JfakTH-Mj NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1343 THE EXCITATION OF UNSTABLE PERTURBATIONS IN A LAMINAR FRICTION LAYER By J. Pretsch Translation of "Die Anfachung instabiler Stbrungen in einer laminaren Reibungsschicht." Bericht der Aerodynamischen Versuchsanstalt Gbttingen E. V., Institut fur Forschungsflugbetrieb und Flugwesen, Jahrbuch der deutschen Luftfahrt- forschung, August 1942. Washington September 1952 "Y OF FLORIDA ENT T«0V"» VV'* NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 13^3 THE EXCITATION OF UNSTABLE PERTURBATIONS IN A LAMINAR FRICTION LAYER* By J. Pretsch With the aid of the method of small oscillations which was used successfully in the investigation of the stability of laminar velocity distributions in the presence of two-dimensional perturbations, the excitation of the unstable perturbations for the Hartree velocity distributions occurring in plane boundary -layer flow for decreasing and increasing pressure is calculated as a supplement to a former report. The results of this investigation are to make a contribution toward calculation of the transition point on cylindrical bodies. OUTLINE I. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM II. THE GENERAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION DESCRIBING THE PERTURBATION III. THE SOLUTIONS cp-j*, cp 2 * OF THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION DESCRIBING THE FRICTIONLESS PERTURBATION FOR FINITE EXCITATION (a) Binomial Velocity Distribution (Pressure Decrease) (b) Sinusoidal Velocity Distribution (Pressure Increase) IV. THE FRICTION SOLUTION cp^* FOR FINITE EXCITATION V. STATEMENT AND SOLUTION OF THE EIGENVALUE PROBLEM VI. RESULTS OF THE CALCULATION VII. DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS VIII. SUMMARY IX. REFERENCES *"Die Anfachung instabiler Storungen in einer laminaren Reibungs- schicht." Bericht der Aerodynamischen Versuchsanstalt Gottingen E. V., Institut fur Forschungsflugbetrieb und Flugwesen, Jahrbuch der deutschen Luftfahrtforschung, August 19^2, p. 15I+-I7I. KACA TM 13^3 I. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM If one wants to make a theoretical calculation of the profile drag of bodies in a flow for a certain direction of air flow, one must know - in addition to the pressure distribution - the position of the transition zone where the laminar boundary layer becomes turbulent. The separation point of the laminar layer forms a rearward limit for the transition point on a section of this body surrounded by the flow. It lies in the region of the pressure increase at the point where the velocity distri- bution in the boundary layer has the wall shearing stress zero. This separation point is a fixed point of the profile in the flow, the position of which does not shift due to a variation of the Reynolds number Re = -^— (JJ m = velocity of air flow, t = chord of the body) . One may calculate it according to the well-known approximation method of Pohlhausen which, for prescribed pressure distribution, provides for every profile point a velocity distribution of the boundary layer with a certain form parameter X (X = -12 separation). As forward limit for the transition point, one may take the stability limit of the laminar layer with respect to small two-dimensional perturbations which were calculated in references 2 and 3 according to the method developed by W. Tollmien (ref. 1). According to this method, there exists for every form of velocity distribution in the boundary layer a so-called critical /u S*\ / Reynolds number Re* ... = -§ — (U a = local potential velocity, V v '^ \ • cr 5* = local displacement thickness) below which all perturbations are damped; its value increases as the form of the velocity profile becomes TT FvJf- fuller (with increasing X.) . Where the Reynolds number Re* = — - — formed with the actual potential velocity U a and the actual displace- ment thickness 5* exceeds this critical Reynolds number, there begins the instability of the boundary layer. In contrast to the laminar separation point, this stability limit is therefore not fixed on the profile for a normal pressure distribution but travels forward toward the stagnation point on bodies in flows with increasing Reynolds number Re (see fig. l). The actual transition point which lies between these two limits - stability limit and separation point - is known to likewise shift forward with increasing Reynolds number Re. That it lies only a certain distance behind the stability limit (as shown by a comparison of experi- mental transition points and theoretical stability limits) is plausible, because the excitation of the unstable perturbations starts only at this limit point of the stability and must obviously have attained a certain degree before the instability further downstream leads to the breakdown of the laminar flow configuration. NACA TM 13^3 For this reason it seemed necessary to calculate, or at least to estimate, for the velocity distributions in the laminar boundary layer in the entire instability range of the latter, the excitation of the unstable perturbations as well, with the objective of making an improved calculation of the transition point possible. For the velocity distribution on the flat plate in longitudinal flow (Blasius profile), H. Schlichting (ref. k) has already determined the excitation quantity as a function of perturbation frequency and Reynolds number in a part of the instability range; and for the velocity distributions in the region of pressure increase, W. Tollmien (ref. 5) has explained the behavior of the excitation (in first asymptotic approximation for very large Reynolds numbers) in a very general manner, neglecting the effects of internal friction. II. THE GENERAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION DESCRIBING THE PERTURBATION Since the bases for the method of stability investigation have been discussed in detail in an earlier report (ref. 3)> w e can refer to the results attained there. Let U(x,y) and V(x,y) be the tangential and normal components of a plane steady boundary-layer flow; let x denote the length of the arc and y the normal to the profile contour. The stream function of the two-dimensional perturbation motion which we superpose on this basic flow is assumed to be ■ / .\ / \ ia(x-ct) / n Bit i(ax-3r"t) i(x,y,t) = cp(x,y)e = rp(x,y)e x e c = c r + iCj_ Bj_ = c^a B r = C r a J (1) here t denotes the time, a the spatial circular frequency of the perturbation, the real part c r of c its phase velocity, and the imaginary part Cj_ a measure for its excitation (cj_> 0) or damping (c-j_ < 0); besides Bi is the logarithmic increment of the excitation of the perturbation amplitude, and Br the circular frequency in time of the perturbation. NACA TM 13 1+3 If we substitute the motion originating by superposition of the boundary -layer flow U, V, and the perturbation motion u = ** = q,'e ia ( x - ct ) v = • Sy (2) 5x iacp + &P\,ia(x-ct) dx ; into Navier -Stokes' differential equations, we obtain - as was proved in reference 3 in detail - the differential equation describing the perturbation in the form (U - c)(V' - a 2 cp) - U"q> = — — (q^V - 2a 2 cp" + cAp) \ / aRe* v ' U a S* Re* J (3) Here the prime ( ' ) denotes differentiation with respect to the wall distance yj the velocities are referred to the local velocity Ua at the boundary- layer limit, and the wall distance as well as the wave length A = 2* a are referred to the