UNITED STAT3S DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of EntomoD.ogy and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. UBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD BEPQ-417 STERILIZATION OF IMPgRTED VINIFERA GRAPES BY REFRIGERATION (Approved and effective November 9, 1936.) The method of sterilization herein authorized supersedeas and cancels the treatment authorized in BPQ-362 and its supplements. Recent experimental v/ork by the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine of the United States Department of Agriculture has proven that all stages of the Mediterranean fruit fly in fruit will be des- troyed if the fruit is wSubjt^cted to the following treatment: "Cooling until the approximate center of the fruit in the package reaches a temperature of 34-° F. and holding the fruit at or below that temperature for a period of 12 days." On the bfisis of the evidence secured provision is made for the entry, under permit and sterilization, of grapes of the Vinifora type from regions in which the !ilediterranean fruit fly occurs, at the port of New York and such other northern ports as may be subsequently ap- proved, under the follovrlng conditions: (1) The grapes miist be packed in tight barrels or kegs or other approved containers so constructed as to prevent the escape from the container pending sterilization, of any stages of the Mediterranean fruit fly, should they be present. Any broken containers wherever found must be immediately repacked under the supervision of an inspector of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine or the contents shall be immediately destroyed in a manner satisfactory to the inspector, (2) Within twenty-four hours from the time of unlading, the grapes shall be delivered for treatment to an approved sterilization plant. To provide necessary safeguards for movem.ent to and handling at approved sterilization plants, those concerns designated to sterilize fruit are required to file an applica- tion and complete a v/ritten agreement v;ith the Bureau of ■Entomology and Plant Quarantine. The Bureau will approve only those plants v/hich are adequately equipped to handle and sterilize the fruit. Sterilization vdll be done under the suoervision of UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA lllllililililllilliililllilllill 3 1262 09242 1832 - 2 plant quar^Jitino inspectors of the Bureau of Entomology end Plant Quarrjitine. Those inspectors sh.i:.ll at all timec bo given occcFs to fruit vhlle in proccsf:. of sterilizcction. They will supervise the movement of the fruit from the docks to and from the sterilization rooms. Shipments offered for entry may be allov/cd to leave customs custody under redelivery bond for sterilization. Final rele^^se of the shipment by the Collector of Customs and ccn^ cellaticn of the bond v.dll be effected after the inspector of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Qurirantine has notified the Collector of Customs that the required treatment has been given. (3) F'l.r the purpose of additional safeguards and to eliminate possible risk that might be occasioned by breaJkage of containers^ the entry of grapes is limited to the period from October 1 to April 15, when susceptible fruits v;ill not be available for ovi position by fruit flies should ojiy escape prior to the containers being placed in the approved steriliza- tion chambers. In authorizing the entry of fruit into the United States, sterilizec in accordrjncG with the above requirements, it should be emphasized that inexactness and carelessness in applying the treatment may result in injury to the fruit, but, in event of resulting injury, neither the Depart- ment of Agriculture nor its employees vdll be responsible. Lee A. Strong, Chief, Bureau of Entom^ology and Plant Quarantine.