M.5'.i?4 B. A. I. Ordrr 194.) United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. RULE 1, REVISION 10.— TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF SPLENETIC, SOUTHERN, OR TEXAS FEVER IN CATTLE. Effective on and after March 1, 1913, United States Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary. The fact has been determined by the Secretary of Agriculture and notice is hereby given that a contagious and infectious disease, known as splenetic, southern, or Texas fever, exists among cattle in the following-named States, to wit : California, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Florida. Now, therefore, I, James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture, under authority conferred by section 1 of the act of Congress ap- proved March 3, 1905 (33 Stat., 1264), do hereby quarantine the area hereinafter described, and do order by this rule 1, revision 10, under the authority and discretion conferred on the Secretary of Agri- culture by section 3 of the said act of Congress approved March 3, 1905 (33 Stat., 1265), that the interstate movement of cattle of the area herein quarantined to any point not located in the said quaran- tined area shall be made only in accordance with the regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture for the prevention of the spread of splenetic, -southern, or Cexas fever in cattle, subject only to the exceptions hereinafter contained. AREAS QUARANTINED. The following areas ate quarantined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever in cattle : CALIFORNIA. The county of San Diego. During the continuance of this quarantine no cattle of the county of San Diego shall be moved or allowed to move, except as provided for immediate slaughter, to any point in the United States not in the 77699°— 13 State of California which is located in an area not quarantined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever unless and until the said cattle shall have been continuously kept on premises known to have been free of infection for at least six months, and unless and until the cattle shall have been inspected and found free of infection and a certificate authorizing the shipment issued by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, nor until permission shall have been obtained in advance of the movement from the proper official of the State into which the cattle are to be shipped. TEXAS. The entire State of Texas is quarantined with the exception of the counties of Dallam, Sherman, Hansford, Ochiltree, Lipscomb, Hart- ley, Moore, Hutchinson, Roberts, Hemphill, Oldham, Potter, Carson. Gray, Wheeler, Deaf Smith, Randall, Armstrong, Donley, Collings- worth, Parmer, Castro, Swisher, Briscoe. Hall. Childress, Bailey, Lamb, Hale, Floyd, Motley, Cottle, Cochran. Hockley, Lubbock, Crosby, Dickens, King, Yoakum, Terry, Lynn, Garza. Kent, Stone- wall, Gaines, Dawson, xlndrews, Martin. Howard. El Paso, Jeff Davis, Presidio, Brewster, Reeves, Loving, Winkler, Ector, Mid- land, Ward, Scurry, Borden, Glasscock, Crane, L T pton. Reagan, and Pecos; that part of Hardeman County north of the Fort Worth & Denver City Railwa}^ and west of the Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Railway; those parts of Foard, Knox, and Haskell Counties west of the Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Railway; that part of Mitchell County north of the Texas & Pacific Railway : and that part of Terrell County situate west and north of the following described line : Beginning at the mouth of the Sanderson Canyon, on the Rio Grande River; thence in a northwesterly direction following said canyon to a point known as Baxter's curve on the Galveston, Houston & San Antonio Railway; thence easterly following said railway to Eldridge; thence north following N. H. Corder's and D. Hart's pasture fences through the eastern part of sections 3G, 13, and 12, block A-2, Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio Railway, across section 1, Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway; thence continuing north on the D. Hart pasture fence through the eastern part of sec- tions 16, 17, 46, 47, 76, and 77, thence east along the southern bound- ary of sections 106, 105, 104, 103, and 102, thence north along the eastern boundary of sections 102 and 111, thence east along south- ern boundary of sections 131, 130 and 129, thence north along east- ern boundary of sections 129, 152, 167, 172, and 187, thence east along northern boundary of sections 186 and 185, thence north along west- ern boundary of section 195, thence east along the northern boundarv of sections 195, 198, 187, and 200, Block D, Missouri, Kansas & Texas Extension Railway; thence north following east boundarv of the Michael Kim and Charles Woodson surveys to the southeast corner of section 43, block 1, Texas Central Railway; thence north along the eastern boundary of sections 43 to 49, inclusive; thence east along the southern boundary of sections 37, 36, 25, 24 % and 19, Texas Central Railway ; thence north along the eastern boundary of section 19 to southwest corner of section 7, block 34, State University lands; thence east along southern boundary of sections 7 and 6 to the southeast corner of section 6. thence north along eastern bound toy of sections (5, 5, 4, and 3, block -)\. State I (niversity land-: thence east along southern boundary of Juan Reyes's survey, thence north along the eastern boundary of said Juan Reyes's, Anna McClung's, and James C. Blake's surveys, thence east along the southern bound- ary of sections 21, 20, and 7, thence north along Che eastern bound- ary of sections 7 to 13, inclusive, block B-2, Corpus Christi, San Diego £ Rio Grande Narrow Gauge Railway, to the Pecos and Terrell County line: thence east along the said Pecos and Terrell County line to its intersection with the Pecos River. During the continuance of this quarantine no cattle of the coun- ties of Fisher and Jones, or of that part of Mitchell County south of the Texas & Pacific Railway, shall be moved or allowed to move, ex- cept as provided for immediate slaughter, to any point in the United States not in the State of Texas which is heated in an area not quar- antined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever unless and until the said cattle shall have been continuously kept on premises known to be free of infection, which knowledge shall be based on thorough investi- gation made by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, at the owner's solicitation, during a period best suited for making such investigation for the purpose of ascertaining actual conditions, and unless and until the cattle shall have been inspected and found free of infection and a certificate authorizing the shipment issued by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, nor until permission shall have been obtained in advance of the movement from the proper official of the State into which the cattle are to be shipped. Each application for inspection shall be duly made by the owner or the manager of the cattle on blank forms furnished by the department, and shall be placed in the hands of the inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry in charge of the district not less than 10 days in advance of the date on which inspection is required. Such applica- tion for inspection shall be accompanied by affidavits when required by the said inspector. No cattle of the quarantined area of any other State shall at any time be transported or moved in any manner into Crockett County. Tex., unless and until the cattle shall have been properly dipped, in- spected, found free of infection, and certified, as required for the in- terstate movement of cattle for purposes other than immediate slaughter; nor shall any cattle be moved or allowed to move, except as provided for immediate slaughter, from Crockett County to any point in the United States not in the State of Texas, which is located in an area not quarantined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever un- less and until the said cattle shall have been properly dipped, in- spected, or certified in accordance with the bureau requirements, nor until permission shall have been obtained in advance of the movement from the proper official of the State into which the cattle are to be shipped. From the other counties and parts of counties in the State of Texas cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move interstate 1 to points outside of the quarantined area in accordance with the regu- lations for immediate slaughter, or for other purposes as provided by the regulations for dipping, inspection, or certification. In the State of Texas where a line of railroad separates the quar- antined from the free area, shipping points are reserved for nonin- fected cattle as follows: Chillicothe, Hardeman County; Crowell, Foard County; Truscott and Benjamin, Knox County; Rule, Has- kell County ; and Colorado, Iatan, Westbrook, and Loraine, Mitchell County. OKLAHOMA. The entire State of Oklahoma is quarantined except the counties of Cimarron, Texas, Beaver, Harper, Woods, Alfalfa, Grant, Wood- ward, Major, Ellis, Garfield, Dewey, Blaine, Kingfisher, Logan, Roger Mills, Custer, Beckham, Washita, Greer, Caddo, Jackson, Kiowa, Comanche, Oklahoma, Harmon, Canadian, Kay, Noble, Paw- nee, Payne, Lincoln, and Cleveland; that part of Tillman County north of the " base " line ; that part of Grady County north and west of a line beginning at the eastern line of said county at its intersec- tion with the township line between townships 7 and 8 north, thence west on said township line to the range line between ranges 5 and 6 west, Indian meridian, thence south on said range line to the south- east corner of section 13, township 7 north, range 6 west, Indian meridian, thence west along the section line through the middle of township 7 north, range 6 west, and township 7 north, range 7 west, to its intersection with the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad, thence southwesterly following said railroad to its intersection with the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway, thence southerly follow- ing said railway to the Stephens County line; that part of McClain County north of the township line between