local displacement thickness 5*, In order to avoid misunderstandings it should again be emphasized that - in spite of the assumption that U, V, and cp be functions of the arc length x - only the form of the local velocity distribution is decisive for the stability investigation as one recognizes from equation (3). The immediate effect of the pressure gradient, however, is negligibly small as is also the influence of the x-dependence of the perturbation amplitude cp. The boundary conditions of the differential equation (3) result from the condition that the perturbation velocities u, v vanish at the wall and that the friction effect at the outer boundary -layer limit (U' ' = 0) has disappeared. With their aid, the calculation of the excitation of the unstable perturbations may be reduced to an eigenvalue problem, the solution of which is discussed in section V. We deal first with establishing the particular solutions of the differential equation (3), limiting ourselves to small values of the NACA TM 13V3 excitation quantity c-jj thus, the general solution of the differential equation describing the perturbation (3) may be represented in the form v=l v=l V U / There cp v denotes the particular solutions for cj_ = which are obtained in the calculation of the limiting curve of the instability range (neutral curve) in the a, Re*-plane (ref. 3)> and the o> v signifies additional functions for c^ > 0. We turn first to calculating the integrals cp-.*, qv>* and the additional functions od-, , CDp. III. THE SOLUTIONS cpj*, y * OF THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION DESCRIBING THE FRICTIONLESS PERTURBATION FOR FINITE EXCITATION If aRe* is assumed to be very large, the differential equation (3) is simplified to the so-called frictionless-perturbation equation (U - c)(cp" - a 2 rp) - U"cp = (5) This differential equation has a pole of the first order at the location U = c = c r + ici to which we coordinate the point y c * of the complex y-plane. In the neighborhood of this singularity, a fundamental system may be easily indicated by series development. In order to establish the connection with the case of the purely real c treated before (see ref. 3)> we first give the relation between the complex y c * and the wall distance y c of the "critical" layer U = c r . From u(y c ) = c r ( 6) NACA TM 13^3 and u (y C *) = c r + ici there follows u(y c *) - U(y c ) = ici = (y c * - y c )u ' + . . . (8) and, with limitation to the terms linear in c-^, therefore y* = y c + ^L (9) u o We shall now indicate the construction of the solutions cp-i*, r Po* of equation (5) for those special velocity distributions U(y) by which ve shall approximate the laminar boundary profiles of Hartree (ref . 6) for the calculation of the excitation of the unstable perturbations in the same manner as we did before in reference 3 for the calcula- tion of their critical Reynolds numbers. (a) Binomial Velocity Distribution (Pressure Decrease) In the region of the pressure decrease, we used the approximation function U = 1 - (a - y) n n = 2,3A . . . (10) where a denotes the coordinate of the point of junction to the potential velocity. With the new variable y - y c v l a - y c 11 NACA TM 13^+3 and with cx-l = a(a - y c . (12) the perturbation equation (5) for indifferent perturbations then reads £ 1 - (1 - yi )n d^P n-2 r a^cp + n(n - l)(l - y^"^) = 13 Using the relations (9) and (11), we now introduce the complex variable yi* = : — — = yi + - — — = yi -* (ik) a - y. a - y c u '(a - y c ) With the abbreviation c i u o'( a - yc) n(c r - i; (15: the differential equation describing the frictionless perturbation for nondisappearing excitation then is transformed into the form 1 - y,*) n - nif^l - (1 - y) n-1 ■ay 2 *\ n(n - 1, 1 - yi ** n - 2 + (n - 2) if -A - y{ *\n-3 cp* = (16) in which, according to our presupposition, only the terms linear in f^ have been taken into consideration. 8 NACA TM 13^3 If one writes equation (l6) after multiplication by n* 2 1.(1 - 3 r 1 *) I ' + nlf 1 [l-(l- 3 r 1 *) 1 '- 1 ] and after division in the form d^tp y *2 J2L + q>* J_ PiV 1 = (IT) dy*2 !Zi the first solution qp-j* is given by yi* 52 ^i*" = — — K L <°l) (l8) a - y c V=0 a - y c \ u Q ' with «>i - 2_ §vyi v (19) v=o The series coefficients e * are obtained from the 3 V according to the recursion formula v=l v(v + l)e v * + ^ *e * =0 e * = 1 (20) u=o The solution cp 2 for all y,* is found to be ■Pi %* - V/^ * - 1 CA W * -1* r^ >» '1* <-' NACA TM 13^3 In this equation, the logarithms are, however, ambiguous; one must cut the complex yy*-plane in such a manner that 3 * JT - i « < arg yi < _ If we put *v*yi* v = C Wn v + ifi YZ *wi v V=2 V=2 V=l (22) cp 2 may he represented for y-^ = real part of y-^* > at first in the form ^2* = 1 + XZ Vi v + if i5Z *wi v V=2 V=l I 1 " "^ * lf i £ wj In y-L + ifi lCj — = = a - y c 2e 1 In 2e 1 cp ] _/i 2ijre, yi CPl V=0 g v y l i* - y c v=0 Wl v )> (29) The term with i arg y-,* in equation (28) was obtained by H. Schlichting (ref . k) and W. Tollmien (ref . 5) by a discussion of the general perturbation equation (3) in the neighborhood of the singularity U = c r + icj_ in a similar manner as the "transition substitution'' in the critical layer for purely real c by taking the friction effect into consideration. Since we are, in the calculation of the transition substitution, concerned with a representation of e-i of maximum accuracy, we shall replace e-i by the expression (26) of the Taylor development of the exact Hartree profile. 12 NACA TM 13^3 For the linear and the parabolic approximate distribution [n = 1, n = 2 in equations (10) and (l6)] H. Schlichting (ref. k) has already given the solutions qv*, qW*. This calculation was con- tinued for n = 3 and n = h. The coefficients 3v*> &v* > W* > s, hy are compiled numerically in table 1. For the convergence of the power series, the reflections made in reference 3 are valid. (b) Sinusoidal Velocity Distribution (Pressure Increase) In the region of pressure increase, the Hartree velocity distri- butions in the boundary layer (see ref. 3) were approximated by formulation in terms of a sine formula introduced by W . Tollmien (ref. 5). U =U S + (1 - U s )sin[?-=-||] (30) where s denotes the wall distance of the inflection point. With the new real variable IL^z (31) and with y 2 2 a- s CC2 = -(a - s)a (32] the perturbation equation (5) for the indifferent perturbations then read sin y 2 - y 2s + sin y 2s d 2, 2., — - o^rpj + sin |y 2 - y 2s )9 = (33) NACA TM 13^3 13 where y 2 was put equal to ?2i n s - y c 2 a - s (3*0 We now introduce the complex variable *2 * _ « y - y c 2 a-s y2 + o * y c - yc 2 a-s = y2 ic- U n ' 2(a - s) !35) With the abbreviation U ' 2(a - s) (1 - U s )cos y 2£ (36) the frictionless differential equation, describing the perturbation for non-vanishing excitation, then is transformed into sin v*yp* 2 - y2s a 2 2 cp' s , - cos y 2s d 2 9* + sin y 2g - if^cos fy 2 - y 2 (y2* - y2s)- if 2 cos (y2* - y2s) sin rp* = (37) If (37) is written like equation (l6) in the form y 2 *2 *^L + y*f: PiW 1 = dy 2 *2 i = l (38) the solutions rp-j. j 0, the solution cp 2 is obtai ned q> 2 * = 1 + ) b v *y 2 * v + 2e^ v=2 ircp^ 2(a - s) In y2 7 v < arg y * < _ (hi) If one puts *ir_*V = \ K „ V v=2 b v ^2 + if 2 Z_ ^2 v=l (to) cpo* for y 2 > may be represented in the form 00 00 . cp 2 * = 1 + Yl V2 V + if 2 XI V2 V + ^lf 1 + v=2 v=l V if 2 \ sin y 2s cos y 2s jrcp 1 2(a - s) + i*2 2Z Sv y 2 V )( ln y 2 + V=0 if 2 ' lc i Po «>p V (to) with C0 o = 1 2 2(a - s) i h^ + 2fleiCPl /JL + ln ^ V=l 2(a - s) \y 2 sin y 2s cos y 2 < 2e i ln y 2 H s v y 2 ' (to) v=0 NACA TM 13^3 15 In transforming (kl) into (U3), one makes use of the relation e-L* = ei fl + Ifr sin y 2s cos y 2s (V>) which follows from the two equations . a - b.Uq 1 JT U, (1*6) and 'a - s) V + ici ei' V" U ' U Q - + i Ci u o" V (a - s) U " n Uo' t t TT T I ! 