E2/Ceylon UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D« C # July lit, 1?53 B # E# P. Qi 428, 2nd Revision PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE DOMINION OF CEYLON This revised summary of the plant quarantine import restrictions of Ceylon has been prepared for the information of exporters of plants and plant products and for plant quarantine officials • The summary was prepared by R. G« Oakley of the Division of Plant Quarantines from the Plant Protection Ordinance of 1924 and from regulations of July 22, 1938, as amended, issued under that Ordinance, as presented in the Ceylon Customs Tariff Schedule for April 1952. It was reviewed by the Director of Agriculture of that country. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor, as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally. authoritative • A. very S. Hoyt Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine PLANT QUARANTINE BPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE DOMINION OF CEYLON BAGIC LEGISLATION The Plant Protection Ordinance No. 10, June 27, 192^, empowers the Governor in Executive Council to make regulations for the purpose of preventing the introduction into Ceylon and spread therein of pests and diseases injurious to, or destructive. of , plants* It contains the following definitions: Definitions (a) "Plant" shall include all members of the vegetable kingdom whether living or dead, or any part or parts of such, but shall not include canned or preserved . fruits or vegetables } (b) "Pest" shall include any insect or animal which shall in any stage of its development eat, destroy, or otherwise injure any' plant } (c) "Disease" shall include any fungus or organism of vegetable origin which shall injure, destroy,, or be parasitic upon any plant. GENERAL REGULATIONS (Regulations of July 22, 1938, as 'amended July 29, 19^3 * Jan. 13, 19^5, Feb. 11, 19^6, July 2k, 1950, and August 11, 1950) Summary The regulations cover plants and parts of plahts, living or dead, and their containers; also insects and diseases, invertebrate animals, and soil around plants. Import permits, designating special conditions of entry in some cases, are required for items listed in paragraph 2 (b) and phytosanitary certificates are not required, except as may be specified in permits issued for arti- cles enterable only under conditions of import permits. Importations of potatoes, onions, culinary seed, turmeric, edible vegetables and the seed of such vegetables (except tomato seed) and the seed of ornamental plants, are exempt from inspection and fumigation requirements. (See par. k (a)). . - 2 - Ports of Entry- It No person shall import any plant into Ceylon except through the port of Colombo or the port of Talaimannar or t.he .airport of Colombo (Ratmalana) or the Royal Air Force Station, Negombo. Importation Prohibited 2. No person shall import or land in Ceylon — (a) Aquatic plants (any) ; Blackberry ( Rubus f ruticosus ) plants (any) ; Cape tulips ( Homeria collina and H« miniata ) (any); Coconut plants (any); Helianthu s spp« (seed and plants) grown in the Western Hemisphere; Plants or seeds of any species from the American Tropics or any country where the South American leaf disease of Hevea ( Dothidella ulei ) occurs; Plants packed with soil or compost (other than mulch which can be completely removed from the plant and fumigated) , except by the Director of Agriculture; Refuse or sweepings containing vegetable matter, from any ship or aircraft arriving in Ceylon; Rice grass ( 3partina townsendii ) ; Sugarcane setts, except by the Director of Agriculture; Sweetpotato tubers or portions thereof from Africa; Importation Restricted (b) Aircraft importations of any plants, insects or invertebrate animals i except under a permit in writing from the Director of Agriculture ; , • ' Cacao ( Theobroma cacao ) plants, pods or seeds (other than cured seed) from any country, except under and in accordance with a permit in writing from the Director of Agriculture; Cassava ( ivianihot utilissim a) living parts, except under a permit in writing from the Director of Agriculture; ~3~ Citrus spp» plants, except under a permit in writing from the Director of Agriculture who shall grant such permit only if he is satisfied that the country from which such plant is to be imported is free from any virus disease of the' citrus plant; Cottonseed, unginned cotton, or raw ginned cotton ( uossypium spp«) grown in the Western Hemisphere, except through the port of Colombo, and except under, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a permit in writing from the Director of Agriculture; Heyea spp. seed or plants from any country, except under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a permit in writing from the