townships 8 and 9 north ; that part of Pottawatomie County north of a line beginning at the west line of said county at the southwest corner of section 19, town- ship 7 north, range 2 east, Indian meridian, thence east on the section line between sections 19 and 30 to the southeast corner of section 22, township 7 north, range 3 east, thence south on the section line to the township line between townships 6 and 7 north, thence east on said township line to the Seminole County line; that part of Osage County west of the range line between ranges 7 and 8 east, Indian meridian ; that part of Craig County north and east of a line begin- ning at the southeast corner of township 2G north, range 21 east, Indian meridian, thence west along the line between townships 25 and 26 north to the southwest corner of township 26 north, range 20 east, thence north along the line between ranges 19 and 20 east to the northwest corner of township 26 north, range 20 east, thence west along the township line between townships 26 and 27 north to the Nowata County line; and that part of Ottawa County west and north of a line beginning where the Spring River intersects the northern line of said county, thence southerly along the course of said river to its confluence with the Neosho River, thence continuing southerly along the course of the Neosho River to its intersection with the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad, thence southwesterly along the said railroad to its intersection with the Missouri, Oklahoma & Gulf Rail- road, thence southerly along the Missouri, Oklahoma & Gulf Rail- road to the Delaware County line, thence west along said county line to the southwest corner of Ottawa County. From the other counties and parts of counties in the State of Oklahoma cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move interstate to points outside of the quarantined area in accordance with the reg- ulations for immediate slaughter, or for other purposes as provided by the regulations for dipping, inspection, or certification. In the State of Oklahoma where a line of railroad separates the quarantined from the free area, shipping points are reserved for noninfected cattle as follows: Rush Springs and Agawan, Grady County. MISSOURI. The following-mentioned area is quarantined: That part of Rip- ley County comprising congressional township 23 north, ranges 1 and 2 east, the northern half of congressional township 22 north, range 1 east, and the part of the north half of congressional town- ship 22 north, range 2 east, which lies west of Current River. During the continuance of this quarantine no cattle of the area described shall be moved or allowed to move, except as provided for immediate slaughter, to any point in the United States not in the State of Missouri which is located in an area not quarantined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever unless and until the said cattle shall have been continuously kept on premises known to have been free of infection for at least six months and unless and until the cat- tle shall have been inspected and found free of infection and a certi- ficate authorizing the shipment issued by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, nor until permission shall have been obtained in advance of the movement from the proper official of the State into which the cattle are to be shipped. ARKANSAS. The entire State of Arkansas is quarantined except the counties of Fulton, Randolph, Clay, Greene, Lawrence, Craighead, Missis- sippi, Poinsett, Crittenden, Benton, Washington, Carroll, Madison, and Newton; that part of Sharp County north of the Strawberry River ; and those parts of Cross, St. Francis, Lee, and Phillips Coun- ties east of the St. Francis River. From the other counties and parts of counties in the State of Arkansas cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move interstate to points outside of the quarantined area in accordance with the regu- lations for immediate slaughter, or for other purposes as provided by the regulations for dipping, inspection, or certification. LOUISIANA. The entire State of Louisiana is quarantined. During the continuance of this quarantine no cattle of the par- ishes of Lincoln and Claiborne shall be moved or allowed to move, except as provided for immediate slaughter, to any point in the United States not in the State of Louisiana which is located in an area not quarantined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever unless and until the said cattle shall have been continuously kept on prem- ises known to have been free of infection for at least six months, . 