1^ Approved Code No. 244 — Supplement No. 9 — Reprint Registry No. 1130 — 05 NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION SUPPLEMENTARY CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE PLUMBING CONTRACTING INDUSTRY (A Division of the Construction Industry) AS APPROVED ON MAY 15, 1934 BY PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT DQCU WE DO OUR PART INCLUDES AMENDMENT NO. 1 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1934 Foi sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. ....-..- Price 6 cents This publication is for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing OfHce, Washington, D.C., and by district offices of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. DISTRICT OFFICES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Atlanta, Ga. : 504 Post Office Building. Birmingham, Ala. : 257 Federal Building. Boston, Mass. : 1801 Customhouse. Buffalo, N.Y. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Charleston, S.C. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Chicago, 111. : Suite 1706, 201 North Wells Street. Cleveland, Ohio : Chamber of Commerce. 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Approved Code No. 244 Supplement No. 9 SUPPLEMENTARY CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE PLUMBING CONTRACTING INDUSTRY As Approved on May 15, 1934 BY PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT EXECUTIVE ORDER Supplementary Code or Fair Competition for the Plumbing CONI-RACTING INDUSTRY A DIVISION OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY An application having been duly made, pursuant to and in full compliance with the provisions of Title I of the National Indus- trial Recovery Act, approved June 16, 1933, and pursuant to and in full compliance with the provisions of Section 5 of Article VIII of Chapter I of the Code of Fair Competition for the Construc- tion Industry approA-ed January 31, 1934, for approval of the Plumbing Contracting Chapter of said Code, and hearings having been held thereon, and the Administrator having rendered his re- port containing an analysis of said Plumbing Contracting Chapter and of said Code of Fair Competition as modified by the addition thereto of said Plumbing Contracting Chapter, together with his recommendations and findings with respect thereto, and the Admin- istrator having found that the said Plumbing Contracting Chapter and the said Code of Fair Competition, as modified by the addition thereto of said Plumbing Contracting Chapter, compl}^ in all re- spects with the pertinent provisions of Title I of said Act, and that the requirements of Clauses (1) and (2) of Subsection (a) of Sec- tion 3 of the said Act have been met : NOW, THEREFORE, I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States, pursuant to the authority vested in me by Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act, approved June 16, 1933, and otherwise, do adopt and approve the report, recommendations and findings of the Administrator and do order that the said Plumb- ing Contracting Chapter be and it is hereby approved, and that the previous approval of said Code of Fair Competition for the Con- lOOlTS" 1325-115 34 (1) struction Industry is hereby modified to include an approval of said Code in its entirety as modified by the addition thereto of said Plumbino^ Contracting Chapter; PROVIDED, however, that with i-eference to Article III, Section 1, of this Chapter, the approval herein given is on condition that the Administrator may review or reconsider the provisions of this Section 1 at any time within a period of one hundred and eighty (180) days from the effective date of this Chapter, and, upon the basis of such reports, studies or hearings as he may obtain or conduct, may require such modification of, or make such other determination with respect to, the provisions of this Section as he shall by his further order di- rect ; and provided further, that if it shall be represented to the Ad- ministrator and he shall determine that the provisions of this Section impose undue hardship upon employers or employees or both, within any region or locality, he may at any time grant such stay of or ex- emption from the provisions of this section within such region or locality as he may determine is necessary to effectuate the policy de- clared by Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. Approval recommended: Hugh S. Johnson, Adviinistrator. The White House, May 15, 19SJ^ LETTEK OF TRANSMITTAL The President, The White Hoiise. Sir: This is a report of Chapter X, the Plumbing Contracting Chapter of the Code of Fair Competition for the Construction Industry, which was approved by you on January 31, 1934, and which is described as Chapter I. This Cliapter is a revision after public hearings conducted in Washington on September 11, 1933 and October 13, 1933 of the Con- tracting and Retail Plumbing Code. Additional testimony may be found in the Transcript of Hearing on the Construction Industry Code which was held in Washington on November 20, 1933, in Vol- ume III-B, pages 65-75, inclusive. These hearings were held in accordance with the provisions of the National Industrial Recovery Act, and this Chapter w^as thereafter revised and resubmitted. THE INDUSTRY The Plumbing Contracting Division is one of the most important branches