Director of Agriculture; Living specimens of any insect or invertebrate animal not already known to exist in Ceylon, except under a permit in writing previously obtained from the Director of Agriculture; Tomato seed, except from India. NOTE: Although no permits are granted for the importation of tomato seed from any country other than India at present, the Director of Agriculture may request the mitigation of forfeiture of seed com- plying with the following: "The consignment should accompany a certificate from the Plant Pathologist or a competent authority of the U. S # Department of Agriculture to the effect that the seed was collected from areas where Co rynebacte rium m ichiganense does not occur and also that the seed was disinfected with 1:3000 mercuric chloride. By letter dated October lk 9 1952, to an importer, the Director of Agriculture stated that "tomato seeds treated with ^amesan 1 were acceptable for import purposes" to lieu of treatment by mercuric chloride . Fresh-Fruit import License Required 3« (l) No person shall import any fresh fruit into Ceylon without a license issued by the Director of Agriculture or by an officer of the Department of Agriculture authorized in that behalf by the Director, or otherwise than in accordance with the terms and corn- ditions of such license. (2) No license shall be issued for the import of fresh fruit from any country in which the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata ) or any other pest of fruits which has not become estab- lished in Ceylon is known or suspected to exist unless the Directo: of Agriculture is satisfied that either before export from such country or during transit to Ceylon the fruit is so tj^eated as to ensure that such pest, in all its stages, is effectively destroyed, (3) Every license issued under this regulation shall — ■ (a) specify the country from which the fresh fruit may be imported; (b) be valid for the period specified in the license; (c) be .subject to the conditions that it may be with- drawn by the Director of Agriculture at any time prior to the expiration of that period by written notice addressed to the holder of the license; (d) be subject to such other special conditions as may be set cut in such license by, or by the authority of, theDirector of Agriculture; and (e) be in the prescribed form. ' } (k) No person shall land any fresh fruit at the port of Colombo or at the port of Talaimannar or at the airport of Colombo (Ratmalana) or at the Royal Air Force Station, Negombo, unless he has satisfied the Collector of Customs at that port or airport, as the case may be, that such fruit was grown in and consigned from the country specified in the license issued for the importa- tion of such fruit under (a) of this paragraph. Inspection, Fumigation, and Disinfection ^. (l) All living imported plants together with the packing cases, pots, or coverings in which such plants may be packed shall be con- veyed by the Customs authorities to the Inspector-in-Charge of the Colombo Fumigatorium for examination. Provided thab this paragraph shall not apply to potatoes, onions, turmeric, culinary seed, edible vegetables, and the seed of such vegetables and the seed of any or- namental plant. (2) Every imported plant, which on inspection is found or sus- pected to be infected with any pest or disease, shall be subjected to fumigation or disinfection, or both, in such manner and to such extent as may be deemed necessary by the Inspector, which shall be carried out at the Colombo Fumigatorium. Imported Plants hay be Quarantined (3) The Director of Agriculture may order that any plant which has been inspected be grown at the risk of the consignee for a period of quarantine in special nurseries provided or approved by the Director of Agriculture for that purpose. (^) After examination and any necessary treatment, the articles shall be delivered to the consignee together with a certificate showing that they have been dealt with as required. No person shall remove any article from the Fumigatorium until he has ob- tained such certificate. - 5 - 3 1262 09242 2293 Destruction of Infected Plants 5. Any imported plant which in the opinion of the Inspector can- not be cleaned by fumigation or other treatment and which is not necessary for further observation shall, together with the packings, cases, pots, or covering in which it may be packed, be destroyed at the expense of the consignee. Importation of Plants by Lail 6, irifhere any plants are sent to Ceylon through the i 03t Office from a place beyond Ceylon the plants shall be conveyed to the Fumigatorium under the supervision of the Postal Authorities at the expense of the consignee or his agent and shall be examined by the Inspector and dealt with as prescribed in paragraphs 3 &n& 4.