6 and unless and until the cattle shall have been inspected and found free of infection and a certificate authorizing the shipment issued by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, nor until permis- sion shall have been obtained in advance of the movement from the proper official of the State into which the cattle are to be shipped. From the other parishes in the State of Louisiana cattle shall only be moved or alloAved to move interstate to points outside of the quar- antined area in accordance with the regulations for immediate slaughter, or for other purposes as provided by the regulations for dipping, inspection, or certification. MISSISSIPPI. The entire State of Mississippi is quarantined except the counties of De Soto, Tate, Tunica, Coahoma, Panola, Benton, Washington, Issaquena, Hinds, and Adams ; that part of Attala County north and west of the Yokahockany River and Bese Chitto Creek ; that part, of Chickasaw County east of a line beginning at the intersection of the southern boundary of said county with Hoolka Creek, thence follow- ing said creek in a northwesterly direction to the New Orleans, Mobile & Chicago Railroad, thence north following said railroad to the Pon- totoc County line ; that part of Claiborne County south of the Bayou Pierre River and the north fork of said river; that part of Holmes County e-ast of a line beginning with the intersection of the Leflore County line with the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad, thence southerly following said railroad to Black Creek, thence east follow- ing Black Creek to Howard, Miss., thence southerly following the foothill bluffs to the Yazoo County line; that part of Jefferson County north and west of the Jackson & Natchez branch of the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad; that part of Lafayette County west and north of a line beginning at the intersection of the Illinois Central Railroad with the northern boundary of said county, thence following said railroad in a southerly direction to the Yocona River, thence following said river in a southwesterly direction to the Yalo- busha County line; that part of Leake County north and west of the Pearl and the Yokahockany Rivers; that part of Lowndes Count;, west of the Tombigbee River ; those parts of Madison County west and south of the Illinois Central Railroad and north and east of a line beginning in township 8 at the intersection of Pearl River with the line between ranges 3 and 4 east, thence north along said range line to the Tildo Bogue Creek, thence northwesterly following said creek to the Yazoo County line; all of Marshall County west and north of Tippah Creek; that part of Monroe County south and west of a line beginning where the Monroe and Itawamba County line is crossed by Scholfe Creek, thence southerly following said creek to where it empties into West Fork, thence in a southerly direction following West Fork and Tombigbee River to Weavers Creek, thence easterly following said creek to the main line of the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad, thence following said railroad to the Alabama State line; that part of Noxubee County east of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad; that part of Rankin County east and north of a line beginning where the southern boundary of said county is intersected by the line be- tween ranges 3 and 4 east, thence north along said range line to the Pelahatches Creek, thence in a westerly direction following said creek to the Hinds County line; and that part of Yazoo County east of a line beginning where the Yazoo River crosses the northern boundary of said county, thence following -aid river in a southerly direction to Yazoo City, thence following the Yazoo £ Mississippi Valley Railroad southerly to the Madison County line, leaving the village of Bentonia in the quarantined area. From the other counties and parts of counties in the State of Mis- sissippi cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move interstate to points outside of the quarantined area in accordance with the regu lations for Immediate slaughter or for other purposes as provided by the regulations for dipping, inspection, or certification. In the State of Mississippi where a line of railroad separates the quarantined from the free area, shipping points are reserved for noninfected cattle as follows: Fayette. Harrison, and Lorman, Jeffer- son County; Yazoo City, Eden, and Vaughn, Yazoo County; Quincy and Greenwood Springs, Monroe County; Flora, Madison County: Houlka, Chickasaw County; Brookville, Gurler, and Shuqualak, Noxubee County; and Abbeville and Taylor, Lafayette County. TENNESSEE. The following-mentioned counties and parts of counties are quar- antined : The Counties of Chester, Henderson, and Hardin; that part of Hardeman County within a line beginning at the inter- section of the Bolivar-Pocahontas public highway and Spring Creek, thence in a southeasterly direction along said public highway to Carter Creek, thence in a northerly direction to Hatchie River, thence in an easterly and southerly direction along said river to the mouth of Muddy Creek, thence in a southwesterly direction along said creek to the Southern Railway, thence in a westerly direction along said railway to Spring Creek, thence in a northerly direction along said creek to the beginning; that part of McNairy County east and south of a line beginning where the Mobile & Ohio Rail- road crosses the north line of said county, thence following said rail- road in a southerly direction to about 3 miles south of Ramer, where said railroad crosses Muddy Creek dredge, thence in a westerly