I P^r r UNITED STATES DEPARTS, T OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Agricultural Economics TABLE OF TSUIaBJSR OF PACKAGES PER CARLOAD UNIV OF Ft LIB. I nfiCll MFNTS DEPT. U.S. DEPOSITOR' We shangt: a, D. C. February, 1937 FOEUORP Tho information 3howr. in this tabulation was compiled chiefly from records in the Bureau of .Agricultural Economics relating to the Federal-State inspection service for fruits and vegetables and fron reports of supervising inspectors and other Federal and State representatives. Shippers and handlers cooperated. There was considerable variation in data obtained fron different sources, and in some instances the information can "be considered as approximate only. In a number f important States the inspection certificates do not show the loader's count of packages in the shipment. The loading of cars of a certain commodity inspected in a State may not be entirely representative of all ship- ments of that commodity from the State. Loadings may vary with the district, the shipper, the period in the season, market requirements, and from year to year. The number shown as usual loading may in some cases be the approximate average load. Where it is known that the number refers to the average rather than the usual loading, it has been marked "av". Baskets and hampers listed are containers that meet the requirements of the U. S. Standard Container Acts. Inside dimensions in inches, of crates, lugs and boxes, are shown in parentheses and refer to the depth, width, and length, respectively. Minor variations from the dimensions shown for many of these containers are numerous. Weights shown for containers are not unless otherwise stated and are approximate only. TABLE OF rTulSER OF PACKAGES PER CAPXOAD Commodity, container, and origin Number of packages per carload General Ucu^l range loading ANISE California, crate (13x13x21-5/8) 2gg - ^0 ■ , " (gJxig^i-5/g) . . : : 51 2 11 , Louisiana, Florida, derate' (9:cl3:<2l-5/g) 550 - 600 APPLES Barrel (U. S. standard, 7.056 cu. in.) Eastern and midwestern. , 160 - 225 200 Basket or tab (U. S. standard bushel) Arkansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Tennessee 378 - 539 51 6 Colorado, Nebraska 600 - 660 6U5 California 65O Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont ^50 - 55O 525 ( a v.) Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Hew York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Wisconsin ijOO - 660 516, 52s or 535 Georgia 375 - 600 Idaho 660 Kansas 52 g (few 660) Maine \ 1+50 - 65O Missouri U50 - 600 50U or 550 New Jersey . ... 505 - 7U5 52g New Mexico 516 - 576 550 Utah 6U5 - 63O 6% Virginia i+Cg - 672 516 or SkO Box (Dimensions of western appl^ box are: (lO^xlU-xlg).) California (all sections), western apple box...... 700 - 756 756 11 (Watsonville section) , loose pack, (9j xllx20-5/g) 6U0 - g& 756 Colorado, western apple box 63O - 660 63O Georgia, " ■ " 375-720 575 Idaho , » " » 630-820 756 Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, western apple box 55O - 65O 600 (av . ) Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, (New England lug) (7-l/l6xl7ixi7i) 500 - g3U ~ 2 - ommodity, con tain or, and origin 1 FPLZS - Continued Box - Continued Montana, Oregon, Washington, western apple box (For shipment to the pacific Coast, some loads of 1,512 "boxes from Washington are used.) New Jersey, western apple box ITew Mexico , " " " Utah, " ■ " Virginia, 1 - 1-g- bushel "box or crate West Virginia, western apple "box Crate Illinois, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Iowa, ( 1 l£zl 3§xl 6) , Illinois, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Iowa, (g-|xllxll|) ITew York (Western section), Ohio, (I2xl3~5/Sxl6) Northeastern States (llxll|xl7) •• Bulk Eastern and Central States West Virginia , Mountain and Western States , Sack West Virginia, 50-l' bs APPLES, SRIED California, 5°~l b » ^> ox (California also ships in 5-lb., 10-lb., and 25- lb. boxes.) Idaho, (11^x10-7/2^20-1/8) 50-lb. box, for export 1 Idaho, (Hjxl0-7/Sx20-l/S) 50-lb. box, domestic, " , 25-lb. box, for export Number of packages per carlo-. General Usual range loadin. 63O - 900 15,000 - 36,000 lbs. 2U,000 - 36,000 lbs. 2U,0C0 _ 35,000 lbs. 500 - 600 1,000 - 1,200 756 500 - soo 756 1400 - 6so 50U 63O 600 - gio 630 - 756 630 6l6 - SUO 63O or 770 1,056 - 1,077 500 - 600 500 2k, 000 lbs 30,000 " 30,000 " 1,200 1,150 2,Q00 -3- Commodity, container, and origin Hunter of, packages^per carload General Usual range loading APPL5S, BR I ED - Continued Idaho, 25- lb. "box, domestic 2,200 New York, 50-lb. wood "box 51+0-1,000 600 " » , 25-113. fibre box... 1,000 - 1,700 Washington, Oregon, (11x11x20) 50-lb. "box, domestic 1,075 - 1,700 1,200 Washington, Oregon, (11x11x20) 50-lb. "box, export. 1,1+5° or 1.500 Washington, (9x9x15) 25-lb. box. Those may "be substituted for 50-lb. "boxes in a load at ratio of 2 for 1 . APRICOTS California, standard l+_basket crate (l+~5xl6xl6-l/g) 1,000 " , lug (5fxl3|xl6-l/g) 1,000 Idaho , ^-bushel casket 976 - 1, 110 Oregon, lug (l+xllxl5-|) , 15-lbs 1,220 n , " (5fxi3ixl6-l/g) , 25 - 2g Ihs. 1,000 Utah, ^-bushel basket, 2)+-ibs 92*+ - 996 92 1+ - 963 » , lug, l^-lbs 1,1+63 (av.) Washington, l+~basket crate (U^xl6xl6) 990 - 1,200 1,085 or 1,100 » , box (3^-ij.|xll^xlg), 15-lbs 1,1*86-1,701 ARTICH3K3S California, box (9fxllx20-5/g) ......... .. U 50 - 61+8 50l+ « , |wbox (l+-7/gxllx20-5/S) 9OO-95O 950 ASPARAGUS ' ' ' y California, standard pyramid crato 9— 10 f 10 - 11 x ii=nf x18 ) , v I 520 - 672 61+0 California (Sacramento-Delta region), 30-lb . ) loose pack ) California (imperial Valley), 1-doz. 2-lb. bunches, standard pyramid crate.. 667 - 720 69O Georgia, pyramid crate (approximately the same as California standard) 1-doz. bunches 1+1+0 - 720 Illinois, 2-doz. section crate (6Jxgx20-ll/l6) . . . 