)IVcAt^'I3'\1 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1374 KINETIC TREATMENT OF THE NUCLEATION IN SUPERSATURATED VAPORS By R. Becker and W. Doring Translation of *Kiiietische Behandlung der Keimbildung in iibersattigten Dampfen,* Annalen der Physik, Folge 5, Band 24, 1935. Washington UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA September 1954 dc jjs DEPARTT/ENT J SCIENCE LIBRARY l^-jcff j^tf(^ 3roiyi^^ NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM IJT^J- KINETIC TREATMENT OF THE NUCLEATION IN SUPERSATURATED VAPORS* By R. Becker and W. Doring INTRODUCTION AND SYNOPSIS The "nucleation in supersaturated systems" (such as the formation of fog in supersaturated water vapor, for example) was originally made amen- able to quantitative treatment by Volmer and Weber (ref. 1). To every saturation there corresponds a certain critical droplet size of the new phase of such a type, that the vapor is supersaturated only with respect to those droplets which are bigger than the critical droplet, but not to those which are smaller. The formation of fog is therefore contingent upon the origin of "kernels" or nuclei, i.e., droplets of precisely that critical size by a typical phenomenon of fluctuation. The frequency of such processes is, according to the relationship between entropy and prob- -^crlt. - — ^Om ability, proportional to e , where Acj-^-j^^ is the energy required for the reversible creation of such droplet. Volmer 's treatment is briefly reviewed in section 1. The proportionality factor K, as yet indeterminate (in our equation (5))> was calculated by Farkas (ref. 2) for the case of droplet formation by a kinetic treatment, the results of which are fully confirmed (in section 2) by a more lucid method of calculation. The drawback of Farkas' calculations, as well as the arguments advanced by Stranski and Kaischew in connection with it (ref. 3), is that these writers' first convert the elementary equations of the kinetic theorem, each of which refers to the evaporation and condensation of a single mole- cule, in a differential equation which, when integrated, produce new and not always lucid constants. The change to the differential equation is risky because the ensuing functions of the moleciile number n are at first def. led only for integral values of n and at the transition from n to n + 1 change frequently so much that the differential quotient loses its significance. By disregarding this risk Kaischew and Stranski oD-cained an incorrect resuj-t which differs from that of Farkas. On the other hand, the change into differential equation is entirely unnecessary (as will be shown in section 2). The algebraic equations for the indi- vidual processes give the wanted result by a simple, purely algebraic process of elimination. This method is shorter and less subject to errors than that of Farkas. Furthermore, the appearance of indeterminate "Kinetische Behandlung der Keimbildung in ubersattigten Dampfen, " Annalen der Physik, Folge 5, Band 2h , 1935, pp. 7I9-752. NACA TM 1371+ integration constants is completely avoided. Thus Farkas ' final for- mula, for example, still contains a constant which he himself designates as indeterminate, while in reality, an accurately estimable value cor- responds to it, which is in optimum agreement with the Volmer and Flood measurements , The next three sections deal with the origin of critical nuclei, to which the general thermodynamic analysis of section 1 is applicable as for the droplets. The first kinetic calculation of the thermodynami- cally indeterminate quantity K for crystals was made by Kaischew and Stranski (ref. k) . This important investigation prompted the present study. With regard to the highly idealized crystal model, use is made of the simple cubic lattice, utilized by Kossel as well as by Stranski, which consists of nothing but cubic basic elements, which are in ener- getic reciprocal action only with its six nearest neighbors. However, our resiilts are largely independent of this special model conception. The kinetic analysis, like that of Stranski and Kaischew, results in a confirmation of Volmer ' s formula. On top of that, we succeeded in defining the absolute value of K for this case too. Our algebraic method of eliminating the intermediate states not of direct interest affords an instructive representation suitable for the discussion of the particular nucleation process on the passage of an electric current through a network of wires of specific electric poten- tial differences at the ends of the network and given ohmic resistances of the individual wires forming the network. 2 The whole discussion of the system of algebraic equations is then equivalent to an investigation of the conductivity properties of this network. This method produces in sections k and 5 a comparatively simple and clear calculation of nucleation frequency for two- and three- dimensional nuclei. -'-Kossel 's contrary opinion (Ann. d. Phys . (5), 21, p. i+57, 193^) stems from a misconstrued conception of the nature of thermodynamic considerations, which never refer to individual molecules but to those average values which in technically feasible experiments, come \mder observation. For example: the work of separation of the single molecules in a lattice plane may jump back and forth arbitrarily; but in the evap- oration of the total lattice plane, only the mean separation work enters the balance of the thermodynamic process as heat of evaporation, p