di- rection following said Muddy Creek dredge about 2} miles, where it empties into Cypress Creek, thence along said Cypress Creek in a southwesterly direction to the Southern Railway, thence westerly along said railway to the Hardeman County line; all of Decatur County, except that part east and north of a line beginning where the Camden and Decaturville public road crosses the northern boundary of said county, thence following said public road in a southerly direction to where it crosses Lick Creek, thence following said creek in a south- easterly direction to the Tennessee River; that part of Wayne County south of a line beginning where the Waterloo road intersects th*e eastern boundary of said county, thence in a southwesterly direction to Factory Creek, thence following Factory Creek in a northwesterly direction to the mouth of Shawnetee Creek, thence up Shawnetee Creek in a westerly direction to the fork of said creek at the Shawnetee M. E. Church, thence following the road leading up the north prong of said creek in a northwesterly direction to it^ inter- section with the Waynesboro and Florence road at the Rinks place, thence following the Waynesboro and Florence road in a northerly 8 direction to where the Chalk Creek and Highland schoolhouse road intersect said road, thence following the Chalk Creek and Highland schoolhouse road in a northwesterly direction to its intersection wjth the Waynesboro and Pinhook road, thence following said road in a northerly direction about 200 yards to the road leading down to the Old's tanyard place on the headwaters of Hog Creek, thence follow- ing down Hog Creek and Hardins Creek in a westerly direction to its intersection with the Hardin County line; and that part of Marion County south and east of the Tennessee River. From the above-mentioned counties and parts of counties in the State of Tennessee cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move interstate to points outside of the quarantined area in accordance with the regulations for immediate slaughter, or for other purposes as provided by the regulations for dipping, inspection, or certification. In the State of Tennessee where a line of railroad separates the quarantined from the free area shipping points are reserved for noninfected cattle as follows: Finger, McNairy, Bethel, and Selmer, McNairy County, and all railroad shipping points in Hardeman County. The snipping points of Aliens Creek, on the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway, and Clifton, on the Tennessee River, are outside of the quarantined area. ALABAMA. The entire State of Alabama is quarantined except the county of Madison. From the quarantined counties in the State of Alabama cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move interstate to points outside of the quarantined area in accordance with the regulations for im- mediate slaughter, or for other purposes as provided by the regula- tions for dipping, inspection, or certification. GEORGIA. The entire State of Georgia is quarantined except the counties of Fannin, Union, Towns, Rabun, White, Habersham, Stephens, Hart, Banks, Hall, Clarke, and Putnam. From the quarantined counties in the State of Georgia cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move interstate to points outside of the quarantined area in accordance with the regulations for immediate slaughter, or for other purposes as provided by the regulations for dipping, inspection, or certification. SOUTH CAROLINA. The entire State of South Carolina is quarantined except the counties of Oconee, Pickens, Greenville, Anderson, Spartanburg, Cherokee, York, Laurens, Greenwood, Marlboro, and Darlington; that part of Abbeville County north of the Seaboard Air Line Rail- wa}'; that part of Chester County west of the Southern Railway ajid north of the Lancaster & Chester Railway; and that part of Lan- caster County north and west of Waxhaw Creek. 9 From the other counties and parts of counties in the State of South Carolina cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move inter- state to points outside of the quarantined area in accordance with the reflations for immediate slaughter, or for other purpose provided by the regulations for dipping, inspection, or certification. In the State of South Carolina where a line of railroad separate the quarantined from the free area shipping points are reserved for noninfected cattle as follows: Abbeville and Calhoun Falls, Abbe- ville County, and Chester and Richburg, Chester County. NORTH CAROLINA. The counties of Moore, Harnett, Johnston. Northampton, Hert- ford, Bertie, Gates, Chowan, Perquimans, Pasquotank, Camden. Currituck, Martin, Washington, Tyrrell, Dare, Hyde, Beaufort, Pitt. Wayne, Sampson, Cumberland, Hoke, Scotland, Robeson, Bladen. Greene, Lenoir, Craven, Pamlico, Carteret, Jones, Duplin, Onslow, Pender, Columbus, Brunswick, and New Hanover are quarantined. From the above-mentioned counties in the State of North Caro- lina cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move interstate to points outside of the quarantined area in accordance with the regulations for immediate slaughter, or