US-J43 ^3 (Amendment 3 to B. A. I. Order 143.) 1 UNIV DOCUMEN ; : 1 "" 1 *r\if\ U.S. DEPOSITORY Iwued March 20, 1908. United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO B. A. I. ORDER NO. 143 (REGULATIONS OF THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE GOVERNING THE INSPECTION, DIS- INFECTION, CERTIFICATION, TREATMENT, HANDLING, AND METHOD AND MANNER OF DELIVERY AND SHIPMENT OF LIVE STOCK WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF INTERSTATE COMMERCE). Modifying regulations 11 to IS, inclusive, relating to the prevention of the spread of splenetic fever of cattle, and revoking amendment No. 2 to B.A.I. Order No. 143. Effective on and after April 1, 1908. United States Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary. The regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture governing the inspection, disinfection, certification, treatment, handling, and method and manner of delivery and shipment of live stock which is the subject of interstate commerce, issued under date of March 22, 1907, effective on and after April 15, 1907, are hereby modified by the revocation of regulations 11 to 18, inclusive, and the substi- tution therefor of the following regulations, which revocation shall take effect on April 1, 1908, on and after which date the regulations given below shall become and be effective until otherwise ordered. REGULATIONS TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF SPLENETIC FEVER OF CATTLE. Effective April 1, 1908. Regulation 11. Whenever any State or Territory located within an area quarantined by the Secretary of Agriculture for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever shall duly establish a State or Territorial quarantined area different from the quarantined area established by the Secretary of Agriculture, and shall obtain the legislation requisite to enforce said State or Territorial quarantine strictly and completely 34434— 08 within the boundaries of said State or Territory, the Secretary of Agriculture will, if the said State or Territorial quarantine be satis- factory, adopt by a rule said State or Territorial quarantine, and the State or Territorial quarantine thus adopted shall define the limits of that portion of the Federal quarantined area. Regulation 12. Whenever any State or Territory under au- thority of law shall establish a State or Territorial quarantine for splenetic fever which differs from the quarantine established by the Secretary of Agriculture for the said disease, and shall desire a modification of the area quarantined by the Secretary of Agriculture, the proper officer of the said State or Territory shall forward to the Secretary of Agriculture a true map or description of such State or Territorial quarantine and a duly authenticated copy of the laws and regulations relating to the establishment and enforcement of the quarantine. Regulation 13. Cattle of the quarantined area of any State or Territory shall not at any time be transported, driven, or allowed to drift therefrom to any portion of the quarantined area of any other State or Territory to which the intrastate movement of cattle of the quarantined area is prohibited by the State or Territorial authorities thereof. Regulation 14. Interstate shipments of cattle from the quar- antined area may be made at any time, by rail or boat, to recognized slaughtering centers for immediate slaughter, but cattle shall not be trailed or driven or hauled in private conveyances from the quaran- tined area in any State or Territory to any point in any other State or Territory not included in the quarantined area. Interstate shipments of cattle from the quarantined area may be made during the months of January, November, and December of each year by rail or boat for any purpose into the District of Colum- bia, the States of Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michi- gan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, and that portion of the State of Missouri north of the Missouri River, under such restrictions as may be imposed by officials of the State or Territory or the District of Columbia at destination. When cattle are transported under the provisions of this regulation, the following rules regarding their movement shall be observed: (a) Cattle of the quarantined area when received at destinations outside the quarantined area, or which in course of interstate trans- portation from the quarantined area are unloaded at a point not within the quarantined area to be fed or watered or for other pur- poses, shall be handled over platforms, chutes, and alleyways, and placed in yards or portions of yards reserved for cattle of the quaran- tined area. Such yards or portions of yards, alleyways, chutes, and platforms shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the specifications set out below. SPECIFICATIONS FOR QUARANTINE YARDS AND APPROACHES. (1) The outside fences inclosing such yards or portions of yards, and the fences on either sid-e of the alleyways, chutes, and platforms leading thereto, shall be tight board fences not less than 6 feet high on the inside. (2) If such yards or portions of yards, alleyways, chutes, and platforms are adjacent to yards or portions of yards, alleyways, chutes, and platforms for cattle not of the quarantined area, there shall be between them a space not less than 10 feet wide, which shall be inaccessible to cattle; this space shall be limited on one side by the 6-foot fence required by specification 1 and on the other side by a tight board fence not less than 5 feet high. (3) If such yards or portions of yards, alleyways, chutes, and platforms are either isolated from