The possibility of such a representation was originally voiced by R. Landshoff in a conversation. Another, even more instructive repre- sentation is that of a diffusion process. (Cf. Volmer, Z. f. E., 35, p. 555, 1929- ) But for the purposes of a quantitative treatment, our electrical pattern should be superior to the diffusion pattern, especially when a change from droplet to crystal is involved. NACA TM 137^ As an example for the application of the obtained results, the expla- nation and limits of validity of Ostwald's step rule are discussed in sec- tion 6^ Lastly (section j) , mention is made of the unusual and rather general fact that in our electrical representation of the process of growth the resistances of all separate wires, which start from a specific A "^ Vrn state in the direction of growth, are given exact by Constant X e •^, where A is theiTnodynamic potential of this state with respect to the initial state (vapor, for instance). The kinetic interpretation of Volmer ' s formula (5) amounts then to indicating that the total resistance of the network is dependent solely on those pieces of wire which lie in the region of the point related to the critical droplet or crystal. 1. THERMODYNAMICS OF NUCLEATION If n denotes the number of molecules contained in a droplet, F its surface and a its surface tension, the relationship between its vapor pressure pn and that of a flat fluid surface (poo) reads dnkT In — = a dF (l) Poo where dn is the increase in the number of molecules corresponding to the surface increase dF. With the radius r^ of the droplet for spher- ical shape n = — rn5 ° and F = ^itrn^ hence jj,hk^2aml_ (2) Poo kTp r^ r^ is the critical droplet radius corresponding to the pressure Pn- At given pressirre, droplets with smaller radius evaporate, those with larger radius grow. A droplet which is exactly in equilibrium with a given pressure, according to equation (2), is hereinafter also designated as critical droplet or as nucleus corresponding to the particular pres- sure. A condensation of the supersaturated vapor can therefore take place only when a nucleus originates as a result of a fluctuation phe- nomenon associated with entropy decrease. According to the Boltzmann relationship between entropy and proba- bility, the probability for the appearance of such a droplet is k NACA TM 157^4- _ £l proportional to e ^, where S is the entropy decrease associated with the formation of a droplet of radius rn from a vapor of pressure p^ at constant volume and constant energy. If the number of molecules con- tained in the vapor space is excessively great with respect to n^ this entropy decrease is equal to 1/T times the work A that must be per- formed in order to produce such a droplet in the vapor space isothermally and reversibly. This work cem be determined, according to Volmer, by the following process: 1. Removal of n molecules from the vapor space 2. Expansion of j)-^ to Poo 3. Condensation on a flat fluid surface h. Formation of droplet from the fluid The svun of these four operations must give the wanted quantity A; but (l) and (2) compensate one another, which leaves A = -nkT In ^ + oF Poo Hence, with equation (l) borne in mind (l -^^] . (3) V F dn/ A = aF Since F = Constant X n^'^ , it follows that S. ^ = i., that is ' F dn 3 A = i Fa (k) 3 For the number of fog droplets produced per second, denoted hereafter by the letter J, we therefore expect oFn J = Ke~ 3kT (5) where Fn is the surface of the critical droplet corresponding to the given pressure p. The factor K still remains indeterminate in the thermodynamic study, and must be defined by kinetic analysis as origi- nally made by Farkas. The subsequently chosen method of computing K NACA TM 137^4- is clearer from the methodical point of view. Aside from that, the origin of crystal nuclei is to be treated also for which this eqijation (5) must, naturally, be applicable too. It will be seen that the factor K for fluid nuclei and crystal nuclei of equal order of magnitude is given by the gas kinetic collision factor. Regarding the differential quotient dF/dn in equations (3) and (l), it should be noted that dF/dn is the mean growth of siorface in the devel- opment of a molecule. For in the thermodynamic equation (l), dn still must always contain a multiplicity of molecules, although the equa- tion is inapplicable as yet to single molecules. If this averaging of surface growth per molecule is not carried out over a greater number of molecules, the surprising result is that the concept of vapor pressure loses its simple meaning for crystals, as shown by Kossel (ref. 5)^ because the increase of crystals in the growth of a molecule is mostly zero, but now and again very great too. 2. FLUID NUCLEI Consider the following qimsi-stationary condensation process. The vapor pressure p in a very large tank is kept constant by addition of single molecules. Droplets are then produced continuously which would increase infinitely without outside interference. To prevent this, each droplet, as soon as a certain number s of molecules is reached, shall be removed from the tank and counted. With regard to s it is simply stipulated that it shall be greater than the critical number n. The number of droplets per second counted under these conditions is termed "nucleatlon frequency. "5 In this pro- cedure, a steady distribution of droplets of various sizes will occur within the tank, which must be examined a little closer . Suppose that Zy is the number of droplets containing exactly v molecules. The num- ber of free vapor molecules kept constant in our tank by addition is then Z]_, while Zs is held to zero. If J is the number of droplets counted per second, J may be regarded as a constant current that passes through all Z. Next, assvune that: qydt is the probability that in time interval dt, one molecule will leave 1 cm2 of the surface of a drop of v molecules, agdt on the - This term coined in the literature is somewhat misleading insofar as the actual number of nuclei formed per second is exactly twice as great because there is precisely a 50 percent probability for each nucleus to continue to grow or to evaporate. 