c-- /6 T Circular No- 167- United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OK ENTOMOLOGY. L. O. HOWAKD, KntomologUt »nd Chief of Bureau. THK MOVEMENT OF THE COTTON BOIL WEEVIL IN 1912. By W. I> llr\ri in and W. D. Pii i 8outhem F»i<>ll weevil during the season of 1912 is of special intereel on account of the checks the inseel received by the \ci\ unusual climatic conditions of the winter of 1911—12. Not- withstanding this set hack the insect has made a net gain of 7, .'!<»() square miles. The map (fig. 1) shows the extent of the infested territory in 1912 and in rarious preceding seasons. There are three points thai an especially noteworthy in connection with this map. One of these is the failure of the inseel t<> extend into central Oklahoma as far as it did in 1906. The second b a comparatively small Loss of territory along the northern holder in Arkansas and Mississippi. The third is the fact that the weevil has heen able to maintain itself prac- tically to the western limit of the area of continuous cotton culture in the central part of Texas. The western limit of cotton culture in Texas is far beyond the line showing the limit of the weevil-infested territory, hut the intermediate area ha- very few cultivated fields, separated by long stretches of pasture land-. The line marking the limit of the infested territory at the end of the season of 1912 run- as follows: In Tex. us, beginning .it Del Rio on the Rio Grande in Vahverde County- thence including Roosevelt in western Kimble County, Menaxdville in Menard County Abilene in Taylor County, Jacksboro in Jack County; retreating between .(ack.sU.ru ami Decatur, excluding Arlington in Tarrant Cvumy. i.i.i- Mosquito, Lancaster, Richardson, Farmers Branch, and practically all »i I'd. Faiuieisfille in Colhn County; excluding shonn.ur ttt iImwiu Cmuil: at the no r th e ast corner. .f Fannin County. In Oklahoma, from a point opposite the Dotth o as) roniel dTFannin County fT the line ioDowi the ri\er valley, includes BugtV an. I U-.wi-- rhe Statfe iT»Th» north. M.-rt center of McCurtain County. In Arkansas the line includes Mens in Polk i..untu th* lt>ver o«l"«e 3TT County, Conway in Faulkner County. Clarendon u B i - • n omrtj +&1 passes out of State just below Helena. 71306'— 13 THE MOVEMENT OF THE BOLL WEEVIL IN 1912. Tin M0VBMEN1 DF mi. B0L1 WEEVIL IN 191*. In ifiaiarfppj the Hue punt .< fen mil.- belon Bateau Life In Panola ' fount) . about '2 mlfea BOUtfa of Springdafe ill Lafayette I ..tm I y. tli nn ml i AJgl .111.1 in PontOtOt • I '. >n nl \ . just below Planteravilfe in Lee County, .ii t 3 miles northeast ol Unorj in Hoi County, and leaves the State at Galtman. In Alabama, according to Dr W. E Einda, the line paaaei near Belli in Payette County, through Gordo is Pickens < ounty, acroai the southwest comer of Tuacalo County and tli«" iiorilKM.n corner oi Hale County, through Sprotl in Perry ''.unity. 6 miles eaat ofSelma in Dallas County, through Farmersvilfe in Lowndes County, north of Greenville in Butler County, I mifeaeast ofGfenwood in Pike County, and leaves the State ■'< miles tree! of Geneva in Geneva Count} In Florida the tine passes about through Prosperit) and Ponce de I • >n. I very little cotton in thii section. The following tiil>l< i shows the gain and loss in square miles in the various Stair-. Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Mississippi show losses, while Texas, Alabama, and Floridashow gains above the area affected in 1911. Thiol b nn i ■ippi . una. Finn I S Total in ' ■ ■ wile*. 11,060 Loss in IH.'. In 101 Square mil". Squire mile*. ■ 8,900 1,670 L8, MM We are indebted to Dr. W. E. Binds, oi the Alabama Agricultural Ehrperimenl Station, for data i>n the advance of the boll weevil in Alabama. Approved : Jambs Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. Washington, !).(.. November 29, 1912. ADDITIONAL COPIES of this publication ■lX. may bo procured from tht* STOTRIHTOfD- EKT of* DOCUMENTS. Oovoraniont Printing Office, Washington . D. C. . at o cents per copy UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09216 5629