72/Great Britain UNITED STATES DEPART; ENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 2J>, D C* October 22, 1953 B.EoP.Q. Ul6, Third Revision PIANT QUARANTINE I1IP0ET RESTRICTIONS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM This revised summary of the plant quarantine import restrictions of the United Kingdom/ as they apply in particular to plants and plant products from the United States , has been prepared for the information of nursery- men 5 shippers of fresh fruit and vegetables, plant quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to the United Kingdom, It was' prepared by Juliet H. Carrington, Division of Plant quarantines, from the Importation of Plants Orders, 19^7 to 1953 3 and the General Licenses issued- thereunder, the Importation of Forest Trees (Prohibition) Order, 1952, the Plants end Potatoes Importation Ordinances, 1951 and 1953 of the Island of Guernsey and General License pertaining thereto, the. Plants and Potatoes Importation Order, 1953* and the Importation of Plants, Plant Seeds and Potatoes (Jersey) Order, 19^7 ■ The summary was reviewed by Mr". Xu C. Moore, Director, Plant Pathology Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. It was subsequently revised slightly to take into account the Importation of Plants (General License) (Amendment) Order 1953, for England and Wales a The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts of the appropriate orders, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative, The original orders should be consulted for the exact texts. W # L# Popham A c t i ng Chief, lur e au o f Entomolog y an d F lant Quaranti ne PLANT QUARANTINE ILPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM BASIC LEGISLATION Destructive Insects and Pests Acts 1877 - 1927 (England and Wales) Destructive Insects and Pests Acts 1377 - 1927 (Scotland) Destructive Insects and Pests Acts 1677 - 193^ (Northern Ireland) Importation of Plants Order of 19^7 Importation of Plants (Amendment) Order of 19^9 Importation of Plants (Amendment) Order ? 1952 Importation of Plants (Amendment) Order, 1953 Importation of Plants (General License) Order, 1953 Importation of Plants (General License) (Amendment) Order, 1953 (England and Wales) Importation of Plants (Scotland) Order, 19^7 Importation of Plants (Amendment) (Scotland) Order, 19^9 Importation of Plants (Scotland) Amendment Order, 1953 Importation of Plants (Scotland) (Amendment No c 2) Order, 1953 Importation of Plants (General License) (Scotland) Order, 1953 Importation of Plants (Northern Ireland) Order of 19^7 The Importation of Forest Trees (Prohibition) (Northern Ireland) Order, 1952 The Importation of Plants (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order, 1952 The Importation of Plants (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order, 1953 The Importation of Plants (Exemption) (Northern Ireland) Order, 1953 Importation of Forest Trees (Prohibition) Order 1952 (Great Britain) The above Acts authorize, respectively, the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries of England and wales; the Secretary of State for Scotland; the Linistry of Agriculture of Northern Ireland; and the Forestry Commissioners, to regulate the importation of plants and plant products. The Orders cited for the three countries set forth conditions of entry basically the same and are principally drawn to prevent introduction of the Colorado potato beetle into those countries* The import restrictions for England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland are jointly summarized in the following paragraphs as they apply to importations from the United States; in case of differing requirements, these are noted* Separate summaries for Guernsey and Jersey are pre- sented on pages 10 to 13 • SIU.:ARY Importation Prohibited Importations of the following plants and plant products are prohibited except under conditions of a special license issued by the appropriate Minister or Inspector of the country concerned. (See par. 5, p* 5.) - 2 - Chrysanthemum Plants (except seeds) by Scotland and Northern Ireland only c (See par 7, p. 8 ) Forest Trees (except seeds) cf the genera Castanea, Populus > Quercus and Ulmus 9 and the following genera of the Order of Pinace ae viz. Abie s, Larjix_> Pice a , Pinus , P seud otsuga, Sequoia , Thuja i and Tsuga , (See par, 12 , p, 10.) Potatoes, including potato haulms, leaves, and stems, (See par. 8* p. 8 ) Sugarbeet and iiangold ( Beta vulgaris U) (except seeds). (See par c 9, p. 8.) Importation Restricted Apple-s (except Cider* Apples) : Grade certificates required for importa- tions made from July 7 to November 15 o (See par 10, p 8„) Cider Apples: If imported into England or Wales between