6 NACA 1M I37I1 other hand is the probability that one molecule from the vapor space condenses on a surface of 1 cm2, F^ is the surface of a droplet with V molecules, and Z^ ' = ZyFy is the total surface of all droplets with V molecules. Applied to the constant current we get J = aoZ^.l' - qyZ^> (for all v). Indicating Pv = ? (6) the initial conditions read then Zv* = Zv_i' 3v - — Pv (7) aQ The factors p introduced by equation (6) increase monotonic with increasing v. For the critical molecule number v = n, ^^ = 1. If r^ denotes the radius of the droplet with v molecules, then, by equation (2) 20M/L _ l\ Pv=i^=ePRTlj-n r,] ^q^ The factor occurring in the exponent is indicated by a = ^ (8a) pRT Unfortunately, the notation Zy ' and Zy in the Stranski and Kaischew article are enterchanged relative to Farkas' report. We follow Farkas' notation. NACA TM 137^ In order to eliminate from the equations Zv+l' = Zv'Pv+1 - ^ Pv+1 2v+2' = ^v+l'Pv+2 _ J_ Pv+2 = Zs-l'p. (7a) the factors Zy+i', Zv+2% Zs_]_', the first is divided by Pv+1, the second by Pv+lPv+2^ etc., the last one by Pv+lPv+2 the thus obtained equations are added up, all the Z' Zy ' and Zs ' cancel out leaving . . Pg. When all values lying between Pv+lPv+2 = Zv' 1 + ^0' Pv+1 Pv+lPv+2 Pv+lPv+2 Ps-1. With it the nucleation frequency J is known as soon as one of the values of Z' is given. In view of the calciilations for the crystal nucleus this method of solution is somewhat modified as follows: Through the multi- plications equation (7a) takes the form ^i+1 = ^-. JR-i (9) with Oi = Zi' P2P3 Pi and R-i = ^0P2P5 Pi (9a) The quantity ^^ . arises from the corresponding Z' values by divi- sion by the product of all the p values which occur during the succes- sive growth of the droplet characterized by subscript i from single molecules. (By this method the equations are divided by the common fac- tor P2P3 P^.) The style of writing (equation (9)) of the equation 8 NACA TM I37I+ system indicates that the current J flows from point i tovard point i + 1 imder the influence of the voltage difference <^± - Oi+i by over- coming the ohmic resistance K^. Visualizing a series connection of resistances R]_, ^.2, etc., the entire nucleation current J can be regarded as a current driven by a given potential difference through this cliain J(Rv + Hv+1 + . . . + Rs+l) = 3>v Now $2. is directly equal to Z,2_' and Og equal to zero. The whole problem therefore consists in adding the separate partial resistances. Now it is seen that the individual Pv values increase in such a way that Pn is exactly equal to unity, while the preceding ones are all smaller and those that follow all greater than vmity. Up to the value Rn the partial resistances consist, therefore, of a product of integral factors which are greater than unity; on above R^ the additive factors appearing are all less than unity. As a result the Rj[ values plotted against i have a distinct maximum at i = n. Owing to the importance (8) of the quantities p the exact term for a partial resistance Rj_ reads . . ^ - i^ The sitm of the reciprocal radii occurring here in the exponent is replaced by an integral with respect to the quantity = £v ^ Ml/5 I'n V"/ XV = ^ = rz)"^ (10) The integration variable x indicates, therefore, the ratio of a particular droplet radius to the critical radius. By solution of equa- tion (10) with respect to v V = n(xv)5, dv = Jnx^dx hence xi ^ xdx = ^ — (xi^ - xi^) 2 r^' ^ ^ ' NACA TM 137^+ In addition i - 1 = n(xj^5 _ X2_3) Indicating for abbreviation 2Ei 2rn 3kT fli _ cm _ "-^n the term for partial resistance R-^ reads Ri = J. eA' {(3xi2-2xi5)-(3xi2_2xi3)} (H) aQ Replacing the summation over the partial resistances also by an integration, leaves r R^dv = 3n f"^ R(x)x2dx = ^ e'^' i^^l^-^^1^) f ^ e^' 0^^-2x^)x^dx Jl ^xi ^0 ^xi At x = 1 the integrand has a steep maximum of the order of e^ . There- fore we put X = 1 + I, i.e., 3x2 _ 2x3 _ ]_ _ j^2 _ 2|3^ ^^^^^ gg-f- -j-j^g integral ,A' r g-A'(3|2+2|5) (1^ ^)2, di The variation of the integrand is represented in figure 1. The factor A' is fairly high, say about equal to 20 to 50, in practical cases, as will be shown later. So, without appreciable error the above integral can be replaced by p" e-3A'^2 ^^ Then, the total resistance (3x]_2 - 2xj^ compared to unity being disre- garded in the exponent) reads R=2n /^eA' (12) ao \/5A' 10 • NACA 'm 137U With this the thermodynamically obtained expression for the nucleation frequency of the indeterminate constant K is defined. The final result is 5kT Against this calculation the objection might be raised that the formula (l) had been applied to droplets of as low as two or three mole- cules, for which the concept of surface tension is certainly perfectly meaningless. But, when considering the curve of the partial resistances in figure 1, it is