l\ S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU 01 KNTOMoUk.Y — CIRCULAR No. 162. I () HOW \KD. I nlofnologut .nd Chief of Burr.u THE POTATO-TUBEB MOTH A PRELIMINARY ACCOUNT. MY V. II. CHITTENDEN, s« . D.. I top am/ Stored Pro BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOG V. I.. 0. Howard, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. C. L. Marlatt, Entomologist and Acting Chief in Absence of Chief . R. S. ('UPTON, Knculin Assistant. \V. F. Tastet, Chief. Clerk. F. H. Chittenden, in chargt of truck crop and store/ ■product ins,ct investigations. A. I». Hopkins, in charge of forest insect investigations. W. D. Hunter, in charge of southern field crop insect investigations. V. M. Webster, in chargt of cereal and forage insert investigations. A. L. Quaintance, in churn, of deciduous fruit insect investigations. E. F. Phillips, in chargt of bet culture. I). M. Rogers, in dung, ,,j prevt nting spread of moths, field work. Rolla P. Currik. in charge of editorial work. Mabel Colcord, in charge of library. Truck ('nor and Stored Product [nsect [nvestioations. F. II. Chittenden, in charge. II. M. Russell, C. H. Popenoe, Wm. B. Parker, II. 0. Marsh, M. M. High, Fred A. Johnston, D. E. Fink, John E. Graf, A B. Duckett, entomological assistants. I.J. Condit, collaborator in California. W. X. (Inn, collaborator in Oregon. THOS. II. JoNES, collaborator in Porto Rico. Marion 'I'. Van Horn, Pauline M. Johnson, Anita M. Ballinger, preparalors. ii ADDITIONAL COPIES of this publication -£*- may be procured from the Superintend- ent or Documents, Government Printing Office. Washington. D. Cat S cents per copy Circular No. 162. United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OP KNTOMOLOGY. 1 O HOWARD 1 ' ■ ■" ul Chief of Hureau. I Ml. POTATO-T1 BER MOTH. /■- . / i /.ill I || Qhittbnden, Si D I \ i i:< iin ( n >t:i . For m;iii\ years the potato-tuber moth, known scientifically as Phthorimxa opercuhlla Zell., has I n the worsj potato pesl in California. Ii has now reached the State ,.i' Washington and menaces adjacent States. This insecl feeds also upon to- % mato, eggplant, and tobacco, which 'I" not. however.as a rule, suffer much injury. When ii occurs on tobacco ii is known as the splitworm. The mature moth of this species, which is quite small and grayish in color, is shown in 6gure I, a; the Ian a is shown in b and c; and the pupa in . At a isasection showing the eggs at the top; at h, a badly mfesti d I will in' . THE l'OTVio I iki.i: MOTH. potato in section; at the left is a section containing two pits, (Zand /, in which the larva lias been at work, while at l> and c are shown t he egg, highly magnified. DISTRIBUTION. This species is widespread in its distribution, but in this country, mil il the present year (1912), we did not know of its rapid dissemina- tion. Abroad it is well known in Hawaii, all portions of Australia, New Zealand. Algeria, and many other countries, including southern Europe. As an enemy to tobacco it has been known for several years in Florida and in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. 1 The directions for applying remedies which follow are for the benefit of per- sons inquiring in regard to means of control. Which of these should be used can be best determined by trial in the different localities under the differ- ent conditions in which the insect ex- ists. This applies especially to the question as to the. best material for iumigat ion. EVIDENCE OF IMPORTANCE. As evidence of the importance of the pest a few ([notations or notes should he made. r the danger of it- being intro duced there as well as into Minnesota and some other Stati M I nil s The potato-tuber moth is a difficull insect t" control. It i- nol possible it) reach the tuber wofms in their mines in the potatoes or in the stalks or tubers growing in the Geld, which make- it neccssan to proceed against the pesl l>\ other methods. Of these, several must be emplo) ril to insure buc< i The first measure consists in the maintenance "I clean methods <>f cultivation. This implies that all infested potato plants and solana- ceous weeds, such as ground cherry, bull nettles, horse nettles, and vol u nt err potato plant-, gro^ ing in the same vicinity as the potatoes, must be destroyed. This can be done by prompt burning as soon as insect infestation is manifest. The burning of the weed- will eliminate places for the breeding of the insect or for its successful hibernation. Domestic animals such