomery ; Jonathan Haralson, Selma; Thomas Wil- liams, Wetumpka; J. A. Bilbro, Gadsden; J. M. Carmichael, Ozark; W. K. Terry, Birmingham; T. H. Frazer, Mobile; I. F. Purser, Opelika; R. F. Ligon, jr., Montgomery; Tancred Betts, HuntsviUe; W. C. Whitaker, Tuscaloosa; E. T. Glenn (Treas.), Auburn; J. H. Drake (Surgeon), Auburn; R. W. Burton (Sec.) , Auburn. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are seven. Five of these require four years each for comple : tion, and lead to the degree of B. S. : Course in chemistry and agriculture, course in mechanics and civil engineering, course in electrical and mechanical engineering, course in pharmacy, and general course. The two remaining courses require two years each and lead to a certificate: Two years' course in agriculture and two years' course in mechanic arts. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. , President of the College and of the Station Council. Otis D. Smith, M. A., LL. D., Math. Enoch M. Mason, (Acting) Pharm. Patrick H. Mell, M. E., Ph. D., Bot. and James P. C. Southall, M. A., (Asst.) Geol. James H. Lane, C. E., M. A., Ph. D., LL. D., Civil Engin. and Drawing. Chas. Coleman Thach, M. A., Engl, and Polit. Econ. George Petrie, M. A., Ph. D., Hist, and Latin. Bennett B. Ross, M. 8., General and Agr. Chem. and State Chem. John J. Wilmore, M. E.,Mech. Engin. and Dir. of Lab. Chas. A. Carey, B. S., D. V. M., Physiol. and Vet. Sci. a Emerson R. Miller, Phar. M., M. S., Pharm. John F. Duggar, M. S., Agr. E. M. Wilcox, Ph. D., Biol, and Hart. Arthur St. C. Dunstan, M. E., C. E., Elect. Engin. and Phys. John E. Wiatt, M. A. , Modern Lang. Boiling H. Crenshaw, M. E., (Assoc.) Mech. Engin. and Math. Benj. S. Patrick, E. and M. E., Comman- dant and (Acting) Mil. Sci. Phys. Michael T. Fullan, M. 8., (Asst.) Mech. Arh. Clifford LeR. Hare, M. S., (Asst.) Chem. Lab. Robt. J. Trammell, C. E., (Asst.) Mech. Arts. Wm. O. Scroggs, M. S., Asst. Libr. and Asst. in Engl. Wm. W. Hill, E. and M. E., Asst. in Mech. Arts. Thomas Bragg, B. S., Asst. in Chem. A. F. Jackson, B. S., Asst. in Engl, and Math. M. S. Sloan, B. S., Asst. in Elect. Engin. J. T. Letcher, B. S., Asst. in Engl. P. S. Haley, B. S., Asst. in Civil Engin. and Drawing. H. E. Werner, B. S., Asst. in Mech. Arts. J. B. Jackson, B. S., Asst. in Chem. J. 0. Goggans, B. S., Asst. in Vet. Sci. Jesse Wright Boyd, B. S., Asst. in Latin and ILst. J. C. Phelps, B. S., Asst. Cliem. »0n leave. 11 12 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Agricultural Experiment Station of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. Department of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. STATION STAFF. P. H. Mell, M. E., Ph. D., Dir.; Bot. C. L. Hare, M. S., 1st Asst. Chem. B. B. Ross, M. S., Cfu m. Thomas Bragg, B. S., 2d Asst. Chem. C. A. Cary, B. S., D. V. M., Vet. J. C. Phelps, B. S., 3d Asst. Chem. J. F. Duggar, M. S., Agr. T. U. Culver, Supt. Farm. E. M. Wilcox, Ph. D., Biol. R. W. Clark, Asst. in Agr. J. T. Anderson, Ph. D., Assoc. Chem. C. F. Austin, Asst. Hort. G. F. Freeman, Sec. Agricultural and Mechanical College for Negroes, Normal. GOVERNING BOARD. Trustees: Gov. Wm. D. Jelks, Montgomery; John O. Turner (Supt. Pub. Instr.), Montgomery; A. S. Fletcher (Chair.), HuntsvUle; S. J. Mayhew, Huntsrille; Daniel Coleman (Sec), HuntsvUle; W. I. Wellman (Treas.), Huntsrille. COURSES OF STUDY. The college is divided into two departments, literary and industrial. The courses requiring four years for completion are as follows: Scientific, agricultural, and mechanical. Courses covering from one to three years are given in a number of different industrial and literary subjects. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. W. H. Councill, Ph. D., President; Ancient History and Mental Science. H. E. Archer, M. S., Prin. Dept. Natural Mamie Masterson, Kindergartner, Libr. and Phys. Sci. Mrs. G. E. Masterson, Seicing. G. R. Masterson, Prin. DepL Math. Loretto Brownlow, Asst. in Engl. J. Jay Scott, B. A., B. D., Chaplain; Clarence Bauton, Asst. Bookkeeper. Prin. Dept. Bible Training. Lula Jolly, Matron Domestic Arts. W. A. Simmons, B. A., Prin. Depts. Engl. Willie Nickols, Asst. Libr. and Business Training. Ardelle Brooks, Asst. in Engl. Theo. Strothers, Commandant. W. A. Scott, BlacksmUhing and Machin- A. W. Hunton, Bookkeeper; Prin. Commer- cry. rial Dept. A. J. Williams, Printing. J. C. Jolly, Prin. Dept. Domestic Sci.. William Handy, Vocal Music and Engl. H. L. Phillips. Prin. Dept. Mech. Arts. H. M. Archer, Sec. Faculty; Prin. Depts. T. J. Garth, Farm Manager. Lang, and Music. S. W. McCall, Typewriting. A. W. Hunton, Sec. to Pres. llattic Walker, Laundress. A. Hortoil, Shoemaking. Justina Ford, M. I)., Resident Physician. C. C. Duncan, Art Painting. C. B. Lee, Asst. Sec. and Lang. Charles INI flier, Purchasing Agent. Effie Andrews, Asst. in Engl. Isora Garrett, Asst. (Prest.'s) Sec. George Bridgeforth, Prin. Agr. Dept. J. L. Threat, Asst. Seamstress. K. V. Scott, Asst. in Engl. Walter K. Taylor. Plumbing. Ida Myller, Writing and Pruning. J. A. Towns, Asst. in BlacksmUhing. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 13 Canebrake Agricultural Experiment Station, Uniontown. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Control: R. R. Poole (Com. of Ayr., ex officio), Montgomery; J. Hoggins, Newbern; A. Sledge, Whitsett; G. D. Stollenwerck, Uniontown; M. Walker, Fauns- dale; W. M. Munford, Uniontown. STATION STAFF. J. M. Richeson, M. S., Dir. and Sec. M. Walker, Treas. J. F. Connor, V. M. D., Vet. Agricultural School of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, Tuskegee. GOVERNING BOARD. Trustees: Geo. W. Campbell (Pres.), Tuskegee; George W. Chaney ( V. Pres.), Leo- minster, Mass.; R. C. Bedford (Sec), Beloit, Wis.; Warren Logan (Treas.), Tuskegee; Lewis Adams, Tuskegee; Charles W. Hare, Tuskegee; Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee; J. W. Adams, Montgomery; John C. Grant, Chicago, III.; George A. Gordon, Boston, Mass.; Charles F. Dole, Boston, Mass.; J. G. Phelps Stokes, New York City; S. C. Dizer, Boston, Mass.; Wm. H. Baldwin, jr., New York City; R. O. Simpson, Furman; Robert C. Ogden, New York City; George Foster Peabody, New York City; Hugh H. Hanna, Indianapolis, Lid. COURSES OF STUDY. The institute is divided into five departments: Academic, music, Bible training school, mechanical industries, and agriculture. The school of agriculture offers two two-year courses in agriculture — one to young men and one to young women. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Booker T. Washington, Principal of the Institute. George W. Carver, Dir. L. J. Watkins, Flor. and landscape Gard. Charles W. Greene, Manager Home Firm. W. C. Smith, Asst. in Flor. and Landscape George W. Owens, In Charge of Dairy Gard. Herd. F. H. Cardozo, Hort. William J. Clay tor, Stock Raising. C. J. Calloway, In Charge of Agr. Exten- Byrd T. Crawford, Dairying. sum Work. Tuskegee Agricultural Experiment Station, Tuskegee. Department of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute. STATION STAFF. George W. Carver, Dir. Byrd T. Crawford, Dairying. Charles W. Greene, Manager Home Farm. L. J. Watkins, Flor. and Landscape Gard. George W. Owens, In Charge of Dairy W. C. Smith, Flor. and Landscape Gard. Herd. C. J. Calloway, In Charge of Agr. Exten- William J. Claytor, Stock Raising. sion Work. F. H. Cardozo, Hort. J. C. Banks, Sten. 14 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. ALASKA. Alaska Agricultural Experiment Stations, Sitka, Kenai, and Rampart. Under the supervision of A. C. True, Director Office of Experiment Stations, United States Department of Agriculture. STATION STAFF. C. C. Georgeson, M. 8., Special Agent in F. E. Rader, Asst. at Sitka. Charge, SUka. Hans P. Nielsen, Asst. at Knot,. , Asst. at Rampart. ARIZONA. University of Arizona, Tucson. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: William Herring (Chancellor), Tucson; James A. Zabriskie {Sec), Tucson; H. B. Tenney (Treas.), Tucson; Anthony V. Grossetta, Tucson; Gov. N. 0. Murphy (ex officio), Phoenix; R. L. Long (ex officio) (Territorial Supt. of Public Instruction ) , Phoenix. COURSES OF STUDY. The university offers four regular four- year courses of study leading to a degree, viz, literary, scientific, engineering and mining, and agriculture; also a short course in assaying. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. F. Yale Adams, M. A., Acting President; Economic*. William P. Blake, Ph. B., M. A., Geol, George E. P. Smith, C. E., Phys. and Metallurgy, and Mining; Dir. School of Engin. Mines. J. J. Thornber, M. A., Bot.; Biol. Agr. Howard J. Hall, M. A., Engl; Libr. Expt. Sta. Robert H. Forbes, M. S., Chem.; Dir. Geo. W. Cole, C. E., Capt., U. S. A., Com- and Chem. Agr. Expt. Sta. mandant of Cadets; Math. Sherman M. Woodward, M. A., Math.; Louise H. Foucar, B. A., Ancient and Met. Agr. Expt. Sta. Modern Long. Frank N. Guild, B. S., Min. and (Assoc.) Opal L. McGaughey, B. E., Elocution and Chem. Phys. Culture. Alfred J. McClatchie, M. A., Agr. and Mabel Gray Hoover, Domestic Sci. Hort. Hattie Ferrin, B. S., Instr. Pre p. Dept. David H. Holmes, B. S., Shopwork and a Mrs. Mary Bernard Aguirre, Instr. J 1 1st. Drawing. and Spanish. Gordon H. True, B. S., Animal Hush. Nora Towner, Sten. a William W. Skinner, M. $., Photography. Elbert J. Hollingshead, Bookkeeping. Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Arizona, Tucson. Department of the University of Arizona. STATION STAFF. K. II. Forbes, M. 8., Dir., Chan. J. J. Thornber, M. A., Bot. A. J. McClatchie, M. A. (Phoenix), Agr. W. W. Skinner, M. S., Asst. ('hem. and Hort. T. D. A. Cockerell (East Los Vegas, N. G. H. True, B. S. (Phoenix), Animal Mex.), Consulting Ent. Hush. S. M. Woodward, M. A., Consulting Met. J. W. Shelor, Clerk. •On leave of absence, 11)01-2. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 15 ARKANSAS. Arkansas Industrial University, FayetteviUe. GOVERNING BOARD. Trustees: Gov. Jefferson Davis {ex officio Pres.), Little Rock; S. E. Marrs (Sec), FayetteviUe ; Otev Miller ( Treas.), FayetteviUe; H. X. Pharr, Marimma; W. H. Lang- ford, Pine Bluff; C. C. Hamby, Prescott; H. L. Stroup, Paris; J. C. Mitchell, Fay- etteviUe; V. Y. Cook, Elmo. COURSES OF STUDY. The university offers the following courses in the departments at FayetteviUe: Three in engineering, leading to the degrees of B. M. E., B. C. E., and B. E. E. ; three in literature and science, leading respectively to the degrees of B. A., B. Ph., and B. S.; three short courses without degree, students in which at the end of the sopho- more year may change to one leading to one of the above degrees, viz, normal, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering courses. There are also gradu- ate courses. In addition to the above, the medical department and the law depart- ment, both at Little Rock, have courses of study leading to the degrees of M. D. and B. L., respectively. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. J. L. Buchanan, M. A., LL. D., President. A. E. Menke, D. Sci., F. C. S., Ph. D., W. A. Treadway, {Adjunct) Elect. Engirt. Chem. and Phys. W. A. Read, Ph. D., Engl, and Modern F. W. Pickel, Ph. D., Biol. Lang. A. F. Lewis, Ph. D., HM. Mrs. Laura Anderson, Vocal Music. G. K. Spencer, Capt., U. S. A., Mil. Sri. Jennie Bowman, Instr. Elocution and Phys. and Tactics. Culture. J. C. Futrall, M. A., Ancient Lang. a Mack Martin, B. M. E., Asst. Supt. Mech. G. W. Droke, M. A., Math, and Astron. Engin. C. E. Houghton, B. A., M. M. E., Mech. B. N. Wilson, B. S., M. E. {Adjunct), Arts and Engin. }[><■},. Engin. ir. Elizabeth Day Swan, Ubr. Blanche Annie Miller, Asst. Ubr. Agricultural Experiment Station of Indiana, Lafayette. Department of Purdue University. STATION STAFF. Charles Sumner Plumb, B. S., Dir. James Troop, .M. 8., Hort. Henry A. Huston, M. A., A. C, Chem. Joseph C. Arthur, D. S., Bot. A. W. Bitting, I). V. M.. Vet William Stuart, M. S. (Assoc.), Hort. Herman Dorner, B. S., Asst Bot. F. S. Johnston, B. S., Asst. Agr. A. N. Hume, Half-time Asst. II. E. Van Norman, B. S., Dairyman. R. C. Obrecht, B. S. Agr., Supt. Farm. •This list does not include the instructors exclusively engaged in the schools of Engineering, Science, and Pharmacy. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 27 IOWA. Iowa State College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, Ames. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Gov. A. B. Cummins, Des Moines; R. C. Barrett (Supt. of Public Instruction); W. O. McElroy, Neivton; E. W. Stanton (Sec), Ames; Herman Knapp (Treas.), Ames; W. K. Boardman, Nevada; W. J. Dixon, Sac City; E. A. Alexander, Clarion; C. L. Gabrilson, New Hampton; J. B. Hungerford (Chair.), Carroll; W. R. Moninger, Galvin; Jas. H. Wilson, Menlo; S. H. Watkins, Libertyville; C. S. Barclay, West Liberty; W. B. Penick, Tingley. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are eight: The course in agriculture, leading to the degree of B. Agr. ; the course in veterinary science, leading to the degree of D. V. M.; the course in mechanical engineering, leading to the degree of B. M. E. ; the course in civil engineering, leading to the degree of B. C. E. ; the course in electrical engineer- ing, leading to the degree of B. S. in E. E. ; the course in mining engineering, lead- ing to the degree of B. M. E. ; the course in sciences as related to the industries, leading to the degree of B. S. ; and the course in general and domestic science for ladies, leading to the degree of B. S. The veterinary course requires three years for completion; each of the others, four years. There are also a short winter course in stock judging and dairying, and group courses in the sciences. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. W. M. Beardshear, M. A., LL. D., President. J. L. Budd, M. H., Emeritus in Hort. Alvin B. Noble, Ph. B., Rhet. and Engl. Edgar William Stanton, M. S., Math, and Lit. Econ. Sci. Henry E. Summers, B. S., Zool. Gen. James Rush Lincoln, Mil. Sci. Homer C. Price, M. S., Hort. and For. Alfred Allen Bennett, M. S., Chem. Adrian M. Newens, B. O., Elocution and Louis Hermann Pammel, B. Agr., M. S., Oratory and Assoc in Engl. Ph. D., Bot. John J. Repp, V. M. D., Path, and Thera- a James Wilson, M. S. Agr., Dean in Agr. peutics and Sta. Vet. George Welton Bissell, M. E., Mech. Warren H. Meeker, M. E., (Asst.) Mech. Engin. Engin. Anson Marston, C. E., Civil Engin. Mrs. Marian H. Kilbourne, B. L., Dean Orange H. Cessna, M. A., D. D., Hist., of Women. Psych., and Ethics. George Lewis McKay, Dir. and Instr. Julius Buel Weems, Ph. D., Agr. Chem. Dairying and Cheese Making. William Eugene Harriman, B. S., M. D., Burton L. Lanphear, M. M. E., (Asst.) Histology and Path. Phys. and Elect. Engin. Charles F. Curtiss, B. S., M.S. Agr., Agr.; C. W. J. Neville, M. C. E., Asst. Civil Dir. Expt. Sta. Engin. Miss Mary A. Sabin, B. A., Domestic Econ. Louis A. Klein, V. M. D., Theory and Miss Lizzie May Allis, B. A. , M. A. , French Pract. of Medicine and Sanitary Sci. and German. John H. McNeall, V. M. D., Anat. and Louis Bevier Spinney, B. M. E., M. S., Prin. and Pract. of Surgery. Phys. and Elect. Engin. Carl W. Gay, D. V. M., Resident Surgeon W. J. Kennedy, B. S. A., Animal Husb. and Instr. Vet. Dept. Samuel Walker Beyer, B. S., Ph. D., Geol. Frank J. Resler, Ph. B., Dir. of Music and and Min. Engin. Vocalist. a Granted an indefinite leave of absence. 28 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Miss Maria M. Roberts, B. L., Instr. Math. Miss Elmina Wilson, C. E., Instr. Civil Engin. Talbot Lenox, Instr. Machine Shops. Ezra C. Potter, Instr. Pattern Shop. Louis E. Young, B. M. E., Min. Engin. Edwin Clark Boutelle, B. M. E., Instr. Forge and Foundry. Mrs. Elizabeth Resler, Ph. B., Instr. In- strumental Music. Joseph J. Edgerton, B. Agr., Instr. Agr. Phys. and Farm Foreman. A. D. Shamel, B. S., Instr. Agr. Frank W. Bouska, M. S. A., Instr. Dairy Bart. Miss Lola Place way, B. S., Instr. Chem. Julia A. Stanton, B. L., Instr. Hist. Miss Sarah Ellis, B. L., Instr. Domestic Econ. Miss Bessie B. Larrabee, B. A., Instr. Latin. Edw. E. Little, B. S. Agr., Instr. Hort. Miss Ora L. Edgett, B. S., Instr. Chem. Wilbur M. Wilson, B. M. E., Instr. Mech. Engin. and Freehand Drawing. E. C. Myers, B. S. Agr., Instr. Agr. Chem. A. Estella Paddock, B. S., Instr. General Bot. Miss Alice Hess, B. S., Instr. Domestic Econ. Ira A. Williams, B. S., Asst. in Geol. and Mining. E. B. Tuttle, B. S. E. E., Instr. Phys. Miss Grace I. Norton, B. A., Instr. French and German. Miss Ada J. Miller, Ph. B., Instr. Engl. Miss Elizabeth Maclean, B. D., Instr. Engl. Miss Helen G. Reed, Ph. B., Instr. Engl. Miss Julia Colpitts, M. A., Instr. Math. Ernest Alanson Pattengill, B. S., Instr. Math. A. T. Erwin, Instr. Greenhouse Handi- craft. F. R. Marshall, B. S. A., Asst. in Animal Hush. Jos. E. Guthrie, M. Sc, Instr. Zool. George Judisch, Instr. Pharmacy. Miss Vina Elethe Clark, Libr. Miss Olive E. Stevens, B. L., Asst. Libr. Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, Ames. Department of Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. STATION STAFF. C. F. Curtiss, M. S. A., Dir.; Agr. a James Wilson, Dean of Agr. J. B. Weems, B. S., Ph. D., Agr. Chem. L. H. Pammel, B. Agr., M. S., Bot. H. E. Summers, B. S., Ent. W. J. Kennedy, B. S. A., Animal Husb. Joseph J. Edgerton, B. Agr., Asst. in Agr. Phys. C. E. Gray, B. S. Agr., Asst Chem. John J. Repp, D. V. M., Vet. A. D. Shamel, B. S., Agr. Jos. E. Guthrie, Asst. Ent. G. L. McKay, Instr. Dairying. Homer C. Price, M. S., Hort. F. R. Marshall, B. S. A., Asst. in Animal Husb. Miss C. M. King, Ent., Bot., and Hort. Artist. E. E. Little, B. S. A., Asst. Hort. A. T. Erwin, Asst. Hort. Miss A. Estella Paddock, B. S., Asst. in Bot. KANSAS. Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: J. S. McDowell (Pres.), Smith Center; F. D. Coburn ( V. Pres.), Kansas City; E. T. Fairchild (Treas. ), Ellsworth; William Hunter (Loan Commis- sioner), Blue Rapids; J. M. Satterthwaite, Douglass; S. J. Stewart, Humboldt; E. R. Nichols (Sec. ex-officio), Manhattan. COURSES OF STUDY. There are live regular courses of study, each requiring four years for completion and leading to the degree of B. S. — general science, agriculture, domestic science, "Granted an Indefinite leave of absence. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 29 mechanical engineering, electrical engineering; four short courses, each requiring two terms, except the dairy, which is one term — agriculture and mechanics, horti- culture and mechanics, domestic science, and dairy. The degree of M. S. is given upon post-graduate study, with satisfactory evidence of proficiency, after two years, one of which must be resident. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. E. R. Nichols, M. A., President of College and Chairman of Station CouncU. John D. Walters, M. S., Indus. Art and Designing. Alexander B. Brown, M. A., Music. JuliusT. Willard, M.S., Chem.; Dir. Expt. Sta. Henry M. Cottrell, M. S., Agr.; Supt. Farm. Edwin A. Popenoe, M. A., Ent.and Zool. a Frank C. Lockwood, Ph. D., Engl. Benj. L. Remick, Ph. M., Math. a Benj. F. Ever, Phys. and Elect. Engin. C. E. Goodell, M. A., Hist, and Econ. Herbert F. Roberts, M. S., Bot. Wm. A. McKeever, M. A., Philos. Miss Mary E. Berry, Engl. Leon W. Hartman, M. S., Phys. and Elect. Engin. Wilford 0. Clure, B. 0., Oratory. Edmund B. McCormick, B. S., Mech. Engin.; Supt. of Shops. D. H. Otis, M. S., Dairy Hush. Miss Edith A. Mclntyre, Household Econ. N.S.Mayo, M.S.,D. V.S., Vet. Sci. Miss Harriet Howell, Supt. Domestic Art. Joshua D. Rickman, I. T. U., Printing. B. S. McFarland, M. A., Prin. Prep. Dept. Mrs. Henrietta W. Calvin, B. S., Libr. Mrs. E. N. Clure, Dir. Phys. Training. Miss Lorena E. demons, B. S. , Sec. Miss Josephine C. Harper, (Asst.) Math. Miss Alice Rupp, (Asst.) Engl. Geo.F. Weida, Ph.D., {Asst.) Chem. E. H. Webster, M. S., (Asst.) Dairying. Wm. L. House, Foreman Carpenter Shop. Margaret J. Minis, B. S., Asst. Libr. R. H. Brown, B. S., Asst. in Music. William Anderson, B. S., Asst. in Math. Gertrude Barnes, Asst. Libr. Albert Dickens, B. S., Acting Hort.; Supt. Orchards and Garden. William Baxter, Foreman Greenhouses. MaryB.Pritner, B.S., Asst. hi Domestic Sci. W. M. Sawdon, B. S., Asst. Mech. Ada Rice, B. S., Asst. Prep. Dept. Louis Wabnitz, Foreman Iron Shops. E. W. Curtis, Instr. Butter Making. A. T. Kinsley, M. S., Asst. in Vet. Sci. Elizabeth Agnew, B. S., Asst. in Dor.iestic Sci. E. C. Gasser, Foreman Blacksmith Shop. Ina E. Holroyd, B. S., Asst. in Prep. Dept. Marian F.Jones, ^Sl.S.,Asst.in Domestic Art. G. 0. Greene, B. S., Asst. Hort. John 0. Hamilton, B. S., Asst. in Phys. Hetty G. Evans, Asst. in Drawing. V. M. Shoesmith, B. S., Asst. Agr. Eleanor Harris, Asst. in Music. F.C.Weber, B. S., Asst. Chem. W. E. Mathewson, B. S., Asst. Chem. Helena M. Pincomb, B. S., Asst. in Saving. W. D. Cramer, Ph. B., Asst. Zool. A. E. Ridenour, B. S., Foreman Foundry. C. Jeannette Perry, B. S., Executive Clerk. Matilda Doll, Sten. Alice M. Melton, B. S., Clerk Dir. Office. Minerva Blachly, B. S., Bookkeeper. Charles Hughes, Sec. to Pres. W. R. Lewis, Janitor. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Manhattan. Department of Kansas State Agricultural College. J. T. Willard, M. S., Dir.; Chem. H. M. Cottrell, M.S., Agr. E. A. Popenoe, M.A., Ent. H. F. Roberts, M.S.; Bot. D. H. Otis, M. S., Dairy Husb. N. S. Mayo, M. S., D. V. M., Vet. Albert Dickens, M. S., Acting Hort. STATION STAFF. Lorena E. Clemons, B. S. , Sec. A. T. Kinsley, M. S., Asst. in Vet. Dept. George A. Dean, M. S., Asst. Ent. V. M. Shoesmith, B. S., Asst. in Feeding and Field Work. F. C. Weber, B. S., Asst. Chem. G. O. Greene, B. S., Asst. Hort. Alice M. Melton, B. S., Clerk to Dir. a On leave. 30 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. KENTUCKY. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, Lexington. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Gov. J. C. W. Beckham (ex officio), Frankfort; G. B. Kinkead l.< vington; JohnMcChord, Lebanon; Cassius M. Clary, Paris; W. R. Ramsey, London; Wiu.C. Bell, Harrodsburg; D. F. Frazee, Lexington; L X. Lindsay, Frankfort; W. T. Fowler, HopTdnsviUe; J. B. Marcum, Jackson; R. C. Stoll, Lexington; J. K. Patterson, Lexington; B. W. Bradburn, Bowling Green; II. 8. Parker, Louisville; McDowell Fer- guson, Paducah; J. F. Hager, Ashland; R. W. Nelson, Newport COURSES OF STUDY. The regular courses of study are twelve, each requiring four years for completion: The agricultural course, leading to the degree of B. Agr. ; seven scientific courses, leading to the degree of B. S. ; the classical course, leading to the degree of B. A. ; the mechanical engineering course, leading to the degree of B. M. E. ; the civil engineer- ing course, leading to the degree of B. C. E., and the normal course, leading to the degree of B. Ped. Certificates of proficiency are given to those who do not complete a course undertaken. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. J. K. Patterson, Ph. D., LL. D., President; Metaphysics and Cwil History. J. G. White, M. A., Math, and Astrcm. Robert McKee, Mil. Sci. Paul Wernicke, French and German Lang. J. W. Pryor, M. D.,Anat. and Physiol. and Lit. W. K. Patterson, M. A., Prin. Academy. J. H. Neville, M. A., LL.D., V. Pres.; Latin J. L. Logan, B. A., Asst. in Academy. and Greek Lang, and Lit. Milford White, B. C. E., Asst. in Normal J. H. Kastle, Ph. D., Chem. Dept. R. N. Roark, Ph. D., Prin. Normal Dej)t. R. L. Blanton, M. Lit., Asst. in Greek and Arthur M. Miller, M. A., Zool. and Geol. Latin. C.W.Mathews, B. S.,Agr.,Hort.,andBot. J. M. Davis, B. A.,B. S., Asst. in Academy. J. P. Brooks, M. S., Civil Engin. V. E. Muncy, B. S., Asst. in Academy. M. L. Pence, M. S., L J hys. John Theodore Faig, M. E., Asst. in Mech. F. Paul Anderson, M. E., Mech. Engin. Engin. Alexander St. Clair Mackenzie, M. A., J. R. Johnson, B. M. E., Asst. in Math. Engl. Lang, and Lit. L. K. Frankel, Asst. in Mech. Engin. C. J. Norwood, Min. Engin. J. E. Winston, Asst. in Academy and in R. W. Sawyer, M. E., Elect. Engin. I List. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington. Department of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky. STATION STAFF. M. A. Scovell, M. S., Dir.; Chem. L. 0. Beatty, M. S., Asst. Chem. A. M. Peter, M. S., Chem. George Roberts, M. S., Asst. ('hem. H. E. Curtis, M. S., Chem. S. D. Averitt, M. S., Asst. Chem. Harrison Garman, Ent. and Bot. T.L.Richmond, B.Agr., Asst. Ent.and Lot. C. W. Mathews, B. S., Hort. D. W. May, M. 8., Animal Hush. J. N. Harper, B. S., Agr. J. D. Turner, B. Ped., Sec.'to Dir. J. 0. La Bach, M. S., Chem. R. M. Allen, B. A., Clerk. W. H. Scherffius, B. 8., Asst. Chem. Miss M. L. Didlake, M. S., Asst. Ent. and J. W. Nutter, Asst. Dale;/. Bot. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 31 The State Normal School for Colored Persons, Frankfort. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: H. V. MeChesney (Chair.), Frankfort; E. E. Hume, Frankfort; Louis Smith, Frankfort; Wm. Cromwell, Frank/ml. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are eight: Normal, carpentry, agriculture, cooking, dress- making, printing, blacksmithing, and wheelwrighting. The school grants State diplomas to normal graduates. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. James S. Hathaway, M. A., M. D., President; Psychology, Pedagogy, Latin, and Hygiene. W. D. Thomas, B. A., Natural Sci. and C. T. Cook, Asst. in Prep. Dept. Agr. Mrs. Mary C. Reed, Sewing. Moses A. Davis, Math., Mech. rawmg. E. L. Scott, M. A., Ancient Lang. A. T. Prescott, M. A., Hist, and Polit. B. W. Pegues, B. S., Civil Engin. Sci. C. A. Smith, M. A., Ph. D., Engl. Charles H. Stumberg, M. A., Modern Lang. Charles E. Coates, jr., Ph. D., Chem. William H. Dalrymple, M. R. C. V. S., F. H. Billings, Ph. D., Bot. Vet. Sci. 32 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. John A. Lockwood, Capt., U. S. A., Mil. T. H. Harris, Prin. Subfreshman Dept. Sci. mid Tactics. C. A. Mathews, Instr. Subfreshman Dept. F. H. Burnette, Hort. W. S. Borland, Dir. Athletics. R. L. Himes, Commercial Branches. J. F. Broussard, Instr. H. K. Strickland, Asst. Engl. R. L. Knox, Instr. C. H. Kretz, B. S., Mech. Engin. G. B. Taylor, Instr. Alfred Best, B. S., Instr. Chem. No. 1. Sugar Experiment Station, Audubon Park, New Orleans. No. 2. State Experiment Station, Baton Rouge. No. 3. North Louisiana Experiment Station, Calhoun. Department of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College. GOVERNING BOARD. State Board of Agriculture and Immigration: Gov. W. W. Heard, Baton Rouge; Wm. Garig (V. Pres.) , Baton Rouge; J. G. Lee (Commissioner), Baton Rouge; Thos. D. Boyd (Pres. State University), Baton Rouge; Wm. C. Stubbs (Dir. State Expt. St a.), Baton Rouge. Jno. Dymond, Belair; Emil Rost, St. Rose; A. V. Eastman, Lake Charles; E. T. Sellers, Walnut Lane; Chas. Schuler, Keatchie; H. P. McClendon, Amite. STATION STAFF. Sugar Experiment Station, Audubon Park, New Orleans. Wm. C. Stubbs, M. A., Ph. D., Dir. T. D. Boyd, jr., B. S., Asst. CJiem. R. E. Blouin, M. S., Asst. Dir.; Chem. G. D. Harris, M. S., M. A., Geol. P. L. Hutchinson, B. S., Chem. Geo. Chiquelin, Sugar Maker. S. Baum, B. S., Asst. Chem. W. D. Clayton, M. S., Farm Manager. G. W. Agee, B. S., Asst. Chem. Jas. K. McHugh, Sec. and Sten. Robt. Glenk, B. S., Cliem. State Experiment Station, Baton Rouge. Wm. C. Stubbs, M. A., Ph. D., Dir. H. A. Morgan, B. S. A., Ent. W. R. Dodson, B. A., S. B.,Asst. Dir. F. H. Burnette, Hort. W. H. Dalrymple, M. R. C. V. S., Vet. B. H. Atkinson, Farm Manager. North Louisiana Experiment Station, Calhoun. Wm. C. Stubbs, M. A., Ph. D., Dir. W. R. Goyne, Farm Manager. D. N. Barrow, B. S., Asst. Dir. Eugene J. Watson, Hort. Maurice Bird, B. S., Chem. A. T. Anders, Dairyman and Poultryman. J. F. Harp, B. S., Chem. Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, New Orleans. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: W. H. Preis (Pres.), New Orleans; J. W. Cooke ( V. Pres.), Lake Providence; J. C. Henriques (Sec. and Treas.), New Orleans; A. A. Woods, H. W. Spear, J. H. O'Connor, Ernest Cucullu, L. H. Marrero, Branch K. Miller, A. L. Reese, I. E. Mullon, H. H. Freeman. COURSES OF STUDY. The university is divided into the following departments: College, normal school, high school (college preparatory), grammar school, department of music, and indus- trial department. In the industrial department there is an agricultural school, a mechanical school, and a dairy school, the first two having two and four year courses and the last a two-year course. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 33 BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. H. A. Hill, President; Economics and Mental Science. F. L. St. Martin, Agr. A. T. Getz, Physiol. Millard F. Mithoff, Mech. A. B. Kennedy, Engl. L. M. Martinet, Math. S. A. Martinez, Asst. in Engl. G. S. Washington, Printing. E. P. Barrell, Chem. and Phys. 0. A. Joseph, Phys. Geog. W. J. Nickerson, Music. William J. Bauduit, Elementary Sci. Chas. E. Roos, Biol, and Dairying. W. B. Smith, Asst. in Math. E. E. Barrell, Prin. Girls' Indus. Section. L. A. Humphrey, Hist. MAIXE. The University of Maine, Orono. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Henry Lord (Pres.), Bangor; Elliott Wood, Winthrop; C. P. Allen, Presque Isle; J. A. Roberts, Norway; E. B. Winslow, Portland; V. L. Coffin, Harrington; A. J. Durgin, Orono; E. J.Haskell, Westbrook; I. K. Stetson (Treas.), Bangor. COURSES OF STUDY. The undergraduate courses of study leading to degrees are eleven, each requiring four years. These are the classical course, the Latin scientific course, the scientific course, the chemical course, the agricultural course, the preparatory medical course, the pharmacy course, the civil engineering course, the mechanical engineering course, the mining engineering course, and the electrical engineering course. The classical course leads to the degree of B. A., the Latin scientific course to B. Ph., the other courses to B. S. The shorter courses, leading to a certificate, are as follows : The courses, of one and two years, in agriculture; the course, of two years, in pharmacy, and the farmers' training courses of six weeks. The course in the school of law is three years and leads to the degree of LL. B. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION — COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. George Emory Fellows, M. A., Ph. D., President. Merritt C. Fernald, Ph. D. , Philos. Charles D. Woods, B. S. , Agr. Alfred B. Aubert, M. S., Chem. Gen. Benjamin P. Runkle, Mil. Sci. Allen E. Rogers, M. A., Civics. Orlando F. Lewis, Ph. D., Modern Lang. James M. Bartlett, M. S., Chem. Gilbert A. Boggs, Ph. D., Chem. Lucius H. Merrill, B. S., Agr. Chem. Ralph K. Jones, B. S., Libr. Gilman A. Drew, Ph. D., Biol. Philip W. Harry, M. A., Modern Lang. James N. Hart, C. E., Math, and Astron. Ora W. Knight, M. S., Chem. Fremont L. Russell, B. S., V. S., Biol, Yet. Clifford D. Holley, B. S., Chem. Sri. Edward R. Mansfield, B. S., Chem. Welton M. Munson, M. S. , Hort. Louis Siff, B. S., Math. Horace M. Estabrooke, M. A. , Engl. Roscoe M. Packard, M. A. , Math. Guy A. Thompson, M. A., Engl. John E. Burbank, M. A., Phys. Lewis R. Cary, B. S., Natural Hist. George E. Poucher, B. S., Phys. James S. Stevens, Ph. D., Phys. Frank H. Mitchell, B. S., Chem. Gilbert M. Gowell, M. S. , Animal Indus. Horace W. Britcher, B. C. E. , Zool. Marshall B. Cummings, B. S., Hort. 15469— No. 111—02 3 34 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono. Department of University of Maine. STATION STAFF. Chas. D. Woods, B. S., Dir. < rilman A. Drew, B. S., Zool. J. M. Bartlett, M. S., < %em. H. W. Britcher, Asst. Zool L. H. Merrill, B. S., < % m. 0. W. Knight, B. S., Asst. Chem. F.L. Russell, B. 8., V. S., Vet. E. R. Mansfield, Asst. Chem. W.M. Munson, M.S., I fori. M. B.Cummings,B.S.,^lssf. Hort. < ;. M. Gowell, M. S., Stock Breeding and -Miss Annie M. Snow, Sten. Poultry. MARYLAND. Maryland Agricultural College, ( vUege Pork. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Gov. J. W. Smith (Pres.), Annapolis; J. W. Hering (Treas.), Annapolis; Isidor Rayner, Baltimore; Murray Vandiver (Treas.), Havre de Grace; John Hubner, Baltimore; Lloyd Wilkinson, Baltimore; Allen Dodge, Washington, D. C; C. B. Calvert, College Park; C. H. Stanley, Laurel; M. de K. Smith", Chester- town; Harold Walsh, Jerusalem Mills; C. W. Slagle, Baltimore; W. Scott Whiteford, Whitefords; J. M. Monroe, Anne Arundel Co.; C. H. Evans, Baltimore; C. J. Purnell, Snow Hill; David Seibert, Clearspring. COURSE OF STUDY. The course of study requires four years and leads to the degrees of B. S., B. A., M. S., M. E., andM. A. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. R. W. Silvester, President; Mathematics. Thos. H. Spence, M. A., V. Pres.; Lang. R. I. Smith, B. S., Asst. Put. J. C. Scantling, Major, U. S. A. (Retired;, F. B. Bomberger, B. S., M. A., Engl, and Mil. Sci. and 'Pieties. Civics. W. T. L. Taliaferro, B. A., Agr. Chas. S. Richardson, Phys. Culture. H. B. McDonnell, M. D., B. S., Chem. H. T. Harrison, /V//,. Prep. Dept. Jas. S. Robinson, LLort. J. H. Mitchell, M. E., Mech. Engin. A. L. Quaintance, M. S., Ent. E. P. Sandsten, M. S., (Assoc.) Hort. J. B. S. Norton, M. 8., Bot. and Path. M. N. Straughn, B. S., Asst. in ('hem. Henry Lanahan, B. A., Civics and Civil .1. 1>. Robb, B. S., Asst. in Chem. Engin. T. R. Gough, B. S., Asst. in chem. C. F. Doane, B. 8., Dairying. F. H. Blodgett, B. S., Asst. Hot., Ent. and J. C. Blandford, Asst. in Mech. Engin. and Path. Jnstr. Elect. Engin. C. G. Church, B. S., Asst. in Chem. S. S. Buckley, M. S., D. V. S., Vet. Sci. Jos. R.Owens, M. I)., Registrar and Treas. \V. o. Eversfield, M. D., Attending Phy- Miss M. L. Spence, Sten. sician. Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, College Park. STATION STAFF. Harry J. Patterson, B. 8., Dir.; Chem. \V. T. L. Taliaferro, M.A.,Agr. .lames S. Robinson, Hort. J. B. S. Norton, M. S., Bot. and Veg. Path. A. L. Quaintance, M.S., Ent. E. 0. Garner, Supt. Farm and Recorder of Samuels. Buckley, I). V. S., Vet. Expts. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 35 Thos. M. Price, M. S., Asst. Chem. C. F. Doane, M. S. Agr., Dairy Husb. and Ralph I. Smith, B. S., Asst. Ent. Bad. E. P. Sandsten, M. S., {Assoc.) Hort. and F. H. Blodgett, B. 8., Asst. Plant Path. General State Hort. Inspector. and Bot. Jos. R. Owens, M. D., Treas. B. H. Gibbs, Clerk. MASSACHUSETTS. Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Gov. W. Murray Crane (ex officio Pres.), Boston; H. S. Hyde (V. Pres.), Springfield; G. F. Mills (Treas.), Amherst; E. W. Wood, West Newton; C. A. Gleason, New Braintree; James Draper, Worcester; S. C. Damon, Lancaster; M. I. Wheeler, Great Barrington; W. R. Sessions, Springfield; C. L. Flint, Brookline; W. II. Bowker, Boston; G. H. Ellis, Boston; J. H. Demond, Northampton; E. D. Howe, Marlboro; N. I. Bowditch, Framingham; William Wheeler, Concord; H. H. Goodell (ex officio), Amherst; F. A. Hill, Boston; J. W. Stockwell (ex officio), Boston. COURSE OF STUDY. The course of study requires four years and leads to the degree of B. S. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Henry H. Goodell, LL. D., President of the Levi Stockbridge, (Honorary) Agr. Chas. A. Goessmann, Ph. D., LL. D.,Chem. Samuel T. Maynard, B. 8., Hort. Charles Wellington, Ph. D., (Assoc.) Chem. Charles H. Fernald, Ph. D., Zool. Rev. Charles S. Walker, Ph. D., Mental and Polit. Sci. William P. Brooks, Ph. D., Agr. George F. Mills, M. A., Engl, and Latin. James B. Paige, D. V. S., Vet. Sci. George E. Stone, Ph. D., Bot. John E. Ostrander, C. E., Engin. and Math. College and Director of the Station; History. Henry T. Fernald, Ph. D., Ent. Capt. John Anderson, Mil. Sci. and Tac- tics. Herman Babson, M. A., Asst. in Engl. Samuel F. Howard, B. S., Asst. in Chem. Fred S. Cooley, B. S., Asst. in Agr. Richard S. Lull, M. S., Asst. in Zool. Ralph E. Smith, B. S., Asst. in Bot. and Instr. in German. Philip B. Hasbrouck, B. S., Asst. in Math. George F. Babb, B. A., Instr. French. Robert W. Lyman, LL. B., Lecturer on Farm Law. Hatch Experiment Station of the Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst. Department of the Massachusetts Agricultural College. STATION STAFF. H. H. Goodell, LL. D., Dir. William P. Brooks, Ph. D., Agr. George E. Stone, Ph. D., Bot. and Myc. Charles A. Goessmann, Ph. D., LL. D., Hon. Dir.; Chem. (Fertilizers). Joseph B. Lindsey, Ph. D., Chem. (Foods and Feeding). Charles H. Fernald, Ph. D., Ent. Samuel T. Maynard, B. S., Hort. J. E. Ostrander, C. E., Met. Henry M. Thomson, B. S., Asst. Agr. Ralph E. Smith, B. S., Asst. Bot. and Myc. Henri D. Haskins, B. S., Asst. Chem (Fertilizers) . James E. Halligan, Asst. Chem. (Fertil- izers). Daniel Lunt Cleaves, B. S., Asst. Chem. (Fertilizers). Edward B. Holland, M. S., First Chem. (Foods and Feeding). Philip H. Smith, B. S., Asst. Chem. (Foods and Feeding). Henry T. Fernald, Ph. D., Assoc. Ent. George A. Drew, B. S., Asst. Hort. Henry L. Bodrish, Observer. Geo. F. Mills, Treas. 36 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. MICHIGAN. Michigan Agricultural College, Agricultural College. GOVERNING BOARD. State Board of Agriculture: T. F. Marston ( Pres. ) , Ba y Ctiy; Franklin Wells, Con- stantine; ('has. J. Monroe, South Haven; Gov. A. T. Bliss, Lansing; Jonathan L. Snyder il'ns. College), Agricultural College; E. P. Allen, Ypsilanti; II. F. .Marsh, Allegan; L. W. Watkins, Manchester. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are three, each requiring four years for completion and lead- ing to the degree of B. S. : The agricultural course, the mechanical course, and the women's course. Short courses are given in dairying, stock husbandry, fruit culture, and beet sugar production. A post-graduate course is also provided. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Jonathan L. Snyder, M. R. C. Kedzie, M. A., M. D., D. Sc, Chem.; Curator Chem. Lab. William J. Beal, M. S., Ph. D., Bot. and For.; Curator Bot. Museum. Levi R. Taft, M. S., Hort. and Landscape Gard.; Supt. Hort. Dept. Howard Edwards, M. A., LL. D., Engl. Lit. and Modern Lang. Herman K. Vedder, C. E., Math. A. M. Brown, Sec. C. D. Smith, M. S., Supt. of Farmers' Insti- tutes and Dean of Special Courses. C. L. Weil, B. S., Mceh. Erigin. W. B. Barrows, B. S., Zool. and Physiol.; Curator (Uttered Museum. Frank S. Kedzie, M. S., {Adjunct) Chem. George A. Waterman, M. S.,V. S., Vet. Sci. Maj. Chas. A. Vernou, Commandant of Cadets. William S. Holds worth, M. S., {Asst.) Drawing. Martin D. Atkins, M. A., (Asst.) Phys. C. F.Wheeler, B. S., (Asst.) Bot. W. O. Hedrick, M. S., {Asst.) Hist, and Polit. Econ. Maude Gilchrist, B. S., Dean of Women's Dept. Georgiana Blunt, 1*11. M., (Asst.) Engl. Lit. and Modern Lang. Warren Babcock, jr., B. S., (Asst.) Math. Mrs. Linda E. Landon, IAbr. R. II. Pettit, B. 8., Tnstr. Zool. Geo. E. Den man, B. A., Phys. Culture. Jos. A. Jeffery, B. 8., (Asst. ) Agr. V. P. Hedrick, M. 8., (A88t.) Hort. B. A. Faunce, A., Ph. D., President. Herman Reynolds, B. S., Instr. Mich. Engin. E. Sylvester King, B. S., Tnstr. Engl. J. J. Ferguson, B. S., Instr. Animal Hush. B. 0. Longyear, Tnstr. Bot. Carrie L. Holt, Instr. Drawing. C. E. Marshall, Ph. B., (Asst.) Bact. W. W. Wells, B. S., Instr. Mech. Engin. Mrs. Jennie L. K. Haner, Instr. Sewing. Belle C. Crowe, Instr. Domestic Sci. Mrs. Maud Marshall, Instr. Music. Thomas Gunson, Tnstr. Flor. Leslie L. Locke, Instr. Math. S. E. Brasefield, M. S., Instr. Math. Alfred Parrott, Instr. Math. A. H. Taylor, Tnstr. Phys. Philip II. Stevens, B. A., Instr. Engl. Bertha Wellman, B. S., B. Pc, Instr. Engl. Carrie A. Lyford, Instr. Domestic Sci. Sarah B. S. Avery, Tnstr. Phys. Calture Jesse J. Myers, B. 8., Tnstr. Eat. S. F. Ed wards, Instr. Bact. George Severance, B. S., Instr. Agr. George C. Humphrey, B. S., Instr. Animal Hush. John Michels, Tnstr. Dairying. Chace Newman, Instr. Mech. Drawing and Wood Shop. F. C. Kenney, Asst. Sec. E. R. Blair, Foreman Farm. W. S. Leonard, Foreman Machine Shops. W. R. Bradford, Foreman Wood Shop. C. F. Baker, Foreman Foundry. Harry M. Goss, B. S., Asst. Lihr. Geo. I). White, Lab. Asst. Chem. ( 'lerk to Pres. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 37 Experiment Station of Michigan Agricultural College, Agricultural College. Department of Michigan Agricultural College. Clinton D. Smith, M. S., Dir. J. D. To war, B. S., Agr. Robert C. Kedzie, LL. D., Chem. L. R. Taft, M. S., Hort. M. L. Dean, Asst. Hort. F. W. Robison, B. S., Asst. Chem. George A. Waterman, D. V. M., Consulting Vet STATION STAFF. R. H. Pettit, B. S. A., Ent. Chas. F. Wheeler, B. S., Consulting Bot. Mrs. L. E. Landon, IAbf. C. E. Marshall, Ph. B., Bad. T. A. Farrand, in Charge of Substa. (South Haven). Leo M. Geismar, in Charge of Substa. (Chatham). Louzena D. Kellum, Clerk and Slen. MINNESOTA. College of Agriculture of the University of Minnesota, St. Anthony Park, St. Paul. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: Greenleaf Clark (Pres.), St. Paul; Wm. M. Liggett, St. Anthony Park; Stephen Mahoney, Minneapolis; Elmer E. Adams, Fergus Falls; Thos. Wilson, St. Paul; A. E. Rice, Willmar; 0. C. Strickler, New Ulm; Jas. T. Wyman, Minneapolis; T. L. Schurmeier, St. Paul; Gov. Samuel F. Van Sant, St. Paul; Cyrus Northrop, Minneapolis; Jno. W. Olson, Albert Lea; J. E. Ware (Treas.), Minneapolis. COURSES OF STUDY. The college course requires four years for completion and leads to the degree of B. Agr. Instruction in a number of subjects included in the course in agriculture is given by the faculty of the college in science, literature, and the arts. There is also a secondary school of agriculture, with a course requiring three years of six months each for completion, and a dairy course of four weeks. To secure a dairy certificate the student must have two seasons' actual practice in a creamery or cheese factory, one of which must follow his work at the dairy school. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Cyrus Northrop, LL. D., President of the University. William M. Liggett, Dean. Frederick D. Tucker, B. A.,Prin. of School; Math. i Samuel B. Green, B. S., Hort. and For. i Charles R. Aldrich, Drawing, and Farm Buildings. William Robertson, B. S., Phys. and Plant Study. J. A. Vye, Penmanship and Accounts. Harry Snyder, B. S., Chem. T. L. Haecker, Dairy Husb. M. H. Reynolds, M. D., V. M., Physiol. and Vet. Sci. ! WilletM. Hays, M. Agr., Agr. Andrew Boss, Dressing and Curing Meats; Farm Machinery. J. M. Drew, Blucksmithing and Poultry. E. W. Major, In William Boss, Carpentry and Power Ma- chinery. E. W. Mahood, M. A., Arith., Civics, and Athletics. Juniata L. Shepperd, M. A., Cooking and L< Hindering. Margaret Blair, Sewing. Virginia C. Meredith, Preceptress; House- hold Art and Social Culture. Chas. F. Keyes, B. A., Geog. and Hist.; Registrar. Sophie M. Pendergast, B. L., Lang. Grace B. Whitridge, Phys. Culture. Arthur C. Koerner, Music. B. D. White, Instr. Butter Making. H. T. Sondergaard, Asst. in Creamery. Samuel Haugdahl, Asst. in Creamery. str. Dairy Lab. a Freight and express address, Lansing. 38 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Minnesota, St. Anthony Park, St. Paul. Department of University of Minnesota. STATION STAFF. Wm. M. Liggett, Dir. Willet M. Hays, M. Agr., Agr. Samuel B. Green, B. S., Hort. Harry Snyder, B. S., Chem. T. L. Haecker, Dairy Husb. M. H. Reynolds, M. D., V. M., Vet. F. L. Washburn, Ent. Andrew Boss, Asst. in Agr. ( Univ. Farm). T. A. Hoverstad, B. Agr., Asst. in Agr. (Crookston) . R. S. Mackintosh, Asst. in Hort. [Univ. Farm) . H. H. Chapman, B.S., B. Agr., Asst. in Agr. (Grand Rapids). E. W. Major, Asst. in Dairying. J. A. Hummel, B. Agr., Asst. Chem. J. A. Vye, Sec. MISSISSIPPI. Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical College, Agricultural College. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Gov. A. H. Longino (Pres. ex officio), Jackson; R. C. King (Sec.) , Agricultural College; G. W. Carlisle (Treas.) , Jackson; W. B. Montgomery, Starkville; H. M. Street, Meridian; T. C. Dockery, Love Station; S. D. Lee, Columbus; R. C. Lee, Madison Station; W. H. Morgan, Sheppardtoun; J. J. Coman, Jackson; Henry L. Whitfield, Jackson; J. F. McCool, Kosciusko; J. B. Bailey, Conehatta; J. C. Hardy (Pres. of College) , Agricultural College. COURSES OF STUDY. The collegiate course of study requires four years for completion and leads to the degree of B. S. Post-graduate courses and a preparatory course are also provided. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. J. C. Hardy, M I. D. Sessums, B. S., Commandant, and (Acting) Mil. Sci. and Tactics; Asst. Chem. A. B. McKay, B. S., Hort. C. T. Ames, B. S., Asst. in Hort. A. J. Wiechardt, M. M. E., Mech. Arts. C. E. Ard, B. S., (Adjunct) Mech. Arts. J. E. McKell, B. S., Asst. Mech. Arts. Arthur Whittam, Dir. Textile Dept. F. A. Abbott, (Asst.) Textile Dept. J. S. Wier, B. S., {Asst.) Textile Arts. G. W. Herrick, B. S., Biol. J. C. Robert, V. M. D., Vet. Sci. W. F. Hand, M. 8., Chem. R. M. Bird, Ph. D., {Asst.) Chem. J. S. Carroll, M. S., Asst. in Chem. E. B. Ferris, M. S., Asst. in Chem. J. S. Moore, M. S., (Acting) Dairy Husb. Miss Maude Butler, St en. Chem. Dept. W. C. Welborn, M. S., Agr.; Dir. Farmers* Just. A., President. W. H. Magruder, M. A., Engl. F. J. Weddell, B. S., (Assoc.) Engl. A. M. Leigh, B. S., (Asst.) Engl, B. M. Walker, M. S., Math. J. W. Fox, M. S., (Assoc.) Math. C. R. Stark, B. S., Instr. Math. A. M. Maxwell, Jnstr. Bookkeeping. J. M. White, M. S., Hist, and dries; Libr. J. C. Herbert, M. S., Prin. Prep. Dept. J. S. Wallace, B. S., (Asst.) Prep. Dept. J. L. Stinson, B. S., Instr. Prep. Dept. T. E. Royals, B. S., Instr. Prep. Dept. J. D. Guyton, B. s.. (Asst.) Prep. Dept. R. C. King, 1). S., Sec. and Purchasing Agt. A. F. Rush, jr., Asst. Sec. J. A. Turnipseed, Sten. W. II. Hair, M. I)., Surgeon J. M. Geraghty, Nurse. VY. J. Gallaway, Stewardand Janitor. .1. F. Montgomery, Supt. of harm. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 39 Mississippi Agricultural Experiment Station, Agricultural College. a ' Department of Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical College. STATION STAFF. W. L. Hutchinson, M. S., Dir.; Clin,,. W. R. Perkins, M. S., {Assoc.) ('hem. E. R. Lloyd, M. S., Asst. Dir.; Agr. J. S. Moore, M. S., Dairy Hush. G. W. Herrick, B. S., Pot. and Ent. C. T. Ames, B. S., Asst. Hort. A. B. McKay, B. S., Hort. R. C. King, B. S., Treas. J. C. Robert, V. M. D., Vet. Miss Maude Butler, Sten. Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical Colleg-e, Westside. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Gov. A. H. Longino {Pres. ex officio), Jackson; Robert Stowers (Treas. ex officio), ; Jeff Truly, Fayette; J. L. Power (Sec.) Jackson; H. L. Whitfield [State Supt. of Education), Jackson; C. A. Gordon, Port Gibson; E. N. Scudder, Vicksburg; C. B. Galloway, Jackson; A. A. Kincannon, Columbus; P. E. Williams, Lumberton; J. L. Gillespie, Greenwood; J. B. Chrisman, Canton. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are two: The industrial course of three years and the scientific course, requiring four years for completion and leading to the degree of B. S. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. W. H. Lanier, B. A., President. P. W. Howard, M. A., Math. Thomas B. Helm, Instr. Blacksmithing. J. M.May, M. S., General and Anal. Ch em., E. R. Correll, B. S., Instr. Carpentering. Phys., and Biol. L. J. Rowan, B. S., Asst. in Engl. E. H. Triplett, D. D., General Hist, and Geo. H. Oliver, Tutor. Moral Philos. W. R. Wiley, Tutor. J. M. Hicks, B. S., Agr. and Supt. Farm. E. W. Ford, Tutor. M. S. Love, [Asst.) Math. C. A. Gordon, Sec. and Treas. Daniel W. Gary, B. S., Engl. Rev . A> H Meves, Chaplain and {Asst.) A. J. Wade, Instr. Shoemakiug. s<->. William M. Douglass, Instr. Painting. MISSOURI. Colleg-e of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts of the University of Missouri, Columbia. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Curators: John D. Vincil (Pres.), St. Louis; Gardiner Lathrop ( V. Pres.), Kansas City; J. G. Babb (Sec), Columbia; R. B. Price ( Treas.), Columbia; R. B. Oliver, Cape Girardeau; Campbell Wells, Platte City; Walter Williams, Columbia; G. F. Gmelich, Boonville; D. A. McMillan, Mexico; Archibald McVey, Chilhcothe; B. G. Thurman, Lamar. COURSES OF STUDY. In the School of Agriculture the five-years' course leads to the degree of B. S. in Agr. There are also three short courses: A two-year elementary course; a school of agriculture of three months, and a school of horticulture of three months. In the School of Mechanic Arts the four-year course leads to a certificate. In the a Freight and telegraph address, Starkville. 40 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. School of Engineering, four-year courses lead to the degrees of B. S. in civil engineer- ing, in electrical engineering, in mechanical engineering, and in sanitary engineering, respectively. The degrees of C. E., E. E., and M. E. are also given for graduate work. The School of Mines and Metallurgy at Rolla, a department of the College of Agri- culture and Mechanic Arts, offers a four-years' college course leading to the degree of B. S.; a four-years' course leading to the degree of B. S. in civil engineering; a four- years' course leading to the degree of B. S. in mining engineering, and a four-years' course leading to the degree of B. S. in chemistry and metallurgy. It also offers for graduate work the degrees of master of science, mining engineer, civil engineer, and metallurgical engineer. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION AT COLUMBIA. R. H. Jesse, LL. D., President of the University. H. J. Waters, B. S. A., Bean. Paul Schweitzer, Ph. D., LL. P., Agr. Chem. F. B. Mumford, M. S., Agr. a J. C. Whitten, B. S., Hort. E. A. Allen, Lit. D., Engl. George Lefevre, B. S., Ph. D., Biol. Jane A. L. Zabriskie, Household Econ. T. J. Rodhouse, B. S., Instr. Drawing. S. C. Shipley, B. S., Instr. Mech. Arts. M. Estelle Porter, B. L., Instr. Commercial Studies. J. W. Connaway, M. D. C, M. D., Vet. Set. Isidor Loeb, M. A., Polit. Econ. J. M. Stedman, B. S., Ent. F. P. Spalding, M. S., Civil Engin. B. F. Hoffman, M. L., German Lang. H. M. Belden, B. A., Ph. D., Asst. in Engl R. Weeks, M. A., Ph. D., Romance Lang. H. B. Shaw, B. C. E., Elect. Engl,,. Paul Kauffman, M. D., Bad. and Path. M. L. Lipscomb, M. A., Phys. W. H. Turner, B. S., Instr. Mil. Sci. C. F. Marbut, B. S., M. A., Geol. and Min. A. R. Alexander, B. E., Mech. Engin. and Supt. of Shops. C. H. Eckles, B. Agr., M. S., {Asst. ) Dairy Hush. W. G. Brown, B. S., Ph. P., Chem. Sidney Calvert, B. S., M. A., Asst. in ( 'hem. R. B. Moore, B. S., Instr. Chem. J. N. Fellows, M. A., M. S., Math. H. C. Penn, M. A., Asst. in Engl. W. W. Griffith, B. S., Instr. Phys. Charles Thorn, M. A., Ph. D., Instr. Bot. L. M Defoe, B. A., Asst. in Math. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION AT ROLLA. G. E. Ladd, Ph. D., Dir. and Prof. Geol. Victor Hugo Gottschalk, M. S., Chem. and Mining. G. R. Dean, C. E., Math. E. G. Harris, C. E., Eng. Paul J. Wilkins,B. S., Instr. Modem Lang. Austin Lee McCrae, S. D., Phys. J. B. Scott, Instr. Engl. Herman Otto Schulze, M. E., Metallurgy. A. D. Terrel, Instr. Drawing. Geo. C. Clark, Asst. Chem. Missouri Agricultural College Experiment Station, Columbia. Department of the College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts of the University of the State of Missouri. STATION STAFF. Henry J. Waters, B. S. A., Dir. Paul Schweitzer, Ph. D., Chem. M. C. Whitten, B. S., Hort. J. M. Stedman, B. 8., Ent. J. W. Connaway, M. D. C, TV/. C. H. Eckles, B. Agr., M. 8., Dairying. W. L. Howard, B. S., Asst. in Hort. C. Thorn, Ph.D., Asst. Bot. John Schnabel, Card. J. G. Babb, M. A., Sec. \l. B. Price, Treas. Miss Fstelle Hickok, Clerk and Sten. On k-avt'. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 41 Missouri State Fruit Experiment Station, Mountain Grove. GOVERNING BOARD. Trustees: J. C. Kerby (Pres.), West Plains; T. M. Culver (Sec), Koshkonong; C. D. McAfee (Treas.), Springfield. STATION STAFF. J. T. Stinson, B. S., Dir. Frank Horsfall, B. S., Asst. A. M. Swartwout, Foreman. Lincoln Institute, Jefferson City. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: A. H. Bolte (Pres.), Union; Jesse W. Henry, Jefferson City; Louis Hoffman (V. Pres.), Sedalia; Oscar G. Burch (Treas.), Jefferson City; W. T. Carrington (State Supt. of Public Schools) , Jefferson City; Robert H. Davis, Greenville; J. Silas Harris, Kansas City; L. D. Gordon (Sec), Jefferson City. COURSES OF STUDY. This institution has the following departments: College (four-year course leading to degree of B. A.), college preparatory, normal (two and four year courses), normal preparatory, industrial, agricultural, and domestic. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. E. A. Clarke, M. A., President; Ethics and Psychology. J. II. Garnett, M. A., Latin and Greek. Wm. R. Menteer, Asst. in Indus. Dept. A. O. Coffin, M. A., Ph. D., Math, and Miss Carrie M. Carney, Instr. Vocal and Phys. Instrumental Music. G. S. Murray, B. A., Chem., Biol., and Agr. Miss Mary E. Grimshaw, Instr. Sewing. Mrs. F.J. Jackson, Engl., Hist., and Pedag. Mrs. Libbie C. Anthony, Matron in Dor- Archie L. Reynolds, B. A., Asst. in Engl. mitory for Young Women and Instr. in and Math. Laundry. J. H. Bias, B. A., B. S. D., Drawing, Asst. Mrs. Sarah H. Dupee, Matron in Dor- in Phys. and Engl. mitory for Young Men and Instr. in John H. Bredemann, Supt. Indus. Dept. Cooking. MONTANA. The Montana College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Bozeman. GOVERNING BOARD. Executive Board: Walter S. Hartman (Pres.), Bozeman; Peter Koch (Sec and Treas.), Bozeman; Jno. M. Robinson, Bozeman; Joseph Kountz, Bozeman; E. B. Lamme, Bozeman. COURSES OF STUDY. The following courses are given: Four-year courses in civil engineering, mechan- ical engineering, electrical engineering, general science, chemistry, agriculture, and domestic science, leading to degrees, and art, music, business, and preparatory courses. 42 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. HOARD OF INSTRUCTION. James Reid, B. A., President; Mental, Moral, and Political Science and Astronomy. Frank W. Traphagen, Ph.D., F. C. S., J. A. Thaler, E. F.. [Asst.) Mech. Engin, Phys.j Chem. } and Geol. IF /. R. A. Cooley, B. S., Zool. and Ent. Miss Kate Calvin, Piano. W. D. Tallman, B. 8., Math. Miss Graee Stanton, Instr. Piano. W. M. Cobleigh, M. E.,M.A., (AssL ) Phys. Miss Winnifred G. Kinney, Vocal Music. Mrs. Mary Winter, IAbr. Montana Agricultural Experiment Station, Baa man. Department of Montana Agricultural College. STATION STAFF. S. Fortier, M. E.,Dir.; Irrig. Engin. Edmund Burk, Asst. Chem. F. W. Traphagen, Ph.D., Chem. J. W. Blankinship, Ph.D., Bot. Robert S. Shaw, B. S. A., Agr. Robt. A. Cooley, B. S., Zool. Henry C. Gardner, Asst. Agr. E. J. S. Moore, Asst. Ent. M. A. Lamme. Sten. and Clerk. NEBRASKA. The Industrial College of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. GOVERNING BOARD. Regents of the L T niversity: E. von Forell (Pres.), Kearney; Carl .1. Ernst, Lincoln; ElishaC. Calkins, Kearney; Geo. F. Kenower, Wisner; Edson C. Rich, 1537 Bark arc, Omaha; John L. Teeters, Lincoln. COURSES OF STUDY. The groups (courses) of study are as follows, each ordinarily requiring four years for completion and leading to the degree of B. Sc. : General scientific group; general agri- cultural group; special groups — agricultural and chemistry, botany and agriculture, botany and zoology, chemistry and physics, horticulture and botany, mathematics and physics, zoology and philosophy; and technical groups — technical agriculture, civil engineering, municipal engineering, electrical engineering, steam engineering, and mechanical engineering. One and three years' courses in elementary agriculture and a course in dairying are also provided in the school of agriculture. HOARD OF INSTRUCTION. E. Benjamin Andrews. LL. D., Chancellor of the University. Charles Edwin Bessey, LL. D., Dean of Hudson II. Nicholson. M. A., ('Jinn, and the Indus. College; Bot. Dir. of Chem. Lab. Edgar Albert Burnett, B. S., ASSOC. Dean Lucius A. Sherman, Ph. D., EiajL Lang, of the Indus. College; Animal Hush. and Lit. Ellery Williams Davis, Ph. I)., Math. DeWittB. Brace, Ph. D., Phys. James T. Lees, Ph. I>., Examining Bran; Howard Walter Caldwell, M. A., Amer- Greek Lang, and Lit. icon Hist, and Jurisprudence. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 43 Erwin Hinckley Barbour, Ph. D., Geol. and Acting State Geol.; Curator of State Museum. Lawrence Bruner, B. Sc., Ent., Ornithol- ogy and Taxidermy. Goodwin Deloss Swezey, M. A., Astron. and Met. Henry Baldwin Ward, Ph. D., Zool. W. G. Langworthy Taylor, LL. B., Polit. and Econ. Sci. Oscar V. P. Stout, C. E., Civil Engin. Charles Russ Richards, M. E., M. M. E., Mech. Engin. and Pract. Mech. George H. Morse, B. E., Elect. Engin. T. Lyttleton Lyon, B. S. A., Agr. Albert Eugene Davisson, B. A., Prin. of the School of Agr.; Econ.; Agr. Educa- tion. H. R. Smith, B. S., (Asst.) Animal Husb. Thomas Morey Hodgman, M. A., (Assoc.) Math. Rollins Adams Emerson, B. Sc, (Asst.) Hort. Archibald Louis Haecker, B. S., (Adjunct) Dairy Husb. in. Charge of the Dept. Rosa Bouton, M A., (Adjunct) ('hem. Albert Luther Candy, Ph. D., {Adjunct) Math. George Richard Chatburn, M. A., (Ad- junct) Math, and Civil Engin. Burton Evans Moore, M. A., (Adjunct) Phys. Prosser Hall Frye, B. A., (Adjunct) Engl. Lang. Robert Henry Wolcott, M. D., M. A., (Adjunct) Zool. Clarence A. Skinner, Ph. J)., (Adjunct) Phys. Paul H. Grummann, M. A., (Adjunct) Germanic Lang. A. T. Wiancko, B. S. A., Instr. Agr. Anne Louise Barr, Instr. Phys. Training and Dir. of Woman s Gymnasium. George Andrew Loveland, B. L., Instr. Astron. and Met. Frederic Edward Clements, Ph. D., Instr. Bot. Herberts. Evans, E. E., Instr. Elect. Engin. Robert Moritz, M. Ph., Instr. Math. Roscoe Pound, Ph. D., Instr. Jurispru- dence. Miller M. Fogg, M. A., Instr. Engl. Lang. Belva M. Herron, B. Sc, Instr. Polit. and Econ. Sci. Thaddeus Lincoln Bolton, Ph. D., Instr. Ph ilos. Mary Louise Fossler, M. A., Instr. Chem. Carl Christian Engberg, Ph. D., Instr. Math. Robert Silver Hiltner, M. A., Instr. Chem. Samuel A. Smoke, B. A., Instr. Mil. Tactics. J. E. Almy, Ph. D., Instr. Phys. May Chamberlin, M. A., Instr. Germanic Lang. Grace Jones, B. Sc. , Asst. Instr. Domestic Sci. Albert Buell Lewis, B. A., Asst. Instr. Zool. Willard Ward Yotaw, Asst. in Pract. Mech. John L. Gerig, B. A., Fellow in Romance Lang. James Ingersoll Wyer, B. L. S., Libr. and Asst. in Bibliography. Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska, Lincoln. Department of the University of Nebraska. STATION STAFF. E. A. Burnett,B. S.. Dir.; Animal Husb. T. L. Lyon, B. S. A., Assoc. Dir.; Agr. H. H. Nicholson, M. A., Chem. C. E. Bessey, Ph. D., Bot. Lawrence Bruner, B. S., Ent. E. H. Barbour, Ph. D., Geol. A. T. Peters, D. V. M., Animal Path. G. D. Swezey, M. A., Met. O. V. P. Stout, C. E., Irrig. Engin. A. T. Wiancko, B. S. A., Ass*. Agr. R. A. Emerson, B. S., Hort. A. L. Haecker, B. S., Dairy Hush. Henry B. Slade, B. A., Asst. Chem. J. H. Gain, M. D. C, Asst. in Animal Path. H. R. Smith, B. S., Asst. in Animal Husb. S. W. Perin, Foreman of Farm. J. S. Dales, M. Ph., Financial Sec. W. W. Marshall, Executive Clerk. 44 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. NEVADA. School of Agriculture of the Nevada State University, Reno. GOVERNING BOARD. J. N. Evans (iVes.)> Reno; W. E. F. Deal. Virginia City; W. W. Booher, Efifeo. COURSES OF STUDY. The regular course requires four years for completion and leads to the degree of B. S. A short course in agriculture is also provided, requiring five months of each year for four years and Leading to no degree. Short courses in agriculture, dairying, domestic science, and assaying are given during the months of January and February of each year, for the benefit of ranchers and prospectors. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Joseph E. Stubbs, M. A., D. D., President of the University and Director of the Experi- ment Station. H. H. Dexter, B. A., lAJbr. P. Beveridge Kennedy, Ph. D., Bot. and George J. Young, B. S., Metallurgy and Hort. Assaying. Mrs. Mary W. Emery, M. A., Pedag. George D. Louderback, Ph. D., Geol., Robert Lewers, Polit. Econ. and Logic. Mn.\ and Phys. Hollis C. Clark, Capt., U. S. A. (Retired) , Ransom H. McDowell, B. S., Agr. and Mil. Sci. and Tactics. Animal Hash. Samuel B. Doten, B. A., Ent. N. E. Wilson, M. 8., Chem. Peter Fransden, M. A., Zool. and Bad. Lysander W. Cushman, Ph. D., Engl. Laura de Laguna, M. A., Modem Lang. Lang, and Lit. Jennie E. Wier, B. A.. Hist. Richard Brown, Supt. Mech. Dept, Kate Bardenwerper, Domestic Sci. Henry Thurtell, B. S., Mech. and Math. George F. Blessing, B. S., Mech. Engin. James E. Church, jr., M. A., Latin Lang. L. F. J. Wrinkle, Minimi Engin. and Lit. L. A. Darling, B. S., Mech. Engin. Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station, Reno. Department of Nevada State University. STATION STAFF. Joseph E. Stubbs, M. A., D. D., Dir. P. Beveridge Kennedy. Lot. and Hort. Ransom H. McDowell, B. S., Agr. and Elizabeth Spayd stul>l>s, Sten. Animal /Ins/,. Samuel B. Doten, Lnt. Nathaniel E. Wilson, M. 8., Chem. Theodore Clark, Fori man Farm. Peter Fransden, B. A., Zool. and Bact. H. II. Dexter, B. A., Libr. NEW HAMPSHIRE. New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, Durham. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: (J. A. Wason | Pres.), New Boston; Gov. Chester V>. -Ionian {ex officio). Concord; \\ . M . Parker [Treas.), Manchester; C. S. Murkland [ex officio), Durham; ('. W. stone. East Andover; Lucien Thompson [Sec), Durham; .1. (i. Tal- lant, Pembroke; V. P. Comings, Lee; t. John J. Vernon, M.S. Age., Agr. Fabian Garcia, I>. S., Hart. E. 0. Wooton, M. A., Bot. R. Fred Hare, 31. S., Asst. Chem. Francis E. Lester, Registrar. Helen M. Macgregor, Sten. NEW YORK. New York Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Control: Stephen H. Hammond (Pres.), Geneva; W. O'Hanlon (Sec. and Ireas. ), Gaunt; < lov. Benj. B. Odell, jr., Albany; A. C. Chase, Syracuse; F. 0. Cham- berlain, Canandaigua; F. C. Schraub, LowvUle; Nicholas Hallock, Queens; Edgar G. Dusenbury, PortviUe; Oscar H. Hale, North Stockholm; Martin L. Allen, Fayette. STATION STAFF. W. H. Jordan,. D. Sc, Dir. Charles W. Mudge, B. S.,Asst. CJu m. Geo. W. Churchill, Agr. and Supt. Labor. E. B. Hart, B. S., Asst. Chem. Wm. P. Wheeler, Animal Indus. Andrew J. Patten, B. S., Asst. chem. H. A. Harding, B. S., Bact. Geo. A. Smith, Dairy Expert. L. A. Rogers, B. S., Asst. in Bact. Frank H. Hall, B. S., Editor and Libr. F. C. Stewart, M. S., Bot. Victor H. Lowe, M. S., Ent. H. J. Eustace, B. S., Asst. in Bot. P. J. Parrott, Asst. Ent L. L. Van Slyke, Pn. D., Chem. S. A. Beach, M. S., Hort. C. G. Jenter, Ph. C, Asst. Chem. N. 0. Booth, B. Agr., Asst. Hort. W. H. Andrews, B. S., Asst. Chun. 0. M. Taylor, Foreman in Hort. a J. A. LeClerc, B. S., Asst. Chem. F. E. Newton, Clerk and Sten. Fred D. Fuller, B. S. , Asst. Chem. Jennie Terwilliger, Clerk and Sten. A. H. Horton, Computer. NEW YORK. Cornell University, Ithaca. GOVERNING BOA HI). Board of Trustees: Alonzo B. Cornell, Ithaca; J. G. Schurman, Ithaca; Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Speaker of the Assembly, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Commissioner of Agriculture, President of the state Agricultural Society, Librarian of the Cornell Library, ex officio; S. D. Halliday, Ithaca; H. M. Sage, Menands; R. 11. Treman, Ithaca; G. B. Turner, Auburn; M. Van Cleef, Ithaca; V. S.Washburn, New York City; A. C. Barnes, Brooklyn; V. C. Cornell, Ithaca; C. S. Francis, Troy; J. T. Newman, Ithaca; W. II. Sage, Albany; R. B. Williams, Ithaca; C. S. Shepard, New Harm; H. E. Sibley, Rochester; Ruth Put nam. New York city; H. W. Sackett, New York City; S. L. Woodford, New York Oily; Andrew Carnegie, Pittsburg, Pa.; J. C. Hendrix, I>r<><>k/yn; Charles II. Blood, Ithaca; C. G. Wagner, Binghamton; Frank II. Hiscock, Syniciisc; (i. K. Williams, Which; E. L. Williams (Sec.-Treas.) . »Ou leave. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 49 COURSES OF STUDY. Among the numerous courses of study offered by the university is one which leads to the degree of bachelor of the science of agriculture. This course requires foui years for completion, and during the last two years the student selects most of his studies in work given by the departments of agriculture and horticulture, and in the courses in agricultural chemistry and economic entomology. Post-graduate courses leading to advanced degrees are provided, and special courses in subjects relating to agriculture are also arranged. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. a Jacob Gould Schurman. M. Isaac Phillips Roberts, M. Agr., Dir. Col- lege Agr., Dean Faculty; Agr. George Chapman Caldwell, B. S., Ph. D., Agr. and General CJtem. James Law, F. R. C. V. S., Vet. Medicine and Surgery. John Henry Comstock, B. S., Ent. and General Invertebrate Zool. George Walter Cavanaugh, B. S., (Asst.) Chem. Alexander Dyer MacGillivray, B. S. A., Asst. in Ent. George Nieman Lauman, B. S. A., Instr. in Hort. Walter W. Hall, Asst. in Cheese Making. Webster E. Griffith, Asst. in Butter Making. John Lemuel Stone, B. S. A., Asst. in Agr. Liberty Hyde Bailey, M. S., General and Expt. Hort. George Francis Atkinson, Ph. B., Bot. Simon Henry Gage, B. S., Anat. A., D. Sc, LL. D., President. Willard Winfield Rowlee, B. L., D. Sc, Plant Histology. Henry Hiram Wing, M. S., (Asst.) Animal Indus, and Dairy Hush. Mark Vernon Slingerland, B. S., (Asst.) Ent. Louis Adelbert Clinton, B. S., (Asst. ) Agr. Hugh C. Troy, B. S. A., Asst. in Dairy Lab. John Craig, B. S., M. S., Univ. Extension Teaching in Agr. and Hort. John W. Spencer, Deputy Chief Nature Study. Mrs. Anna Botsford Comstock, B. S., Lecturer in Nature Study. Mary Rogers Miller, B. S., Lecturer in Nature Study. Martha Van Rensselaer, Univ. Extension Work. James Alfred Foord, B. S., Asst. in Dairy Husb. Charles E. Hunn, Foreman Garden. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca. Department of Cornell L T niversity. STATION STAFF. Isaac P. Roberts, M. Agr., Dir.; Agr. George C. Caldwell, B. S., Ph. D., Chem. James Law, F. R. C. V. S., Vet. John H. Comstock, B. S., Ent. Liberty H. Bailey, M. S., Hort. Henry H. Wing. B. Agr., M. S., Dairy Husb. and Animal Indus. G. F. Atkinson, M. S., Cryptogamic Bot. John Craig, B. S., Extension Work in Agr. and Hort. Mark V. Slingerland, B. S., Asst. Ent. Louis A. Clinton, B. S., Asst. Agr. J. L. Stone, B. S. A., Asst. in Agr. George W. Cavanaugh, B. S., Asst. Chem. Clayton 0. Smith, B. S., Asst. in Crypto- gamic Bot. O. F. Hunziker, B. S. A.,M. S. A., Dairy Bad. Jas. A. Foord, B. S. A., Asst. in Dairy Husb. Chas. E. Hunn, Gardner. E. L. Williams, Treas. E. A. Butler, Clerk. tt Includes only instructors in subjects directly relating to agriculture. Many other members of the university faculty give instructions to students pursuing the course leading to the degree of B. S. A 15469— No. 111—02 4 50 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. NORTH CAROLINA. The North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, West Raleigh. • GOVERNING BOARD. s. L. Patterson, Commissioner of Agriculture, Chairman. Board of Agriculture: J. B. Coffield, Everette; E. L. Daughtridge, Rockymount; Win. Dunn, Newbern; C. N. Allen, Auburn; J. S. Cunningham, Cunningham; A. T. McCallum, Red Springs; J. P. McRae, Laurinburg; L. G. Waugh, Dobson; W. A. Graham, Machpelah; A. Cannon, Horseshoe; J. R. Joyce, Reidsville; G. E. Flow, Monroe; J. C. Ray, Boone; Howard Browning, Littleton. COURSES OF STUDY. The general courses of study are seven, each requiring four yearn for eonipletion — the course in agriculture, leading to the degree of B. A. ; the courses in civil, mechan- ical, electrical, mining, and chemical engineering; and the course in textile science and art, each leading to the degree of B. E. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. G. T. Winston, W. A. Withers, M. A., Chem. D. H. Hill, M. A., Engl. C. W. Burkett, M. 8., Pn. D., Agr. W. C. Riddick, B. A., C. E., Math, and Civil En gin. Thos. M. Dick, M. E., Mech. Engin. F. A. Weihe, M. A., Ph. D., Phys. and Elect. En gin. H. C. Walter, Instr. Phys. and Elect. Engin. F. E. Phelps, Capt. , U. S. A. ( Retired), Mil. Tactics mid Hist. Tait Butler, V. 8., Vet. and Animal Indus. E. B. Owen, B. S., Asst. in Engl. R. E. L. Yates, M. A., Asst. Math. G. S. Fraps, Ph. D., Asst. Chem. LL. D., President. F. L. Stevens, M. S., Ph. D., Instr. Biol. Franklin Sherman, jr., Instr. Ent. Henry M. Wilson. B. A., Instr. Textile Sci. and Art. T. A. Chittenden, B. S., Asst. in Drawing. V. W. Bragg, Supt. Wood Shop*. M. E. Carter, Instr. in Wood nun-king. C. L. Fish, Instr. Civil Engin. C. B. Park, Supt. Shops. B. S. Skinner, Farm Supt. W. A. Syme, Asst. in Chem. E. B. Owen, B. S., Libr. Mrs. D. Lewis, Matron. James R. Rogers, M. D., Piigsician. A. F. Bo wen, Bursar and Sec. Mrs. E. V. Darby, Sten. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, West Raleigh. Department of North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. B. W. Kilgore, INI. S., Dir. W. A. Withers, M. A., Chem. C. W. Burkett, M. S., Ph. D., W. F. Massey, C. E., Hort. Tait Butler, V. 8., Vet. Franklin Sherman, jr., Ent. STATION STAFF. G. S. Fraps, Ph. D., Asst. Chem. II. P. Richardson, Poultryman. Agr. B. S. Skinner, Farm Supt. B. F. Walton, Supt. Agr. Kept. Work Mrs. E. V. Darby, Sten. A. F. Bo wen, Bursar. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 51 The Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race, Greensboro. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: A. M. Scales (Pres.), Greensboro; S. A. Kerr (Sec. and Treas.), Greensboro; W. R. Williams, Falkland; H. C. Tyson, Washington, D. C; L. C. Cald- well, Statesville; J. T. Benbow, Eastbend; C. E. Lane, Washington, D. C; J. Y. Joyner, Greensboro; M. C. S. Noble, Chapel Hill; G. T. Dunlap, Norwood; J. L. Currie, Car- thage. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are: Agriculture, horticulture, arboriculture, and botany; chemistry; physics, mechanics, and applied mathematics; mathematics, United States history, and domestic economy. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. James B. Dudley, M. A., President; Math. John Thompson, B. Agr., Agr. and Chern. F. M. Hamilton, Blacksmith. Orlo Eppes, Phys., Applied Math., and Junius Rooks, Steward. Mech. William Yates, Tinning. Chats. H. Moore, M. A., Engl. W. P. Johnson, Florist. J. R. Quick, B. Agr., Asst. in Engl. Dept. P. E. Robinson, B. Agr., Asst. in Agr. Adam Watson, B. S., Moch. W. W. West, Carpentry. W. P. McClelland, Shoemaker. NORTH DAKOTA. North Dakota Agricultural College, Agricultural College.* GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: W. H. Robinson (Pres.), MayvUle; B. N. Stone, La Moure; John W. von Xieda (Treat.), Fargo; Henry J. Rusch (Sec.), Fargo; S. S. Lyon, Fargo; Alex. Stern, Fargo; Maynard Crane, Cooperstown; Geo. E. Osgood, Fargo. COURSES OF STUDY. Four-year courses leading to the degree of B. S. are as follows: Agriculture, mechanics, and science; there are also short courses in agriculture, dairying, and domestic economy. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. J. H. Worst, LL. D., President of the College and Director of the Experiment Station. E. F. Ladd, B. S., Chem. James Ulio, Capt., U. S. A., Mil. Sci. and C. B. Waldron, B. S., Hort. and For. Tactics. H. L. Bolley, M. S., Bot. and Zool. G. E. Hult, M. A., Engl. Lang, and Lit. E. S. Keene, B. S., Meek. Engin. C. M. Hall, B. S., Geol. J. H. Shepperd, M. S. A., Agr. A. M. Ten Eyck, M. S., (Asst.) Agr. H. W. McArdle, B. S., Math.; Registrar. C. H. Mallarian, Ph. D., (Asst.) Philos. E. E. Kaufman, B. Agr., Dairying. and Modern Lang. Marie B. Senn, M. S., Household Econ. Albert T. Mills, Ph. B., (Asst.) Hist, and J. W. Dunham, V. S., Vet. Sci. Civil Government. a Freight and express address, Fargo. 