1 - i Ci /U " u Uo'\u ' u ' (a - s) U " / if tt U r 1 + sin y 2s cos y 2 (hi) Cfu* for y 2 < 0, is represented by the expression cp 2 * = 1 + Z_ b v *y 2 v=2 *„ *v * (a - s) 9 * In y 2 + i arg y g 9 2 ICh Ur OV I n < arg y 2 * < 2 \(kQ] 16 NACA TM 13^3 with > av 2 a - s $Ti ^ a - sly 2 sin y 2s cos y 2s I 2e l ln |y2 Z_ 6 v y 2 " v=0 Svy 2 v=0 + 2irr ei J Jtrp 1 2(a - s) sin y 2£ cos *2t (*9) For the calculation of the transition substitution, we shall replace the term ej_, as in section III (a), by the accurate value (equation (k6)) of the Taylor development of the exact Hartree profile. In a comparison of the relations (2U) and (hh) or (27) and (h-'j) or (29) and (U9), it is striking that, in the expressions for e^* and o^ for the sinusoidal boundary -layer profiles in case of pressure increase, the product sin y 2s cos y 2 appears in the denominator of several terms. The sign of this product is negative when the inflection point of the velocity distribution lies more closely to the wall than the critical layer (V 2s < 0); the critical layer thus lies in the part of the velocity profile showing concave curvature. The sign of the expres- sions divided by sin y Q cos y Q then is the same as the sign of the corresponding terms in the solutions for the velocity distributions in case of pressure decrease which, as is known, have concave curvature at every wall distance. If, in contrast, the critical layer is located between point of inflection and wall (V 2s > j, then, in the part of the velocity profile having convex curvature the signs discussed are reversed. In that case, when the critical layer shifts to the point of inflection itself /Vps = 0\ , the behavior of e^* and cop is regular since then ic- ifr 2 1 Us) (50) NACA TM 13^3 17 and 03 2 (y C = s ) 2(a - s) v=l hvy 2 A 2(a - s i— - In y 2 (* > (51) u>, 2 (y C = s ) " 2(a - s) JS. V=l V V^2 + "Pi 2(a - s) In y 2 . ? 2 a - s 1 y 2 < o^ (52) The series coefficients B v *, e v *, b v * , g v , h v for the sinusoidal basic velocity are given numerically in table 2. For the convergence of the series developments, the explanations of the earlier report (ref. 3) are again valid. IV. THE FRICTION SOLUTION cp^* FOR FINITE EXCITATION Besides playing a role in the critical layer U = c, the friction of the fluid is of importance also in the neighborhood of the wall where it occasions two more solutions cp^*, cph* of the general differential equation describing the perturbation (3)- If we introduce the variable y - y c (53) with e* = [U ' + ic- 1 u - •1/3 (5M 18 NACA TM 13^3 we obtain from equation (3) in the limiting process e — »0 for large Reynolds numbers the differential equation iaS> dT) dT] (55: The solutions of this differential equation are just as independent of the form of the velocity distribution U(y) as was the case for the solutions cpo, cpii for the excitation zero (ref. 1) ; they read corresponding to reference 2: V *3,V dV ^ * 1/2 T] H (D,(2) 1/3 3V"> J \3/2 dTi (56) where H ' signifies the Eankel function of the first and second kind, respectively. Since the Hankel function of the first kind increases for large wall distance beyond all limits, it cannot be contained in the general integral (k) so that we there may put C^ = 0. V. STATEMENT AND SOLUTION OF THE EIGENVALUE PROBLEM After having found the particular solutions of the differential equation describing the perturbation (3)> w e now state the eigenvalue problem, (which results from the boundary conditions of the perturbation equation) for investigation of the excitation of the unstable pertur- bations. At the wall, the tangential as well as the normal component of the perturbation velocity disappear; thus one has Cl*^!** + c 2* c P2*w + c 3* 2 > (60) A term *o * does not appear because the particular friction solution cpo* has already been damped at the point of junction. In order that the three homogeneous equations (57)? (58), and (59) may have a solution different from zero, the determinant must disappear ¥w ^2 w

directly by a method similar to that applied for the neutral curve c^ = 0; however, without making use of this curve itself. We consider first the left side of equation (65). NACA TM 13^3 21 Since we intend to limit ourselves to small values of excitation, we develop F* in the form '(v) = f M + (^ - ^0 dF VV/V^o (67) where t\~ as before in reference 1 is defined by the relation ,\ +1/3 tio = - y c (oRe*U '^ (68) According to equations (9), (5*0, (66), and (68) one now has 1/3 10* c \ u 'y C ; o^^Yi + ffiSalT - y c faRe*U lN )l/3 ^0 V 2 ic i /-, L y c u ' 1 + i- 1 + U 'y c \ 3 U ' 1+ ^L/ 1 + ^ u o"' u 'y c 3 u o' Thus equation (67) becomes ^^~*M^o(-r^ (69) = G ( T l0' c r' c i) (70) 22 NACA TM 13^3 One sees therefore that the form of velocity distribution which does not enter into the exact solution F(t} * j according to equations (63) and (56) does appear explicitly in the development of F^tjq* \ with respect to c^. The differential quotient dF dF dFi + 1- &T\ d.T\Q &T\Q was determined by graphic differentiation of the function f/t] ). The numerical values of its real and imaginary part are given numerically in table 3« Since real and imaginary parts nowhere disappear simultane- ously, the function Ff^o*) will be free from singularities in region around the function F(t)q) and the development (67) will be thus per- missible. We now consider the right side of equation (65) which is defined by the relation (6k). Remembering the splitting of the frictionless solutions

(72) CO lw a - y 00 c v =l CO, 2w 00 y-K v=I 2ei (a - y c )2 v ,/ 1_ lw (a - y c ) 2 la 2 ( a - s ) -, — „ + ln ^a^la y2a * £ u lw = Z_ S-/2w V=0 2w 2(a - s) 2e i ln |y2w| a> i t "-" * ^fe ♦ = In y2w U ' y 2s cos y 2s [

lw NACA TM 13^3 25 If the critical point shifts to the inflection point of the velocity distribution (y c = s, y2 S = CM, the equations for u>>a> ^2& > °^2\i> ^2w' (equation (7*0) are simplified to CD, 2a 2(a - s) ncp l£ CD, ff 2 2a k(a - YL h vy2a V + , V=l 2(a - s. 