as sheep and hogs are valuable for the destruction of remnant- and may be utilized l>\ merely turn- ing them into the field. Crop rotation, as in mosl other cases of insect injury, is desirable w here possible, and the cooperal ion of all potato growers of the neigh- borhood i- practically a necessity. In certain cases, as, for example, in a county where many potatoes are grown, it mighl l>e |><>--il>le l>\ legislat ion to enforce the discontinuance of potato planting for a year, requiring at the same time the destruction of the weed- which serve as I'ood plant-. There are several alternate food crops which do not suffer materially from this insect. About the best of these are Leguminous crop-, like beans, peas, cowpeas, alfalfa, and clover. These possess a dual value, as the) all ad as soil restorers. Sugar beets, celery, and crucifers are also good as alternate food crops. Grains may serve in the same way, as they are not attacked by the tuber moth. Care in digging i- ad\ isable in order not to cut into t he tuber or leave dug potatoes in the field over night where reinfestation coidd occur. II MM, \I1'"N ^hile all of these remedies are of value, the best remedj i- the fumigation of infested tubers u ith bisulphid of carbon or hj drocj anic- 4 j II K I'll I A I ti- I I'KKl; MOTH. acid gas. If bisulphid of carbon is used, it should be at the rate of 3 pounds to 1,000 cubic feel of air space, including the potatoes; 1 ounce to a barrel of 96 pounds' capacity would not be excessive. With an exposure of not more than 2 l hours, no harm should be done to the potatoes for planting. The bisulphid should be evaporated in Fig. 3.— Fumigator used for stored products infested by insects. (Author's illustration. ) tins, like pie plates, and a cover should be placed on the top of the fumigating barrel or box so as to make it as nearly air-tight as possi- ble. At the end of 24 hours the potatoes should be removed, placed in a fresh barrel, and closed up. Where it can be conveniently done hydrocyanic-acid gas should be used in a specially constructed fumigator (see fig. 3), also Lras- I ill P01 HO ii in i: \l'»i ii. tight. In ill'- case of bisulphid of carbon there i-^ great danger in bringing the chemical into proximity i" fire, Buch as a lighted lantern or cigar, for the gaa is 1 1 1 ■_•■ 1 1 1 v inflammable and even explosive. Thin, too, the bisulphid-of-carbon method costs Blight!} more than tin- bydroc} anic-acid-gas method. Fumigation with hydrocyanic acid :_ r a>, properh performed, is nol dangerous, but it improperl} performed is decidedly dangerous to human and other animal life, a> the fumes are ven poisonous and me deadh when inhaled in an\ amount. This gaa i-> more penc trating than bisulphid of carbon and can !><• used l>\ an intelligent person without trouble, it he first familiarizes himself thorough!} with the procedure by careful!} studying the printed directions or assisting some one who has bad experience in this work. The cubic contents <>l* the receptacle t" be fumigated, on which is based the amount of chemicals to l>e used, can be readil} computed. i ii i i n\8TH \ i)l \ ii mil . A building, box, or room (see fig. 3) of about 100 to 200 bushels' capacity suitable for the fumigation of a quantity of potatoes would contain about 500 cubic feet. A fumigator of 1 1 1 i— cubic capacity might In' built 8 feet square b\ 8 feet in height. A _ r I, and perhaps the best, means of preventing the escape of the gas would be to line the fumigator with sheet tin, with soldered joints, and over sheathing. Another method would be to sheath the room inside, cover the walls, ceiling, and floor with tarred or heav} building paper, with joints well lapped, and cover the inside with matched ceiling boards. The fumigator should always be equipped with a tight door in which the joints have been broken, similar to the door of a refrigerator or safe, and should (lose with two refrigerator catches against a thick felt w.athcr >tri|>, which should render it practical!} gas-tight. Thus constructed it would furnish sufficient space for the fumigation if about 200 bushels of material. There would also be sufficient spaoe for the application and diffusion of the hydrocyanic-acid gas, 1 carbon bisulphid, or other fumigant from the top with a charge more than necessary for the quantity of potatoes treated. Approved : James Wilson, ?< cretary <>f A

r the potato-tuba n o UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09216 6072