52 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. P. s. Rose, B. S., (Asst. ) Steam Engirt, and C. E. Nugent, Sec.; Instr. Bookkeeping and M<,t}>. ('out mi rcial Law. Amy Nichol, Instr. Sewing. Ethel McVeety, Libr. Rob't. S. Northrop, B. S., {Asst.) Hort. T. F. Manns, Lab. But. and Zool. and For. L. B. Greene, Cliem. Lab. L. E. Waldron, B. 8., Instr. Bot. and Zool. Adele Shepperd, Chem. Lab. Grace Lincoln Burnam, Instr. Chants H. H. Peck, Forge Shop. Work and Voice Qulture. W. B. Morgan, Wood Shop. North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, Agricultural College. Department of North Dakota Agricultural College. STATION STAFF. J. H. Worst, LL. D., Dir. H. L. Bolley, M. S., Bot. E. F. Ladd, B. 8., Chem. A. M. Ten Eyck, M. S., Asst. Agr. J. H. Shepperd, M. S. A., Agr. H. M. Ash, Farm Supt. C. B. Waldron, B. S., Hort. C. E. Nugent, Bookkeeper and Accountant. OHIO. The Colleges of Agriculture and Domestic Science and of Veterinary- Medicine, Ohio State University, Columbus. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: O. T, Corson (Pres. ), Columbus; Paul Jones ( V. Pres. \, Colum- bus; Alexis Cope (Sec), Columbus; L. F. Kiesewetter (Treas.), Columbus; T. J. Godfrey, Celina; J. McLain Smith, Dayton; D. M. Massie, ChiUicothe; Myron T. Herrick, Cleveland. COURSES OF STUDY. The university is divided into six colleges, as follows: Agriculture and Domestic Science; Arts, Philosophy, and Science; Engineering; Law; Pharmacy: and Veteri- nary Medicine. The College of Agriculture and Domestic Science offers six distinct courses of study: Four-year courses in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, and domestic science; two-year courses in agriculture and horticulture and domestic science, and a one-term course in dairying. Degrees are granted in the four-year courses as fol- lows: B. S. in agriculture, B. S. in horticulture and forestry, and B. S. in domestic science. The College of Veterinary Medicine offers a three-year course leading to the degree of D. V. M., and to a certificate of veterinary surgeon to those who fail in certain requirements for admission. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Rev. William Oxley Thompson, D. D., President of the University. Thomas Forsyth Hunt, M. S., Dean; Agr. Ernst August Eggers, Germanic Lang, and William Rane Lazenby, M. Agr., Sec; Lit. Hort. and For. Albert Martin Bleile, M. D.. .1/"//. and Henry Adam Weber, Ph. D.,Agr. Chem. Physiol. Benjamin Franklin Thomas, Ph. D., William Ashbrook Kellerman, Pn. D., Phys. Bot. George Wells Knight, Ph. D., American George Beecher Kauffman, B. S., Phar- Ilist. aial Polit. Sci. macy. Rosser Daniel Bohannan, B. S., C. E., Benjamin Lester Bowen, Pn. I)., Romance E. M., Math. Lain/, and Lit. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES \M> EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Joseph Villiers Denney, A. P., Rhet. and Francis LeroyLandacre,B. \ . I Engl. Lang. Frederick Edward tester, M. E. in E. I . Allen Campbell Barrows, A. M.. D. D., (Asst.) Phys. Engl. Lit. Thomas II. Haines, Ph. I'.. [As&L. | Philos. William Thomas Magruder, M. E., Mech. and Education. Engvn. James E. Hagerty, Ph. I>.. (Asst.) Econ. David Stuarl White. 1». V. S., Dean; Vet. and Sociology. Medicine. John D. Batchelder, B. A.. LL. P... i.U«/. i Herbert Osborn, M.. S., Zool. and Ent. Romance Lang. Frank Edwin Sanborn, B. 8., Dir. Dept. J. Warren Smith. M. S., Lecturer on Met. Indus. Arts. Burt BidwelJ Herrick, Instr. Cheesi Mak- Joseph Nelson Bradford, M. E., Drawing. ing. Henry Curwen Lord, P>. S., F. R. A. S., William H. Renck, Instr. Pattern Making Dir. Emerson ljfcMillen Observatory and and Founding. Astron. Charles P. Crowe, Instr. Forging. Frederick Converse Clark, M. A., Ph.D., Alonzo H. Tnttle, B. A., Instr. American Econ. and Sociology. Hist. Paul Fisher, B. Agr., D. V. M., Path. Albert Earl Vinson. Instr. Agr. Chem. Charles Smith Prosser, M. S., Geol.; in Thomas Kenyon Lewis. B. Sc., Instr. Charge Dept. Geol. Drawing. John Adams Bownocker, D. S., Inorganic Silas Martin. Instr. Drawing. Geol.; Curator Museum. Joseph H. V. Kuehler, M. F., Instr. John Wright Decker, B. Agr., Dairying. Drawing. Minnie A. Stoner, Domestic Sci.; in Charge Berth hold A. Eisenlohr, B. Ph., Instr. Dept. Domestic Econ. German Lang. George W. McCoord,M. A., (Assoc.) Math. Frank Ruhlen, B. S.. Instr. Zootechny. Charles Walter Mesloh. M. A., (Assoc.) Merritt F. Miller, M. S. A.. Instr. Agron. Gt r man. Delbert Alonzo Crowner, B. S. Agr., Asst. Cornelia Porter Souther. (Assoc.) Domes- in Butter Making. tic Art. Oscar V. Brumley, Y. S., Asst, in Vet. Medi- Charles A. Bruce, B. A., (Assoc. ) Romance cine. Lang. Fred J. Tyler, B. S., Gard.; Asst. in Thomas Ewing French, M. E., (Assoc.) Bot. Drawing. Melvin Dresbach, M. s.. Asst. in Anat. Septimus Sisson, Y. S., (Assoc.) Vet. Medi- and Physiol. rim. Y. H. Davis, M. S. A.. Asst. in Hart, and D. S. Major, Ph. D., Education. For. William Lucius Graves, M. A., (Asst.) Rudolph Hirsch, B. s.. j.s>7. in Agr.Chem. Rhet. Frank E. Hamilton. Asst. in Agr. Charles Lincoln Arnold, M. S., (Asst.) John C. Budwell, B. A.. Fellow in Bot. Math. John F. Travis. B. A.. Fellow in Math. John H. Schaffner, M. A., M. s., (Asst.) O. E. Jennings, Florist. Bot. I Seorge L. I Jonverse, ( apt.. I". 8. A. | Re- Charles Bradfield Morrey, P.. A.. M. D., tired). Mil. Sci. and Tactics. (Asst. ) Anat. and Physiol. Oliver B. Jones, Libr. James S. Hine, B. S., (Asst.) Ent. Christopher P. Linhart, M. D., Dir. of George H. McKnight, Ph. D.,( Asst.) Rhet. Gymnasium ami Instr. Phys. Education. Herrick C. Allen, LL. B., (Asst.) Public Miss Clara Maud Perrvman. t [Assoi . /' . Speaking. of Gymnasium. Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, WoosU r. QOVERNINO HOARD. Board of Control: Alva Agee (Pres.), Cheshire; 0. E. Bradfute Sec. . Xenia; D- L.Sampson (Treas.), Cincinnati; F. Whittlesey. Atwater; 1>. D. White. CastaUa. 54 AGBICULTUBAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT stations STATION STAFF. C. I.. Thome, M. S. A.. Dir. \\ . J. < rreen, I*. Dir.; II<>rf. J. F. Hickman, M. 8. A.. A. I>. Selby, B. 8., Bot. and Chem. P. A. Hinman. Bursar. J. ,1... W. A. no. B. >.. Chem. Joho F. Hick>. Asst. lint. Clarence W. Waid, B. S., Asst. Hort. William Holmes, Foreman Farm. ('. A. Patton, Asst. Foreman and Met. Annie l'». Ayres, Mailing Clerk. Cary Welty, Mechanic. Edward Mohn, Supt. Substa. (SlrongsvUL I Lewis Schultz, Supt. Substa. (Swanton). OKLAHOMA. Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, Stillwater. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: F. J. Wikoff I Pres.), Stillwater; c<>v. T. B. Ferguson, Gwthrie; II. G. Beard, Shawnee; F. .!. Hartman {Treas.), Deer Creek; II. C. K. BrodboU, Ponea City; W. II. Merten, Guthrie. COURSES "l' STUDY. The courses of study are: General science and literature; agricultural, including horticulture and veterinary science; mechanical engineering, and courses iu special sciences — chemistry and biology. Each course requires four years for completion and leads to the degree of B. S. Shorter special courses are given iu stenography and typewriting and printing, and a special eight weeks' winter term in agriculture and the mechanic arts. BOARD OF [NSTRUCTION. Ajogelo C. Scott, M. A.. LL. M.. President; English Languagi , Lang. ( reorge W. Stevens, B. A.. Prin. Prep. Dept. ()>.ar M. Morris, I'.. 8., Uort. Miss May Overstreet, Asst. in Prep. !>>/>t. Maurice Mulvania, B. 8., Asst. in Zool. ami Vet. Sri. Arthur B. McReynolds, P.. &.,.Asst. sta. (In, ii. Adolph Shane, B. S., Asst.in Mt. and Tnstr. Printing. John S. Malone, B. 8., Asst. in Agr. George K. Howe. B. S., Asst.in Phys.and Math. Cora Miltimore, B. 8., Asst. Libr. I Ienrv M. I land, & C. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, StittwaU r. Department of Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College. STATION STAFF. John Fields, I'.. 8., Dir.; ('Im,,. L L. Lewis, M. 8., I>. V. M., Vet. F. c. Burtis, M. s.. Agr. Oscar M. Morris, Ii. 8., flat. Miss <■. M. \V. R. Shaw. I'll. I).. Bot. (ind Ent. A. r>. McReynolds, 1'.. S., Asst. Chem. J. s. Malone, B. 8., Asst. Agr. H. M. Hand. Clerk. Holt, Sim. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 55 Agricultural and Normal University, Langston. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: U. C. Guss (M), Guthrie; E. 0. Tyler {Sec), Kingfisher; C. W. Rambo (Treas.), Pawnee; L. W. Baxter, Edmond; Jefferson Taylor, Guthrie. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are six: Classical, leading to the degree of B. A.; scientific, leading to the degree of B. S. ; normal, leading to the degree of B. S. D. ; agricultural, leading to the degree of B. S. Agr. ; electrical and mechanical engineering, leading to the degree of B. M. E. ; civil architecture, leading to the degree of B. M. E. Each course requires four years for completion. There is also a three-year college prepara- tory course and a four-year normal elementary course. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Inman E. Page, M. A., President; Psychical and Moral Philosophy. Moses J. Johnson, B. A., Engl. Lang, and Mary L. McCrary, Domestic Econ. Lit. Wm. A. Jackson, B. A., Supt. of Mech. Wayne Manzilla, M. A., Math. Dept. A. B. Whitby, B. A., Natural Sri. Zelia N. Page, B. S. D., Instr. Music. B. D. Staley, Agr. Maria Williams, Matron. OREGON. Oregon State Agricultural College, Corvallis. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: J. K. Weatherford (Pres.), Albany; J. T. Apperson, Parkplace; John D. Daly (Sec), Corvallis; B. F. Irvine (Treas.), Corvallis; W. E. Yates, Cor- vallis; Gov. T. T. Gerr, Salem, F. I. Dunbar (Sec. State), Salem; T. H. Ackerman (State Supt. of Public Instruction), Salem; W. P. Keady, Portland; Benton Killin, Portland; J. M. Church, Lagrande; Jno. D. Ohvell, Central Point; B. G. Leedy, Tigard- ville. COURSES OF STUDY. There are four courses ot study, each leading to the degree of B. S. : Agriculture, four years; mechanical engineering, four years; household economy (for girls), four years, and pharmacy, four years. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Thos. M. Gatch, M. A., Ph. D., President; Mental and Moral Sciences. James Withycombe, V. S., Agr.; Dir. F. L. Kent, B. S. Agr., Asst. Agr. and Expt. Sla. Dairy Instr. F. Berchtold, M. A., Engl. Lang, and Lit. John F. Fulton, B. S. Agr., M. S., {Asst. ) Ellen J. Chamberlin, M. A., Lady Dean; ('hem. Hist., German, and Engl. C. M. McKellips, M. S., Ph. C, {Asst.) Grant A. Covell, M. E., Mech., Mech. Chem.; Lnstr. Pliar. Engin. and Phys. J. B. Horner, M. A., Litt. D., Latin and Ernest C. Hay ward, E. E., (Asst.) Mech., Hist. Mech. Engin. and Phys. Mrs. Ida B. Callahan, B. S., (Asst.) Engl. D. W. Prichard, Asst. in Woodwork. ■ Lang, and Lit. M. Clyde Phillips, B. M. E. , Asst. in Black- Gordon V. Skelton, C. E., Math, and Civil smithing. Engin. Margaret C. Snell, M. D., Household Econ. Chas. L.Johnson, B. S., (Asst. ) Math, and and Hygiene. Civil Engin. Mrs. Mary Avery, Asst. in Serving Dept. Wm. T. Shaw, M. S., Biol. 56 AGRICULTURAL 0OLLEGE8 AND EXPERIMENT stations. F. l; Lake, M. 8., Bot.and Hort. T. H.Crawford, M. A., Fnstr. Bookket ping George Coote, Flor. and Gard. and Clerk. F. D. MeLouth, B.S., Drawing. J. Bruce Patterson, B.A.,Phys. Dir. Helen V. Crawford, B. 8., Elocution. L. W. Oven, B. S., UJbr. Frank E. Edwards, B. M. E., Cadel Helen L. Holgate, Tnstr. Sten. and Type* Major, Mil. Sci. and Tactics; Asst.CJiem. writing. Oregon Experiment Station, ( 'orvattis. Department of Oregon state Agricultural College. STATION STAFF. James Withycombe, V. 8., Dir.; Agr. C. M.McKellips,M.S.,PH.C.,453<.Cftm. George Coote, Flor. and Gard. F. L. Kent, B. S. Agr., Asst. Agr. and A. B. Cordley, M. 8., Ent. Dairy. F. R. Lake. M. 8., Hort. and Bot. E. F. Pernot, Bart. A. L. Knisely, M. 8., Chem. T. H. Crawford, M. A., Clerk and Pur- Frank E. Edwards, I>. M. E., Asst. Chem. chasing Agent. Helen L. Holgate, Sten. PEXXSY LAAXIA. The Pennsylvania State College, State College. GOVERNING HOARD. Board of Trustees: J. A. Reaver (Pres.), Belief onte; G. W. Atherton {Sec.),Stati College; John Hamilton {Treas.) , State Co J lege; Gov. W. A. Stone, Harrisburg; W. W. Griest, Lancaster; Hiram Young, York; J. W. Latta, Harrisburg; T. J. Stewart, //. S., the diploma containing mention of the course 1 pursued. Provision is also made for post-graduate study, leading to advanced degrees, and for one year of preparatory work. BO \KI> OF INSTRUCTION. ( Seorge W. Atherton, LL. I)., President; Political and Social Science. William A. £uckhout,M.S.,.Bo<. and Hort. George Gilbert Fond, M. A., Ph. I)., I. Thornton Osmond. M. 8., M. A., PhyS. Chem. Louis F. Reber, M. s.. Mech, ",,,1 Mech. Henry Prentiss Armsby, Ph. D., Lecturer Engin. on Stock Feeding. William Frear, Fn. !>.. Agr. chun. Benjamin Gill, M. A., Greek and Latin. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 57 Helen Snyder, Ph. D., Dean of the Dept. Francis J. Pond, M. A., Ph. I)., (Asst.) for Women and Instr. in German. Assaying. John Price Jackson, B. S., M. E., Elect. A. Howry Espenshade, M. A., {Asst.) Engin. Engl, and Rhet. Fred E. Foss, B. S., M. A., Civil Engin. Herbert E. Dunkle, B. S., M. E., Instr. Joseph M. Willard, B. A., Math. Mech. Drawing. Fred Lewis Pattee, M. A., Engl. Lang. John A. Hunter, jr., B. S., M. E., Instr. and Lit. Mech. Engin. George C. Watson, B. Age., M. S., Agr. Walter J. Keith, M. A., Ph. D., Instr. Erwin W. Runkle, M. A., Ph. D., Psych. Organic Chem. and Ethics. Xorman Colman Riggs, M. S., Instr. Math. Harvey A. Surface, M. S., Zool. Xorman M. Trenholme, Ph. I)., Instr. Dillard H. Clark, Capt., U. S. A., Mil. Hist, and Pol it. Sri. Sci. and Tactics. Jesse Briggs Churchill, B. S., Instr. Indus. Marshman E. Wadsworth, Ph. D., Min- Chem. ing and Geol. Louis L. Ansart, B. S., Instr. Math. Joseph H. Tudor, C. E., M. S., (Assoc.) John Quincy Adams, B. L.,LL. B., Instr. Math. Rhet. and Orator)/. Charles L. Griffin, B. S., (Assoc.) Mach. Maurice J. Babb, Instr. Math. Design. ' T. I. Mairs, M. S., Asst. in Home Reading John H. Leete, B. A., (Assoc.) Math. Courses. George C. Butz, M. S., (Asst.) Hort. Harry P. Wood, B. S., Instr. Elect. Engin. Madison M. Garver, B. S., (Asst.) Phys. Miles A. Pond, Ph. B.,Asst. in Civil Engin. Franklin E.Tuttle. M. A., Ph.D., (Assst.) Harold B. Shattuck, B. S., Asst. in Ciml Anal. ('In hi. William Mason Towle, B. S., (Asst.) Pract. Mech. Carl D. Fehr, M. A., (Asst.) German. Anna E. Redifer, (Asst.) Indus. Art and Design. Harrv Hayward, B. S., (Asst.) Dairy Hush. Engin. "Arthurs. Shoffstall, B. 8., Asst. in Chem. Lab. Albert Miles Arney, B. S., Asst. in Elect. Engin. Lab. Augustus G. Ford, B. S., Asst. in Chem. Lab. Helen M. Bradley, Libr. Elton D. Walker, B. S. , ( Asst. ) Civil Engin . Clara Dayton Wyman, In Charge of Music. Nathaniel W. Shed, B. S., (Asst. ) Mining Anna Adams MacDonald, Asst. LJbr. and Metallurgy. W. Nelson Golden, Phys. Dir. Irving L. Foster, M. A., (Asst.) Romance William C. Patterson, Supt. of Grounds Lang. and Building*. The Pennsylvania State College Agricultural Experiment Station, State College. b Department of the Pennsylvania State College. STATION STAFF. H. P. Armsby, Ph. D., Dir. William Frear, Ph. D., V. Dir.; Chem. William A. Buckhout, M. S., Lot. George C. Butz, M. S., Hort. George C. Watson, M. S., Agr. Harry Hayward, B. S., Dairy Husb. William C. Patterson, Supt. Farm. Julia C. Gray, Sec. W. T. Carter, B. S. J. A. Fries, B. S., Asst. Chem. C. A. Browne, jr., M. A., Asst. Chem. C. W. Norris, Asst. Chem. Milton S. McDowell, Asst. Chem. M. H. Pingree, B. S., Asst. Chem. Nathan W. Buckhout, Asst. Chem. James P. Pillsbury, Asst. in Hort. A. K. Risser, Asst. in Agr. Felloiv in Agr. Chem. On leave. b Freight. 58 AGRICULTURAL C0LLEGE8 AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. PORTO RICO. Porto Rico Agricultural Experiment Station, Rio Piedras, near San Juan. Under the supervision of A. C. True, Director Office of Experiment Stations, United States Department of Agriculture. STATION STAFF. F. I*. Gardner, Special Agent in Charge. 0. W. Barrett, Ent. and Bot. James Mackinlay, Farm Foreman. RHODE ISIjAKD. Rhode Island College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Kingston. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Managers: Henry L. Greene (Pres.), River Point; Jesse V. B. Watson ( V. Pres.), Wakefield; C. II. Coggeshall (Clerk), Bristol; Melville Bull {Treas.), \< wport; Benj. A. Jackson, Providence. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are six: Agricultural, mechanical engineering, chemical, bio- logical, electrical engineering, and general science. Each requires four years for completion, and leads to the degree of B. S. A short winter course in agriculture, mechanics, and horticulture, with shop and laboratory work, together with a poultry school extending through six weeks, is given from November 1 to April 1. A pre- paratory department with two years' course for students from country schools, to prepare them for college courses. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. John II. Washburn, Ph. D., President; CJiemist. Homer J. Wheeler, Ph. D., Geol. John F. Knowles, B. S., Asst. Woodwork. Laurence T. Ilewes, I'll. J)., Math. . Fidred, B. S.. Tnstr. Drawing. l'olU. Sci. S. W. Sanderson, B. L., Tnstr. Engl. E. J. Watson, M. A., Lang. E. W. Kenyon. M. A., Tnstr. Engl, and Wm. F. Drake, B. S., Mech. Engin. J list. II. L. Merrow, M. A., Bot. George B. Knight. Tnstr. Mech. Cooper Curtice, I). V. S., M. D., Ph. D., Howland Burdick, B. S., Asst. in Agr. Animal Indus. M. II. Tyler, B. S.. Civil Engin. Virgil L. Leighton, Ph. D., Chem. Carroll Knowles. B. s., Asst. Tnstr. Mech. F. W. Card, M. S.. Hort. and Agr. Nathaniel Helme, Met. A. ('. Scott, B. s., Phys. <<„d Elect. L. II. Gage, B. A.. Sten. Thos. C. Rodman, Tnstr. Woodwork. Captain Tiberio Garcia Aloma, Asst. tnstr. John Barlow, M. \., '/<><>!. Spanish. A. A. Radtke, B. S., Tnstr. Phys. Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station, Kingston. Department of Rhode Island College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. STATION STAFF. II. .1. Wheeler. I'll. I>., Dir.; Chem. George E. Adams. B. s.. Asst. Field Expt. Fred W. Card, m. S., //or/. Alfred W. Bosworth, B. S., Asst. Chem. Cooper Curtice, D. \'. s., M. h., Biol.; L. I'. Sprague, Asst. Hort. Poultryman. Nathaniel Helme, Met. Burl L llariwell, M. 8., Asst. Chem. 8. Aline Nye. Sten. .las. W. Kellogg, B. s.. Asst. Chem. Mary G. Schermerhorn, Sten. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 59 SOUTH CAROLINA. Clemson Agricultural College, Clemson College. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: R. W. Simpson (Pres.) Pendleton; P. H. E. Sloan (Sec. and Treas.) Clemson College; I). K. Norris, Hickory Flat; M. L. Donaldson, Greenville; R. E. Bowen, Briggs; B. R. Tillman, Trenton; J. E. Bradley, Hunters; W. D. Evans, Cheraw; L. A. Sease, Leiriedale; J. E. Wannamaker, St. Matthews; A. T. Smythe, Charleston; C. S. Harris, Spartanburg; J. E. Tindal, Silver; J. H. Hardin, Chester. COURSES OF STUDY. There is one course of study offered in the freshman year, two in the sophomore, three in the junior and senior years — one in chemistry and agriculture, one in mechanics and engineering, and one in textile engineering. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Henry S. Hartzog, LL. D., President of College arid Director of the Experiment Station. M. B. Hardin, Chem. J. S. Newman, Agr. W. M. Riggs, Mech. C. M. Furman, B. A., Engl. W. S. Morrison, B. A., Hist. G. Shanklin, Commandant; Mil. Sri. and Tactics. P. T. Brodie, B. S., B. A., Math. J. V. Lewis, B. E., Geol. R. X. Brackett, B. A., {Asst.) Chem. C. B. Waller, B. A., (Asst.) Math. D. W. Daniel, (Asst.) Engl. C. C. Newman, Hort. C. M. Conner, B. S., Animal Husb. and Dairying. A. M. Redfearn, B. S., M. V.Jnstr. Physiol. J. 8. McLucas, B. A., M. A., (Asst.) Engl. R. E. Lee, Instr. Drawing and Mech. De- signing. F. S. Shiver, Ph. G., Asst. Chem. W. Johnson, Instr. Forge and Foundry. G. E. Nesom, B. S., D. V. M., Instr. Vet.Sci. C. O. Upton W. M. Riggs, B. S., E. and M. E., Instr. Elect; In Charge Elect. Lab. Albert Barnes, M. E., (Asst.) Mech. Lab. J. W. Gantt, Asst. Instr. Woodwork. E. M. Matthews, Tutor Drawing. S. W. Reaves, (Asst.) Math. T. W. Keitt, Asst. Engl. T. G. Poats, Instr. Phys. Chas. E. Chambliss, Ent. J. H. M. Beaty, Dir. Textile Dept. W. W. Klugh, Asst. Instr. Drawing. S. M. Martin, M. A., Tutor. C. S. Wright, Instr. Machine Shops. F. D. Frissell, Instr. Designing Textile Dept. E. P. Earle, jr., Asst. Instr. Forge and Foundry. J. H. Hook, Instr. Woodwork. L. C. Raiford, Instr. Dyeing and Organic Chem. H. H. Kyser, B. S., E. and M. E., (Asst.) Elect. A. S. Shealy, Asst. Vet. , Dairyman. South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Clemson College. Department of Clemson Agricultural College. a STATION STAFF. Henry S. Hartzog, LL. D., Dir. J. S. Newman, V. Dir.; Agr. M. B. Hardin, Chem. B. F. Robertson. B. S., Asst. Chem. F. S. Shiver, Ph. G., Asst. Chem. C. M. Conner, B. Agr., B. S., Asst. Agr. mid Dairyman. C. C. McDonnell, Asst. Chem. R. N. Brackett, Ph. D., Asst. Chem. D. H. Henry, B. S., Asst. Chem. C. C. Newman, Hort. Charles E. Chambliss, Ent., Bot. and Bad. G. E. Nesom, B. S., D. V. M., Vet. C. O. Upton, Dairyman. J. S. Pickett, Station Foreman. J. N. Hook, Sec. "Telegraph office, Clemson College; express and freight address, Calhoun. 60 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. The Colored Normal, Industrial, Agricultural, and Mechanical College of South Carolina, Orangeburg. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Gov. M. B. McSweeney (chair.), CblumMa; W. R. Lowman . Orangeburg; D.J. Bradham, clarendon; CD. Kortjohn, Orangeburg; W. K. Sligh, Newberry; A. G. Brice, Chester; J. \\ r . Floyd, Liberty £Rll. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study arc four in number and require four years each for comple- tion. The collegiate normal and industrial course, leading to the degree of P>. A.; the agricultural course, leading to the degree of B. Agr.; the mechanical course, leading to the degree of B. S.; and the preparatory course, leading up to the three above-named courses. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Thos. E. Miller, LL. D., President; Agriculturist, Director Industry. J. E. "Wallace, Engl. Lit., Pedag., and Julia A. McLain, Kindergarten and Asst. Moral Sci. in Engl. R. S. Wilkinson. M. A., Ph. D., Phys. Olive A. Sasportas, Asst. in Engl. and (Iwm. Otis C. Davenport, Engl. and Vocal Music. N. C. Xix, M. A., Math. S. M. Boston, $t*p& Ironwork and Painting. R. L. Douglass, M. A., /list, mid Polit. Sci. Wm. Gruber, Supt. Woodwork. .}. C. Whittaker, Math, and Mil. Sci. J. R. Steele, Supt. Brickwork. Alice B. McLeod, Phys. Sci. G. C. Williams, Supt. Farm. Louise B. Eordham, Drawmg and Art. M.Tucker, Asst. in Dairy. Anna M. Miller, Bookkeeping and Tape- 8. D. Crazier, Asst. in Surveying and Phys. limiting; College Accountant. E. F. Mikell, Iristr. Hand Music and Engl. Lillian Mack, Engl. C. C. Davis, Dressmaking and Plain Sewing. C. J. Gregg, Domestic Econ. and Matron. John Palmer, Engin. SOUTH DAKOTA. South Dakota Agricultural College, Brookings. GOVERNING BOARD. Regents of Education: Frederick A. Spafford (Pres.), Flandreau; I. D. Aldrich {Sec), Bigstone; I. W. Goodner, Pierre; M. F. Greeley, Gary; L. M. Hough, Sturgis; R. M. SloCUm, Mound City; R. A. LarSOD ($SC. and Accountant). COURSES OF sri'DY. About four-fifths of the regular four years' work leading to the B. 8. degree is the same for all. The remainder of the forty-three courses required are elective and must !>«• taken in some two departments of instruction. Regular two years' work in pharmacy is offered for the Ph. G. degree. A diploma is granted those completing the prescribed year's work in commercial science and steam engineering; and a cer- tificate to those completing the special quarter-year's work offered in agriculture, horticulture, dairying, and domestic science. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 61 BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. John William Heston, Pn. D., LL. D., President of the College and Acting Director of the Experiment station; Economic* and Sociology. George Lincoln Brown, Ph.D., Math, and Astron. Lucy Amelia Du Bois, B. A., Preceptress, Engl, and Latin. Frank Gregory Orr, Sec. and Registrar. Ada Bertha Caldwell, Indus. Art. Ellery Channing Chiicott, M. S., Agri. and Geol. Arthur Boone Crosier, Sten. and Commer- cial Sci. Elmer Kendall Eyerly, M. A., Engl. Lit. and Oratory. Alice Dynes Feuling, B. S., Domestic Sci. NelsEbbesen Hansen, M. &.,Hort.andFor. Robert Floyd Kerr, M. A., Libr. andDir. Home Reading ( burse. Hubert Berton Mathews, M. S., Phys. and Elect. Engin. Edward Lockhart Moore, B. S., D. V. S., Zool. and Vet. Mt d. Robert B. Forsee, Prin. Prep. Dept. Minnie McNamee, Music and Pints, ('al- lure. De Alton Saunders, M. A-, Bot. and Ent. James Henry Shepard, B. S., Cfiem. Halvor Christian Solberg, M. E., Mech. and Steam Engin. ' John Hersey Wheeler, B. A.. Modern Lang, and Dir. of Athletics. Bower Thomas Whitehead, B. S., Ph. C, Pharmacy. Austin Benjamin Crane, B. S., Asst. in Math. Albert Spencer Harding, M. A., Hist. Howard Hartman Hoy, B. S., Asst. in Meeli. Engin. Walter Strickland Thornber, M. S., Asst. in Hot. and Hort. Albert H. AVheaton, Asst. in Animal Husi and Dairy Sci. South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, Brookings. Department of South Dakota Agricultural Jollege. STATION STAFF. John W. Heston. M. A.. Ph. D., LL. I)., Acting Dir. E. C. Chiicott, M. S., V. Dir.; Ayr. Jas. H. Shepard, B. S., Clam. De Alton Saunders, M. A., Bot. X. E. Hansen, M. S., Hort. \Y. S. Thornber, Asst. Hort. A. B. Holm, B. S., Asst. in Soils. A. H. Wheaton, Asst. in Dairying R. F. Kerr, Libr. E. L. Moore, B. S., D. V.S., Animal Path. Frank G. Orr, Sec. R. A. Larson, Accountant. TEXXE8SEE, State Agricultural and Mechanical Colleg-e of tn*> Oniversity ot Tennessee, KnoxvUle. GOVERNING BGARD Board of Trustees: C. W. Dabney (Jhres.), KnoxvUle: James Maynard (Treas.), Kncjxuille; J. W. Gaut (Sec), KnoxvUle; Go\. Benton McMillin, Nashville; Secre- tary of State; Superintendent of Public Instruction; H. G. Kyle, RogersvUle; J. M. Boyd, 'KnoxvUle; J. W. Caldwell, KnoxvUle; Chalmers Deaderick, KnoxvUle; S. B. Luttrell, KnoxvUle; Samuel McKimiey, KnoxvUle; Hu L. McClung, KnoxvUle; James Park, KnoxvUle; E. J. Sanford, KnoxvUle; E. T. Sanford, KnoxvUle; F. A. R. Scott, KnoxvUle; O. P. Temple, KnoxvUle; Moses White, KnoxvUle; William Rule, Knox- vUle; Xenophon Wheeler, Chattanooga; J. B. Frazier, Chattanooga; W. C. Dismukes, 62 A.GBIOTJLTURAL 0OLLEGE8 AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Gallatin; Harris Brown Gallatin; T. R. Meyers, ShelbyviUe; Hu L. Craighead, Nash- ville; J. I). Killel.rew. Montgomery County; T. F. P. Allison, Nashville; Z. W.Ewing, Pulaski; J. I>. Porter, Paris; 6. F. Thomas, Brownsville; T. E. Harwood, Trenton; M. B. Trezevant, Memphis; J. M. Greer, Memphis. ( OUB8B8 OF STUDY. Tlie courses of study are seven: Literary course, scientific course, course in agri- culture, course in civil engineering, course in mechanical engineering, course in elec- trical engineering, chemical course, and pharmaceutical course. The degrees of B. A. and P>. s. are conferred. BOABD OF INSTRUCTION. ('has. YV. Dabney, Pu. D., LL. D., President of the University. W. W. Carson, C. E., M. E., Civil Engin. S. M. Bain, B. A., Bot. T. W. .Ionian, M. A., Latin. .las. I). Hoskins, M. A., B. L. Asst. Hist. C. E. Wait, C. E., M. E., Ph. D., F. C. 8., Charles A. Keffer, Hort. and For. Clu m. Thomas Dallam Morris, B. L., Bursar- A. M. Soule, B. S. k.jAgr. Registrar. C. II. Shannon, B. A., Ph. I)., {Asst.) John R. Fain, Foreman of Expt. Farm. Greek. Samuel E. Barnes, B. S., M. S. A., Stock J. Douglas Bruce, M. A., Ph. D., Engl. and Dairyman. C. D. Schmitt, M. A., Math. Charles G. Schenk, B. S., Asst. Chem. diaries A. Perkins, Ph. D., Phys. and Phares O.Vanatter, ForemanofPlatExpts. Elect. Engin. Florence Skeffington, Dean Woman's Charles \V. Turner, M. A., (Acting) Hist. Dept. and (Asst.) Engl. Joshua W. Caldwell, M. A., Lecturer on Moses Jacob, V. M. D., Instr. Vet. Sci. Constitutional Hist. Sabra W. Vought, Libr. Edward T. Sanford, M. A., LL. B., Lee- Charles Ansell Mooers, B. S., Lnstr. Age. tn, -er on Hist, of Tennessee. Chem. Henry J. Darnall, {Adjunct) Modern Weston M. Fulton, B. A., Lnstr. Met. Lang. Charles O. Hill, Asst. Chem., Lnstr. Chem. Andrew II. Nave, Captain, U. S. A.., Mil. and Pharmacy. Sci. and Tactics. John F. Voorhees, Instr. Phys. Culture. .1. R. McColl, B. &.,(Adjunct) Mech. Engin. Frank P>. Davant, Foreman Shops. Charles D. Ferris, B. S., (Asst.) Drawing. Ivor Livingston, Foreman Forge Shop. Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station, Knoxe'dle. Department <>!" the University of Tennessee. STATION staff. Andrew M . Soule. B. S. A., P. Die. and F. II. Broome, Libr. and Sec. Agr. .John R. Fain, Farm Manager. Charles A. Keffer, B. II., Hort. and For. Phares O. Vanatter, Plat Expert. C. A. Moo. i>. B. S.. Chem. Samuel E. Barnes, B. S., M. S. A., Dairy- S. M. Bain, B. A.. Bot man. Weston M. Fulton, \fet. Moses Jacob, V. M. D., Vet. Ethel Reese, Sten. TEXAS. State Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, College Station. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Directors: M. Sansom | Pres. ), Alvarado; F. A. Reichardt, Hnnsion: A.C. Oliver, Douglassville; Wm. Malone, Hunter; P. II. Tobin, Denison; A.P.Smyth, Mart; .John \Y. Kokernot, San Antonio; Jeff Johnson, Austin. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 63 COURSES OF STUDY. There are four regular courses of study: Agriculture, general science, mechanical engineering, and civil engineering. Each extends through four years and leads to the degree of B. S., the particular course being specified in the diploma. Special, elective, and graduate courses are also provided. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. R. H.Whitlock, M. E., H. H. Harrington, M. S., Chem. and Charles Puryear, M. A., C. E., Math. Mark Francis, I). V. M.. Yet. Sci. F. E. Giesecke, M. E., Drawing. J.C.Nagle,M. A., C. E., M. C. E. ; Engin. R. H. Price, B. S.,Hort. and Mycol. T. C. Bittle, M. A., Ph. D.,Lang. J. H. Council. M.S.,.Dj/-. C. W.Hutson,///W. F. P. Avery, Capt., U. S. A., MU. Commandant. R.F. Smith, {Assoc.) Math. P.S.Tilson,M.S. > {Assoc.)Chem. W.B. Philpott, M.S.. Engl. C. P. Fountain, (Assoc.) Engl. PredW.MaUy,M.S.,J^. Pres. pro tern.; Mechanical Engineering. Mm. A. L. Banks, B. A., M. S., (Assoc. ) Math. H.Ness,B.S.,#ort. D. W. Spence, B. S., C. E., Phys. C. E. Burgoon, B. M. E., (Asst.) Mech. Civil Engin. E. W. Kerr, B. S., {Asst.) Mech. Engin. C. H.Alvord, (Asst.) Agr. H. W. South, (Assoc.) Engl, and Hist. A. C. Gillespie, M. D., Surgeon. J. A. Baker, Sec. Sci.; J. G. Harrison, Bookkeeper. Bernard Sbisa, Steward. J. W. Carson, Farm Supt. B. C. Pittuck, Sta. Agr. A. C. Love, (Asst.) Braving. E.A.White, {Asst.) Hurt. W. J. Sowder, Genera' Asst. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, College Station. Department of the State Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. STATION STAFF. J. H.Connell.M.S..7)/r. H. H. Harrington, M. S.. Chem. M. Francis, D.V.M., Vet. R. H.Price, B.S., Hort. B.C. Pittuck, B.S. A.,. Agr. P. S. Tilson, Asst. Chem. K. K. Hooper, Chief CU rk. N. Fraenkel, Asst. Cliem. E. A. White, Asst. in Hort. J. W. Walden, B. S., Student Asst. in Hort. J. G. Harrison, Bookkeeper. J. J. Hooper, Sten. and Clerk. S. A. McHenry, Supt. State Sta. (Beerille). J. W. Carson, B. S. A., Supt. of Farm. UTAH. Agricultural College of Utah, Logan. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: W. S. McCornick (Pres.), Salt Lake City; P. W. Maughan (Sec), Logan; Allan M. Fleming (Treas.), Logan; Mrs. Emily S. Richards, Salt Lake City; D. C. Adams, Sal: Lake City; John A. McAlister, Logan; L. Hansen, Logan; Mrs. R. N. Bagley, Ogden; Seth A. Langton, Logan. COURSES OF STUDY. Three-yea. courses are offered in agriculture, domestic science, and commerce, each leading to a certificate of graduation; four-year courses are offered in agriculture, domestic science, commerce, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and general science, each leading to a degree, In addition, there are manual-training courses in (>4 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. domestic arts, three years, and mechanic arts, four years, each Leading to a certificate of graduation; an engineering preparatory course, two years, and a preparatory course, one year; also winter courses in agriculture, domestic arts, and mechanic arts. BOARD OF [NSTRUCTION. William Jasper Kerr. B. S., I >. Sc, President; Mathematics and Astronomy. Elias .1. MacEwan, M. A.. Sec. of Faculty; Engl. Lang, and Lit. John T. Caine, jr., B. S., Prin. Prep. DepL; Tnstr. Engl Frederick B. Linfield, B. S. A., Animal Sara Godwin Goodwin, Lib Indus. John A. Widtsoe, M. A., Ph. D., Dir. Expt. Sta.; Chem. Dalinda Cotey, B. S., Domestic Sci. Joseph Jenson, Dir. Workshops; Mech. Engin. John W. Paris, Qymmera . George L. Swendsen, B. 8., Civil Engin. ( !larence Snow, P>. 8., Phys. Ephraim G. Gowans, B. 8., M. !>., Ani- mal Biol. John Franklin Engle, M. A., Ph.D., Hist. and ( ivies. Karl R. Moench, Ph. D., Modern Lang. .lames Dryden, (Asst.) Met. and Animal Indus. Willard S. Langton, B. S., {Asst.) Moth. iiwl Astron. Ruth Evelyn Moench, Instr. Engl. and Phys. ( utture. August J. Hansen, Foreman in Carpentry. Julien P. Griffin, Foreman in Forging. John A. Crockett. Instr. Dairy Hush. William Peterson, B. S., Instr. dm/, mid Math. Peter W. Maughan, Instr. Penmanship. Samuel B. Mitton, Instr. Music Herbert W. Hill, B. L., Instr. Engl Rena Baker, Instr. Engl. Elvin Jensen Norton, PrivateSec. to Pres.} Instr. St,,,, mnl Typewriting. Lydia Holmgren, Asst. in I hum stir Arts. Edward Parley Pulley, Asst. in Mich. Engin. Rhoda B. Cook, Instr. Sewing and Milli- nery. Lewis A. Merrill, B. S., (Asst.) Agr. mnl Louise Richards, Instr. Drawing. Vet Sri. Edward W. Robinson, ( Law mi (I Geog. Peter A. Voder, M. A. Chem. Walter W. McLaughlin, B. S., Asst. in iSSt. I ( 'nm mi TCial Che in. Wm. D. Beers, B. S., Asst. Civil Engin.1 Ph. D., (Asst.) Instr Mil. Sri, mnl Tactics. James A. Wright, Instr. Hart. Agricultural Experiment Station, Logan. Department of the Agricultural College of Utah. STATION STAFF. John A. Widtsoe, Ph. I>., Dir.; clam. P. B. Linfield, B. S. A.. Animal Indus. James Dryden, Met. ami Poultry Manager. Geo. P. Swendsen, ( \ P., Hydraulic Engin. I.cw is A. Merrill, P>. 8., Agron. Ephraim < r. I rowans, M. D., Biol. John A. Crockett, Asst. Dairyman. P. A. Yoder, Ph. P., Asst. Chem. W. W. McLaughlin, Asst. Chem. James A. Wright, Hart. Allan M. Fleming, Treas. Peter W. Maughan, Sec. ('has. Batt, Foreman Hort. Grounds. J. P>. Nelson. Farm Foreman. VERMONT. TJuiversity of Vermont and State Agricultural College, Burlington. >VERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: M. IP Buckham (Pres.), Burlington; Gov. W. W. Stickney (ex officio), Montpelier; G. <>. Benedict (Sec.), Burlington; P. IP Powell (Treas.), 16& AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 65 College st., Burlington; H. H. Powers, Morrisville; J. H. Converse, Philadelphia, Pa.; T. E. Wales, Burlington; Elias Lyman, Burlington; Robert Roberts, Burlington; W. S. Webb, Shelburne; D. P. Kingsley, New York; B. F. Fifield, Montpelicr; N. W. Fisk, Isle La Motte; Redfield Proctor, Proctor; E. J. Ormsbee, Brandon; W. P. Dillingham, Montpelier; G. T. Chaffee, Rutland; H. C. Cleveland, Coventry; G. S. Fassett, Enos- burg; Cassius Peck, Burlington; R. J. Kimball, Randolph. COURSES OF STUDY. The four-year academical courses are seven in number: Classical, leading to the degree of B. A.; literary-scientific, leading to the degree of Ph. B. ; civil and sanitary engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical, and agricul- tural, leading to the degree of B. S., the particular course being specified in the diploma. A dairy-school course of four weeks' duration is carried on each winter. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. M. H. Buckham, D. D., LL. D., President; Political and Social Philosoplty. H. A. P. Torrey, LL. D., Dean Dept. Arts; ■ Intellectual and Moral Philos. G. H. Perkins, Ph. D., Dean Dept. Xat- ural Sci.; Natural Hist. J. L. Hills, B. S., Dean Dept. Agr.; Agr. Chem. a F. Tupper, jr., Pn. D., Rhet. and Engl. Lit. A. W. Slocum, M. A., Phys. G. E. Howes, Ph. D., Greek. F. A. Waugh, M. S., Hort. W. H. Freedman, C. E., E. E., Elect. Engin. H. A. Torrey, Ph. D., {Asst.) Chem. A. P. Butterfield, M. S., {Asst.) Math.; Engln. G. D. Brown, Ph. D., (Pro tern.) Rhet. and Engl. Lit. F. A. Rich, V. S., M. D., Vet. Med. James Eaton, Instr. Shopwork. a C. W. Doten, M. A., Instr. Elocution- Sec, and Registrar. Max W. Andrews, B. A., (Proiem.) Instr. Elocution; Sec. and Registrar. J. E. Goodrich, D. D., Latin. S. F. Emerson, Pn. D., Hist. N. F. Merrill, Ph. D., Chem. A. L. Daniels, D. Sc., Math. L. J. Huff, M. A., German. J. W. Votey, C. E., Dean Dept. Engine- Civil Engin. L. R. Jones, Ph. B., Bot. A. W. Ayer, B. S., Mech. Engin. E. C. Jacobs, B. 8., Mm. Charles E. Seaman, M. A., Polit. Econ. and Constitutional Law. H. A. Eaton, Ph. D., Instr. Engl, and German. H. K. Barrows, B. S., (Asst.) Civil Engin. Win. S. Hayes, B. A., Listr. French and Romance Lang. C. B. Griswold, B. S., Instr. Mech. Engin. Wilbur A. Coit, Pn. B., Instr. Math. Wilbur C. Sawyer, B. S., Instr. Drawing. G. G. Nay, Instr. Dairying. E. C. Child, Instr. Dairying. Duncan Stuart, B. S., Instr. Dairying. Edith E. Clarke, Ph. B., Libr. Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station, Burlington. Department of University of Vermont and State Agricultural College. STATION STAFF. I J. L. Hills, B. S., Dir. G. H. Perkins, Ph.D., Ent. 1 L. R. Jones, Ph. B., Bot. F. A. Waugh, M. S., Hort. F. A. Rich, V. S., M. D., Vet. Cassius Peck, Supt. Farm. C. H. Jones, B. S., Chem. B. O. White, Ph. B., Asst. Chem. W. J. Morse, B. S., Asst. Bot. E. S. Gregg, Dairyman. Mary A. Benson, Sten. E. H. Powell, Treas. » On leave. 15469— No. 111—02- 66 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES \M> EXPERIMENT STATIONS. VIRGINIA. Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College (Polytechnic Institute), Blacksburg. :i GOVERNING BOAKD. Board of Visitors: .1. W. Southall (Supt. of Public Instruction), Richmond; J. T. Brown, Brierfield; D. M. Cloyd, Dublin; B. R. Selden, Richmond; B. B. Brocken- brough, Tappahannock; J. F. Ryan, Areola; W. B. Robertson, Plasterco; J. S. Musgrave, Pinopolis; W. D. Hill, South Boston. COUBSES OF STUDY. The courses of study arc seven, each requiring four years for completion, and lead- ing to the degree of B. S.: Agricultural course, horticultural course, applied chem- istry course, general science course, civil engineering course, mechanical engineering course, an.. England Hist. C. E. Vawter, jr.. B. B., Math, and Phys. .1. R. Parrott, i Adjunct I Woodwork and Dir. Shops. \Y. D. Saunders, (Asst.) Dairy Busb. and Supt. ( rearm ry. G. W. Walker, M. A., (Ass/. | Math., Engl. } and Latin. W.G.Conner, M. E., (Asst.) MachineWork. W. II. RaSChe, | ASSI. ) Pruning. b J. S. A. Johnson, M. E., (Asst.) Engin. mi'/ Mil. Sci. and Tactics and Comman- dant of ( 'adets. of the College and Director of the Experimt nf Ion. John Spencer, D. V. s., (Asst.) Vet. Sci. F. D. Wilson, M. S., Ph. D., (Asst ) J//"/,., Geol., and Anal. ('hem. H. L. Price, M. S., {Asst.) Hurt. J. .M. Johnson, Tnstr. Forgeand Foundry. A. \Y. Drinkard, M. S., &C; Zrafr. En^Z. and Hist. C. Lee, B. S., Tnstr. Elect. Engin. Arthur P. Spencer, Tnstr. Animal Husb. J. A. Waddell, B. S., Inst. Math, and Sur- veying ami tsi Asst. Commandant of Cadets. S. B. Andrews, Tnstr. Machine Work. M. YV. Davidson, B. S., Asst. in French ami Woodwork. J. M. Micks. B.S., Asst. in Math. and Engl. and .'d Asst. Commandant of < ad, Is. A. II. Fleet, B. S., Asst. in Math. J. II. Gwathmey, F>. s., Asst. in Foundry Work. II. N. Faulkner, Asst. in Forge Work. C. I. Wade, Treas. W. If. Brodie, TAbr. J. P. Harvey, Musical Dir. II. S. Peyton, Farm Manager. » Express and freight address, Christianeiburg Depot. '•(Mi leave. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 67 Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, BlacksburgS Department of Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute. STATION STAFF. J. M. McBryde, Ph. D. W. B. Alwood, V. Dir. Myc. E. A. Smyth, jr., M. A D. 0. Nourse, B. S., Agr. R. J. Davidson, M. A., Chem LL. D., Dir. Hort., Ent., and Biol H. L. Price, B. S., Asst. Hort. E. P. Niles, D. V. ML, Vet. John Spencer, V. S., Asst. Vet. J. H. Gibboney, Asst. Chem. J. B. Huffard, Asst. Chem. C. I. Wade, Treas. The Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, Hampton. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: R. C. Ogden (Pres.), New York City; Thomas Tabb (V. Pres.), Hampton; H. B. Frissell (Sec), Hampton; Alexander McKenzie, Cambridge, Mass.; G. F. Peabody, New York City; C. H. Parkhurst, New York City; W. N. McVickar, Providence, P. I; F. G. Peabody, Cambridge, Mass.; D. H. Greer, New York City; C. E. Bigelow, New York City; A. C. James, New York City; W. J. Schieffelin, New York City; L. L. Lewis, Richmond; Alexander Purves, Hampton; W. W. Frazier, Philadelphia; J. W. Cooper, New Britain, Conn.; A. M. Huntington, New York City. State Curators: N. W. Nock, Onancock; I. H. Christian, WUkox Wharf; F. F. Causey, Hampton; Geo. A. Melvin, Portsmouth; J. C. Carter, Houston; W. P. Burwell, Richmond. COURSES OF STUDY. The academic course of study requires three years for completion, and a diploma is given on graduation. There are also trade and agricultural courses for undergrad- I uates, requiring three years. The post-graduate courses are: Agriculture, three j years; trades, three years; normal two years, and business, one year. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. H. B. Frissell, D. D., LL. D. : H. B. Turner, Chaplain; Bible Lessons. Alex. Purves, Treas. Albert Howe, Su.pt. of Indus. F. C. Briggs, Business Agt. Martha M. Waldron, M. D., Resident Phy- sician. Elizabeth Hyde, Lady Prin. and In Charge Academic Depl. Frank K. Rogers, Dir. Armstrong and s Infer Memorial Trade School. Robt, R. Moton, Commandant of Cadets. Mary Herbert Adair, In Charge Whittier Training School. C. Augusta Adams, Engl, and Lit. Bernette Bacheler, Cooking. W. F. Baker, Asst. Metal Worker. Principal; Mental Philosophy. Frances A. Baldwin, Night School at Hem- enway Farm. Harris Barrett, Bookkeeping. Lavinia A. Bess, Grade II, Whittier. Ada Bradley, Kindergarten, Whittier. Mary B. Briggs, Lit. Wm. L. Brown, Bookkeeping. Mrs. Cora R. Brunson, Lacemaking for In- dian Girls. Geo. W. Buck, Carpentry. C. Frances Butler, Hist, and Engl. Eva B. Carper, Grade IV, Whittier. Alice R. Carter, Hist, and Bible. A. Louise Cleaveland, Engl, and Elemen- tary Sci. Bessie Cleaveland, Singing. 'Express and freight address, Christiansburg Depot. 68 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Le Roy C. Cooley, Civil Government and Econ. Etoesa B. Cooley, Sci. } Engl., and Bible. Jessie Coope, Gymnastics. J. W. Cro^v, Shoemdkmg. C. II. IV Yarmette, Metal Work. C. I Mm, 'an, BlacksmWiing. E. F. Forbes, Woodworking. J. K. Foster, . I**/, m Blacksmithing. Dora Freeman, />//,/,■ ///*/., Lit., and United States Hist. W. II. Gaddis, Harness Making. M. Jennie Garrison, GVade F, Whittier. ('has. L. Goodrich, /// ChargeqfAgr.Dept. Ann M. Goodrich, Geog.^ Engl., Arith., and IIi»t. Louise M. Goodrich, Engl., Geog., Arith., and EU mentary Sci. Ethel Gowans, Elementary Sci., Engl., Arith., and . House, Engl., Arith., Geog., and SUM. Addie Jayne, Engl., Arith., Geog., and Elementary Sci. W. II. Jett, Asst. in Harness Making. J. II. Jinks, Manual Training. Mrs. J. H. Jinks, Sewing and Cooking at Whittier. Emma Johnston, Math. O. Keller, AsSt. in Tailoring. J. F. La Crosse, Painting and Upholstering. D. R. Lewis, Mech. Drawing and Geometry. Flora F. Low, Arith., Hist., and Geog. C. M. Ludwig, Tailoring. Mrs. N. s. McGninn, Gradt I. Whittier. L. R. Miner, Drawing. Mary W. Nettleton, d">g. W. II. Parker, Machinist Work. Lucy A. Pratt, Gymnastics, Whittier. Florence Price, Gradi I, Whittier. Mrs. Mattie B. Robinson, Grade III, Whif- ti< r. S. J. Scott, Win i lurighting. Arthur T. Seymour, Phys. Susan Showers, Geog. and BibU Hist. E. M. Slater, Laundry Work. Clara M. Snow, Bible IHxt. E. II. Spennie, Wood Turning and Bench Work. Helen C. Sutherland, \Y. S. Sweetser, Agr. EllaR. Taylor, Arith. tary Sci. Amy Treadwell, Engl. Elementary Sci. Margaret W. Twitchell, Laundry Work. John Urquhart, Asst. in Machinist Work. Adelaide W. Vernon, Ardh. } Engl., and Eli mjsntary Sci. May Belle Warner, Arith., Engl., and Ele- na ntary Sci. Allan Washington, Asst. Commandant of ( adets. W. A. Webster, Bricklaying and Plastering. Jessie A. Wier, In Cliarge of Sewing and Dressmaking. Mary Williams, Asst. Libr. Julia F. Winter, Droning, Elementary Sci., Geog., Engl., and Arith. Jane S. Worcester, Hist., Geog., Engl., and Bible. ( 'coking. Engl., and Elemen- Geog., and Arith WASHINGTON. Washington Agricultural College and School of Science, Pullman. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: F. J. Barnard, Seattle; K, C. McCroskey, Garfield; II. W. Can- field, Colfax; J. W. Stearns (Ireas.), Tekoa; H. D. Crow, Spokane. ( OURSES OK STUDY. Courses of study are offered in the following lines: Mathematics, civil engineering, mining engineering, chemistry, botany and /oology, agriculture, horticulture, English language and literature, economic science and history, electrical engineering, steam engineering, hydraulic engineering, military science and tactics, modern languages, and supplemental courses in Latin, physics, dairying, pharmacy, veterinary science, farming, and artisan work. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 69 BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. E. A. Bryan, M. A., President of the College and Director of the Experiment Station; History and Political Scienct . Charles V. Piper. M. S., Bot. and Zool. George H. Watt. B. S., Ph. C, Pharm. Osmar L. Waller, Ph. M., Math, and Civil Engin. Elton Fulmer, M. A., Chem. S. W. Fletcher, Ph. D., Hurt. S. B. Nelson, D. V. M., Vet. Sci. C. A. Barry, Modern Lung. W. J. Roberts, M. A., {Assoc.) Math, and Civil Engi/t. S. H. Webster, B. A.. Prin. of School of Business. Albert E. Egge, Ph. D., Engl. Lit Solon Shedd, B. A., Geol. and A/7,,. E. J. Frost, M. E.. {Asst) Meclt. Engin. W. G. Beach, M. A., (Assoc.) Boon. Set and Hist. E. E. Elliott, M. S., Agr. R. E. Snodgraas, (Asst.) Ent. Iff. B. Lamb, Instr. Vet. Sci. S. C. Roberts. Lab. Asst. ,'„ Phys. Wm. S. Thyng, E. M., {Asst.) Mining. J. A. Mitchell, Instr. Engl. E. A. Snow, Instr. Engl. ("apt. John Kinzie, U. S. A.. Mil. Sri. and Tactics. Charles Beardsley, Instr. Econ, Sci. R. W. Thatcher, B. S., Asst. in Chem. H. S. Davis. Instr. Zool. F. F. Flanders, Lab. Asst. in Chem. David A. Brodie, B. S., Supt. PuyaUup St a. Charlotte X. Mallotte, B. A., {Asst. | Latin. Cleo B. Corner, B. S.. Asst Chem. D. C. Eccles. Instr. Chem. Stanley E. Piper, Museum Asst. C. L. Barns, D. V. M., Instr. Vet. Sci. ■ R. Kent Beattie, M. A., Instr. Bot. D. A. MacCracken, Instr. School of Busi- ness. William Hansen, Instr. Shop Pract. H. C. Sampson, B. A., Prin. Prep. Dept. L. A. Robinson, Instr. Prep. Dept. II. V. Carpenter, M. S., [Asst.) Mech. Engin. Mrs. Annie Erenden, Instr. Music. W. F. Woodward, Instr. Art. J. F. Nelson, Instr. Modern Long. J. L. Harris, Instr. Dairying. E. X. Hutchinson, Lecturer. C. L. Smith, Lecturer. W. B. Strong, Instr. Band and Orchestra. Mrs. Nancy L. Van Doren, Preceptress. Gertrude Saxton, IAbr. Ollie Downs, Sec. Loring V. Corner, B. S., Registrar and Sec. of Faculty. W. M. Porter, Accountant. Virginia Mcintosh, Sten. Geo. C. Grimes, Janitor. Washing-ton Agricultural Experiment Station, Pullman. Department of Washington Agricultural College and School of Science. E. A. Bryan. M. A., Dir. E. E. Elliott, M. S., Agr. Chas. V. Piper, M. S., Bot and Zool S. W. Fletcher. Hort. Elton Fulmer. M. A.. Chem, Solus B. Xelson, D. V. M., Vet. STATION STAFF. H. S. Davis. Asst. Zool. R. E. Snodgrass. Asst Ent. R. W. Thatcher, B. S., Asst. Chem. David A. Brodie, B. S., Supt. PuyaUup Station. R. Kent Beattie, M. A., Asst. Bot. 0. L. Waller, Irrig. Engin. J. S. Cotton, Asst Cooperative Range Expts. WEST VIRGINIA. West Virginia University, Morgantown. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: E. M. Grant, Morgantown; C. E. Haworth, Huntington ; J. W. Hale, Princeton; C. M. Babb, Falls; J. R. Trotter, Buchhannon; D. C. Gallaher, Charleston; J. B. Finley, Parkersburg; C. D. Oldham, Moundsville; W. J. W. Cow- den, Wheeling. 70 A.GBICULTUBAL COLLEGE8 AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. COl EtSES OF STUDY. The four-year courses with degrees arc: All courses leading to general culture, B. A.: course in mechanical engineering, B. B. M. E.; course in civil engineering, B. S. C. K.: scientific course in agriculture, B. 8. Agr., and the law course, LL. B. The two-year courses are: The two-year certificate law course, not leading to any degree, and the short course in practical agriculture, leading to the degree 1 of B. Agr. Pre- paratory, graduate, music, art, and special courses are also offered. BOARD ok INSTRUCTION. I). B. Purinton, Ph. D., LL. Okey Johnson, M. A.. LL. B., Dean Lair ( ollege. Thomas Clark Atkesou, Ph. D., Dean Agr. < 'ollege; Agr. James 11. Stewart, M. A.. Dir. Agr. Expt. Sta. Waitman Barbe, M. A., Asst. t<> Pres.and Registrar. V. B. Reynolds, 1 >. D., Econ. ami Chap- lain. St. George T. Brooke, LL. I>.. Common ami Statute Law. \Vm. P. Willey, M. A., Equity, Jurispru- mimr- cial School. Rufus West, Asst. in Mech. Engin. Grace Martin Snee, B. M., (.I.s-.s7. i Piano. Daniel Webster Ohern, M. A.. Tnstr. < • r< | /,-. Thos. . M. Willis, Prin. Commercial School. Ross Spence, Tnstr. Stringed Tnstruments. Benj. G. Printz, Tnstr. Phys. Culture ami Dir. af Gymnasium. Lloyd Lowndes Friend, B. A.. Tnstr. Engl. Bertha Browning, B. A.. Asst. in Prep. School. s. c. Smith, B. A., Asst. iii Rhetoric. Eliza .1. Skinner, TAbr. W. W . Smith, Asst. in TAbr. \niia B. White. B. A., Asst. iii TAbr. Albert Jackson Collott, Srr. In I>res. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 71 "West Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, Morgantown. Department of West Virginia University. STATION STAFF. J. H. Stewart. M. A.. Dir.; Agr. C. D. Howard, B. S., Asst. ('hem. A. D. Hopkins, Pn. D., V.JHr.; Eat. Frank B. Kunst, ?d Asst. diem. Bert H. Hite. M. S., Chem. Horace Atwood, M. >.. Asst. Agr. K. C. Davis, Ph. D., Hort. John Wallace, Sten. and Clerk. Gilbert M. John, Asst Hort. M. A. Stew art. IAbr. W. E. Ramsey. B. S. A.. Asst. Ent. W. J. White. Auditor. A. R. Whitehill, Ph. D., Treas. The West Virginia Colored Institute, Institute. Board of Regents: C. B. Scott (Pres.), Bethany; C. H. Payne (Sec.), Huntington; J. M. Hazlewood (Treas.), Charleston; Thos. C. Miller. Charleston; B. L. Butcher, Fairmont; B. S. Morgan, Charleston; Joseph Gray, Elizabeth. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are: Agricultural, requiring four years for completion; mechanical, normal, and academic. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. J. McHenry Jones. President. J. H. Hill, Commandant of Cad Mrs. E. L. Hill. Matron. Byrd Prillerman, Eng. Lang. W. A. Spriggs, Carpentry. J. M. Canty, jr.. Mech. and Merit. Drawing. S. D. Brown, Printing. C. E. Jones. Natural Sci. Jean Madison. Sewing. J. C. Gilmer, Math, ami Latin. Mary Eubank. Assist. Mrs. E. M. Jones, Music. A. W. Curtis, Agr. R. W. James, Asst. Agr. WISCONSIN. College of Agriculture of the University of Wisconsin, Madison. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: J. H. Stout (Pres.), Menomonie; State Superintendent of Instruction, Madison; President of University, Madison; H. C. Taylor, OrfordviUe; Edward Evans, La Crosse; James C. Kerwin, Neenah; Wm. F. Vilas, Madison; B. J. Stevens (V. Pres.). Madison; Aim ah J. Frisby, Milwaukee; E.A.Edmonds, Oconto Falls; Arthur J. Puis. Milwaukee; Geo. F. Merrill. Ashland; D. T. Parker, Fennimore; Arthur M. Pereles. Milwaukee; Maj. C. Mead, Plymouth; E. F. Riley (Sec. ), Madison. COURSES OF STUDY. The long course requires four years, leading to the degree of B. S. Agr. The short course covers two terms of fourteen weeks each. The winter dairy course lasts twelve weeks, and requires for admission five months' previous training in a creamery or cheese factory. A summer dairy course is offered this year for the first time. Students will be admitted without previous factory training, and may remain the whole sea>' >n. A limited number only will be accepted. To secure a dairy certificate the student must have two seasons' actual practice in a factory, one of which must follow his work at the dairy school. If all work is satisfactory, as reported on blanks and found by inspection, a dairy certificate is granted. 72 A(iKK ILTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS.^ HOARD OF INSTRUCTION. E. A. Birge, Ph. D., D. Be., Acting President of the University W. A. Henry, B. Ack.. Dam; Agr. S. M. Babcock, Ph. D., Asst. Dir. and Chief Chem. A. R. Whitaon, B. 8., Agr. Pkys. E. S. Goff, Hart, and Earn. Ent. II. L. Russell, Ph. I>., Bad. E. II. Earrington, M. S., Dairy Ilusb. F. W. Woll, M. S., Chem. W. L. Carlyle, B. S. A., Animal Hash. T. F. McConnell, jr., Instr. in Animal Hush. F. J. Wells, Jstf. ^4<7?\ Phys. (i. McKerrow, >>'"/>/. Farmers' Institutes. R. A. Moore, (Jwtf. to Dean) in Charge Short Course. U. S. Baer, Cheese Mah r. C. I. King, Instr. Pract. Mr},. A. Vivian, Ph. G., (Asst.) Chem. W. A. Scott, Ph. D., Econ. Agr. F. Cranefield, Instr. Hort. John AlcCready, Instr. Milk Toting. J. H. Godfrey, Instr. Butterworker. Wallace E. Kirkham, Instr. /Separator. R. D. Weaver, Instr. Separator. Fred. Sargent, Instr. Cheese Making. William Verthein, Instr. Pasteurizing. P. A. Dukleth, Instr. Farm Dairying. Chas. A. Nicolaus, Asst. Instr. Farm Dairying. Hugh Nisbet, Instr. Cheese Making. G. H. Benkendorf, Instr. Dairy Machinery. Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Department of the University of Wisconsin. STATION STAFF. W. A. Henry, B. Agr., Dir. S. M. Babcock, Ph. D., Asst. Dir. and Chief Chem. A. R. Whitson, B. S., Agr. Phys. E. S. Goff, Hort. Frederic Cranefield, Asst. in Hort. E. H. Farrington, aI. S., Dairy Husb. U. S. Baer, Cheese Miking. W. L. Carlyle, B. S. A., Animal Hash. T. F. McConnell, jr., Asst. Animal Hush. H. L. Russell, Ph. D., Bact. John F. Nicholson, Asst. Bad. F. W. Woll, M. 8., Chem. Roscoe H. Shaw, Acting Clam. Alfred Vivian, Asst. Chem. R. A. Moore, Asst. Agr. F. J. Wells, Asst. Agr. Phys. Leslie H. Adams, Farm Supt. Ida Herfurth, Cl< rk. Daisv G. Beecroft, Libr. and Sten WYOMING. College of Agriculture of the University of Wyoming, Laramie. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Otto Gramm (Pres.), Laramie; T. F. Burke (V. Pres.), Chey mne; Grace \[. Helianl ( s, ,-. i, i'lnijenne; J. C. Davis (Treas.), Rawlins; A. C. Jones, Laramie; 8. Conant Parks, Lander; J. A. Beckwith, Evanston; II. L.Stevens, Laramie; Mortimer Jesurun, Douglas; T. T. Tynan {State Supt. of Public Instruction), Cheyenne; E. E. Smiley, (Pres. University), Laramie. COURSES OF STUDY. The course of study in the department of agriculture requires four years for com- pletion and leads t<» the degree <»!' B. Agr. Also one and two years' courses. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 73 BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. E. E. Smiley, D. D. , President of the University and Director of the Experiment Station. Aven Nelson, M. S., M. A., Biol. Chas. A. Adams,M. A., Engl. Lang, ami Lit. Henry Merz, M. A., German and Social Sci. W. F. Gilkison, B. S., M. E., Mech. I. M. Morse, M. A., French and Hist. J. E. Downey, M. A., Instr. Engl. Frank E. Emery, M. S., Agr. and Hort. J. F. McClelland, E. M., Asst. in Geol. C. B. Ridgaway, M. A., Math and Phys. F. H. H. Roberts, B. Ped., M. A., Asst. E. E. Slosson, M. S., Chem. in Math. W. C. Knight, M. A., Ph. D., Geol. W. B. Carhart, Instr. Bookkeeping. Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, Laramie. Department of the University of Wyoming. STATION STAFF. E. E. Smiley, D. D., Dir. W. C. Knight, M. A., Ph. D., Geol. Frank E. Emery, M. S., V. Dir.; Agr. and C. B. Ridgaway, M. A., Phys. and Math. Hort. Grace R. Hebard, M. A., Ph.D., Sec. Aven Nelson, M. S., M. A., Bot. Burton P. Fleming, B. S., Irrig. E. E. Slosson, M. S., Chem. Elias E. Nelson, M. A., Hort. and Agros. STATION PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED BY THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS DURING 1901. l ALABAMA COLLEGE STATION. Publication. Title. Author. 1900. Bulletin no Bulletin ill Bulk-tin 112 Annual Report . . Index, Vol. VIII 1901. Bulletin 113 Bulletin 114 Bulletin 115 Bulletin 116 Grapes Corn Culture ( Orchard Notes Thirteenth Annual Report. 1900 Index to Bulletins 108-112, Thirteenth Annual Report. Cooperative Experiments with Cotton in 1899-1900. Feeding Experiments with Dairy Cows Commercial Fertilizers Texas or Acclimation Fever F.S. Earle and C. F. Austin. .1. F. Duggar. F.s. Earle. J. F. Duggar. J. F. Duggar and R.W. Clark. J.T. Anderson. C. A.Cary. ALABAMA TUSKEGEE STATION. L901. Bulletin 4 Some Cercosporse of Macon County, Ala G.W.Carver. ARIZONA STATION. 1900. Annual Report 1901. Bulletin 86 j Bulletin 37 Bulletin 38 Bulletin 89 Annual Report Eleventh Annual Report, 1900 Experimental Work with Sugar Beets during 1900. Winter Irrigation of Deciduous Orchards Timely Hints for Fanners Dairy Herd Records Twelfth Annual Report, 1901 R.H.Forbes. A.J. McOlatehie. C. II. True. ARKANSAS STATION. 1900 Bulletin 62 .. Bulletin 68 .. Bulletin r,l wheat Experiments The Relative Susceptibility of the Domestic Animals to the Contagia Of Human and Bo- vine Tuberculosis. . Notes on Celery Bulletin 65 Pig Feeding Experiments \nnual Report Thirteenth Annual Report, 1900. L901. Bulletin 66 Oal Experiments C. L. Newman. K. R. Dinwiddie. F.Walker. R.L. Bennett. C. L. Newman. • A list of publications Issued by the stations prior t<> January l. 1892, was published in the Expert-* ment Station Record, Vol. Ill, p. 937; and lists of those issued in subsequent years in the following bulletins of the Office of Experiment stations: L892and 1893, Bulletin 19. p. 61; L894, Bulletin 23, p.68j 1895, Bulletin 27, p. 69; L896. Bulletin 39, p. 68; L897, Bulletin I7,p.57; L898, Bulletin 59, p. 74; L899, Bul- letin 74, p. 79, and 1900, Bulletin 88, p. B9. \ list of the publications Issued by the stations from 1875 to 1899 was published In Bulletin 80, p. 512, of the Office of Experiment stations. 74 STATION PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING 1901. CALIFORNIA STATION. 75 Publication. Title. Author. 1900. Exchange Seed - List, No. 5. 1901. Bulletin 131 Bulletin 132 Bulletin 133 Bulletin 131 Bulletin 135 Bulletin 136 Bulletin 137 . . Seed Bulletin. Exchange Seed-List The Phylloxera of the Vine Feeding of Farm Animals Tolerance of Alkali by Various Cultures Report on Condition of Vineyards in Portions of Santa Clara Valley. The Potato-Worm in California Erinose of the Vine Pickling Ripe and Green Olives Distribution of Seeds and Plants COLORADO STATION. \V. A. Setchell and J. B. Davy. F. T. Bioletti. M. E. Jaffa and L. Anderson. R. H. Loughridge. F. T. Bioletti and E. H. Twight. W. T. Clarke. F. T. Bioletti and E. H. Twight. F.T. Bioletti. E. J.Wickson and J. B. Davy. 1900. Bulletin 55 . . . Bulletin 59 . . Bulletin 60 Bulletin 61 Forests and Snow Investigation of the Great Plains: Field Notes from Trips in Eastern Colorado. Bush Fruits, including Gooseberries, Raspber- ries, Blackberries, Dewberries. Brom us inermis ; Annual Report Thirteenth Annual Report, 1900 1901. Bulletin 62 Cantaloupes Bulletin 63 Sugar Beets. A resume of the Work Done by the Agricultural Experiment Station of Colo- rado. Bulletin 64 Press Bulletins Nos. 1-11 L. G. Carpenter. J. E. Payne. C. H. Potter. F. L. Watrous, H. H. Griffin, and J.E. Payne. H.H. Griffin. W. P. Headden. CONNECTICUT STATE STATION. 1900. Annual Report Annual Report Annual Report . 1901. Bulletin 132 Bulletin 133 .. . Bulletin 134 . . . . Bulletin 135 Annual Report Annual Report, 1900— Part II . Annual Report. 1900— Part III Annual Report, 1900— Part IV Condimental and Medicinal Cattle and Poul- try Foods. Commercial Feeding Stuffs in the Connecticut Market. The New Law Concerning Insect Pests The San Jose Scale Insect: Its Appearance and Spread in Connecticut. Annual Report, 1901— Part I A. L. Winton et al. W. E. Britton. Do. CONNECTICUT STORRS STATION. 1899. Annual Report 1900. Supplement to Report for 1900. 1901. Bulletin 22 . . Twelfth Annual Report, 1899 Publications of the Storrs Station since its Or- ganization in 1888. The Soy Bean as a Forage and Seed Crop C. S. Phelps. DELAWARE STATION. 1900. Annual Report Twelfth Annual Report, 1900 1901. Bulletin 50 Directions for Treatment of Insect Pests and E. D. Sanderson and F. D. Plant Diseases. Chester. Bulletin 51 j Pedigreed Sorghum as a Source of Cane Sugar. . A. T. Neale. Bulletin 52 1 Pear Blight and Pear Canker F. D. Chester. 76 STATION PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING 1901. FLORIDA STATION. Publication. Title. Author. 1900. Annual Report 1901. Rullrtin 56 \nnual Reports, 1899 and 1900 The Cottony Cushion Scale H. A. Gossard. Bulletin •")? H. H. Hume. Bulletin 58 Do. GEORGIA STATION. 1900. Bulletin 51 Corn Culture R. J. Redding. Annual Report I'.hh. Bulletin 52 Thirteenth Annual Report, 1900 1 Cotton Culture Do. IDAHO STATION. 1901. Bulletin 25 The Composition of Arsenical Insecticides Crude Petroleum. The Elm Louse. The Pear- Leaf Blister Mite. Mushrooms or Toadstools: A Natural Food Product. Some Idaho Soils s. Avery. J. M. Aldrich. Bulletin 26 Bulletin 27 L. F. Henderson. Bulletin 28 H. T. Beans. Bulletin 29 Report of the Director for the Two Years End- ing June 30, 1900. Meteorological Records J. E. Bonebright. ILLINOIS STATION. 1900. Annual Report 1901. Bulletin 61 Thirteenth Annual Report, 1900 The Farmer's Vegetable Garden J. W. Lloyd. E. Davenport. A.D.Shamel. Do. Bulletin 62 The Market Classes of Horses Bulletin 63 Bulletin 64 Seed Corn and Some Standard Varieties for Illinois. Treatment of Oats for Smut Bulletin ti5 Construction and Care of Earth Roads I.O.Baker. INDIANA STATION. 1900. Bulletin 84 Growing Lettuce with Chemical Fertilizers Chrysanthemum Rust On the Amount of Water in Slop-Fed Fatten- ing Pigs. Thirteenth Annual Report 1900... W. Stuart. Bulletin 85 .. J.C.Arthur. Bulletin 86 .. C. S. Plumb and H. E. Van Annual Report 1901. Bulletin 87 Norman. Formalin as a Preventive of Oat Smut W.Stuart. Bulletin 88 Bulletin 89 Systems of Cropping with and without Fertili- zation. The Source of Milk Supply for Towns and Cities. \Y. 0. Latta and .1. H. skin- ner. C.S. Plumb. IOWA STATION. L901. Bulletin 54 Bulletin 56 and F. Lamson-Scrihner. Bulletin 56 Pastures and Meadows of Iowa Experiments in Curing cheese Bulletin .">7 and F. Lamson-Scrilmer. G. L. McKay. Bulletin 58 Parturient 1'aralysis ami the Schmidt Treat- ment. List of Bulletins published by the Iowa Exper- iment Station. a Bacteriological Study of the College Cream- ery Milk Supply, a Case of Putrid Butter. Purification Oi Milk by the Centrifugal Sepa- rator. J.J. Repp. C. H. Eckles. Bulletin 59 C. H. Eckles and S. E. Barnes. STATION PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING 1901. KANSAS 8TATION. 77 Publication. 1901. Bulletin 100 .. Title. Author. Soy Beans in Kansas in 1900 H. M. Cottrell, D. H. Otis, and J.G. Haney. Bulletin 101 Notes from the Plum Orchard E.A. Popenoe aii«l A.Dick- ens. Bulletin 102 Forage Plants for Kansas A.S.Hitchcock and .1. M. Westgate. Bulletin 103 Digestion Experiments with Kansas Feeds. J. T. Willard and R. W. Sugar Beets. 1891-1900. Clothier. Bulletin 104 Fall Seeding of Alfalfa H.M. Cottrell. Bulletin 105 Blackleg in Kansas P. Fischer and A. T. Kinsley. KENTUCKY STATION. 1900. Bulletin 88 Commercial Fertilizers Bulletin 89 Wheat— Test of Varieties. Test of Fertilizers. Descriptions of Varieties of Wheat. Bulletin 90 Commercial Fertilizers 1901. Bulletin 91 Enemies of Cucumbers and Related Plants. Experiments with Potato Scab. The Food of the Toad. Bulletin 92 Grapes Bulletin 93 Diseases of Nursery Stock. Rabbits and Their Injuries to Young Trees. Bulletin 94 Test of Varieties of Wheat Descriptions of Varieties of Wheat Bulletin 95 Commercial Fertilizers M. A. Scovell. A. M. Peter, and H. E. Curtis. H. Garman. M. A. Scovell, A. M. Peter, and H. F. Curtis. H. Garman. C.W.Mathews. H. Garman. .T.N. Harper. H. Garman. M. A. Scovell. A. M. Peter, and H.E.Curtis. LOUISIANA STATION. 1900 Bulletin 63 Annual Report 1901. Bulletin 64 1900. Bulletin 69 .... Annual Report 1901. Bulletin 70 Bulletin 71 Bulletin 72 ... . Bulletin 73 Bulletin 74 Bulletin 75 Bulletin 76 Bulletin 77 Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers and Paris Green. Thirteenth Annual Report, 1900 Report of the Veterinarian W. C. Stubbs. W. H. Dalrymple. MAINE STATION Finances, Meteorologv, Index . Sixteenth Annual Report, 1900. Oats as Grain and Fodder Feeding Stuff Inspection J.M.Bartlett. CD. Woods and J.M lett. Fertilizer Inspection CD. Woods. Bart- Experiments with Fungicides upon Potatoes in 1900. How to Fight Potato Enemies. The Manurial Value of Ashes, "Mucks," Sea Weeds, and Bone. Analyses of Miscellaneous Food Materials Do. Do. C D. Woods and L. H. Mer- rill. W.M. Munson. The Horticultural Status of the Genus Vaccin ium. Fertilizer Inspection CD. Woods and J. M. Bart lett. 78 BTATION PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING 1901. MARYLAND STATION. Publication. Title. Author. 1900 Bulletin 69 The Influence of Feed and Care on the Indi- viduality of Cowb. 1901. Bulletin 70 The Chemical composition of Maryland Soils.. Bulletin 71 Notes on Spraying Peaches and Plums in 1900.. Bulletin 72 Peach Growing In Maryland Bulletin 7:> Suggestions about Combating the San Jose Scale. Bulletin 71 Notes on Celery Blight Bulletin 75 The Effect of Hydrocyanic-Acid Gas Upon Grains and other Seeds Bulletin 76 Parturient Paresis— Milk Fever, Calving Fever. Bulletin 77 The Comparative Digestibility of Raw, Pasteur- ized, and Cooked Milk. Annual Reporl Fourteenth Annual Report, 1901 c. F. Doane. F.P.Veitch. C. O. Townsend and H. P, Gould. H.P.Gould. Do. C. O. Townsend. Do. S.S. Buckley. c. F. Doane and T. M. Price. MASSACHUSETTS STATION. 1900. Annual Report 1901. Bulletin 71 .... Bulletin 72 .... Bulletin 73 Bulletin 74 Bulletin 75 Bulletin 76 Bulletin 77 Meteorological Bulle- tins. Thirteenth Annual Report, 1900 . Concentrated Feed Stuffs. Condimental Stock and Poultry Foods. Summer Forage Crops Orchard Experiments. Fertilizers for Fruits. Thinning Fruits. Spraying Fruits. Analyses of Manurial Substances Sent on for Examination. Analyses of Paris Green and Other Insecticides. Instructions Regarding the Sampling of Materials to be Forwarded for Investigation. Discussion of Trade Val- ues of Fertilizing Ingredients. Laws for the Regulation of the Trade in Commercial Fer- tilizers in Massachusetts. Destructions to Manufacturers, Importers. Agents, and Sell- ers of Commercial Fertilizers. Analyses of Manurial Substances Sent on for Examination. Analyses of Licensed Fertil- izers Collected hy the Agent of the Station during 1901. The Imported Elm-leaf Beetle Analyses of Manurial Substances Sent on for Examination. Analyses of Licensed Fertil- izers Collected by the Agent of the Station during 1901. Meteorological Bulletins 145-152 Meteorological Bulletins 153-155 J.B. Lindsey et al. J. B. Lindsey, E. B. Holland, and P. H. Smith, jr. S. T. Maynard and G. A. Drew. C. A. Goessmann. Do. H.T. Fernald. C. A. Goessmann. J. E. Ostrander and C. L, Rice. J. E. Ostrander and II. L. Bodfish. MICHIGAN STATION. | 'II Ml Bulletin L86 ... Annual Report 1901. Bulletin 187 ... Bulletin 188 ... Bulletin i.v.» ... Bulletin L90 ... Bulletin 191 ... Bulletin L92 ... First Report of the Upper Peninsula Experi- ment Station. Thirteenth Annual Report, 1900 Report of South Haven Substation Experime is with Sugar Beets Notes on Strawberries Vegetable Tests for 1900 Shrinkage of Farm Products Fertilizer Analyses MINNESOTA STATION. L900 Bulletin 69 Annual Reporl l'.ioi. Bulletin 70 .... Bull, tin 71 .... S. H.Fulton. .1. i>. Towar. L. R.Tat't and M. L. Dean. DO. C. D.Smith. R.C. Kedzie and L. H.Van Wormer. Bugs Injurious to Our Cultivated Plants annual Report, L900 Influence of Wheal Farming upon Soil Fer- tility. Investigation In Milk Production 0. Lugger. H. Snyder. T. L. Baecker and V. W. Major. STATION PUBLICATIONS KECEIVED DURING 1901. MISSISSIPPI STATION. 79 Publication. Title. Author. 1900. Bulletin 65 ... . 1901. Bulletin 66 .... Bulletin 67 Animal Report 1900. Annual Report 1901. Bulletin 1 Soils of Mississippi: Chemical and Physical Composition. W. L. Hutchinson, W. R. Perkins, and E. B. Ferris. Soils of Mississippi: Plant Food and Produc- W.L.Hutchinson. tiveness. Good Dirt Roads for Mississippi J. W. Fox and W. L. Hutch- inson. Fourteenth Annual Report, 1901 MISSOURI FRUIT STATION. First Annual Report, 1900. Preliminary Report on Bitter Rot or Ripe Rot of Apples. J.T. Stinson. MONTANA STATION. 1900 Bulletin 26 Poultry Raising Bulletin 27 Livestock Feeding Tests: Beef Cattle. Lambs, and Swine. Bulletin 28 | Seventh Annual Report, 1900 Bulletin 29 The Quantity of Water used in Irrigation and the Seepage Loss from Canals. Weeds of Montana Report of Grazing and Feeding Tests: Beef Cattle and Lambs. 1901. Bulletin 30 . . . Bulletin 31 . . . H.C.Gardiner. R. S.Shaw. S. Fortier. J. W. Blankinship. R.S.Shaw. NEBRASKA STATION. 1900. Annual Report 1901. Bulletin 68 Bulletin 69 Bulletin 70 Bulletin 71 Fourteenth Annual Report. 1900 Feeding Skim Milk to Calves Some Forage Plants for Summer Feed Locusts or Grasshoppers Sheep Feeding Experiments inNebraska. (Sec ond Experiment.) A. L. Haeckei*. T. L. Lyon and Haecker. L. Bruner. E.A.Burnett., A. L. NEVADA STATION. 1900. Bulletin 48 Nature Studies III. Some Ways of Seed Distri- bution. Bulletin 49 The Carpenter Worm Bulletin 50 Sugar Beets, Season of 1899. Part II F. H. Hillman. S. B. Doten. R. H McDowell. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATION. 1900. Bulletin 76 ... Bulletin 77 ... Bulletin 78... Bulletin 79 ... 1901. Bulletin 80 . . Bulletin 81 . . Utilizing the Greenhouse in Stammer Experiments in Road Surfacing . Bovine Tuberculosis Twelfth Annual Report, 1900 , The Inspection of Fertilizers in 1900 Insect Record for 1900 Bulletin 82 Feeding Farm Horses Bulletin 83 The Value of Meadow Muck Technical Bulletin 1. An Annotated Catalogue of the Butterflies of New Hampshire. Technical Bulletin 2. The Classification of American Muskmelons ... F. W. Rane. C. H. Pettee. H. H. Lamson. F. W. Morse. C. M. Weed. C. W. Burkett. F. W. Morse. W. F. Fiske. F. W. Rane. 80 STATION PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING 1901, NKW JERSEY STATIONS. Publication. Title. Author. 1900. Bulletin l it .1. B. Smith. Special Bulletin 8 1901. Bulletin 1 is Soli Fungicides for Potato and Turnip Diseases. Alfalfa— Methods of Culture and Yields per Acre. Alfalfa Protein Versus Purchased Pro- tein in Rations for Dairy Cows. B. D. Halsted. K. B. Voorhees and C. B. Bulletin 1 19 Lane. J. B. Smith Bulletin 150 Losses in Farm Manures. The Relative Use- fulness of the Nitrogen in Fresh and in Leached Manures. Tne Comparative Value of the Nitrogen in Commercial Forms and in Natural Manures. Bean Diseases and Their Remedies Domestic Pasteurizing Methods, and the Care of Milk in the Home. Concentrated Feeding Stuffs E. B. Voorhees. Bulletin 151 B. D. Halsted. Bulletin 152 .1. Nelson. ■ Bulletin 163 L. A. Voorhees and J. P. Street. NEW MEXICO STATION. 1900. Annual Report Tenth and Eleventh Annual Reports, 1899 and 1900. 1901. Bulletin 37 Notes on the Food of Birds Bulletin 38 Soil and Soil Moisture Investigations for the Season of 1900. Bulletin 39 1 Orchard Notes T. D.'A. Coekerell. J. D. Tinsley and J. .I.Ver- non. F.Garcia. NEW YORK STATE STATION. 