E2/ Netherlands UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE • Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. October 23, 1950 B.E.P.Q. 57^, Supplement No. 1 • PLANT QJARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE NETHERLANDS IMPORTATION OF WOODY PLANTS RESTRICTED (San Jose Scale Regulations) Dr. C. J. Brie jer/ Director of- Netherlands- Phytopatholog leal Service advises that the following regulations to safeguard Dutch nurseries and other holdings against the San Jose Scale ( Asp id lotus pernio iosus Comst.),' have been issued in a Royal Decree of September 2, 1950. 1. In this order "live woody plants 1 ' includes parts thereof, except fruits and seeds and, if not fit for propagation, cut flowers. 2. Each consignment of imported live woody plants shall be accompanied by two copies of a certificate issued by a competent authority in the country of origin after an inspection of the consignment which the inspector has found, to the best of his knowledge, to be free from the San Jose scale. 3. After arrival in the Netherlands live woody plants of the genera Acer , Crataegus , Cydonia , Malus , Prunus , Pyrus , Rlbes , Sorbus and Ulmus shall be treated with hydrocyanic acid by the Netherlands Phytopathological Service. The consignee shall pay such fee as may be determined. h. The importation and transit of live woody nursery stock, except Conifers, is prohibited from the first day of April to the first day of October, They may be imported or conveyed In transit under a license Issued by the Director of the Netherlands Phytopathological Service. 5. This Order shall come Into operation on the 14th day of September 1950. The following certificate form was drafted in accordance with the recommendations of the Conference on Plant Quarantine Regu- lations held in the Hague April. 26 - May 2, I95O . Form EQ-375 apparently can be used to furnish all the required information. 1 1 linn ii mi i 3 1262 09313 6819 PHYTOPATHOLCGICAL SERVICE No. OF (Country) CERTIFICATE CF HEALTH FOR PLANTS AND PLANT PRODUCTS This is to certify that the plants, parts of plants or plant products described below or representative samples of them were thoroughly examined on (date) by (name) an authorized officer of the (service) and were found to the best of his knowledge to be substantially free from injurious diseases and pests; and that the consignment is believed to conform with the current requirements of the Importing country. . 19 , . . (signature) (stamp of the service) (rank) Date, place and nature of dis infestation treatment (if any): Additional declarations (if any): DESCRIPTION OF THE CONSIGNMENT Name and address of exporter: Name and address of consignee: Number and description of paokages: Distinguishing marks: Quantity and name of produce: Botanic name: Origin: Means of conveyance: *♦*♦#_♦»*** ■z$mt Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine