STATE FLAivI EOAfX' UmTED STAT-;;S DEPARTMT 0? AGE I CULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Q,ua.rantine Y,'ashington, D.C. B. E. ?. Q.— 468 January 20, 1938. PLAUT-QyAr{ANTIKS livi^OP.T .Rn.STHICTIONS OE THE KINGDOM OP IRAQ (Mesopotamia) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 mJITED STATES DEPARTivENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarcntine Washington, D.C. £. E. P. Q. — 468 January 20, 1338 PLAM-i^nARAJITI^]E IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP THE KINGDC'M OP IRACi This digest of the plant -quarantine iiEport restrictions of the Kingdom of Iraq has heen prepared for the information of nursery- men, plant-quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and ple.nt products to thr.t country. It was prepared Dy Harry B. Shaw, Plant Qua-rantine Inspector in Charge of Poreign Information Service, Division of Foreign Plant Q,ua.rcjitincs , from his translations of the Importation of Plants Law of January 7, 1925, end. Customs Law No. 55, May 7, 1931, and reviewed hy the Director of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Affairs, Baghdad, Iraq. The information contained in this circular is "believed to he correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to he used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as logally authorita- tive. / ' / / -1- PLAl^T-qUAEjiLirnffi IMPORT RES'THI CTIONS OF THE KINGDOM or IRAq BASIC LEOISLATION Importation of Plants Law, January 7, 1925. Customs Code Law, No. 56, of May 7, 1931. Through the Custouis Code Law, No. 56, of May 7, 1931, the King of Iraq decrees (Chap. Ill, article 13) that provisions may at any time be promulgated v.-here'by, for the public safety or for sanitary or moral reasons, or as preventive measures against ejiirnal and plant diseases, the im.portation, export?t ion , or transit of cr-rtain kinds of merchandise into or from Irrq., or to a particular country or place outside the boundaries of Iraq are restricted or prohioitud. SUiViiviARY Importation Prohibited HEMP SEEDS AND PLANTS (Cannabis sativa L.). (Customs Tariff Law No. 11, April 29, 1933, art. 11, p. 5.) INJURIOUS INSECT PESTS aW DISEASES. (Appendijc to Importation of Plants Law of Janu&,ry 7, 1925, p. 3.) Importation Restricted CITRUS PRUITS MD STOCKS, GRAPES Al® GRAPEVINES: Must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate of the co;apetent authority of the country of origin. (Customs Tariff La;/ No. 11, Apr. 29, 1933, art. 5, p. 5.) PLANTS WITH WOODY STEMS, P.JITS 'THE^i^OF, also bulbs, corms, rhizomes, end tubers, except potatoes; cottonseed ejid seed cotton: Subject to inspection on arrival, but inspection may be waived if they are accoin ^snied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by competent authority of the exporting country. (Arts. 5, 4 & 5, Importation of Plants Law of January 7, 1925, p.2.) -2- PLAUTS FOR SCIENTiriC PUEPOSES: Unrestricted except that an import permit must be obtained from the Director of Agriculture. (Art. 12, Importation of Plants Law of January 7, 1925, p. 3.) Exportation Prohibited PALi/i TPilE SHOOTS: Exportation from Iraq, prohibited. (Law Uo. 1, Febmary 11, 1S35, p. 6.) GEKEEAL EEGULATIONS (importation of Plants La.v/ of Jan. 7, 1925) Article 1. This law may be cited as The Importation of Plants Law, 1924. Definition Art. 2. "Plant" means all plants with woody stems and all parts thereof, such as stocks, nursery plajits, scions, lawyers, and cuttings thereof; cottonseed and seed cotton; bulbs, coras, rhizomes, and tubers, except potatoes. Inspection on Arrival Art. 3, All plants imported into Iraq by mail or otherwise will be held for inspection by a government inspector, as prescribed in article 5. Infected Plants Disinfected or Destroyed Art. 4. Should it be found that pli.nts are atts.cked by any of the diseases named in the appendix hereto, or should a portion of the plants concerned be so attacked, the government inspector may order their disinfection or destruction. Inspection May Be Yifaived if Plants Accompanied by Certificates Art. 5. The Government inspector ma.y, in his discretion, pass without inspection any pla.nts or cons igrjaents of plants which accompanied by a certif ice-te of a competent branch of the agricultural institute of the exporting country, affirming that they are free from the diseases named in the appendix. -3- Art. 6. All expenses involved in inspection, detention, disinfection, or destruction of plants shall be borne by the importer. Art'. 