1900. Bulletin 177 Bulletin 178 Bulletin 179 Bulletin 180 Bulletin lsi .. Bulletin 182 Bulletin 183 Bulletin 181 Bulletin 185 Bulletin 18fi Bulletin 187 Bulletin 188 Bulletin 189 Bulletin 190 . . Bulletin 191 Bulletin 192 Bulletin 193 Bulletin P.M Bulletin 195 Bulletin 198 19U1. Bulletin 197 Bull. •tin 198 Bulletin 199 Bulletin J(Kl Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers for the Spring and Fall of 1900. Inspection of Babcock Milk Test Bottles An Anthracnose and a Stem Rot of the Culti- vated Snapdragon. Miscellaneous Notes on Injurious Insects A Fumigator for Small Orchard Trees , Experiments on the Sulphur-Lime Treatment for Onion Smut. Notes on some Dairy Troubles Influence of the Temperature of Curing upon the Commercial Quality of Cheese. New Vork Apple-Tree Canker. (Second Re- port.) The Sterile Fungus Rhizoctonia as a Cause of Plant Diseases in America. Commercial Fertilizers for Potatoes, III spraying for Asparagus Rust A Little Known Asparagus Pesf Report of Analyses of Paris Green and Other Insecticides iii 1900. A Fruit Disease Survev of Western New York in 1900. The Substitution of Soda for Potash in Plant Growth. San .lose Scale Investigations. I, The develop- ment of the Female. San .lose Scale Investigations. II. Spraying Experiments with Kerosene Oil; Methods of < lombating the San Jose Scale. Director's Report for 1900 Spraying in Bloom The Food Source 0' Mill Efct; with Studies on the Nutrition of Milch Cows. Inspection of Feeding Stuffs, 1900-1901 An Epidemic Of Curranl Anthracnose. Notes from the Botanical Department. L. L. Van Slyke and W. H. Andrews. W. II. Jordan and G. A. Smith. F. C. Stewart. V. H. Lowe. Do. F. A.Sirrine and F. C. stew- art. H. A. Harding, L. A. Rogers, and G. A. Smith. G.A.Smith. W. Paddock. B. M. Duggarand F. C. Stew- art. W. H. Jordan. F. A.Sirrine. Do. L. L. Van Slyke and W. H. Andrews. F. C. Stewart. F. M. Rolfs, and F. H. Hall. W. H. Jordan and C. G. Jen- ter. V. H.Lowe and P.J. Parrott. V. H. Low e. W. II. Jordan. S. A. Beach and L. H. Bailey. W. H. Jordan. C. G. Jenter, and F. D. Fuller. W. II. Jordan and C. G. Jenter. F. C. Stewart and H. J. Eus- tace. Do. STATION PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING 1901. NEW YORK CORNELL STATION. 81 Publication. Title. Author. 1901. Bulletin 186 The Sterile Fungus Rhizoctonia as a Cause of Plant Diseases in America. The Palmer-Worrn B. M. Duggarand F.C.Stew- art. M. V. Slingerland. Bulletin 187 Bulletin 188 » Snrav Calendar L. H. Bailev Bulletin 190 Bulletin 191 Bulletin 192 Bulletin 193 Bulletin 194 Bulletin 195 Bulletin 196 Three Unusual Strawberry Pests and a Green- house Pest. Tillage Experiments with Potatoes M. V. Slingerland. J. L. Stone. Further Experiments Against the Peach-Tree Borer. Studies of Some Shade Tree and Timber- Destroying Fungi. The Hessian Flv: Its Ravages in New York in 1901. Further Observations upon Ropiness in Milk and Cream. Fourth Renort on Potato Culture M. V. Slingerland. G. F. Atkinson. I. P. Roberts, M. V. Slinger- land, and J. L. Stone. A. R. Ward. NORTH CAROLINA STATION. 1900 Bulletin 176 .". Bulletin 177 .. . Annual Report 1901. Bulletin 178 . . Bulletin 179 Bulletin 180 The Relative Values of Some Nitrogenous Fer- i W. A. Withers and G. S. tilizers. Fraps. Edible Mushrooms of North Carolina C. W. Hvams. Twenty-third Annual Report, 1900 The Nature of Pentosoids, and their Determi- I G. S. Fraps. nation. The Composition of Cotton-Seed Meal W. A. Withers and G. S. Fraps. The Sugar Beet in North Carolina W. A. Withers. NORTH DAKOTA STATION. 1900. Bulletin 46 A Preliminary List of the Spermaphyta, Seed Bearing Plants of North Dakota. Annual Report Eleventh Annual Report, 1900 1901. Bulletin 47 Humus and Soil Nitrogen. Climatic Studies with Wheat, Oats, and Corn. Brome and Timothy Compared. Austrian Brome Hay. Bulletin 48 Wheat Farming Experiments and Soil Moisture Studies. H. L. Bolley and L. R. W r i dron. E. F. Ladd. J. H. Shepperd and A. M. Ten Eyck. OHIO STATION. 1900. Bulletin 121 A Condensed Handbook of the Diseases of Cul- tivated Plants in Ohio. Onion Smut: Preliminary Experiments Grape Rots in Ohio Experiments in the Prevention of Grape Rot . . A. D. Selby. Bulletin 122 . . Do. 1901. Bulletin 123 . Do. Bulletin 124 A. D. Selbv and J. F. Hicks. C. E. Thofne et al. Bulletin 125 Bulletin 126 Bulletin 129 The Maintenance of Fertility Sugar-Beet Investigations in Ohio in 1900 Field Experiments with Wheat Do. A. D. Selby and J. W. Ames. J. F. Hickman. OKLAHOMA STATION. 1900. Bulletin 48 . . . 1901. Bulletin 49 . . . Bulletin 50 . . . Circular 3 Annual Report Crop and Forage Notes, 1900 A Rhizomorphic Root Rot of Fruit Trees Manuring the Soil Directions for Collecting and Preserving In- sects and Plants. Tenth Annual Report, 1901 F.C.Burtis. E.M.Wilcox. J. Fields. E.M.Wilcox. 15469— No. 111—02- 82 STATION PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING L901. OREGON STATION. Publication. 1900. Bulletin 63 ... Bulletin 64 .. 1901. Hull. ■tin 65 .. Title. Bulletin 66 .... Bulletin 67 Annual Reporl \ Preliminary Bulletin on the Prevention of Smut on ( >ats. Investigation of Diseases in Poultry Creameries and Cheese Factories of Western ( Oregon. The Grape in Oregon. I. Western Oregon The Silo and Silage Annual Report, 1901 1 ' E N NSYLVA X I A STATION . Annual Report,1900 Variety Tests of Wheat Methods of Dairy Feeding RHODE ISLAND STATION. Author. E. F. Pernot. Do. F. L. Kent. K.K.Lake. J. Withycombe 1900. Annual Report . 1901. Bulletin 65 Bulletin 56 (i.e. Watson and K. H. Hess. II. Havward. 1900. Bulletin 71 ... Bulletin 7."» 1901. Bulletin 76 A Rotation of Crops: potatoes, Kye.and Clover. A Four-Year Rotation of Crops: Indian Corn. Potatoes. Rye, and Clover. Bulletin 77 Bulletin 78 Bulletin 79 Bulletin 80 Bulletin si Annual Report II. J. Wheeler and .1. A. Til linghast. Do. Do. Do. A Five- Year Rotation Of Crops: Indian Corn, Potatoes, Rye, Grass, and Grass. Rations for Milch Cows Feeding StuIT Analyses H.J. Wheeler and A. W. Bos worth. Analyses of Feeding Stuffs Do. 4t Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers H. J. Wheeler el al. A Modern Dairy Barn V. A. Brigham. Individuality of Cows w. A.Conant. Commercial Fertilizers II. J. Wheeler et al. Fourteenth Annual Report, 1901 SOUTH CAROLINA STATION. 1900. Bulletin 57 Annual Report . 1901. Bulletin fi8 Bulletin 59 Bulletin 60 Bulletin 61 Bulletin 62 Bulletin 63 Bulletin 64 Bulletin 65 Fungicides Annual Report, L900 Grapes \ Chemical Investigation of the Rice Plant and Of the Produce and By-product- of the Rice Industry. Analysis of Commercial Fertilizer ( '< nil Capons and Capon i zing Sweet Potato Analysis of Commercial Fertilizers, II San .lose Scale, with a Few Suggestions for its Treatment, and Rules and Regulations Adopted by state Board of Entomology. C. C. Newman. C. C. McDonnell. J. S. Newman. 0. M. Watson. F. S. Shiver. SOCTH DAKOTA STATION. L899. Annual Reporl I'. Bulletin 68 Annual Report L901. Bulletin 69 .... Bulletin 70 .... Bulletin 71 .... Annual I;, poi I Annual Report, L899 Vegetables in south Dakota Annual Report, 1900 Native and Introduced Forage Plants Drought-Resistant Forage Experiments at Highmore, S. Dak., for 1900. Spelt r. Barley Annual Report, L901 N. K. Hansen Tliornber. J. H. Shepard, D. A. Saun- ders, and W. EL Knox. D. A. Saunders. K. C. Chilcott and W. T. Thornber. STATloX PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED BERING 11>01. 83 TENNESSEE STATION. Publication. Title. Author. 1900. Bui. Vol. XIII. X<>. 2 ... Experiments with Winter Wheat \. M. Soule and P. O. Van- atter. Bui. Vol. XIII. No. 3 ... Fertilizer Experiments on Potatoes, Corn, Cow- C.A.Mooera peas, and Peanuts. Bui. Vol. XIII. No. 4 ... Feeding Native Steers v. M. Soule and J. It. Fain. Annual Report Thirteenth Annual Report. 1900 1901. Bui. Vol. XIV. No. ! Experiments with Corn. Forage Crops, and A. M. Sonle. P. O. Vanatter, Spring Cereals. and .T. R. Fain. Bui. Vol. XIV. No. 2 Winter Wheat A. M. Sonle and P. < >. Van- atter. TEXAS STATION. 1900. Bulletin 58 Annual Report 1901. Bulletin 59 . . . Bulletin 60 Pruning and Training Peach orchard* Twelfth Annual Report. 1900 Forage Crops Two Methods of Growing Onions R. H. Price. B. C. Pittuck and S. A. Mc- Henrv. UTAH STATION. 1900. Bulletin 70 Bulletin 71 Bulletin 72 Annual Report Experiments in Pork Production Carrying- Capacities o: Irrigation Canals A Soil Survev in Salt Lake Valley, Utah. Eleventh Annual Report. 1900 . L. Foster and L. A. Merrill. ::ier. . F. D.Gardnerand .T. Stewart. VERMONT STATION. 1900. Bulleti: - Annual Report 1901. Bulletin 84 Bulletin 85 Bulletin 86 Bulletin 87 Apples of the Fameuse Type Thirteenth Annual Report. 1900 . Analyses of Commercial Feeding Stuffs Potato Scab and It-- Prevention Analyses of Commercvial Fertilizers.^ . . . Analvses of Commercial Fertilizers F. A. Waugh. J. L. Hills. C. H. Jones, and B. o. White. L. R. Jones and A. W. Edson. J. L. Hills. C. H. Jones, and B. O. White. Do. VIRGINIA STATION. Bulletin 107 .. . Annual Report 1900. Bulletin 110 . . Bulletin 111 .. Bulletin 112 .. Bulletin 113 . . Bulletin 114 .. Bulletin lis .. Bulletin 116 . . Bulletin 117 .. Bulletin 11^ .. Feeding Stuffs R.J. Davidson. Annual Report. 1899 Animal Parasites. Ill E. P. Niles Annual Report Animal Parasites. IV Animal Parasites. V Animal Parasites. VI Animal Parasites. VII The Teeth of the Horse as Affected by Ase. I. . . The Teeth of the Horse as Affected by Aire. II. . The Teeth of the Horse as Affected by Aire. III. The Teeth of Cattle and Sheep as Affected by Age. Annual Report. 1900 Do. Do. Do. Do. C. McCulloc Do. Do. Do. ^4 STATION PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING 1901. WASHINGTON STATION. Publication. Title. Author. Annual Report 1900. Bulletin i:; Bulletin n Annual Report 1901. Bulletin 45 Ninth Annual Report, 1899 Bulletin 46 Bulk-tin 17 Bulletin 48 Bulletin 49 national Stock Feeding (A Revision of Bui. 29). Fish Scrap Fertilizers Tenth Annual Report, 1900 W.J.Spillman. W.H.Heileman. A Preliminary Report of Poison Parsnip in I). A. Brodie. Western Washington. Potato Blight and Its Treatment Do. The Variegated Cutworm R. W. Doane and D. A. Bro- die. A Mechanical Ration Computer W.J.Spillman. Alkali and Alkali Soils W. H. Heileman. WEST VIRGINIA STATION. 1900. Bulletin 70 ... Bulletin 71 ... Annual Report 1901. Bulletin 72 Bulletin 73 ... Bulletin 71 Bulletin 75 Bulletin 76 Spraying, Results of the Season, 1900 Poultry Experiments Thirteenth Annual Report, 1900 Commercial Fertilizers Loss of Weight in Eggs during Incubation Cold Storage Apple Districts of West Virginia Commercial Fertilizers L.C. Corbet t. J. H. Stewart and II. At- wood. J. II. Stewart and B. H. Hite. J. H. Stewart and H. At- wood . L. C.Corbett. Do. J. H. Stewart and B. H. Hite. WISCONSIN STATION. 1900. Annual Report 1901. Bulletin 84 Bulletin 85 Development and Distribution of Nitrates and other Soluble Salts in Cultivated Soils. Analyses of Licensed Commercial Fertilizers, 1901. tiims. F. H. King and A. R. Whit- son. Bulletin 86 Bulletin 87 E S Goff Bulletin 88 H. L. Russell. bulletin 89 The Law Regulating the Sale and Analysis of Concentrated Feeding StulTs in Wisconsin. The Prevention of Oat Smut W. a. Henry. Special Bulletin E. S. Goff. WYOMING STATION. 1900. Annual Report 1901. bulletin 46 .... bulletin 17 .... Bulletin 48 .... Tenth Annual Report, 1900 The Brome Grasses of Wyoming. Lamb Feeding Experiments Experiments in Wheat Culture.. A. Nelson. L. Foster. L. Fosterand W.H.Fairfield. FOREIGN EXPERIMENT STATIONS. ALGERIA. station. Location. Director. Agricultural and Geological Station J. Dugast. Agricultural School and Experiment Station Rou'iba Botanical Experiment Station do ... Dr. L Trabut Experiment Garden Set if Ryf. ARGENTINA. Office of Agronomy and Animal Husbandry La Plata Ramon Pieres. AUSTRALIA. NEW SOUTH WALES. The Hawkesbury Agricultural College and Ex- perimental Farm. New South Wales Department of Agriculture. . . Wagga Experimental Farm Experimental Farm Dairy Stud Farm Experimental Farm Experimental Farm Irrigation Experimental Field Technological Museum Experimental Farm Botanic Gardens and Domains QUEENSLAND. Botanic Garden Acclimatization Society Queensland Department of Agriculture. Biggenden Farm Camerunga State N urserv Gindie Farm Hermitage Farm Westbrook Farm Sugar Experiment Station Redland Bay Experiment Orchard Agricultural College and Experiment Farm. Acclimatization Society's Gardens SOUTH AUSTRALIA. The South Australia Central Agricultural Bureau Botanic Garden Botanic Gardens Agricultural College and Experimental Farm . TASMANIA. Tasmanian Council of Agriculture Botanic Gardens Richmond Sydney Wagga-Wagga Bathurst Berry Coolabah Grafton Pera Bore Wollongbar... do Sydney Brisbane do do Burnett District Cairns Central District Warwick, Darling Downs District. Darling Downs District Maekay Gatton Rockhampton Adelaide do Port Darwin. Roseworthv . Hobart do. Agricultural College and Experimental Farm .. Dookie The Department of Agriculture of Victoria Melbourne Botanic Gardens do National Herbarium do WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Experimental Farm The Western Australia Department of Agricul- ture. Drakesbrook . Perth George Valder. John L. Fegan. G. M. McKeown. A. A. Dunnicliff. R. W. Peacock. J. H. Bulkeley. Gorman. R. T. Baker. H. V. Jackson. J. H. Maiden. F. M. Bailev. E. Grimley. J. V. Chataway. Henrv A. Tardent. G. B. Brooks. R. Jarrott. C. Ross. H. C. Quodling. A. A. Ramsey. J. Henderson. J. Mahon. J. S. Edgar. E. L. Batchelor. Maurice Holtze. Nicholas Holtze. A.J.Perkins. G. T. Collins. F. Abbott. Hugh Pye. George Graham. W. R. Guilfoyle. J.G. Luehmann. G. F. Berthoud. George Throssell. » This list includes agricultural experiment stations and other institutions in connection with which investigations relating to agriculture are conducted. 85 86 FOREIGN EXPERIMENT STATIONS. AUSTRIA. Agricultural Chemical Experiment Station of the Province of Vorarlberg. Agricultural Experiment station for Plant Cul- ture. Seed Control Station of the state Agricultural Secondary School. Agricultural Chemical Experiment and Control Station. Agricultural chemical Experiment and Seed Control Station of the Lower Austrian Agricul- tural. Horticultural, and Viticulture! school. Agricultural Chemical Experiment station Provincial Agricultural Chemical Experiment and Seed Control Station. Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricul- tural School. Experiment and Seed Control Station of the Agricultural Secondary School. Agricultural Chemical Experiment Station of the Royal Imperial Agricultural Society of Carnithia. Chemical Physiological Experiment Station for Crape and Fruit Crowing. Agricultural Chemical Experiment station for Carniola. Agricultural Chemical Experiment and Seed Control Station. Agricultural Botanical Experiment Station Prince Schwarzenberg Agricultural Chemical Experiment Station. Provincial Agricultural Chemical Experiment and Seed Control Station. Forestry Experiment Institute Location. Bregenz, Vorarlberg Brunn, Moravia Czernowitz, Bukowina . Dublany.nearLemberg, Galicia. Feldsberg, Lower Aus- tria. Director. Agricultural Chemical Experiment Station Moravian Seed Control Station Agricultural Chemical Experiment Station of the State Agricultural Secondary School. Agricultural Chemical Experiment Station of the Agricultural Council for Upper Austria. Provincial Agricultural Institute and Experi- ment Station. Chemical Laboratory Agricultural Chemical Experiment and Seed Control Station of the German Section of the Agricultural Council for the Kingdom of Bo- hemia. Agricultural Physiological Experiment Station of the Bohemian Section of the Agricultural Council of the Kingdom of Bohemia. Experiment station for the Distilling Indusl ry. . Experiment station for the Sugar industry Experiment Station for the Brewing Industry .. Agricultural Seed Control Station of the State Agricultural High School. Provincial Agricultural Institute and Experi- ment Station. Agricultural Chemical Experiment station Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Botanical Experiment station of the Agricultural Academy. Agricultural chemical Experiment station of the State Agricultural Academy. Experiment station for Flax Culture Agricultural Botanical Experiment and seed Control Station. Chemical Technical Experiment station of the Central Society for the Beet-Sugar industry in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Austrian Experiment station ami Academy for the Brewing Industry. Agricultural chemical Experiment Station Seed Control Station (Agricultural Botanical Experiment station |. Agricultural Bacteriological Institute Goritz Gratz, styria Jungbunzlau, Bohemia. Kaaden, Bohemia Klagenfurt, Carnithia.. Klosterneuberg Laibach, Carniola Leitmeritz, Bohemia . . . Lemberg, Galicia LobOSitz, Bohemia Marburg on the Drave, Styria. Mariahrunn ( P. ( >. Ha- dersdorf-Weidlingau. Lower Austria. Neutitschein. Moravia.. do Oberhermsdorf. Silesia. Otterbach, near Schiir- ding, Cpper Austria. Parenzo, Istria Pilsen. Bohemia Prague, Bohemia Dr.Wilhelm Eugling. Johann J. Vafiha. Emil Baler. Mikulowski-Pomorski. Franz Ko/.eschnik. Johann Bolle. Eduard Hotter. Fried rich Xchovidsky. Prof. Andreas Nowoczek. Dr. h. Svoboda. Prof. Leonhard Roesler. Dr. Ernst Kramer. A. J. Kollar. Dr. Ign. K. von Szyszylo- wicz. Dr. Josef Hanamann. Edmund Schmid. Josef Friedrich. Prof. Alfred Wiener. Prof. Richard Hainerak. Rudolf Pfohl. Franz Xav Hanusch. Dr. J. B. Cucovich. F. Kundrat. Josef Klaudi. lo Dr. Julius Stoklasa. ....do ....do ....do Prerau, Moravia. S. Michael oii-the -Etscli, Tyrol. spalato, Dalmatia Tabor, Bohemia do Tetschen-Liebwerd, Bo- hemia. TrautenaU, Bohemia ... Troppau, sih'sia Vienna Anton Nydrle. Prof. C. Preis. Franz Chodounsky. Vrat.Str.hr. Prof. Carl Portele. Franz Ouozdenovic. Franz Farskv. Prof.Theo. Frhen. Prof. Josef Seissl. Camill Eoffmeister. otto Kambersky. Friedrich Strohmer. Prof. Fr. Schwackhofer. Dr. F.W.I >afert. Dr. Tli. R. von Weinzierl. FOREIGN EXPERIMENT STATIONS. BELGIUM. 87 Station. Analytical Laboratory Agricultural and Hygienic Laboratory Agricultural and Hygienic Laboratory Institute of Chemistry and Bacteriology (Agri- cultural Experiment Station) . Analytical Laboratory Dairy Station Analytical Laboratory Provincial Experimental Garden Analytical Laboratory Analytical Laboratory Analytical Laboratory Analytical La boratory Provincial Agricultural Laboratory Agricultural and Hygienic Laboratory Garden of the Society for Vegetable Culture . . . Location. Director. Antwerp D. Crispo. Bruges Lobau. Courtrai D'Hondt. Gembloux I Prof. A. Petermann. do do Ghent do Hasselt Liege Louvain . . Mons Roulers St. Nicolas , do Charles Masson. M.M. Henseval. P. Nyssena. P. de CaJuwe. Mercier. De Molinari. J. Graftiau. PI. Warsage, J. Van den Berghe. Dr. Wcdon. C. Amelinckx. BERMUDAS. Botanic Station G. A. Bishop. BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA. Station for Fruit and Vine Culture Agricultural Station Agricultural Station Station for Fruit and Vine Culture Agricultural Station Agricultural Station Station for Fruit and Vine Culture Dervent Gacko . . Ilidze. . . Lastva. . Livno . . Mod rid . Mostar. . BRAZIL. Agricultural Station Agricultural Institute of Sao Paulo. Agricultural Institute Botanical Garden Botanical Garden Experimental and Demonstration Field of the Cultivators' Club (Club da Lavoura). Zootechnic Institute Campinas. Sao Paulo . . . "i:: Itabira, Minas Geraes. . . San Vicente, Sao Paulo. Tremembi, near Sao Paulo. Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo. . . Uberaba, Minas Geraes . Adolpho B. U. Cavalcanti. Dr. Gustavo R. P. d'Utra. Dr. J. Campos Porto. Dr. Alberto Lofgren. A. Gomes Carno. Prof. F. M. Draenert. BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA. J. McClounie. BRITISH EAST AFRICA. Botanic Garden and Experiment Station Alexander Whyte. BRITISH GUIANA. Botanic Gardens and Sugar Cane Experiments . Richard Hunt. G. S. Jenman. Georgetown, Demerara. BRITISH HONDURAS. Belize E.Campbell. ss FOREIGN EXPERIMENT STATIONS. BRITISH WEST INDIES. Station. Botanic Station and Sugar Cane Experiments.. Imperial Department of Agriculture Botanic station and Sugar Cane Experiments.. Botanic Station Botanic Station Department of Public Gardens and Plantations Experiment stations Botanic station and Sugar Cane Experiments.. Botanic Station Botanic Station Botanic station Experiment station Royal Botanic Gardens and Sugar Cane Experi- ments. Location. Director. Antigua Barbados Dodd's Reformatory, Barbados. Dominica Grenada Kingston. Jamaica Montserrat St. Kitts-Nevis St. Lucia St. Vincent Tobago Tortola, Virgin Islands. Trinidad W. N. Sands. Dr. 1). Morris.* John R. Bovell. Joseph Jones. W.E.Broadway. William Faucet t. A.J. Jordan. William Lunt. J.C.Moore. Henrv Powell. J.H.Hart. C.W.Seale. J.H.Hart. BULGARIA. Experiment Field of the Agricultural School ... Experiment Field of the Agricultural School ... Experiment Field of the Agricultural School ... Plevna Kustchuk Nikola Batchvaroff. CANADA. Calgary, Northwest Ter- ritories. Grimsby, Ontario Guelph, Ontario do P. T. Bone. Ontario Agricultural College and Experimental Farm. Ontario Agricultural and Experimental Union. . University Botanic Garden Dr. James Mills. < '. \ Zavitz. Montreal, Quebec Ottawa, Ontario do Prof. D. P. Penhallow. Botanic Garden Experimental Farm for British Columbia... Experimental Farm for the Northwest Ter- ritories. Agassiz, Ontario Indian Head, Assiniboia Brandon, Ontario Nappan, Nova Scotia. Ontario. Thos. A. Sharpe. Angus Mackay. S. A. Bedford. Experimental Farm for the Maritime Prov- inces. R.Robertson. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Cape Town C. Mayer. Chas. F. Juritz. do Cape Government Herbarium do R. MacOwan. Klsenburg Wm. (i. Mason. CE YLON. John C. Willis. Botanic Garden Anuradhapura Badulla D. F. de Silva. I>. D. Fernando. William Nock. S. de Silva. Hugh McMillan. CHILE. Rene F. Le Feuvre. Veterinan Hospital of the Normal School of agriculture (Quints Normal de Agricultura). » By special appointment of the British Government, Commissioner D. Morris has been placed in supreme Control Of all botanical and agricultura] work in the West Indies, with the exception that at presenl he lias no direct control of the Botanic Gardens at Jamaica, British Guiana, and Trinidad. He is, however, consulting officer to the governments in regard to these institutions. 1 These comprise fifteen stations on private farms in different parts of the province. r also director of the loin branch farms, which are in charge of superintendents. FOREIGN EXPERIMENT STATIONS. CHINA. 89 Station. Location. Director. Botanical and Afforestation Department Hongkong Charles Ford. Lemarie\ Botanical Garden Saigon, Indo-China DAHOMEY. Teissonnier. DENMARK. Moor Experiment Stations of the Danish Heath Society. Experiment Station Caflsberg Physiological Laboratory Laboratory of Vegetable Physiology of the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural College. Seed Control Station Chemical Laboratory and Control fetation Agricultural Experimental Laboratory of the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural High School. Experiment Station Experiment Station Experiment Station Aarhus Ascov Copenhagen. do .do .do .do Lyngby Tystofte Vester-Hassing Claudi-Westh. F. Hansen. Prof. E. C. Hansen. Prof. W. Johannsen. O. Rostrup. Prof. V. Stein. Prof. V. S. Storch. K. Hansen. N. P. Nielsen. A. J. Hansen. EGYPT. Cairo FALKLAND ISLANDS. Government House Garden Albert Linney. FIJI ISLANDS. Botanic Station FRANCE. Station for Sericulture , Agricultural Station . . Agricultural Station . . Agricultural Station . . Fish Culture Station . . OZnological Station of Bourgogne Agricultural Station of Franche-Comte. Agricultural Laboratory Agricultural Station Agricultural and CEnological Station. . . Fish Culture Station Agricultural Laboratory Agricultural Station Agricultural Experiment Station. Agricultural Laboratory Agricultural Station Agricultural Station Agricultural Laboratory Station for Viticulture ." Alais, Gard Amiens, Somme Arras, Pas-de-Calais . . . Auxerre, Yonne Banyuls, Pyren£es-Ori- entales. Beaune, Cote-d'Or Besancon , Doubs Bethune, Pas-de-Calais Blois, Loir-et-Cher Bordeaux. Gironde Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas- de-Calais. do . j Caen, Calvados .1 Capelle . i Chalons, Marne . Chartres, Eure-et-Loire Chateauroux, Indre Cluny, Saone-et-Loire. . Cognac, Charente Moziconnaci. Roget. Vuaflart. R. Nantier. De Lacaze-Duthiers. Mathieu. Ponnelle. Vezin. U. Cay on. Eugene Canu. Vuaflart. Louise. Desprez, jr. Douette. C. V. Garola. Alia. G. Paturel. J. M. Guillon. 90 FOREIGN EXPERIMENT STATIONS. FRANCE— Continued. Station. Agricultural Laboratory Agricultural station Marine Zoological Laboratory Location. Agricultural Laboratory Agricultural Laboratory Laboratory of Vegetable Physiology Agricultural Station Station of Agricultural Climatology Agricultural station and Bacteriological Lab oratory of Aisnc. Agricultural Laboratory Zoological Laboratory Commercy, Meuse Dijon, Cote-d'Or Endoume, Bouches-du- Rhdne. Epinal, Vosges Foix. Allege Fontainebleau, Seine- et-Marne. Grignon, 8eine-et-Oise.. .luvisy, Seine-et-< Use Laon, Aisne Director. Agricultural Station Agricultural Station Agricultural Station Dairy station Station for Sericulture .. Agricultural Laboratory Laboratory for Technical Tests . . Agricultural Station station of Vegetable Physiology. (Etiological Station Station for Sericulture Agricultural Station Agricultural Station Agricultural Station of the Pasteur Institute 1 . (Etiological Station Agricultural Laboratory Agricultural Laboratory (Enological Station Colonial Garden (Colonial Garden of Vincennes I . Laboratory Agricultural Laboratory station of Agricultural Entomology Agricultural Station of the East Laboratory of Fermentations Station of Vegetable Pathology Station for Testing Seeds Station for Testing Agricultural Implements . Laboratory of the General Transportation ('on pany. Agricultural Station Agricultural Laboratory Agricultural Station Agricultural Station Agricultural station Laboratory of Agricultural Entomology Agricultural Laboratory Agricultural Station..." (Etiological Station Agricultural Laboratory Agricultural Laboratory Laboratory of Horticultural Research. station for Viticulture Laval, Mayenne Les Sables d'Olonne. Vendue. Lezardeaux, Finistere .. Lille, Nord Lyon. Rhone Mamirolle, Doubs Manosque, Basses- Alpes Marseilles, Bouches-du- Rhone. do Melun. Seine-et-Mame . Meudon, Seine-et-< >ise . . Montpellier, Herault ... do do Nancy, Mciirthe-et-Mo- selle. Nantes, Loire-Inferieure Narbonne, Aude Nevers, Nievre Nimes, Gard Quai de la Fontaine, Nimes, Gard. Nogent-sur-Marne :i Olmet, Cantal Orleans. Loiret 16 Luc Claude Bernard, Paris. is Rue de Lille, Paris .. Ruedel'Arbalete, 1'aris 11 Kue d'Alesia, Paris. . Paris 47 line Jenner, Paris ... Paris P6tr6\ Vendee Poitiers, Vienne Rennes, [lle-et-Vilaine. Rethel, Ardennes Roue, Seine-Inferieure. do Saint-Etienne, Loire . . . Toulouse, H a u t e Ga roiine. do Tours, Indre-et-Loire... Versailles, Seine-et-< Use do Villefranche, RhOne ... Prudhomme. Recount. Jourdan. Jolly. Soula. Gaston Bonnier. p. P. Deherain. Camille Flammarion. L.Gaillot. II. Leizour. J. Crochetelle. A. Dubernard. L. Vignon. ('. Martin. Brandi. i iassend. E. Milliau. A. Yivier. Bert helot. L. Roos. F. Lambert. H. Lagatu. E. Colomb-Pradel. A. Andouard. L. Semichon. Mancheron. B.Chauzit. E. Kayser. J. Dybowski. E. Duclaux. Duplessis. Dr. Paul Marchal. Prof. L. Grandeau. E. Duclaux. Dr. G. Delacroix. F.Schribaux. M. Ringelmann. Prof. L. Grandeau. Touchard. Koux. <;. Lechartier. Coutte. A. Houzeau. Paul Nogl. Etienne. Fabre. .1. Vincens. L. Robin. Riviere. A. Petit. V. Vermorel. FRENCH GUIANA. Botanical Garden Buduel Bassiere. FRENCH GUINEA. . Experiment station Konakry Teissonnier. » The Colonial Garden at Nogent-sur-Marne, which Is also referred to as the colonial Garden of Vincennes. is a central station thai has the direction of the experiment stations recently established in all the French colonies. It furnishes them with seeds and plants, and makes laboratory studies of all agricultural materials sent in by them for the purpose. FOREIGN EXPERIMENT STATIONS. FRENCH KONGO. 91 Station. Location. Director. Experiment Station Libreville C. Chalot. GAMBIA. GERMAN EAST AFRICA. Usambara GERMANY. Arendsee, Saxony Augsburg, Bavcria Augustenberg," Baden Berlin Berlin .do do... do Bernburg, Anbalt Bonn. Prussia Bremen Bremervorde, Prussia . Mathias Place 6, Bres- lan. Prussia. Breslau ....do Dr. P. Herzberg. Dr.M.Hagen. Prof. I. Behreii-. Prof. Max Delbruck. Dr. Fr. von Tubeuf. Prof. A.Herzfeld. Dr. H.Thiesing. Prof. L. Wittmack. Prof. H.Wilfarth. Dr. E. Herfeldt. Prof. Br. Tacke. Carl Uerdess. Dr. W. Reiner. Prof. B. Sehnlze. Prof. Theodor PfeifTer. .do Prof. K. von Riimker. do Brunswick Colmar.Alsace-Loraine. Dahme, Prussia Danzig, Prussia Darmstadt. Hesse do Seed Control station Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Experiment Station Institute for Fermentation Industries and Starch Manufacture. h Biological Division for Agriculture and Forestry of the Royal Board of Health. Chemical Laboratory of the Beet Sugar Makers' Union of Germany. Experiment Station of the German Agricultural Society. Experiment Station for Milling Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Experiment Station Moor Experiment Station Seed Control Station of the Agricultural School. Agricultural Botanical Experiment and - Control Station. Agricultural Experiment ami Control Station... Agricultural. Chemical, and Bacteriological In- stitute of the Univer>ity. Institute for Agricultural Plant Production of the University. University Institute of Animal Chemistry Experiment Station Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Experiment and Seed Control Sta- tion. Agricultural Experiment station Dairy Experiment Station of the Association of Hessian Agricultural Societies. Agricultural Chemical Laboratory Chemical and Physiological Experiment sta- tion of the Veterinary High School. Experiment Station for Plant Culture at the Botanical Garden. Control Station for Fertilizers. Feeding Stuffs, Poods, and Seeds. Control Station School for Pomology and Agricultural Winter School. Dairy Experiment Station of the Dairy School .. Experiment Station for Pomology, Viticulture, and Gardening. Division for Pomology. Viticulture, and Fer- mentation Investigations. Division of Applied Chemistry Animal Physiological Experiment Station Control Station for Fertilizers, Feeding Stuffs. and Seeds. Experimental Field of the Agricultural Insti- tute of the University. Agricultural Chemical Experiment Station of the Ministry of Agriculture. Experiment Station for Plant Protection Physiological Laboratory, Experiment Field and Park for Domestic Animals of the Agricultural Institute of the University. •Post-office address, (irotzingen. ' Includes divisions of distilling, starch manufacture, pressed-yeast manufacture, brewing, and raw materials. Dobeln, Saxony ... Dresden. Saxony . . ....do Ebstorf, Prussia . . . Eldena. Prussia . . . Friedberg. Hesse . Fulda, Prussia G e i s e n h e i m-on-t h e- Rhine. Prussia. ....do do Gottingen Prussia. do do Halle-on- sia. do.. do.. he-Salle.Prus- Prof. H. Weiske. Prof. Husro Schultze. Prof. Paul Kulisch. Prof. R. Ulbricht. Dr. M. Schmdger, Prof. P. Wagner. Dr. J. Chi. Prof. W. Wolf. Prof. Kllenherger. Prof. ( ). Drude. Dr. F. Bente. Arn. von Homeyer. Dr. von Peter. R.Backhaus. R.Goethe. Prof.. Julius Wortmann. R. Windisch. Prof. F. Lehmann. Dr. G.Kalb. Prof. C. von Seelhorst. Dr. W. Schneidewind. Prof. M. Hollrung. Prof. J. KTihn. 92 FOREIGN EXPERIMENT STATIONS. GERMANY— Continued. Station. Agricultural Botanical Experiment Station Botanical Museum and Laboratory for Commer- cial Products. Division for Seed Control Division for Plant Protection Agricultural Experiment Station for the Study of Plant Growth. Dairy Experiment station , Agricultural Experiment Station , Experiment Stations of the Agricultural Insti- tute. Agricultural Chemical Station Seed Testing Station Institute of Technology Station for Testing Agricultural Implements Meteorological Station , Agricultural Kxperiment Station Agricultural Experiment and Control Station of the University. Division of Chemistry Division of Agriculture Division of Animal Physiology District Agricultural Field and Experiment Sta- tion. Agricultural Chemical Experiment Station Agricultural Experiment Station of the Min- istry of Agriculture of the Province of Schles- wig-Holstein. Agricultural Chemical Station Dairy Station Feeding Stuffs Station Seed Control Station Dairy Experiment Station and Institute Agricultural Experiment Station Dairy Laboratory of the Agricultural Institute of the University. Agricultural Chemical Experiment and Seed Control Station. Agricultural Institute of the University Agricultural Experiment Station Dairy Laboratory of the Central Dairy Station . , Royal Agricultural Experiment Station Central Agricultural Experiment Station Experiment Station for Agricultural Physics and Physiology. Station for Scientific Brewing Agricultural Experiment Station Experiment and Control Station Experiment Station for Upper Lustatia Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricul- tural Academy. Institute of Animal Physiology of the Agricul- tural Academy. Agricultural Kxperiment Station Dairy Institute Experiment Station for Plant Physiology Experiment Station Flax Culture Station of the Royal Prussian De- partment of Commerce. Agricultural Kxperiment Station Station for Plant Physiology and Seed Control . Agricultural Experiment station Forestry Experiment Station of the University. Laboratories Of the Royal Academy of Agricul- ture and Brewing. Division of Agriculture Division of Brewing Viticultural Kxperiment Station Experiment Station Dairy Institute District Agricultural Kxperiment. Location. Director. Hamburg. ....do.... ....do ....do Hamburg-Horn Hameln, Prussia Hildesheim, Prussia . . . Hohenheim, Wurttem- berg. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Insterburg, Prussia Jena, Saxe-Weimar .do .do .do Kaiserlautern, Bavaria Kempen-on-the-Rhine, Prussia. Kiel, Prussia .do .do .do .do Kleinhof-Tapiau, Prussia. Konigsburg, Prussia... do Kdslin, Prussia Leipsic, Saxony Marburg, Prussia Mecklenburg-Schwerin Mockers, Saxony Munich ....do ....do Minister, Prussia Oldenburg-on-the-Main Pommritz, Saxony Poppelsdorf, near Bonn. .do Posen-Jersitz, Prussia. . Proskau, Prussia ....do Rostock, Mecklenburg- Schwerin. Sorau, Wurttemberg... Speier, Bavaria Tharand, Saxony Triesdorf, Bavaria. .. Tubingen, Wurttemberg Weihenstephan, Bavaria .do .do Weinsberg, Wurttem- berg. Wiesbaden. Prussia Wreschen, Prussia Wiirzburg, Bavaria Dr. Oscar Burchard. Prof. Sadebeck. Dr.A.Voigt. Dr. C. Brick. Dr.M.Ullmann. Prof. P.Vieth. Dr. C. Aumann. Krnst V. Strebel. Prof. A. Morgen. Prof. 0. Kirchner. Prof. Paul Behrend. Prof. Karl Fruwirth. Prof. Mack. Dr. W.Hoffmeister. Prof. H. Settegast. Prof. Edler. Dr. Kvinnemann. Dr. Pro we. Dr. Gottf r. Fassbender. Prof. A. Emmerling. Prof. H. Weigmann. Dr. C. Reese. Prof. H.Rodewald. Dr. K. Hittcher. Prof.G. Klien. Prof. Alex. Backhaus. Dr. P. Baessler. Prof. Wilhelm Kirchner. Prof. Th. Dietrich. Johs. Siedel. Prof.O. Kellner. Prof. Franz Soxhlet. Prof.C.Kraus. Prof. J. Konig. Dr. P. Peterson. Prof. G. Loges. Prof. F. Kreusler. Prof. Osc. Hagemann. Dr. Gerlach. Dr. J. Klein. Prof.R.Stoll. Prof.R Heinrich. Alois Herzog. Prof. A. Halenke. Dr. F. Nobbe. Prof. Ph. Schreiner. Prof. T. von Lorey. Dr. E. Wein. Prof. Krandauer. Dr. J.Behrens. Prof. H. Presenilis. Dr. H.Tiemann. Dr.Th.Omeis. GOLD coast. Botanic Station Aburi W. H.Johnson. FOREIGN EXPERIMENT STATIONS. GREAT BRITAIN. 