'Voa V_1 + in y 2a jrcp 1 a V=l 8U •M^ + ^ ln ^ U3, ' 2(a - s) J2. CD, 2v Ma - s)2 i7r3 ?lw' Ma - s) 2 5 W * sit^t ta ^ V 2 - Vh y V - X + ^Iw fci V2w 2(« " 3)y 2w 1 tt3 tPlw >(lh) Ma - s)2 + >w> ^w' into real and imaginary parts according to the formulas cp 2w = A 1 + iB L 03 2w = M 1 + iN x P 2w = A 2 + iB 2 co 2w = M 2 + iN 2 (75) then one obtains ^ = A i + U7 N i + iB i-U7 M i, > qfeV = A 2 + ^ N 2 + i B 2 " ^r M 2 J (761 26 NACA TM 13 U3 Then we put the expression (6k) into the form E*(a,c r ,c i ) = E(a,c r ) ( z l + iz 2]j 1 + c^z-^ + iz (77! where E, as previously defined in reference 1, is defined by E = - 1 ^w^la " c Plw*2a y c (79) NACA TM 13^3 27 Hence, there results after a short intermediate calculation E* ~ E 1 - ic< u ' u y c (Ni$ia + Bjflia) + i(cuiw<&2a + r Plw^2a - Ajflia ~ Mi*i a ) Ai*la " c Piw $ 2a + i*l 9 lt (Ng1>ia + B2 n la) + iftlw'^a + ?lw'"2a - A 2 ^l a - M 2 ^l £ A 2 $ la " ( Pl w '*2a + iB 2$la (80)' We put for abbreviation N l°la + B l%a = m l a) lw*2a + ^lw^a - A l fi la - Mi*i a = ni N 2*la + B 2%a = m 2 03 lv'*2a + "Plv'^a " A 2%a - M 2 *i a = n 2 Via " f Plw°2a = K l A~ 2°la " (81) 28 NACA TM 13^3 Then there follows from equation (80) m-L + in-[_ E*~ E = E 1 - VYc U o' m2 + m 2 L K l + iB l°la K 2 + iB 2*la 1C ^ + ^r Uq yc u m l K l + n l B l*la n^Kg + n 2 B 2 $]_, K X 2 + B! 2 $ la 2 k 2 2 + B 2 2 3>la 2 Id UO n]_K]_ - m^B^ia n 2 K 2 - mjjB^ia Ki 2 + Bi 2 $ia 2 K 2 2 + B 2 2 $ia £ (82) If we finally introduce the designations U r m l^l + n l B l*la m 2 K2 + n 2 B 2 ( I ) ]_ a Kl 2 + B^ct^ 2 K 2 2 + B 2 2 d, la 2 ^- + ^ u y c u, n l K l - m l B l*la "2*2 ~ ^2° la Kl 2 + B^Oia 2 K 2 2 + Bp^la 2 (83) the representation (77) is attained. By means of the equations (70), (11), and (83) we thus have divided the two functions F* and E* (a,c r ,ci) appearing in equation (65) into real and imaginary parts and can now graphically solve this equation. For this purpose, we plot for constant c i for several values y c the imaginary part of the function F* l(F*) =1 F^o) 1)0 u 1 + ^VW y c 3 U '/dT) (8U) against its real part b (f*) = b [f(^ )] -no + y c U Wi u o'yd 3 Uo'idno (85) NACA TM 13^3 29 and plot in this polar diagram to the same values c^ and y c , the imaginary part of the function E*(co,c r ,ci) ife*) = I(E)(1 + c iZl ) + ciz 2 R(E) (86) against its real part r(e*) = R(E)(1 + c iZl ) - ciz 2 l(E) (87) The points of intersection of the functions F* and E* connected one to the other by the same pairs of values c r , Ci yield first the values t]q pertaining to the corresponding a-values, and then with (68) the curve a(Re*) of the constant excitation c^. This plotting and cal- culation then are repeated for other values c^ . VI. RESULTS OF THE CALCULATION As immediate result of the rather extensive calculations, the polar diagrams with the curves E*(a,ci,cr) and F* = F(t|q*) for several Hartree velocity distributions U(y) in the laminar boundary layer are represented in figures 2 to 21. These boundary -layer profiles belong to the special class of pressure distributions U a = const. x m (88) and are rigorous solutions of Prandtl's boundary-layer equations which were obtained with the aid of a Bush apparatus (ref. 6). We use, according to Hartree, for characterization of these boundary-layer pro- files the parameter 2m (89) 1 + m The profiles with m > 0, 3 > occur in case of decreasing pressure; the profiles with m < 0, 3 < in case of increasing pressure. The profile 3=1 is the exact Hiemenz profile at the stagnation point of a cylindrical body, the profile 3=0 is the exact Blasius profile at the flat plate in longitudinal flow, and the profile 3 = -0.198 is a separation profile (wall shearing stress zero). 30 NACA TM 13^3 1 «H •s 0) rH CO rH CJ •H • 3 e c O 1 0) c •H x •H p -V p rO cd a •H •s £> X OJ • CD cd U TJ CO •v •\ cc •H cd H u rH O iH X H rH , — - p •H O m t: H-{ c c MH >> • cd u 0) Cm ft cr CU CD" O ft ft w CU x CO !h bO P d) cu C •H ,53 3 fn •H 3 -p H CU CO cd ■H CO •N U > rH OJ QJ O rH Sh % <*H rH cd O OJ 3 cd H . •-. c iH -P O cd P •H S3 S3 00 -d •H •H cd CU H CO S3 CO 0) cd c j> a; •H cd fl P •rH fl p c cd P ^^ •H B 3 V •H rQ y. CO >» X •H ON p O Sh rH c '^ P> > •H ft CO O cd ft •H 1 p cd -d o On On itn -=r CO m 11 cd OJ CO o m o >j|cd O m 11 vo rH ON OJ II cd LTN -it m on II •»_n OJ m 00 O >>|cd >7>l CCS t; loo S3 ■H w II en 11 VD O II ca OJ o LfN m 11 CO i_n A_n i_n j^n ITN cn ON -cr ro J- ON C~- rH 00 OJ OJ OJ d d d d 11 11 11 11 >jlcd >>lcd >slcd r-jlcd cd ^3 > ax 1 OJ 11 CO ON rH rH O 1 O 1 cu U II II XI ca ca > NACA TM 13^3 31 is the dimensionless wall distance used by Hartree and the coordinate a of the point of junction to the potential velocity U a is connected with the displacement thickness by the relation a_ = £ aV |2 - 3 5 k 6 (92) the quantity kg*(3) may be found plotted graphically in figure 2 of reference 3- The wall distance £ c of the critical layer indicated in figures 2 to 21 is obtained if in equation (91) y is replaced by y c . The following basic remarks should be made concerning the graphic solution of the eigenvalue problem in figures 2 to 21: Since c-j has been presupposed so small that only the variations of the particular solutions cp v * linear in c-? need to be taken into consideration compared to the solutions cp v for c^ =0, the curves E* and F appear for equal c^-interval as "equidistant" curve families in the sense of equations (77) and (70). Actually, this "equidistance" will be lost in case of higher values of c^; however, the calculation expenditure would increase intolerably even if only, for instance, the terms quadratic in c± were to be taken into consideration. In this sense, the curves Pi 8* c ± ab* ~vT = u a against a& represented in figures 22 to 26 (from now on we use dimen- sional quantities) which result from the evaluation of the polar diagrams also are to be interpreted as approximations (in this and the following figures, the value 3i which is, according to equation (l), physically more important and which characterizes the logarithmic increment of the excited perturbation amplitude has been plotted instead of c±) . Here, as in Schlichting's report (ref. k) mentioned before, only the derivative Pi 8* d(cc&*) \ U 32 NACA TM 13^3 at the location = 0, that is, the slope of the -rr — curve at TT a u a the ccS*-axis is rigorously correct. H. Schlichting interpolated between the base points at which he had determined the slope directly, although with a much higher calculation expenditure, with a curve of the third degree — — = a Q + a 1 (aS*) + a 2 (aS*) 2 + a^aS*) 3 u a where the four constants are fixed by the coordinates of the base points and the values of the curve slope in them. Thereby, Pi 5* Schlichting obtained for the Blasius profile higher values — - — than u a those occurring in figure 25 whereas the values of the slope are in 3-5* agreement. Actually, the curves — - — (ct5*) in the center part of the Ua (aS*) -region enclosed in each case will run somewhat higher or lower than indicated by figures 22 to 26. At any rate, however, they may be interpreted as a first approximation in the usual sense. 3iS* * These curves — — over ct& represent sections through the U a "excitation mountain range" enclosed by the neutral curve as base curve, along the lines y c = Const, or c r = Const. By interpolation one obtains from them the maps of excitation represented in figures 27 to 32, 3 n -S* in which the lines of equal excitation --= — = Const., can be interpreted Ua as "contour lines" of the "excitation mountain range." Instead of the lines of intersection c r = Const., we plotted in figures 27 to 32 the lines p v c r ao* —r- = — = Const. U a 2 U a Re* the significance of which will be discussed later in section VII. Even at first consideration of these excitation maps, a fundamental difference in the shape of the excitation mountain range is conspicuous according to whether the velocity profiles of the laminar friction layer lie in the region of decreasing pressure (3 > 0) or of increasing pressure (3 < 0). In the region of decreasing pressure, the "excitation mountain range" has the form of a mountain with pronounced peak which is steeply ascending for a small Reynolds number Re*, slowly flattens after a larger Re* and shrinks to zero width and height for Re* — ><». The absolute height of the peak, that is, the maximum excitation increases with decreasing 3- NACA TM 13 V3 33 In the region of increasing pressure, in contrast, the excitation mountain range changes behind the peak with growing Re* into a "mountain ridge" of