700 - 1,150 900 " , 1-doz. pyramid crate 550-680 608 New Jersey, pyramid crate (approximately the same as California standard) 1-doz. 2-lb. bunches.... 600 South Carolina, pyramid crate (approximately the same as California standard) 1-doz. 2-lb. bunches 1+1+0 - 720 600 - 620 (av.) » u • Commodity, container, and crates UtuLter of packagas per carload General TJs-utl range loading ASPARAGTS - Continued '.Vashington, 12-lb. pyramid crate ( 7 o-x(5|--9|-)*12^) or (^;x(I|-|-g^)xl2i) . ,, 1.350 - I.36O 1.75^ shington, 30-1°. pyramid crate, .(few shipments, TOiite""Salrr.on district), (10ix(7f-13)xl3) , (ll^x(S-ll-|)xl8) or (I24x(7|-10|)xlg) ......... 530- olO. 5C0 AVOCADOS California, flat (3§xl 3^x1 6-1 /g) 1,600 Florida, avocado crate (U-3/l6xl3-|-xl6-l/8) . . . 1,200 " , pepper crate (13-3/8x11x22) l| "bushel . 350 BAHAHAS Bunches, 9 hands 25O - 400 3OC " , S hands ' UOO - 500 U50 " , 7 hands 550-700 600 11 , 6 hands 700 - 900 800 BEANS California (San Jose district), "bushel hamper 651 Lima Florida, bushel hamper 600 - 660 Hew Jersey, "bushel hamper , . . ..... . . 500 - 6U5 South Carolina, bushel hamper ........ U5O - 65O Snap Alabarra, bushel hamper 500 - 606 Arizona, Colorado, bushel hamper California, " n " , western crate (13x18x21-5/8) . . Delaware, bushel hamper 631 - 651 Florida, " » 572-701 Georgia, " " ¥)0 - 600 Illinois, bushel basket 400 - 600 Louisiana, bushel hamper 602 - 681 •yland, » " 55O - 600 ^sissippi, " •' 6OO-65I New Jersey, " " or basket 600 - 750 New York (Hudson Valley), bushel basket . . U00 - 600 North Carolina, bushel hamper 595 "* 615 South Carolina, " ■ Jl • U5O - 65O Tennessee, " " 500 - 6 T 5 600 550 -6 00 651 651 336 575 or 600 550 651 (av.) 6J0 665 (pv.) 600 550 -600 - 5 - Commo dity,, container, and origin BEAHS - Continued Number of packages pur ca rload General Usual range loading Snag. - Continued Texas (Winter Garden section) , bushel hamper- . . 11 (other sections) " "... Virginia, "bushel hamper (occasional car) BEETS (Beet crates vary somewhat in depth, width, and length, but typical specifications are : western crate (13x18x21-5/8) " l/2-crate (9x13x21-5/8).) Colorado, 100-lb. sack, topped , western crate , bunched " , " l/2-crate, " Florida, celery crate (22 or 24x10x20) bunched.... Louisiana, Mississippi, 4-bushel barrel " .... " , " , bushel basket " " , crate, approx. (13x18x21-5/8) " .... Mississippi, bushel crate New York (Long Island) , barrel, topped North Carolina, 5-peck hamper, bunched Texas, bushel basket, bunched " , we stern crate , " " , " 1/2-crate " Virginia (Horfolk section) , barrel, bunched " " " , 1/2-barrel crate, bunched BERRIES, FROZEN PACK Washington, Oregon: Strawberries, blackbe rri es, r aspberries , and loganberries : Barrel, 50- gal. ranging from 46 to 54- lbs. in weight when empty and averaging 50 lbs. TThen packed without sugar gross weight 425 - 435 lbs., net weight 375 - 385 lbs. TThen packed vzith sugar in ratio of 2 parts fruit to 1 part sugar, gross weight 500 lbs., net weight of contents 450 lbs. 60,000 lbs. miu. carload (except in small cars) . Barrel, straight and various ratios of sugar Barrel, straight 11 , sugared (ratio of 2 fruit to 1 sugar 556 585 - 720 630 - 651 554 - 643 648 240 283 - 320 320 480 - 500 500 264 - 336 300 150 - 165 150 500 - 600 500 250 - 300 300 430 200 480 476 368 624 - 712 640 200 - 250 400 120 - 165 142 120 or 125 -. 6 - Commodity, container... and, origin B E5RIES. FB0ZEN PACK - Continued Washington, Oregon: - Continued Currant s, without sugar, barrel, 365 - 355 lbs net, 415 - 435 lbs. gross Cherr ies, Montmorency, barrel, ratio of fruit to sugar 3 to 1 or 4 to 1, 500 lbs. gross, 450 lbs. net. Ratio 5 to 1, 475 lbs. gross, 425 lbs. net per of packages -per carload General ~al range loading 142 120 - 127 Most of these f raits are sometimes packed in other containers as 30 gallon barrels, 5 and 10 gallon kegs, 5 to 50 lb. tins, and 1-lb. cardboard cups. Tins and cups are -packed in crates or cartons for shipment. All these containers are usually loaded 60,000 lbs. mini- mum uer car. ELACK BERRIES Delaware, Maryland, New York, North Carolina, 32-qt. crates Kentucky, Michigan, 24-pt. crate Michigan, 16-qt. crate New Jersey, 32-qt. crate, (few carload shipments) It 1! > 24-qt. It II i 16-qt. It II 1 60-pt. II If > 48-pt. H II » 32-pt . ashing ton, 24-pt. (See BERRIES FROZEN PACK) BLUEBERRIES (See BUCKLE SBSRRIES) BROCCOLI California, (Italian sprouting broccoli), cauli- flower crate ( 8-1/2x13x21-5/8) Colorado, western l/2-crate (9x13x21-5/8) New York, Long Island and various Eastern States, crate (13x15x21-5/3) Texas, (headed broccoli), crate ( 8-1/2x18x21-5/8 ) " " ■ , western l/2-crate (9x13x21-5/8) and crate (3x12x21-3/4) 196 630 450 232 300 416 232 300 464 630 240 800 720 248 375 500 248 375 500 SCO 240 348 464 232 343 464 720 400 - 464 480 - 500 334 - 400 470 - 512 624 - 712 500 500 640 - 7- Oomccidity^ conta in er, and origin BRUS SELS SPROUTS California, drum, approx. 50-l"' :)S " , box (9fxllx20-5/g) Hew York (Long Island), 32-qt. crate CABBAGE Barrel Hew Jersey, Virginia (Norfolk- section) Bulk Late cabbage States . . Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi Kansas Texas. . ..^ ........... . Crate (Cabbage crates vary somewhat in depth, width, and length, but typical specifications are: western crate (13x18x21-5/2) western ^-crate (9x13x21-5/8).) Alabama, (17x17x30) California, western crate. » , (18x18x23!) Colorado, western crate Florida, " " Georgia, (18x18x22)....- . Holland, crate and basket, 110 lbs....... Idaho, western crate....*.... Illinois, (12x16x22) 60-lbs..., " , Ohio (16x16x30) 100-lbs ... Louisiana, western crate. " , l-l/3-bushel crate Maryland, 100-lbs Michigan, 100-lbs Mississippi, pony crate (12x16x22) 60-lbs.,,,. " , western crate, 80-90 lbs " , western ^-crate ,...,,. Ohio , 50-lb. wire bound Oklahoma, western crate Oregon, « H South Carolina, ^-barrel crate, 60-lbs Tennessee, pony crate (12x16x21-5/8) " , western crate Texas (Winter Garden section), (l6jxL&§s29) . .. " (Lower Rio Grande Valley, (lbxl6x2S) . 