of the Construction Industry, both in initial installations, and in repairing and maintaining existing installations. Their work is described more fully by the definitions contained in Article I of this Chapter. PROVISIONS FOR HOURS AND WAGES The maximum hours set forth in Chapter I of the Code of Fair Competition for the Construction Industry, approved by you on January 31, 1934, are, except for minor exceptions favorable to employees, applicable to this Chapter. In this Chapter X the United States have been divided into three zones, Northern, Central and Southern. Minimum wages for skilled as well as unskilled workers have been set up for each zone. ECONOMIC EFFECT OF THE CODE In 1929 the volume of plumbing business amounted to approxi- mately $463,000,000. Approximately 150,000 skilled journeymen, fitters, helpers, wagon drivers, clerks, estimators and others were given full or part time employment by this industry in that year. In the year 1933 volume of business had been reduced to $223,000,- 000. The estimated number of workers receiving full or part time employment in that year was 80,000. It is reasonable to suppose that, with the limitation of hours on employers acting in the capacity of employees, with the prohibition of unfair trade practices, with the establishment of a higher uniform rate of pay and a lesser number of hours of work, better conditions will prevail in this Industry and that employers, employees and the public will be benefited. FINDINGS The Deputy Administrator in his final report to me on said plumb- ing Contracting Chapter of the Code of Fair Competition for the (3) Construction Industry, as modified by the addition thereto of said Plumbing Contracting Chapter, having found as herein set forth and on the basis of all the proceedings in this matter : I find that : (a) Said Plumbing Contracting Chapter of said Code of Fair Com- petition for the Construction Industry as modified by the addition thereto of said Plumbing Contracting Chapter, are well designed to promote the policies and purposes of Title I of the National Indus- trial Recovery Act, including removal of obstructions to the free flow of interstate and foreign commerce which tend to diminish the amount thereof and will provide for the general welfare by promot- ing the organization of industry for the purpose of cooperative action among the trade groups, by inducing and maintaining united action of labor and management under adequate governmental sanctions and supervision, by eliminating unfair competitive practices, by pro- moting the fullest possible utilization of t he present productive ca- pacity of industries, by avoiding undue restriction of production (except as may be temporarily required), by increasing the consump- tion of industrial and agricultural products through increasing pur- chasing power, by reducing and relieving unemployment, by improv- ing standards of labor, and by otherwise rehabilitating industry. (b) Said Plumbing Contracting Chapter and the Code of Fair Competition for the Construction Industry, as modified by the addition thereto of said Plumbing Contracting Chapter, as ap- proved, comply in all respects with the pertinent provisions of said Title of said Act, including without limitation subsection (a) of Section 3, subsection (a) or Section 7, and subsection (b) of Section 10 thereof; and that the applicant association is an in- dustrial association truly representative of the aforesaid Indus- try; and that said association imposes no inequitable restrictions on admission to membership therein. (c) Said Plumbing Contracting Chapter and the Code of Fair Competition for the Construction Industry, as modified by the addition thereto of said Plumbing Contracting Chapter, are not designed to and will not permit monopolies or monopolistic prac- tices. (d) Said Plumbing Contracting Chapter and the Code of Fair Competition for the Construction Industry, as modified by the addition thereto of said Plumbing Contracting Chapter, are not designed to and will not eliminate or oppress small enterprises and will not operate to discriminate against them. (e) Those engaged in other steps of the economic process have not been deprived of the right to be heard prior to approval bj said Plumbing Contracting Chapter and of said Code, as modi- fied by the addition thereto of this Plumbing Contracting Chapter thereof. For these reasons, therefore, I recommend approval of said Plumbing Contracting Chapter and said Code, as modified by the addition thereto of said Plumbing Contracting Chapter thereof. Respectfully, Hugh S. Johnson, AdtnvnistratoT. Mat 15, 1934. Chapter X SUPPLEMENTARY CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE PLUMBING CONTRACTING DIVISION OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Article I — Definitions Section 1. The term " Plumbing Contracting Division " or " Di- vision ", as used herein, i:icludes selling to consumers and/or repair- ing or installing, for profit or hire, all types of plumbing equipment and fixtures, including water supply systems or parts thereof, drainage systems or parts thereof, plumbing connections to air conditioning systems, air and gas piping, gas and gasoline piping, vacuum cleaning systems or parts thereof, such other piping and equipment as is commonly handled by Master Pumbers, and all other