93 Station. Location. Director. ENGLAND. Agricultural Experiment Station of the Royal Agricultural Society of England (Woburn Ex- perimental Farm). Bath and We«t and Southern Counties Society . . University Botanic Garden Cambridge University* Royal Veterinary College Essex Technical Laboratories, Essex County Council. Royal Agricultural College and Farm a Aynsome Experiment Station Rothamsted Agricultural Experiment Station... Royal Gardens Yorkshire College* Durham College of Science and Farm" Botanical Department, Royal Agricultural So- ciety of England. University College a University Botanic Garden Reading College ■ Woburn Experimental Fruit Farm Southeastern Agricultural College and Farm a ... IRELAND. Aspley Guise, R. S. O., Beds. 4 Terrace Walk, Bath.. Cambridge do Camden Town, London Chelmsford Cirencester Grange-over-Sands . . . Harpenden Ke \v, London Leeds Newcastle-upon-Tyne Norwood Nottingham Oxford Reading Woburn Wve, near Ashford, Kent. Dr.J.A. Voelcker. Sir C. T. D. Acland. Prof. H. Marshall Ward. Prof. W. Somerville. Dr.J.M.McFadyean. David Houston. Prof. E. Kinch. J. S. Remington. sir W.T.Thiselton-Dver. R.W.Haydon. H. P. Gur'ney. William Cafruthers. Prof. M.J. R. Dunstan. Prof. S. H. Vines. Prof. Douglas A. Gilchrist. Spencer Pickering. h Prof. A. D.Hall. Royal Dublin Society (carries on experiments on different selected estates). Irish Agricultural Organization Society Royal Botanic Gardens Trinity College Botanic Garden Kildare Street, Dublin. . Rt. Hon. Lord Ardilavn. 22 Lincoln Place, Dublin H. C. Sheringham. Glasnevin, Dublin F. W. Moore. Dublin E. Perceval Wright. SCOTLAND. Agricultural Research Association Experiment Station of the Highland and Agri- cultural Society of Scotland. Royal Botanic Garden The West of Scotland Agricultural College 6 Botanic Gardens . Glasterbury, Aberdeen . Pumpherston, Edin- burgh. Edinburgh Glasgow and Kilmar- nock. Glasgow University College of Wales University College of North Wales and Farm. Aberystwyth Bangor Thomas Jamieson. Dr.A.P. Aitken. Isaac Bavlev Balfour. Prof. R. Patrick Wright. F. O. Bower. Prof. T. Parry. Prof. Thomas Winter. GUADELOUPE. Agricultural Chemical Station. Elot. HUNGARY. Station. Location. Director. Sandor Czerhati. Experiment Station for Agricultural Implements Public Station for Seed Control and Plant Physi- ology and Pathology. do Prof. V. Thallmaver. ...do ... Prof. G. Linhart. do Prof. T. Kosutanv. Station for Animal Physiology and Feeding do Prof. F. Ferencz Tangl. Dr. Arpad de Degen. Dr. L. Lieberrnann. do ...do do Prof. Kalman Kerpelv. Prof . Zsigmond Zalka. Keszthely Jeno Nyredy. Prof. Fabinvi. Prof. J. Lucich 'Through the agency of agricultural committees and other organizations conducts experiments in different localities. b Director's address, Harpenden, Herts. College at Glasgow, Dairy School and Experiment Station at Kilmarnock. Formerly the Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College. <>4 FOREIGN EXPERIMENT STATIONS. INDIA. Station. Taj Garden Botanic Garden. Departmenl of Agriculture Botanic Garden Botanic Garden Municipal Garden Agri-Horticultural Society of India. Botanic Gardens Location. Maharajah's Garden Lloyd Botanic Garden Dumraon Experimental Farm. Botanic Garden Cawnpore Experimental Farm Botanic Garden. .. Municipal Garden Botanic Garden. Botanic Garden (iovernment Horticultural Garden Agri-Horticultural Society Botanic Garden (iovernment Cinchona Plantation. Experimental Farm Horticultural Gardens of the Central Provinces. B< itanic < rarden Government ( 'inchona Plantations Burdwan Experimental Farm Government Experimental Farm Botanic Department of the College of Sciences. < n >p Experiments a Botanic Department, Northern India Botanic Gardens Saidapet Experimental Farm . Crop Experiments in Assam a Experiment Farm of the Civil Engineering Col- lege. I department of Royal Botanic Gardens Government Experimental Farm Division of Experimental Cultivation Museum and Botanic Gardens Botanic Garden Aura. Northwest Prov- inces and Oudh. Allahabad. Northwest Provinces and Oudh. Bangalore. Mysore Baroda, Native States .. Bombay Calcutta. Bengal Cawnpore, Northwest Provinces and Oudh. Darbhangah, Bengal ... Darjeeling, Bengal Dumraon, Bengal Ghorpuri, Bombay Gotaiya, Northwest Provinces and ( >udh. Gwalior, Native States . Karachi, Bombay Presi- dency. Kumaon (Ramghur), Northwest Provinces and Oudh. Lahore. Punjab Lucknow, Northwest Provinces and Oudh. Madras MorVi, Native States ... Mungpoo, Bengal Nagpur, Central Prov- inces. do Ootacumund, Madras . . do Pala, Bengal Poona, Bombay Presi- dency. ....do do Saharanpur, Northwest Provinces and Oudh. do Saidapet, Bombay Presi- dency. Shillong, Assam Sibpur, Bengal .do Surat, Bombay Presi- dency. Taunggyi, Southern Shan States. Travancore (Trivand- rum), Native States. Udaipur, Native States Director. A.E. P.Griessen. H.J. Davies. J. Cameron. G. H. Krumbiegel. c. D. Mahaluxmivala P. Lancaster. G. H.T.Meyer. Herbert Thorn. W. A. Kennedy. D.L. Kov. P. o. Kanitkar. P.V.Subbiah. C. Maries. F. W. Seers. H.G.Hein. M. Hid ley. A. G. Bourne. Joseph Beck. D. Prain. R.S.Joshi. J. H.Stephen. C.A.Barber. w. M.Standen. D.L. Roy. J. W. Mollison. G. A. Gammie. J. W. Mollison. J. F. Duthie. W.Gollan. W. Kees. D.H.Lees. N.G. Mukerji. D. Prain. J.W.Mollison. A.H.Hildebrand. li.s. Ferguson. 1 . 11. storey. ITALY. GSnological station Asti Prof. Ad. Casali. Agricultural Chemical Laboratory Entomological station L9 Via Romano, Flor- ence. Forli Prof. Adolfo Targioni Toz- Agricultural Chemical Experiment Station Ex peri men t Station for Cheese Making zetti. Prof. Aless. I'asqualini. Eodi Prof. Carlo Besana. Agricultural Chemical Experiment station Agricultural Chemical Experiment Station Milan Prof. A. Menozzi. Prof. Gino Cugini. Agricultural Chemical Experiment Station Prof. A. Borntrager. Agricultural chemical Laboratory Prof, cms Bellucci. Trot". F. Dupre. Prof. Fausto Sestini. Royal Agricultural High School I'ortici Prof. s. B. Baldassarre. Agricultural chemical Laboratory do Italo Giglioli. Experiment Station for Vegetable Pathology Agricultural Chemical Experiment Station Rome Prof. G. Cuboni. do Prof. Emanuel Paterno. Agricultural chemical Laboratory Napoleon Passerini. Prof. c. Giannetti. Agricultural Chemical Experiment station Agricultural Chemical Experiment Station Turin Dr. M. Zecchini. Prof.G. Nallino -cultural experiments and variety tests are conducted In many different places throughout the province. FOREIGN EXPERIMENT STATIONS. IVORY COAST. 95 Station. Experiment Station Location. Director. Dabou Teissonnier. JAPAN. Yamagata Agricultural Experiment Station. Sericulture.] Institution Kiigata Agricultural Experiment Station Totyo Sericultural Institution Central Agricultural Experiment Station Tokai Branch Station Sanio Branch Station Rikuu Branch Station Kyushyu Branch Station Sanyin Branch Station Shikoku Branch Station Kinai Branch Station Hokuriku Branch Station Too Branch Station Agricultural Chemical Laboratory of the Agri- cultural Academy. Agricultural Chemical Laboratory of the Agri- cultural Institute of the Imperial University. Higashi Yamagatagun, I wash i ro. Kinngasa, near Kyoto . . Nagooka, Niigata Nishigahara, near Tok- yo. do Anjomura, Aichi Gionmura, Hiroshima .. Hanadatemura, Akita . . Idzumimura.Kumamo- to. Imaichi, Shimane Kanomyomura, Toku- shima. Kashiwabara, Osaka Matsutomachi. lshika- wa. Magasakimura, Miyagi. Sapporo Komaba, Tokyo G. Mastunaga. T.Tanaka. Dr. J.Sawano. Do. K.Obata. Dr. S. Shinjo. Dr. T.Onda. Dr.Y.Otzuka. Dr. T. Yamanaka. Dr. K.okada. Dr. Y. Kagami. Dr. K. Ushimura. Dr. T. Yoshii. Prof K. Bieler. JAVA. Botanic Station* Buitenzorg Dr. M. Treub. West Java Sugar Cane Experiment Station " Kagok," Pekalongan. H. C. Prinsen-Geerligs. Experiment Station for Indigo Klatten J.J. Hazewinkel. East Java Sugar Cane Experiment Station Pasoeroean J. D. Kobus. KONGO FREE STATE. Botanical Garden and Experiment Station Coquithatville I 1 1 LAGOS. Botanic Station MADAGASCAR. Prudhomme. Agricultural Experiment Station ' Nahanisana, near Tananarivo. 1 1 Fauchere. • MALAY STATES. Perak (Taiping) Robert Derry. MALTA. John Borg. Dr. Francesco Debono. MARTINIQUE. Saint Pierre Nollet. » This institution has ten divisions for experimental work, including those for investigations on agricultural chemistry, coffee, tea, tobacco, etc. 96 FOREIGN EXPERIMENT STATIONS. MAURITIUS. Station. Location. Director. Botanic Gardens Department of Forests and Botanic Gardens Agricultural station Botanic Gardens F. Bijonx. .1. Vankeirsbilck. Pamplemousses Reduit do NATAL. Botanic Gardens Durban Botanic Garden Pietermaritzburg. .Tohn Medley Wood. G. Mitchell. NETHERLANDS. Association for Establishing and 'Maintaining an Experiment Garden. Willie Commelin Scholten Laboratory of Vege- table Pathology. Association "The Experiment Garden " Government Agricultural Experiment Station . . Government Agricultural Experiment Station .. Horticultural Experiment Field of the Gron- ingen Horticultural Society. Experimental Garden of the Groningen Division of the Netherlands Society for Horticulture and Botany. Government Agricultural Experiment Station .. Experimental Field of the Friesian Horticul- tural Society. Government Agricultural Experiment Station .. Aalsmeer Amsterdam Boskoop Goes Groningen J. Ritzema Boa Dr. A.. T.S waving. Dr.B.Sjollema. do do Hoorn Dr. K.H.M.VanderZande. Leeuwarden J. Post ma. Dr. J. J. L. Van Rijn. E.Snellen. do P'xperimental Field Experimental Field Propagating Field of the Friesian Agricultural Company. Union for Establishing and Maintaining the Pomological Garden. Central Agricultural Experiment Station Niew-Buinen Sappeneer Suameer Tiel F. Schuurman. G. Veenhuizan. K. L. DeVries. H.N.S. ('. Van der Sijp. Prof. Adolph Mayer. F. F. Bruijning, jr. A. A.Neeb. do Experiment Field of the Girard Adriaan Van Swieten Agricultural School. Willemsoord NEW ZEALAND. Colonial Botanic Garden Colonial Botanic Garden Colonial Botanic Garden Colonial Botanic Garden Canterbury Agricultural College Colonial Botanic Garden Experimental station Momohaki Experimental Station Colonial Botanic Garden New Zealand Department of Agriculture*. Experimental Station Auckland Christchurch Dunedin Invercargill . Lincoln Napier Wairangi Waverly Wellington .. do Weraroa NORWAY. William Goldie. Ambrose Taylor. J.McBean. Thomas Waugh. William Lowrie. W. Barton. K.Clifton. F.Gillandera G.Gibb. T.Y Duncan. G.Ross. Experimenl Station of the Agricultural School. Chemical Laboratory of the Agricultural School. Milk Control Station High High do Bergen Christiania do II. Lundgaard. Veterinary Pathological institute and Animal Vaccine institute. Dr. 0. Malm. 8< • 'i Control Station do Mi-s C. Steen. Milk Control Station do ii. Olsen. Hamar Nordstrand, near Christiania. Trondhjem do .ion Reid. Wilhelm M. Schcryen, Agricultural Chemical Control station Dr. E. Sol berg. K. Schoven. ...do... »The Niu Zealand Department of Agriculture conducts numerous experiments on leased land in different parts of the Island. FOREIGN EXPERIMENT STATIONS. PARAGUAY. 97 Station. Location. Director. School of Agriculture and Model Farm PORTUGAL. Agricultural Chemical Experiment Station. Laboratory of Vegetable Pathology Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Chemical Experiment Station. Lisbon , Ramiro Larcher Marcal. do Mirandella Oporto Palma de Valhena. REUNION. Botanic Garden. St. Denis. E. Grimley. ROUMANIA. Agricultural Experiment Station Chemical Laboratory and Experiment Station for Tobacco Culture. Zootechnical Institute Experiment Field for Forage Plants and Irriga- tion Experiments. Bucharest ....do.... do.... Constante Cornelius Roman. Dr. Maximilian Popovici. A. J. Locusteanu. Cornelius Roman. RUSSIA. Agricultural Chemical and Seed Control Station. Nursery of Grapevines Nursery for ( Hive Trees Bogar Experiment Fields a Laboratory of the Bureau of Fish and Seal In- dustries. Experiment Field Agricultural Experiment Station Vuisokolitovsk Experiment Field Experiment Field Experiment Field of the Kharkov Society for Agriculture and Agricultural Industries. Agricultural Experiment Station Uyutnoe Experiment Field Agricultural Chemical Experiment Station Abo, Finland Aleshki,Govt. Taurida . Artvina, Govt. Kuta'is.. Govt. Askhabad, Trans- Caspian Region. Astrakhan Daniel Langerlof. K. J. Dennissenko. Teitel. Experiment Field Experiment Field of the Eletz Agricultural Society. Agricultural Experiment Station Experiment Field Experiment Station of the Gorki Agricultural School. Flax Culture Station Agricultural and Commercial Chemical Labo- ratory. Experiment Cotton Field Bacteriological Station of the Kazan Veterinary Institute. Experiment Field Experiment Field. .do Bacteriological Station of the Kharhov Veteri- nary Institute. Experiment Station of the Kharkov Agricul- tural School. Experiment Field Experiment Forest on the Watershed between the Volga and the Don. Seed Control Station and Chemical Laboratory of the South Russian Society for Promoting Agriculture and Rural Industries. > Fields established on the mountain sides for experiments with cereals without irrigation. 15469— No. 111—02 7 Bodrowiz, Govt. Kiev. . . Near Bogodukhov, Govt. Kharkov. Brest, Govt. Gradno Buguruslan, Govt. Sa- mara. Byelgorod, Govt. Kursk. Choinowo, Poland Dr. Casimir Rogoyski. Dmitriev, Govt. Kursk. . Dorogobush, Govt. Smo- R. A. Djakonow. lensk. Elabug, Govt. Vvatka . . Eletz, Govt, Orel Near Garvolonsk, Govt. Syedletz, Poland. Glazov, Govt. Vyatka . . . Gorki, Govt. Mogilev . . . Gorodishche, Govt. Kostroma. Helsingfors, Finland . . . Karayazi, Govt. Tiflis, Caucasus. Kazan Khabarovsk, Govt Maritime, Siberia. Khakanovsk, Govt Terek, Caucasus. Kharkov Kherson Khryenov, Govt. Voro- nezh. Kiev Kornev. N. P. Taratinov. Gagin. Kartzov. 9S FOREIGN EXPERIMENT STATIONS. RUSSIA— Continued. station. Control station of the Kiev Society of Agriculture and Agricultural Industry. Technical Laboratory of the Kiev, Section of the Russian Technical Society. Experiment Station of the Bessarabian School of Wine Making. Experiment Field Buzov Experiment Field Buzinovsk Nursery of Grapevines Experiment Field Experiment Cotton Field Sakarsk Nursery of American Vines. Askhabad Experiment Cotton Field. station for Sod Selection and Experiment F.eld of the Pilskovo Beet Sugar Factory. Experiment Tobacco Plantation Experiment Field for Oil-Bearing Plants Agricultural Experiment station Experiment Field of the Northern Agricultural Society. Kluchi Experiment Field Signakh Experiment Tobacco Plantation Agricultural Experiment Station. Experiment Cotton Field Experiment Field of the Courland Economic Society. Agricultural Experiment Station Experiment Station of the Moscow Agricultural Institute. Bacteriological Agricultural station Biological Laboratory of the Moscow Agricul- tural School. Experiment Field Experiment Station of the Agricultural and Dairy Institute. Experiment Vineyard of the Nicolaev Section of the Imperial Russian Society of Horticulture. Experiment Station of the Maria Agricultural School. Churakov Experiment Field Experiment Farm of the NOVO- Alexandrian In- stitute of Agriculture and Forestry. Experiment Field Location. Experiment Garden Farm Shatilov Agricultural Experiment Station. Experiment Field Experiment Field Experiment Field Experiment Field Experiment Field of the Moscow Agricultural Institute. Agricultural Fx peri men t Station Experiment Field Flax Culture Station Agricultural chemical Experiment and seed I eating station of the Polytechnic Institute. Experiment Farm of the Riga Polytechnic In- stitute. Koreisubansk Nursery of American Vines Kiev .do Kishinev. Govt. Bessa rabia. Klin Kotelnich, Govt. Vyatka Kuchurgan. Govl Kherson. Kungura.Covt. Perm... Kutais. Caucasus Kvirila, Govt. Kutais ... Kyoshi, Trans-Caspian Region. Lipovetz, Govt. Kiev... Lokhvitza.i.ovt.I'oltava ....do Luga. Govt. St. Peters- burg. Lynban, Govt. Nov- gorod. Malmvzh. Govt Vyatka Matnaari. Govt. Tiflis, Caucasus. Medtzi. Govt Volhynia. Merv, Trans-Caspian Region. Mitava, Govt. Courland. Mogilev. Govt. Podolsk. Moscow .do .do Murashkino, Govt, Nijhni. Novgorod. Mustiala. Finland Nicolaev. Govt. Kher- son. Nikolaevskoe, Govt. Saratov. Nolinsk, Govt. Vyatka.. Novo- Alexandria. Govt. Lublin. Novocherkassk, Govt. Don. Nc >voe-Selo, Govt. Yaro- slav. Near Novosil. Gov t. Tula. ( >dessa,GOVt. Kherson.. Omsk, Govt. Akmolinsk, Siberia. Orlov, Govt Vyatka <>si Pe t ro vsko-Kazumov- skoe. Govt. Moscow. Ploti, Govt. Podolsk .... Poltava Porkhov. Govt. Pskov .. Riga, Govt Livonia Director. J. Eard:ah\,ki N.G. Kotelnikov, P. M.LomoiK-ov. J. J. Sokhotski. Enfiadzianetz. .do Seed Testing station of the Imperial Botanical Garden. Agricultural Bacteriological Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture and Imperial Domains. Ichthyological Laboratory of the Nikolsk Ich- thyological Works. Agricultural Chemical Laboratory of the De- partment of Agriculture. Experiment Field -tat ion for Systematic Selection of Beet Seed .., Agricultural Chemical Experiment Station Sadzahvaakho, Govt Kutais. st. Petersburg .do .do Samara Smyela,Govt Kiev Sobics/.yn, near Ivan- gorod* Poland. S.Severin. E. F.Garlitski. Dr.Gosta Grotenielt Prof. P. V. Budrin. M. A. Oshannin. G.Nefedof. V. <;. Rotmistrov. Prince Kudashev. K.W.Williams. S.Schusev. V. X. Dyakov. Myasnikov. Prof . Geo. Thorns. J.G. Klinge. A. Theoktistov. Professor Kassovitch. A. .-empolovski. FOREIGN EXPERIMENT STATIONS. RUSSIA— Continued. 99 Station. Location. Director. Horticultural and Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Experiment Forest on the Watershed between the Don and Donetz. Horticultural and Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Experiment Field Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Botanical Experiment Field Experiment Field of the Terek Society of Agri- culture and Agricultural Industries." Silk Culture Station Seed Testing Station at the Storehouse of the Tver Section of the Imperial Moscow Agricul- tural Society. Okuni Experiment Field Agricultural Experiment and Seed Control Sta- tion. Experiment Field of the Varnavin Zemstvo Experiment Forest on the Watershed between the Dnieper and the Donetz. Peasant Experiment Farm Experiment Field Experiment Farm Agricultural Experiment Station Seed Testing Station of the Museum of Manufac- tures and Agriculture. Agricultural Chemical Laboratory and Control Station of the Esthonian Agricultural Society. Tobacco Experiment Plantation . (Enological Chemical Laboratory and Experi- ment Cellar of the Nikita School of Horticul- ture and Wine Making. Laboratory of the Derebchina Sugar Factory for the Selection of Beet Seed. Chemical Control Station of the Imperial Livo- nian Economic Society. Bacteriological Station of the Veterinary Insti- tute. Station for Seed Selection of the Olshansk Beet- Sugar Factory. Sochi, Govt. Cherno- R.Garbe. morsk, Caucasus. Starobyelsk, Govt. Kharkov. Sukhum, Govt. Kuta'is, Chancellor Tatarinov. Caucasus. Tambov Tashkent, Turkestan . . . Govt. Tavastehus, Fin- land. Govt. Terek, Caucasus . . Prof. N. M. Garnitsch- Garnitski. Tiflis, Caucasus Tver i M. Devel. Urzhum, Govt. Vyatka . Valuiki, Govt. Samara. . V. S. Bogdan. Yagodin-Kuvshinov. Varnavin Velikoanodalsk, Govt. Ekaterinoslav. Velikoe Selo, Govt. Yaroslav. Verkhosunva, Govt. Vyatka. Vuisokoe Selo, Govt. I N. P. Sabanyeev. Yaroslav. Vyatka S. X. Kossarev. Warsaw, Poland A. Sempolovski. Wesenberg, Govt. Esthonia. Yalta, Crimea Yalta, Govt. Taurida Yampol, Govt. Podolsk. Yuryev, Govt. Livonia.. Yuryev (formerly Dor- pat), Govt. Livonia. Zvenigorod, Govt. Kiev. N. von Dehn. K. Sponholz. Prof. Karl Hoppich. SENEGAL. Experiment Station St. Louis Perruchot. SIERRA LEONE. Botanic Station Walter Haydon. SOUDAN. Experiment Station. Experiment Station. Agricultural Station Bammakou 1 French Africa Kati Luc. Jacques. Martret. SOUTHERN NIGERIA. Botanic Garden. Old Calabar John H. Holland. 100 FOREIGN EXPERIMENT STATIONS. SPAIN. station. Location. Director. Ciudad Real Haro Victor ('. Manso de Tu- Experiment Station for Vegetable Pathology Experiment Station of Agricultural High School. Madrid niga. Prof. C. Ascarate. do Prof. Josef. Hurtado de do .. Mendoza. Toro STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. Botanic Gardens. Botanic Gardens. Penang. . . Singapore Charles Curtis. Henry N. Ridley SWEDEN. Entomological Station Experiment Station of the Agricultural Academy Agricultural Chemical Station of the Agricul- tural Society. Agricultural Chemical Station of the Agricul- tural Society. Seed Control Station Institute for Fish Culture and Fresh Water Bi- ology. Agricultural Chemical Station of the Agricul- tural Society. Seed Control Station Agricultural Chemical and Seed Control Station of the Agricultural Society. Chemical and Seed Control Station Agricultural Chemical Station of the Agricul- tural Society. Seed Control Station Chemical and Seed Control Station Seed Control Station Experiment Station of the Swedish Moor Asso- ciation. Chemical and Seed Control Station Agricultural Chemical Station of the Agricul- tural Society. Seed Control Station Seed Con t n >1 Sta tion ExperimentStation for Agricultural Chemistry, Vegetable Physiology, and Seed Control. Seed Control Station Agricultural Chemical and Seed Control Station of the Agricultural Society. Chemical and Seed Control Station Seed Control Station Chemical and Seed Control Station Seed Control Station Experiment Station of the Swedish Seed Asso- ciation. Agricultural Institute Agricultural Chemical Station of the Agricul- tural Society. Agricultural Chemical and Seed Control Station of the Agricultural Society. Seed ( lontrol Station Chemical and Seed Control Station Chemical and Seed Control station Agricultural Chemical Station of the Agricul- tural Society. Albano, near Stockholm do Alnarp Boras. do.... Finspong . Gene .....do Goteborg Halmstad ... Helsingborg . Hernosand Jonkoping do Prof. S. Lampa. Prof. H. G. Soderbaum. Dr. M.Weibull. Dr. W. Abenius. Dr. A. W. Essen. Filip Trybom. Dr. K. Arnell. Ag. Westman. J.E.Alen. Em. Lvttkens. K. E. Bexelius. Th.A.Satervall. C.G.Strokirk. Rob. Tolf . C. H. J. von Feilitzen. Kalmar Dr. A. Atterberg. Kristianstad F. Johannesscn. do Linkoping. Lulea Lund Molkom . . Oerebro Ope, near Estersund.. Skara Stockholm Svalof Ultuna.near Cpsala. do Dr. L. J. Wahlstedt. C. Ad. Blum. Dr. Paul Hellstrom. Dr. B. Jonsson. J. A. Andersson. .1. Widen. J. F. Broman. F. K. S. Hammar. Olaf Sternquist. Dr.N.Hj.Nilsson. H.B.Juhlin Dannfelt. E. Pettersson. Umea I C.N.Pahl. Cpsala T.von Post. Vesteras Dr. J. O. Bcrgstrand. Visby G. Wagner. do L. A. Zetterling. FOREIGN EXPERIMENT STATIONS. SWITZERLAND. 101 Location. Director. Agricultural Chemical Control Station Bacteriological Experiment Station Seed Control Station Agricultural Chemical Station Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricul- tural Institute. Viticultural Experiment Station Agricultural Chemical Station Dairy Experiment Station Dairy School Experiment Station for Fruit, Wine, and Garden Culture. Seed Control Station Experiment Station for Brewing Agricultual Chemical Experiment Station Bern ....do.... Lausanne ....do.... ....do.... .do .do .do Riiti-Zollilsofen, Bern Wadensweil Zurich. ....do. ....do. Dr.P.Liechti. Dr. E. von Freudenreich. G. Martinet. Dr. C. Duserre. Prof. S. Bieler. Dr. Jean Dufour. Prof. E. Chuard. Pelichet. Dr. E. Wuthrich. Dr. H. Miiller-Thurgau. Dr. F. G. Stebler. L. Fries. Dr. E. A. Grete. TUNIS. Agricultural School. Experiment Station Tunis. do E.Bertainchaud. Guillochon. URUGUAY. School of Agriculture and Experimental Farm.. ZANZIBAR. Agricultural Department Experimental Farm . Do Victoria Gardens Robert Nunez Lyne. W.J. Robertson." H. Lister. W. Buzzacott. FOREIGN EXPERIMENT STATION PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED BY THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS DURING 1901. a ALGERIA. - Station. Rou'iba: Botanical Experiment Station Title. Horticulture in Algeria in 1900 Author. Dr. L. Trabut. AUSTRALIA. NEW SOUTH WALES. Sydney: Department of Mines and Agriculture. Botanic Gardens and Domains. QUEENSLAND. Brisbane: Department of Agriculture — SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Adelaide: Central Agricultural Bureau . . WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Perth: The Western Australia De- partment of Agriculture. Report of the Stock and Brands Branch for 1900. The Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales, 12 (1901), Nos.1-11. Report for 1900 The Queensland Agricultural Journal, 8 (1901), Nos.1-6; 9 (1901), Nos.1-5. Annual Report for 1899-1900 , The Journal of Agriculture and Industry of South Australia, 4 (1901), Nos.6-12; 5 (1901) , Nos. 1-4. Fertilizing Field and Garden Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Western Australia, 4 (1901), Nos. 1-4. F.E.H.W.Krichauff. AUSTRIA. Dublany, near Lemberg, Galicia: Agricultural Chemical Exper- iment and Control Station. Gratz, Styria: Provincial Agricultural Chem- ical Experiment and Seed Control Station. Report on the Work for 1900 , The Most Important Fungus Diseases of Agricultural Plants and tbe Methods of Combating them. Report for 1897-1899 Report for 1900 Report for 1900. Dr. H. Svoboda. Klagenfurt, Carnithia: Agricultural Chemical Exper- iment Station of the Royal Imperial Agricultural So- ciety of Carnithia. Klosterneuburg: Chemical Physiological Ex- periment Station for Grape and Fruit Growing. •Reports on the work of many of the foreign experiment stations are published in unofficial jour- nals and hence are not given in this list. 102 Report for 1900. J. Mikulowski-Pomor- ski. Dr. Eduard Hotter. Do. Do. FOREIGN STATION PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING 1901. 103 AUSTRIA— Continued. Station. Title. Author. Leitnieritz, Bohemia: Agricultural Chemical Exper- iment and Seed Control Sta- tion. Neutitschein: Report for 1900 A.J.Kollar. Agricultural Chemical Exper- iment Station. Moravian Seed Control Sta- tion. Parenzo, Istria: Provincial Agricultural Insti- tute and Experiment Sta- tion. Spalato. Dalmatia: Agricultural Chemical Exper- iment Station. Vienna: Agricultural Chemical Exper- iment Station. Seed Control Station ( Agricul- tural Botanical Experiment Station). Department of Agriculture — Report for 1899-1900 included in Report of Secondary School. do Report for 1900 Report for 1900 Report for 1900 Report for year ended July 31, 1900 Report on the Distribution of Phvlloxera in Austria in 1900. Carl G. Kolb. Do. Dr. J.B. Cucovich. Franz Guozdenovic\ Dr. F. W. Dafert. BELGIUM. Brussels: Belgium Ministry of Agricul- ture. Gembloux: Institute of Chemistry and Bacteriology (Agricultural Experiment Station.) Ghent: Provincial Experimental Gar- den. Lou vain: Analytical Laboratory. Roulers: Provincial Agricultural Lab- oratory. Status of Veterinarv and Agricultural Instruction. Third Report. 1897-1899. Resume of the Reports of the Directors of the Government Analytical Laborato- ries for 189y. Agricultural Education at the Flanders Meeting. Ghent. 1899. Bulletins 1 and 2 (1901). Reading Circle of State Agriculturists and Agricultural Instructors. Bulletin of Agriculture, 17 (1901), Nos. 1-6. Agricultural Monograph of the Liruo- neuse Region. The Question Concerning the Impurities of Nitrate of Soda (1900). Bulletins (37 and 68, 1900 Bulletin 70, 1901 , Report on Experiments conducted at the Experimental Garden at Ghent. 1898-99. Report on the Work during 1899. Report on the Work during 1900. History. Organization, and Work (pub- lished on the twenty-fifth anniversary, 1876-1901. ) Van der Bruggen. A. Petermann. Do. Do. P. de Calmve. J. Graftiau. Do. J ulea Van den Berghe BRAZIL. Sao Paulo: Department of Agriculture. Bulletin of Agriculture, 25 (1901), 1-10. Nos. BRITISH WEST INDIES. Antigua: Botanic Station and Cane Experiments. Sugar- Report on Certain Economic Experi- ments Conducted in Connection With the Botanic Station (1900-1901). Annual Report on the Botanic Station, Antigua, for the year ended March 31, 1901. Report on Sugar-Cane Experiments Con- ducted at Antigua and St. Kitts, 1900- 1901. Parts 1 and 2. 10-i FOREIGN STATION PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING 1901. BRITISH WEST INDIES— Continued. Station. Barbados: Imperial Department <>f Agri- culture for the West Indies. Dodd's Reformatory, Barbados: Botanic Station and Sugar- cane Experiments. Grenada: Botanic Station Kingston, Jamaica: Department of Public Gar- dens and Plantations. Trinidad: Royal Botanic Gardens and Sugar-Cane Experiments. Title. West Indian Bulletin, 1 (1901), Nos. 1-4 .. Pamphlet Series, No. 3. Summary of the Results of the cultivation of Seedling and Other Canes at the Experiment stations at Barbados, in 1900. Pamphlet Series. No. 4 (1901). The Harm- fulness of Bush Fires. Pamphlet Series, No. 5 (1901). The Gen- eral Treatment of Insect Pests. Pamphlet Series. No. 7 (1901). The Scale Insects of the Lesser Antilles. Pt. 1. Pamphlet Series, No. 9 (1901). Beekeep- ing in the West Indies. Pamphlet Series. No. 10 (1901). Experi- ments with Manures and Leguminous Plants at Barbados, 1898-1901. Pamphlet Series, No. 11 ( 1901 ) . Hints for School. Nature Teaching (1901) The Fungoid Disease of Cacao in the West Indies. Occasional Bulletin of Miscellaneous In- formation No. 10. Report on Botanic Station for 1900 Bulletin of the Botanical Department, n. ser., 8 (1901), Nos. 1-8. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information, Nos. 27-31 (1901). Report for 1900 Author. .1. P. d'AUmquerque and J. K. Bovell. H. A. Alton! Nicholls. H. Maxwell-Lefroy. Do. W. K. Morrison. ■I. P. d' Albuquerque and J. R. Bovell. W. G. Freeman. Francis Watts. E. L. Skeete. W. E. Broadway. J. H. Hart. CANADA. NORTHWEST TERRITORIES. Regina: Department of Agriculture ONTARIO. Guelph: Ontario Agricultural College and Experimental Farm. Ottawa: Central Experimental Farm . , Toronto: Department of Agriculture Bui. 3 (1901). Noxious Weeds and How to Destrov Them. Report for 1900 Bui. 111. Lucern or Alfalfa, its Compo- sition and Digestibility. Bui. 112. Foul Brood of Bees Bui. 114 (1901). Dairv Bulletin Bui. 115 (1901). The Comparative Values of Ontario Wheats for Bread-Making Purposes. Notes on Varieties of Winter Wheats Bui. 116 (1901). The Hessian Fly in On- tario. Annual Report for 1899 Annual Report for 1900 Bui. 30. Tobacco Culture Bui. 31. Barnyard Manure, its Nature. Functions, Composition, Fermentation, Preservation, and Application. Bui. 35(1900). The Stave Silo Bui. 36 (1900). Results Obtained in 1900 from Trial Plats of Grain, Fodder Corn, Field Roots, and Potatoes. Bui. 37 (1900). Apple Culture and Dis- trict Lists of Apples Suitable for Onta- rio and Quebec, with Descriptions of Varieties. Bui. 38 (1901). Soft Pork, an Investiga- tion into its Character and Causes. Bui. 3, 2. ser. (1900). Catalogue of Fruit Trees under Test at the Experimental Farm at Agassiz, British Columbia. Experimental Farms Reports for 1900 Fruits of Ontario (1898) Report for 1899, vols. 1 and 2 Dairy Division Bui. 1, n. ser., 1901, Im- provement of cheese Curing-rooms. Dairy Division Bui. 'J. n. ser., 1901, Milk for Cheese Factories. Dairy Division BuL 8, n. ser., 1901, Milk for Creameries. Robert Harcourt. V.V. Harrison. H.H.Dean. Robert Harcourt. C.A.Zavitz. Wm. Lochhead. Wm. Saunders. F.T.Shutt. J, H.Qrisdale. Win. Saunders. W.T. Macoun. F.T.Shutt. Wm. Saunders a n d Thos, A. Sharpe. L. Woolverton. J. W. Robertson and J. A. Ruddick. J.A.Ruddick. Do. FOKEIGN STATION PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING 1901. 105 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Station. Title. Cape Town: Department of Agriculture Agricultural Journal Cape of Good Hope, 18 (1901), Nos. 1-13; 19 (1901), Nos. 1-8. Author. CEYLON. Peradeniya: Department of Royal Botanic Gardens. Report of Director of Royal Botanic Gar- dens for 1900 (Administration Reports, 1900. Part IV . Annals of the Roval Botanic Gardens. Peradeniya, 1 (1901), No. 1. J. C. Willis. Do. DENMARK. Copenhagen: Laboratory of Vegetable Phy- siology of the Royal Veteri- nary and Agricultural Col- lege. Experimental Laboratory of the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural High School. Seed Control Station Report for 1S9S-99 Reports Nos. 46-49 Fortv-eighth Report, 1901. Report, 1901. Fortv-ninth O. Rostrup. EGYPT. Cairo: Khedivial Agricultural So- ciety. Journal of the Khedivial Agricultural Society and the School of Agriculture, 3 (1901). Nos. 1-4. Experiments on Cotton at Ghizeh, 1900. The Manuring of Cotton. The Im- provement of Egyptian Wheats. 1901. G. P. Foaden and W. I '. Mackenzie. G. P. Foaden. FRANCE. A. Pagnoul. Arras, Pas-de-Calais: Agricultural Station Bulletin of the Agricultural Station of the Department of Pas-de-Calais for 1900. Cluny, Saone-et-Loire: Agricultural Laboratory Diseases of Wines and Their Treatment. G. Paturel. Conservation of Wines (1901). Juvisy, Seine-et-Oise: Station of Agricultural ("lima- Report for 1900 Camille Flammarion. tology. Laon, Aisne: Agricultural Station and Bac- Bulletin for l^y9 L. Gaillot. teriological Laboratory of Aisne. M< mtpellier. Herault: station for Sericulture Studv on the Cocoons of the Silk Worm F. Lambert. (1899) . Nancy. Meurthe-et-Moselle: Agricultural Station Bulletin of the Agricultural Office of the I Agricultural Station at Nanc v, 1899-1901 , Nos. 1-1. Nantes. Loire-Inierieure: Agricultural Station of the Bulletin for 1899-1900 Pasteur Institute. Nogent-sur-Marne: Colonial Garden The Colonial Experimental Gardens J. Dvbowski. (1900). Practical Agriculture in Warm Countries. 1 (1901), Nos. 1-3. Paris: Agricultural Station of the Agronomv and Agricultural Statistics Bast (1900). Ministry of Agriculture Agricultural Annals. 27 (1901), Nos. 1-11. . . Annals of Agricultural Science. 1901, I, Nos. 1-3. I Bulletin, 20 (1901), Nos. 1, 2 106 FOREIGN STATION PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING 1901. FRANCE— Continued. Station. Title. Author. Rennes, Dle-et-Vilaine: Agriculturul Station Rouen, Seine- Iii ferieure: Notes on Agriculture in the Canton of Redon (1900). Thirteenth Annual Report on the Ex- perimental Fields, 1898. Hail and the Protection of Crops, 2 (1901) , NOB. 1-12. Studv on Protection of Crops from Hail by Cannonading (1900). The Use of Carbon Bisulphid in Horti- culture (1901). G.Lechartier. Villefrance, Rhone: station for Viticulture V. Vermorel. Do. GERMANY. Berlin: Institute for Fermentation In- dustries and Starch Manu- facture. Biological Division for Agri- culture and Forestry of the Royal Board of Health. Bremen:* Moor Experiment Station Breslau: Institute for Agricultural Plant Production of the University. Colmar, Alsace-Loraine: Agricultural Experiment sta- tion. Geisenheim-on-t he-Rhine, Hesse- Nassau: Experiment Station for Po- mology, Viticulture, and Gardening. Hal le-on-the-Sa lie, Saxony: Agricultural Chemical Exper- iment Station of the Minis- try of Agriculture. Experiment Station for Plant Protection. Physiological Laboratory. Ex- periment Field and Park for Domestic Animals of the Agricultural Institute of the University. Hamburg: Botanical Museum and Labo- ratory for Commercial Prod- ucts. * Hamburg-Horn: Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion for the Study of Plant Growth. Hildesheim: Agricultural Experiment sta- tion. Hohenheim, Wurttemberg: station for Testing Agricul- tural Implements. Jena, Saxe-Weimar: Agricultural Experiment and Control Station of the Uni- versity. Kiel, Prussia: Agricultural Chemical Station. K5nlgsberg, Prussia: Dairy Laboratory of the Agri- cultural Institute of the Uni- versity. Kdslin, Pomerania: Agricultural Chemical Ex- periment and Seed Control Station. Report of the Roval Agricultural High School of Berlin for 1900-1901. Report for 1901 The Work of Agricultural Experiment H. Immendorff. Stations in Prussia during 1898. Third Annual Report, 1900 K. von Riimker. Fourth Annual Report, 1901 Do. Report for the Fiscal Years 1898 and 1899. Report for the Fiscal Year 1901 | R. Goethe. First Report of the Substation at Lauch- M.Maercker. stadt,1896. Second and Third Reports of the Substa- Do. tion at Lauchstadt, 1897-98. A Review of the Literature Relating to M.Hollrung. Plant Protection during 1898 and 1899, vols. 1 and 2. Fourteenth Report, 1900 1 . Kiihn. Report of the Seed Control Division for A.Voigt. the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 19(H). Calendar and the use of Commercial Fit- M. Ullmann. tilizers for 1900. The Control of the Sale of Nitrateot Soda Do. (1901). Report for 1900 C. Aumann. Theory and Practice of Agricultural Planl K. Fruwirth. Do. Prof. Edler. Report for 1900 j A. Emmerling. Third Report of the Agricultural Institute A. Rackhaus. of the university of Konlgsberg, 1898. Fourth Report, 1899 Production in Austria. 