f^.sLiHscM ^ ,^ ^^^j^ r REPRESEHTATIVE PEACE CORPS VOL This Is a random selection of Volunteers who areVio»any in Honolulu. He is fairly fluent in Spanish and has traveled in Mexico, summer of I96O, He is stvidying at Ohio State for the Philippine project. MICHAEL LANIGAN of 5608 Valley Road, Falls Church, Virginia, is 23 years old. He is presently training at Rutgers for the CARE-Peace Corps project which will leave about the first of September for Colombia. He was c\arrently working for the U.S. Steel Con5>any and has worked as a pharmacist's clerk In a hospital. He is a handyman by inclination, equally interested in reparing a motor, making things with carpentry tools and building radios or doing plumbing. He is also a photographer. He played football emd was on the swimming and rifle teams at school. He has completed two years of college work at Georgetown amd American University. He is the son of a Marine Corps GenereuL and has served in the Marine Corps as an Infantry squad leader and as editor of the Battalion paper. STABLEY M. BEHMAN, 25, of 170? Dundee Way, Louisville, Kentucky- is the husband of Clarice Heller Bennan. He received his Bachelor of Laws degree this Jvine from the Harvard University School of Law. He was graduated, cum laude, in 1958 from Amherst College, where he majored in government. He has worked summers as a law clerk and bank teller. He is training at Harvard for the Nigeria project as one of the first hxisband and wife teams chosen by the Peace Corps. MRS. CLARICE HELLER BERMAN, 22, of 1707 Dundee Way, Louisville, Kentucky, is the wife of Stanley M. Bennan. She received her B. A. in English this year frcm Smith College, although she spent her final two semesters at Wellesley College. She was active in extra-ctirriculax projects at Smith, serving sis hovise editor of the yearbook, as a member of the Electoral Board, and 85 head of freshmen advisors at Sessions House. She and her husband are both grsuiuates of Atherton High School in Louisville. JACOB FLEEMAIT of I3OI N. Harrison Street, Wilmington, Delaware, is 21 years old, single, and a graduate in civil engineering of the University of Delaware. He also studied at the University of Pennsylvania. He has been an athletic counselor of Camp Arcady, New York and Camp Lindenmere, of Tannersville, Pennsylvania. He was vice president of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Student cbapter, when he graduated this June at the University of Delaware. He has had on the Job experience in handling surveyor's tools and other engineering equipnent. He is getting field training and instruction at Texas Western in preparation for the Tanganyika project. LAURA P. DAMON, 23, of 11 Saybrook Place, Buffalo, N. Y., has been a librarian at the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library since last September. She received her B.A. degree in English in I96O from Smith College, where she was vice-president of her class and secretary of the Ho\ise of Representatives . She speaks French fluently and traveled to East Africa on a study tour for two months in 1959- She is stiidying at Berkeley in preparation for the Ghana project. ENRIQUE MDRALES of 2206 Federal Avenue, El Paso, Texas,, is 28 years old. He is studying at Rutgers in prei)aration for going to Colombia on the CARE-Peace Corps project. He grad\iated from Bowie High School in El Paso in 1952 and attended Texas Western College. He is skilled with electric and acetylene welding equipment and has worked in a copper refinery. He is trained in photographic processes and is currently emp- loyed by the Department of the Army as a physical science technician. DOLORES D. HAWRANEY, 23, of 2738 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio, received her B.A. in literature at omell University in I96O. Last yesu: she taioght high school English at Long Island, New York, while taking night classes in Arabic. She has done volunteer teaching with retarded children during the s\mmiers of 1957 and 1958. Miss Hawraney has traveled to both Prance and Lebanon on brief visits. She is stiidying at Ohio State for the Philippine project. nillVERSITY CF Fl r.Ritm 3 1262 08851 7148