constant width and constant contour profile. The properties of this "ridge" have been thoroughly investigated by W. Tollmien (ref. 5)- Since we made use of Tollmien's theory, we must now briefly represent its results. Searching for a general instability criterion, W. Tollmien estab- lished that the frictionless perturbation equation (5) possesses for the laminar velocity profiles in the region of pressure increase - which have a point of inflection in contrast to those of the region of decreasing pressure - for Re* — ► °° aside from the neutral solution existing for all profiles with the parameters a = a) (96) 3^ NACA TM 13^3 For this second neutral eigensolution, the phase velocity c r therefore equals the velocity of the basic flow at the point of inflection U s . For the excitation $ ± and the circular frequency 3 r in the neighborhood of the neutral frequencies a&* = and aS* = (aS*) s , W. Tollmien has derived the following formulas where the subscript w signifies that the values have to be taken at the wall y = 0, and that a = a s : — — = B [aS*) 3 - (a s &*) 2 a5*|, ^ Re Us R * BE Us = ul a& " ~ uT 7 ^" (a5*) 3 - (a s 5*) 2 ao*j (98) with where B = n lim € — »0 Uc Uc separately for the excitation for finite Re* (peak of the excitation mountain range) and for Re* > °o (ridge of the excitation mountain range). For 3 < -0.10 these two values seem more and more to approach one another so that with decreasing 3 the peak becomes less and less pronounced, and the excitation starting from small Re* monotonically increases to the values of the "ridge contour profile." This figure and the preceding ones show clearly that the maximum excitation and accordingly the excitation in general is considerably larger in the region of pressure increase than in that of pressure decrease for smaller Re* as well. After thus having estimated the magnitude of excitation in the entire instability range of all velocity distributions occurring in the laminar friction layer, we shall discuss the physical conclusions resulting from our calculations for the position of the transition point. VII. DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS Let the pressure distribution U a (x) against the arc length of the cross section profile, and the oscillation of circular time frequency 3 r be prescribed. Then this oscillation superposed on the boundary- layer flow travels downstream on a curve 3 r v ■^P = f(x) U a 2 As we mentioned at the beginning, there pertains to every point x of the profile in the flow a fixed value of the Pohlhausen parameter X which characterizes by way of approximation the velocity distribution in the boundary layer at this point. According to figure 3^ i- n refer- ence 3 one may coordinate to this parameter X the Hartree parameter 3 36 NACA TM 13^3 and therewith one of the excitation maps calculated in the present report (figs. 27 to 32) . In order to obtain the excitation of the perturbation 3r at a certain point x of the profile, one has there- 3-&* fore to read off the excitation Uc 'number of the "contour line") on the corresponding excitation map at the point of the map determined by the pair of values of the Reynolds number Re * U a S* ;(x) and the dimensionless circular frequency 3 r v = f x U s We shall start the discussion of the results of our above excitation Uoot calculations with the limiting case of a small Reynolds number Re = . According to the explanations in section I (compare fig. 1) the stability limit lies, for small Reynolds numbers only, at the point where the laminar boundary layer separates. If the perturbation waves are so long that the curve v U 2 f(x) intersects the instability region for the separation profile (3 = -0.198), it is very violently excited when entering this zone and leads quickly to transition to the turbulent flow pattern. The transition point then practically coincides with the separation point which we had denoted its rearward limit. If, on the other hand, the perturbation waves are very short so that the curve 3 r v f(x) does not intersect the instability region, the laminar layer separates without transition. NACA TM 13^3 37 If the Reynolds number Re = — ^- increases, the stability limit shifts forward in the direction toward the pressure minimum (fig. 1), the perturbation enters a region of instability further upstream for a larger value of the parameter (3 or the Pohlhausen parameter A., and is there initially excited to a degree which decreases the more the stability limit shifts forward but which increases due to the fact that the perturbation downstream (with decreasing p or A.) reaches insta- bility zones with rapidly increasing excitation. The transition point shifts frontward corresponding to the excitation which started earlier and is still strong. If we finally increase the Reynolds number Re = -^— so that the stability limit shifts ahead of the pressure minimum, the excitation in turn starts accordingly sooner; however - and this must be regarded as the most important result of our calculations for the time being - in the region of decreasing pressure, the excitation is so slight that it generally attains amounts equalling the excitations produced in the cases treated just now only after having passed the pressure minimum. In this manner, one may easily give the theoretical explanation for the fact proved by many experiments, that the transition point even in case of very high Reynolds numbers rarely ever shifts ahead of the pressure minimum. Only in cases of very long acceleration sections and perturbations with very long waves where the perturbation does not too soon leave the instability region again, the limited excitation of the region of decreasing pressure will be sufficient to induce the transition still in the region of pressure decrease. However, these cases are rare in technical application. A detailed calculation of the degree of excitation which causes the transition is meaningful only in connection with corresponding experiments. Therefore, it will be postponed until these experiments, now in the preparatory stage, have been carried out. Probably one will have to regard the form of the pressure distribution in the region of pressure increase as the most important test condition since, according to our theoretical deliberations, the contributions to the excitation of perturbations in the region of pressure decrease are insignificant. The aim of this experimental investigation and of the excitation cal- culation to be performed simultaneously on the basis of the present report will be to find a connection between the pressure-distribution form and the degree of excitation attained at the measured transition point so that it will be possible to calculate, inversely, the transition point for a prescribed pressure distribution from this relation. 