LIBRARY September 1948 E-755 United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine A SECOND LIST OE PUBLICATIONS ON BENZENE HEXACHLORIDE C. 1. Eowen, Division of Insecticide Investigations In July 19^7 the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine issued a list (E-731) °f 2U0 references to benzene hexachloride (hexachlorocyclo- hexane, 666, Gamraexane, BHC, HCH, HCC) published from the time of its original synthesis by Paraday in 1825 through April 19^7- This second list contains ^53 titles and 13 patents, and is intended to bring the bibliography up to July 19^8, and also to include a few publications omitted from the first list. For convenience the patents are listed together at the end following the publication list. Reprints of the publications listed are not available for distribu- tion with the exception of certain of those published by this Bureau. (1) ANONYMOUS 19^6. A new synthetic insecticide. Nature [London] 15*5: 701. (2) 19^-6. Aeroplane spraying of locusts. Report on the Gunnedah trial. Agr. Gaz. N. S. Wales 57: 577. (3) 19^6. DDT proves best against cabbage caterpillars. Grower 26(lU): 295-296. (U) 19^6. Experiment stations cooperate to speed spray recommendations for I9U7 season. Pests lU(l2) : US. (5) 19^. Gammexane and tobacco soil peste. A correction. Rhodesia Agr. Jour. (Editorial) h}; 339. (6) 19^6. The use of DDT and 666 as insecticides against grain pests. III. The persistence of toxicity of DDT and 666 applied in washes. Jour. Sci. and Indus. Res. [India] U(g): 493-U95; IV. DDT and 666 as sterilisants of floor debris in grain storage sheds. U(8): U95-U99. (7) 19^7 • Benzene Hex odor. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 23(6): l6l. w* -2- ( 8) ANONYMOUS 19^7. Benzene hexachloride (3.H.C.) in grasshopper baits. Agr. Gaz. N. S. Wales 5.8: 636-637. (9) I9U7. Benzene hexachloride 1 a smell. Oil, Paint, and Erug Rptr. 152(21): 5. 3^. (10) 19^7» Control of meat or road ants ( Iridomyrmex rufoniger ) with BHC. Agr. Gaz. N. S. Wales 58: 638. (11) — - 19^7. De-Bugging America. Newsweek 30(5) J 6U. (12) 19^7. Grasshopper halt. Oil, Paint, and Drug Rptr. 152(15): 36. (13) 19U7. Insecticides studied for cotton pests. Oil, Paint, and Drug Rptr. 151(15): 5. (Ik) I9U7. New use for BHC? Agr. Chem. 2(10): 55. (15) 19^7. The "Agrocide" range of insecticides for agricultural and horticultural crops. Plant Protection, Ltd., Nobel House, London. 32 pages. W. S. Cowell, Ltd., Ipswich & London. (16) 19^S. A correction. [Iridomyrmex detectus]. Agr. Gaz. N. S. Wales. 59: U6. (17) 19^8. Benzene hexachloride found to flavor pork. Sci. News Letter 53(23): 365. (18) I9I+8. BHC ear tick control. Agr. Chem. 3(U): 57. (19) I9U8. Cautioned on the use of new insecticides. Pest Control and Sanit. 3(h): 18-19. (20) 19^8. Insecticides featured at cotton leaders' meeting. Com. Pert. 76(2): 29-30. (21) 19^8. Monthly review of chemical markets. Pest Control and Sanit. 