articles pertaining to plumbing. Section 2. The term " Plumbing Contractor " or " Master Plumber ", as used herein, is defined as : Any individual who has passed a satisfactory examination, where required by law, covering his technical training and experience in the engineering and manual aspects of his Division; has a license where required, in conformity with the requirements of the area in which he operates, or, in areas where no license is required, is capable of making a satisfactory installation under either the " United States Bureau of Standards' Recommended Minimum Requirements for Plumbing as Revised to May, 1931 ", or the " Plumbing Code " approved by the National Association of Master Plumbers of The United States, Inc., in con- vention June, 1933 ; or a firm, corporation or other entity organized for the purpose of selling and installing plumbing products, any member, officer, or regular employee of which is qualified as above provided. Copies of said " Recommended Minimum Requirements " and " Plumbing Code " shall be obtainable through the Code Authority. Section 3, The term "Association", as used herein, is defined as the National Association of Master Plumbers of the United States, Inc. Section 4. The term " Member of the Division ", as used herein, includes any individual, partnership, corporation, or other person engaged in the Division as an employer, either on his or its own behalf. Section 5. The term " Employer ", as used herein, means any employer engaged in the Division. Seciton 6. The term " Employee ", as used herein, includes any and all persons engaged in the Division, however compensated, except a member of the Division. (5) Section 7. The term " Laborer ", as used herein, is one who is an ordinary unskilled laborer capable of excavating, drilling, cleaning, moving, and other heavy manual work. Section 8. The term ""Apprentice ", as used herein, is an employee undergoing a system or course of training, whose age when starting his apprenticeship is over eighteen but not over twenty-one years. The term of apprenticeship shall not exceed a perid of five years. Section 9. The term " Consumer ", as used herein is defined as any purchaser of plumbing products who purchases for ultimate consumptit>n and not for resale, excepting, only, persons subject to this Code. Article II — Maximum Hours and Conditions of Employment Section 1. Regulations of Hours of V/ork. — No employee shall be permitted to work in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week, provided that this limitation shall not apply to any employee engaged in managerial, supervisory, or executive •capacity, receiving compensation in excess of thirty-five ($35.00) dollars per week, or to watchmen. However, no employee engaged in a supervisory capacit}' who performs manual labor shall be included in this exception. Section 2. Emergency.— In cases of emergency, employees may be permitted to work not in excess of forty-eight (48) hours per week; provided, however, that the total working time in any four (4) con- secutive weeks shall not exceed one hundred and sixty (160) hours. Emergency work shall be any work necessary for the protection or preservation of life or health, for the prevention of damage to prop- erty, or made necessary to avoid undue disruption of business. Not less than one and one-half (l^/^) times the regular rate shall be paid for -work done in excess of the maximum regular hours of work prescribed in this article. Section 3. Watchmen. — No watchman shall be permitted to work more than fifty-six (56) hours in any one week or more than six (6) days in any seven (7) day period. Section 4. Posting. — All employers shall post, and keep posted, in conspicuous and easily accessible places in their offices and shops, all provisions of the Code affecting this Chapter as to hours of employment, rates of pay, and all other labor provisions. Section 5. Standards for Safety and Health. — Every employer shall make reasonable provisions for the safety and health of his emplo3^ees at the place and during the hours of their employment. Standards for safety and health shall be submitted by the Divisional Code Authority to the Administrator within sixty (60) days after the approval of this Chapter. Section 6. No member of this division shall directly or indirectly, or by any subterfuge sublet solely the labor services required by any contract secured by such member. Section 7. No member of the Division shall avoid or evade the labor provisions of this Chai)ter by contracting his work to any per- son or persons subject to labor provisions less stringent than those provided in this Chapter. Article III — Minimum Wage Rates No employee shall be paid at less than the proper rate for such employees determined in accordance with the following schedules: Section 1. (a) The United States shall be divided into three zones as folloAvs: South Carolina Georgia Florida Arkansas southern zone Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Arizona Oklahoma Texas New Mexico Delaware Maryland Virginia Tennessee Colorado CENTRAL ZONE Utah California North Carolina West Virginia Kentucky Missouri Kansas Nevada District of Columbia Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey NORTHERN ZONE Indiana Wisconsin Minnesota Nebraska Wyoming Oregon South Dakota Idaho Pennsylvania Ohio/ Michigan Illinois Iowa North Dakota Montana Washinsrton (b) The hourly minimum wage rates to skilled mechanics and unskilled laborers shall be : Southern zone: Skilled labor, $1.00; unskilled labor, $0.40. Central zone: Skilled labor, $1.10; unskilled labor, $0.45. Northern zone: Skilled labor, $1.20; unskilled labor, $0.50. The above shall not be construed to authorize reductions in existing rates of pay. (c) IVIinimum wages for apprentices shall be twelve dollars (■$12.00) per week. No member of the Division shall have more tlian two (2) apprentices in his employ at any one time, the names of such apprentices to be transmitted to the Divisional Code Authority.