or adjacent to other yards, por- tions of yards, alleyways, chutes, or platforms, there shall be built and maintained on all sides thereof to which cattle of the vicinity might otherwise have access a cattle-proof fence not less than 5 feet high and not less than 15 feet from the 6-foot fence required by specification 1. (4) The only means of egress from yards and portions of yards for cattle of the quarantined area in transit shall be by way of the alley- ways, chutes, and platforms inclosed by 6-foot fences, as required by specification 1, to cars for reforwarding, and under no circum- stances shall there exist any connection between such yards or por- tions of yards and the yards or portions of yards for cattle not of the quarantined area, or other adjacent premises. (5) The yards or portions of yards reserved for cattle of the quar- antined area shall be so located, or such drainage facilities shall be provided therefor, that water therefrom will not flow onto the adja- cent property. ( 6) The yards or portions of yards reserved for cattle of the quar- antined area shall be marked by a conspicuous sign bearing the words " QUARANTINE YARDS" or "QUARANTINE PENS" in letters not less than 10 inches in height. (6) If cattle not of the quarantined area be driven over platforms, chutes, or alleyways, or placed in the yards or portions of yards reserved for cattle of the quarantined area, such cattle shall there- after be treated in all respects as if they were actually of the quar- antined area. (c) The cars or boats which have carried cattle of the quarantined area shall be cleaned and disinfected as hereinafter provided as soon as possible after unloading and before the said cars or boats are again used in the interstate transportation of live stock or merchandise. (d) If for any reason, such as delays or wrecks, it is necessary to unload cattle of the quarantined area which are being transported as "Southern Cattle" into pens or yards which have not been specially provided for that purpose as hereinbefore indicated, the transporta- tion company shall immediately forward notice of such unloading and the reasons therefor to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Indus- try at Washington, D. C, and the premises shall be disinfected as hereinafter provided. (e) The proper officers of the transportation companies shall securely affix to both sides of all cars carrying interstate shipments of cattle from the quarantined area, except as hereinafter provided, durable placards not less than 5 J by 8 inches in size, on which shall be printed with permanent black ink and in bold-face letters not less than 1J inches in height the words " SOUTHERN CATTLE." These placards shall also show the name of the place from which the shipment was made, the date of the shipment (which must correspond with the date of the waybills and other papers), the name of the transportation company, and the name of the place of destination. Each of the waybills, conductors' manifests, memoranda, and bills of lading pertaining to such shipments by cars or boats shall have the words " SOUTHERN CATTLE" plainly written or stamped upon its face. Whenever such shipments are transferred to another transportation company or into other cars or boats, or are rebilled or reconsigned from any point not in the quarantined area to a point other than the original destination, the cars into which said cattle are transferred and the new waybills, conductors' manifests, memo- randa, and bills of lading covering said shipments by cars or boats shall be marked as herein specified for cars carrying said cattle from the quarantined area, and for the billing, etc., covering the same. If for any reason the placards required by this regulation are removed from the car or are destroyed or rendered illegible they shall be immediately replaced by the transportation company or its agents, the intention being that legible placards shall be maintained on the car from the time such shipments leave the quarantined area until they arrive at final destination. (f) No car or boat containing an interstate shipment of cattle of the quarantined area shall receive on board cattle which are not of the quarantined area. Interstate shipments of cattle of the quar- antined area shall not be made to points outside of said quarantined area where proper facilities have not been provided for transferring the said cattle from the cars or landing to the stock yards and slaughterhouses without passing them over public highways, unless permission for such passing is first had and obtained from the proper authorities at point of destination. (g) The cars and boats used for the interstate transportation of cattle of the quarantined area, and also the chutes, alleyways, and pens not reserved for the exclusive use of such cattle used in transit and at points of destination, shall be disinfected in the following manner: Remove all litter and manure. This litter and manure may be disinfected by mixing it with lime or saturating it with a 5 per cent solution of pure carbolic acid; or, if not disinfected, it shall be stored where no cattle can come in contact with it during the period from February 1 to October 31, inclusive, of each year. Wash the cars and the watering and feeding troughs with water until clean. Saturate the entire surface of the cars, including the inner surface of the car doors, and the fencing, troughs, chutes, and floors of the pens with a mixture made of 1^ pounds of lime and one- fourth pound of pure carbolic acid to each gallon of water, or with any coal-tar creosote dip permitted in the official dipping of sheep for scabies, provided the