April 1 and October 15 require Expert Certificate containing Form C certifica- tiorio (See par* 11 (c) , p. 9«) If imported into Scotland or Northern Ireland require certification as follows. Form B (p Q 5) certification for items authorized by General License (see list on page 7) and Form A (Colorado beetle certification) • Flower bulbs, tubers, ccrms, and rhizomes: Export Certificate „ (See p. 3«) Plants and Parts Thereof for Planting (except seed): Two copies of Federal certificate required; in following form: (l) ' Export cer- tificate containing Form A certification (against Colorado potato beet3.e, P* 5) and special statement on Certificate (p* 4) ; ' or (2) the export certificate containing Form B certification (p. 5), showing appropriate General License and Ministry of the country of • destination (p« 5) and also the special statement on certificate (p« 5), which certification is required for the following shipments: (a) Ornamental plants, as listed on pages 6-7, throughout the year; (b) Buds of roses and grafts of apples- pears, and rhododendrons, throughout the year (p. 7) 5 and (c) Trees, shrubs or plants, with bare or bailed roct3, and cuttings or grafts during the period October 16 to I.'arch 31 (::>. 7) • Vegetables (Fresh): If imported between April 1 and October 15, require certification as follows; Form B (p. 5) certification for items authorized by General License (see list on page 7) and Form A (Colorado beetle certification) for other vegetables, excluding mushrooms, cucumbers, marrows, and pumpkins. (See par. 11 (a), p. 9*, Importation Unrestricted iuushrooms, cucumbers, marrows, and pump kino • (See Definitions, (d, , p. 3«) Seeds. .(See First Schedule, p« 4.) All fruit, except apples. -3 - GENERAL REGULATIONS (importation of Plants Orders 19^7 to 1953 (England and Wales)) (Importation of Plants (Scotland) Orders 19**7 to 1953) (Importation of Plants (Northern Ireland) Orders, 19*4? to 1953) Definitions 1« (a) "Appropriate iViinister" means, in relation to England and wales, the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries 5 in relation to Scotland, the Secretary of State for Scotland; and in relation to Northern Ireland, the Minister of Agriculture for Northern Ireland. (b) "Inspector" means an Inspector or other officer authorized by the appropriate Minister. (c) "Plant" includes tree and shrub, and the fruit, seeds, tubers, bulbs, coruis, rhizomes, roots, layers, cuttings, and other parts of a plant o. (d) "Raw Vegetables" includes raw tomatoes, raw eggplants, and raw salads, but does not include potatoes, mushrooms, cucumbers, marrows, or pumpkins • (e) "Unhealthy" means affected with any insect, fungus, bacteria, or other vegetable or animal organisms or any agent causative of a transmissible crop disease. Certificate Required 2. The landing in England and Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland of any of the plants mentioned in the First Schedule in paragraph k (p. k) and of potatoes is prohibited, unless each consignment is accompanied by 2 copies of a certificate in the form prescribed in the Second Schedule in paragraph k* The inspection referred to in the certificate shall be carried out not more than Ik days prior to the date of shipment. Before the plants or potatoes are dispatched, the original of the certificate shall be mailed to The Horticulture Branch, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, London, S.W. 1; or (in case of shipments destined to Scotland or to Northern Ireland) to: Department of Agriculture for Scotland, ot. Andrews House, Edinburgh 1; or The Ministry of Agriculture for Northern Ireland, Stormont, Belfast, respectively. Except in the case of consignments by mail, a copy of the prescribed cer- tificate shall be delivered to the proper Officer of Her majesty's Customs and Excise at the same time as and together with the entry relating to the consignment. In the case of consignments by mail, a- copy of the prescribed certificate shall be affixed to each package. Federal Certificate Required 3. In the case of any plant mentioned in the First Schedule in paragraph k, the certificate prescribed in paragraph 2 shall be the certificate of any official duly authorized by the United States Department of Agriculture. (See Second Schedule in paragraph k, p. k*) Form of Certification 4. .In the case of any plants mentioned in the First Schedule in this paragraph and of potatoes, the certificate required in paragraph 2 shall include a certificate where it relates to a plant, in' the Form A or the Form B set out in the Third Schedule (p. 5), as" the" circumstances require, and where the certificate relates to potatoes, in tie said Form A. 1/ Potatoes are prohibited except under