3<*0: 29; 3(5): 29-30. -3- ^22) ANONYMOUS 19U8. New freight classification. A. I. P. News 6(5): 3. (23) 19^8. Springtails (Collembola) and benzene hexachloride. Agr. G-az, H. S. Vales 59? ^5. (2k) 19^8. Suggests insecticide name. Agr. Chem. }(k); 69. (25) 19US. Synergist for pyrethrin. Chem. and Engin. News 26: 338. (26) I9H8. U. S. D. A. toxicants bulletin. Agr. Chem. 3(H): 70. (27) ALLEN, T. C. 19^8. Insecticides - their uses, limitation, and residual hazards., Canning Trade 70(29): 38, Uo. (28) ANDERSON, L. D. , and BROOKS, J. W. I9U7. Pea aphid control in eastern Virginia. Jour. Econ. Ent. UO: 199-205. (29) ANNAND, P. N. I9U7. Insecticides. Agr. Chem. 2(10): 3^-37. 39. (30) 19^8. [Work with Benzene Hexachloride.] TJ. S. Dept. Agr., Appro- priation Bill, I9H9. Pt. 1, p. 839. (31) and EARNED, P. W. 19^8. Recent developments in the control of cotton insects. Hearings, U. S. 80th Cong., 1st Sees., Pt. 2, pp. 1021-10U2. (32) ARANT, P. S. 19^8. Status of velvetbean caterpillar control in Alabama. Jour. Econ. Ent. kit 26-30. (33) AULT, C. N. 19^6. Empleo del ,, Garamexane ,, contre la garrapata comm del ganado boyino. Cien. e Invest. 2: ^35-^36. <3»0 19^7. Como actua el mentado "Gammexane" y su lnteresante historia. Diario Rural 6(69*+): k. (35) BAKER, W. A. 19^7. Control of forage pests. U. S. Deot. Agr. Yearbook (Science in Farming) I9U3J+7: 65I-65U. (36) BALSOF, E. W. I9U7. Studies In vapour pressure measurement, Pt. III.— An effusion manometer sensitive to 5X10~ D millimeters of mercury: vapor pressure of D.D.T. and other slightly volatile substances. Faraday Soc. Trans. k}i 5^-60. (37) BARLOW, F. 19^7 • Determination of "benzene hexachloride in the blood of cattle. Nature [London] 160: 719-720. (3S) _ and HADAWAY, H. B. 19^7. Preliminary notes on the loss of DDT and Gammexane by absorp- tion. Bui. Ent. Res. 38: 335-3^6. (39) BARRAUD, MILLE 19*+7. Toxicol ogical experiments with crickets. Acad. d'Agr. de France, Compt. Rend. 23: 3**6-35L (*J0) BASTIANSEN, 0., and HASSEL, 0. 19^7* A new isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane with zero dlpole moment. Acta Chem. Scand. 1: 6S3. (Ul) BATEMAN, E. W. , and HEATH, G. D. 19^7 • The generation of insecticidal smokes. Soc. Chem. Indus. Jour. [London] 66: 325-330. (U2) BATTE, E. G., and TURK, R. D. 19^8. Toxicity of some synthetic insecticides to dogs. (Sci. Note) Jour. Econ. Ent. Ul: 102-103. (U3) BECNEL, I. J., MATEUX, H. S., and ROUSSEL, J. S. 19^7. Insecticide tests for the control of cotton boll weevil and cotton aphids in 19*+6. Jour. Econ. Ent. UO: 508-513* (kk) BEFJOTKAMP, G. 19^6. Gammexane. Groenten en Fruit 2: ^5. (1+5) BENLLOCH, M. 19^5* Ensayos de laboratorio sobre la accion por contacto de los insecticidas organicos chlorados (D.D.T. y 666), Bol. de Patol. Veg. y Ent. Agr. 1^: 189-198. Published I9H6. (U6) 19^5 # Observaciones sobre la eficacia insecticida de los preparados comerciales a base de DDT y gama-hexano. Bol. de Patol. Veg. y Ent. Agr. lH: 3U3-352. Published 19U6. (U7) 19^6. Essais de laboratoire sur 1 'action par contact des insecti- cides organique chlores (D.D.T. et 666). First Internatl. Cong. Plant Protect. [Hevelee, Belgium], Gen. Rpt., pp. U69- ^79. -5- (48) BERGOL'TS, M. K. 19^7. DDT preparation - pentachlorin. Med. Paras itol. and Parasitic Dis. [U.S.S.R.] l6(l): 84-88. [In Russian] [Abstract in Chem. Abs. 4l: 6015. 1947.] (49) BEZOBRAZOV, YU. N. , and MOLCHANOV, A. V. 1946. Production of technical hexachlorocyclohexane. Khim. Prom. 1946(10): 9-13. [In Russian] [Abstract in Chem. Abs. Hi: um. 19U7.3 (50) BISHOPP, P. C. 1948. Large-scale insect control problems. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 24(2): IH3-IU5, 169. (51) and KNIPLING, E. P. 1948. Insecticides applied on livestock. Indus, and Engin. Chem. 40: 713-716. (52) BLOCK, S. S. 1948. Insecticidal surface coatings [Pt. I.] Soap and Sanit. Chem. 24(2): 138-lUl, 171; Pt. II, 24(3): 151-153. (53) 1948. Residual toxicity tests on insecticidal protective coatings. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 24(H) j 155, 157, 159 t l6l, 207, 213. (54) BOBB, K. L. 1947. Benzene hexachloride in plum curculio control. Va. Fruit 35(D: 47-53. (55) 1947. New insecticides for peach insects. Mountaineer Grower 17: 16-19, 22-24. (56) 1948. Plum curculio control. Va. Fruit 36(1): 56-63. (57) BONNEMAISON, L. I9H6. L'anthonome du poirier. First Internatl. Cong. Plant Protect. [Hevelee, Belgium], Gen. Rpt. , pp. 227-235. (58) BONNY, W. T. 1948. The helicopter grows up. Down to Barth [Dow Chemical Co.] 3(4): 14-15. (59) BOURNE, B. A. 1948. Effects of benzene hexachloride and chlordan on the germina- tion of sugar-cane cuttings. Sugar Jour. 10(8): 3-4, 20. (60) BOVINGDON, H. H. S., and STOCK, G. H. 1947. Control of hide beetles with "Gammexane ,, and DDT. Internatl. Soc. Leather Trades Chem. Jour. 31: 115-H9* -6- (6l) BOWEN, C. V., and HALLER, H. L. 19*+5» Insecticidal action of organic halogen compounds— A comparison of selected literature references. U. S. Bur. Ent. and Plant Quar. E-678, Ik pp. [Processed.] (62) and POGORELSXIN, M. A. 19*+8. Determination of the gamma-isomer content of benzene hexa- chloride. Analyt. Chem. 20: 3H6-3US. (63) BOZKURT, 3. 19^8. Vergleichende Unt er suchungen zur Aufnahme von Insecticide (DDT und Gamraexane) in den Arthropodenkorper. Istanbul. Univ. Pen Falcultesi Mecmuasi. Ser. B: Tabii Itemler 13: 55-66. (Sk) BRANNAN, C. F. I9U8. Chemical pest control. Agr. Chem. 3(4): 27-29, 79. (65) BRANNON, L. W. 19^+7 • Further tests for control of Mexican "bean "beetle and corn earworm on snap beans. Jour. Econ. Ent. kO; 103-106. (66) BREDO, H. J. 19^6. Le "Garamexane" dans la lutte contre lea sauterelles. First Internatl. Cong. Plant Protect. [Hevelee, Belgium], (Jen. Rpt. pp. H85J+92. (67) BRETT, C. H., and RHOADES, W. C. I9H6. Control of the red harvester ant with Yelsicol IO68. (Sci. Note) Jour. Econ. Ent. 39s 663-66U. (68) and RHOADES, W. C. 19*+7» Boll weevil control with chlordane, benzene hexachloride, and calcium arsenate dusts. (Sci. Note) Jour. Econ. Ent. UO: 572-57*+. (69) and RHOADES, W. C. 19*+8. Grasshopper control with parathion, benzene hexachloride, chlorinated camphene, and chlordan. Jour. Econ. Ent. 1+1: 16-18. (70) BROMLEY, S. W. 19*+7» Recent advances in control of ornamental and shade tree insects. Jour. Econ. Ent. HO: 237-239* (71) I9U7. The last few years. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 55: 207-214. (72) BROOKS, J. W., and ANDERSON, L. D. I9U7. Toxicity tests of some new insecticides. Jour. Econ. Ent. UO: 220-228. -7- (73) BROWN, A. W. A., and HURTIG, H. 19*47. Organic insecticides of the lesser migratory locust. (Sci. Note) Jour. Econ. Ent. *40: 276-277. (7*0 BURN, J. L. 19*46. New remedies in disinf estation. R07. Sanit. Inst. Jour. 66(1): 19-2*4. (75) BURNET, I. M., and HOLMES, E. 19*46. Gammexane as an agricultural insecticide. First Internatl. Cong. Plant Protect. [Hevelee, Belgium], Gen. Rpt., pp. 295- 30*4. (76) BUSVINE, J. R., and BARNES, SARAH 19*47. Observations on mortality among insects exposed to dry ineecticidal films. Bui. Ent. Res. 38: 81-90. (77) BURN, J. L., and GAMLIN, R. 19*48. Experiments with DDT and gamma B.H.C. ( "Gammexane n ) for use against head lice. Med. Off. 79: 121-12*4. (78) CAMPBELL, J. 19*48. Promising new chemicals for the control of potato diseases and insects. Amer. Potato Jour. 25(2): *48-%. (79) CAMPBELL, J. C, and PEPPER, B. B. 19*46. Benzene hexachlorlde controls wireworms on vegetable crops. N. J. Agr. 28(3): 8. (80) CANIZO, J. DEL 19^6. Nuevos inseotioidas oontra las plagas de la alfalfa. Ganaderia [Madrid] ki 1U93-IU96. (81) and URQJJIJO, P. 19*45* Experiences sobre la eficacia inseotlcida del gammo-hexano (gamma-666) contra los pulgones (afidos). Bol. de Patol. Veg. y Ent. Agr. 1*4: 181-188. Published 191*6. (82) CANNON, R. C, and CALDWELL, N. E. H. 19*46. Investigations in the control of tobacco leaf -miner, Gnorlmoschema operculella Zell. (Lepidoptera: Gelechlidae) with DDT and Gammexane. Queensland Jour. Agr. Sci. 3(2): 96-102. (83) CARPENTER, S. J. 19*47. Control of stored food insects with benzene hexachlorida. (Sci. Note) Jour. Soon, Ent, *40: 136-I37. (8*4) CHANDLER, S. C. 19*48, Control of peach cat-facing in Illinois. Jour. Scon. Ent. *41: 52-55. -8- (S5) CHAPMAN, A. J., RICHMOND, C. A., and FIFE, L. C. 19^7. Comparative toxicity of "benzene hexachloride and DDT to Thrips on cotton and onions. (Sci. Note) Jour. Econ. Ent. to: 575-576. (86) CHEMICAL CORPS, UNITED STATES ARMY 19^7 • Quarterly progress report on insect and rodent control. April 1-June 30. CMLC, No. lU, pp. 20-22. [Processed.] (87) CH^RIAN, M. C, and MAHADE7AN, Y. 19^7. Preliminary trials with DDT and 666 against the Indian "bee Aphis indica . (Abstract) Indian Sci. Cong., [Bangalore] Proc. (Ill) 33: 126. (38) and SUBRAMANIAM, T. V. 19^+7. Further trials with D.D.T. and 666 against insect pests. (Abstract) Indian Sci. Cong. [Bangalore] Proc. (Ill) 33: 173. (89) CLAUSEN, R., and GUNTHART, E. 19^. Essais de lutte contre le ver blanc ( Melolontha malolontha L.) avec 1 'hexachlorocyclohexane. First Internatl. Cong. Plant Protect. [Hevelee, Belgium], C-en. Rpt. pp. 289-29 1 *. (90) CLAYTON, C. N. , and ELLIS, D. E. 19^7. Benzene hexachloride fails to control the rootknot nematode. Plant Dis. Rptr. 31: hgj.Ugo,. (9D CONNER, J. T., JR., and KULASH, W. M. 19^8. Cotton insect control in North Carolina. N. C. Agr. Col. Ext. Cir. 312, 7 PP. (92) CORBETT, N. G. I9H7. Preliminary tests in Mexico with DDT, cube, hexachlorocyclo- hexane (benzene hexachloride) , and combinations thereof, for the control of the cattle fever tick, Boophilus annulatus . Aroer. Jour. Yet. Res. 8: 280-285. (93) CORY, E. N. , and LANGFORD, G. S. 19^7. Fly control in dairy barns and on livestock by cooperative spray services. (Sci. Note) Jour. Econ. Ent. *40: H25-U26. (9*0 COUTURIER, M. A., BARRAUD, M. , and RAMADIER, M. F. 19^7. Destruction des courtilieres ( Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa L. ) a l'aide de 1 •hexachlorocyclohexane. Acad. d'Agr. de France, Compt. Bend. 23: 99-101. (95) COPLAND, J. W. 19^7. The cotton jassid ( Eropoasca libyca ) in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, and experiments on its control. Bui. Ent. Res. ^S: 99-H5. -9- (96) cox, a. J. I9U7-8. Comments on Insecticides. A*;r. Chem. 2(h): H7-U9, 65; 3(3): 61-6U, 71; 00 1 51. 