^ Section 2. Nothing in this Article shall be considered to alter or amend Article III, Section 1 of Chapter I, where the wages so agreed upon exceed the minimum rates in this Chapter. Section 3. No employer shall make payment of wages due, other than in lawful currency or by negotiable check therefor payable on demand at par. All wages shall be exempted from any payment fo pension, insurance, or sick benefits other than those voluntarily paid by the employee or required by State law. No employee shall ^ See paragraph 3 of order approving this Code. 8 be paid at a greater interval than at the end of each month. No employer shall accept any rebate directly or indirectly, or give anything of value, or extend any favor to any person for the pur- pose of influencing rates of wages or the working conditions of his employees. Section 4. No employer shall reclassify employees or duties of occupations performed, or engage in any other subterfuge so as to defeat the purposes or provisions of the Act or of this Code. Article IV — Administration Further to effectuate the policies of the Act and to administer this Code, a Divisional Code Authority for the Plumbing Contracting Division is hereby established as provided hereinafter. Section 1. Divisional Code Authority. — Organization and Con- stitution. The Divisional Code Authority for the Plumbing Contracting Division hereinafter referred to as the " Divisional Code Authority" shall be composed of thirteen (13) Members, seven (7) of whom shall be elected within thirty (30) days following the effective date of this Code, and annually thereafter, from the Board of Directors of the Association by a majority vote of said Board of Directors, and each Member so selected shall serve until his reelection or his successor's election. Three (3) Members shall be appointed by the Board of Directors of the Association from Members of the Division who are not members of the Association, selected in any manner approved by the Administrator, to serve until the Members of the Division who are not members of the Association shall select their own representatives to serve in place of such three (3) ap- pointed by the said Board of Directors. The three (3) remaining members of the Code Authority shall be appointed annually by the United Association of Journeymen Plumbers and Steamntters of the United States and Canada, and each member so appointed shall serve until he is reappointed or his successor appointed. Each member of the Divisional Code Authority shall have one (1) vote. After said Divisional Code Authority has been duly established, the members thereof may, in manner and form required by law,^ incorporate in the State where the interests of said body are best served, provided however that said corporation is not organized for profit. Section 2. To administer this Code within this Division during that period from the effective date of the Code to the date of election of the Divisional Code Authority, the Code Committee, which had been empowered to formulate and assent to a Code for this Division, shall be authorized to act in the capacity of a temporary Divisional Code Authority. Section 3. Powers and Duties of the Divisional Code Authoi^ty. — The Divisional Code Authority shall have in addition to the duties and powers conferred upon it by Chapter I hereof, the following duties and powers to the extent permitted by the Act : (a) It shall have the power to demand the production of pertinent documents, data and accounts, to examine same and in general to attempt to adjust any complaint or violation of this Code. It may provide for its own organization, and may make such rules as to meetings, notices, waivers of notice and other procedural matters as it may from time to time determine; provided, however, that notices of meetings shall be sent to the Administrator and all mem- bers of the Construction Code Authority and the Divisional Code Authority sufficiently in advance of such meetings to permit the Administrator or his representatives and all Members of the Code Authority to attend such meetings if desired. (b) It may from time to time require the members of the Division to submit for its own consideration and for transmittal to the Ad- ministrator, and to the Construction Code Authority, such reports, statistical data, and other information as it may require. Such in- formation Avill not be open to inspection except as to totals of the entire Division. The compilation of reports shall be performed by individuals who are not jn any way connected with any Member of the Division. (c) In addition to the information required to be submitted to the Divisional Code Authority as set