7. Provides for the inspection of plants for export. Art. 8, Relates to fees for inspection, etc. Art. 9. Provides for the promulgation or modification of administrative decrees. Art. 10. The Minister of the Interior may order the destruction by burning of all plants in which epidemic diseases are found. Art. 11. Relates to violations and penalties. Importation of Plants for Scien.ti.tic Piorposes not Restricted Art, 12. No provision of this law is applicable to plants imported for scientific research on tn.; basis of a separate (special) permit of the Director of Agriculture, In this permit it will be expressly stated the plants shall not be inspected. APPSKDIX Inspect pests: Anthonomus grcndis Boh. , boll weevil. (Aspidiotus) Chrysomphalus aurantii Mask., C''?'lif ornia red scale. Aspidiotus perniciosus Comst. , San Jose scale. Cerg.titis cap it at a Wied. , Mediterra,nean fruit fly. Chionaspis fur fur a Pitch, scurfy scale, Co no t rache lu s ne nuphar Hb s t . . plum curculio. ( Cosmophila') Anomis erosa Hbn. , okra, mallow, or cotton leaf caterpillar or cotton semilooper. Craponius inaequalis Say, grapje curculio. LiBP*-^^X-j^A.Oll arr ATE Pi-AKT BOM^ Drosophila melanogaster Mg. 31 A* Earias fab ia Stoll. , cotton bollworm. -4- (Euproctis chrysorrhea) = Nygrnia phaeorrhoea Don., "brov/n-tail moth, (gelechia) Fectinophora gossypiella Saund. , pink 'bollworm, Heliothis o"bsoleta Jab. , bollworrn, corn ear woria, I eery a purchasi Mask. , cottony-cushion scale. Lepidosaphos ulirii L. , oystershell scale. (Leucania) Cirphis \inipuncta Haw. , annyworm. Malacosoma ainericana- Fab., eastern t^nt caterpillar. ( May e t i o 1 a ) Fhy t o ohaga d3stractor Say, hessian fly. . Phylloxera (vastatrix) vitifoliae Fitch, grape phylloxera. Polychrosis viteana Clem. , grape berry moth. Porthetria dispar L. , gypsy moth. Fsillia mali Schmid. , apple sucker. ^_ . ' (Schizoneura') Eriosoma lanigera Hausm. , woolly apple aphid. Sylepta derogata Fab. Aphids, scale insects, and mites in general. Func^-ous diseases: Those caused by any species of the following genera: Erysiphe . powdery mildew. Exoascus , leai" curls. Gloeos'por iujn anthra.cnoses. — ' » Guignardia. black rots. Nectria (dit issima) ^^alligena Bres. , European cejiker of apple. Peronos'oora. downy mildews. Plasmopora , downy mildews, Plowrightia, black Knot. -5- Puccinia, rusts. Tillet ir_, smut s . Ustilg.f^o , siDuts. Yenturia , including apple fjid pear scat. ADDITIONAL IlvI^ORT SESTEICTId'S AND FmiBITIGNS (Customs Tariff Lav/ No. 11 of Ai^r. 29, 1933, abstracted) Importation of Citrus Fru.its imd. Stocks Restricted Art. 5. The impoi'tation is pz'ohibited of citrus fiiiits ar.d stocks, such as lemons, pomelos, grapeirxit, and other citrus fruits,, as well as grapes, jrapevine leaves, and stocks, unless those x^i^'^d-T-i-cts are accompanied by a certificate of the competent authorities of the country of origin, affirming ^ that the said products had b<-en inspected and found free from disease. This prohibition does not apply to such fruits if preserved, candied, or dried, or to their juice. Importation of Hemp Prohibited Art. 11. The importation of hemp seeds and plants ( Cg.nnab i s sa.t iva L.) is prohibited. Inspection on Arrival Art. IS. The importation of "plants," namely, plants v/ith woody stems, and pa.rts thereof, such as stems, stocks, scions, layers, and cuttings; also seed cotton and cottonseed, flower bulbs, corras, rhizomes, and tubers other than potatoes, is subject to inspection by ag-ricultural authorities on entry. If a contagious disease is found, the infected product v/ill be disinfected or destroyed. They can be clea-red through the customs only on presente-t ion of a "no objection" certificate issued by the agricultural authority. Plaints may be imported for scientific purposes under a permit from the Division of Agriculture, regardless of the above restrictions; cottonseed may be imported only in accordance with the provisions of the cotton law. No. 2u of 1927. 3 1262 09245 5970 -6- EXPCETi:.TICN OF PALM THEE SHOOTS PROHIBITED (Law No. 1, Eeb. 11, 1935) Article 1. The exportation of palm tree shoots from Ire-q shall he prohibited. Art. 2. Penalty for violation.