for other purposes as provided by the regulations for dipping, inspection, or certification. VIRGINIA. The counties of Sussex, Surry, Southampton. Isle of Wight, and Nansemond; that part of Greenesville County south of Meherrin River; that part of Warwick County not included in the Newport News magisterial district ; and that part of York County not in- cluded in the Bruton magisterial district are quarantined. From the above-mentioned counties and parts of counties in the State of Virginia cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move interstate to points outside of the quarantined area in accordance with the regulations for immediate slaughter, or for other purposes as provided by the regulations for dipping, inspection, or certification. FLORIDA. The entire State of Florida is quarantined. From the State of Florida cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move to points outside of the quarantined area in accordance with the regulations for immediate slaughter, or for other purposes as provided by the regulations for dipping, inspection, or certification. KANSAS. The following-mentioned area is quarantined: The stockyards of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway at Elgin, Chautauqua County, Kans., and the fenced strip of land extending from said stockyards to the Oklahoma State line. 10 GENERAL PROVISIONS. During the continuance of the quarantine as herein established no cattle of the quarantine area of any State (except those portions from which cattle may be moved upon inspection) shall be moved or allowed to move to any portion of the quarantined area of another State from which, under the specific provisions of this rule, cattle are allowed to be shipped for purposes other than immediate slaugh- ter upon inspection and certification by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry. In case cattle are moved or allowed to move from the area quaran- tined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever in violation of the rule and regulations of this department to prevent the spread of said disease in cattle, such cattle shall be immediately returned to such quarantined area or they shall be quarantined. OPEN SEASON. During the months of November, December, and January cattle of the quarantined area of any State may be moved interstate therefrom for purposes other than immediate slaughter into the States of Kansas, Kentucky, Arizona. New Mexico, and Oklahoma; those parts of the States of California and Texas not included in the quarantined area; and that part of the State of Missouri south of the Missouri River, if the said cattle are in counties or localities where coopera- tive tick eradication is systematically conducted, and they shall have been continuously kept on premises known to be free of infec- tion (such knowledge shall have come from an official source or be based on thorough investigation made at the owner's solicitation by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry during a period best suited for making such investigation for the purpose of ascertaining actual conditions) , and the cattle shall first have been inspected under proper facilities for inspection at the point of origin and found free of infection, and a certificate authorizing the movement issued by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, and in addition to such inspection and certification permission shall first have been obtained from the proper official of the State to which the cattle are destined. During the period from November 15 of each year to January 31 of the following year cattle of the quarantined area of any State may be moved interstate therefrom for purposes other than imme- diate slaughter under the above-mentioned restrictions into that part of the State of Arkansas not included in the quarantined area. During the last 16 days of December, the months of January and February, and the first 15 days of March cattle of the quarantined area of any State may be moved interstate therefrom for purposes 11 other than immediate slaughter under the above-mentioned restric- tions into that part of the State of South Carolina not included in the quarantined area. Cattle of the quarantined area that have been shipped interstate during the months of November, December, January. February, and the first 15 days of March to any State outside of the quarantined area other than those States and parts thereof set out herein shall not be moved into any of the States or parts thereof hereinbefore mentioned within three months of the date of the movement from the quarantined area. Cattle which are moved interstate from the quarantined area of any State into those States or parts thereof hereinbefore mentioned under certificates from inspectors of the Bureau of Animal Industry shall, when shipped, be transported in cleaned and disinfected cars or boats, and shall not be placed in stock pens which have been reserved for cattle originating in the quarantined area. FEEDING STATIONS FOR NONINFECTED CATTLE. Cattle not of the quarantined area, and cattle of the quarantined area when properly dipped, inspected, or