INFORMATION LEAFLET FOREIGN WOODS Forest Products Laboratory, i Forest Service S. Department of Agriculture 1954 COMACASTE or GUAIIACASTE Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq. ) Gris. Family: Leguminosae By ELOISE GERRY, Forest Products Technologist Division of Silvicultural Relations Eight species of the genus Cnterolobium are known to occur in tropical America from southern Mexico to northern Argentina. One cf the best known is Enterolcbium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Gris. E. contortisiliquum (Veil.) Morong, timbo or timbouba is common in northern Argentina and nearby Paraguay and ~ Brazil, This species is sometimes substituted for Spanish cedar, ^edrela (5).~* Common Names The name guanacaste is of Nahuantl Indian origin, meaning ear-tree. The Costa Rican province of Guanacaste derives its name from this important tree. Other names include Juana Costa mahogany, conacastej genizero or jeniserc, orejon, pichwood, South American, Central American, or Mexican walnut, parota, cascabel, anjera, carito, caro, earpodtree , and kelobra (2, £). ""Maintained at Madison, V/is., in cooperation with the Uni-ersity of Wisconsin. 2 Underlined numbers in parentheses refer lo the list of numbered references at the end of the report. Repr. No. 19S5 -1- Agriculture-^adisoii Distribution and Habitat The tree is well known locally. It grows throughout Central America. Abundant supplies were ' available in 194-3 in' Costa Rica, the West Indies, northern South America, and Mexico (2, 3, 6, 7). The Tree The trees grow rapidly and make excellent shade trees because of their broad tops. They form one of the 3 or A groups of largest trees in the forests of Central America. They may reach heights of 4-0 to 100 feet or more, and diameters of 2 to 8 feet, but the trunks seldom are very long (2, 4). The seed pods are said to be excellent feed for cattle. The seeds and young pods are sometimes cooked for human food. The pods, which are broad and flat, are coiled so that they suggest a human ear (4_, 7). The fruit and bark are rich in tannin. They are often used as a soap substi- tute and are also believed to have some medicinal properties. Gum exuding from the trunk is used locally as a remedy for bronchitis. The Wood Color The heartwood is variable in color, often suggesting United States black walnut ( Juglans ) , but it may show various shadings and is sometimes tinged \tfith red or yellow. It has been rated as fairly attractive but hardly classed as a high-grade furniture wood* The sapwood may be quite thick and white or cream colored (2, 4). Weight Guanacaste is rather hard and heavy. The specific gravity air diy is 0,35 to 0.60, and the wood weighs 22 to 37 pounds per cubic foot (4). Texture, Grain, and Figure The tree grows rapidly. The texture of the wood is rather coarse; the pores are open and rather large* They occur singly or in pairs, and are rather scarce. The rays are fine and indistinct (4-). Crotch material is common and produces figured wood suitable for paneling (2). Cross grain may occur, and gelatinous fibers may cause rough or fuzzy surfaces. Rept, No. 1985 -2- Odor and Taste The solid dry wood is unscented, but dust coining from it during working is reported to have a disagreeable, pungent odor. Some workmen are allergic to the sawdust and may develop skin eruptions. The wood contains a bitter substance said to be somewhat toxic (2). Durability Guanacaste is considered only fairly durable in general. It is resistant to decay when in contact v/ith the soil or in water, but it is not termite resistant. Working Qualities The wood varies in consistency from light, soft, and spongy, to rather hard and heavy. It is usually easy to work, finishes smoothly, and holds its place well. Uses The 3arge trunks are used locally for canoes, dories, solid ox-cart wheels, and water troughs. The wood is also used for veneer, carpentry, interior trim, decorative paneling, low cost furniture, and cabinet work,, It is con- sidered as a possible substitute for yellow-poplar in plywood core stock (1_). Rept. Ho. 1985 -3- References UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08924 2092 (1) HOWARD, A. L. 1948. A MANUAL OF THE TUBERS OF THE WORLD, THEIR CHARACTERISTICS AMD USES. Ed. 3# p. 611. New York and London, (2) MELL, C. D. 1929. THE GUANACASTE OF CENTRAL AMERICA. Veneers, Vol. 22, No. 1, p. 13. Indianapolis, Ind. (3) MERKER, C. A., BARBOUR, W. R., SCHOLTEN, J. A., and DAYTON, W. A. 1943. THE FORESTS OF COSTA RICA. p. 54. Forest Serv. , U. S. Dept. Agr. and Coord, of Inter-Amer. Affairs, (Processed.) Washington, D. C. (4) RECORD, S. J., and HESS, R. W. 1943. TIM3ERS OF THE NEW -WORLD . pp. 265-267. Yale Univ. Press, I%w Haven, Conn, (5) SANTOS, BILONI J. 1952. EL PACARA, OREJA DE NEGRO TDMBO COLORADO, ESPECLE INDIGENA DE MULTIPLES APLICACIONES. Mundo Agr. Vol. 4, No. 36, pp. 52-53* (E. contort is iliquum ) (6) STANDLEY, P. C. 1922. TREES AND SHRUBS OF MEXICO. Contribs. U. S. Natl, Herbarium, Vol. 23, No. 2, p e 391o Washington, D. C. (7) and RECORD, S. J. 1936. THE FORESTS AND FLORA OF BRITISH HONDURAS. Field Museum of Natural History. Bot, Series, Pub, 350, Vol. XII, p. 161. Chicago, Rept. No. 1985 -4-