B.E.P.Q. 539 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE RESTRICTIONS OP JAPANESE BEETLE QUARANTINE ON FRUITS, VEGETABLES, AND CUT FLOWERS BECOME EFFECTIVE FOR THE SEASON I 301 •^8-1+ Pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine "by paragraph (b) of § JQl.hg-h (Notice of Quarantine No. ^-8), it has been determined that the period of the heavy flight of the adult "beetle will begin in the localities listed below on the dates given; accordingly it is hereby ordered that the restrictions of 11 301.^8-4 (b) and 301.Hg-5 relating to the heavily infested areas (I 301.Ug-3), and applying to: (a) Unprocessed, fresh, cut flowers when moved in bulk direct from the field or greenhouse where grown, or from a distributor; and (b) fresh fruit and vegetables of all kinds when shipped by refrigerator car or motortruck only; shall begin for the present season on the following dates: (1) On June J, 19^5 in the following area: Virginia: Norfolk County: Magisterial district of Tanners Creek. Princess Anne County: Magisterial district of Kempsville. Entire counties of ^ccomac and Northampton. Maryland : Entire counties of Worcester, Somerset, Wicomico, and Dorchester. Delaware: Sussex County. (2) On June 21, 19*+5 in the remainder of the heavily infested area- These restrictions shall remain in effect during the current season until due notice of their discontinuance shall have been given. (Sec 8, 37 Stat. 318, 39 Stat. II65, ^ Stat. 250; 7U.S-C 19^0 ed. 161 ; 7 CFR i 301.Ug-U) Done at Washington, D. C. , this 1st day of June 19^5* & Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09313 6645