IC / ^/o. 2 Vf ^7/yy^y BUDGET BLREAU No. 60-R283.2 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COM TITLE 49— TRANSPORTATION AND RA Chapter 1 — Interstate Commerce Commissio SUBCHAPTER A— GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS Part 134 — Signal Failure Reports MONTHLY REPORT OF FAILURE OF BLOCK SIGNAL SYSTEMS, INTER- LOCKING, AUTOMATIC TRAIN STOP, TRAIN CONTROL, AND CAB SIGNAL DEVICES, AND OTHER SIMILAR APPLIANCES, METHODS, AND SYSTEMS TO INDICATE OR FUNCTION AS INTENDED Order At a Session of the Interstate Commerce Commission, Division 3, held at its office in Washington, D. C, on the 18th day of May A. D. 1954. The matter of revising Forms 1, 2, and 3 entitled "Signal Failure Report" and the method embodied in the instructions therein set forth being under consideration : It appearing, That carriers are presently reectively. and in column 10 the total number of these failures. 7. A false proceed failure is a failure of a system, device, or appliance to indicate or function as intended which results in less restriction than is required. 8. Under "Classification," and under "Potential false proceed conditions" in columns 11, 12, 13, and 14 should be shown the number of potential false proceed conditions in block-signal systems, interlocking, automatic train stop, train control, and cab signals, and other similar appliances, methods, and systems, respectively, and in column 15 the total number of these conditions. 9. Potential false proceed conditions include conditions of apparatus existing when no train is present, under which a false proceed failure would have occurred had a locomotive or train approached or entered a section of track occupied by another train or where the safety of the track was impaired. 10. Except as set forth in paragraph 11, a failure should not be counted more than once in columns 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 ; the failure should be classified under the basic system or appliance of which it forms an essential part. For example, assume a broken rail bond within interlocking limits which prevents a home signal from being cleared and causes the automatic block signal in rear to display approach, as well as corresponding indications of a cab-signal system on each train approaching this point. Such failure should be included in column 2 under interlocking. 11. When a condition producing failures extends over a period of more than 24 hours, one failure should be reported for the first 24 hours, and an additional failure for each succeeding 24-hour period until necessary repairs are made. Should failures of automatic train-stop, train-control, or cab-signal devices occur on more than one trip due to the same defective condition of locomotive ap- paratus, one failure should be reported for each trip made by the locomotive on which such failures occur until improper condition is corrected. 12. Under "Remarks" identify the other appliances, methods and systems for which "False restrictive failures" are reported in column 4. Do not report in column 4 failures of traffic-control systems, as such failures should be reported under "Block systems" or "Interlocking." 13. Under "Description of False Proceed Failures or Potential False Proceed Conditions" : In column 16 show the failures, numbered consecutively by rail- road, region, or division ; in column 17, the date ; in column IS, the number of the locomotive involved (and initials if foreign) if failure involves automatic train- stop, train-control, or cab-signal devices ; in column 19, the signal number, switch number, roadway or interlocking location ; and in column 20, the kind of failure, whether false proceed, or whether a potential false proceed condition. In column 21 show tlie nature and cause of failure, indicating when more than one of the systems, devices and appliances listed is affected by a single failure. See example, paragraph 10. 14. The date, signature, and title of the leporting officer umst be given on the line provided for that purpose at the bottom of the form. l.j. Copies of the prescribed form and instructions will be furnished upon application to the Bureau of Safety and Service. 16. The following abbreviations may be used in the report: A, Automatic. AB, Automatic block. ACS, Automatic cab signal. APB, Ab.solute permissive block. ATC, Automatic train control. ATS, Automatic train stop, CL, Color light. CPL, Color position light. E, Electric. EM, Electromechanical. KP, Klectropneumatic. FP, False proceed. P"R, False restrictive. MB, Manual block. M, Mechanical. PFPC, Potential false proceed condition. P, Pneumatic. PL, Position light. SA, Semiautomatic, U S, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1934 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08855 6880