certified in accordance with the bureau requirements, may be transported interstate by rail through the quarantine area, and when unloaded therein for rest, feed, and water, shall be handled in properly equipped noninfectious pens set apart for such cattle at the Fort Worth stockyards, at Fort Worth, Tex. ; the stockyards of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Rail- way, at Hodge and Denison, Tex.; the stockyards of the Interna- tional & Great Northern Railroad, at Laredo, Tex.; the stockyards of the Texas & Pacific Railway, at Baird, Tex.: the Union Stockyards, at San Antonio, Tex.: the stockyards of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa. Fe Railway, at Temple. Tex.; the stockyards of the Fort Worth & Denver City Railway, at Stamford, Tex.; the stockyards of the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad, at Sapulpa and Afton, Okla. : the stockyards of the Missouri. Kansas & Texas Railway, at Muskogee, ( )kla. : and at such other points as may from time to time be authorized by the Secretary of Agriculture, provided Mich pens and the platforms, chutes, and alleyways leading thereto have been cleaned and disin- fected under the supervision of an employee of the Bureau of Animal Industry and are constructed and maintained in accordance with the specifications set out in the regulations of the Secretary of Agricul- ture to prevent the spread of splenetic fever in cattle. All cattle handled in such noninfectious pens shall be free from ticks (Margaropi/s annulatus) and shall not have been unloaded at any point in the quarantined area other than the designated unload- ing points named herein or hereafter authorized by the Secretary 12 of Agriculture, and they shall be reloaded into the same cars from which unloaded, or into other cars which have been cleaned, washed, and disinfected, as required by the regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture for the prevention of the spread of splenetic, southern, or Texas fever in cattle, immediately before loading therein, and re- shipped as uninfected cattle. INTERPRETATION. This rule 1, revision 10, shall be construed in connection with the regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture for the prevention of the spread of splenetic, southern, or Texas fever in cattle, and is subject to amendment or revision on statutory notice. Rule 1, revision 9 (B. A. I. Order 187), dated March 4. 1912, effective March 25, 1912, shall cease to be effective on and after March 1, 1913, on and after which date this rule 1, revision 10, which for purposes of identification, is designated as B. A. I. Order 194, shall become and be effective until otherwise ordered. The effect of this order, including changes made by amendments to B. A. I. Order 187 and embodied herein, is as follows: In California the remainder of San Luis Obispo County is re- leased from quarantine. In Texas the counties of StoneAvall, Reagan, the remainder ©f Howard County, and portions of the counties of Hardeman. Foard, Knox, Haskell, and Terrell are released from quarantine. In Oklahoma the county of Comanche, the remainder of the coun- ties of Kiowa, Pawnee, Lincoln, and Cleveland, and portions of the counties of Tillman, Grady, McClain, Pottawatomie, Osage, Craig, and Ottawa are released from quarantine. In Missouri the remainder of the counties of Oregon, McDonald, and Newton are released from quarantine. In Arkansas the counties of Newton, Fulton, and Crittenden, and portions of the counties of Sharp, Cross, St. Francis, Lee, and Phil- lips are released from quarantine. In Mississippi the counties of Coahoma, Washington, Issaquena, and Hinds, the remainder of Benton County, and portions of the counties of Attala, Chickasaw, Claiborne, Jefferson, Lafayette, Leake, Lowndes, Madison, Marshall, Monroe, Noxubee, Rankin, and Yazoo are released from quarantine, and a small portion of Claiborne County is again quarantined. In Tennessee the remainder of the counties of Polk and Hamilton, and portions of the counties of Hardeman, McNairy. Decatur, and Wayne are released from quarantine. In Alabama the county of Madison is released from quarantine. 13 Tn Georgia the counties of Fannin. Hall, Banks. Clarke, and Fut- nani arc released from quarantine. In South Carolina the counties of Marlboro and Darlington, the remainder of York County, and portions of Chester and Lancast* P Counties are released from quarantine. In North Carolina the counties of AVilson and Edgecombe are re- leased from quarantine. There have been added feeding stations for noninfected cattle at the stockyards of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway, at Temple, Tex.; at the stockyards of the Fort Worth & Denver City Railway. at Stamford, Tex.: and at the stockyards of the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad, at Afton, Okla. Done at Washington this Tth day of Febru- ary, 1913. Witness my hand and the seal of the Depart- ment of Agriculture. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture, o •\srriNOTON : ooveknment rniNTivo office : 1913 *. A UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08859 2992