clear that the resultant total resistance is definitely defined by the partial resistance in the neighborhood of v = n. There- fore it is practically immaterial whether the partial resistances at the start of the chain had been chosen by a factor 100 too great or too small. Equation (13) is exactly identical with Farkas ' formula (ref. 2), when bearing in mind that his constant C on the basis of its introduction (p. 259) has "the significance Z-j_'. Since Farkas did not notice that the extrapolation of his formula to droplets of only two or three mole- cules is positively unobjectionable, he failed to recognize the signifi- cance of this constant. In comparison, the calculation of Kaischew and Stranski (ref. 3) does cLZv ' not seem to be entirely acceptable. They replace Zy_i - Z^ by , dv which serves no useful purpose in the subsequent calculation, since no integration along this differential quotient is ever made. It merely obscures the significance of their constant C which simply is -Z]_'. But, contrary to Farkas, they use the calculating method of logarithms and subsequent substitution of the differential quotient for the differ- ence quotient for great v also. This certainly is inadmissible in Ay. t the range of small , where the logarithmic term changes rather con- dv siderable even at minor changes in dZ, dv The formula obtained for J is now compared with the Volmer -Flood measurements on fog formation at adiabatic expansion of water vapor.. The factor Z]_' is, by assumption, equal to the total surface of the free molecules; ^n^l' signifies thus twice the number of gas kinetic collisions per second between the Z-|_ vapor molecules. From the mean free path length l_ and the mean molecular velocity v the number of collisions per cm^ of vapor space follows at aoZi' = N f NACA TM 137^ 11 Since Z is inversely proportional to the concentration N, we get = L /8~ ^0 1 P^ yrtR PqZq\/M TV^ = 5 X 1022 ^^ ^ Zq\/M tn/t" where N number of vapor molecules per cm5 L Loschmidt number p vapor pressure ram Hg Iq free path length at 0° C and standard pressure For the number of molecules in the critical droplet we get n = ^ r 3 E L 3 M _ l^-rt/2aM l\3 p 5 \pRT xj M whereby In — = x. For water (p = 1 g/cm^; a = 75 dyn/cm) For the attainable super saturations (x « 1.5) n amounts to about 100 molecules . 12 NACA TM 137*+ Posting = 1 f^n ^ ^ La/goM iV 3 kT 3 RTVpRT x/ for A' the formula for J reads In J = 1+9 + in Poo P Zj3M5/2a3/2 + 2x + 2 IB X - 17. 7W^^^ ^ (13a) Poo in mm Eg This result is then compared with the Volmer-Flood measurements on water at temperatures T of 260° and 275°. All measurements at T = 270°, Poo = ^ mn Hg, l_ = 10~5 cm, a = 75 dyn/cm are entered below the logarithm. Hence In J = 52.5 + 2x + 2 In X - 5-7^ X lo3 /^V -i- The curves obtained for In J are shown plotted against x in figiore 2 for T]_ = 275.2° and T2 = 26l.0°. But there is a certain uncertainty as to which value of J is to be designated as condensation. According to the graph the curves intersect the x axis at such a slope that it is practically immaterial, when defining the critical supersatu- ration, whether J = l(ln J = 0) or J = 10(ln J = 2.3) is plain fog. Choice of the intersection point of the curves with the straiglrit line In J = 1, gives the following values for the critical supersaturation, which can be compared with the measurements T ct( dyn/cm) x calculated Pn Poo calculated measured Curve 1 Curve 2 275.2 261.0 75.23 77-28 1.1+6 1.61+ I+.30 5.11+ 1+.21 5.03 am' ounts to 55 to 56 Worthy of note is the insensitivity of the theoretically computed factors to errors in the calculation of aQZ-|_'. Even a factor 10 would change the constant 52.1+ only by 2, result. I.e. practically no change at all in the MCA TM 137*+ ■ 13 Since all further meas'orements on other substances in the Volmer- Flood report have been compared with those measurements on water and gave a good confirmation of Farkas ' formula, it is concluded that the present formula (l3) reproduces the whole available test material very satisfactorily , 3. THE LINEAR CHAIN Preparatory to the problems of the actual crystal growth, the fol- lowing process is analyzed: It is assumed that the rectangular area ABCD is the base of a simple cubic crystal, on which as the beginning of a new surface, a layer of edge lengths z and I is available and on which the (l + l)th chain of length z is included in the growth. The gi'owth of this new chain is analyzed. Figure 3 represents the stage in which exactly k = 5 atoms of the (Z + l)th chain are condensed. The diffi- culty of forming nuclei here is due to the fact that diiring the start of a new chain the first and possibly also the second and third atom are less solidly bound than those following, which are all bound with the same energy (repeatable steps, according to Kossel, bond at "half crystal" according to Stranski). So, unless there is too much supersaturation after a complete chain has formed, there is a considerable lapse of time before - as the start of a new chain - a linear nucleus capable of growing has formed. The energies, with which the single atoms are bound in the successive formation of the chain, are indicated with cpi, cp2j • • • cpk^ .... Then the possibility qk ve get with the abbreviation 18 NACA ™ 157^4- (21) z - 1/ n^ = noPiP^-l - ^ Sz (22) The siom S2 does not lend Itself to elementary evaluation. The approximate value Sz(p) = P^ (21a) z In 3 used in the following is obtained by the following consideration: Replacing the sum (21) by an integral gives hence, with the substitution x = z - — ^ ' In p pz Pin p(z-l) y s^ = —7—7 / ^y z In p Jq 1 _ y ~ z In p y The approximate value is obtained by disregarding whxch is z Ln p small compared to lonity, which, however, presents only a rough approxi- mation near the upper limit of the integral. Equation (22) enables the deposition of a whole chain z to be treated as an elementary process. The equation (l7a), valid for the actual elementary process, is simply replaced by the relation J = noAz - n^B^ (25) NACA TM 157^ 19 whereby 2a|3ipz-l 31 Az = -^ = 2az In (3 -f Bz = 1^ = 2az In pp-^ (23a)6 Az is slightly dependent on z, while Bz decreases exponentially with z. Both quantities become equivalent at a critical value of z, which is denoted by m, and is defined by PlP"i-l = 1 or -^ = P°^ ' (2^) m is that chain length which is precisely in equilibrium with the exter- nal pressure. According to (16) the definition {2k) of m is equivalent to cpi + (m - l)cp = mif or (2ila) 9 - Hf = - (cp - cpi) m The mean evaporation energy of the "critical chain m" is equal to the energy \|/ characterizing the external vapor pressure. k. TWO-DIMENSIONAL NUCLEUS Equation (22) makes it possible to analyze a chain of length z as an element, through whose deposition or evaporation the growth of plane nuclei or of whole rectangular plates is controlled. In this instance the growth of a plane nucleus on a given base of edge lengths i and k is involved. A specific stage of this growth is represented in fig- ure 3. The bonding energy of a single atom on the smooth base ("bond to one neighbor") is denoted with cpoj 9l ^^^ ^ have the same meaning as in section 5- Accordingly, there are Pq = e kT ^ 31 = e kT ^ p = e kT (25) The energy required to detach the whole plate (i, k) from the base is then cpo + (i + k - 2)cpi + (i - l)(k - l)(p In this calculation it is assumed that at no time two nuclei are simultaneously existent on the same chain and then grow together to one chain. When z is not extremely great, this assumption is well justified. 20 NACA TM 157^+ From the assumption that P2 = P3 = • • • = 3 a-^e all equivalent and independent of the position of the deposited molecule on the base, inevitably follovs the condition 90 + T = atpi hence also PqP = Pi^ (25a) The total bonding energy of a structure must be independent of the manner in which the gro-vrth takes place. Applied specifically to a system of 3 atoms on the base as in figure 5, the binding energy for growth in the order of 1, 2, 5, is cpQ + cpQ + cp, but for the sequence 1, 5, 2, it is CpQ + cp-]_ + cp-j^. The equality yields the above relationship. The evap- oration energy of the whole plate (i, k) is therefore ikp - (i + k)(cp - cpi) Visulize a column of cross section i x k consisting of I whole atom layers, the deposit of the {l + l)th layer being located on a rectangle s x z. In analyzing the full growth of this deposit into a whole layer the procedure is the same as in section 5. A multiplicity of columns and rectangles of every possible size and position is assumed, with ng z denoting the number of those at which the nucleus (s,z) has a specific position on the base. The number of the possible positions is, obviously (i - s + 1) (k - z + 1) . The total nLimber Zg ^ of "the col;;mns with a plate (s,z) would then be ng ^(i - s + 1) (k - z + 1) , if it is assumed, as in section 3, that each position of the rectangle (s,z) on the base occurs with the same frequency. For the cirrrent Jg 2, leading from s,z to s + l,z, there are altogether 2(i - s)(k - z + 1) possibilities, namely, two each for each specific position of the rec- tangle (s,z), with exception of those positions at which it lies to the left or right at the edge. In these cases there is only one possi- bility for depositing a new chain. It is assumed again that these 2(i - s)(k - z + 1) partial currents, all of which lead from s,z to s + l,z, are equivalent. Now, in order to describe the growth of the plane crystal after the foregoing arguments with the above eqiiation (22), n^ is replaced by %+l,z^ "0 ^y ^s,z ^^^ J ^y 7- ^ —' while J32' is ' ' 2(1 - s) (k - z + 1) NACA TM 13lh 21 to denote the current from (s,z) to (s,z +1). In the steady state the plane growth is then governed by the equations ns+l,z = ns^zPipz-l J.c ns,z+l = ^s^zPiP s-1 On the other hand is applicable. ka.{± - s)(k - z + 1) W(i - s + l)(k - z) nil = nooPo - ^JJ PO s,z = 1, 2, (26) ^ (26a) Now the content of these equations is described by a discussion in the s-z plane (fig. 6) : Suppose that a certain lattice point s,z represents the crystallite defined by the edges s and z. Thus, in figure 6, for example, the point A corresponds to the crystallites 3x2. The current Jg ^ flows then horizontally from s,z toward s + 1, z, Jg 2% bi^t vertically upward from s,z toward s,z + 1. The whole lattice extends to s = i and z = k. The problem then consists in computing a total current J that enters at (O.O) and branches off in partial currents Jg 2 ^■nd Js,z', according to equation (26). The obvious method is to regard the entire figure 6 as the image of a material network through which passes a current J under the effect of a certain electrical direct current voltage. To complete the picture, the several equations of (26) must be expressed in the form of Ohm's law ^s+l,z = $s,z - Js,z^s,z $s,z+l = 'l's,z - Js,z'Ks,z' (27) which describes the current in the separate pieces of wire of the network in figure 6. It can be accomplished by dividing the first equation of (26) by the product P of all the p values occurring in the build-up of the plane (s + l,z),, that is, Ps+l,z = ^Q^-^(s+^-^)fis{z-l) 22 NACA TM 137h The potential (t>s z and the partial resistances Rg 2 ^^nd Rg 2' become then s,z p R (s+z-2)p(s-l)(z-l) >• (56) 5 J the construction given then T-^ + T2 + r^ = (56a) 28 NACA TM 1374 along with By (36) and (56a) ik + kZ + Zi = 3a2 - ir2 2 and ikZ = a^ - — or^ + r-ir^T:! 