53. 70-73. (97) COX, J. A. 19^7. Control of the grape leafhopper. Jour. Econ. Ent. UO: 195- 19S. (9S) 19^7. Control of cherry fruit flies. (Sci. Note) Jour. Econ. Ent. kO: 588-590. (99) COYNE, F. P. 19^+7. Modern insecticides. Paper presented at the 11th Internatl, Cong. Pure and Appl. Chem., London, July 17-2U. Abstract in Agr. Chem. 2(9): 29. (100) CREIGHTON, J. T. , HETRICX, A., HUNT, P. J., and DUNCAN, D. U. 19^7* Application of chlorinated hydrocarbons to the soil and roosts effectively controls lice of poultry. (Res. Note) Poultry Sci. 26: 67H-675. (101) CROSBY, J. 19^7* Commissioners discuss new insecticides. Calif. Cult. 9^ (12) J U07. (102) I9U7. Wirevorm furaigants tested. Calif. Cult. 9^(19): 627-628. (103) CUFF, R. L. 19^7 • Plies make profits fly. Down to Earth [Dow Chemical Co.] 3(2): 2-U. ' (10U) 19^8. New killers of livestock pests. Successful Farming U6(2): 28, 15^-155. (105) CULLINAN, F. P. 19^7. Effects of some of the newer organic chemicals on plant life. Agr. Chem. 2(5): 18-20. (106) CUTX0M>, L. X. 19^7. Residual sprays to control Anopheles quadrimaculatus . Jour. Econ. Ent. UO: 328-333. (107) OUTRIGHT, C. R., and SUTTON, R. 19^7. Effectiveness of acaricides in DDT-sprayed apple orchards. Jour. Econ. Ent. UO: 557-561. (108) DAASCH, L. W. 19^7. Infrared spectroscopic analysis of five isomers of 1.2,3i 1+ »5»o-hexachlorocycloheTane. Analyt. Chem. 19: 779-7S5. -10- (109) DAVIDSON, G. 19^7. Field trials with "Gammexane™ ae a means of malaria control "by adult mosquito destruction in Sierre Leone. I. The effect of "Gammexane" on mosquitoes. II. The effect of treatments on houses with "Gammexane" on the malaria-rate in the inhabitants. Ann. Trop. Med. & Parasitol. Hi: 178- 2lH. (110) — - 19^7. "Gammexane" and mosquito control. Brit. Med. Jour. No. H506: 681. (ill) DAVIS, J. J. 19^7. New chemicals for insect control. Pest Control & Sanit. 2(12): lH-15. (112) I9H8. What a salesman should know about insecticides. Pests 16(H): 26, 28, Ho. (113) DECKER, G. C, APPLE, J. W., WRIGHT, J. M. , and PETTY, H. B. I9H7. European corn "borer control on canning corn. Jour. Econ. Ent. HO: 395-toO. (llH) DELVAUX, E., and DORMAL, S. I9H6. Substances toxiques specifiques. Insecticides - Herbicides. Agricultura [Louvain] HH(l-2): H7-6O. (115) DESALBRES, L. , and LABATUT, R. I9H7. Insecticides nouveaux: les derives chlores de la serio terpenique. Chim. & Indus. [Paris] 58: HH3-HH8. (116) DICKER, G. H. L. I9H7. Control of the strawberry Rhynchites ( Rhynchites germanicus Herbst) with notes on its biology. Jour, Pomol. and Hort. Sci. 23: 63-70. (117) GAYNER, E. C. H. , and AUSTIN, M. D. I9H6. Control of the apple-blossom weevil, Anthonomus pomorum L. Jour. Pomol. and Hort. Sci. 22: 162-17^ (118) DILLS, L. E., and ODLAND, M. L. I9H8. Cabbage maggot insecticidal tests. Jour. Econ. Ent. Hi: 98-101. (119) DODSON, M. E. I9H7. "Gammexane" for the treatment of sarcoptic and demodectic mange in dogs and otodectic mange in cats. Austral. Vet. Jour. 23: 358-359. -11- (120) DONER, M. H. 19^7 • Marketing small package agricultural insecticides. Agr. Chem. 2(8): 17-20, 1*9 . (121) DOUGLAS, J. R., and WILSON, J. P. 19i+8. Fly strike in sheep. Calif. Agr. 2(3) : ik. (122) DOWNING, W. 19^7 . The control of psoroptic scab on sheep by benzene hexa- chloride and DDT. Vet. Rec. 59: 581-532. (123) DRAZ, 0. 