.#¥ LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD UTTITED STATES DEPART^^^NT 01 AGRTCUI.TURE Bureau of Eutomolo^v and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C, November 1, 1935. B.E.P.C.~3P5 (SucrerseclRs VQ^.^- 3^C ( ^nd R-v.) '. ■ and Su.-nDlG^ent No. l) CIASSIFIC^-TION QE BAFBI'ERY AliD MAHO^^IA ^LA.^'TS IT^T^SR BLAGF ST¥2l RUST QUARAi^JTI!.^ REtXTLATIONS ( QXARA^TT^ NO. 38) The rules and refoilations supplemental to Notice of Quarantine No. 38, Revised, as amended, provide that no plants, cuttings, stocks, scions, buds, fruitr , seeds, or other plant narts ca-oable of propagation, of the genera Berberis, Ilbhonia, or Mrhoberberis, "shall be moved or allowed to be moved interstate from any State of the continental United States or from the District of Columbia into any of the protected States, namely, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Io^'t; , Mi?higan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebras'<:a, North Dakota, Ohio, South D&>:ot£, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, nor from any one of said protected States into any other pro- tected State, unless a permit shall have been issued therefor by the United States Department of Agriculture, except that no restrictions are placed b'r these regulations on the in+erstate movement either of Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii) or an3' of its horticultural varieties, or of cuttings (-Arithout roots) of ^ohonia L.hi-?r>ed for decorative purposes and not for nronagatioz] . " (See A.raendment No. 1, Reg. Z-v) The protected States referred to belovr under groups A and B are the thirteen barberry eradication States namc^d in Regulation ?,-a, quoted above. Bcr'berrv'- and Mrhonia plants o^hor then thoso listed in such groups may not be shipped interstate into any of the protected States. Lee A. Strong, C hief, Bur eau of Erto'iol o^y and Plant Q^i arantine . Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/classificationofOOunit_0 *-^ - 2 - ^ ~ Barberri es '*?h ich May Be Shipped Inte rstate Without Pe rmit ° ^™ ®£* €15 \i2 ^„ Pemits e-^e not required for any interstate movement of Berberis thunberg_ii or of the rust-imrjiine varieties thereof under the rsf^ulations of the black- stem rust quarantine, revised. The varieties so f&r as tested by the Departmsnt are as follows: Berber is thunberrii " thunberp.ii atropurpv.rea ' thunberfii mfxinowiczii " thunberpii minor " thunberp-ii pluriflora " thnnber^'ii pluriflora erecta Mahonia cuttings n'ithout roots may be shipped for decorative pur- poses y/ithout permit or other rectriction. Permits are, however, required if they are intend'^d for prop&^zotion. B - Barberries Iranune or Suffic_i_ently Resistant for Distribution in__t^^'3 Spring '''•^heat_ Area_ Permits are requ.irecl under the remilations of the black stem rust quarantine for interstate movement of the following species or varieties into any T)rotectod State, and for such movement from any protected State into any other nrotected State. Application for such permit should be addressed to tho Division of Domestic Plant Qurrantines, Bureau of Entomolofry and Plant Quarantina, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Vifeshington, D. C. Eerberis aemulans " aquifolium (Mahonia) Berberis ^ilgiana " Jul i ana e n beaniana tt buzifolia »t ccndidula It chenr ult i i ( hvbri d ) »i c irciunscrrata n concinna tf darv'jinii n dictyophylla vcr, albicaulis '? divorsifolia «» ed?evTorthi;jna n gagnepsinii h ore ana mentor ens is nervosa ('..lahon ia ) ottaxvensis (hybrid) potr^nini repcns (Ivlahonie) sar?:',entiana senrojinea stenophylla (hybrid) tri^'canthophora verruculosa UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA n. . w*. I - 3 - 3 1262 09245 2662 * Sl> C - Bf.:Tbc rrios Sviscept ible t o Atteck of ^ Black Stem Rust^ snd Not Pormittsd to_bp Ship-oe^d _into_ the Protected States Bprborry and Mahonir. plants of species and vp.rioties not listed pbove in Groups A and 3 ere prohibited ship;rient into the protGctod St'tes or froru any protected St£ te to any other protected St^to, and permits will not be issued for such shipment.