38 NACA TM 13^3 VIII. SUMMARY As a contribution to the solution of the important problem of the calculation of the transition point of a plane laminar flow, we had first determined (in an earlier report, according to Tollmien's method of small oscillations for the Hartree velocity distributions appearing in the boundary layer in case of decreasing and of increasing pressure) only the critical Reynolds number beyond which the perturbations super- posed on the laminar flow are excited. In connection with those cal- culations now, the excitation itself in the entire instability range of the perturbations was calculated. The excitation in the narrow instability range of decreasing pressure turns out to be very much smaller than the excitation in the more extensive instability range of increasing pressure; thus the known fact that the transition point generally does not shift ahead of the pressure minimum even in case of high Reynolds numbers may be explained on a theoretical basis, as shown in tables 1, 2, and 3- Systematic experimental measurements of the transition point, together with calculations to be performed on the basis of the results given here, are to establish the connection between the variation of the pressure gradient and the degree of excitation which produces the transition and thereby a basis for determination of the transition point for prescribed pressure variation by calculation. Translated by Mary L. Mahler National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA TM 13^3 39 REFERENCES 1. Tollmien, W. : Uber die Entstenhung der Turbulenz. Nachr. d. Ges. d. Wiss. zw Gottingen Math. -Phys . Kl., 1929, pp. 21-i+U . (Available as NACA TM 609-) 2. Schlichting, H., and Bussmann, K.: Zur Berechnung des Umschlages laminar = turbulent (Preisausschreiben 19^0 der Lilienthal- Gesellschaft flir Luftfahrtforschung) , dieses Jahrbuch. 3. Pretsch, J.: Die Stabilitat einer ebenen Laminarstromung bei Druckgefalle und Druckanstieg (Preisausschreiben 19^+0 der Lilienthal- Gesellschaft fur Luftfahrtforschung) . Jahrbuch 19^1 der Deutschen Luftfahrtforschung, p. 58. h. Schlichting, H.: Zur Entstehung der Turbulenz bei der Plattenstromung. Nachr. Ges. Wiss. Gottingen Math. Phys. Klasse, 1933, pp. 181-208. 5. Tollmien, W.: Ein allgemeneines Kriterium der Instabilitat laminarer Geschwindigkeitsverteilungen. Nachr. d. Ges. d. Wiss. zw Gottingen, Math. -Phys. Kl., Neue Folge, Vol. 1, No. 5, 1935, PP- 79-H^. (Available as NACA TM 792.) 6. Hartree, D. R.: On an Equation Occurring in Falkner and Skan's Approximate Treatment of the Equation of the Boundary Layer. Proc. Phil. Soc. Cambridge, Vol. 33, 1937, PP- 223-239. Uo NACA TM I3I4-3 TABLE 1 SERIES COEFFICIENTS OF THE SOLUTIONS 2 r- Bin (ay) =

3) -±-(1 - 21fi) + -±_ 720 ' 120 e^r* = ±_(1 - Ulfii - x (1 - 2ifl) + 1 b 7200* iJ 1,53600* 1) 50to (1 - 21f!) ♦ -£- i ' U32 610-2 m* U32 l i; 2lt 2 Bl * = - §U - lfi) =3 18 (l - ifi; 23a, 1 * — (1 v . j_d . 6lfl) , 2aS(i . u lfl) . s^j . Buy + sf 6to ' 72000 sstooo x ' 720 3l2O0O (1 - 51fl » * 7938ofe (1 " 31f1 ' + 5i9^ (1 * lfl > 2 b 3 * - 1(1 - 3 lfi) ♦ ^-(1 - lfi) ^ » 1 109ai2 a.,h b 5 ' I^t 1 " 5ifl) ♦ -gi^l - 31fi) ♦ ^1 - lfi) V = 1(1 - 71fi) - 79 ° lg 1 1920* XJ 1512000 80 - 1 «1 1 a x 2 ■B-B* 2 «3 = - 9 "l 2 *► = to a i 2 + k *i k 2h _ 1 g 23ai' t g 5 " 3600 ai " 1800 3600 p 101 k oi° 6W00 720 1 o , 1M k lln l b ^ 6300 x 1587600 x 33075 ho = _ 19 a^ "2 "T ~ „ 7 67 2 "1* h 3 " " Bf " 158 ai + — 192 lUto x * U5 k 1 5I111 2 2291 k a i 6 h«= = - — - -^ ' 0.1*= - — - — ai H + -=— 3 60 36OOOO 5l<000 120 h, . - ^_ . J2_ 2 + 6959_ fc t n 6 ^ 1920 U3200 i 567000 L 75600 x NACA TM 13^3 ^1 TABLE 1 SEBIES COEFFICIENTS OF THE SOLUTIONS (p 1 # , rp^' FOB THE BASIC FLOW U = 1 - (a itf) n ; n - 1, 2, 3, k - Continued n ■ 3 6 * - ° »1* ■ 2 ( l " lf D S 2 * - - *i 2 »3*ov* " I" »"" p3v[^ " (3 * 6v)if^j w ■ ( - i)V " ^E - < 6 * 6v » ir ] w ■ «• »** ^E - " * 6v, "3 W - 0| V . 0,1,2, . . . e * -1 «j* - - (1 - Ifl) . 1 "l 2 . "l 2 «2* - |(1 - 2lft) - -i- « 3 - - -5"<1 - 'fll . "I 2 a,* . »1 2 23a, 1 ' e lt = -Ml - 21fi) + !ll- e= = -f-(l - 31fi) =-(1 - ifil h 36 1 1J 120 5 5«l l ■" 5«00 l 1J . °1 2 7 a l 2 , ai 6 <* = -^(1 - '•lfil * T^-(l - 21ft) + — h- 6 1260* ' 8100 ' 50W . 2a, 2 23a, 1 * LUx, 6 'T " 66l5 (1 " 51ri ' * 22W 1 - " 31fl) " l325oo (1 " lfl ' » a l 2 ,• **l k 1409a, 6 a, 8 '8* ■ iok' 1 " 6lri » * I5S66I' 1 " Ulfl > * Soyrofe' 1 " 21fl ' * 3555S5 ,* - - 3(1 - 2lft) ♦ ^- b 3 * - |(1 - 31ft) ♦ ^i-(l - lfl) .* • - §U - '•lfl) - ^ »1 2 (1 - 2 'ft) * ^ V - - jgU - 5 ♦ 55 «i 8 (l - 3»1> ♦ Jj «i»(l - "I) -• ,1(1. 6lf!) - &2- „,2(1 - 1.1ft) - JE. .,*(! . 21 fl ) 4 ^ 1 5IH 1) lkl7 5 1 l *' 10 125 1 v Ll 720 - . - 3^,1 - 7lfi, - life ^(1 - 51ft) . g=£(l - 31ft) * ^ ^6(1 - «1, „„• =1(1- 8lft) - 2 i5?9- ^2(1 . 6111) * -W_(l - tafl) - 39727<116 (1 - 21ft, . ^4 8 567 1 1; 617koo x k l ' 13608000 * 1 ' 11 11 32000* !» I»320 »6 ■v 80-I Si "l 2 2 U 3--J-,' «. ' T^ ♦ ^T fc = - ^ a,2 . J5. a, 11 It 24 °5 U5 1 900 l », - -ii " tt i> £5=1 "° 16200 x 720 ~ 1323 " HT75 l " 33075 ft,- "1° , U ■>, 673 "l 6 , a l° ^ 1512 10O800 ! 3175200 40320 ^.-6.0^ w 53 V> „ 2 . •I* "o • »! 2 "2 ~ + 3 11 \T 2 K " 18 108 "1 ' »5 "1 3 - - y - 57 "i T" ^ , 1 21737

  • 2 * FOR THE BASIC FLOW U = 1 - (a - y-) n ; n = 1, 2, 3, "» - Concluded n = U "..• =. »2 # - - |(i - 21ft) - ai : 'k ' - |(1 - urn H' 27 • 35(1 - 6lft) 6B* - ^(1 - Sift) B 10* * " ^2 (1 " 10iri) 3(1 - ift) B 3 * ■-!(!- 31fl) B, - A<1 - 51ft) 8 9* = 25SI 1 " 91f D -•o' ■ 1 a, 2 e s * - (1 - 21ft) * — . a,2 143ai4 a,6 «fi " - -r— 1 " k lft) * 1 1 - 21ft) ♦ — 4- b • 2)400 ' 504O0 v ' 501*0 5(1 " 1ft) i ( l . 31fl) . -i-,1 . lfl) ^'--^^-w-wf 1 ^ 1 - 1 '" I.31"! 2 2 s x 3 2 x 5 2 x 7 253o l : lO^ 1 * (' " 31fl > " BBlool 1 " lf D (1 - 6lft) 2 10 x 3 2 x 5 2 x T 2 <1 - 41ft) 61^6 2 10 x 3 3 „ 5 x 7 2 8 x 3 5 x 5 3 x 7 s 12749a, ' (1 - 71ft) - — -— i- -(1 - 5lft) 2 11 x 3 3 x 5 3 x 7 2 2? x 3" x f x 7 2 a.6 -(1 - 31ft) 1 - 1ft) t>2 - - - 6(1 - 21ft) . 47 1 3 ■ -£(1 - 31ft) ♦ -r-(l - 1ft) H' - - g(i - **U - nnr' 1 - 21f D ♦ — k 2Q 3997a, 2 1151a! *» a^ 163»i ; 71^° h ■ 643(1 - Tift) - j^fl • 5lft) . jg^l - 31ft) . j^fl - 1ft 39 , . 11573a, 2 , 1503559 32377a, b n, 224o" (1 " 8lfl) " 3135oo5- (l " 6lfl) " 395136ooo < 1 " Ulf H " 49392O0OI 1 " 21f D * TO355 9 a, 2 %"5* 2 8U 4 48 ' 24 43 2 21 4 „ °i ^> 1200 A BOO ' 720 111 2 149a 1 1 ' 15»n6 ai B gQ " " 89600 a l + 250880 + 28221*0 * 40320 >0 ■= "2 237 8 2 701 2171 h, , . Ji , iSi!22 a, 2 . 2*§i_ .4 . -2L- a ,6 ^ 640 24000 ! 25200 - 1 25200 «! ■ - 3 g 3 - - 3 - § . L 2 101 2 23 4 "5 = " to 01 to ai 17 2 13LL! 1 * 11°! 6 87 4200 **! " 17640 " 11025 hi « - 22 + a^ 2 223 13 , ai 4 "3 ' " T ' T " 1 * 6 *, . - -52 . «?Z a,2 . I! 3 ! „4 , Si ~ 160 250 6000 120 160 250 307 14) 4480 " 98OO0 307 1467 ? 4737223 t 1 7 l '31 a 6 , °1 I " " 4480 " 98OO0 "1 ' 49392000 *! " 3087000 "1 5040 NACA TM I3I+3 ^3 TABLE 2 SERIES COEFFICIENTS OF THE SOLUTIONS cp-,*,

    ] ♦ 3S e 5* = 7S5 tan ^s' 1 + iP' " E§0-[t * an y 2= U + ip) " \ tan3y 2s (1 + 3ip)J + jj^o "e^an y 2a (l - ip) *6* = - &> * i^E " » ^^ * 21P) - To -'Wi ♦ *>] " jfeE * ^ ^2sd ♦ -P)] * ^ e 7* = " 55150 tSn y 2s (1 + 1P) + 6t1o"[j^ tSn y 2B (1 + ip) + % ^W 1 + 3ip) * 1 tan5y 2a (l ♦ 5ipTJ- ^[» tan y 2a (l ♦ ip) - || tan^l ♦ 3 ip)j ♦ ^ tan y 2a (I ♦ ip) V - 362k - iSo| + 555? tan2y * a(1 + 21p) + m ^^ + Up) + h tan6y2a(1 + 6lp !l + ^_fl" - ili tan 2 y 2a (l ♦ 2ip) - i^ tan>*y 2a (l * Up)] - -^!_[l + -^ tan 2 y 2a (l ♦ 2ip^l ♦ °lo 60W0Q 315 J2s F/ 29160 2s ^J 90720 Q 12 60 2s _] 362880 *2* = " [I + tan 2 y 2s (l + 2ip7] + i c^ 2 b 3* = fi tan y2s<1 * ip) " 8 ^^s' 1 + 3ip)| - ^ tan y 2a (l + ip) V = ft + 8 tan2y2 B (1 + 2ip) + 4 f"^.* 1 + U1 P^| " °^% * % tan 2 y 2a (l ♦ 21p)] + °£ b 5* = " [lHo ^ y2s<1 + 1P) + 1§2 tan52 s (1 * 5ip |] + °? 2 \^5 tM y2 = (1 + lp) " 2T6OO tan3 y2B b 6* ■= [" 750 " 2^0 ^^Bt 1 + 21 P) + ^ tanSr 2a (l + Uip) t ^ ta n 6y 28 (l + 6ip)] + 2 ri + 20^1 t an 2 y as (l * 2ip71 4- ^ " [2to 321)000 ds J 720 laiwo tan y2a<1 + lp) - 1^0 tan3y2 s (1 + 31p) - irk tan5y2 s (1 + 51p) - isk tan7 y2s(i * 7ip) ^ [- glfSoo tan y2a(1 + ip » + I5& Wy2a(1 + 31p) + I5I000 tan5y2a(1 + 51p 3 + ^Ifiw tan y2a(i + ip) + iSo tan3y2a(i + 3ip il - 3^ tan y2a(i + ip) to320 + 72^60 tan2y2 B + 38^0 tanl Wl + ***) * ^m tan6 Wl * SiP) + Jjg tan8y 2sU + Sip, + a, 2 Q ^ - ^^35 tan 2 y 2B (I ♦ 2ip, - 55 |W_ tanSgi(1 + , lp) . Ig |3_ tan6y2s(1 + 6lp T] + ^ugL, + _1||_ tan 2 y 28 (l + 2ip) - 3™^ tanV 2B (I ♦ .ip)] + 026 [; Io55o - TOgSoo tan2y2 B (1 + 21p ] + 1^0 b 7 uu NACA TM 1314-3 SERIES COEFFICIENTS OF TEE SOLUTIONS tjlj* ,