110-lbs Number of packages per c a rload General Usual range loading 200 - 2 50 2l+,000 - 30,000 lbs. 2U,000 - 30,000 lbs. 2l+,000 - 26,000 lbs. 21+ ,000 - 26,000 lbs. 300 500 350 200 21+, 000 lbs, 26,000 » 25,000 » 225 320 180 - 210 210 288 - 320 288 326 - 33^ 330 200 - 21+0 225 200 30U i+oo - 1+60 1+20 21+0 261+ - 300 288 1+92 21+0 - 280 21+0 21+0 1+00 288 - 300 288 56O or 600 1+1+1+ _ 552 368 288 - 320 288 370 - U50 i+oo - 1+51+ 1+00 270 - 353 288 210 220 - 260 250 - ■ - Co mmodity, conto.iner. and origin Number of packages per- carload General Usual range leading CABBAGE - Continued be - Continued. Texas (Lower Rio Gronde Valley), (16x16x26) 100-lbs -252-272 272 Texas (Lo'/ftr Rio Grande Valley), western crate,... 320 " " " " " , western 1/2-crr.te 544 - 560 560 Virginia, l/2-barrel crate 500 - 525 500 11 , (southwestern), (12x24- 24) 100-lbs 240 Washington, standard Spokane crate (20x22x23-1/2). 145 - 169 11 , pony crate (14x17x22) 110-lbs. gross 325 - 355 " , (Wal la Walla), crate (13-1/2x38x22-3/4) 100-lbs. gross '. 250-260 260 Washington (puget Sound) , western crate 223 - 357 336 or 343 Hamper Florida, l-l/2-bushel 420 - 450 450 Georgia, " " 350-450 Maryland, North Carolina, l-l/2-bushel 450 - 4S0 450 New Jersey, l-l/2-bushel 350-500 400 South Carolina, l-l/2-bushel 4C0 - 450 " " , 5-peck 480 Virginia, l-l/2-bushel 450 - 500 480 Sack Holland , 90 - 100 lbs ' 250 Illinois, 100-lbs 210-250 250 " , 50-lbs '. : 400 - 500 500 Louisiana, 100-lbs 240 " , 50-lbs ; 480 - 538 480 Maine , 100-lbs ' . 240 - 250 240 Minnesota, 100-lbs ■ 250 '! , 50-lbs ..-. .■ 480 Mississippi, 100-lb. open mesh 240 or 250 " , 50-lb. " " : 500 New York (western section) , 100-lbs ' 240 " " " " , 80- lbs 300 " " " " , 50-lbs.. 320-500 480 Tennessee, 50-lbs '. , 480 - 505 500 Texas, 100-lbs 250 » , 50-lbs 500 Wisconsin, 100-lbs . '. 250 .. O .. J Commodity, container, and origin Number of packages per carload General Usual _ range l oading CANTALOUPS (Standard crate I2xl2x22-l/g, pony crate 11x11x22-1/8, Jumbc I3xl3x22-l/g, stand- ard flat Uxl2x22-l/8) Arkansas, Oklahoma, standard, pony, and jumbo crate » y±& "" 3&5 350 Arkansas, Oklahoma, standard, pony, and j-umbc flat 800 - 850 825 California, Arizona, Nevada: Standard crate . . • • • • • • ' 300 - 400 336 Jumbo crate 2gg Pony crate . . 316 - 3'92 316 or 378 Standard flat , . TOO - 768 720 Jumbo ■ (5xlUJx22-l/S) , (not shipped in ' straight carloads) . (Solid cars of any one size of crates are rarely shipped; flats and other crates are usually mix- ed in the same car.) Colorado, flat crate (U^xl3^x22*.l/g) , also jumbo and pony flats 1 65O ~ 850 720 (av.) Colorado, standard crate, (very few straight cars) 300 - 400 336 Delaware, Maryland, 2/3-crate (9x14x21-5/8) ) " ■ " « (10xl5x22-5/g ) 21+0 - 276 " " " » (11x16x24-5/8......) Eastern and midwestern States: Standard crate 336 ~ 420 400 Plat (4^xl3§x22-l/g) 650 - 1, 100 900 or 1,000 Illinois , flat (4£xl3x22-l/g) 700 - 900 g00 South Carolina, standard crate 350 - 520 Texas, flat (4-^x1 3^x22 -l/g) ...... 756 - S10 7^0 " (roteet section), standard crate 336 ~ 3^0 3^0" Utah, standard crate 300 - 400 336 " , jumbo crate 2gg (Most Utah shipments contain crates of both sizes) Washington (Yakima Valley)., standard crate 352 - Ukg C ARROT'S (Carrot crates vary somewhat in depth, width, and length, but typical specifications 'are: western crate (l3xl£x21-5/g) western ^-crate (9x13*21-5/8).) Arizona (Salt River Valley) , western crate, bunched 348 - 366 348 or 350 California, western crate, bunched 348 - 366 3^2, 350 or 362 ^Colorado , western crate 288 - jj20 300 " , western ^-c rate 480-^0 500 " , (few shipments) topped, sack or bushel basket .. 2k, 000 lbs. ? Illinois, bushel basket 500 - 575 - 10 - Commodity, container, and origin CARROTS - Continued Indiana, 100-lb. sack, topped Louisiana, western crate, bunched 11 , l+-bushel barrel, " ■ , bushel basket, " Michigan , bulk, -topped 1 , 100-lb . sack, topped Minnesota, 100-lb. " , « ■ » , 50-lb . " , " " , bulk, topped., Mississippi, bushel crate and bushel hamer, bunched New York (Western section), bushel basket, topped . Hew Y rk (Western section), 100-lb, sack, topped. Ohio , -|--bushel basket , topped. ...... " (McGuffey section), 100-lb. sack, topped... Oregon, western crate, bunched p Texas (Lower Rio Grande Yaxley), western crate, bunched Texas (Winter Garden section) , western crate bunched Texas (Lower Rio Grande Valley) , western ^--crate, bunched , Texas , bushel basket, bunched " , 50-1° - 3 3. . .. e >... Loui sie.na, K " ,. Missisoicci, n lf ••••»•••»••••••« «., Missouri. Net: Jersey, busr~-7. ham er. ..„„, Ne-7 York (West 3m section)* bushej. hafljpar North Carolina, bushel haffipsr ■..«.••..< Ohio (Central and northern sections, mostly hofc- house) , 12-qt. basket <,..., Ohio , 3.6-qt. t asket ,«.-,<,., " , box (2-doz. ) " , carton (l«-doz.).. inT ~ 430 43s 3o4 - 4^!- 1,000 - 1, oso 4S0 300 - 500 4o5 - 4o5 4S0 350 - 500 350 - 5)0 440 or 450 300 - r - c 350 - 53Q 3^6 - ^i3 3-0 - 705 516 1,000 - 1, 400 1,200 (av.) soo - 900 1,000 2,000 General Usual range loading 337 - 51^ U15 756 - 1U - Commodity, container, and origin ITunbcr _of packages per carload CUCUMBER S - Continued South Carolina, bushel basket Texas (Coastal bend section), bushel basket.... Utah, lug (30-lbs.) Virginia, bushel hamper and basket ^00 - 1;50 " 1 f-bushel hamper 500 CURRAI7TS New Jersey, New Y rk, 32-qt. crate, 2kO Wisconsin, 2k- at. crate , hH8 Washington, 2uJpt. crate 63O - 300 720 n • (Sco 3SRPJES, P5Q ZBN PACK) PaTSS Imported, 36-lb. box 650 - 700 675 " , 60-lb . » Uoo Diai 3K33ERISS (See BLACKBERRIES) DHI5D FRUITS California, Oregon, and Washington: Apricots, figs, peaches, prunes, raisins, etc., 10-lb. to 50-lb. boxes; average weight per carload 60,000 lbs. Washington, prunes, 25-lb. box (5fx9-l/3xll+-l/S) . 2,200 - 2,i|00 (For dried apples see APFL3S, DEI 3D) SSG?LAffT Florida, crates (11x13-3/3x22) L20 - U3S " , bushel hamp or oOO NeYf Jersey, bushel baskat and hamper 600 - 750 660 or 666 South Carolina, bushel crate 600 Texa 3 , bushel hamper 535 - 720 6c0 lexas , bushel basket 550 - cOO 55O Virginia (iTorfolk section), ^-barrel crate, (most- ly boat shipments ^00 aSjDIVS AITD I5CAPOL S California, western type crate, approx. (l3xl3x21-5/g) 272 - 336 320 Eastern States, bushol basket 600 ' Florida, lj-bushel hamper U00 - 500 U50 Louisiana, U— bushol barrel , 150 - 165 l60 « , bushel basket ~kk - 36l 325 to 336 Imported, 10 - 12 lb. box 2,000 Commodity, container, and origin FIGS, FRESH Number of packages per carload California, flat crate (U-l/gxl^^XlSj-) 15-lbs. . " , " " 6-lbs GARLIC California, 50-lb. sack. , Louisiana, IOC-lb. "box , ■ , 50-lb. basket , n , sack Imported, Italian* 100-lb. crate. GOOSEBERRIES General range 300 - UOO Usual loading 1,1+00 3,600 600 250 500 275 New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, 32~qt. crate Michigan, lo-qt. crate GRAPEFRUIT Arizona, California, box (ll|-xl 1^x21+) California, ^--box (5£aell|x2U) Cuba, Puerto Rico, Isle of Pines, box ( 12x12x21+) Florida, box (12x12x21+) , 2-bushel Bruce box (I3xl3x25tjr) , James crate (l2-5/oxl2-5/6'x23i) , ^--box bag (l+/5-bushel) • , bulk, field box measure , (Few shipments to Southeastern States in ventilated box cars, minimum load effective Bee. 11, 1935, box (12x12x21+) Texas, box (12x12x2k) " > l~3/5-' b " aS ! :1 el sack GRAPES Arizona, California: California, standard )-!— basket crate, mostly table grapes (1+, l;i, 1+}, or l+fxl6xl6~l/g) California standard lug box, juice grapes only 5fxi3^-xi6-i/S) California standard display lug, (5fxl3jxl6-l/g) Standard sawdust pack lug (7fxi"*|xl6~l/S) Special sawdust pack lug (llxl>|xl6-i/o) Arkansas, Oklahoma, l+-at. climax basket " " , 12-qt. »' " Delaware, 12-qt. climax basket Imports, Argentina, lug, (1+-3/ 8x12x1 3) " , Spain (Almeria section), keg (1+0-1+5 lbs.) Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, l+-qt. climax basket 1+50 - 720 21+0 1+00 - - 532 1+62 76S - • 921+ soo 1+00 1+00 3:2 Q00 1+50 200 3HS - - 1+U1+ 372 381+ - - 1+1+7 1+00 or 500 910 - • 1,050 9l+5 1,003 - 1,300 1,170 96S - 1,03S 1,00S 720 - 910 1+20 - 65O 600 2,l!.3U - 3,702 3,356 1,202 - 1,21+6 1,206 S50 - 1,050 1,000 1,1400 • 300 l+,000 Co:nm o dity , container , and origin GRAPES - Continued - 16 - ber of packages per carload General Usual loa Michigan, 2-qt. climax "basket 7,000 " , 4-qt. " » ), 600 " , 12-qt. " ■ 1,300 , "bushel basket 504 Missouri, 4-qt. climax basket 2,031 New York (Western district), 2-qt. climax basket 5,832 11 11 11 11 11 11 (juice stock) , 4-qt. , 12-at. 8,0'- 7,400 4,000 ;.760 1,500 1,1+20 52s 516 4,000 7,12s 5.332 °r 7,128 4,000 . • • . New York (Hudson Valley), 12-qt. climax basket " " (Western district), "bushel basket (juice stock) New York, cartons (12 2-qt. "baskets) Pennsylvania, 12-qt. climax basket . , bushel "basket , 4~ct. climax "basket . . " , carrier (12 2-qt. baskets) Texas (Coastal Bend section) , western lug Washington, 4-qt. climax basket .... GREENS except spinach 1,225 - 1,5& 504 1,300 516 3,400 U60 528 4sc 1,500 52 s 4,000 ISO California, crate (13x1 8x2 l-5/s) Southern and Eastern States, bushel basket . . H DggY BALL MELONS Califor.-ia, (Same loading as cantaloups) HONE Y DEW MELONS (Often shipped in cars of cr.nta- loups) Arizona, California, Colorado, Kansas: Crate, standard size, (6-|xl6x22-l/5) . . . ) " , jurbo size, (7i or 7|-J-cx22-l/s) . . ) Washington, flat crate, approx. (6gxlbx22) . . . HORSERADISH 4,335 - U.S07 272-336 500 - 900 475 - 560 5U5 _ Qiq Missouri, barrel 200 - 25O HUCKLEBERRI ES AlT D BLUEBERR IES \vland, New York, Fenr.sylvai.ia, 32- (6xl2x2l|) and i|/5-tu. box (95x9^x19-1/2) SDC Florida, J-"box (7fx7fxlU^) 1,600 Imported: Mexico, case (50-lbs.) U00 Imported, "barrel 175 LOGANBERRIES California, crate (20-pt.) . .'. .' 833 Oregon and Washington, 2l|-pt. crate 700 - 750 75O " " " ■ • , (See BERRIES, FROZEN PACK) . mushrooms 1-lb. climax "basket 9,000 4-qt. " " (appro*. 3-Ibo.) 3,000 MUSTARD GREENS (See GREENS ) OZRA -.- Florida and Cuba, bushel "basket and hamper UOO - 600 500 Cuba, 6-basket crate 500 Virginia (Norfolk section), and North Carolina, 5-peck hamper 500 ONIONS Crate (few shipments) Colorado (Arkansas Valley), Valencia type onions, crate, 50s (7-^xl 7 fxlg^-) , 72s (6^xlS^xl9^) , billing weight U5-lbs. on 50s, l4-lbs. on 72s 55O-6OO 600 Texas (Lower Vail ay) , folding (l2|xl 3^x22^) .. . ljl+g _ 5I+0 klS 11 11 u slatted. ..) (ii-i3/i6xi2-3/i6x2 ll3/l6) !.'.:.... ) ^ ^ (Winter Garden and Lower Valley) ) Dyj " ^ DCU (9-13/16x11-3/16x1 9-5/g) ) Hamper Virginia, bushel 500 Sack : 100-lbs. California 2^0 - 300 300 Colorado (Western Slope) 21+0 - 3OO 3OO (2gU av 11 (Arkansas Valley) occasional car 250 Idaho , occasional car ^PO Indiana* Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas 2l;0 - 300 25O Oregon, Utah, Washington y)0 19 - Co mmodity, container, and origi n ONIONS - Continued Num ber of packages per carload General Usual range loading gacTc; ^jO-lP8. Arkansas, Colorado (Arkansas Valley and West- ern slope), Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma (Hanna ' district), Pennsylvania , Wisconsin 500 California, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Nevada^.. 600 Idaho ;.;...:.:. 1+00-695 600 Louisiana 500 - 56O 500 Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey 1+80 - 600 500 South Carolina 1+80 - 600 kSO Texas 1+80 - 600 500 - 55O " , (shipments ' to "boat lines). 600 " , (few cars shipped West) : . . 600 Virginia : 3I+O - 500 Sack: 25-lbs. Idaho, Utah 1,200 Indiana, Michigan 1,000 Sack: 10-lbs. Indiana, Io\v a , Michigan, New York, Ohio 2,500 Minnesota ., 2,1+00-2,500 2,500 Oregon 3, 000 Imported: Chile, crate, approximately 1+8-lbs. 500 Spain, flat crate, approximately 1+0-lbs 625 Egypt, sack, approximately 110-lbs 225 ONION SETS Illinois, Wisconsin, "bushel sack, 32-lbs 750 - 1,000 800 " , " , 2-bushel sack, 61+-lbs 375- 500 1+00 ORANGES Alabama, (Satsumas) box (6x12x21+) 620 ■ , " bushel basket U00 ■ , " ^-bushel basket 700 Arizona, box (ll^xll-|x2H) '363-1+62 1+62 California, box (ll|xll|x2l+) U62 ■ , ^-box (5fxll^x2l+) .; • ' 92U Florida, box (I2xl2x2l+) * 1+00 11 , k/5-.bushel box (9fx9|xl9~l/8) . . . : 800 " , 2-bushel Bruce box (13x13x2 5!) . . 392 » , James crate, (12-5/8x12-5/8x23^). 392 " , bushel box (10^x10^x20!) ' • 576 " , bushel basket 61+5 or 660 " • ^ag, (i-^ox or l+/5-bushel) .•; '. ' " ' 800 " , 8-lb. bag ' " 1+,100 " , 5-lb. " 6,560 - 20 - i fommodity, container, and origin Number of packages per carload ORANGES - Continued Florida, Few shipments to Southeastern States in ventilated "box cars, miniiGum load effective Dec. 11, 1935, "box (12x12*21;) Florida, "bulk (36O field "boxes, 90~lbs.) Louisiana, box (12x12x21+) " , -|-box or ^-strap (6x12x24) Texas, box (I2;cl2x2l|) PARSLEY California, crate, approx. (13x18x21-5/8) Loui s iana , 4— bu. "barrel ■ , bushel basket Virginia, " " Texas , bushel basket » , derate (9x13x21-5/8) PA RSNIPS Colorado , Indiana, Ohio, (bulk, bushel) " , sack 100-lbs ' New York (Long Island^ bulk, bushel » " " " , barrel , PEACHES Bushel basket (mostly tub type ) Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Western New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Tex?.s, Virginia, West Virginia Colorado Delaware , 3 layer loads. . « 11 h " 11 1 " ••» •• Idaho , Utah Illinois Indiana • Louis iana Maryland Missouri, New York (Hudson Valley) Michigan New Jersey West Virginia ^-bu, basket Arkansas Alabama Delaware Georgia, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio , South Carolina Loui s iana Mississippi Ger .oral Usual rang! loading 200 350 3I+S - 360 32,lK)0 lbs. 36O 720 372 2gg i4o 79^ 600 828 - 165 - 812 - 700 - 864 150 846 550 - 700 212 - 370 630 300 600 200 356 - U30 327 or 396 465 - 52S 477 or 1+86 327 - 396 516 - 52g 516 - 52s 300 - 412 387 or 396 376 - 396 387 - 400 3S7 or 396 333 - 396 360 or 396 320 - 4oo 360 UOO 356 - 396 3*7 356 - 52s 848 T56 - 907 756 769 - S64 700 - 850 77^ - 832 690 - 913 832 69O - 800 784 - 21 - Commodity, container , and origin Number of packages p e r carloa d General Usual range loadin g P5ACEES - Continued 6-basket crate (10x11x22 ) Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, New York (Hudson Valley), North Carolina, Virginia 320 - k r jZ kkS or kjG New Jersey kkS ~ 500 k~[6 South Carolina 443 Box (Dimensions of typical western peach box are: (4-5x11^x13).) California Standard fruit box (k, l|J- , llj, or Ufxllixlg).. 1,211 - 1,211 1,27^ Standard lug (5|xl3?xl6-l/8) 1,0>40- 1,0^0 1,170 Colorado, typical western peach box, billing weight mostly 22- lbs 1 , 13 U - 1,13^ 1,260 Oregon, typical western peach box 1,250 - 1,300 Utah, " " ■' " 1,003-1,260 1,260 Washington (Yakima. Valley) , typical western peach box 1,028- 1,260 1,^25 PEANUTS Virginia type ; Unshelled: Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee sack (88-106 lbs., averaging about 100-lbs.).. 250 Shelled: sack (103-120 lbs., averaging about 112- lbs.) 250 Runner ty pe; Shelled: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, 120-lb. sack ■ 250 Spanish t ype: Shelled: Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, sack (120-lbs.) 25O Texas, Oklahoma, .sack, 120-lbs 250 - 300 PEARS (Dimensions of western pear box are: (S^xlltxlS).) Alabama, bushel basket I4OO - 550 California, western pear box 520 - 7^0 6U0 Colorado: Bushel tub or basket, billing weight 55-lbs 50U - 523 516 Western pear box, billing weight 50-lbs 50U - 532 50U Delaware, bushel basket U56 - 600 516 or 528 Georgia, bushel basket Uoo - 550 46o 2U, 000 lbs . , bulk .. - 22 - ■ ity, _ container,, find origin j^r of pacicaA'e s p er carload r.eral ran load! IRS - Continued Idaho, Utah, bushel basket 51£ - 528 516 " , western ponr box I . linois, Indiana, bushel basket 42^ - 55° 11 , -^-bushel basket 7 M Maryland, bushel basket 400 - 55" 5«X) aigan, " " 378 - 526 New Jersey, » ■ 360-600 528 •• Y^rk, (Hudson Valley) bushel basket 400 - ; " ' L4C » " , n » barrel 15^-200 175 » " . (Western district) bushel basket 450 - 560 528 11 " \ " ». barrel 150-200 Ohio , bushel basket 528 Oregon, Washington, western pear box 520 - 720 520 or 72" -40 - 7C0) approx. range of av. ) " , ■ , i-box (4^x11^x18) 1 , 04C - 1,300 Washington, western pear box, some express for r ;cport, westbound only Washington, lug (20- lbs. ) 1,500 - 1,700 Texas, western pe?r box West Virginia, standard barrel (mostly for export) 150 - 200 PEAS California, sack (2-bushel) local shipment 300 - 340 ■ , bushel hamper 651 Colorado, Idaho, bushel hamper, billing weight 33-lbs 651 Florida, bushel hamper 550 - £51 Maryland, " " 500 - €00 Mexico , crate (10x18x23) 45-lbs 300 - I " , 32-qt . hamper £5^: Mississippi, bushel hamper ^CC - £51 651 Hew Jersey, " " 5C0-- 750 ir York (western district) bushel basket 526 11 ■ » " crate (7jxl6xl0) North Carolina, bushel and 5-pock haffij rs 4°C - r ?ZC Oregon , bushel hamper 630 - ' £51 " , orate ( 10x16x22) 360 - 420 " . " (13x18x22-1/8) 520 South Carolina, bushel hamper 420 - r -<00 55" - 600 Utah, bushel basket £45 - £50 £45 1,040 or 1,260 504 » 23 - Commodity, container, and origin Number of packages per carload General Usual range loading PEAS - Continued Virginia, "bushel hamper ......:...'.. • U00 - 65O 575 - 63O Washington, " " (freight shipments) 651 - 768 652 or 672 " , » " (express 'shipments) 70U - 858 " , bushel tub basket (freight shipments) . 63O - 750 6^0 " , " " " ""(express shipments). 7UU - 85s •I , 30- lb. crato (8xl6|xl9) ;;. 500-675 570 PECAN S ' • Southern States east of Mississippi River, im- .... proved varieties, 50-- Lt »i and 100-lb. sack, 50-lb. . box, 25-lb. box 30,000 lbs. Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Touiaiana, seedling varieties, sacks of epproxlraatsly 100-lbs 30,000 " PEPPERS ■■ California, crate (1^x11x22) . . I+50 - U76 U76 " , lug (5fxl3jxl6-l/S) 1,000-1,200 Colorado , bushel basket 500 Delaware, bushel tub basket 516 - 52S Florida, crato (13-3/8x11x22) 1^-bushel U32 - U96 1 , bushel basket 607 Georgia, crate (13-3/8x11x22) 320 - 500 " , bushel hamper IfOO - 600 Louisiana, » » 65*1-1,008 868 Mexico, crate (lUxllx22) appro x>.^-.. JJ1 - H39 Mississippi, bushel hamper 651 - 825 New Jersey, " " or basket 500 - 75O 65O - 700 North Carolina, 5~peck hamper - 1+gO Ohio, bushel hamper , . 69U South Carolina, bushel hamper 500 r 600 Texas (Lower Valley) , crate (lUxllx22) • 320 - U56 U00 " " " , bushel hamper 585-720 651 " " " , bushel basket 550 - 600 55O Virginia (Eastern Shore) , bushel basket ■ 500 Washington. (Yakima Valley) , crate (llxllfx22) - • . 35-lbs. gross • 617 - 769 PERSIAN MELONS California, Cantaloup crate (12x12x2 2-1/ 8) 336 " , crate (7fxl6x22-l/8) or (6^xl6x22-l/S) 500 PINEAPPLES Florida, Cuba, and Isla of Pines, crate (l2xlO|x33) 3OO - 1|00 Commodity, container, and origin Number of packages per carload General Usual range loading ju- *j I VJ3SE PRUS3S Arizona, lug (5fxl3^xl6~l/8) 900 California: Standard crate (U, !+£, ty, Hf, or 5xl6xl6-l/g) . . . 9^5 - 1.170 1,000 or 1,170 Standard fruit box (3|, k, or l|£xlljxl8) l,2ll - 1.27U 1,211 Idaho, suit case lug (3^x11x18) 1,26^-1,386 1,386 " , crate (J+Jxl6xl6) H-basket type 1,000 ■ , J-bushel basket 812 - 1, 120 86U or 1,088 Michigan, bushel basket U00 New York (Western district), bushel basket 320 - kOQ 387 » " « " , U-qt. climax basket.. 2,500-3,200 3,000 " " » ■ , ^bushel basket 756 - 1,000 832 Oregon, display lug (3-3/8xlO-|xl5) used with cleats (|xlO^), 15-lbs. min. weight 1,U07 - 1,656 1,500 (av.) Oregon, J-bushel basket, 28-lbs ZOh - 1,088 86U - 900 Washington, suit case lug (3^x11x18) , l6-lbs. min. weight 1,372 - 1,621+ i,UU9 or 1,512 Washington, ^-basket crate (U^xl6xl6) , 20-lbs. min. weight 1,000 Washington, lug (3fxllxl5) , 15-lbs. min. weight... 1,5*10 - 1,936 1,5^+0 " , ^-bushel basket, 2g_lbs 820 - 1,000 FO TA10SS Alabama, Arkansas, 100-lb. sack 250 California, 100-lb. sack intrastate; and inter- state (except Arizona), May to September • JOO California, interstate (except Arizona), October to April 36O California, shipments to Arizona 200 Colorado, 100-lb. sack 300 - 1+00 36O 1 , 15-lb. " (occasional car) 2,000-2,1+00 " , (June 1 to Sept. 30, min. load 30,000 lbs., Oct. 1 to May 31, min. load 36,000 lbs.) Cuba, square bushel crate 5^0 Delaware, 100-lb. sack 250 - 35O 3OO Florida, double-head barrel. .. .. 186' - 2 16 188 1 , bushel crate (12x12x15) 518 - 61+1+ 518 or 552 " , " tub basket 550 100 -lb. sack 25O-36O 250 or 36O 150-lb. " 200 ^-barrel 36O - 1+00 » » m 35 - Comm odity , container, and origin Number of packag es per Onrload General Usual range loading POTATOES - Continued Georgia, barrel (cloth top) . . . 163 - 210 135 Hawaii, 30~lb . carton . . . . 1,000 » , 50-1 0. " 600 Idaho, 100-lb. sack 36O " , 15-lb. » 2,1+00 " , 10-11). " 3,600 " , 15-lb. carton 2,250 ■ , 6o-ii>. i>ox .............. 630 " , mixed loads, "box and carton , 36 » 000 lbs. Indiana, 100-lb. sack 25O - 300 Iowa, 100-11), sack 3OO - 1+00 » , 120-11). " 300 Kansas, 100-lb. sack . 300, few 36O Kentucky," " » 21+0 - 3OO Louisiana," " " 2l+0 - 3OO 25O " , 50-ib. " ugo - 600 500 Maine, 100-11). sack 300 - 1+66 1+00 " , 15-11). " 2,1+00 " , 150-lb. » (seed stock) 220 - 325 275 " , 165-lb. » " " . . . . 220-275 " , bulk 36,000 - 1+5,000 lbs. Maryland, 100-lb. s^ck 3OO - 1+20 3OO " , cloth top barrel 175 - 200 190 (av.) Massachusetts, 100-lb. sack, (occasional car) . . 35O - 36O Michigan, 100-lb. sack, (Oct. through April) . . 36O or 37O 11 11 11 11 1 (in spring and summer season, May 1 - Sept. 30) . 3OO Minnesota, 100-lb. sack (Oct. through May) . . . 360 " , " " " (June through Sept.) . . 300 " , 15-lb. " 2,000 - 2,1+00 Mississippi, 100-lb. " 2l+0 - 25O 250 Missouri, " " " 300 Montana, 100-lb. sack 36O Nebraska, 100-lb. " 300 - 1+00 360 Nevada, " " " 300 New Hampshire, 100-lb. sack . 360 (av.) New Jersey, 100-lb. sack , 300 New York, " " " (summer shipments) , , . 3OO " " , " " " (late crop) 21+0 - l+gl+ 360 ■ " , 120-lb. " " " 235 - 1+00 North Carolina, cloth top barrel 175 - 2 10 200 " " , 100-lb. sack 3OO North Dakota, " " " 300 -,360 360 1 " , 120-lb. sack (occasional car) . . . 250 - 3OO 300 Ohio, 100-lb. sack, 360 - 1+00 - 36 - Commodity, container, and origin POTATOES - Continued Oklahoma, Oregon, lOG-lb . sack I! II II ■ , 50-1I) . " ' ■ , 25-11,. » " , 15-ib. " Pennsylvania , 100-11) . sack ' South Carolina, cloth top "barrel...'..' " , 100-11) . sack . South Dakota, » ■ " ....... Tennessee, 100-Ib. sack . Texas (Lower Rio Grande Valley), 50-lb. sack. 11 , 100-lb. sack and 100-120-11). sack..... " , "bushel crate Utah, 100-11). sack Vermont , "bulk lfcuaber of packages per carload 1 , 100-lb . sack » , 120-11). ■ 1 , 150-11). ■ Virginia, cloth top "barrel " , 100-11) . sack 11 , (Western section) 150-lb. sack Washington, 100-lb. sack (Oct. through May) (June through Sept.) .. . 50-lb . 