ho Lir' [' MDDC - 734 NITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION A SLIDE RULE FOR ACTIVATION AND DECAY CALCULATIONS by A. K. Snell Thelma Arnette This document consists of 4 pages. Date of Manuscript: April 1, 1946 Date Declassified: February 7, 1947 This document is for official use. Its issuance does not constitute authority for declassification of classified copies of the same or similar content and title and by the same author(s). Technical Information Division, Oak Ridge Directed Operations Oak Ridge, Tennessee H Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2011 witln funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries with support from LYRASIS and the Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/slideruleforactiOOusat A SLIDE RULE FOR ACTIVATION AND DECAY CALCULATIONS By A. H. Snell and Thelma Arnette The calculation of the strength of radioactive samples after neutron irradiation, followed perhaps by a period of decay, has become so much a matter of routine that it seems that a quick aid to calcula- tion might be a time saver to those engaged in this type of work. The accompanying figures show how a slide rule could be constructed which would give answers to these calculations, including in most cases the correct power of 10, to an accuracy commensurate with the precision of most cross section md flux values. The expression to be evaluated 'a in general the product nv a M/A x 6.06 x 10" (l-e-^^') e-^*= in which nv is the neutron flux, a the activation cross section, M the mass of the sample in grams, A its atomic weight, A the decay constant of the induced activity, tj the irradiation time and tj the de- cay time subsequent to irradiation. This can be modified and condensed to the form nvi:M(l-e-0-693ti ,^..6931^ where L is the activation cross section per gram of normal element, and can be read from a table on the back of the slide rule for any of the one hundred and fifty or so .ictivities usually encountered; t'l and t^ are respectively the activation and decay times, now expressed in units of the half -life of the activity concerned. The operation of the rule can be understood with reference to Figure 1 — A, B, and C, for which the following sample calculations are respectively set up: A) 3.2 grams of strontium are activated for 30 days in an average slow neutron flux of 2.2 x IC. What is the strength of the induced 55-day activity? Using the C-D scales, 30 days is found to be 0.55 of a half-life. Reference to the table on the back of the rule (Figure 2)shows that strontium has an activation cross section of 2.8 x 10"^ cm^ per gram. The end of the nv scale on the slide (viz. the 10^ mark) is placed opposite 2.8 x 10"^ on the L scale. The cursor is then set at 2.2 x 10^' on the nv scale, and the slide is moved until 5.5 x 10"' on the t scale is under the cursor line. (This takes care of the (1-e"^' ) factor). The left-hand end of the nv scale is then opposite the figure 1.93 x 10^ when read from the -dn/dt scale; this gives the number of disintegrations per second per gram. The nv scale can then be used again to multiply it by 3.2, giving the answer to the problem: 6.1 x 10*^ disintegrations per second. B) 5.3 grams of silver are activated to saturation in an average flux of 4.4 x IC^. What is the strength of the induced 2.3-minute activity ? The end of the nv scale is set against the figure E = 1.42 x 10" . In this case we find that we must use the right-hand end of the nv scale, and this means that the answer as given on the -dn/dt scale will have to be multiplied by 10^; the figure " x 10 " is inscribed at the right-hand end of the nv scale to remind the calculator that this is so. Since the 1 — e"^^ factor is imity, (t =°°), the position of 4.4 x itf^ on the nv scale can then be marked with the cursor, and multiplied directly by 5.3 to give the answer 3.3 x 10"^ disintegrations per second. MDDC - 734 ^^ ^ 2] MDDC - 734 % ": ~°~ - - ,- ^I^ — s -— ^'' •• f " ■• •^ — • ■»— ■ w " fi- "■ _• ' :[- •• " -p. « *~ -• •- - - ^ ■^2 • -- *. '^ --• " J r • — I \ -1 '- -• o o "• n — " ^ *■ ~ * « n •• i _ , " ^ - , _ ^ \«— _ « •- - " « "" - • •— k — """ • "• _ *z ^ -\ — . ' lt\- -. • ~ " •— — " • ■•- ~ - .- « — - "— -» «_ -_ _ •. K o 'bV- __ **M o T t - A B Figure 1. Slide rule for activation and decay calculations. MDDC - 734 13 Element Half-lite Licm= per g of element) H* 25 y 5.68 Li 0.88 s <3.2 X 10-* C" 25.000 y 7.3 X 10-= N 8s < 4 X 10"' 31 s 1.7 X 10-« F 12 s 3.0 X lO-' Na 14.8 h 1.0 X 10"' Mg 10.2 m 1.34 X 10-* Al 2.4 m 5.2 X 10-=' Si 17.0 m 1.0 xlO-" f 14.3 d 4.5 X 10-= S 87.1 d 2.1 X 10-* CI 37 m 2.6 X 10-' A 110 m 1.88 X 10-= K 12.4 h 1.04 X 10-' Ca 8.5 d < 1.5 X 10-« Ca 180 d 2.0 X 10-* Ca 2.5 h 5.9 X 10-' Sc 85 d 3.0 X 10-' Ti 72 d 9.5 X 10-' V 3.9 m 6.0 X 10-= Cr 26.5 d 5.8 X 10-' Cr 1.3 h 1.6 X 10-" Mn 2.50 h 1.27 X 10-' Fe 47 d 1.1 X 10-= Co 10.7 m 7.5 X 10"' Co 5.3 y 2.3x10-' Ni 2.6 h 2.0 X 10-* Cu 12.8 h 2.1 X 10-= Cu 5 m 5.7 X 10"' Zn 250 d 2.4 X 10-' Zn 57 m 1.9 X 10-' Zn 13.8 h 5.0x10"' Ga 20 m 8.2 X 10-' Ga 14.1 h 1.13 X 10-= Ge 40 h 1.3 X 10-* Ge 11 d 7.9 X lO"" Ge 89 m 1.2 X 10-' Ge 12 h 4.6 X 10-' Se 115 d 1.5 X 10-' Se 19 m 2.0x10-' Se 57 m 1.3 X lO-* Se 30 m 4.3x10"' As 26.8 h 3.7 X 10-= Br 18 m 3.4 X 10-= Br 4.4 h 1.16x10-= Br 34 h 8.4x10"' Rb 19,5 d 3.71 X 10-' Rb 17.5 m 2.6 X 10"^ Sr 2.7 h 9.7 X 10"< 3r 55 d 2.8 X 10"' Y 60 h 7.5 X I0-' Zr 63 d 4.8 X 10-' Zr 17 h 6 X 10-' Zr 6 m 1.1 X lO--" Cb 6.6 m 1.4 X lO-" lo 67 h 5.9 X 10-* .lo 14.6 m 1.3 X 10-* Ru 42 d 2.2x10-' Ru 37 h 8.9 X 10-* Ru 4 h 7.3 X 10-* Rh 44 s 8.8 X 10"' Rh 4.2 m 7.5 X 10-= Pd 13 h 1.8 X 10-= l-d 26 m 4.8 X 10-* Ag 2.3 m 1.42 X 10-' Ag 22 s 2.88x10-' # From Li «* From N Fig ure 2. Element Half -life I(cm' |)er g of element) Ag 225 d 6.2 X 10-' Cd 2.5 d l.f < 10-' Cd 46 d 2.2 X 10-* Cd 3.75 h 5.4 X 10-* Cd 2 m 2.7 X 10-* In 48 d 1.45 X 10-= In 13 s 2.8 X 10"! In 54 m 7.9 .\ 10-' Sn 100 d 6.1 X 10-' Sn 9m 2.0 X 10-* 3n 40 m 7.2x10-' Sn 26 h 3.7 X 10-* Sn 400 d 9.2 X 10-' Sn 10 d 5x10-' Sb 2.8 d 1.9 X 10-= 3b 60 d 5.5 X 10-' Te 9.3 h 7.1 X 10-* re 72 m 2.07 X 10-* Te 32 d 2.4 X 10-' Te 25 m 3.8x10-' Te 30 h <1.4 X 10-' I 25 m 3.2 X 10-= Cs 3h 7.3 X 10-' Cs 1.7 y 1.17 X 10"' Ba 86 m 1.8 X 10"' La 40.0 h 3.7 X 10-= fv 16 h 4,7 X 10-= Sm 21 m 4.8 X 10-' Sm 46 h 1.6 X 10"' Eu 94 h 2.98 Eu 6.6 y 1.55 Od 9.5 h 8,9x10-' Gd 20 h 3 X 10-' Gd 8.6 d 2x10-' Tb 3.9 h 4.4 X 10-= Tb 72 d 4 X 10-' Ho 30 h 2.4 X 10"' Dy 1.4 m 1.5 X 10"' Dy 2.5 h 2.95 Tm 105 d 4.2 X 10"' Lu 6.6 d 3.4 X 10"' Lu 3.4 h 6.0x10-= Hf 46 d 1.2 X 10-= Ta 117 d 7.5 X 10-= Ta 16.5 m 1.2x10-* W 77 d 2.1x10-' W 23 h 3.6 X 10-= Re 90 h 1.37x10-' Re 18 h 1.64 X 10-' Os 32 h 2.1 X 10"' Os 17 d 7.0 X 10-' Ir 19 h 2.7 X 10-' Ir 1.5 m 6.6 X 10-= Ir 70 d 1.32 Pt 18 h 9.3 X 10-* 1-t 3.3 d 3,7 xlO-' Pt 31m 9.3 x 10-* Au 27 d 3.2 X 10-' Hg 51.5 d 2.3 X 10-' Hg 5.5 m 7.5 X 10-' Tl 4.23 m 2.6 X I0-* Tl 3.5 y 6,5x10-' PO 3.0 h 7.0x10-' Bl 5.0 d 4,3 x 10-' Th 23 m 2.2 X 10-= U 23.5 m 6.9 X 10-' Figure 2. Reference table on back of rule. 4] MDDC - 734 C) A sample of 0.5 curie strength is allowed to decay for 9.62 half -lives. What is its strength? To make decay calculations, the slide is turned over, revealing two linear scales. The upper one is needed for this problem^ and by setting its opposite 0.5 on the li scale one can read the answer 6.0 X 10"^ curies opposite the figure 9.62. For more accurate computation for decay factors of less than 10, the lower t scale is supplied, t is again expressed in half-lives. FISSION PRODUCT ACTIVITIES The use of the rule can be extended directly to many of the fission products — namely, to the cases in which the growth is uncomplicated by chain relationships. This is done by defining L as an effective cross section for formation of a particular fission product per gram of normal uranium undergoing slow neutron irradiation. In the use of the rule, the L ' s are set up on the I scale, and manipulation proceeds as in the case of (n,y) activations. DISCUSSION It would be more convenient if the linear t-scales were on the same side of the slide as the nv scale. This could be done without crowding if the slide were made proportionately wider. The cross section tables might well be printed on a card which slips into a holder on the back of the rule. Revised cards could then be supplied from time to time. The circular type of slide rule would also be adaptable to these purposes. ■i w UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08910 5265