1848 1898. The Breeding of Agricultural Planti (1901). Report on the Work for 1899 Report for 1899. Do. P. Baessler. FOREIGN STATION PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING 1901. 107 GERMANY— Continued. Station. Author. Leipsic: Agricultural Institute of the University. Marburg, Hesse-Nassau: Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Mvinster, Westphalia: Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Pommritz, Saxony: Experiment Station for Upper Lustatia. Poppelsdorf, near Bonn: Institute of Animal Physiol- ogy of the Agricultural Academy. Proskau, Silesia: Dairy Institute Speier, Bavaria: Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Weihenstephan, Bavaria: Royal Academy of Agricul- ture and Brewing. Contributions from the Agricultural In- stitute of the University, 1901. Report for 1899-1900 Report for 1900 . Report for 1900. Report on the Field Experiments with German, English, and French Fodder Beets, 1901. Report for the Year ended April 1, 1901. . . Annual Report for 1900 Report for 1899-1900. W. Kirchner. Th. Dietrich. G. Loges. F. Wohltmann. J. Klein. A. Halenke and M. Kling. GREAT BRITAIN. ENGLAND. Aspley Guise, R. S. O., Beds: Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion of the Royal Agricultur- al Society of England (Wo- burn Experimental Farm). Cambridge: Cambridge University Cirencester: Royal Agricultural College and Farm. Grange-over-Sands, Lancashire: Aynsome Agricultural Station. Harpenden: Rothamsted Agricultural Ex- periment Station. Kew, London: Royal Gardens Leeds: Yorkshire College . London: Board of Agriculture. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Durham College of Science and Farm. The Journal of the Roval Agricultural Society of England, 3. ser., 11 (1900), pts. 1-4. Third Annual Report on Experiments with Crops and Stock Carried out in Contributing Counties, 1900-1901. Agricultural Students' Gazette, n. ser., vol. 10, Nos. 1-4. The Laboratory (1901) Prospectus (1901) Agricultural, Botanical, and Chemical Results of Experiments on the Mixed Herbage of Permanent Grass Land, Conducted for Many Years in Succes- sion on the Same Land (1900) . Memoranda of the Origin, Plan, and Re- sults of the Field and Other Experi- ments Conducted on the Farm and in the Laboratory (1901). Plans and Summary Tables, Arranged for Reference in the Fields, 1901. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information, Appendix IV, 1900. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information, 1899, Nos. 155, 156; 1901, Nos. 169-177. The Garforth Experiments, 1899 No. 13 (1900). Sheep Breeding Experi- ments—First Report. No. 15 (1901). Guide to Experiments at Manor Farm, Garforth. No. 16 (1901). Results of Experiments on Swede Growing at Garforth and Other Stations, 1900. Annual Report on the Distribution of Grants for Agricultural Education and Research, 1900-1901. The Journal of the Board of Agriculture, 7 (1900-01), Nos. 1-4; 8 (1901), No. 1. Leaflet No. 69. Tent Caterpillars Ninth Annual Report on Experiments Conducted by the Agricultural Depart- ment, 1900. Experiments in Progress at the County Demonstration Farm, Cockle Park, near Morpeth, 1900. J. B. Lawes and J. H. Gilbert. J.H.Gilbert. J.R.Campbell. R. S. Seton. Do. 108 FOREIGN STATION PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING 1901. GREAT BRITAIN— Contimud. Station. England— continued. Nottingham: University College Reading: Reading College. Woburn: Woburn Experimental Fruit Farm. Wye, near Ashford, Kent: Southeastern Agricultural Col- lege. IRELAND. Dublin: Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland. SCOTLAND. Glasgow: The West of Scotland Agricul- tural College. WALES. Aberystwyth: University College of Wales... Title. Author. Report on Experiments Carried on by the Agricultural Department during 1899. Sixth Annual Report on Field Experi- ments, 1899. Seventh Annual Report on Field Trials, 1900. Second Annual Report on the Soils of Dorset (1900). Second Report, 1900 The Journal of the Southeastern Agri- cultural College, 1901, No. 10. Journal, 1 (1901), No. 4; 2 (1901), No. 1. First Annual Report Annual Report on Field Experiments, 1899. D. A. Gilchrist Do. D. A. Gilchrist and C. M. Luxmoore. Duke of Bedford and S. U, Pickering. J. A.Murray and T.H. Middleton. INDIA. ASSAM. Shillong: Department of Land Records and Agriculture.' BENGAL. Pala: Department of Land Records and Agriculture.' Sibpur: Experiment Farm of the Civil Engineering College. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. Bombay: Department of Land Records and Agriculture.' CENTRAL PROVINCES. Nagpur: Experimental Farm Horticultural Gardens of the Central Provinces. Department of Land Records and Agriculture.' MADRAS. Madras: " Department of Land Records and Agriculture.' Annual Note on Crop Experiments in Assam for 1900-1901. Annual Report of the Burdwan Experi- mental Farm for 1898-99. Annual Report for 1900-1901 Annual Report of the Cultural, Dairying, and Breeding Operations conducted on the Government Experimental Farms at Poona and Surat for the Year ending March 31, 1900. Annual Report of the Cultural, Dairying, and Breeding Operations conducted on the Government Experimental Farms at Poona and Surat for the Year ending March 31, 1901. Report for the Year ending March 31, 1901. Report on the Management of the Dis- trict Gardens in the Central Provinces for the Year 1900-1901. Bui. 3 (1901). Gossypium— Egyptian Cot- ton. Experimental Cultivation of Egyptian Cotton at the Nagpur Experi- mental Farm. Vol. II, Bui. 42 (1900). Native Beliefs Regarding the Hainnarkson Horses. Vol. II, Bui. 43 (1901). Sugar Cane in the G6davari and Ganjam Districts. Vol. II. Bui. 44 (1901). Notes on the Cat- tle of the Madras Presidency. Vol. II, Bui. 45 (1901). A Tea Eelworm Disease in South India. F. C. Hennicker. D. L. Roy. N. G. Mukerji. .1. W. Mollison. Do. R. S. Joshi. Do. Do. J. D. E. Holmes. C. A. Barber, J. W. Leather, and 0. K. Subba Rao. J. D. E. Holmes. C. A. Barber. •This department publishes reports on experimental work in different parts of the province. FOREIGN STATION PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING 1901 INDIA— Continued. 109 Station. Title. Author. NORTHWESTERN PROVINCES AND OUDH. Allahabad: Department of Land Records Bui. 9 (1900) . Experiments on the Growth J. W. Leather. and Agriculture.* of Wheat and Maize at the Cawnpore Experimental Farm. Bui. 10 (1900) . Experiments at the Cawn- Do. pore Farm on the Growth of Wheat (a) with Green Manuring and (b) in Rota- tion with Leguminous Crops. Bui. 11 (1900\ A Note on Trials of an W H. Moreland. iErmotorin Well Irrigation. Bui. 12 (1901). Irrigation Wells in the E. A. Molohy. Western Portion of the Northwest Provinces of India. Bui. 13 (1901). Cultivation of Sugar Beet P. V. Subbiah. in North India. Bui. 14 (1901). Different Systems of Hous- Do. ing Cattle and Conserving Manure. Report on the Cawnpore Experimental Farm for the Kharif and Rabi Seasons, Do. 1899-1900. Lucknow: Government Horticultural Report for the Year ending March 31, M Ridley. Gardens. 1901. Saharanpur: Botanic Gardens Report on the Progress and Condition of the Government Botanical Gardens for W Gollan. the Year ending March 31, 1901. SOUTHERN SHAN STATES. Taunggyi: Division of Experimental Cul- Report on Experimental Cultivation for the Year 1898-99. A. H. Hildebrand. tivation. ITALY. Bologna: Agricultural Chemical Labo- ratory. Forli: Agricultural Chemical Exper- iment Station. Milan: Agricultural Chemical Exper- iment Station. Modena: Department of Agriculture, Industries, and Commerce. Padua: Sericultural Station Portici: Royal Agricultural High School The Spontaneous Combustion of Forage in the Hay Loft and How to Prevent it (1900). Annual Report for 1900 Annals, 11 (1901), No. 2. The Italian Agricultural Experiment Stations, 34 (1901), Nos. 1-8. Armature of the Pro-legs of the Silkworm Caterpillar (1901). Annals, ser. 2, 2 (1901) Ad.Casali. A. Pasqualini. E. Verson. JAVA. Buitonzorg: Botanic Station " Kagok"Pekalongan: West Java Sugar Cane Experi- ment Station. Bui. No. 7 (1900) Bui. Nos. 22 and 50 (1900). Investigations on the Effects of Root Diseases of Sugar Cane. (Issued by East and West Java Stations. ) Mites on Sugar Cane Bui. No. 51 (1901). in Java. Bui. No. 52 (1901) Cane in Java. Report for 1899 ReDort for 1900 Plant Lice of Sugar J.J.Smith. Dr. Z. Kamerling and Dr. H. Suringar. Dr. L. Zehntner. Do. 'This department publishes reports on experimental work in different parts of the province 110 FOREIGN STATION PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING 1901. JAVA— Continued . Station. Title. Author. Pasoeroean: East Java Sugar Cane Experi- Bui. 23 (1901). Plant Food Removed by J. D. Kobus. . ment Station. Different Varieties of Sugar Cane. Bui. 25 (1901) . Observations on Root Dis- Do. eases of Sugar Cane. Bui. No. 27 (1901). Report on Experi- J. D. Kobus and J. A mental Gardens for 1899-1900. Van Haastert. Bui. No. 28 (1901). Distanceand Fertili- J. D. Kobus. zer Experiments with SugarCane. Bui. No.29 (1901). Propagation Tests .... Do. Bui. No. 30 (1901) Dying of Sugar Cane Do. in Fertilizer Experiments. Bui. No. 31 (1901). Fertilizer Experi- Do. ments. Bui. No. 32 (1901). Tests of Varieties of J. D. Kobus and J. A. Sugar Beets Used for Propagation. Van Haastert. MALTA. Sant' Antonio Gardens. Report on the Sant' Antonio Gardens and Suggestions for Improvements in the Same, 1900. Dr. John Borg. MAURITIUS. Reduit: Annual Report for 1900 P. Bon&me. Bui. 4 (1901). Sugar Content and Yield of Seed Canes. Composition of Different Varieties of SugarCane (1901). Do. Do. NEW ZEALAND. Wellington: New Zealand Department of Agriculture. Eighth Report, 1900. NORWAY. Aas: Experiment Station of the Agricultural High School. Christiania: Agricultural Chemical trol Station. Con- Report for 1899-1900 Report of Experimental Garden for 1899- 1900, included in Report of the High School. Report for 1900. Bastian R. Larsen. Do. Harald Gregg. RUSSIA. Ploti, Govt. Podolsk: Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Riga, Govt. Livonia: Agricultural Chemical Ex- periment and Seed-Testing Station of the Polytechnic Institute. Sobieszyn.nearlvangrod, Poland: Agricultural Chemical Ex- periment Station. The Fertility of Ploti Soils as Related to Climatic Peculiarities (1900). Annual Report for 1900 The Results of Fertilizer Control, 1899-1900. The Valuation of Arable Soils on a Sci- entific Statistical Basis, Part III (1900). Results of Experimental Work, 1898-99 .., Results of Experimental Work, 1899-1900 P. P. Trubetzkoi. G. Thorns. Do. A. Sempolovski. Do. FOREIGN STATION PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING 1901. Ill STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. Station. Title. Author. Singapore: Annual Report for 1900 H.N.Ridley. SWEDEN. Albano, Stockholm: Entomological Station Alnarp: Agricultural Chemical Station of the Agricultural Society. Goteborg: Agricultural Chemical and Seed Control Station of the Agricultural Society. Halmstad: Chemical and Seed Control Station. Hernosand: Chemical and Seed Control Station. Kristianstad: Seed Control Station Molkom: Agricultural Chemical and Seed Control Station of the Agricultural Society. Ope, near Estersund: Seed Control Station Skara: Chemical and Seed Control Station. Stockholm: State Department of Agricul- ture. Seed Control Station Report of the State Entomologist for 1900 Report for 1900 Report for the year ended June 30, 1900. . Report for 1900 Report for 1900 Report for the year ended June 30, 1900 . Report for 1899 Report for the year ended June 30, 1900 . Report for 1900 Notes on Swedish Dairv Farming for 1800-1900, together with a Statistical Account of the Dairies of the Country for 1900. Report of the Dairv Agents for 1900 Report for 1899 Normal Value of Seeds and Notes on Seed Investigations, 1895-1899. Report of Seed Control Stationsof Sweden for 1899. Reports for the years ended June 30, 1900 and 1901. S. Lampa. M.Weibull. J. E. Alen. Em. Lyttkens. C. G. Strokirk. L.J.Wahlstedt. J. A. Andersson. J. F. Broman. S. Hammar. G. Liljhagen. A. Lyttkens. Do. O. Sternquist. SWITZERLAND. Ruti-Zollikofen. Bern: Dairy School Wadensweil: Experiment Station for Fruit, Wine, and Garden Culture. Thirteenth and Fourteenth Reports, 1899- 1901. Eighth Report, 1897-98 Dr. Ernst Wiithrich. TUNIS. Tunis: Department of Agriculture and Bulletin of the Departmentof Agriculture Commerce. and Commerce, 6 (1901), Nos. 18-21. ZANZIBAR. 1 Dunga: Agricultural Department ' Report for 1899 INDEX OF NAMES. Abbott, A. A.. 24. Abbott. F Abbott, F. A.. 38. Abenius, W., 100. Abercrombic. J. YV\, 11. Aekerman, J. II.. 65, Acland, C. T. D., 93. Adair. M. H.. 67. Adams. C. A. (Va.), 67. Adams, C. A. (Wyo.), 73. Adams. I). ('.. 63. Adams, E. E., 37. Adams, F., 5. Adams, F. Y., 14. Adams, G. E., 58. Adams, J. Q., 57. Adams, J. \V., 13. Adams, L., 13. Adams, L. H., 72. Adams, S. B., 22. Agee, A., 53. Agee, G. W., 32. Agnew, E., 29. Aguirre, M. B., 14. Aiken, J. B., 20. Aitken, A. P., 93. Aldrich, C. R., 37. Aldrieh, I. D., 60. Aldrich, J. M.. 21. Alto, J. E., 100. Alexander, A. R., 40. Alexander, C. T., 24. Alexander, E. A., 27. Alford, F., 18. Allord.T. G., 26. Alia, 89. Allen, C. N., 50. Allen, C. P., 33. Allen, E. A., 40. Allen, E. P., 36. Allen, K. W., 6. Allen. II. C. 53. Allen. M. I... B. Allen, K. M.. 30. Allen, W. M., 7. Allen, \Y. P., 40, 17. A His, L. M.. 27. Allison, T. P. P., 62. Almy, .1. F... 13. Aloma, T. <;.. 58. Alvord, C. B., 63. AlWOOdj W. B., 66,67. Amelinekx, <'.. B7. Ames, C. T., 38, 39. Ames, J. \\\. 54. Ammons, T. G., 17. Amoss, W. L. , 10. Anders. A. T.. 32. Anderson. P. I'.. (i, 30. Anderson, J., 35. Anderson, .T. T., 12. Anderson, L. (Ark.), 15. Anderson, L. (Cal.), 16. Anderson, \\\, 29. Andersson, J. A.. 100. Andouard, A., 90. Andrews, E., 12. Andrews, E. B.. 42. Andrews, M. W., 65. Andrews, S. B.. 66. Andrews, W. H., 48. Androns, S. X.. 17. Ansart, L. L., 57. Anthony, L. C, 41. Appell, J. F., 21. Apperson, J. T., 55. Archer, H. E., 12. Archer, H. M.. 12. Ard, C. E., 38. Arden, S., 95. Ardilavn, 93. Armsby, H. P., 56, 57. Arnell, K., 100. Arney, A. M., 57. Arnold, C. L., 53. Arthur, J. C, 26. Asearate, ('.. 100. Ash, II . M.. 52. Atherton, G. W., 6, 56. Alkeson, T. C, 70. Atkins, M. D., 36. Atkinson, B. II.. 32. Atkinson. (I. P., 49. Atkinson, T. W., 31. Atterberg, A., 100. At water, W. 0., 5, 18, 19. Atwood, II., 71. Aubert, A. B., 33. Aiiniann. ('., 92. Austin, C. P., 12. Averitt. S. I)., 30. Avery. P. P., 68. Avery. M.. 55. Avery. S. B. S., 36. Avis, E. S.. 20. Aver. A. W.. 65. Ayksworth, B. (>., 17. Ayres, A. B., 54. Babb, C. M.. ti'.t. Babb, <;. P., 35. Babb. .1. G., 39. 40. Babb. M. J., 57. Babcock, s. M.. 72. Babcock, W., jr., 36. Babson. II.. 35. Baeheler, B., (17. Backhaus, A., 92. Baekhaus. R., 91. Bacon. A. ().. 22. Baden. W. W.. 21. Baer, V. B., 72. Baessler, P., 92. Baglcy. Mrs. R. N\, 63. Baier, E., 86. Bailey. P. M., 85. Bailey, J. B., 38. Bailey. L. H., 49. Bain. S. >!.. 62. Baker, C. A., 47. Baker. C. E., 36. Baker, H. W., 19. Baker. J. A.. 63. Baker. J. S., 42. Baker. K.. 64 Baker. R. T., 85. Baker. YY. P., 67. Baldassarre. S. B.. 94. Baldwin. P. A.. 67. Baldwin. \Y. II.. jr.. 13. Balfour. I. B.. 93. Ball. E. P.. 18. Ball. L. H., 19. Ballantine. K. P., 15. Banks, A. L., 63. Banks, .1. ('.. 13. Banks. Y\ . A., 25. Barbe. \Y.. 70. Barber. C. A., 94. Barber. .1. II.. 17. Barbour, E. 11 , Barbour, E. L.. 46. Barclay, C. B., 27. Bardenwerper, K.. 44, Bardsilevski. J., 98. Barker, H. S., 30. Barlow, J., 58. 112 INDEX OF NAMES. 113 Barnard, F. J., 68, Barnes, A., 59. Barnes. A. ('.. 18. Barnes, A. E., 21. Barnes, G., 29. Barnes, S. E., 62. Barnes. W. H. L., 16. Barns, C. L., 69. Barr, A. L., 43. Barr, YV. H.. 38. Barrell, E. E., 33. Barrell, E. F., 33. Barrett, H., 67. Barrett, J. M., 26. Barrett, O. W., 5, 58. Barrett, R. C, 27. Barrow, D. C, jr., 22. Barrow, D. X., 32. Barrows, A. C, 53. Barrows, H. K., 65. Barrows. YV. B., 36. Barry. C. A., 69. Bartlett. J. M., 33, 34. Barton, W., 96. Bassiere, 90. Batchelder, J. D., 53. Batchelor, E. L., 85. Batch varorT, X., 88. Batt, C, 64. Baudnit, W. J., 33. Banni, 8.. 32, Bauton, C, 12. Baxter, L. YV.. 55. Baxter, W., 29. Bayliss, A., 24. Beach, C. L., 19. Beach, S. A., 48. Beach, \Y. G., 69. Beal, A. C, 25. Beal, YV. H., 5. Beal, YV. J., 36. Beans. H. T., 24. Beard, H. G., 54. Beardshear, W. M., 27. Beardsley, C, 69. Beattie, R. K., 69. Beatty, E., 25. Beatty, L. O., 30. Beaty.J. H. M.,59. Beaver, J. A., 56. Beck, J., 94. Beckham, J. C. W., 30. Beckwith, J. A.. 72. Bedford, R. C, 13. Bedford, S. A., 88. Beecroft, D. G., 72. Beem, D. E., 26. Beers, W. D., 64. Beggs, E. D., 21. Behrend, P., 92. Behrens, I., 91. Behrens. J.. 92. Beistle, C. P., 7. Belden, H. M., 40. Bell, W. C. 30. Bellncci, G., 94. Benbow, J. T., 51. Benedict. F. G., 5. Benedict, G. G., 64. Benkendorf. G. H., 72. Bennett, A. A., 27. Bennett, R. L., 15. Benson, M. A., 65. Bente, F., 91. Berchtold, F.. 55. Bergen, T. G., 45. Bergstrand, J. O., 100. Berry, M. E., 29. Berryrnan, C. M., 53. Rertainchand, E., 101. Berthelot. 90. Berthoud, G. F., 85. Bertoni, M. S., 97. Besana, C, 94. Bess, L. A., 67. Bessey, C. E., 42, 43. Best, A., 32. Betts, T., 11. Bevier, I., 25. Bevier, L., jr., 46. Bexelius, K. E., 100. Beyer, S. YV., 27. Bias, J. H., 41. Biddle, G., 19. Bieler, K., 95. Bieler, S., 101. Bigelow, C. E., 67. Bigelow. W. D., 7. Bijoux, F., 96. Bilbro, J. A., 11. Billings, F. H., 31. Bingham, D., 45. Bird, M., 32. Bird, R. M., 38. Birge, E. A., 72. Birkinbine, J., 56. Bishop, G. A., 87. Bishop, \Y. H., 20. Bissell, G. YV., 27. Bitting, A. W., 26. Bittle, T. C, 63. Blachly, M., 29. Blair, A. YV., 21. Blair, E. R., 36. Blair, J. C, 25. Blair. M., 37. Blaisdell, D. L.. 25. Blake, W. P., 14. Blakeley, G. H., 47. Blakesley, F. E., 47. Blandford, J. C, 34. Blankinship, J. W., 12, Blanton. R. L., 30. Bleile, A. M., 52. Blessing, G. F., 44. Bliss, A. T., 36. Blodgett, F. H., 34, 35. Blood, C. H., 48. Blouin, R. E., 32. Blum, C. A., 100 Blunt, G., 36. Boardman, W. K., 27. Bodfish, H. L., 35. Boesche, A.W., 46. Bogdan, V. S., 99. Boggs, G. A., 33. Bohannan, R. D., 52. Bohlender, T. H., 17. Bolle, J., 86. Bolley, H. L., 51, 52. Bolte, A. H., 41. Bolton, T. L., 43. Bomberger, F. B., 34. Boname, P., 96. Bond, F., 5. Bone, P. T., 88. Bonebright, J. E., 24. Bonham, W. S., 47. Bonnier, G., 90. Booher, W. W., 44. Bookstaver, H. W., 45. Booth, X. O., 48. Borg, J., 95. Borger, R. L., 21. Borland, W. S., 32. Borntriiger, A., 94. Bos, J. Ritzema, 96. Boss, A., 37, 38. Boss, W., 37. Boston, S. M., 60. Bosworth, A. W., 58. Botsford, A., 49. Bourne, A. G., 94. Bouska, F. YV., 28. Boutelle, E. C, 28. Bouton, R., 43. Bovell, J. R., 88. Bowditch, X. I., 35. Bowen, A. F., 50. Bowen, B. L., 52. Bowen, R. E., 59. Bower, B. B., jr., 22. Bower, F. O., 93. Bowker, W. H., 35. Bowman, J., 15. Bownocker, J. A., 53. Bowser, E. A., 46. Boyd, £. P., 17. Boyd, J. M., 61. Boyd, J. YV,, 11. Boyd, P. E., 23. Boyd, T. D., 31, 32. Boyd, T. D., jr., 32. Brace, DeW. B., 42. Brackett, B. B., 46. Brackett, R. X., 59. Bradburn, B. YV , 30. Bradford, J. X., 53. Bradford, YV. R., 36. Bradfute, O. E., 53. Bradham, D. J., 60. Bradley, A., 67. Bradley, H. M., 57. Bradley, J. E., 59. Brady, F. YV., 47. Bragg, J., 22. Bragg, T., 11, 12. Bragg, V. YV., 50. Braman, YV. YV., 45. Brandi, 90. Brasefield, S. E., 36. 15469— No. 111—02 8 114 INDEX OF NAMES. Brautlecht, L. M., la Bredemann, J. H.. 11. Brett, P. M.. 17. Brewer, EL, 12. Brcw.r. W. F.. 12. Brewer, \V. H., 18. Brewster, J. F.. 20. Brice, A. G., 60. Brick. C, 92. Bridge forth, G., 12. Briggs, F. C, 67. Briggs. M. B.,67. Briosi, G.,94. Britcher, H. \\\. 33, 34. Britton, W. E., 18. Broadway. \V. F... B8. Brock, M., 70. Brockenbrough, B. B., 66. Brodboll, H. C. R., 54. Brodie, D. A., 59. Brodie, P. T., 59. Brodie, W. M., 66. Broman, J. F., 100. Brooke, St. G. T., 70. Brooks, A., 12. Brooks, E. F., 46. Brooks, G.B.,85. Brooks, J. P., 30. Brooks, X. C., 25. Brooks, W. P., 35. Broome, F. H., 62. Broussard, J. F., 32. Brown, A. B., 29. Brown, A.M., 36. Brown, G. D., 65. Brown, G. L., 61. Brown, H., 62. Brown, J. L., 21. Brown, J. X., 45. Brown, J. T., 66. Brown, L. L., 47. Brown, X. H., 20. Brown, R., 44. Brown, R. EL, 29. Brown, S. B., 70. Brown, S. D., 71. Brown, \\\, 11. Brown. W. G., 40. Brown, \Y. L., 67. Browne, C. A., jr.. 7. .">7. Browning, B., 70. Browning, EC, 50. Brownlow, I... 12. Bruce. ('. A., 58. Bruce, J. 1)., 62. Braijning, P. P., jr., 96. Bramley, O. \ Bruner, L., 43. Branson, C. R., 67. Bryan, E. A., 6, 69. Buchanan, J. L., 15. Buck, Q. W M 67. Buckhom, M. II.. 64, 65 Buckhout, N. w.. 57. Buckhout, W. A., ."><;. :>7. Buckley. B. - Budd, J. E., 16. Budd. J. L.. 27. Budrin, P. V.. 98. Budwell, ,1. C, 58. BufTum, B. C, 17. l& Bulkeley, J. IF. 85. Bull, C. P.. 25. Bull, M., 58. Bullard. 8. A.. 24. Burbank. J. E., 33. Burch, O. G., 41. Burchard, O.. 92. Burdick. H., 58. Burgoon, C. E.. 68. Burk, E., 42. Burke. T. F..72. Burkett, C. W., 50. Burnam, G. L., 52. Burnett, E. A., 42, 43. Burnett, J. A., 47. Burnette, F. H., 32. Burns, J. M., 70. Burrage, S., 26. Burrill, T. J., 24, 25. Burtis, F. C., 54. Burton, R. W., 11. Bur well, W. P., 67. Butcher, B. L., 71. Butler, C. F., 67. Butler, E. A., 49. Butler, M., 38, 39. Butler, T., .50. Butterfield. A. P.. 65. Butz, G. C., 57. Buzzacott, W., 101. Caine, J. T., jr.. 64. Caldwell, A. B.. 61. Caldwell, G. C, 49. Caldwell, H. W., 42. Caldwell, J. W., 61. 62. Caldwell, L. C.,51. Caldwell, W. A., 70. Calhoun, J. V.. 31. Calkins, E. C, 42. Callahan, I. B., 55. Callaway, J. D., 21. Calloway, C. J., 13. Calloway, E. H., 22. Calloway, R., 18. Caluwe. P. de, 87. Calvert, C. B., 34. Calvert, S., 40. Calvin, H. W., 29. Calvin, K., 42. Cameron, J., 91. Campbell, K., 87. Campbell, <>. w., 13. Campbell, J. P., 22. Campbell, M. L., 81. Campbell, T. P., 66. Candler, a. D.,22. Candy, A. L.. 43. Canfleld, S. \\\. 68. Cannon, A.. 50. Cannon, B. P., 20. Cantwell, m. a.. 12. Canty, .!. M.. jr., 71. Canu, E.. 89. Carbeny, v. J., 47. Card. F. W.. 58. Cardozo. F. II.. 13. Carey, C. A.. 11. Carhart. W. B.. 7:5. Carlisle. G. W.. 88. Carlyle. W. L.. 72. Carmen. A. 1'., 24. Carmichael. J. M., 11. Carnegie, A.. 18, 56. Carney. C. M., 41. Carno, A. «... 87. Carothers, Mrs. N.. 15. Carpenter, H. V.. 69. Carpenter, .1. F.. 25. Carpenter, L. G.,17, 18. Carper, E. B.. H7. Carr. \\\, 15. Carriel, M. T.. 24. Carrington, W. T.. 11. Carroll, J. S., 38. Carruthers, W., 93. Carson, C. A., 21. Carson, J. W., 63. Carson, W. \Y., 62. Carter, A. R.. 67, Carter, J. C, 67. Carter, M. E., 50, Carter, W. T., 57. Carver, G. \Y.. 13. Cary, C. A., 12. Cary, L. R.. 33. Casali, A., 91. Cassoria, E., 94 Causey, F. F.. 67. Causey. W. F., 19. Cavalacanti, A. B. I'.. 87. Cavanaugh, G. W., 7, 49. Cavender, W. T., 20. Cessna, O. H., 27. Chaffee, G. T., ('>•">. Chalot, C, 91. Chamberlain, F. O., 48. Chamberlin, F. .1.. 56. Chamberlin, M., 43. Chambliss, C. F., 59. Chandler, R. E., 51. Chancy, G. \\\, 13. Cnapin, <;. W., sa. Chapman, H. H., 38. Chase. A.C., 18. Chataway, J. v.. v.. Chatburn, G. K.. 13. Chatfield, J. L., 17. Chauzit, B., 90. Chaves, J. F., 47. Chenet, H. S., 31. Chester, A. II.. 46. Chester, F. D., 20. Chileott, F. C, f.i. Child, E. C, 65. Chipley, J. c, 17. Chlqnelin, G., 82. Chittenden, T. A., 50. Chodounsky. F., 86. INDEX OF NAMES. 115 Chollet, C, 70. Chrisman, J. B., 39. Christian, I. H..67. Chuard, E., 101. Church, C. G., 34. Church, J. E.. jr., 44. Church, J. M., 55. Churchill, G. W., 48. Churchill, J. B., 57. Churchill, V. L., 18. Clark, D. H., 57. Clark, F. C, 53. Clark, G., 37. Clark, G. C, 40. Clark, H. A., 45. Clark, H. B., 70. Clark, H. C, 44. Clark, J. A., 70. Clark, R. W., 12. Clark, T., 44. Clark, T. A., 25. Clark, V. E., 28. Clark, W.. 45. Clarke, E. A., 41. Clarke, E. E., 65. Clarke, E. G., 23. Clarke, W. T., 16. Clary, C. M., 30. Claudi-Westh, 89. Clayton, W. D., 32. Claytor, W. J., 13. Cleaveland, A. L., 67. Cleaveland, B., 67. Cleaves, D. L., 35. Clements, F. E., 43. Clemons, L. E., 29. Cleveland, H. C, 65. Clifton, E., 96. Clinton, G. P., 25. Clinton, L. A., 49. Close, C. P., 20. Cloyd, D. M., 66. Clure, Mrs. E. N., 29. Clure, W. 0.,29. Coates, C. E., jr., 31. Cobb, H., 22. Cobleigh, W. M., 42. Coburn, F. D., 28. Cockerell, T. D. A., 8,14. Coe, E. B., 45. Coffield, J. B., 50. Coffin, A. O., 41. Coffin, V. L., 33. Coggeshall, C. H., 58. Cogswell, I. J., 24. Coit, W. A., 65. Colby, G. E., 16. Colby, I. A., 45. Cole, Mrs. E. W., 15. Cole, G. A., 15. Cole, G. W., 14. Cole, V. E., 18. Coleman, D., 12. Colfelt, L. M., 56. Collett, A. J., 70. Collier, F. J., 45. Collins, B. W., 18, Collins, G. T., 85. Colmore, C. A., 16. Colomb-Pradel. E.. '.HI Colpitts, J., 28. Coman, J. J.. 38. Combs, G., 47. Comings, F. P., 44. Comstock, J. H.. 49. Condon, H. T., 24. Conn, H. W., 19. Connaway, J. W., 40. Connell, J. H., 6, 63. Conner, C. M., 59. Conner, W. G., 66. Connor, J. F.. 13. Conover, E., 20. Conrad, H. C, 20. Conrad, M., 24. Conradi, A. F., 45. Conter. F. E., 5. 23. Converse, G. L., 53. Converse, J. H., 65. Conwell, C. S., 19. Conwell, S. L., 20. Cook, A. J., 16. Cook, C. T., 31. Cook, P., 45. Cook, R. B., 64. Cook, V. Y., 15. Cooke, J. W., 32. Cooley, F. S., 35. Cooley, R. A., 42. Cooley, R. B., 68. Cooley, LeR. C, 68. Coope, J., 68. Cooper, J., 46. Cooper, J. W., 67. Coote, G., 56. Cope, A., 6, 52. Corbett, V., 17. Corbit, D. W., 19. Cordley, A. B., 56. Cornell, A. B., 48. Cornell, F. C, 48. Corner, C. B., 69. Corner, L. V., 69. Corput, F., 23. Correll, E. R., 39. Corson, O. T.. 52. Cotey. D.. 64. Cotton, J. S., 69. Cottrell, H. M., 29. Coulter, S., 26. Councill, W. H., 12. Couper, G. B., 42. Coutte, 90, Covell, G. A., 55. Cowden, W. J. W., 69. Cox, N. H., 21. Craig, J., 6, 49. Craig, R. A., 26. Craighead, H. L., 62. Cramer, W. D., 29. Crane, A. B., 61. Crane, C. B., 47. Crane. F. R., 25. Crane. M., 51. Crane, W. M., 35. Cranefield, F., 72. Crawford, B. T., 13. Crawford, H.V.,56. Crawford, J. L., 22. Crawford, T. H., 56. Creelman, G. C, 10. Crenshaw, B. H., 11. Crispo, D., 87. Crochetelle, J., 90. Crockett, J. A., 64. Cromwell, W., 31. Cropper, L. M., 22. Crosby, D. J., 5. Crosier, A. B., 61. Crosse, J. W., 68. Crow, H. D., 68. Crowe, B. C, 36. Crowe, C. P., 53. Crowner, D. A., 53. Cuboni, G., 94. Cucovich, J. B., 86. Cucullu, E., 32. Cugini, G., 94. Culver, T. M., 41. Culver, T. U., 12. Cummings. M. B., 33, 34. Cummins, A. B., 27. Cunningham, I. S.,22. Cunningham, J. S., 50. Curran, P. H., 47. Currie, J. L., 51. Currier, A. H., 42. Curtice, C, 9, 58. Curtis, A. W., 71. Curtis, C, 100. Curtis, E. W.,29. Curtis, F.W., 19. Curtis, H. E., 30. Curtis, S. M., 19. Curtiss, A. R., 25. Curtiss, C. F., 27, 28. Cushman, L.W., 44. Czerhati, S., 93. Dabney, C. W., 61, 62. Dafert, F. W., 86. Dales, J. S., 43. Dalrymple, W. H., 9, 31, 32. Daly, J. D., 55. Damon, S. C, 35. Daniel, D.W., 59. Daniels, A. L., 65. Daniels, J. F., 18. Daniels, L. C, 70. Danielson, A. H., 17, 18. Dannfelt, H. B. J., 100. Darby, Mrs. E. V., 50. Darling, L. A., 44. Darnall, H. J., 62. Darnell, J. E., 47. Daughtridge, E. L., 50. Davant, F. B., 62. Davenport, C. C, 31. Davenport, E., 24, 25. Davenport, O. C, 60. Davenport, U. H., 22. 116 INDEX OF NAMES. Davidson. M. \\'.. 66. Davidson. EL J., 7, 66, 67. Davies, H. B., 15. Davies, H. J M 94. Davis. C ('., 60. Davis, K.. it. Davis, E. B., 16. Davis, K. W. (Cal.). 16- Davis, K. W. I N-br.), 42. Davis, H. S., 69. Davis. J., 15. Davis, J. C, 72. Davis, J. M., 30. Davis, K. C, 70. 71. Davis, M. A. (Ark.), 15. Davis, M. A. (Ky.),31. Davis, R. H., 41. Davis, V. H., 53. Davisson, A. E., 13. Da vol, D. S., 7. Davy, J. B., 16. Dawson, C. F., 21. Deaderiek, C, 61. Deadwyler, J., 23. Deahl, J. N., 70. Deal, W. E. F., 44. Dean, G. A., 29. Dean, 6. R., 40. Dean, M. L., 37. Debono, P., 95. De Camp, G. E., 47. Decker, J. W., 53. De Figueroa, M. J. A., 21. Defoe, L. M., 40. Degen, A. de, 93. Deherain, P. P., 90. Dehn, N. von, 99. Delacroix, G., 90. Delbriick, M., 91. Demarest, W. H. S., 46. Demond, J. H., 35. Denise, D. D., 47. Denman, G. E., 36. Denney, J. V., 53. Dennissenko, K. J., 97. Derry, R., 95. De Sha, B. C, 21. Desprez, jr., 89. Devel, M., 99. Dexter, II. H., 11. De Yarmette, C. II., 68. D'Hondt, 87. Dick, T. M., f>0. Dickens, A., 29. Didlake, M. L.,30. Dietrich, T., 92. Dillingham, W. P., 66. Dinwiddie, R. R., 16. Dismnkes, \V. <\, 61. Dixon, J., 15. Dixon, W. .1.. 27. Dizer, s. C, L3. Djakonow, it a., 97. Doan, M.. 26. Doane, C. F., 34, 35. Dockery, T. C, 38. Dodge, A., 34. Dodge, D. K., 24. Dodge, F. H., 46. Dodson, W. R.. 32. Dole, C. F., 13. Doll, M., 29. Donald, P., 46. Donaldson, M. L., 59. Donohoe, L. F., 47. Dorer, G., 47. Dorner, H., 26. Doraey, H. G., 21. Doten, C. W., 65. Doten, S. B., 11. Douette, 89. Douglass, E., 18. Douglass, R. L. 60. Douglass, W. M., 39. Douthat, R. W., 70. Downey, J. E., 73. Downing, C, 26. Downing, S. R., 56. Downs, O., 69. Draenert, F. M., 87. Drake, J. H., 11. Drake, W. E., 58. Draper, A. S., 24. Draper, J., 35. Dresbaeh, M., 53. Drew, G. A., 33, 34, 35. Drew, J. M., 37. Drewry, N. B., 23. Drinkard, A. W., 66. Droke, G. W., 15. Drude, O., 91. Drury, J. B., 45. Dryden, J., 64. Dubernard, A., 90. Du Bignon, F. G., 22. Du Bois, L. A., 61. Duclaux, E., 90. Ducote, C. J., 31. Dudley, J. B. ( 51. Dufour, J., 101. Dugast, J., 85. Duggar, J. F., 11, 12. Dukleth, P. A., 72. Dunbar, F. I., 55. Duncan, C, 68. Duncan, C. C, 12. Duncan, T. Y., 96. Dunham, J. W., 51. Dunkle, H. E., 57. Dunlap, G. T., 51. Dunn, B. J., 15. Dunn. W., 50. DunniclilT, A. A.. 86. Dunstan, A. St. C, 11. Dunstan, M. J. R., 93. Dupee, S. H., 41. Duplessis, 90. Dupre, P., 94. Durgin, A. J., 33. Dnsenbury. K. (i.. is. Duserre, C, 101. Dntliie, .1. P., 91. Dyakov. V. N., 96. Dybowski, J., 90. Dye, B. U., 17. Dye, P., 10. Dye, Bits. w. b., 21. Dymond, J., 32. Earle, E. P.. jr., 59. East, E. M., 25. Eastman. A. Y.. 32. Eaton, H. A., 65. Eaton, J.. »;;>. Eccles, D. C, 69. ESckart, C. F., 23. Eckles, C. H., 40. Edgar, J. S., 85. Edgerton, J. J., 28. Edgett, O. L., 28. Edler, 92. Edmonds, E. A.. 71. Edwards, F. E., 56. Edwards, H., 36. Edwards, S. F., 36. Egge, A. E., 69. Eggers, E. A., 52. Eisenlohr, B. A.. 53. Eldred, M. D.. 58. Eldridge, J. G., 24. EUenbeiger, 91. Ellinwood, C. N., 16. Elliott, E. E., 69. Ellis. <;. B., 35. Ellis, s., 28. Ellis, W. H., 7. Ellsworth, E. A., 25. Elmendorf, J., 45. Elot, 93. Emerson, R. A., 43. Emerson. S. F., 65. Emery, F. E., 73. Emery, M. \\ ., H. Emmerling, A., 92. Emory, F. L., 70. Emory, J., 7. Enriadzianetz, 98. Engberg, C. C, 43. Engle, J. F., 64. Eppes, 0..51. Erben, T., 86. Erenden, A., 69. Erf, O., 25. Ernst, C. J., 42. Erwin, A. T., 28. Espenshade, A. H., 57. Essen, A. W., 100. Estabrooke, H. M., 33. Esten, W. M., 19. Etieiine, 90. Eubank, M., 71. Bugling, W., 86. Eustace, H. J., 48. Evans, C. B., 19. Evans, C. H., 34. Evans, E., 71. Evans, G. G., 19. Evans, H. G., 29. Evans, H. S., 43. Evans, J. N., 44. Evans, P. N., 26. INDEX OF NAMES. 117 Evans, W. D., 59. Evans, W. H., 5. Eversfield, W. O., 34. Eves, H. B., 20. Ewing, Z. W., 62. Eyer, B. F., 29. Eyerly, E. K., 61. Fabinyi, 93. Fabre, 90. Faig, J. T., 30. Fain, J. R., 62. Fairchild, E. T., 28. Fairfield, G. D., 25. Faris, J. W., 64. Fan, J. M., 21. Farrand, T. A., 37. Farrington, E. H., 72. F&rskf, F., 86. Fassbender, G., 92. Fasset, G. S„ 65. Fast, R. E., 70. Fauchere, 95. Faulkner, H. N., 66. Faunce, B. A., 36. Fawcett, W., 88. Fechet, E. G., 25. Fegan, J. L., 85. Fehr, C. D., 57. Feilitzen, C. H. J. von, 100. Fellows, G. E., 33. Fellows, J. N., 40. Felt, E. P., 8. Ferguson, H. S., 94. Ferguson, J. J., 36. Ferguson, McD., 30. Ferguson, T. B., 54. Fernald, C. H., 35. Fernald, H. T., 35. Fernald, M. C, 33. Fernando, D. D., 88. Ferrin, H., 14. Ferris, C. D., 62. Ferris, E. B., 38. Ferry, E. S., 26. Feuling, A. D., 61. Field, S., 47. Fields, J., 54. Fifield, B. F., 65. Finley, C. A., 21. Finley, J. B., 69. Fish, C. L„ 50. Fish, W. H., 22. Fisher, P., 53. Fisk, N. W., 65. Fiske, W. F., 23. Flammarion, C, 90. Flanders. F.F.,69. Fleet, A. H., 66. Fleming, A. M., 63, 64. Fleming, B. P., 73. Fletcher, A. S., 12. Fletcher, S. W., 69. Fleugel, E. J., 26. Flint, C. L., 35. Flow, G. E., 50. Floyd, J. W., 60. Foaden, G. P., 89. Fogg, M. M., 43. Folsom, J. W., 25. Foord, J. A., 49. Forbes, E. F., 68. Forbes, R. H., 14. Forbes, S. A., 24, 25. Ford, A. G., 57. Ford, C, 89. Ford, E. W., 39. Ford, J., 12. Fordham, L. B., 60. Forell, E. von, 42. Forrer, J., 17. Forsee, R. B., 61. Fortier, S.,42. Foss, F. E., 57. Fossler, M. L., 43. Foster, A. W., 16. Foster, I. L., 57. Foster, J. R., 68. Foster, L., 47, 48. Foucar, L. H., 14. Fountain, C. P., 63. Fowler, D. T., 16. Fowler, J. M., 25. Fowler, W. T., 30. Fox, C. T., 56. Fox, J. W., 38. Fraenkel, N., 63. Francis, C. S., 48. Francis M., 63. Frankel, L. K., 30. Fransden, P., 44. Fraps, G. S., 7, 50. Fraser, W. J., 25. Frazee, D. F.,30. Frazer, T. H., 11. Frazier, J. B., 61. Frazier, S. D., 60. Frazier, W. W., 67. Frear, \V., 7, 56,57. Freedman, W. H., 65. Freeman, C. I., 26. Freeman, D., 68. Freeman, G. F., 12. Freemah, H. H., 32. Frelinghuysen, F., 45. French, H. T., 24. French, T. E., 53. Fresenius, H., 92. Freudenreich, E. von, 101. Friedrich, J., 86. Friend, L. L., 70. Fries, J. A., 57. Fries, L., 101. Frisbie, M. M., 18. Frisby, A. J., 71. Frissell, F. D., 59. Frissell, H. B., 67. Fritts, G., 47. Frost, E. J., 69. Frost, F. D., 17. Fruwirth, K., 92. Fry, L. A., 26. Frye, P. H., 43. Fullan, M. T., 11. Fuller, F. D., 7, 48. Fulmer, E., 69. Fulton, J. F., 55. Fulton, S. H., 23. Fulton, W. M., 62. Furguson, J. T., 23. Furman, C. M., 59. Futrall, J. C, 15. Gabrilson, C. L., 27. Gaddis, W. H., 68. Gage, H. T., 16. Gage, L. H., 58. Gage, S. H., 49. Gagin, 97. Gaillot, L., 90. Gain, J. H., 43. Gallaher, D. C, 69. Gallaway, W. J., 38. Galloway, C. B., 39. Gammie, G. A., 94. Gantt, J. W., 59. Garbe, R., 99. Garbe, W. F., 17. Garcia, F., 47, 48. Gardiner, M. M., 54. Gardner, F. D., 5, 58. Gardner, H. C, 42. Garig, W., 32. Garlitski, E. F., 98. Garman, H., 30. Garner, E. O., 34. Garnett, J. H., 41. Garnitsch-Garnitski, N. M. Garola, C. V., 89. Garrett, I., 12. Garrigus, H. L., 19. Garrison, M. J., 68. Garth, T. J., 12. Garver, M. M., 57. Gary, D. W., 39. Gassend, 90. Gasser, E. C, 29. Gatch, T. M., 55. Gaut, J. W., 61. Gay, C.W.,27. Gayon,U.,89. Geismar, L. M., 37. Gelder, G. B., 54. Georgeson, C. C, 5, 14. Geraghty, J. M., 38. Gerdess, C, 91. Gerig, J. L., 43. Gerlach, 92. Gerr, T. T., 55. Getz, A. T. f 33. Giannetti, C, 94. Gibb, G., 96. Gibboney, J. H., 67. Gibbs, B. H., 35. Gibbs, W. D., 45. Giesecke, F. E. s 63 Giglioli, I., 94. Gilchrist, DA., 93. Gilchrist, M., 36. Gilkison, C. J., 17. Gilkison, W.F, 73. 