    2 g u = - i- ta n 2y 28 ♦%-(-!♦ Jtan 2 y 2 \ ♦ ^ 2U 85 " ife tan y 2 s * -50 ( - tan *2s - ^ ^iy s \ ♦ -gL. tan y 2 B6 - * ^ * a ^2s ♦ StA - H tan 2 y 2a ♦ 1 tanV J ♦ %^( - U + ^ wO ♦ £ 720 I800I3 3 s=y 5too^ " 12 720 3150 \i68 *l = " ^0 ^ y2D + twlTffl *" y 2= - 51 tan3y SB - I tan5y 2=l + — ^ tan3y, \ + — — — ap° ^ (- SS3 tan y 2a ♦ _i tan^j ♦ ^ a," tan y 2s * = " Hobo tan2y2s + feL" » + »° tan2y2s + ^ tan ' V2s + § tan6y2 ^| + 307 "I + Ti" tan y 2s ag"* 13 883 . 2 U73 . k 25200 T " 557 ta " y2B + 7775 tanV2s 1058 too to320 1-2 tan 2 y2 8 +02 t^ = - - tan y 2a - ^ tan3 y2a - ^ °2 2 tan y 2a X 329 . 3 \ * "I- tan:iy 2B J " ^ °2 ho = h x »3 " | * £ ^s " £ *« »S. " 5 °20 2B 1 2 l~~ 3253 1069 ,.2 221 ^ k. 1^5." 535» "8 [^ IT " ut55 ten y2a + TT taD ^ 2a - I ta " y2 * ^_ kfe U239877 tanSy . 111|22 tan^ssl * -*- ^ 25200 ^ [TT 59535 J2s 1U580 2b 33075 ^ - ii^l tan2y 2a 1 ♦ sL 16 105 2o 50to NACA TM I3U3 45 TABLE 3 VALUES OF THE DIFFERENTIAL QUOTIENTS OF THE REAL AND OF THE IMAGINARY PART OF THE FUNCTION ^U \ WITH RESPECT TO t\ q c3F r *1 5F r u F i. ^0 St >0 Sl io ^0 ^0 St io -2 0.135 -0.226 -3-6 0.396 -0.066 -2.1 .121 -.230 -3-7 • 399 -.030 -2.2 .117 -.235 -3.8 • 395 -.010 -2.3 .118 -.239 -3-9 • 379 -.055 -2.4 .121 -.242 -4.0 .360 -.100 -2.5 .128 -.245 -4.1 .3^0 -.155 -2.6 .135 -.246 -4.2 .297 -.205 -2.7 .145 -.246 -4.3 .250 -.270 -2.8 •157 -.243 -4.4 .180 -.338 -2.9 .172 -.237 -4.5 .080 -.341 -3.0 .191 -.226 -4.6 .020 -.282 -3.1 .219 -.210 -4.7 -.026 -.226 -3.2 .256 -.188 -4.8 -.045 -.182 -3.3 .296 -.162 -4.9 -.057 -.150 -3-4 .340 -.133 -5-0 -.062 -.118 -3-5 .380 -.102 46 NACA TM 13^3 IO _ b X d cr i o ———*>.. f * u ^^fc | a \ 1 a \ .1 ^ " CD \ i \ CM \ ID °"\ r *-• tr \ O _ > \ J 3 T3 CJ \ \ J ^ ) \ A J £ o \ IO — o \ ■ .§1 \ ; " ^—m^ / O ^■h o ^_ / ■*•" 4_ >> a, / .*-> E / » E rf « -< — ^a o ■o 1 ■a k. » 8 3 o $ u o +i w o c \ <*> / \ - / £5 u o 4»- \ " / \ *a> / k- 5 CD \ K / * — ' . — i X. •*- •+. - C - 'o "S k E W g ° — Q. £ >. c o o .h r^ Sh o O /l\ *y> / o h a 1 \ CO OJ ft) / "o «/>/ T— 1 ^^^ -/ CD r/ i" £h ' < * m ~^ \x^2 J< 9 •r-t 2 u ■> c 5 <« < h ■ 1 i NACA TM 13^3 UT 0.6 l(F*),l(E*) t : .05 t ^ = l -° C r = 0.06 -0.4 -0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 OS -^R(F*),R(E*) Figure 2 0.6 no. '(F*),l T (E*) ( = 0.10 : r - 0.118 0° A 8 * IOXIO-3 >9 = i.o ( — — — — < >• \^a\ -0.4 -0.2 Figure 3 0.2 0.4 0.6 0-8 -**R(F*),R(E*j -04 -0.2 0.2 04 0.6 0.8 — V R (F*) , R (E*) Figure 4 Figures 2, 3, and 4.- Polar diagrams for determination of the curves of con- stant excitation. U8 NACA TM 13^3 0.6 04 n? 1 -0.4 -0.2 R(F*),R(E*) -0.4 -0.2 Figure 6 0.2 0.4 0-6 0.8 — ►r(f*),r(e*) 0.6 04 |(F*)i(E*) ♦ ' -3 1 2 4X10 a 1 £ c =0.20 C r =0-187 Cj=0- £ = 0.6 ( >• -0.4 -Q2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 — -**R(f*),r(e1 Figure 7 Figures 5,6, and 7.- Polar diagrams for determination of the curves of con- stant excitation. NACA TM I3U3 h 9 0.6 04 i(f*),.(e*) 1 £ c = 0.05 C r = 0.033 4X10 -3 l>^0.2 ^J 0=0.2 Ci = J -0.4 -0.2 0.2 0.4 0-6 0.8 — - R (f*),R (e*) Figure 8 -0.4 -0.2 Figure 9 0.6 0.8 R(F*),R(E*) -0.4 -0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -^ R (F*), R (E*) Figure 10 Figures 8,9, and 10.- Polar diagrams for determination of the curves of con- stant excitation. 50 NACA TM 1314-3 -0.4 -0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 ^r(f*),r(e*) Figure I I -04 -0.2 R(F*),R(E) Figure 12 Figure 13 R(F),R(n Figures 11, 12, and 13.- Polar diagrams for determination of the curves of constant excitation. NACA TM 13^3 51 I6X Ci=0\X ——0.6 10- 3 \V 04 l(F*),l(l t •*) r I b c =0.60 C r = 0.281 0? ,8 = '( > S;^ -0.4 -0.2 -0.4 -0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 R(F*),R(E*) Figure 14 0.6 Ol l(F*),l(E*) .6// 12X10 3 4 \L<\^- C = 070 r =0.327 °2j yQ=o ( ■ 1 > 0.2 Figure 15 0.4 0.6 0-8 R(F*),R(E*) 0.4 0.6 0.8 ^ R (F*),R(E*) Figure 16 Figures 14, 15, and 16.- Polar diagrams for determination of the curves of constant excitation. 52 NACA TM 13^3 -0.4 -0.2 r(f*),r(e*) Figure 17 r(f*),r(e*) Figure 18 Figures 17 and 18.- Polar diagrams for determination of the curves of con- stant excitation. NACA TM 13^3 53 | 0.6 04 <(F*), r (E*) c = 1.12 r =0.410 Cj = 40xl 3-3 /3=-o.i 2 5- 20- 15- 10- -0.4 -0.2 0.2 04 0.6 0.8 r(f*),r(e*J Figure 19 -0.4 -0.2 r(0,r(e*) Figure 20 -0.4 -02 0.4 0.6 0.8 r(f*),r(e*) Figure 21 Figures 19, 20, and 21.- Polar diagrams for determination of the curves of constant excitation. * NACA TM I3U3 ^3 5xlO' -4 A 8* /3--i.o 0.170 0.05 0.060 0.10 0.1 18 0.15 Q.I70 Uo C r = 0.060 A l 0.05 0.10 0.15 -^►aS* 0.20 Figure 22 10" 5x10 -4 A s* Ua * 0.15/ ^-x^ = ' 6 0.20 0.10 0.097 0.15 0.142 0.20 0.187 ^c=o-'y \ \ 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 Figure 23 10" 5x10 .4 As* °\ 3 /~\ 1 Cr U 4 £ = 0.2 1 \ 0.05 0.033 / \ 0.4 0I ° 0.068 0.2 ^-v / ' ' \ 0. zo 0,133 0.197 I / A \ °* to 0.258 £ c =0.05 \ / \J 0.1 j / \ 0.05 0.10 0.15 ^ a s* 0.20 0.25 Figure 24 Figures 22, 23, and 24.- The excitation £i — as a function of the reciprocal U a perturbation wave length a = — for constant critical velocity c . A r NACA TM 13^3 55 4x10 3x10' 2x10 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 S* Figure 25 0.25 t. C r 0.4 0.188 0.6 0.281 0.7 0.327 0.8 0.372 0.30 2x10 Figure 26 Asymptotic value for Re -*- oo - Interpolated Figures 25 and 26.- The excitation 2tt <3jS U Q as a function of the reciprocal perturbation wave length a = — for constant critical velocity Cj 56 NACA TM 1314-3 Rel^ Figure 27 Figure 28 Figures 27 and 28.- The curves of constant excitation in the instability regions of a few laminar boundary-layer profiles. NACA TM 13^3 57 / °J / * CM o" // v CQ. // v 11 T i k2 II fi\ 1 /<» M / M / / ' // / M / o /// \ \ \ — 11/ \ / »" i // / 10 Of / / fir ^" J I Hi 9 II c ////// * oo o 3 ////////y "A FUJI 1*- 1 1 1) jCZ— i Qa. /////////// '7// u ? <« ///////ry//A f~/J i/ff toyyoy 1// Q 4^— : -£^>yy\ 'vV^^^^^^IB ^ ===:: *> : ^ g b * — in M A CJ q£ Z> *co ^ CJ O O o 3 m O ^0) O O CO O O" CvJ O a o •r-l h0 CD U d +-> w a CD « crl ra a o o o >> CTJ I — I I >> o cti 2 o CD En Oi •rH ■ — i 58 NACA TM I3I+3 /°J / / 11 / 01 / 10 / / °" / to /C/^~\ 1 1 S V I / ' ° N 1 / X , r- \/ / m \ aa* * z< "■ ! I / / O (O / ^£" .i, 11 1 ^ / / / *« "6. 1 iU *~ cb. z> /////' n ~ ^cJ v / v* / / — y/y// ** / /* * / //V ) m // s' ' — • 1 / // O // ~7^ <<*»"/ ^>* ^>( / j 2 x /// [r"v~ -^ «-* \n s.- — --^^ <* 2 ~ — VO * II > O -i-> ~~ . — 1 • i-H X3 nj ->-> . .5 © 0) £i -C O -^ fH 10 (3 CD O >, * 1 «3 t3 7 1 Oft ..H >> 3 O *H 1 X OJ ^■11 CD XS 1 rt — 4 -*J ^2 T* W . l jtf s w ■— ' rO CD •> ^1 O 0*" O 0) .d H 1 8 CJ O 3 hJD •rH fr NACA TM I3I4-3 59 rt w a o •t-i a) ^2 +-> a •rH CD .3 o X CD ra o o w CD . — I m o & ^1 CD ■ — 1 I >> T3 o o CD Eh CO CD 60 NACA TM I3I+3 1.2 -* A 1.0 as Q6 04 Q2 10 10' £=-0.198 P T v I 2^10- u a j 1 / ^° -7 f 10' AS 001 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 -0.07 0.06 -0.05 0.04 I0 H * u a S Re = —— I0 6 I0 C Figure 32.- The curves of constant excitation in the instability regions of a few laminar boundary -layer profiles. NACA TM 13^3 61 CO O 1 hO CD H fn QO-V *> T / 1 u> . — < 1 >> ' i\ J* / * CD / / 1 / / '?