B» E. P. Q* 530 Effective September 9, 1%3 TITLE 7— AGRICirLTI.TTLE ArrRICULTTHRAL RESEARCH AD1£[NISTRATI0M SliAPTER III— BUREAU T 0^ EMTO!^OLOC-Y AND P^AMT QUARANTINE PART 301— DCJKSTIG QUARANTINE NOTICES ADMINIST^ATr/E INSTRUCTIONS J'^CDIFYINC THE RESTRICTIONS OR T'iE JAPANESE FEEBLE QUARANTI^TE FT ADVANCINC THE DATE OF TERl^NATION 0^ RESTRICTIONS 0^T FRUIT AND \rEr.vTAFT,E SHIPMENTS ^^!D ON CUT FT.O^TERS UNDER ^ 301 .A.8 OF ^HE JAPANESE FEETIE QUARANTINE FOR T'HE YEAR 1943 It has been determined tha.t the active period of the Japanese beetle in its relation to fruits and vegetables has already ceased for the present season and that it is therefore safe to permit the un- restricted movement of fruits and vegetables from the regulated areas. Also that the reduced activity of the adult beetle warrants discontinu- ance of inspection and certification of cut flowers after September 30. Therefore, pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Qiis.rantine by the fourth proviso of ^ 301.48, Chapter III, Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations [Notice of Quarantine No. 48 on account of the Japanese beetle], it is ordered that the restrictions on the interstate movement of fruits and vegeta- bles imposed by f 301.48-5 under Notice of Quarantine No. 4C, revised effective January 14» 1943» be removed effective on and after Septem- ber 9, 1943> ^-'n<^- that the restrictions on the interstate movement of cut flowers imposed by ? 301.48-6 under said quarantine, revised ef- fective Farch 24, 1942, be removed effective on and after October 1, 1943* This order advances the termination of the restrictions as to fruits .-■■.nd vegetables provided for in § 301.48-5 from October l6 to September 9, 1943, ?-nd as to cut flowers, provided for in f 301.48-6, from October 16 to October 1, 1943, and apnlies to this season only. (Sec. 8, 39 Stat. II65, 44 Stat. 250; 7 U-.S.C. I6I; 7 CFR ^ 301.48.) Done at V/ashington, D. C, this 7th day of September 1943* P. N. ANNAND, Chief UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09312 1985