19l*7. The use of "Gammexane" in the treatment of sarcoptic mange in camels. Vet. Rec. 59: 51*8-51+9. (124) DRESDEN, D. , and KRIJGSMAN, B. J. 19l*S. Experiments on the physiological action of contact insecti- cides. Bui. Ent. Res. 38 (Pt. 1*) s 575-578. (125) DRIGGERS, B. F. 19l*7. 3HC on peach curculio. Agr. Chera. 2(12): 1*7. (126) and DARLEY, M. M. 191*8. Experiments to control curculio with benzene hexachloride. Agr. Chem. 3(5): 30, 31. 33. 76, 77. 78. (127) DR0UI1TEAU, G., GOUNY, P., and LaHAYE, T. 19l*7« Les possibilites d'utilisatlon du D.D.T. et de 1 'hexachloro- cyclohexane dans les sols. Acad. d'Agr. de France, Compt. Rend. 33: 203-20**. (128) DuCHANOIS, F. R. 19l*7» Toxicity of gamma-benzene hexachloride to preimaginal stages of the housefly. (Sci. Note) Jour. Econ. Ent. 1*0: 71+9-751. (129) DUNNAM, E. W., and CALHOUN, S. L. 1943. Benzene hexachloride to control boll weevil and cotton aphid. Jour. Econ. Ent. 1*1: 22-25. (130) DUSTAN, G. G. 19^7 • The influence of air currents on the insecticidal action of DDT, benzene hexachloride, Hercules toxicant 395^, and Velsicol 1068. Canad. Ent. 79: 1*5-50. (131) ECKERT, J. E. 19l*7» The relation of agricultural chemicals to beekeeping. Natl. Fed. Beekeeper's Assoc, Fed. News Letter l*(7„g) : i t 3_k # (132) 191+8. The present relation of agricul tural chemicals to beekeeping industry. Amer. Bee Jour. 88(3): 129-13L l*+3-l^. -12- (133) EGO-AGTJIRRE, B. A. 19^6. Las langostas de Jaen: inforrne del viaje ejectuado a la zona infestada por la langosta. Lima, Peru, Estac. Expt. Agr. de La Molina Inforrne 6l, 25 pp. (13U) BI13E, P. M. I9U7. Cherry fruit fly control in the lower Yakima Valley. Wash. State Hort. Assoc. Proc. U2: 119-128. (135) 19^7. Insecticides on honeybees. Jour. Econ. Ent. UO: k$-5k. (136) ESCOFFERY, P. E. 19^7. Instrucciones para el uso de la pasta gamatox para el control de las garrapatas y moscas en al ganado. Rev. de Agr. t Com. y Indus. [Panama] 7(75) s 20, (137) EWING, K. P. 19^7* Experimental use of promising new insecticides on cotton. Acco Press 25(6): 1-2. (138) PARSNCIA, C. R., JR., and I7Y, E. E. 19^7. Cotton insect control with benzene hexachloride and a mixture of DDT and "benzene hexachloride. Jour. Econ. Ent. UO: 37 1 *- 381. (139) FABRE, R. 19^6. La phytopharmacie et son evolution. First Internatl. Cong. Plant Protect. [Hevelee, Belgium], Gen. Rpt. pp. 51-66. (1*40) PALES, J. H. t McGOYRAN, E. R. , and PULTON, R. A. 19^7. Gamma-benzene hexachloride in the llquefied-gas aerosol. (Sci. Note) Jour. Econ. Ent. ^0: 75*+. (lUl) PAT, R. W., COLE, E. L. , and BUCKNER, A. J. 19^7. Comparative residual effectiveness of organic insecticides against house flies and malaria mosquitoes. Jour. Econ. Ent. UO: 635-6U0. (lU2) FLETCHER, R. K. , GAINES, J. C. , and OWEN, W. L. 19^7. Insecticides for control of thrips on cotton. (Sci. Note) Jour. Econ. Ent. HO: 59^-596. (1U3) FRAZIER, N. W., and STAFFORD, E. M. I9U7. Control of the leafhopper Erythroneura elegantula on grape with DDT and other insecticides. Jour. Econ. Ent. UO: U&7- ^95. (lHU) FURMAN, D. P. 19^7. Benzene hexachloride to control cattle lice. Jour. Econ. Ent. UO: 672-675. -13- (1^5) FURMAN, D. P. 19^7. Toxicity of benzene hexachloride to mammals. Jour. Econ. Bat. UO: 518-521. (lU6) and HO SKINS, W. M. 19^8. Benzene hexachloride in cream from cow's milk. (Sci. Note) Jour. Econ. Ent. hi: 106-107. (1U7) GAINES, J. C. 19^7. Comparison of insecticides for cotton insect control and the effect of copper on yields. (Scl. Note) Jour. Econ. Ent. UO: U3U-U36.* (ikS) 19^7. Tests of insecticides for control of grasshoppers. Jour. Econ. Ent. kO: 896-899. (1^9) 19*4-8. New insecticides to control cotton pests. Texas Co-op. News 27(11): 5. (150) I9U8. New organic insecticides for controlling insects. Cotton Gin and Oil Mill Press hs(k) : 15. (151) and SEAN, H. A. 19^7. New insecticides for boll weevil, bollworra, and aphid con- trol. Jour. Econ. 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Malattie e difesa delle piante: il gammesano. Agr. Tosc. 2: U50-U51. (296) MARTIN, W. H. 19^5» Science and the land. 11. J. Agr. Expt. Sta. , Ann. Rpt. 58, 107 pp. (297) MAXWELL, KENNETH E. 19^7. Benzene hexachloride - insecticide. Chemurg. Digest 6(lU): 224-228. -25- (298) MEELER, J. T., and CHAMBERLIN, T. R. 19U8. Seed yields of red and ladino clovers increased by use of insecticides. (Sci. Note) Jour. Icon. Ent. Ul: 108-109. (299) MENDIZABAL, M. 19^6. Experiences sur l'efficacite insecticide du gammexane (666) contre les pucerons. First Internatl. Cong. Plant Protect. [Hevelee, Belgium], Gen. Rpt., pp. U55-H60. (300) 19^-6. Experiences pour determiner l'efficacite des insecticides organique chlores (D.P.T. et 666). Contre certains coleopteres et lepidopteres nuisibles a Is luzerne. First Internatl. Cong. Plant Protect. [Hevelee, Belgium], Gen. Rpt., pp. U6I-U67. (301) METCALF, R. L. 19^7* Relative toxicities of isomeric hexachlorocyclohexanes and related materials to thrips. Jour. 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C. 19^+6. Some preliminary tests with "Gammexane" as a control measure for red scale on citrus. Part I. Gammexane smokes. Citrus Grower [Africa] 155? 7. (317) MYSORE AGRICULTURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL UNION 19^6. Some biological tests- with three new insecticides. Mysore Agr. Jour. [India] 2k: 63-65. (31S) NASIR, M. MAQSUD 19^7. Eradication of insect pests of stored grains rather than their control. Current Sci. [India] l6: 10-13. (319) NETTLES, W. C. 19^7. Cotton insect problems of South Carolina. Acco Press 25(6): 23-26. 28. (320) NEW SOUTH WALES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, ENTOMOLOGICAL BRANCH 1947. Insect pests. Agr. Gaz. N. S. Wales 58: 634.-638. (321) 1948. Insect pests. Agr. Gaz. N. S. Wales 59: 43-45. (322) NEWCOMER, E. J. 1947. Evaluation of materials for controlling orchard mites and the TOoHy apple aphid. Wash. State Hort. Assoc. Proc. U3> * 19-23. -27- (323) NEWCOMER, E. J. 1947. Insecticides for controlling the peax psylla. Wash. State Hort. Assoc. Proc. 