a special license (flee paragraph 8, p. 8), The above paragraph shall not apply to flower bulbs, corms, tubers, and rhizomes. First Schedule All living plants and parts thereof (except seeds) for planting. Second Schedule (Note* For the model certificate, prescribed by this Schedule, Form 2Q-375 should be used instead, since it is acceptable to authorities in the United kingdom when containing additional statements shown below and in the Third Schedule, as prescribed in each case. , i Spec ial Sta tem ent on C e rtificate (a) For All Consignments Except Taos* Wholly Potatoes: "It is furthar certified that the consignment does not contain any plants of the genera Castanea, ropulus, Quercus, and Ulmus, or of the genera of tne order Pinaceae, viz., Abies, harix, Picea, PinuL;, Pseudotsu.ja, Sequoia, Thuja, and Tsuga, or any plant of sugarbeet or mangold (Beta vulgaris n # ), or any chrysanthemum plant." [For certification to England and hales, omit "chrysanthemum plant" ) . (b) For All Potatoes: "It is further certified that no case of the disease known as "wart disease" or "black scab" of potatoes (Syn chytrium endobioticum ) has occurred at any time on the farm or holding where the potatoes included in the consignment were grown, nor within 2 kilometers thereof. (Po/atoes are prohibited except under a special license — see par. 8, p. 8.) T7 The statement required in Form A, declaring freedom of locality of origin from the Colorado potato beetle, cannot be com; lied with except possibly from some California localities where the insect does not occur. * 5 - Third Schedule Form A 1/: This is to certify that during the 12 months preceding the date of this certificate there has been no outbreak of the Colorado Beetle in ............ , (here insert the name of country) within a distance of 50 kilometers from the place where the living plants, potatoes, raw vegetables, or cider apples (strike out words not applicable) included in the package or consignment described were grown. (Note : This certification is required for woody plants, trees, etc., i ported from April 1 to October 15 ♦) Form B ; In pursuance of the Importation of Plants (General License) Order, 1953 (see par. 5), made by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries 2/ , this is to certify that the plants or raw vegetables in- cluded in the package or consignment described have been examined and have been found to be of the following species or kind: ....... ( Note : The Form B certification should be included on Form EQ-375 for plants admissible under General License Orders as prescribed in paragraph 5, Sections A, B, G, and 9 pp. 6-7>) Form C *: This certification is required for cider apples imported into England or Wales between April 1 and October 15. (See page 13 •) Licenses 5. Notwithstanding any provisions of these Orders, any plants, potatoes, raw apples, or raw vegetables, may be landed in England or Wales (Scotland or Northern Ireland) under and in accordance with the conditions of a license issued by the appropriate minister or by an Inspector. The following General License Orders have been issued, authorizing the landing of the plants and raw vegetables and apples listed below during the periods mentioned: (a) England and Wales : The Importation of Hants (General License) Order, 1953. (b) Scotland : The Importation of Plants (General License) (Scotland) Order, 1953 . (c) Northern Ireland : The Importation of Plants (Exemption) (Northern Ireland) Order, 1953 (d) England and Wales : The Importation of Plants (General License) (Amendment) Order, 1953 1/ See Footnote, p. 4. 2/ If certification is for Scotland or Northern Ireland, substitute the appropriate Order and Department. - 6 - Provided that nothing in these General License Orders shall be deemed to permit the landing in England and Wales 9 Scotland, or Northern Ireland of any of the artic3es prohibited in paragraphs 7, 9, "and 12, pp* 8 and 10 • Section A Admissible throughout the years (1) Plants ^Acacia Acalypha Aglaonema AUamanda Alocasia Anthurium Aphelandra ■*Araceae Aquatic plants (Ornamental) 1/ *Aralia *Araucaria Ardisia ■^•Aris to lochia •^Asparagus Aspidistra Aucuba crotonifolia _l/ Azalea indica Azalea, legantissima Azalea mollis 1/ Bay Trees ♦Begonia Be lope rone Bertolonia Boronia Bougainvillea Bromeliads Cacti and succulent plants ♦Calceolaria ♦Galladiun : Camellia Japonica Campanula 3/ ♦♦Car nations ♦Cineraria Cissus Citrus Clerodendron Clivia Coccoloba Columnea Crassula * Except hardy species • ♦* Except outdoor grown. 1/ Not included in General Croton Crypt anthus Curmeria ^•Cyclamen Dichorisandra Dieffenbachia Dracaena *Er±oa Eugenia Sucnymus europaeus \J ♦Euphorbia Eurya ♦Ferna FicuD (except F» carica ) Fittonia • Fourcroya (= Furcraea) Franciscea (= Brunfelsia) ♦Fuchsia Gardenia Gerbeia Gloxinia 1/ Haemanthus Hedera canariensis Hedychium -Hibiscus Hoya Hydrangea l/ Impatiens 1/ Ixcra ♦Jasminum Kalanchoe 1/' Kennedy a ♦Lasiprococufl Leca Leptospermum friar ant a dinilla I etrosideros i.onstera deliciosa (= Philcdendron pertusum) i..usa Nepenthes License of Northern Ireland . Section A. Throughout the year (Cont.) (1) Plants (Cont,) . Nephthytis Nerium *Ophiopogon Orchids Palms Pandanaceae Pavonia Pelargonium Peperomia Philodendron ^Phormium Phyllbtaenium -^-Plumbago Poinsettia Pothos Primula Rhopala (= Roupala, Saintpaulia 1/ Sans e vie ria ochismatogolottis oonerila Spat hyphy Hum Stephanotis Strelitzia Syngonium Thunbergia Vanilla Veronica dibsmaefolia Water Lilies Xanthosoma -^"Except hardy species (2) Buds and grafts Buds of roses Grafts of Apples, Pears, and Rhododendrons (3) Cuttings Rooted dahlia cuttings, grown under glass. Section B* Between October 16 in any year and Larch 31 in the following year, inclusive: Any Trees, Shrubs, or Plants with bare or balled roots, and 1/ cuttings or grafts. Section C, Between April 1 and October 15, inclusive, in any -year: Raw Vegetables and Fruit Asparagus Aubergines (= eggplants' Cider Apples Green Beans Green Peas Onions and Shallots . Pimentos Root vegetables (excluding potatoes, free from foliage Tomatoes V/itloof Chicory 1/ Section D. Provided that every consignment landed under the authority of the General License Order shall be accompanied: (a) In the case of plants, by the certificate prescribed in the Second Schedule (p. 4) and a certificate in the Form B in the Third Schedule (p. 5.) (b) In the case of raw vegetables, by a certificate in the Form B aforesaid (p. 5.) (c) In the case of cider apples into England and Vales, by a certificate in the Form C aforesaid (p. 5») (d) In the case of cider apples into Scotland or Northern Ireland, by a certificate in the Form A or Form B aforesaid (p. 5«) 1/ See Footnote, p« 6. - 8 - Disposition of Shipments Landed In Contravention of Order 6. If plants, potatoes, raw apples, or raw vegetables are landed in England or Wales (Scotland, or Northern Ireland) in contravention of these Orders, they shall be destroyed or re-exported at the expense of the importer, unless they are otherwise disposed of in accordance with the terms of a license issued by the appropriate j inister or by an Inspector., • • Chrysanthemum Plants Prohibited by Scotland and Northern Ireland ?. For the prevention of the introduction of the chrysanthemum midge ( Diarthronomy la' hypogaea (Loew«». the landing in Scotland and in Northern Ireland of any chrysanthemum plant (except the seeds thereof) is hereby prohibited, except under and in accordance with the condi- tions- of a license issued by the Secretary of State for Scotland or the Linxster of Agriculture for Northern Ireland or by an Inspector. Potatoea Prohibited 8. (a) The landing in England and .'ales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland of potatoes is prohibited except under and in accordance with the con- ditions of a license issued by the appropriate minister or Inspector. (b) The transshipment in England and ..ales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland of potatoes grown in the United States is prohibited except under and in accordance with the conditions of a license issued by the appropri- ate j inister or an Inspector* -(c) In this paragraph, "potatoes' 1 includes potato haulms, leaves, and stalks, (See, however, 1st paragraph of par. 5, p« 5*) Sugarbeet and i .angold Prohibited 9. To. prevent the introduction of virus diseases the landing in En gl an d and V/ales., Scotland, or Northern Ireland of any plant of sugarbeet or mangold ( Bqta vulgaris L # ) (except the seeds thereof) is prohibited ex- cept under and in accordance with the conditions of a license issued by the minister or an Inspector, Apple (except Cider Apples) Restrictions 10. (a) The landing in England and Jales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland between July 7 and November 15 in any year of any raw apples grown in the United States is hereby prohibited unless each consignment is accom- panied by a certificate of a duly authorised Inspector of the United States Department of Agriculture in t.ie following form: - 9 - This is to certify that the raw apples included in the package or consign- ment described below are of one of the following grades as recognized by the Department of Agriculture of the United States of America "U. S. Fancy" "Extra Fancy" M U. $• No, 1" "Fancy" (Signed) (Official Status) . . . . (Date) . . . • Description of Consignment Number and Nature of Packages . . . . . * <,.