2 With this the exponent of equation (35) reads m(ik + kZ + Zi) - ikZ = 3cr m _ cr3 + —(a _ m)r2 - rnTpTz Disregarding the practically nonessential term r-^rpTv (the sur- roiznding of the diagonals being considered), the conditions for Ri k Z are the same as before in section k for the plane lattice. The factor 1/' ^ 2 p2 in the region a > m solely considered here, effects such a rapid rise of the resistance on leaving the diagonal, that the current can flow practically only on the diagonal r = 0. On the diagonal itself the factors ^^^ m-a-^ has such an enormously steep maximum at a = 2m, that the entire voltage drop along the diagonal is practically defined solely by the partial resistance R2m,2m = ^ pW4-m2-2m4-l 8am-^ In p Owing to "^1 1 1 ~ ^1 1 1 't^® nucleation frequency is therefore defined at J = 8aZi^i^im3 In pp-W5-m2+2m-l (37) Elimination of 3 by means of 9-91 NACA m 137^ 29 leaves a, 1,1' li e kT e kT g ^i^r " ^ / J = 8aZ-, T .m^ i e kT e" kT g" "kT^r " ^y (57a) kT The factors deciding the order of magnitude of J are aZ]_ 2. l and the first of the three e-functions; aZ]_ ]_ ]_ is essentially (like the factor a.QZ-|_' in equation (l3) for droplet formation) the number of gas kinetic collisions per second. The first e-power is synonymous with the _ crFn factor e 5kT of the thermodynamic formula (5). In fact, — (cp - cpQ_) is the surface energy per atomj the total surface energy of the cube of critical edge length 2m, therefore, is equal to (2m) 2 x 6 x — (q) - q)i) = 12m2((p - cp-|); the third portion of it stands, as it should be, in the exponent. The exponent of the second e-f unction indicates, as shown in 1 edge energy section 4, ^^ for a critical plane nucleus. This factor 2 kT occurs in similar manner in the report by Stranski and Kaischew too. Admittedly, its appearance hinges on the exact knowledge of the factor m, as is apparent from the fact that in equation (57) the term with m2 can be made to disappear completely, if m is replaced by m - — . For the problem involving the critical supersaturation the second and third e-functions are ignored. 6. THE OSTWALD LAW OF STAGES This law states that in the formation of nuclei from supersaturated vapor the liquid phase is separated first, as a rule, even when the tem- perature of the vapor is considerably below the freezing point. Our results on the nucleation of liquid (l5) and solid (57) nuclei enable a theoretical foimdation and a quantitative improvement of this law to be made. Omitting the last two e-functions in (57a) and introducing the rela- tion for Volmer's exponent of equation (5) A" = ^L = ^^^^^ - ^1^ 5kT kT 30 NACA TM I57U ve get by equation (57a) on the crystal nucleus Crystal: Jcrystal = 2aZi^i^iA"e-A" while equation (l3) produced Droplet: Jdroplet The factor Z-]_' was, according to section 2, the number of vapor molecules multiplied by its surface. Since, according to section 3, a arises from a^ by multiplication with the atom siorface, aZ]_ 1 1 ^^^ a„Z-, ' are identical in order of magnitude. Thus, the factor K of equation (5) for the formation of droplets appears smaller by l/n than for the formation of the crystal, where n denotes the molecule number of the nucleus. Although n is the order of magnitude of 100, this factor is not decisive in the problem involving the critical supersatura- tion. Moreover, it would be considerably overbalanced by the factor P~"^ omitted at J + 1 • The factor A" and 1— matter even less. crystal ^3j^ As long as no direct measurements of J are planned, but merely the order of magnitude of the critical 'supersaturation, the simple result is : The factor K in Volmer's nucleation formula is simply equal to the number of gas kinetic collisions, for the droplet as for the crystal. This statement applies, as seen in section 3 and section 4, to linear and plane nuclei; naturally, involved here is solely the number of collisions per second at the base. The decisive reason for the validity of the law of stages remains then solely the fact that in the qtiantity ■— — the surface F of the nucleus corresponding to a certain supersaturation is greater on the cube than on the sphere. The difference in shape is the deciding factor, not the crystalline structure. Its effect is computed on the assumption that the molecular volume v and the surface tension a for fluid and crystal are equivalent . If F = Cn /5 is the sixrface corresponding to the molecule number Pn n, then by equation (l), with x denoting the abbreviation of In — ^ Poo kTx = a ^ = ^ ^^/^ dn 3 f1/2 NACA IM 157^ 31 hence the siirface corresponding to x F=i -'C3 9 (kTx)2 The nucleus volume V for the sphere (radius r) is V = nv = ^r5, thus, F = hJ^^'^ ^^l^n^h for the cube (edge length a) : V = nv = a5, hence, F = 6v2/5n2/3 Hence, for the sphere C5 = 56itv2 and for the cube c3 = 63v2 The critical area corresponding to the same x is — = I.9I times greater for the cube than the droplet. To assure identical nucleation frequency, hence, equal values of F, it must ^cube / '-' cube 3.