same is used at one-fifth the maximum dilution (5 times the minimum strength) specified for dipping sheep. (h) Cars which have carried cattle within the quarantined area of any State or Territory shall be cleaned and disinfected before being taken to any point in another State or Territory not in the quarantined area, This provision shall not apply to cars containing cattle in the course of interstate transportation for immediate slaughter, in accordance with these regulations. (i) The regulations relating to the movement of cattle of the quarantined area as prescribed by the proper State officers at desti- nation shall be carefully observed. Regulation 15. (a) Cattle not of the quarantined area which are transported interstate by rail through the quarantined area may be unloaded therein for rest, feed, and water into properly equipped noninfectious pens, provided such pens and the platforms, chutes, and alleyways leading thereto are constructed and maintained in accordance with the specifications set out below. SPECIFICATIONS FOR NONINFECTIOUS PREMISES. (1) The outside fences inclosing such pens, and the fences on either side of the alleyways, chutes, and platforms leading thereto shall be tight board fences not less than 6 feet high on the inside. (2) If such pens, alleyways, chutes, and platforms are adjacent to pens, alleyways, chutes, and platforms for cattle of the quarantined area there shall be between them a space not less than 10 feet wide, which shall be inaccessible to cattle; this space shall be limited on one side by the 6-foot fence required by specification 1, and on the other side by a tight board fence not less than 5 feet high. (3) If such pens, alleyways, chutes, and platforms are either iso- lated from or adjacent to other pens, alleyways, chutes, or platforms there shall be built and maintained on all sides thereof, to which cat- tle of the vicinity might otherwise have access, a cattle-proof fence not less than 5 feet high and not less than 15 feet from the 6-foot fence required by specification 1 . (4) The only means of egress from such pens shall be by way of the alleyways, chutes, and platforms inclosed by 6-foot fences as required by specification 1 to cars for reforwarding, and under no circumstances shall there exist any connection between such pens and the pens for cattle of the quarantined area, or other adjacent prem- ises. (5) Such noninfectious premises shall be so located, or such drain- age facilities shall be provided therefor, that water from the sur- rounding area will not flow onto or through them. (6) Such pens shall be marked by a conspicuous sign bearing the words "NONINFECTIOUS PENS" in letters not less than 10 inches in height. (b) Cattle infested with the Margaropus annulatus, or southern cattle tick, disseminate the contagion of splenetic, southern, or Texas fever; therefore cattle not of the quarantined area which are infested with the Margaropus annulatus ticks shall be considered as infected cattle and shall be subject to the regulations governing the interstate movement of cattle of the quarantined area^ Regulation 16. Stock-yard companies receiving interstate ship- ments of cattle infested with the said ticks shall place the said cattle in the pens set aside for the use of cattle of the quarantined area, and transportation companies are required to- clean and disinfect, in accordance with the requirements of these regulations, all cars and boats used in interstate transportation which have contained the infected cattle. Regulation 17. Cattle of the quarantined area, or other cattle infested with ticks, which have been properly dipped in Beaumont crude petroleum, or otherwise treated in a manner approved by the Secretary of Agriculture, under the supervision of an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, and which have been examined and cer- tified to be free of infection by the said inspector, may be shipped interstate at any time, subject only to such restrictions as may be imposed by State, Territorial, or District officers at points of desti- nation: Provided, That when cattle are to be dipped, as specified herein, they shall, within six hours immediately prior to dipping, be given an opportunity to drink sufficient water to quench their thirst. Shipments of cattle that have been dipped or treated as herein pro- vided shall be forwarded in clean, disinfected cars, shall be accom- panied by certificates of dipping or treatment issued by the inspector supervising the same, and shall not he driven through the quarantined area or be unloaded therein, except at such points as may be desig- nated in the rules of the Secretary of Agriculture. The interstate movement of horses and mules infested with ticks (Margaropus annulatus) may be made only in accordance with the regulations and rule governing the interstate movement of tick- infested cattle. Regulation 18. Before accepting or moving an interstate ship- ment of cattle to a point not in the quarantined area from that portion of the quarantined area from which under the rules of the Secretary of Agriculture cattle may be shipped after inspection for purposes other than immediate slaughter, transportation companies shall secure a signed statement from each owner or consignor of said cattle, showing the purpose for which the cattle are shipped. In every case this statement shall accompany the waybills. Amendment No. 2 to B. A. I. Order No. 143 is hereby revoked, to take effect upon April 1, 1908. Done at Washington this seventeenth day of March, 1908. Witness my hand and the seal of the Department of Agriculture. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08859 3040