118 INDEX OF NAMES. Gill, B.. 56. Gill, E. T., 47. Gill, J. H., 42. Gillanders, F., 96. Gillespie, A. C, 63. Gillespie, J. L., 39. Gillette, C. P., 17, 18. Gillmore, Q. O'M., 40. Gilmer, J. C, 71. Gilmore, J., 23. Gladson,W. N., 15. Gleason, C. A., 35. Glenk, R., 32. Glenn, E. T., 11. Glover, A. J., 25. Glover, G. H., 17. Gmelich, G. F., 39. Gober, G. F., 22. Godfrey, J. H., 7'2. Godfrey, T. J., 62. Goessmann, C. A., 35. Goethe, R., 91. Goff, E. S., 72. Goggans, J. O., 11. Gold, T. S., 18. Golden, K. E., 26. Golden, W. N., 57. Goldie, W., 96. Golding-Dwyre, C, jr., 18. Gollan, W., 94. Goode, J. B., 23. Goodell, C. E., 29. Goodell, H. H., 6, 35. Goodner, I. W., 60. Goodrich, A. M., 68. Goodrich, C. L., 68. Goodrich, J. E., 65. Goodrich, L. M., 68. Goodwin, S. G., 64. Gordon, C. A., 39. Gordon, G. A., 13. Gordon, L. D., 41. Gorman, 85. Goss, A., 47, 48. Goss, H. M., 36. Gossard, H. A., 21. Gottschalk, V. H., 40. Gough, T. R., 34. Gowans, E., 68. Gowans, E. G., 64. Gowell, G. M., 33, 34. Goyne, W. R., 82. Graftiau, J., 87. Graham, G., 85. Graham, W. A., 50. Gramm, O., 71. Grandeau, L., 90. Grant, E. M., 69. Grant, J. C, 13. Graves, W. L., 53. Gray, A. S., 20. Gray, C. E., 28. Gray, J., 71. Gray, J. C, 57. Greeley, M. F., 10, 60. Green, H. S., 70. Green, S. B., 37,38. Green, W. J., 51. Greenacre, A. P., 17. Greene, C.W., 13. Greene, E. B., 25. Greene, G. O., 29. Greene, H..L., 58. Greene, L. B., 52. Greenongh, M. G., 19. Greer, D. H., 67. Greer, J. M. (Pa.), 56. Greer, J. M. (Tenn.), 62. Gregg, C. J., 60. Gregg, E. S., 65. Grete, E. A., 101. Grey, S. H., 45. Griessen, A. E. P., 94. Griest,W.W.,56. Griffin, C. L., 57. Griffin, H. H., 18. Griffin, J. P., 64. Griffith, C. J., 17. Griffith, W. E..49. Griffith, W.W., 40. Griggs, E. L., 22. Grimes, G. C, 69. Grimley, E. (Australia), 85. Grimley, E. (Reunion), 97. Grimshaw, M. E., 41. Grindley, H. S., 25. Grisson, J., 15. Griswold, C. B., 65. Grossetta, A. V., 14. Grotenfelt, G., 98. Gruber.W., 60. Grummann, P. H., 43. Guild, F. N., 14. Guilfoyle,W. R.,85. Guillochon, 101. Guillon, J. M., 89. Gulley, A. G., 19. Gummere.W. S., 45. Gunson, T., 36. GuozdenoviC, F., 86. Gurney, H. P., 93. Guss, U. C, 55. Guthrie, J. E., 28. Guyton.J. D., 38. Gwathmey, J. H., 66. Gwynne, R., 47. Hadley, H., 47. Hadley, R. N., 21. Haecker, A. L., 43. Haecker, T. L., 37, 38. Hagemann, E. H., 16. Hagemann, O., 92. Hagen, M., 91. Hager, J. F., 30. Hagerty, C. T., 47. Hagerty, J. E., 53. Haines, T. H., 53. Hale, J. W., 69. Hale, O. H., 48. Halenke, A., 92. Haley, P. K., 11. Hall, A. D., 98. Hull, C. M.. 51. Hall, F. H.,48. Hall, H. P., j:.. Hall, H.J., 11. Hall. M. E.,22. Hall, M. K., 42. Hall, W. W., 49. Halladay, E., 18. Halliday, S. D., 48. Halligan, J. E., 35. Hallock, N., 48. Hals, S., 96. Halsted, B. D., 46. Hamby, C. C, 15. Hamerak, R., 86. Hamilton, D. B., 22. Hamilton, F. E., 53. Hamilton, F. M., 51. Hamilton, J., 56. Hamilton, J. O., 29. Hammar, F. K. S., 100. Hammond, M. B., 25. Hammond, S. H., 48. Hanamann, J., 86. Hancock, E. H., 45. Hand, H. If., 54. Hand, W. F., 38. Handy, VV., 12. Haner, J. L. K., 36. Hanna, H. H., 13. Hansen, A. J. (Denmark), Hansen, A. J. (Utah), 64. Hansen, E. C, 89. Hansen, F., 89. Hansen, K., 89. Hansen, L., 63. Hansen, N. E., 61. Hansen, W., 69. Hanusch, F. X., 86. Haralson, J., 11. Harcourt, R., 7. Hardin, J. H., 59. Hardin, M. B., .v.). Harding, A. S., 61. Harding, H. A., 48. Hardy, J. C, 6, 38. Hare, A. J., 70. Hare, C. L., 11, 12. Hare, C. W., 13. Hare, R. F., 47, 48. Harkins, L. A., 41. Harlow, G. A., 5. Harp, J. F., 32. Harper, J. C, 29. Harper, J. N., 30. Harriman, W. E., 27. Harrington, H. H., 63. Harris, A. W., ti. Harris, C. S., 69. Harris, E., 29. Harris, E. G., 40. Harris, F. E., 21. Harris, G. 1)., 32. Harris, I. F., 18. Harris,.).. 17. Harris, J. L., 69. Harris, .1. S., 41. Harris, N. E., 22. INDEX OF NAMES. 119 Harris, T. H., 32. Harrison, F. T., 7. Harrison, H. T., 34. Harrison, J. G., 63. Harrison, L., 21. Harry, P. W., 33. Hart, C. E., 46. Hart, E. B., 48. Hart, J. H., 88. Hart, J. N., 33. Harter, G. A., 19, 20. Harthan, W. P., 68. Hartman, F. J., 54. Hartman, L. W., 29. Hartman, W. S.. 41. Hartwell, B. L.. 58. Hartzog, H. S , 59. Harvey, J. P.. 66. Harwood, T. E., 62. Hasbrouck, P. B., 35. Haskell, E. J., 33. Haskins, H. D., 35. Hasselbring, H., 25. Hatch, F. L., 24. Hathaway, J. S., 31. Haugdahl, S., 37. Hawes, J. H., 45. Hawley, A. M., 1". IS. Haworth, C. E., 69. Hawse, A., 22. Haydon, R. W., 93. Haydon, W., 99. Hayes, M., 19. Hayes, W. S., 65. Hays, W. M., 6, 37, 38. Hoy ward, E. C, 55. Hay ward, H., 57. Haywood, J. K., 7, Hazewinkel, J. J., 95. Hazlewood, J. M., 71. Headden, W. P., 17, 18. Heard, W. W., 31, 32. Hearst, P. A., 16. Hebard, G. R., 72, 73. Hedrick, U. P., 36. Hedrick, W. O., 36. Hein, H. G., 94. Heinrich.R., 92. Heiss, J., 26. Hellman, I. W., 16. Hellstrom, P., 100. Helm, T. B., 39. Helme, N., 58. Helvenston, M.. 21. Henderson, J., 85. Henderson, L. F., 24. Henderson, W., 23. Hendrix, J. C, 48. Henriques, J.C., 32. Henry, D. H., 59. Henry, E. S., 18. Henry, J. W„ 41. Henry, W., 5. Henry, W. A.. 72. Henseval, M. M., 87. Herbert, J. C, 38. Herbert, J. \\\, 46. Herfeldt. E., 91. Herfurth, I., 72. Herget, A. M., 31. Hering, J.W., 34. Herrick, B. B., 53. Herrick, G. W., 38, 39. Herrick, M. T.. 52. Herring, \V., 14. Herron, B. M., 43. Herron, L. E., 68. Herty, C. H., 22. Herzberg, P., 91. Herzfeld, A., 91. Herzog, A., 92. Hess, A., 28. Hess, R. H., 18. Heston, J-. W., 61. Hewes, L. T., 58. Heyfron, J. M., 23. Hickman, J. F., -54. Hickok, E., 40. Hicks, J. F., 54. Hicks, J. M. (Miss.). 39. Hicks, J. M. (Va.), 66. Hiester, G., 56. Higgins, J. C, 19. Hildebrand, A. H., 94. Hileland, L. D., 22. Hilgard, E. W., 16. Hill, C. O., 62. Hill, D. H., 50. Hill, Mrs. E. L., 71. Hill, F. A., 35. Hill, G., 31. Hill, H. A.. 33. Hill, H. W 64. Hill, J. H., 71. Hill, T. G., 70. Hill, W. B., 23. Hill, W. F., 56. Hill, W. W.. 11. Hills, J. L., 65. Hiltner, R. S..43. Himes, R. L., 32. Hine, J. S., 53. Hinman, P. A.. 54. Hirsch, R., 53. Hiscock, F. H.. 48. Hite, B. H., 7. 70. 71. Hittcher. K., 92. Hodges, T. E., 70. Hodgman, T. M., 43. Hoffman, B. F., 40. Hoffman, G. B., 52. Hoffman, J. D., 26. Hoffman, L., 41. Hoflfmeister, C, 86. Hoffmeister, W., 92. Holcomb, J., 15. Holden, W. J., 70. Holdrum, A. C, 47. Holdsworth, W. S., 36. Holgate, H. L., 56. Holland, E. B., 7, 35. Holland, J. H., 99. Holley, C. D., 33. Hollingshead, E. J., 14. Hollrung, M.. 91. Holm, A. B., 61. Holman, W. D., 18. Holmes, D. H., 14. Holmes, M., 68. Holmes, W., 54. Holmes, W. H., 26. Holmgren, L., 64. Holroyd, I. E., 29. Holt, C. L., 36. Holt, G. M., 54. Holt, H. B., 47. Holter, G. L., 54. Holtze, M., 85. Holtze, X., 85. Homeyer, A. von, 91. Hook, J. H., 59. Hook, J. X.. 59. Hooper. J. J., 63. Hooper, K. K., 63. Hoover, M. G.. 14. Hopkins, A. D., 8, 70. 71. Hopkins, C. G.. 6,7. 25. Hoppich, K., 99. Hopson, G. A., 18. Horner, J. B., 55. Horning, A., 47. Horsfall, F.. 41. Horton. A., 12. Horton, A. H., 48. Hoskins, J. D., 62. Hossinger, J., 19. Hotter, E., 86. Hottes, C. F.. 25. Hough, L. M., 60. Houghton, C. E., 15. Houghton, J. F., 16. House, E. B.. 17. House, G. B., 68. House, W. L.. 29. Houston, D.. 93. Houzeau, A., 90. Hoverstad, T. A., 38. Howard, C. D., 71. Howard, P. W., 39. Howard, S. F.. 35. Howard, W. H. A., 22. Howard, W. L., 40. Howe, A., 67. Howe, E. D., 35. Howe, G. K., 54. Howell, C, 22. Howell, H., 29. Howes, G. E., 65. Hoy, H. H.. 61. Hoyt, E., 18. Hubbard, E. E., 7C. Hubner, J., 34. Hudgins, H., 15. | Hudnall, R. H., 66= j Huff, G. A., 25. Huff, L. J., 65. Huffard, J. B., 67. Huggins, J., 13. Hughes, C, 29. Hull, A. L., 22. Hult, G. E., 51. 120 INDEX OF NAMES. Hume. A. N., 26. Hume, K. E., 31. Hume, IP IP. ZL Hummell, J. A., 38. Humphrey, G. C, 36. Humphrey, L. A., 33. Hungerford, J. B., 27. Huun, C. E., 19, Hunn, J., 19. Hunt. K.. 87. Hunt, T. F., 52. Hunter, J. A., jr., 57. Hunter, W., 28. Huntington, A. M., 07. Huntley, F. A.. 24. Hunton, A. W., 12. Hunziker, O. F., 49. Huston, H. A., 26. Hutchins, N. L., 22. Hutchinson, E. X., 69. Hutchinson, P. L., 32. Hutchinson, W. L., 10, 39. Hutson, C. W., 63. Hutto, F. A., 54. Hyde, E., 67. Hyde, H. S., 35. Irby, G. B., 15. Irvine, B. F., 55. Irving, S. C, 16. Ives, F., 21. Jablonowski, J., 93. Jackson, A. F., 11. Jackson, B. A., 58. Jackson, Mrs. F. J., 41. Jackson, H. V., 85. Jackson, J. B., 11. Jackson, J. P., 57. Jackson, W., 15. Jackson, W. A., 55. Jacob, M., 62. Jacobs, E. C, 65. Jacques, 99. Jaffa, M. E., 16. James, A. C, 67. James, R. W., 71. Jamieson, T., 93. Jamison, A. P., 26. Janeway, II. L., r>. Jarrot, R., 85. Jason, W. C, 20. Jayne, A.. 68. Jayne, V. i)., •-'.■>. Jefferies, J. II., 21. Jeffery, J. A., 36. Jelks, W. I)., 11, 12. Jenkins, E. H., 18. Jenman, G. S., 87. Jennings, 0. E., ■">:;. Jennings, w. s., 22. Jenson, J., 64. Jenter, <'. <;., 48. Jemigau, \V. P., 21. Jesse, R. H., 40. Jesurun, M., 72. Jctt, W. H., 68. Jinks, J. H., 68. Jinks, Mrs. J. H.,68. Johannessen, F., 100. Johannsen, W., 89. John, G. M.. 71. Johnson, C. L.. 56. Johnson, J., 62. Johnson, J. a.. 30. Johnson, .). M.. 66. Johnson. .1. S. A.. 66. .Johnson, M. .1.. 55. Johnson, O., 70. Johnson, S., 26. Johnson, \\\. 59. Johnson, \Y. 11.. 92. Johnson, W. P., 51. Johnston, C. P.. 5. Johnston, C. T., 5. Johnston, E., 68. Johnston, F. S., 26. Johnston, G. S., 22. Johnston, J. B., 70. Johnston, J. L., 70. Jolly, 90. Jolly, J. C, 12. Jolly, L., 12. Jones, A. C, 72. Jones, C. E., 71. Jones, C. H., 7, 65. Jones, C. R., 70. Jones, Mrs. E. M., 71. Jones, F. N., 25. Jones, G., 43. Jones, H., 25. Jones, J., 88. Jones, J. McH., 71. Jones, L. R., 65. Jones, M. F., 29. Jones, O. B., 53. Jones, P., 52. Jones, R., 17. Jones, R. K., 33. Jonsson, B., 100. Jordan, A. J., 88. Jordan, A. T., 47. Jordan, C. B.,44. Jordan, J., 15. Jordan, T. W., 62. Jordan, W. H., 6, 18. Joseph, O. A., 33. Joshi, R. S., 94. Jourdan, 90. Joyce, J. R., 50. Joyner, J. Y., 51. Judisch, <;.. 28. Juritz, C P.. 88, Kablechkoff, A., 88. Kagami, v., '.»">. Kalb, (J. ,91. Kambersky, 0., 86. Kanitkar, P. G., 94. Kartzov, ( .»7. ECasBOVitch, 98. Kastle, J. II., 80. Kaufman, E. P.. 61. Kauftman, P., m. Kayser, !•:., 90. Keady, W. P.. 55. Kedzie, P. 8., 36. Kedzie, K. C, 36,37. Keene, E. S.. 51. Kees, W., 94. Keffer, C. A., 62. Keith. F. P.,45. Keith, W. J.. 57. K.itt.T. W.,59. Keller, O., 68. Kellerman, w. A.. 52. Kellner, K., lti.' Kellner, O., 'J'-'. Kellogg, J. W., 58. Kellum, L. I)., 87. Kelsey, J. A.. 46. Kemmerer, E. W., 26. Kemp, (i. T., 26. Kendall, W. K., 15. Kennedy, A. B., 33. Kenne ly. P. B., 44. Kennedy. W. A. (India Kennedy, \V. A. (Mauri Kennedy, W. J., 27, 28. Kenney, F. C, 36. Kenower, G. F., 42. Kent, F. L., 55, 56. Kenyon, A. M., 26. Kenyon, E. W., "> y . Kerby, J. C, 41. K6rpely, K., 93. Kerr, E. \Y., 63. Kerr, G. A., 7. Kerr, R. F., 61. Kerr, S. A., 51. Kerr, W. J., 64. Kerwin, J. C, 71. Kester, F. E., 53. Ketcham, J., 47. Keteham. S. P.. 47. Keyes, 0. P., 37. Keyes, B. w.. n. Kiesewetter, L. P.. 62. Kilbourne, M. H., 27. Kilburn, I. C, 47. Kilgore, B. W., 50. Killebrew, J. B., 62. Killin, B., 55. Kimball, R. J.. 65. Kimbrough, J. M., 23. Kincannon, A. A., 39. Cinch, P., 98. King, C. I., 72. King, C. M., 28. King, P. B., 36. King, R. C.,38, 39. K [ngsley, D. P., 65. Kinkead, G. B., 30. Kinley, i>.. 24. Kinney, W. G., 42. Kinsley, A. T., 29. Kinzie, J., 69. Kirehner, ()., 92. Kirchner, W. f 92. Kirk, T. J., 16. Kirk, \Y. IP, lti. Kirkhani, W. K., 72. tius),96. INDEX OF NAMES. 121 Kirkpatrick, J. B., 46, Klaudi, J., 86. Klein, J., 92. Klein, L. A., 27. Klien, G., 92. Klinge, J. G., 98. Klugh, W. W., 59. Knapp, H., 27. Knight, G. B., 58. Knight, G. W., 52. Knight, O. W., 33, 34. Knight, W. C, 73. Knisely, A. L., 56. Knoch, J. J., 15. Knowles, C, 58. Knowles, J. F., 58. Knox, R. L., 32. Knox, W. H., 25. Kobus, J. D., 95. Koch, P., 41. Koerner, A. C, 37. Kokernot, J. W., 62. Kollar, A. J., 86. Kollock, H. G. M.. 19. Konig, J., 92. Koons, B. F., 19. Komev, 97. Kortjohn, C. D., 60. Kortright, F. L., 70. Kossarev, S. N., 99. Kosutany, T., 93. Kotelnikov, N. <;.. 9a Kountz, J., 41. Kozeschnik, F., 86. Kramer, E., 86. Krandauer, 92. Kraus,C.,92. Krause,C.A.,26. Kretz,C.H.,32. Kreusler, F.,92. Krumbiegel, G. H.,94. Kudashev, 98. Kuehler,J.H.V.,53. Kuhn,J.,91. Knlisch,P.,91. Kundrat, F.,86. Kunnemann, 92. Kunst,F.B.,71. Kyle,H.G.,61. Kyle, M. J., 25. Kyser,H.H.,59. La Bach, J. O., 30. Lacaze-Duthiers, de. 8 La Crosse, J. F., 68. Ladd.E.F.,61,52. Ladd,G.E.,40. Lagatu,H.,90. Laguna.L. de,44. Lake,E.R.,56. Lamar, W.B., 22. Lamb.M.B.,69. Lambert, F, 90. Lambert, W.D., 26. Lamme,E.B.,41. Lamme,M. A.,42. Lampa,S.,100. Lamson,H. H.,45. Lanahan,H.,34. Lancaster, P., 94. Landacre,F. L.,53. Landon.L. E.,36,37. Lane,C.B.,47. Lane,C. E.,51. Lane, J. H., 11. Lange,H.,18. Langerlof, D.,97. Langford,W.H.,15. Langton,S. A.,63. Langton,W. S.,64. Langworthy, C. F., 5. Lanier, W.H., 39. Lanphear, B. L.,27. Larrabee,B.B.,28. Larsen,B. R.,96. Larson, R. A., 60, 61. Lathrop, G.,39. Latta.J. W.,56. Latta,W.C.,26. Lauman,G.N.,49. Law, J., 9, 49. Lawrence, J. W., 17. Laws, L. P., 20. Lawson.H. W.,5. Lazenby, W. R.,52. Lea, E. J., 23. Leach, A. E., 7. Lechartier, G., 90. LeClerc, J. A., 48. Lee, C, 66. Lee, C. B., 12. Lee, J. G., 32. Lee, R. C, 38. Lee, R. E., 59. Lee, S. D., 38. Leedy, B. G., 55. Lees, D. H.,94. Lees, J. T., 42. Leete, J. H., 57. Le Feuvre, R. F., 88. Lefevre, G., 40. Le Fevre, J., 45. Lehman, F., 91. Lehnert, E. H., 19. Leigh, A. M., 38. Leigh ton, V. L., 58. Leizour, H., 90. Lemarie, 89. Lenox, T., 28. Leonard, W. J., 70. Leonard, W. S., 36. Lester, F. E., 47, 48. Letcher, J. T., 11. Leupp, W. H., 46. Lewers, R., 44. Lewis, A. B., 43. Lewis, A. F., 15. Lewis, Mrs. D., 50. Lewis, D. R., 68. Lewis, H. T.. 22. Lewis, J. V., 59. Lewis, L. L. (Okla.), 54. Lewis, L. L. (Va.), 67. Lewis, O. F., 33. Lewis, T. K., 53. Lewis, W. R., 29. Liebermann, L., 93. Liechti, P., 101. Liggett. W. M., 6, 37, 38. Ligon, R. F., jr., 11. Lincoln, J. R., 27. Lindsay, L. N., 30. Lindsey, J. B., 35. Linfield, F. B., 64. Linhart, C. P., 53. Linhart, G., 93. Linney, A., 89. Lipman, J. G., 47. Lipscomb, M. L., 40. Lister, H., 101. Little, C. N., 24. Little, E. E., 28. Livingston, I., 62. Lloyd, E. R., 39. Lloyd, J. W., 25. Lobau, 87. Locke, L. L., 36. Lockwood, F. C, 29. Lockwood, J. A., 32. Locusteanu, A. J., 97. Loeb, I., 40. Lofgren, A., 87. Logan, J. L., 30. Logan, W., 13. Loges, G., 92. Lomonosov, P. M., 98. Long, R. L., 14. Longino, A. H., 38, 39. Longyear, B. O., 36. Lord, H., 33. Lord, H. C, 53. Lore, C. B., 19, 20. Lorey, T. von, 92. Louderback, G. D., 44. Loughridge, R. H., 16. Louise, 89. Love, A. C, 63. Love, M. S., 39. Loveland, G. A., 43. Low, F. F., 68. Lowe, V. H., 48. Lowman, W. R., 60. Lowrie, W., 96. Luc, 99. Lucich, J., 93. Ludwig, C. M., 68. Luehmann, J. G., 85. Lull, R. S., 35. Lundgaard, H., 96. Lunt, W., 88. Lustrat, J., 22. Luttrell, S. B., 61. Lyford, C. A., 36. Lyman, E., 65. Lyman, R. W., 35. Lyman, VV. T., 19. Lyne, R. N., 101. Lyon, S. S., 51. Lyon, T. L., 43. Lyttkens, E., 100. 122 INDEX OF NAMES. Me A foe. (\ P., 11. McAlister. .1. A., 63. McArdle, B.W., Bl. McBean, J., 96. McBryde, J. M.. 66, 67. McCall, B.W., 12. McCaUie, M. B.. 24. McCaUum, A. T., 50. McChesney, B.V., 31. McChord, J.,30. McClatehie, A. J., 14. McClellan, J. H., 25. McClelland, J. F., 73. McClelland, W. P., 51. McClendon, H. P., 3& McClounie, J., 87. McCluxig, H. L., 61. McColl, J. R.,62. McConnell, T. F.. jr., 72. McCool, J. F., 38. McCoord, G. W., 53. McCormick, E. B., 29. McCornick, W. S.. 63. McCrae, A. L., 40. McCrary, M. L., 55. McCready, J., 72. McCroskey, R. C., 68. McCulloch, L., 21. McDaniel, H. D., 22. McDonnell, C. C, 59. McDonnell, H. B., 7. 34. McDowell, J. S., 28. McDowell, M. S., 57. McDowell, R. H., 44. McElroy, W. O., 27. McEnerney, G. W., 16. McFadyean, J. M., 93. McFarland, B. S., 29. McGaughey, O. L., 14. McGill, A., 7. McGuinn, Mrs. N. S., 68. McHenry, S. A., 63. McHugh, J. K., 32. Mcintosh, D., 24, 25. Mcintosh, V., 69. Mclntyre, E. A., 29. Mclntyre, K., 25. McKay, A. B., 38,39. McKay, F. M., 24. McKay, G. L., 27, 28. McKee, R., 30. McKeever, W. A., 29. McKell, J. E., 38. McKellips, C. M., :>•">, 56. McKenzie, A., t',7. McKeown, G. M., 85. McKerrow, G., 72. Me Kinney, S., 61. McKnight, G. H., 63. McLain, J. A., 60. McLaughlin, \Y. W., 64. McLean, A., 24, McLean, G. P., 18. McLean, H., 22. McLean, J. A., 24. McLean, S. J., 15. McLeod, A. B., 60. Mc Louth, tf. D., 56. McLucas. J. S., 59. McMillan, D. A., 39. McMillan, H., 88. McMillin, B., 61. McMurphy. K., 70. McNamee, M., til. McXeall. J. H., 27. Mcl'hcrson, J. H. T.. 22. McKae. E. M., 26. McRae, J. P., 50. McRcynolds, A. B.. 51 McSweeney. M. B., 60. McVeety, E., 52. McVey, A., 39. McVickar, W. N., 67. MeWhorter, H., 22. Matey, L., 22. MacCracken, D. A., 69. MacDonald, A. A., 57. MacEwan, E. J., 64. MacGillivray, A. D., 49. Macgregor, H. M., 47. 48. Mack, 92. Mack, L., 60. Mackay, A., 88. Mackenzie, A. St. C, 30. Mackinlay, J., 5, 58. Mackintosh, R. S., 38. Maclean, E., 28. Macoun, J., 88. MacOwan, R., 88. Madison, J., 71. Magruder, W. H., 38. Magruder, W. T., 53. Mahaluxmivala, C. D., 94. Mahin, E., 26. Mahon, J., 85. Mahoney, S., 37. Mahood, E. W., 37. Maiden, J. H., 85. Mairs, T. I., 57. Major, D. S., 53. Major, E. W., 37, 38. Mallarian, C. H., 51. Mallotte, C. N., 69. Mally, F. W., 63. Malm, O., 96. Malone, J. S., 54. Malone, W., 62. Mancheron, 90. Manning, E. W., 20. Manns, T. F., 52. Manoucheft, B., 88. Mansfield, E. R., 33, 34. Manzilla, W., 55. Marbut, C. F., 40. Marcal, R. L., 97. Marchal, P., 90. Maicum, J. B., SO. Maries, C, 94. Mari. m, M. ('., 21. Maiiottc-Davics, ]'., 26. Marrcro, L. H., 32. Mans, S. P., 15. Marsli, II. P., 36. Marshall, C. E., 36. 37. Marshall. Mrs. F. K.. 12. Marshall, F. R.,28. Marshall. G. W., 19, 20. Marshall, If., 36. Marshall. W. \\\, 43. Marston, A.. 27. Marston. T. F.. 96. Martin, C, 90. Martin, M., 15. Martin. S., 53. Martin. S. M., 59. Martinet, G., 101. Martinet, L. M., 33. Martinez, S. A., 33. Martret, 99. Mason, E. M., 11. Mason, W. G., 88. Masscy, W. F., 50. Massie, l>. If., 52. Masson, C, 87. Masterson. Mrs. G. E., 12. Masterson, G. R., 12. Masterson, M., 12. Mastunaga, G., 95. Mathews, C. A., 32. Mathews, C. W., 30. Mathews, H. B., 61. Mathewson, \V. E., 29. Mathieu, 89. Matthews, E. M., 59. Maughan, P. W., 63, 64. Maxfield, R. A., 17. Maxwell, A. M., 38. May, I). W., 30. May, J. If., 39. Mayer, A., 96. Mayer, C, 88. Mayhew, S. J., 12. Maynard, J., 61. Maynard, S. T., 35. Mayo, N. S., 29. Mead, C, 71. Mead, E., 5. Means, J. W., 54. Meeker, W. H., 27. Meldrim, P. W., 22. Mell, P. H., 11, 12. Melton, A. M., 29. Melvin. <;. A., 67. Menafee, C. D., 22. Mendoza, J. H. de, 100. Mcnkc. A. K.. 1."). Menozzi, A., 94. Mcntccr. \Y. K., 41. Mercier, 87. Meredith, v. c, 37. Merrill, G. P., 71. Merrill, L. A„ 64. Merrill, L. II., S3, 34. Merrill, N. P., 66. Morrow, H. L., 58. Mcrtcn, W. IP, 54. Mcrz, II., 73. Meserve, C. A., 19. Meske, A. E., 46. Mcsloh, C. W., 53. INDEX OF NAMES. 123 Meves. A. H., 39. Meyer, C, 46. Meyer, G. H., 25. Meyer, G. H. T.. 94. Meyers. T. R.. 62, Miehels, J., 36. Mikell. E. F., 60. Mikulowski-Pomorski, 86. Miller, A. J., 28. Miller. A. M. (Ky.); 30. Miller, A. M. (S. C), 60. Miller, A. S., 24. Miller, B. A., 26. Miller, B. K., 32. Miller. C, 12. Miller, E. R.. 11. Miller. H. K., 21. Miller, M. F., 53. Miller, M. R., 49. Miller, 0., 15. Miller. T. C, 71. Miller, T. E., 60. Milliau, E., 90. Milligan, A. D., 18. Mills, A. T., 51. Mills, C, 47. Mills. G. F., 35. Mills, J., 88. Mills, J. W., 17. Milner. R. D.. 5. Miltimore, C. 54. Miner, L. R., 68. Minis. M. J.. 29. Mitchell, A.S., 7. Mitchell, F. H., 33. Mitchell, G., 96. Mitchell, J. A., 69. Mitchell, J. C, 15. Mitchell. J. F.. ZL Mitchell, J. H., 34. Mithoff, M. F., 33. Mitton, S. B., 64. Mobley, J. H., 23. Moench, K. R. ( 64. Moench, R. E., 64. Mohn, E., 54. Molinari, de, 87. Mollison, J. W., 94. Moninger, W. R., 27. Monroe, C. J., 36. Monroe, J. M., 34. Monteith, H. R., 19. Montgomery, J. F., 38. Montgomery, W. B., 38. Mooers, C. A.. 62. Moore, B. E., 43. Moore, C. C, 7. Moore, C. H., 51. Moore, E. J. S., 42. Moore, E. L., 61. Moore, F. P., 24. Moore, F. W., 93. Moore, J. C, 88. Moore, J. F., 15. Moore, J. S., 38, 39. Moore, R. A.. 72. Moore, R. B., 40. Moran. T. F.. 26. Morgan. B. S.. 71. Morgan. H. A.. 31, 32. Morgan. W. B., 52. Morgan. W. H., 38. Morgen, A., 92. Moritz, R.. 43. Morrey, C. B., 53. Morris, D., 88. Morris, J., 22. Morris, O. M., 54. Morris, R.,46. Morris. R. L., 70. Morris, T. D., 62. Morrison. W. 8., 59. Morse, F. W., 7, 45. Morse. G. H.. 43. Morse, I. M.. 73. Morse, \Y. J., 65. Mosier, C. A., 23. Moton, R. R., 67. Moziconnaci, 89. Mudge, C. \\\, 48. Mukerji, N. G., 94. Mulford, H. Du B., 46. Mulford, W., 18. Muller-Thurgau, H., 101. Mullon, I. E., 32. Mnlvania. M., 54. Mumford, F. B., 40. Mumford. H. \Y.. 25. Money, V. E., 30. Munford, W. M.. 13. Munson, L. S., 7. Munson, W. M., 33, 34. Murkland, C. S., 44. 45. Murphy, F., 45, 47. Murphy, X. O., 14. Murray, D., 45. Murray, G. S., 41. Murrell, E. E., 31. Musgrave, J. S., 66. Myasnikov, 98. Myers, E. C, 28. Myers, J. J., 36. Mylin, A. H., 56. Myller, I., 12. Xagle, J. C, 63. Xallino, G., 94. Xantier, R., 89. Nave, A. H., 62. Nay, G. G., 65. Xeal, J. W., 17. Xeale, A. T.. 20. Xebovidsky, F., 86. Xeeb, A. A., 96. Xefedof, G., 98. Xefl, J. H., 16. Xeilson, J., 45, 47. Xelson, A., 6, 73. Xelson, E. E., 73. Nelson, J., 46. Xelson, J. B.. 64. Xelson, J. F., 69. Xelson, R. \V., 30. Xelson, S. B.. 69. Xesbit, A. F.. & . Xesom, G. E., 9, 59. Ncsb, H., 63. Xettleton, M. VY., 68. Xeville, C. W. J., 27. Xeville, J. H., 30. Xewens, A. M., 27. Newman, C, 36. Newman, C. C, 59. Xewnian, C. L., 15. Xewman, J. S., 59. Xewman, J. T., 48. Newton, F. E., 48. Nichol, A.. 52. Nichols, E. R.. 28.29. Nicholson. H. H.. 42. 43. Nicholson, J. F., 72. Nicholson, J. W., 31. Nickerson. \Y. J., 33. Nickols, W., 12. Nicolaus, C. A., 72. Nieda, J. W. von, 51. Nielsen, H. P., 5,14. Niels.en, N. P., 89. Nightingale, A. F.. 24. Niles, E. P., 66,67. Xilsson. X. H., 100. Xisbet, H.. 72. Nix, X. C, 60. Xobbe, F., 92. Xoble, A. B., 27. Xoble, M. C. S.. 51. Xock, X. W., 67. Xock, W., 88. Xoel, P., 90. Xollet, 95. Xordstrum, L. D., 26. Xorris, C. W., 57. Xorris, D. K., 59. Xorthrop, C, 6, 37. Xorthrop, R. S., 52. Xorton, E. J., 64. Xorton, G. I., 28. Xorton, J. B. S., 34. Xorwood, C. J., 30. Xourse, D. O., 66, 67. Xowoczek, A., 86. Xugent, C. E., 52. Xutter, J. W., 30. Xydrle, A., 86. Nye, S. A., 58. Xyredy, J., 93. Xyssens, P., 87. Obata, K., 95. Obrecht, R. C, 26. O'Brien, W. H., 26. O" Connor, J. H., 32. Odell, B. B., jr., 48. Ogden, A. \V., 18. Ogden, R. C.,13, 67. O'Hanlon, W., 48. Ohern. D. W., 70. Okada, K., 95. Olcott, J. B., 18. Oldham, C. D., 69. Oliver, A. C, 62. 124 INDEX OF NAMES. Oliver. (J. H., 39. Oliver. R. B., 39. Olson, H., 96. Olson, J. W., 37. Olwell, J. D., 55. Omeis, T., 92. Onda, T., 95. Orman, J. B.. 17. Onnshee, E. J., G5. Orr, F. S., 61. Orth, H. H.. is. Orvis, E. L., 50. Osbom, H., 53. Osborne, T. B., 18. Osborne, W. H., 26. Osgood, G. E., 51. Oshannin, M. A., 98. Osmond, I. T., 56. Ostrander, J. E., 35. Otero, If. A., 47. Otis, D. H., 29. Otzuka, Y., 95. Ovelton, L. F., 22. Oven, L. W., 56. Overstreet, M., 54. Owen, E. B., 50. Owens, G. W., 13. Owens, J. R., 34, 35. Packard, R. M., 33. Paddock, A. E., 28. Paddock, W., 17, 18. Page, I. E., 55. Page, Z. N., 55. Pahl, C. N., 100. Paige, E. O., 22. Paige, J. B., 35. Palmer, A. W., 24. Palmer, G. S., 18. Palmer, J., 60. Pammel, L. H., 27, 28. Pardee, G. C, 16. Parham, D'A. P., 24. Park, C. B., 50. Park, J., 61. Park, J. B., jr., 23. Park, R. E., 22. Parker, D. T., 71. Parker, W. H., 68. Parker, W. M., 44. Parkhurst, C. H., 67. Parkinson, G. C, 23. Parks, S. C, 72. Parmelee, C. W., 46. Parr, S. W., 24. Parrott, a., 36. Parrott, J. R. (Fla.), 21. Parrott, J. E. (Va.), ., 6, 52. Thorns, G., 98. Thomson, H. M., 35. Thorn. II.. 91 Thornber, J. J., 14. Thornber, W. s.. c.i. Thorn e, C. E., B4. Threat, J. L., 12. Throssell, G., 85. Thnrman, B. <:.. 39, Thurtell, H.. M. Thyng, W. S., 69. Tiemann. H., 92. Tillman, B. R., 59. Tilson, P. S., 63. Tindal, J. E., 59. Tinsley, J. D., 47, 48. Titsworth, A. A., 46. Tobin, P. H., 62. Tolf, R., 100. Tolman, L. M., 7. Torrey, H. A. P., 65. Touchard, 90. Towar, J. D., 37. Towle, W. M., 57. Towner, N., 14. Towns, J. A., 12. Tozzetti, A. T., 94. Traber, E. M., 17. Trabut, L., 85. Trammell, R. J., 11. Traphagen, F. W., 42. Travis, J. F., 53. Treadway, W. A., 15. Tread well, A., 68. Treman, R. H., 48. Trenholme, N. M., 57. Treub, M., 95. Trezevant, M. B., 62. Trimble, R. E., 17, 18. Triplett, E. H., 39. Troop, J., 26. Trotter, J. R., 69. Troy, H. C, 49. True, A. C, 5, 6. True, G. H., 14. Truly, J., 39. Truscott, F. W., 70. Try bom, F., 100. Tubeuf, F. von, 91. Tucker, F. D., 37. Tucker, M., 60. Tucker, R. H., 54. Tudor, J. II., 57. Tufiiga, V. C. M. de, LOO. Tunnell, E. W., 20. Tuohy, J., 17. Tupper, P., jr., 66. Turner, C. W., 62. Turner, G. B., 48. Turner, H. B„ 67. Turner, n. <;.. 22 Turner, .1. I)., :{0. Turner, J. 0., 12, Turner. \Y. II., LO. Turnipseed, J. A., 38: Tuttle, A. II., 53. Tuttle. K. B., 28. Tuttle, F. I.., .".7. Twight, E. II., 16. Twitchell, M. W., 68. Tyler, E. O., 55. Tyler, F. J., 53. Tyler, H. W., 6. Tyler, M. H.. 58. Tynan, T. T., 72. Tyson, H. C, 51. Uhl, J., 91. Ulbricht, R., 91. Ulio, J., 51. Ullman, M., 92. Upson, I. S., 46, 47. Upton, C. O., 59. Urquhart, J., 68. Ushimura, K., 95. Utra, G. R. P. de, 87. Valder, G., 85. Valhena, P. de, 97. Vallandigham, E. N., 20. Vallandigham, I. S., 19. Vanatter, P. O., 62. Van Cleave, S. M., 31. Van Cleef, M., 48. Van Cleef, P. D., 45. Van den Berghe, J., 87. Van der Sijp, H. N. S. C, 96. Van der Zande, K. H. M., 96. Vandiver, M., 34. Van Doren, N. L., 69. Van Dyck, F. C, 46. Van Dyke, J. C, 46. Vanha, J. J., 86. Vankeirsbilck, J., 96. VanNatta, J. H., 26. Van Norman, H. E., 26. Van Rensselaer, M., 49. Van Rijn, J. J. L.. 96. Van Sant, S. F., 37. VanSlyke, L. L., 7,48. Vawter, C. E., jr., 66. Vedder, H. K., 36. Vcenhuizan, (;., 96. Veitch, F. P., 7. Vermorel, V., 90. Vernon, A. \Y., 68. Vernon, .1. J., 17, is. Vernou, C. A., 36. Verson, E., 94. Verthein, W., 72. Vezin, 89. Viele, M. E.,46. Vietch, w., 18. Vieth, P., 92. Vignon, L.,90. Vila-, W. P „ 71. Vincens, J., 90. Vineil. .1. I)., 39. Vines, s. II., 93. Vinson. A. K., 53. Vivian, A., 72. Yivier, A.. '.Ml. Voelcker, .1. A., 93. Voigt, A.. «.»•_'. Voorhees, E. B., 6,46, 17. Voorhees, J. F., 62. Voorhees, L. a., 47. Votaw, W. W., 43. Votey, J. W., 65. Vought, S. W., 62. Vries, K. L. de, 96. Vroom, G. D. W., 46. Vuaflart, 89. Vye, J. A.. 37. 88. Wabnitz, L., 29. Waddell, J. A., 66. Wade, A. J., 39. Wade, C. I., 66, 67. Wadsworth, M. K., 57. Wagner, C. G., 48. Wagner, G., 100. Wagner, P., 91. Wahlstedt, L. J., 100. Waid, C.W., 54. Wait, C. E., 62. Walden,J. W., 63. Waldo, C. A., 26. Waldron, C. B.,51, 52. Waldron, L. R.. 52. Waldron, M. M., 67. Wales, T. &, 65. Walker, B. M.. 38. Walker, C. s., 35. Walker, E., 15. Walker, E. D., 57. Walker, G. W., 66. Walker, H., 12. Walker, M., 13. Walker, P. H.. 15. Wallace. H. E., 23. Wallace, J., 71. Wallace, J. E., 60, Wallace, .1. S.,38. Wallace, W. T., 16. Waller, C. B., 59. Waller, O. L., 69. Walsh. II.. 34. Walter, H. ('..50. Walters, .1. D., 29. Walton. B. F., 50. Wannamaker, J. E., 59. Ward, A. K., 16. Ward, H. B., IS. Ward. II. K., 25. Ward, II. M., 98. Ware..!. E.,37. Warner, M. B., 68. Warren. W. A., 19. Warsage, F., 87. Washburn, F. L.. 38. Washburn, F. B., 18. Washburn, J. H., 6, 58. INDEX OF NAME-. 129 Washington. A Wheeler. J. H.. 61. Williams. E. L.. 4C Washington. B. T.. 13. Wheeler. M. I.." 3-5. Williams. G. B.. 44. Washington. G. S., 33. Wheeler. W.. 35. Williams. G. C. 60. Wasson. G. A.. 44. Wheeler. W. P.. 4-. Williams. G. R.. 4-. Waterman. G. A.. 36. 37. Wheeler. X.. 61. Williams. H. W.. 47. Whitaker. M. A.. 47. Williams. I. A 2 Watkins. J.. 15: Whitaker. W. C, 11. Williams. J. B.. 47. Watkins. L. J.. 13. Whitby. A. B.. 55. Williams. J. T.. 22. W"atkins. L. W White. A. B. " Wilhams. M. (Ok'.-. Watkins. S. H.. 27. White. B. D.. 37. Williams. M. Va. 5S Watson. A.. 51. White. B. O.. 65. Williams. X.. 15. Watson. E." L White. D. D.. 53. Williams. P. E Watson. E. J. K. I White. D. S.. 53. Williams. R. B.. 4n •.. G. C. 57. White. E. A.. 63. Williams. R. W.. yS. Watson. J. V. B.. 58. White. G. D., 36. Wilhams. T.. 11. Watt. G. H.. 69. White. H. C..6. 22, 23. Wilhams. W.. 39. Waugh. F. A.. 6-5. White. H. V.. 56. Williams. W. H.. 42. Waugh. L. G..50. White. J. G.. 30. Wilhams. W. R.. 51. Waugh. T.. 96. White. J. M., 3-. Willis. D. M.. 70. Way mire. J. A.. 16. White. M. (Ky.), 30. Willis. J. C. N Wtatherford. J. K.. 56. White. M. (Tenn.i.61. Willis. L. O.. 20. Weaver. R. D.. 72. White. W. J.. 71. Willoughby. C. L. 2 Webb. J. H.. 18. Whiteford. W. 5.. 34. Wilmore. J. J.. 11. Webb. W. 6., 6-5. Whitehead. B. T.. 61. . B. L.. 15. Weber. F. C. - Whitehill. A. R.. 70. 71. Wilson. B. N., 15. Weber. H. A.. 52. Whiteman. J. H.. 19. Wilson. E.. 28 Webster, E. H Whitescarver. E. n, F. D.. 66. Webster, F. M., 6. Whitfield. H. L.. 3E Wilson. G. W.. 21. Webster, B. H.. 69. Whitfield. J. B..22. Wilson. H. M., 50. Webster. W. A Whitham. W. H.. 70. Wilson. J.. 27 » Weddell. F. J - Whitloek. R. H.. 63. Wilson. J. H..27. Weed, CM.. 4-5. Whitney. E. M.. 19. Wilson. J. ML, 5. Weeks. E.. 40. Whitridge. G. B.. 37. Wilson. X. E.. 44. Weems, J. B. 27 H Whitson. A. R.. 72. Wilson. T.. 37. Weibull. II., 100. Whittaker. J. C. 60. Wilson. W. M.. 28. Weida. G. F.. 29. Whittam. A. • Windisch. R.. 91. Weigmann. H Whitten. J. C. 40. Wing. H. H.. 49. Weihe. F. A. Whittlesey. P Window, E. B.. 33. Weil. C. : Whorisky. R.. jr.. 45. n, G. T.. 50. Wein. E.. 92. Whyte. A.. 8? Winston. J. E.. 30. Weinzierl. T. von B Wianeko. A. T.. 43. Winter. J. F - Weiske, H.. 91. Wiatt. J. E.. 11. Winter. 1L, 42. Welborn. W. ( Wickson. E. J.. 16. Winter. T.. 93. I.C.. 45. Widen, J.. 100. Winton. A. L.. 7. IS. Weller. J. S.. 56. Widtsoe. J. A.. 64. Withers. W. A.. 6. 50. Wellington. C. 35. Wieehardt. A. J.. 38. Withycombe. J.. 55, 56. Well man. B Wiener. A. - Wittmack. L.. 91. Wellman. W. I.. 12. Wier. J. A. Wodo:. 83 Wells. C. 39. Wier. J. E.. 44. Wolcott. R. H.. 43. Wells. F.. 36. Wier, J.&, - Wolf. T. R.. 20. Wells. F.J. ,72 Wikoff. F. J.. 54. Wolf. W.. 91. Wells. W. W..36. Wilber. X. A.. 24. Woll. F. W.. 72. Welty. C. 54. Wileox. E. M.. 11. 12. Wood. E.. 3:3. Werner. H. E.. 11. Wilcox. E. V.. 5. Wood. E. W.. 35. Wernicke. P.. 30. Wiley. H. W.. 7. Wood. F. M.. 31. We^t. R.. 70. Wiley. W. R.. 39. Wood. H. P.. 57. W. W.. 51. Wilfarth. H.. 91. Wood. J. M.. 96. Westlund. J - Wilkins. P. J.. 40. Woodford. 5. L.. 4fi Westman. A.. 100. Wilkinson. L.. 34. Woodrow. R. S.. 25. Wharton. E. R.. 21. Wilkinson. R. $.. 60. Woods. A. A.. 32. Wheaton. A. H.. 61. Willard. J. M..57. Woods. C. D.. 5. 33. 34. Wheeler. B. I.. 16. Willard. J. T.. 29. Woodward. J. A.. 56. Wheeler. C. A.. 19. Willey. W. P.. 70. Woodward. S. If., 14. Wheeler. C. F.. 36. 37. Williams. A.. 45. Woodward. W. F.. 69. Wheeler. H. J.. 6. 7 5C Williams. A. J.. 12. Wood worth. C. W.. 16. 1o489— \o. 111- 09 H 180 INDEX OF NAMES. Woolverton, 1 Wopton, E. 0., it. 48. Worcester, J. 8., 68. Worst .1. II.. 6, 51, -v.'. Wortendyke, K. J., 47. Wortmann, J., 91. Wright. C. >.. 59. Wright, E. 1'.. 93. Wright, J. A., 64. Wright, R. P., 93. AYrinkle. L. P. J., 44 Wuthrich, E„ 101. Wyckoff, W. F.,4G. Wyer. J. I., 43. Wyman, C. D., 57. Wyman. J. T., 37. Yagodin-Kushinov, 99. Yanianaka, T., 95. Yates, K.. 24. Yates, K. E. L.. 50. Yates. W\. 51. Yates, W. E., 55. Yeoward, D., 89. Yerex. J. W., 19. Yocum. W. F., 21. Yoder. I'. A., 64. Yoshii. T., 95. Young, G. J., 44. Young. H., 56. Young, L. E Young, X. B.. J.'. Zabriskie. J. A.. 14. Zabriskie. J. A. L., 1 Zalka. Z.. 98. Zavitz. C. A., 88. Zecchini. M., 94. Zetterling, L. A., 100. u BULLETINS OF THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Experiment Station Record, Vols. I-XII, with indexes; Vol. XIII, Nos. 1-7. Bulletins.— 'So. 1, Organization and History of the Stations; No. 2, Digest of Annual Reports of the Stations for 1888, in two parts; No. 3, Report of Meeting of Horticulturists, 1889; No. 4, List of Station Horticulturists; No. 6, List of Station Botanists; No. 8, Lectures on Investigations at Rothamsted Experimental Station; No. 9, The Fermentations of Milk; No. 10, Meteorological Work for Agricultural Institutions; No. 11, A Compilation of Analyses of American Feeding Stuffs; No. 14, Proceedings of Con- vention of National League for Good Roads, 1893; No. 15, Handbook of Experiment Station Work; No. 17, Suggestions for the Establishment of Food Laboratories; No. 18, Assimilation of Free Atmospheric Nitrogen by White and Black Mustard; No. 21, Methods and Results of Investigations on the Chemistry and Economy of Food; No. 22, Agricultural Investigations at Rothamsted, England; No. 25, Dairy Bac- teriology; No. 26, Agricultural Experiment Stations: Their Objects and Work; No. 28, The Chemical Composition of American Food Materials; No. 29, Dietary Studies at the University of Tennessee in 1895; No. 31, Dietaw Studies at the University of Missouri in 1895; No. 32, Dietary Studies at Purdue University in 1895: No. 33, The Cotton Plant ; No. 34, The Carbohydrates of Wheat, Maize, Flour, and Bread; No. 35, Food and Nutrition Investigations in New Jersey in 1895 and 1896; No.- 36, Notes on Irri- gation in Connecticut and New Jersey; No. 37, Dietary Studies at the Maine State College in 1895; No. 38, Dietary Studies of the Negro in Alabama, 1895 and 1896; No. 40, Dietary Studies in New Mexico in 1895; No. 42, Cotton Culture in Egypt; No. 43, Losses in Boiling Vegetables, and the Composition and Digestibility of Potatoes and Eggs: No. 44, Investigations on the Metabolism of Nitrogen and Carbon in the Human Organism; No. 45, A Digest of Metabolism Experiments; NO 46,Dietary'Studies in New York City in 1895 and 1896; Nos. 48, 62, 82, and 94, Reports to Congress on Agriculture in Alaska; No. 52, Nutrition Investigations in Pittsburg, Pa., 1894-1896; No. 53, Nutrition Investigations at the University of Tennessee in 1896 and 1897; No. 54, Nutrition Investigations in New Mexico in 1897; No. 55, Dietary Studies in Chicago in 1895 and 1896; No. 56, History and Present Status of Instruction in Cooking in the Public Schools of New York City; No. 57, Varieties of Corn; No. 58, Water Rights on the Missouri River and its Tributaries; No. 60, Abstract of Laws for Acquiring Titles to Water from the Missouri River and its Tributaries, with the Legal Forms in Use; No. 63, Description of a New Respiration Cal- orimeter and Experiments on the Conservation of Energy in the Human Body; No. 66, The Physio- logical Effect of Creatin and Creatinin and their Value as Nutrients; No. 67, Studies on Bread and Bread Making; No. 68, A Description of Some Chinese Vegetable Food Materials and their Nutritive and Economic Value; No. 69, Experiments on the Metabolism of Matter and Energy in the Human Body; No. 70, Water-Right Problems of Bear River; No. 71, Dietary Studies of Negroes in Eastern Virginia in 1897 and 1898; No. 72, Farmers' Reading Courses; No. 73, Irrigation in the Rocky Mountain States; No. 75, Dietary Studies of University Boat Crews; No. 77, The Digestibility of American Feed- ing Stuffs; No. 79, Farmers' Institutes: History and Status in the United States and Canada; No. 80, The Agricultural Experiment Stations in the United States; No. 81, The Use of Water in Irrigation in Wyoming and its Relation to the Ownership and Distribution of the Natural Supply; No. 84, Nutrition Investigations at the California Agricultural Experiment Station, 1896-1898; No. 85, A Report of Inves- tigations on the Digestibility and Nutritive Value of Bread; No. 86, The Use of Water in Irrigation; No. 87, Irrigation in New Jersey; No. 89, Experiments on the Effect of Muscular Work upon the Digestibility of Food and the Metabolism of Nitrogen, Conducted at the University of Tennessee, 1897-1899; No. 90, Irrigation in Hawaii; No. 91, Nutrition Investigations at the University of Illinois, North Dakota Agricultural College, and Lake Erie College, Ohio, 1896-1900; Nor 92, The Reservoir System. of the Cache la Poudre Valley; No. 95, Report on the Agricultural Resources and Capabilities of Hawaii; No. 96, Irrigation Laws of the Northwest Territories of Canada and of Wyoming; No. 98, The Effect of Severe and Prolonged Muscular Work on Food Consumption, Digestion, and Metabo- lism, and the Mechanical Work and Efficiency of Bicyclers; No. 100, Report of Irrigation Investiga- tions in California; No. 101, Studies on Bread and Bread Making at the University of Minnesota in 1899 and 1900; No. 102, Experiments on Losses in Cooking Meat, 1898-1900; No. 103, The Evolution of Reaping Machines; No. 104, Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1900; No 105, Irrigation in the United States; No. 106, Results of Investigations on the Rothamsted Soils; No. 107, Nutrition Investi- gations among Fruitarians and Chinese at the California Agricultural Experiment Station, 1899-1901; No. 108, Irrigation Practice Among Fruit Growers on the Pacific Coast; No. 109, Experiments on the Metabolism of Matter and Energy in the Human Body, 1898-1900; No. 110, Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Association of Farmers' Institute Workers; Nos. 5, 12, 13, 19, 23, 27, 39, 47, 59, 74, and 88, Organization Lists of Stations and Colleges, 1890, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, and 1901; Nos. 7, 16, 20, 24, 30, 41, 49, 65, 76, and 99, Proceedings of Association of Colleges and Sta- tions, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, and 1900; Nos. 50, 61, 83, and 93, Reports on the Work and Expenditures of the Agricultural Experiment Stations, 1897, 1898, 1899, and 1900; Nos. 51, 64, 78, and 97, Statistics of the Colleges and Stations, 1897,1898,1899, and 1900. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA