STATE PLANT BOARD August 1949 E-784 United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine LIST OF ENTOMOLOGICAL (E-SERIES) PUBLICATIONS 739 TO 781 Compiled by Division of Insect Survey and Information This list includes the E publications that were issued from January 1948 through June 1949, and any revision of earlier publications. E-752 is the only previous list for this series. E-276. Information About Bee Culture. Revised, September 1948. E-739. Carbon Dioxide as a Propellent for Insecticide Solutions. R. A. Fulton. January 1948. E-740. Field Experiments With DDT for the Control of the Pea Weevil- - Progress Report. Ralph Schopp, Frank G. Hinman, and T. A. Brindley. January 1948. E-741. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Articles Published in 1946. Compiled by Division of Insect Pest Survey and Information. January 1948. E-742. A Review of DDT Formulations. R. D. Chisholm. February 1948. E-743. Investigations of Sprays for Control of the European Corn Borer, Toledo, Ohio, 1945-1946. D. D. Questel and R. V. Connin. February 1948. E-744. Preliminary Tests of Synthetic Organic Compounds as Insecti- cides. Part V. G. T. Bottger and A. P. Yerington. March 1948. E-745. Corn Earworm Resistance in Sweet Corn Inbreds and Hybrids. E. V. Walter. April 1948. E-746. Tests With DDT for Control of the Pecan Nut Casebearer in the Southeastern States. Arthur M. Phillips. April 1948. -2- E-747. Tests of Certain Synthetic Organic Compounds Against the Two- Spotted and Related Mites. A. P. Yerington and S. I. Gertler. April 1948. E-748. Laboratory and Field Tests of Additional Organic Compounds Against the European Corn Borer. D. D. Questel and S. I. Gertler. May 1948. E-749. Bee-Gathered Pollen in Various Localities on the Pacific Coast. George H. Vansell and Frank E. Todd. July 1948. E-750. Soil Treatments With DDT To Control the White-Fringed Beetle. H. C. Young and J. B. Gill. July 1948. E-751. Tests With Mist Blowers To Control Various Insects. F. W. Poos, S. F. Potts, L. D. Anderson, and J. W. Brooks. July 1948. E-752. Entomological (E-Series) Publications 495 to 738. Compiled by Division of Insect Pest Survey and Information. July 1948. E-753. Report on Experiments With Methyl Bromide as a Fumigant for Stored Tobacco. W. H. White. August 1948. E-754. A Chronological List of Publications on Liquefied-Gas Aerosols. R. A. Fulton. August 1948. E-755. A Second List of Publications on Benzene Hexachloride. C. V. Bo wen. September 1948. E-756. Adhesives for Dilute and Concentrated Cryolite Sprays Used in White -Fringed Beetle Control Operations. Chas. F. Henderson and Irving Keiser. October 1948. E-757. Ethylene Dibromide-Chlordane Dip for Treating Plant Balls Infested With Various Stages of the Japanese Beetle. R. D. Chisholm and A. C. Mason. October 1948. E-758. Storage Tests on Conditioned and Wettable Powders Containing 90 Percent of DDT. E. L. Gooden and R. L. Updike, Jr. October 1948. E-759. Parathion in Aerosols for the Control of Pests on Greenhouse Ornamentals. Floyd F. Smith, P. H. Lung, and R. A. Fulton, October 1948. -3- E-760. DDT as a Prehatching Treatment for Control of Snow- Water Mosquitoes. A. W. Lindquist, A. R. Roth, and W. W. Yates. October 1948. E-761. A Review of the Literature on Sprays To Destroy Overwintering Codling Moth Larvae. M. A. Yothers. October 1948. E-762. The New Insecticides for Controlling External Parasites of Livestock. Division of Insects Affecting Man and Animals. December 1948. E-763. Tests With DDT on Honey Bees in Small Cages. A. W. Woodrow. December 1948. E-764. Preliminary Tests on N-Substituted p-Nitrobenzamides as Insecticides. G. T. Bottger, A. P. Yerington, and S. I. Gertler. December 1948. E-765. Studies With DDT as a Control for Wire worms in Irrigated Lands --Progress Report. M. C. Lane, M. W. Stone, H. P. Lanchester, E. W. Jones, and K. E. Gibson. December 1948. E-766. Residual Sprays for Use Against the Confused Flour Beetle. R. T. Cotton, J. C. Frankenfeld, and Norman M. Dennis. December 1948. E-767. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Articles Published in 1947. Division of Insect Pest Survey and Information. December 1948. E-768. Nicotine Insecticides, Part V. --Search for Synergists. E. L. Mayer, E. R. McGovran, Florence B. Talley, C. R. Smith, D. H. Saunders, and C. F. Woodward. March 1949. E-769. Preliminary Tests of Certain Phenylhydrazides as Insecticides. G. T. Bottger, A. P. Yerington, and S. I. Gertler. March 1949. E-770. Laboratory Tests of New Compounds as Insecticides Against the Sweetpotato Weevil. P. K. Harrison. March 1949. E-771. The Comparative Effectiveness of Poisoned Bait and Sprays for Grasshopper Control in Lyman County, S. Dak., 1947. R. L. Shotwell. March 1949. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA -4- 3 1262 09239 2017 E-772. Experiments in Early-Season Application of Insecticides for Cotton-Insect Control in Wharton County, Tex., During 1948. p K. P. Ewing and C. R. Parencia, Jr. March 1949. E-773. Preliminary Tests on N- Substituted' m- Nitrobenz amides as Insecticides. G. T. Bottger and S. I. Gertler. March 1949. E-774. Tests of Insecticides for Grasshopper Control, 1947. J. R. Parker. March 1949. E-775. Screening Tests for Materials To Increase the Effectiveness of a DDT-Pyrethrum Formula. (Supplement to E-733.) Arthur W. Lindquist, Fred R. Shillcutt, A. H. Madden, and John E. Williams. April 1949. E-776. Development of Insect Resistance to Insecticides. Frank H. Babers. May 1949. E-777. Preliminary Tests on N-Substituted Phthalimides as Insecti- cides. G. T. Bottger and S. I. Gertler. May 1949. E-778. Laboratory Tests of Toxicity of Some Organic Compounds to the European Corn Borer, 1940 to 1948. D. D. Questel and S. I. Gertler. June 1949. E-779. White-Fringed Beetle- -Distribution, Survey, and Control. C. F. Henderson and L. J. Padget. June 1949. E-780. DDT Sprays for Control of the Corn Earworm and Budworm in Sweet Corn. R. A. Blanchard, W. A. Douglas, and G. P. Wene. June 1949. E-781. Laboratory Tests on Toxicity of Some Phenylhydrazides to the European Corn Borer. S. I. Gertler, D. D. Questel, and R. V. Connin. June 1949.