«••» Distinguishing Marks. . ♦ . » . •« •»•••••••• Variety of Apples »••», «•••••«»•• • . • Name and address of Consignee .............. . Name . of Vessel. • » c o « • . . . « , ............. • Date of Shipment. ...«••••• ■ • ••••••«•• Port of Shipment. ...... 3 ...... o ...... . ( Note : The above certificate is furnished by Inspectors of the Fruit and Vegetable Branch, Production and marketing Administration, U. S. Department of Agriculture.©) (b) The required certificates shall be delivered to the proper Officer of Her Majesty 1 s Customs and Excise at the same time as and to- gether with the entry relating to the consignment,, Fresh Vegetable and Cider Apple Certification Requirements 11. (a) The landing in England or Sales, Scotland or Northern Ireland between April 1 and October 15 in any one year of any raw vegetables is prohibited unless each consignment is accompanied by a certificate in the Form A (p. 5) or the Form B set out in the Third Schedule in para- graph 4 (p. 5). (b) The landing in Scotland or Northern Ireland between April 1 and October 15 in any year of any cider apples is prohibited unless each consignment is accompanied by a certificate in the Form A (p. 5) or the Form B set out in the Third Schedule in paragraph 4 (p 9 5) - (c) The landing in England or Wales between April 1 and October 15 in any year of any cider apples is prohibited, unless each consignment is accompanied by a certificate in the Form C (p. 5) « (d) The required certificate shall be delivered to the proper officer of Her Uajesty 1 s Customs and Excise at the same time as and together with the entry relating to the consignment* - 10 - Forest Trees (Importation of Forest Trees (Prohibition) Order 1952, Great Britain) (Importation of Forest Trees (Prohibition) (Northern Ireland) Order 7 1952) 12. The landing in Great Britain (England and Wales f Scotland or Northern Ireland) of any living plant (including tree and shrub and the roots, layers, cuttings, and other parts of a plant except the fruit or seeds thereof) of any of the genera mentioned below is prohibited except under license: The genus Castanea The genus Populus The genus Quercus The genus Ulmus The following genera of the order Pinaceae: Abies, Larix, Picea, Pinus, Pseudotsuga, Sequoia, Thuja, and Tsuga. CHANNEL ISLANDS ..' ' • • GUERNSEY (The Plants and Potatoes Importation Ordinance, 1951) (The Plants and Potatoes Importation (Amendment) Ordinance, 1953) Importation Prohibited 13 • Subject to the provisions of paragraph 15? the landing or trans- shipment in this Island is hereby prohibited of the following four categories of plants: (a) P3.ants other than these set out in sections (b) , (c) 5 and (d) of this paragraph, or potatoes, unless the same are shipped directly from and have previously been landed in the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, the Isle of Man, the Island of Jersey, or another Island of the Bailiwick of Guernsey* (b) Plants of sugarbeet or mangold (Beta vulgari s L«); (c) All species of the genus Castan ea (Chestnut), the genus Populus (Poplar), the genus Quercus (Oak), or the genus Ulmus (21m) : (d) ' All species of the genera Abies (oilvir Fir), Larix (Larch), Picea (Spruce), Pinus (Pine), Pseudotsuga (Douglas Fir), Sequoia (Redwoods), Thuja (Western red cedar, Arborvitae) , or Tsuga (Hemlock) of the Order Pinaceae . _ 11- - ■■ Importation Unrestricted 14, The importation of seeds into Guernsey, Herm, and Jethou is unrestricted. Exception to Prohibitions 15 o Notwithstanding any provision of these Ordinances , the Committee may at ^ay time in their discretion permit the landing or transship- ment, on such terms and conditions, if any, as they may impose ; of any plants or potatoes and may at any time vary such conditions or revoke or vary such permission Definitions 16. In these Ordinances, unless the context otherwise requires — (a) "Committee" means the States Committee for Agriculture and Fisheries. (b) "This Island" includes the Islands of Herm and Jethou, (c) "Plant" includes trees and shrub3 and the fruit, tubers, bulbs, corms, rhizomes, roots, layers, cuttings, and other parts of a plant, except the seeds, and all raw vegetables,' including tomatoes but not including potatoes. (d) "Potato" includes potato haulms, leaves, and stalks. Certificate Required 17. The landing or transshipment in this Island of plants or pota- toes is prohibited unless the same are accompanied by a certificate signed by a duly authorized official of the Phytopathological Service of the country from which the same are imported into this Island, in such form as the Committee may from time to time prescribe. 