UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION 3UREAU OF SKTOMDtO&Y AND PLANT qpA24STIKB Washington 25, D. C. March 27, 1951 B.E.P.Q. 57S-U1 SUMMARY OP STATE" NUHSERY-STOCX SHIPPING- ttqpHEkWTS AND PLANT ^UARAl'TINES AITD REGULATIONS AITSCTIHG INTERSTATE SHIPMENTS RHODE ISLAND The information contained in this summary was compiled from material received from the plant quarantine official of Rhode Island and. has "been approved "by him. It. is issued for the convenience of plant quarantine in- spectors, shippers, transportation agents, truckers, and others concerned in the interstate movement of plants, plant products, and other materials subject to State reflation on account of plant pests. The summary for Rhode Island gives the general requirements for ship- ping nursery stock into that State. An appendix furnishes information on post-office requirements for mailing plants as well as terminal-inspection procedure. This summary does not include digests of nursery- stoclc and plant-quarantine requirements relating to the movement of plants entirely within the State. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of or as a substitute for the original texts of the regulations, • and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. Por detailed information address the Acting Administrator, Division of Entomology and Plant Industry, State Department of Agriculture and Conservation, State House, Providence 2, Rhode Island. In addition to State requirements, shippers will need to take into consideration applicable plant quarantines of the United States Department of Agriculture. In most instances these quarantines reflate the inter- state movement of specified plants, plant products, and other articles from designated regulated areas. However, some of these quarantines regu- late the interstate movement of certain articles into designated protected areas. Copies of such quarantines may be obtained from the 3ureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, "Washington 25, D. C, / ' <-• y A/ / i. -J-- / Chief, Bureaii of Entomology and Plant Quarantine si Rhode Island nursery-stock ^ shipping requirements - 2 - UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA lllillllllllll 3 1262 09314 8707 " RHODE ISLAND Summary of General .ffursery- Stock Shipping Requirements ( R, I . Gen.' ' L. ' Anno tated 1938 , ,; ch. 22b) Definition of Nursery Stock. — Cultivated woody plants, not including greenhouse-grown plants; and cultivated herbaceous "biennials and peren- nials, including strawberry and "bulbous plants. G-eneral Shipping Requirements. — A nonresident nurseryman desiring to move nursery stock. into Rhode Island; should file a valid, official, duplicate . copy of his State nursery-inspection certificate with the Administrator, Division, of Entomology and Plant Industry, .and attach .a copy thereof to each shipment or lot of nursery stock he moves into the State., A nongrower of nursery stock wishing to do "business in the State should file with the Administrator a list, of his sources of nursery stock, each of which must hold a valid State inp-nection certificate, together with his application for an agent's license. There is no charge for the agent's license, which expires on August 1 following date, of issue. Nonresident shippers may be- required to notify the Administrator of date and destination of shipments of nursery stock consigned to any person in the State. A valid inspection certificate of the State of origin must be attached to each shipment or container of nursery stock moving into Rhode Island. Carriers may not deliver uncertified shipments of nursery stock in the State and are not liable for damages for refusing to do so. Incoming nur- sery stock is subject to inspection and, if .-found infested with dangerous insects or diseases, it may be destroyed or returned. Any person import- ing nursery stock from foreign countries is required to notify the Administrator at the time the order is placed. Rhode Island, maintains- no -State plant quarantines affecting inter- state shinments. The foregoing rummary was checked and apo roved on September 15, I9U9, by Alvin J. Lannon, Acting Administrator.