11 11 25-lh. 11 11 15-lh. (Oct. through May) (June through Sept.) . . . (Oct. through May) (June through Sept.) . . . (Oct. through May) . . • . . (June through Sept. ) . . . (early potatoes) , lug (S^xlUx22) West Virginia, 100-Ib. sack. Wisconsin, 100-Ib. sack Wyoming, 100 -lb . sack General Usual range loading 21+0 - 300 250 360 720 l.UUo 2, UOO 300 or 36O l6l - 215 196 (av.) • 2U0 - 3U0 300 300 - 36O 2h0 - 3OO • -Uso - 520 500 2U0 - 275 250 uso • 2g0 - 36O • 360 36,000 - 115,000 36,000 lbs lbs. 360 - uoo 300 - 350 2U0 - 300 250 173 - 200 190 (av.) 300 - 310 300 200 250 - 500 360 300 720 600 1.UU0 1,200 2, U00 2,000 kkl - 525 520 300 36O - U20 36O 300 - UOO 360 PRUNES, ERESH (See PLUMS AND ERESH PRUNES) PUMPKINS Bulk. QUINCES Colorado, western apple box. New York, bushel basket..... 10 - 15 tons 13 tons U25 - 500 50U « 27 - Commodity, container, and origin RADISHES Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, bushel "basket. . . " , " " , l>bushel barrel. Arkansas , bushel hamper " , Texas, J^crato (9x13x21-5/8) or . (Sxl2x2lf) Colorado: (Most shipments in mixed loads) Western crate (13x18x21-5/8) " derate (9x13x21-5/8) Louisiana, bushel crate • • • ♦. •••.• South Carolina, bushel hanroer and crate (7ixl5ixlSi-) Virginia (Norfolk section), bushel hamper. ...... . RASPBERRIES Kentucky, 2i|-pt. crate Michigan, " " " (occasional car) New Jersey (See BLACKBERRIES) New York (Hudson Valley), bO-pt. crate. Washington, l2~|-pt. flats (2x13-5/8x18-1/8)..... 11 , (2U-pt. standard and special crate, few loaded in cars with flats, one crate sub- stituted for approximately 3 flats.) Washington, (See' BERRIES, FROZEN PACK) . . REUBARB California, western apple box (lO-g-xllixlS) or . . (9fxl 1x20-5/8) ..". ,........, California, box (U-7/Sxllx20-5/S) , . 20-lbs ,. Michigan, carton. Washington (Sumner district), apple box (10^x11^x18) Washington ('.Talla Walla district), box (7-|xl6xlS) " , box (6|-xll^xlS) 20-lbs. (outdoor . . grown) Washington, box (l|xlL|xl8) 15-lbs. (hothouse).... RUTABAGAS (See TURNIPS) SBALLOTS "'...'■: Louisiana, U- bushel barrel " , western -§~crate (9x13x21-5/8) " , l-l/3-bushel crate Texas, western crate (13x18x21-5/8) Virginia (Norfolk section), bushel hamper Number of packagos per Carload General TJstial range loading i+00 - 600 150 - 200 150 500 62U _ 712 6i;0 56U - 702 300 .500 "U15 - 600 iiso - 500 1+80 63O - 800 63O - 800 200 .2,600 - 2,6Uo 2,GkO 600 - 85s 850 - 1,050 ,300.- 350 1+30 - 513 S32 - i,o6U 1,115 - 1,251+ 300 665 S6U ll+6 - 165 150 600 - 700 650 551 300 - 350 500 - 28 Commodity, container, and origin Number of packages per carload General Usual ran lo - - i SPINACH (Spinach crates vary somewhat in depth, width, and length, but typical specifications are: Western crate (13xlSx21-5/C) Westerns-crate (9xl3x21-5/S) .) Arkansas, bushel basket California, v/estern crate Colorado, western -§-crate (9xl3x2l-5/g) " , bushel basket Illinois, " " Kansas, " " Louisiana, western crate " , l-l/3-bushel crate " , bushel basket 11 , 4-bushel barr el Maryland, bushel basket Missouri , Oklahoma, bushel basket New Jersey, bushel basket New York (Western district) , bushel basket South Carolina, bushel basket Texas, bushel basket Virginia, bushel basket Washington (Walla Walla section) , western crate 40-lbs Washington (Walla Walla section) , -§--crate (9^xl6xlS) lS-lbs 1 SQUASH Florida, bushel basket " , 24-qt. hamper ' 11 , ^-bushel basket Minnesota, bulk ■ Missouri, " New York, " South Carolina, Virginia, barrel Washington (Yakima Valley) , bulk sirawb erries Alabama, 24~qt. crate (11x11x22) Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, 24-qt. crate 11 . 2U-pt. crate California: Florin district, 20-pt. basket crate ) Watsonville and San Jose district, 12-pt. ) basket crate ) Delaware, 32-qt. crate (l4fxllx22) , freight " , " " " , carlot express S2S - SS4 SS4 2T2 - 36O 330 TOO 651 600 - S20 6S0 660 - T92 792 300 - 35O 320 551 T50 - S00 750 150 - I65 150 TOO - 250 750 65O - S50 600 - T50 745 S2g 600 - TOO 750 - 900 52 S and 564 675 - 725 700 - 715 310 - 4oo 320 600 - 64 s" 575 - 700 soo - 960 12-15 tons 10 - 12 tons 240 - 250 24,000 - 31,000 lbs. 2SS - 4S6 420 420 65O - 768 736 900 - 1,500 220 - 260 240 2SS - 302 409 12 tons 12 ■ -2 9 - Commo di ty , con ta ine r , and origin Number of pack ages per carload General Usual range l oading STRAWBERRIES - Continued Florida, 2l+-pt. crate, (9x9x18), express 7 2 " , 36-pt. » , (11x9x22), » USO Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, 2l+-qt. crate (11x11x22) . 32U - U90 1+20 Iowa, 2k-pt. crate . • . 800 Kansas, 2U_qt. crate 1+20-1+1+8 1+1+8 Louisiana, 2l+-pt. crate 65O - 7^8 73& Maryland, Virginia, 7 2-qt. crate, few freight . . 22k - 22 7 " , h , " n tt f express .... 275 - 310 302 Michigan, l6-qt. crate ..... 630 Mississippi, Missouri, 2l+~qt. crate ^0 " , 2l+- p t. crate 600 - 6'+0 New Jersey, 32-qt. " • 232 - 21+8 " " , 2l+_qt. " 300-375 3^3 » " , 16-qt. " 1+16 - 500 U6U New York (Hudson Valley), 32-qt. crate 21+0 " " (Western), 32-qt. "crate ......... 175-300 221+ North Carolina, 32-qt. crate, freight 238 - 21+6 " " , 2U-qt. » ...... 2g9 - 357 29I+ Oklahoma, 2l+-qt. crate ............. 1+20 - 1+1+8 1+1+3 Oregon, 2l+-pt. crate (6xll+x20) . 600 - 900 750 » , 12-pt. » (3^x1 Ux20) ......... S00 11 , (See BERRI ES, F ROZEN PACK ) South Co.rolina, 32-qt. crate 200 - 2k0 Texas, 2l+- p t. crate 500 - 736 Washington, Spokane, 2l+-pt. crate 660 - 79 s " , (See BERRIES, FROZEN PACK ) Wisconsin, l6-qt. crate (7x10^x21) 600 - 300 680 SWSETPOTATOES Alabama, bushel basket I+I+5 - 1+38 I+50 AEfeansas, " hamper. 1+73 - 660 1+80 California, ^-sweetpotato crate ( 7 fxl 1^x22-3/ S) , generally used 535 - 600 5I+6 Calif omia, f-sweetpotato crate (Sfxll+x22-3/S) , 75-l^s «i used occasionally 300 - 375 Delaware, bushel hamper and box 300 - 536 Georgia, bushel hamper and basket 1+20 - 1+50 Illinois, bushel baske.t, 1+50 - 52g Indiana, " hamper 61+0 - 675 Iowa, bushel hamper 1+80 - 600 Kentucky, bushel hamper U5O - 65O Louisiana, bushel crate and 50-lb. crate .... 1+00 - 55O " , 100-lb . sack " , bushel hamper . 