„.. \l/2 = /l79l = 1-58 ^sphere VC^sphere/ For the critical supersaturations themselves the condition would be p\ /p\l-38 t-J = [¥) (38) ""^cube V^'^/sphere As an illustration for applying this relationship, the supercooling at which crystalline and fluid nuclei occior with comparable frequency is analyzed. The saturation vapor pressixre of the liquid phase is denoted 32 MCA ™ 157^ by Pi> that of the solid phase by P2. By equation (58) the condition for comparable nucleation frequency reads or Inp =lnpi + 2.6(lnp]_- lnp2) (59) (The factor 2.6 is equal to 1: (I.58 - 1). Figure 7 shows the vapor pres- sure curves In p-|_ and In P2 plotted against T. According to equa- tion (39) the curve for In p would then have about the shape of that indicated by the broken curve. Below this limiting curve, more crystal- line nuclei, above it, more fluid nuclei are to be expected. However, this theoretically interesting solution is meaningless in practice as long as the nucleation frequency lies below a limit amenable to observa- tion. For that reason it is necessary to determine, in the same manner as in section 2, the curve of that pressure at which a formation of fluid nuclei occurs at all in observable amounts (dotted curve). The intersec- tion point A of the two curves characterizes the temperature T^. at which an isothermal pressure rise would result in a simultaneous separa- tion of fluid and crystalline nuclei. Below T^ only solid, above Tj^ only fluid nuclei would be observed. Natiorally, it may also happen that no intersection point appears. In that event, the law of stages holds unrestrictedly. 8 7. TEE GENERAL RESISTANCE ANALOGY As already stated several times in the foregoing, the equations (I7), (23), and (32), applicable to the elementary process, can be so trans- formed by extension with a suitable factor that they could be interpreted as the Kirchhoff equations of a suitably chosen network of wires. It can be proved that this electrotechnical analogy is possible in complete generality for the condensation and dissolution process of any structure consisting of atoms. Again it is assumed that, besides the vapor phase of a substance, some fractions of another phase are present in a con- tainer. These fractions are hereinafter called crystals, without in any way infringing upon the general character. An uninterrupted input or transport of vapor and removal or addition of crystals of random specific size assures the steady distribution of the crystals of various sizes and shapes . _ Such a case seems to exist in the theoretical case treated by Stranski and Totomanow (Z. f. phy. Chem. (a), I63, p. 399, 1933). NACA TM 157'+ 33 Next, we consider any random specified type of crystals, say, of the shape represented in figure 8, for example. For a full description of such a crystal, a greater number of parameters are usually advantageous, a single one of which is, say, the number v of atoms in this crystal. By deposition of an atom at a well defined spot of this crystal, a crys- tal of type II with v + 1 atoms is produced. J is the excess per sec- ond of the growth processes which lead from I to II, through the evapora- tion processes which lead from II to I. Then, if nj and nji are the number of crystals of type I and II in the steady state, the equation for this specific transition process reads nja - njiq^+i (1+0) where a and q.v+1 are the repeatedly employed deposition and evapora- tion probabilities of the atom at that particular spot. With the abbre- viation Py+i = — — the result is again ^v+1 nil = niPv+l - J Pv+l (^1) _ 9v+l ijf kT ~ W Again qv+-l = -^(t)^ °-n<^ ^ ~ -^(T)® > ^^^ introduced, hence, 'Py+l - "^ 3v+-l = e l^T , The energy of separation > " *J o rt u. _. OJ (U CTJ a: <:o ^ x: o s Sod 4) W Q. 0) o en >- nj 0. O hi Ss: c < CQ Q 2 > i^ c ^ t> < CO a : -• d S > ^ .-^ CM CD ^ Ui to to T3 ) OJ cd m 5i .2 S s a* S -S 2 *- (U O 3 _ CD CO g- o '^ S 0.0; t^ GJ "O j^ 2 S ft -5 .S i; QJ ^ .C _ = E; ft Ih CO ^ S "C • S c < --J in 05 III-"- o z <; (zi Q. „• a a > ^.' . -^ CO rt ! rt to ji: -- P 5 ' Tj cj 3 Is .S-o .2 ca : - 2 5 i- o. "' s a. p o. o O) "^ c m « o m " ° o IT! ^- ■a C3 > rt .2 OJ ~ ^ i! S = = 3 o S ■= « «^ a; c = J= c o "rt i3 c: CJ o o 3 O -= Qi Cfl Qj ■•-; ■S — bfi -g y W 0, 0) o m o S t- ^ Xi "" '^ O CJ TI C 0) d) > CO CO ■^ a ^ tn cc! — c« 3 tJ CTl '— ;:3 = s di^ n " 5 .2 • 01 ^ C3 O .2 .S 2 - -n- S — a O 73 CTl ■" T3 CO g CO O "O XJ CO > C C 0) ci a ci t^ £ S O M-t -&> < z O) Lh . z 'Q OJ •-^ r- t_ C^ ^ ^^ o W ^^ Q q S 0) f-i M "^ .^^ H > •Zj^ -■^ X ^ 3 "^ CJ I .i; cfl <: t." U W Q .5 J.: - a- S H 0) " CO :3 2 2 < < t. rt .c 2 t , ""^ a -;^co ^ < §wwlft •■= zz2kipqqS<: S2.2 CO O " C 5 CD .Li XJ . — t CO ci r- -;:' CO q; i 5 ?; *" 2 o. >- S !ccii;t.Q.Oo<"^, ,uO-t,atJ!-ai i C CO a- rt 1 t1 jr o a; ■ - CJ CD M > Oj W (U Tl .S ■'- bD -e C CO (U Si; c 01 rr 0) 01 -C c (U 01 n c (1) o :* en rt « o :.ci;-'c3gococ'"«'~' i u. "^ o c ..^ *- • ; c« s o > p > CO 2 ■ i .2 .5 o 0,0; oi is c <~, 0) o -o 55 Q. ii 2 _ _ „ O T3 T3 c.i;toi:occitsc!j c 'i' -• CO - £ « — o CJ < z Zl c ! S S i "• ^ . O - CO >,;3 .£ H t .2 I I — 0, O 3 . 0) CO g* O 0) O CO «^ -.- C CJ t, aj ft 0) .- 5; ftO . SSCQ ft c < ■o < a z (\> i-> -^ o CC s ? ■a CM (N 0) a o u ft V CO O o; ft O 3 Becker, Doring, NACA T Annalen in CJ t> d "T in' „• a a & c , _ a) cci i,, ra ca Q « ■< fe w ea CO JS C OJ *.* Cti CJ .^ - ° o QJ H ^ S a; c CO OJ .2 rt 0; a; 5 I ■§) S to ST M 0> 0, 2 .2 2 rt y — -CJ £ -^ S a; o 3 ^ o 2 £ ^ « '- «3 OJ O ™ S 0) g .2 5 o be CTJ s ^ " CO a, ^ QJ i-. ^ S£ g-i3 c- 0) CO o ^ «— 12 "^ O CJ ' G ^ 0) n S CO P3 _ a -. ,, - — 2 S M a" tJ ca '^ ;:; "oj = S OJ^ a, „1 " £ -2 -= ■" (1) •"* bil o ■g^ CO := 3 O O a a; <« o; • a) :a ■a £ E oj a 2 •a CO c o "g T3 "la > C c 0) U-, Hc°m£-5««rtSo.2 < P in Z CO o 0) CO ^ n H oj aj Q. ca . 3 <- J= c« (3 CJ o J r; tH Q oj 0) K 5 < 5 -S Z ;^ O W **- 52 0) E-i tzi -i. ' 0) (X M? ^ S P 3 -O o "M fH U, CO O "^ . Qgc OS O 1^ "^ C 0) u w Q .S .^ .2 W K .5 K a Fi H ^ 2 S< !r CO hD >, cd j= ' ft XJ CC-o - ifc. Q. o o a; "i CO 2 M 0) ■" OJ to 0) OJ OJ H ' £ i2 c to a, 0) a> .n S tn c >, ■:-' oj CO ' 3 S. to s: -^ 2 0) tJ — S-5 .5 2 a!" CO tJ o o = ° * td n ni "■ bD cd 0> TJ Zl ^ t" Sf 3 s a) a; c Z o S c ■g 0) 0) OJ CO to .:; .S .S CO — "^ CJ ^ "* -^ 3 3 O CO 0) r-o ti 5 i .5 o ■^ ajS s 2 o ■= o -S 0) > '" St to S C > 0) Q. OJ .0) -- ■S'S Q. O 'O 73 to *^ Qt ■"■ bfi O ■-' o -g t: o a a III : o^ •-* .-4 C^g CO — < .a 0. S.S 1 < O a Q> r; IT) r bJS (D - I p. "S .5 -J" in KH- a a c ^ ■- . CM CO ^ n c .^ ^ U, s C 3 to 01 < t^ ■o tf) 0) [fl o 0) Q. rt Cfl O CO ID rt U nl a < o 0, o 2; CD 2 « 0, O 3 o o u >>ai 01 'J- = c- 0^ QJ '-C U Tj" u 0) len de 5, v.2 9-752 CJ CD o <; ^. CD . SSCQQ2<^ ^' ^ a 3 £;" CJ »^ 3 H - " ' H > ^22 o W •-^ X i2>2 ^SS U W Q C ^ rg S Ul ii t^ m 2^ ° < < L, cd J5 *■ cd J-* c- .« 0) ? ^ c H K ^ ^ ,> Ocdt't.Q.Oo'^nlr-'D „cjat,ao^t,aicc S u to "K "1 CO " S £ -^ -C M CD CD M _^ ^_. .»_) C O t« O, a u S ■ T3 O to a, CD ~ <" .c s 2 tj 5-i3 c -a -£ 2 CD CO O 5 C gi^ S '*_ O O t> T3 Cd _ C .^ (D (D O c o ? to to — ' ~ "rl cd ^ to ^ - -^ cd = "^ .- X i; — « 2 cd ■S-a o g^ bio gS S 0) 2 s CD o ID O ^^ 3 O to S2 = " o O "S S CD > :;3 c -^ .° „ CD 5^ -5, o HciltotJoedtdcd CO .^ •3 CD cd to ■" r o < z :i;'> ^ "i O S M -"I O tn c zl c r- *3 H CD ^i* Q* t^ • 3 <; j= tn « ,'- a O J ■" ■" en ^ U a! en M ^- §? ■^ Z s> S '- 2 o W = Q ^ M I £ CD f-, W --,■ < - 3 ■a u "" O f^ '^ C CD u w Q .2 ■?; . ^- .. > M « =J to :2 £"£ S UJ ^ t^ to °< h tn ^ ■r^ JZ f^ •2 -a § 5 CD .i; " S5 s- a cd c ■D S a o a tj cd yj 0) -^ J= to C CO en " to CD - So to £.2 « « '" o P S c ° 5 c C O > M w "i — W i^ a; -o CJ d ' £aS£S.So,^ = -5 i-g r=£^ g .2 = o "Hi c c (d cd cd S m 01 cd ■< o < ^- -l-^^ o • , =^ -u ^ "^ Editions amic ( Kinetic ies Thermo rtles logy nnels R. eu -H SS _-acnaicnS"ooi -H?iDQ.a>L:o)TD.iij c < ajiDcducd'^'D.SS Q 2 a. . ..Tl to *- O OJ cd ui en OJ QJ cd a <; o co^ o en ft O CO >,i2 r o 5 Sod o o - w rt u i_ a cd c " I' S '— ' eg = M a p o CJ a t, Q. CJ 1 u 2 ■" "* " S So CO > .2 nl to (U QJ ^ c •a : ^ 2 2 OJ to o 3 " P i ^ ? . .s ° c o 5 a 0) J, o o :;3 cd _ j2ti^^^ cdin cd"* cd *- T3 bD cd OJ TJ C ■S I S M ^ ? 1 „, ^ "^ 0) ■^ CD y^ -^ £ ^ c i; to cd^ 0.- 3 -2 .5 o a ii STrt " c'sii OJ cd x; X = ti ■" .,.; Ch L. *-- QJ . QJ S •SI -P -= O C OJ cd 'iiSgO'O-ccoS c^maocdcdcd .2.gs u o S ■& < < 2 fr >. p-H Lh o •n •n CO (D c o C OJ 5 ra >• is S o a O u u 0) o. n o o *> u at CO c > C CO at cti CO to CO a; rt H n ClJ "^ ■-^ fa£ ^ -iji r OJ o c c OJ rr CO at fail OJ r. -a o rt CJ r- cu CO o c en cd Jhc;:; cnCj OCJTDtd Ir^^tOr^-OStOtOT- •2o :n -- a .Q QJ !1.2 c o ■■ as 0) "" r ^ QJ cd O rv OJ . QJ : j'O-a-oco cto_g2 u - o rt --^ S -a T3 m — F ci;coaoedcdcdt-o.2 .2 J3 '^ .i5 cv] to ^ w to ■ G sis < >. . -^ O QJ CTJ t. w 0) 0) rt K < O in CO oj a, 3 a, . I S S 11 « " 0, O 3 . ■^ - Q. "^ H ■- oi w o o aJ S ^ CQ Q. O) D. O OJ ■^ -G ,— t (_, CO c <; —i in 05 Q Z < M d > i" n „• a a £; — < .- . CM ;D ^ >, • si ' -; I iiT3 CO _ *D W OJ W O) O 3 '" O O "^ u, v -a "■ ■£ .S i -^ -c S t-i CO QJ CNJ , CM . in <» —1 in 05 't" in" „■ a a ^ >.-2 a; o c a; a) aj TJ T-l « n; rr > c OJ 5 rt £■ ^ s "^ o O M a; n c o "> eS e/: > •a r; L4 n CJ u 0> n (h m s -a O O u c ai 3 3 m w c n en o o fn en ■a a; rn c ej « rt o rt rt rt eo 3 u. T1 nj ai ■n c 0) C 0) o a> > 2 3 C 0) -C eel to O 0) c T3 eo tt) a) a) o en C ■^ a) •"• Ml o x: 3 rt jn c o J3 O > 3 -^ en aj •a a) b O m c 3 S O O C s o a S „• a ? o -a ^ M g 3 -^ p -g -g ej C a to eo a) ■ < o <: z H 5 S-S ■ (^ > C C 01 '. . , , S2 els- Zl H a) a) a ea . 3 << £ -Si a; !-. a ^ U ■£ eo SP'J^S ■<5-S o W = a a) fn M -3. •■ •- O O 3-0 S g > 5 t, -Z; u w Q 5 -^ ^ ^ ''^ cQ a =; !-, CO ■o '^ . Qge -M ,X -^ ; TD ce:-a ?r .2 w K r 1 ,■;^• ■~ ^ c, ■o -" _ -a a) e .2 "1 = £ 2 H. en „ a» en o '" o o ai CO? O Tl en _ CO ^ _ o en r! ho tn ;: - ;5 .= CO ^ 1 1 eo c 3 en o c > 01 3 > a) SS D, a; w aj o -a 73 £ 73 eo o "a "£ 01 >« M O 2 c .5 .2 o) tn ^■3 .2 5 1 CO *- r < -fcj O rt aJ rt -; E^-^^ J^co ^-' X3 C '- eo ^^ •3 6 en 3 en aj JZ OJ So o aj c c cc V S ?■ <: T3 o en" Ih 01 Q. en a; a) o o o a; 3 ■n < n en p< r a> m L- rn ■-H 2 a < O Oh O 1 S^ m a a' <^ „, > en c t- 0) ^ 1 -in^ < M a : «■ a 3 £; t£ . z : H ; O a) CO •2j25 l-i:^ ci! eu a c t- u- — . o - . a in" o w ^^ 3 > f-l M t, CO ■= ■ H >■ g>&< - 3 -g (J "1 <1 C 2 a) eo s< H < a 2>-2 W Q S S w a; H H !»i < Ki a Q rt a bo >> en JZ • o- a; C 01 "en c c < fe.2 ,S CO S I en eo j= en en CJ t, S •a « 2 g en g eJ a; S >— a p o CD ^ rt CO > en *^ en t:;:c5 oi aj f-l ^■^ . Q. rt CJ ^ CO c: ^ w a> w a; gj -i-H .^ .r- tlD a- ^ C CO eo " m5 a> en o 5 = 2 e« ~ o O a -a en aj en c; a) .= -c i - •a •^ T3 ■S-o o S 2.2 tn ^ 5 a S a; S 2 = " o "* 2 01 r; 1= a XI S .2 c o "; o o s J; c o 3 eo 5 2 — " — en .*_> en en tuc en a> T3 G 01 aj 3 ^ ^ g .1 0, I - ■ as . a) ■a x: S o. ^ iS 2 o - fSgo 3.2 **H aJ ° c .a "" "- rt -' 3 T3 T3 *j O en en en T3 c eu o en >- .3 2^1 eo *- r ti < < z UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08106 541 8 !->->- ->.«. uEADON U-V