/ 3 / / / / / /oy O / / '1 //'/ *. u M-l CD 3 7~ / / /I / m w / / / / / * • t-i oa cd ( 1 / / / bo 1 / ' / a .1-1 J 1 crt 1 1 CM a •rH CD 1 1 1 1 1 CJ ^ \ U \ •rH X CD CD XI Eh •rH X ^s N ~^ "~~^\ U *■** — — , 1 W (JO rt- 5 9 Q CO i O co ai „ q: u £0 O ^ar hD 00. 3 ^ |x < 62 NACA TM 13^3 /3 r i/ * — - — Re U, j 04 \ fi=-0f- R- - n i-a P. n ic n.i /J- U.IH / f 0? ni - V ^ A ? o< _h^ vr 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 a8 ft- - / ■^ IQO 1" v*.i-»a / / • 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 02 0.4 0.6 OS 1.0 P r v Figure 34.- The circular time frequency — - Re* for boundary -layer pro- files in the region of increasing pressure for Re* — > *> . NACA TM 13^4-3 63 0.08 Ridge contour peak of the excitation mountain range -0.198 0.5 1.0 /3 Figure 35.- The maximum excitation ^8" CuT as a function of the form a /max parameter 3 of the laminar boundary -layer profiles. NACA-Langley - 9-5-S2 -1000 ~ « - a a o •3 xi H o J= CO cj ^ O iH Is CJ 0) t. m o 5 cu bo ti< > S i -a - J -a bom * a CJ ^ CO n kt eg o ^ 53 05 2 3 *-h bo 3 3 H-aa o be 3=3' <. cu cu 03 cu < a H [i] C3- cu in ,." 3C 1.01H cu H p a a K .5 w s t» co < ^ z 2 O cu B s u „ S2 CO 313 S J!7 ~ -* HH H « § M 5 w «u SP m 5 w «< £ £? bo CU 3 c 5 s 2 — X) u ■Sec = o „ ja •« III ™ ,2 J 3 w 2 to bo J> <~ a £ ») 3 " > J= » U 3 • oi » J"- •a ^ -a £ CO In t, 1 ■H CU ^ S <- X> "> (4 2 XI H £«, S g, -£* 3 3 73 £ X) - P 2 " « 51 -as •< fl *0 -H cu 3- 5 « o ^ =a a » x: .a o 2 b£ ] | > DO ■" - -O cu -c •M Q> CO §° 3U to et) c XI O ** "Ti 5 « ■£ -S cu r a B 73 cu c a .2 cu CD i-j cu cci S m i -a 3 ill -a m *J = S ^ 3 2 ° xi a cu c S ^. rt £ cu "S. ? S ■S 8 I ■a o x) 3 — _ £ to •s o ° a; 2» o QJ TO 3 SZ 3 3 CJ bD j3 O C c to cu IB U " C D, o u a. "03 3 CU CO to ^ ra ^ 5 -a ^ o Si o t-. "3 o 3 _ o bOli, s J 3 o 2 cu ■3 s o rt CO O iH co < -a cu y u u, <; cu a. z < Hag 1 i i S CO B cu J= cu CO 3 CU •a c ,_, 3 3 a a S a C3 cu x: 13 2 M» CO o h H Si J 3£- c 3 X) rt co 3 bo " i3 a CO W 3 O I « c 5 o < "5 to f-. cu 03 03 Q c cnj W ft U 03 CO OJ < rt ^ 5 o z 2 '5 fc 3g2 Si o. s S «H S ■ -a < cu co « 13 T3 ^o a 3 73 2 c S ^ rt xi «*h a bo 3 •a 3 J > -a .£ t-.Cu« H?3 < o a < rt z z &5 s X < u J w < GO "-5 « " O cu • 51 5 xi -a rt " h a Z c a a 1 CO T3 " «S x; ^ t. « cu a3 So S ..-£ o ^ o 7J o a 33 o co rt rl o bD 3 _ 33 X! , g • ^^ > ; co .5 , » S ' b rt I 3 - ' i M, 3 ! "S >> : co t: 3 S i CO X! rt 5 3 co a cu CO •— a -9 Cu rt H "to .a c XI 3 O JJ 3 £ a cu 2 > £ H •o 5 — a ™ l 3 £ o o s a xi a cu cj bo t. c a u a m S Z -a 1 J3 :0 *- U a 73 a m cu CO 3 * H »U 1- t. < cu A Z < h-sQ a « « £ a - 1 co « " rt .»? 3 to re 3 -p x: ^ 3 m a o •* js 3 £ 3 • I — I C3 CO W CO &H ^ bo m a _ 3 " •a a CO n U, CN o -»r t3 os rt co 33 3 vh bo 13 3 J < . < IS 2 1 cu Oh cu H |B a a l fe &§ S<0 H73?< -^ a W ^ o a w < rt X Z Z H 5 § < cu cu 03 S a ; > » x: S to a, . „ x: >• £ H o-il w cu < £ -a j= rt c bi t. cji H rO a 3 8 o £ . B ^3 5 CO 5 q ^3 o c o s = « - -S 9 cu Z a O U as aS 5 00 3-n bD 3 a| CO S.2 rt c □ O =3 ^j a 3 CD *T w — 0.5B > -a 32 o cu C 33 co -^ . ■ "3 .2 ^ fe i.a « o Xj £ .13 a a e u -2 cu >.| £H ^ b S § XI 3 §£ a C a ■ H u .2 c u "3 cu o a bpti, 3 c ■ cu 13 X) s.a » CU 32 :3 x; co x: :o bom rt co O iH ^S j= H cj . co < t, <; a, z it •S — £ x> a 73 - " " rt ™i to _ >■ S " xi a o to : < S w cu j= 33 5 m m to o fc. rt CU 3 J3 ^ fcf M x; rt (!, 1-5 33 3 >-h bo d 3 -aS z o H '5 S< bO a 3 XJ . o cu < Put;- 3 H « W cu a. £ CQ cu H 33 t« 11 cu 03 rt cfG £££ § g § >- £ f-i xi w ^j c m t; 3 £ o xi a cu cu bo u cu in ^ u o> t- 1 rt 'H cu co 03 £ ^ rt (2 CO Z a g'H O cu to . .SO < — xi " :Q § ■ 3 o 4j xj 33 •3»i; - C £ 01 ■£ w S MS •a £ J CJ CI _ rt bo' > -a £ u CO .- 3 -2 • •3 xi a : ! to -r- 3 : > co oj ' -2 xi a ■ > s ^"^ , £ a a : .2 to i 5 > s '■3 h1 3 ^i CO-g t. p. » CO CO . rt . K 3 1 X. "' Ji 3. to g cu S S u o bo a ^ cu <■> bp £ to rt _ a a XI 3 £ CJ 3 O " S S cj S 3 _ cu to 5 -a * o rt 6 .8 -o Z rt " 15 ° B * -9 1 "-S^S co a c *J J-i . 3 -1 CU ■- t, CM J3 S m 3 J3 ■* .33 2 To cu S.3fflTj "tn c xi 3 -o », ° £ ■2 5-C3 rt £ o t. 13 Tj O « U x 3 ^73 cu > £ o < u a X! £5 2 I ■a I s.3 s < U ■< z s w bo c S o cu of -5 O 01 13 ^3 O •*■» -o i rt o . o < z o M o at e w o ■ rt > C ■3 0* u 7} ■a t3 o T3 1 U rt O rt CJ CO S c o -a < < z S H < z S c = £ bD C S 2 CO .3 a) rt to "3 O rt St s § £ -a o n o a i c o s c CO o o c tt ■^ CS c cu t. -C -t-» cu c o J= «4H < bo o < c •fH o z m o la 0) rt > ■J to 7\ CU ID CO CO CJ .2 8.8 3 CO s e •a _ M s o s O H to £ * BD i < < CO cu 2 -o a c ■« .2 >, a < < z ~- s c ~- IV ■3 u a o 5 CD b£ [ti 3 >.s% CD 5.3 .2 I -C -O "-• t« s« co o cO co o H *s to ■< ft z o 3 S .2 - £ 5 g. g « a 73 CO - bO O « • = <3wS cd .c i^ os tO O (h f ~ l a> 3 .c „_, * ■£ ' a 3 u_ bD d 3 ^dS -C be £ c o £# d ■— -i < 'J CD 0) ttl > CD cd < bo bp Q CN a> bOp- c U4 £ a « CO -> o 5 CQ SB co H •q H U X w « .5 w g >* c« x ~ a 2 *: .2 -c 3 to pn #£ • S3 I - - £ 2 ■3 o .2 -r ■" >> £ H H 6 , C S o C O w 73 m -J = s t; 3 £ O .Q ft Q> a, bp *> c = t, CO 05 CD "ft rt S _ ■ a o a JJ o to 2 S X 01 ■- 2 s 2 * £ - s 2 CD CT a to a 3 — Lh CQ CD C ft .2 0) CO -^ c -s a; ca •a 3 o «J HH ^ ■" to •" o u 5 CO cu S> u .» CO s c *» • .5 t. -a Tj *-" CD CD XL 3 .„ J3 ^O —■ t. got** bo in -55 >■ 5 " m - T3 cs o «S CD CO . C is. 3 -J ■ CJ co W - CO ID O H H CD 3 SZ ~ > XJ CCS to bD u a 3 3 £ S bO .1 CCS 3 3 fe -= J s - « ►J 3 J3 m <5-2 & .2 co -a > CD J= s CD < bp bo :0 c 9 ^ 3 "C q 0) a bi 3 J o d a m o bC > j= s o c _5J -H ^ T o ■* -a UO .in a; CD CD 5 £ 5 " — ' to S M s s o n co Tj ciS bD 3 j3 M - c 2 « £ "K ■ > CO CD 2 >."c. e " -2 .s o a i u g » c 7 "i ■-< JL CD g O u 5 * U B +J 3 "* ^ to - o 3 CO ■£ .2 rt T3 O C »-. CO — c 3 e cj bo cj c e CO CD CO CO .S C CD ft < CJ < S ^3 3 3 S i -. 'S w CD CO 5 -O CO - So 2 O CO n H. w £ Z c - 9 ft j= ^33^ j- 13 5 J3 - » « £ S S 3 c w OS Si to S C sl s S co o . o ?> cO *J o CO "3 5 ^.M-H S > 5 - o •3 ^ ■3 J= CD •* cO co O -1 la to w 3 s^ I & s o 2 : Si -S > be 3 _ C i" J= bDuo c 3 " ^J j CO < h < _ 0. Z << g w if i-g 3 bO E< co fa *a to - t-. CM o ■* S3 01 t-. w c3 "to J < 2§ CO CO nn d 3 CO ! > CD p bj s cd m y> s 3 H w Ph 5 S CD H p < CD ^ .2 K * O bD 3 < £ xj CO Hi u X a CD .2 «» T3 to • .2 -« a . I 3 » S bOr- C &H u. oi H cd <2 K.S r rt h to - 2 o. a z 2 « H O 'cd m . a -a o 3 H-. J° •a " -3 ^r co S o c CJ s o co a) 3 o bo ■g CO 55 33 XI tO ■£ CD w CD h o co H 2 CU CO ^ ^* bD 3 a| 3 a x 2 w CO CO C a o £ rt ^ •£ " 3 a £ ,-co ' a js b o, cg.2» 3 o m ^ £ " oj >, J 1 3 -9 CD CO •i S ft XI ft CD oj a> ^ c 3 t. rt ' m CD a. * s 2 u o •^ cj Od bo c m ■- 73 O b co — 3 e CJ bO m cj c e m S to nj 10 « * e fli rv t, ft to 2 . ■§ &Q ►o ■" CJ O CO [t, ^ CD O " •a Is s 3 H13X < g w u 5 u < to ffi Z Z E-i S .3 to T3 -i ■5s — H ft X? 3 3 ^" 13 £ xi . g a tJ cm 2 (j a 81 < t5 >-3 ^ y ™ +-* a m ■*> CJ .s 3 rd cd to C co £ C <3J Q. o i-. a 2 CJ 3 3 HJ » 1"° rt to <« CO o. ° 2 o h 3 O CD CJ Sill s < z u c c ° 8 1 ej o a. — « 2 c 0) t-. t- ->-* rt 4> c -c O "" -^H <— rt ° &D C 3 o en ^w V rt 11 ~* u •5 o & ■" T3 , — tl cl o rt U « £ H — o •3 " ■a B ■ s a> o ■R u 3 u o < z 3 .Q c ° si « a is o § tc ■" S o ■sll 53 "O _( •s !: <* O rt u ".-II < < z ■S o "3 E 3 XI •H I. c c ° O ■" u .S rt o a •SI 6 3 ,-, 01 2 S 0> Li - ■" rt gj o ~H X-l rt M C 2 O « ctj . c ^ u — u .,_ 5 CO •" "a -. s o rt u H 01 * 'C •< u < £ 3 -a ^ e S 0) o >, Z u 3 o < < z snv OF FLOBIOA UNIVERSITY OF FLO R IDA 3 1262 08105 483 4