1+52 - 1+gg Maryland, bushel hamper and basket 300 - 600 300 1+20 or 536 500 6U5 550 1+50 23+0 1+61+ or or 501+ 250 300 or 536 - jo - Commodity, container, and origin : 3TP0TAT0ES - Continued Maryland, "barrel Mississippi, Tennessee, bushel hamper New Jersey, bushel hamper New Mexico , " " North Carolina, "bushel hamper. . •. . . " " , " tub basket .-. 1 " .barrel Oklahoma, bushel tub basketi South Carolina, bushel basket . Tennessee, bushel hamper ; Texas , bushel hamper 1 , crate (12x12x20) Virginia, barrel " , bushel hamper " , bulk TANGERINES Florida, box (12x12x24) " , 4/5-bushel box (9|x9§xl9-l/g) ■ , ^-strap (6x12x24) " , bushel box (10jxl0£x20-|) 11 , " basket ..:........ TOMATOES (Typical dimensions of the western lug are: (5fxl3-7xl6-l/S) , used with or without cleats of various thicknesses.) Arkansas, western lug California, western lug (5f xl 3^x1 6-1 /S) Colorado, " " , with cleats (5/8x13^) • . • • Florida, 6-basket crate (10x11x22) , few shipments. ■ , western type lug (6-7/l6xl3;|xl6-l/8) ■ , 2/3_lug (4-1/ 8x1 3^x1 6-1 /&') 20-lbs Georgia, western lug ...» Illinois, Sterling lug (U^xll-jxlS-5/S) 20-lbs Indiana, baskets (8~qt. splint basket) " , 12-qt. climax basket Louisiana, western lug Maryland, Virginia, western lug Mexico , western lug Michigan, 12-qt. climax basket. 11 , Tj-bushel basket " , bushel basket Mississippi, western lug ■ , 2/3-lug (U_l/8xl-3^xl6) 20 lbs Number of packages per carload General Usual ran loading 182 - 209 400 - 664 560 300 - 600 300 600 - 660 izz - 637 600 550 - 600 200 516 - 528 445 _ 540 450 - 650 556 500 - 550 500 320 - 386 372 182 - 200 I85 300 - 600 300 or 536 33,000 - 35,000 lbs. 400 800 - 884 800 800 576 - 600 600 ■ 655 600 - 65O 600, 625, or 650 600 - 65O 630 65I 409 - 450 448 56O - 675 85O - 970 560 - 595 900 1,000 700 600 - 690 &5 or 65O 573 - 600 630 - 840 63O 700 774 450 625 - 675 650 850 - 970 - 31 - Commodity, container, and origin Numb or of packages per carload General Usual range loading 660 .3,000 600, 625, or 650 625, or 650 630 630 TOMA TOES - Continued Missouri , western lug , 12-qt. climax basket (mostly western section) 1 , 000 New Mexico , western lug. ...'.' 600 - 740 660 New York, western lug ' 560 - 700 645 (av. ) " » , 12-qt. climax basket 1,035-1,216 Ohio (Marietta section), 12-qt. climax basket.... 949 - 1,085 984 11 (Northern and central sections), 8-qt. splint or corrugated paper basket, 8-lbs. Mostly hot- house. Only few shipped in carloads South Carolina, western lug. . . 540 - 575 Tennessee, western lug Texas, western lug 600 - 720 Utah, " " ... 606-665 Washington, western lug (U. S. destinations) " , " " (Canadian destinations). . 750- 756 " , peach box (4xll-l/2xl8), used only for large, ripe, or second grade stock to nearby markets 1,000-1,330 1,260 TUBNIPS OR HJTA B A"AS (Turnip and rutabaga crates vary somev.hat in depth, width, and length, but typical spec if i cations are: western crrtc ( ".3x18x21-5/8 ) we s te rn 1 /2-c mt e ( 9x13x21-5/8 ) . ) California, 100-lb. sack, topped, (few shipments). " , western crate, bunched " " 288 - 400 Canada, Minnesota, Virginia, Washington, bulk .... 30,000 - 30,000 lbs. " , 100-lb. sack, topped 275-350 " , 50-lb. » , " 500-600 Colorado, western 1 -'2-crate, bunched Kansas, 2-bu;\..r-l s^ck Louisiana, western ""dte, bunched (few shipments) 300 - 350 " , " 1/2-crate, " " " " , 4-bushel barrel " » " 150 - 165 " , 50-lb. sack, topped " " " , bushel basket " " Maine , 100-lb - sack , topped 250 - 300 " , 50-lb. " , " 600-720 Maryland,, bushel basket . . . . 450 - 500 Michigan, 100-lb. sack, topped- .'. 240-300 Minnesota, " " " , " '.■.'.■ 240 - 250 " , bulk, topped : ... 30,000-36,000 Missouri, 2-bushel sack, topped, (occasional car) " , bushel basket, " , " " 300' 500 250 300 605 150 500 560 500 250 250 36,000 lbs, 250 550 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA - 32 - Commodity, container, and origin 3 1262 08921 4752 Number of packages per carload TURNIPS OR RUTABAGA S - Continued New Jersey, bushel basket, (occasional car) New York (Western district), 100-lb. sack, topped. " » » » , bushel basket South Carolina, 50-lb. sack (occasional car) Texas (Lower Valley) , western crate, bunched " " " , bushel basket, ■ Washington (Yakima Valley) , turnips, 100-lb. sack, topped Washington (Yakima Valley), rutabagas, topped, sacked 21* , 000-^2 ,000 Wisconsin, bulk, topped 30,000-1*0,000 General Usual range lo 300 - 500 21+0 1*50 - 600 52g 1**0 3l+g - 372 36g 500 -. 55O 550 2ho - 363 lbs. 11 WALNUTS (Persian or English) California, 100-lb. sack. WATERMELONS 300 - 5UO 35,000 lbs, 1*00 Southern States. (The number of melons of any av- erage weight per car varies with the tightness of pack, shape of melons, locality, growing conditions, etc.) Average: weight : : Tom Watson and other long type ■: : varieties : Round type varieties of : melons: Depth of : load rNumber of melons per carload: :Bc?pth of : load iNuiber of melons per carload Pound 3 : : Layers : General Range : : Layers : General range IS : 20 : 22 : 21* : 26 : 2g j 30 : 32 : 3^ : 36 : : 5 : 5 I : k : k ; : 1* : : k ! : k : : k 1 : k i : k j : 1,500 - 1,700 : 1 1,1+00 - 1,600 : ! 1,100 - 1,250 : : 1,000 - 1,150 : ! 950-1,100 : 900 - 1,01*0 : : g60 - 9g0 : g20 - 9U0 : 790 - 910 : 760 - SgO : : h : k : 3 j I 3 : : 3 i : .3 ! : 3 : : 3 i : 3 : : 1,1+50 - 1,650 : 1,350 - 1,550 : 950 - 1,100 : 900 - 1,050 : g50 - 1,000 . goo - 31+0 770 - goo 7U0 - 860 710 - o3C 620 - gOO The following loadings were reported by Bureau representatives: x . Number of melons Range Usual California (Imperial Valley) : Melons averaging 15-lbs 1 , 335 - 1 , 69O It it II tt II ii II 11 Melons of all Colorado, crates 1,250 - 1,560 1,115 - 1,390 1,000 - 1,250 910 - 1,135 16 18 20 22 sizes standard (6fxl6x22-l/g) , and jumbo ( 7fxl 6x22-1 /g) , with cleata (5/g-fxl6) . . . U75 - 560 Washington (Yakima Valley) 21, SgO-36, 300 lbs. 1,570 1,1*70 1,300 1,175 1,070 12 tons 500 26,712 lbs. (av.)