UBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD B. E. P. Q. 386 (9th Rev.) Effective July 19, 1948 UNITED STATES DEPARllSNT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUAR/vNTINE DOIvIESTIC QUARANTINE NOTICES GYPSY MOTH AND BROVM-TAIL MOTH QUARAMl'INEjADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS; ARTICLES ETMI'T FROM CERTIFICATION Pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Chief of the Bureau of Ento- mology and Plant Quarantine by the second proviso of the gypsy moth and brown- tail moth quarantine (7 CFR, 1945 Supp., 301»45)j the administrative instructions exempting certain articles from certification (7 CFR, 1946 Supp., 301.45a; B. E. P. Q. 386, 8th Revc), are hereby further revised to read as follov;s: § 301.45a Adm i nistrative instructions; articles exempt from certi fic ation . The following articles, the interstate movement of which is not considered to constitute a risk of gypsy moth or brown-tail m.oth dissemination, are hereby exempted from the requirements of the regulations of the quarantine: (a) Plants and cuttings Acacia cuttings ( Acacia spp.)r. Banana stalks, when crushed, dried, and shredded. Boxwood cuttings (B uxus sempervirens ) . California peppertree cuttings ( Schinus m ollc ). Clubnoss (sometimes called "ground pine") ( Lycopodium spp.). Eucalyptus cuttings ( Eucalyptus globulus ) » Evergreen sm.ilax c ut t ing s ( Smi.lax lance olata ) . Fuchsia (Fuchsia spp.)-» Galax cuttings~ rGalax aphylla ) • Geranium ( Pelargonium spp.;. Heather cuttings ( Erica spp. Calluna sppo). Heliotrope ( Heliotropium spp. Til Herbarium specimens, when dried, pressed, and treated, and when so labeled on the outside of each cor.tainer. Jerusalemr-cherry (Solanum capsicastrum , S. pseudocapsicum , S. hend&rsoni )e Leaves of deciduous or evergreen trees that have been treated or dyedo Mistletoe ( Phoradendron flavescens , Viscum album , etc.). Oregon huckleberry cuttings (Vac cinium ovatum ) « Partridgeberry ( Mitchella repcns ) . Salal cuttings, knovm to the trade as lemon cuttings, ( Gaultheria shallon ) . Strav;berry plants (Fragaria spp.). Trailing arbutus (S^igaea repens ) . • ■ Verbena ( Verbena spp«)« Wintergreen ( Gallltheria procumbens , Pyrola spp«). YJood and birch bark novelties, when waxed, polished, or otherwise treated, to eliminate pest risk. All woody plants or parts thereof that have been grovm. in the green- house throughout the year and vrhen labeled on the outside of the container to show that the contents were greenhouse grown*. - 2 - (b) Quarry product s UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA lillllll llliii 3 1262 09245 2647 Stone and quarry products \vhGn processed by grinding and pulverizing. Vermiculitc (variously termed zonolite or mica-gro) when exfoliated or expanded and when packaged in closed containers. ( c ) TJ JTtber products The follov;ing materials are exempted from regulation when they have met the conditions as specified belov: for each and when invoices and vraybills, covering bulk carload or less-than-carload shipments, bear a notation to the effect tha-t the consignor certifies that the contents of the shipment have been produced under conditd.ons which entitle the material to exemption as specified in the Federal g^^psy moth quarantine reguD.ations or administrative instructions issued in connection therov;ith: Sawdust that has been (l) produced in established, nonportable, commercial savnnills from, boards or other timber previously sawed four sides, (2) .subsequently blov/n through an air-blast conveyor line having a minimum length of 50 feet and at least one 90* or sharper angle, (3) protected from infestation prior to shipment. Shavings that have been either (l) produced by planers having 6 or more blades, or (2) blown through an air-blast conveyor line ha.ving a minimum length ,of 50 feet and at least one 90° or sharper angle; and in e-ither case protected from infesta- tion prior to shipment. Wood floui', pulverized vK)cd, or ground v;ood sawdust, when pro- cessed by screening or sifting through a screen of at least 30 meshes per inch. (Sees. 1, 3, 33 Stat. 1269, 1270, sec. 8, 37 Stat. 318, as amended; 7 U. S. C. Ul, 143, 161) This revision supersedes B. E. P. Q. 386, 8th Revision, effective March 18, 1946 (7 CFR, 1946 Supp., 301.45a)* These instructions shall be effective July 19, 1948, and shall thereafter remain in effect until further modified or revoked. Since these administrative instructions relieve restrictions, they are v;ithin the exception in section 4 (c) of the Administrative Procedure Act^ and may properly be made effective less than 30 days after their publication in the Federal Register. Done at Washington, D. C, this 2nd day of July 1948. P. N. ANNAND Chief, Bureau of Entomolory and Plant Quarantine