forth in this Article, there shall be furnished to such Federal and State agencies as the Administrator shall designate, such statistical 'information as the Administrator may deem necessary for the purposes recited in Section 3 (a) of the Act. Individual reports shall not be disclosed by any employee of such agencies to any person other than a sworn employee of such agencies or of the National Hecovery Administration ; nor shall such agencies publish such reports in a manner which will result in the disclosure of the identity of information furnished by any individual or firm filing a particular report. Section Jf.. 1. It heing found necessary in order to sufport the Adtninistration of this code aivA to maintcuin the stamdofrds of fair competition established hereunder and to effectuate the folicy of the Act, the Divisional Code Authoi'ity is authorized: {a) To inctcr such reasonable ohligatioms as are necessa7'y and proper for the foregoing purposes, and to meet such obligations out of fmids which may be raised as hereinafter provided and which shall be held in trust for the pur^poses of the Code; (b) To subnvit to the Adtninistrator for his approval, subject to such notice and opportunity to be heard as he may decTn necessary (i) an itemized budget of its estim>ated expenses for the foregoing purposes, and {2) an equitable basis upon which the funds necessary to support such budget shall be contributed by members of this industry ; (c) After such budget and basis of contribution have been ap- proved by the Administrator, to determine and obtain equitable contribution as above set forth by all members of this Division, and to that end, if necessary, to institute legal proceedings therefor in its own name. 2. Each mernber of this Division shall pay his or its equitable contribution to the expenses of the maintenance of the Code Author- ity, determined as hereinmbove pi^&vided, and subject to rules and regulations pertaining thereto issued by the Administrator. Ordy members of this Division complying with the code and contributing to the expenses of its administration as hereinabove provided, unless duly exempted fronn making sfwyh contributions, shall be entitled to participate in the selection of members of the Divisional Code 10 Authority or to receive the henefits of amy of its volvmiary activities or to make use of any emblem or insignia of the National Recovery A dniinistration. 3. The Divisional Code Authority shall neither incui' nor 'pay any obligation substantially in excess of the amount thereof as estimated in its approved budget; and shall in no event exceed the total amount contained in the approved budget except upon approval of the Ad- ministrator; and no subsequent budget shuU contain any def-cien^cy item for expenditures in excess of pri&i^ budget estimaies except tlwse which the Administrator has so approved?' Article V — Trade Practices The following practices shall constitute unfair methods of compe- tition and are prohibited : Section 1. The secret payment or allowances of rebates, refunds, credits, or unearned discounts, whether in the form of money or otherwise, or the secret extension to certain purchasers of special prices, services, or privileges not extended to all purchasers on like terms and conditions. Seotion 2. To accept any contract on a " fixed fee basis " or " cost plus basis " with an " upset price ", protecting the purchaser against higher costs, but not protecting the contractor against losses. Section 3. To permit the loan or transfer of a Plumbing License or to allow anyone to work under a Plumbing License held by another. Section 4. As a member of the industiy, or his agent or repre- sentative, laiowingly to participate in " Bid Peddling " or " Bid Shopping " as defined in Chapter I hereof. Section 5. To depart from the following practice in all competi- tive biddings: All bids submitted shall be the final bids of the bidders and no changes in the amount of any bid shall be made, save only those due to iDona fide changes in the plans or specifications, and in such cases changes in the amount of the bid shall be made on the same unit or other basis as the original bid. Section 6. To submit bids on other than the requirements of plans and specifications, when plans and specifications are drawn; pro- vided, however, that the foregoing shall not prevent alternative bids in which divergencies from the original plans and specifications are clearly indicated and described in such alternative bid. Section 7. To fail to file copies of a bid, in excess of a minimum amount to be established by the Divisional Code Authority with the approval of the Administrator, with a depository designated by the Divisional Code Authority. Section 8. To sell any product and/or service below the reason- able cost of such product or service, namely the cost of materials, plus labor, plus overhead, as determined in accordance with the provisions of Article VI, Section 2 of this Chapter. Section 9. To make or cause or knowingly to permit to be made or published any false, materially inaccurate or deceptive statement by way of advertisement or otherwise, whether concerning the grade, quality, quantity, substance, character, nature, origin, size, finish, * Italicized words added by Amendment No. 1, approved Aug. 11, 1934. 11 or preparation of any product used by the Division, or the work- manship credit terms, values, policies, conduct or services of any member of the Division, or otherwise, having the tendency or capacity to mislead or deceive customers or prospective customers. Section 10. To furnish articles more or less expensive, of better or inferior quality, or of larger or smaller size than specified without making the proper adjustments in the quoted price and clearly iden- tifying the nature of the substitution. Section 11. To give, or permit to be given or to offer to give, di- rectly or indirectly, money or anything of value to agents, employees, representatives, architects, or engineers of purchasers or prospective purchasers for the purpose of influencing their employers or princi- pals or prospective employers or principals to purchase from the profferor or to refrain from purchasing from competitors of the prof- f eror. Nothing herein stated shall be construed to prohibit free and general distribution of articles commonly used for advertising except so far as such articles are actually used for commercial bribery as hereinabove defined. Section 12. To secure confidential information concerning the business of a competitor by a false or misleading statement or rep- resentation, by a false impersonation of one in authority, by bribery, or by any other unfair method. Section 13. To engage in the business of the Division without an address. Section 14. When engaged in the work of an employee, to work in excess of the maximum hours provided in Article II, or, when so engaged, to fail to charge time at least at the established rate of pay for such employee. Section 15. To defame competitors or others engaged in the Plumbing Industry by falsely imputing to them (dishonorable con- duct, inability to perform contracts, questionable credit standing, or by other false representations or by false disparagement of their ability or workmanship. Section 16. To install or repair any plumbing system or any part thereof by any person who is not properly licensed, in States, Cities or communities where such licensing is required. Article VI — Marketing Policies The following practices shall be followed by all members of the Division in the marketing of their materials and services, and de- viation from such practices and rules shall constitute unfair com- petition and is prohibited. Section 1. In order to facilitate the administration of this Code, each member of the Division shall keep his accounts in such manner as to make possible the determination of the cost of doing business as a member of this Division. Section 2. Every member of the Division shall use an accounting system which conforms to the principles of, and is at least as de- tailed and complete as, the uniform and standard method of account- ing set forth in the " Simplified Course of Accounting for Master Plumbers or Heating Contractors ", formulated by the Plumbing and Heating Industries' Bureau ; and which includes a costing sys- 12 tern which conforms to the principles of, and is at least as detailed and complete as the standard and uniform method of costing to be formulated under the supervision of and approved by the Divisional -Code Authority and the Administrator with such variations there- from as may be required by the individual conditions affecting any member of the Division, or group of contractors, and as may be approved by the Divisional Code Authority and the Administrator and made supplemental to the Simplified Course of Accounting or method of costing. Article VII — Modification Subject to the provisions of Section 2 (c) of Article IV, B, of Chapter I of this Code, the provisions of this Chapter, except as to provisions required by the Act, may be modified on the basis of expe- rience or changes in circumstances, such modifications to be based upon application to the Administrator and such notices and hearing as he shall specify and to become effective on his approval. ArticliE VIII — Reference to Provisions of Chapter I The provisions of Sections 7 (a) and 10 (b) of the Act, which are set forth in Sections 1 and 6 respectively of Article VIII of Chapter I of this Code are specifically incorporated herein by ref- erence with the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full ; all other provisions of Chapter I of this Code, except as herein pro- vided, apply within this Division with the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. Article IX — Review of Acts or Code Authorities If the Administrator shall determine that any action of the Divi- sional Code Authority or any agency thereof may be unfair or unjust or contrary to the public interest, the Administrator may require that such action be suspended to afford an opportunity for investiga- tion of the merits of such action and further consideration by the Divisional Code Authority or agency pending final action which shall not be effective unless the Administrator approves or unless he shall fail to disapprove after thirty days' notice to him of inten- tion to proceed with such action in its original or modified form. Article X — Effective Date This Chapter shall become effective on the twentieth (20th) day after its approval by the President. Approved Code No. 244 — Supplement No. 9. Registry No. 1130-05. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08855 7458