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L., and ESHBAUGH, E. L. 19^7. Codling moth and mite control in Kansas with new insecti- cides. Jour. Econ. Ent. UO: 86I-S6U. (332) PASOPIBR, R. 19^6. Semeiologie de 1 'intoxication de Schlstocerca gregarla Forsk. per gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCC). France Off. Natl. Anti-Acridien. B. Semest. 1, No. h, pt». 5-22. (Published 19^7.) (333) PEDBRSON, C. B. 19^-8. Insecticides increase legume seed. Mich. Agr. Expt. Sta. Quart. Bui. 30: 298-30S. (33*0 PEPPER, B. B. , WILSON, C. A., and CAMPBELL, J. C. 19*+7« Benzene hexachloride and other compounds for control of wireworms. Jour. Econ. Ent. UO: 727-73°. -28- (335) PETERSON, P. D. I9H6. Field experiments with DDT and BHC sprays on apple and peach in I9H6. Peninsula Hort. Soc. [Del.] Trans. 60: 82-85. (336) PEILIPPOT, E. t and DALLEMAGNE, M. J. I9H7. The toxicity of gammexane. Experientia 3: 118. [Abstract in Chem. Abs. Hi: H570 (I9H7).] (337) PIEDROLA, GONZALO, and VILLABASO, MANUEL DE I9H6. Tecnicas de la desinsectacion en colectividades nuestra aportacion con las nuevas series insecticidas. Med. y Cirugia de Guerra 8(l6): 25-H5. (338) PIEDROLA GIL, GONZALO I9H7. Nuevas insecticidas y ahuyentadores, su. ^studio, importancia y tecnicas de erapleo, Inst, Esp. Med. Col. [Madrid.], 2H7 pp. (339) PIELOU, D. P. I9H6. Lethal effects of DDT on young fish. Nature 158: 378. (3lJO) PIERCY, S. E. I9H8. The control of dog ticks with gammexane and Gamatox. East African Agr. Jour. 13: 157-159. (3Hl) PINT, L. H. I9H7. New mange treatment applied once, enough. Hormel Parmer 10(11): 2. (3H2) PLUMMER, C. C, and SHAW, J. C. I9H7. DDT and "benzene hexachloride to control Mexican fruit fly. Jour. Econ. Ent. HO: H83-H86. (3H3) and SHAW, J. G. I9H7. Toxicants in oils for control of the citrus blackfly. Jour. Econ. Ent. HO: H99-50H. (3HH) POKROVSKII, E. A. I9H7. New preparations for the control of injurious insects. Sovet. Agron. 5(1): 90-93. (3H5) POOS, P. W. t GRAYSON, J. M. , and BATTEN, E. 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Sta.] 2(4) : 16-I7. (380) SMITH, M. S. 1948. Persistence of D.D. T. and "benzene hexachloride in soil. Nature [London] l6l: 246. (381) SNAPP, 0. I. 1947. Benzene hexachloride for control of plum curculio on peaches. Jour. Econ. Ent. 40: 382-185. (382) 1947. Experiments in 1946 on the control of "bugs that cause deformed peaches. (Sci. Note) Jour. Econ. Ent. 40: 135-6. (383) SPJVASTAVA, A. S., and WILSON, H. P. 1947. Benzene hexachloride as a fumigant and a contact insecticide. (Sci. Note) Jour. Econ. Ent. 40: 569-571. (384) STAFFORD, E. M. , and HINKLEY, H. S. 19^6. DDT and related compounds for control of black scale on olives. Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. Cir. 365: 91-93. -32- (325) STEWARD, J. S. 19^7 • Action of gammexane on arthropods of medical and veterinary importance. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. and Hyg. Trans. Uo(5): 559-565. (386) 19^+7. Application of "Gammexane M to arthropods of veterinary importance. Vet. Rec. 59(3) ' 27-28. (3&7) STITT, L. L. 19^+7. 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