A 5.L- S. R. A— B. S G7 UN'V Of J UniteiLSiafes depart m ent 1 Agriculture Issued July. 1927 BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS REGULATIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER WILD LIFE AND FISH REFUGE Pursuant to the authority and direction contained in the Upper Mississippi River wild life and fish refuge act of June 7, 1924 (43 Stat. 050), we. the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Commerce, respectively, prescribe and order that all lands and lands and waters already acquired or that may hereafter be acquired under the terms of said act are hereby established and shall be maintained (a) as a refuge and breeding place for migratory birds included in the terms of the convention between the United States and Great Britain for the protection of migratory birds, concluded August 10, 1910, and (&) as a refuge and breeding place for other wild birds, game animals, fur- bearing animals, and for the conservation of wild flowers and aquatic plants, and (c) as a refuge and breeding place for fish and other aquatic animal life, said refuge to be known as the Upper Mississippi River Wild Life and Fish Refuge and to be administered in accordance with said act and regulations thereunder. By virtue of the authority conferred upon said Secretaries the following regulations are hereby jointly and severally made and prescribed : REGULATIONS OF THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE IN RESPECT OF WILD BIRDS, GAME ANIMALS, FUR-BEARING ANIMALS, WILD FLOWERS, AND AQUATIC PLANTS Regulation 1-A Section (a). Hunting and taking of wild animals and birds will be permitted in the refuge only on areas to be designated by the Secretary of Agriculture. Such hunting and taking of wild animals and birds shall be subject to the requirements of these regulations and instructions issued thereunder and to all State laws ; hunting and taking of migratory birds shall also be subject to the regulations made under the migratory bird treaty act. Section (b). Carrying or having in possession firearms on areas not opened to hunting without permit of the superintendent of the refuge is prohibited except on highways or thoroughfares. Section (c). Permitting dogs to run at large is prohibited. Section (d). Taking any nongame bird, or taking the nest or egg of any bird, except under permit of the Secretary of Agriculture, is prohibited. Regulation 2-A Game animals and fur-bearing and predatory animals may be hunted, taken, or trapped only under permit of the superintendent of the refuge. Regulation 3-A Flowers, plants, trees, or other natural growth may be taken or collected only under permit of the superintendent of the refuge. 54607—27 2 BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY [S. R. A. REGULATIONS OF THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE IN RESPECT OF FISH AND OTHER AQUATIC ANIMAL LIFE Regulation 1-C Section (a). Except as otherwise provided in these regulations or in the instructions issued thereunder, fish may be taken in all navigable waters within the boundaries of the refuge in accordance with State laws. Section (b). Except within areas specifically closed to fishing by the Secre- tary of Commerce, fish may be taken in nonnavigable streams, sloughs, land- locked ponds, and lakes only with hook and line and in accordance with State laws. Section (c). Except in areas specifically closed to fishing by the Secretary of Commerce, mussels and other forms of aquatic animal life may be taken in accordance with State laws. Section (d). On areas to be designated by the Secretary of Commerce as needed for the propagation and distribution of fish by the Bureau of Fisheries or by the State the taking of fish or aquatic animal life of any kind is prohibited. JOINT REGULATIONS OF THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE AND . THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE Regulation 1-AC The enforcement of the law and the regulations made pursuant thereto shall be under the direction of the superintendent of the refuge. Regulation 2-AC Any person may enter the refuge for any lawful purpose provided he com- plies with the provisions of these regulations and instructions issued thereunder. Regulation 3-AC Injuring, removing, or destroying any tree, boat, notice, signboard, fence, building, or other property of the United States is prohibited, except as author- ized by these regulations or instructions issued thereunder. Regulation 4-AC All birds, animals, fish, or parts thereof, captured, injured or killed, all flowers, plants, trees, and other natural growths and nests and eggs of birds removed, and all implements or paraphernalia, including guns, fishing equip- ment, and boats used or attempted to be used, contrary to the provision of this act or any regulation made pursuant thereto, shall, when found by an employee of the Department of Agriculture or the Department of Commerce, marshal or deputy marshal, be summarily seized by him and placed in the custody of the superintendent of the refuge. Regulation 5-AC Permits for special uses, such as removal of timber, cutting of hay, etc., may In- granted by tin 1 superintendent of the refuge, under such terms and con- ditions as the Secretary of Agriculture may prescribe. Applications for such permits should be made to the superintendent of the refuge. Permits for the following uses may be issued by the superintendent of the refuge withoul charge: (1) Public u