18. Where any consignment of plants or potatoes is by these Ordinances required to be accompanied by a certificate, the Original of such certificate shall be forwarded by mail to the States Supervisor by the exporter of the consignment before the consignment is dispatched, and 2 copies of the certificate shall accompany the consignment, un- less the consignment is sent by mail, in v/hich case a copy of the certificate shall be attached to each package of the consignment. Form of Certificate Required and General Licenses 19. In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 15 (Section 6 of The Plants and Potatoes Importation Ordinance, 1951) the Committee has made an Order and issued a General License authorizing the landing or transshipment in the Islands of Guernsey, Herm, or Jethou of consign- ments of the plants mentioned below (except as cited in par. 13)9 as follows: - 12 - Plants and Pot atoe s, I^ort^atior^ Order, 1953 A, All living plants and parts thereof (except seeds, flower bulbs, corms, tubers, or rhizomes) for planting, provided that every consignment shall be accompanied by a certificate in the required form (same as for Great Britain — see pp. 4-5). (a) Ornamental plants (as listed in Section A, par. 5, pp 6-7), buds of roses, and grafts of apples, pears, and rhododen- drons? and (b) Trees, shrubs, or plants with bare or balled roots and cut- tings or grafts landed or transshipped bet7/een October 16 and !:arch 31 of the follcv/ing year are subject to same General-License certification requirements as for Great Britain (pp« 4-5) . B. Flower bulbs, corms, tubers, or rhizomes (subject to same certi- fication as for Great Britain, par. 4, p. 4.) General License (l P«P,Gen fl 2/1951) for Fruit, Vegetables, Nuts , and Cut Flowers (a) Apples (subject to sane certification as for Great Britain, par* 10, pp. 8-9) . (b) Cucumber, marrows, mushrooms, and pumpkins \ also nuts and cut flowers (no certiiication required) • (c) Fresh vegetables (root vegetables (except potatoes)) free from foliage; asparagus, eggplanv, green beans, green peas, onions and shallots, pimentos, tomatoes, and witloof chicory): (Same certification as for Great Britain, p. 5). '(d) Cider apples and raw vegetables (other than those cited in (b) and (c) above) imported from April 1 to October 15s (Same certification as for Great Britain, p. 5) • JSRSEX (Importation of ilants, Plant Seeds and Potatoes (Jersey) Order, 1953) Definitions 2C. In this Order — (a) "The Committee" means the Committee of Agriculture. .(b) "Plant" includes (i) trees and shrubs and the fruit, tubers, , , ^u^bs, , corms, rhizomes, 'roots, layers, cuttings, and other . . parts of a plant, except trie seeds, and (2) all raw vege- . tables, including raw eggplant, lettuce, onions, and . tomatoes, but not including potatoes o (c) '.'Plant seeds" means ovules fertilized and matured and having an , embryo within. (d) "Potatoes" includes potato tubers and the haulms, leaves, and stalks thereof. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA lllllfflllllllllllllllll 3 1262 09242 1824 Importation Prohibited 21, The landing or transshipment in the Island of any plants, potatoes, or plant seeds grown in the United States of America is prohibited (see par 22 below) • Apple Restrictions 22, The landing in the Island between July 7 and November 15, both dates inclusive, in any year, of any raw apples grown in the United States of America, is prohibited unless in respect of each consignment thereof 3 copies of a certificate in the required form have been issued by a duly authorized inspector of the Federal Department of Agriculture if that country (same as for Great Britain, par. 10, pp, 8-9) • 23 o The certificates prescribed in the above paragraph shall be sent by mail before the shipments to which they relate are dispatched, as follows J (a) One copy to the Committee (b) One copy to the importer, (c) One copy to the Harbor faster, St. Helier, Jersey, C. I. in respect of importations by sea or to the Airport Commandant, St« Jeter? Jersey, C I. in respect of importations by air. FORM C CERTIFICATION This is to certify: — (1) that the consignment of cider apples of which particulars are given below was grown in the„ »«•••••«• district of • . (country): (2) that an intensive system of control of Colorado Beetle is in operation in the district; and (3) that the consignment was examined on the . , (date) . by * • (name) a duly authorized Official of the . i . ; . . „ Phytopathological Service and is believed by him to be free from Colorado Beetle. (Signed) ♦ . . . (Official Status (Date) Number and description of packages Distinguishing marks, o • • • , . Quantity , Grown at .... » . , Exported by ........... . Name and address of consignee • . Name of vessel* , , Date of shipment . Port of landing in England or Wales