MDDC-866 UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION INTERPRETATION OF THE TRITON MOMENT by R. G. Sachs Argonne National Laboratory Reprinted with permission from The Physical Review, Vol. 72, No. 4. August 15, 1947 Issuance of this document does not constitute authority for declassification of classified copies of the same or similar content and title and by the same author. Technical Information Branch, Oak Ridge, Tennessee AEC, Oak Ridge, Term., 4-8-49— 750-A5206 Interpretation of the Triton Moment* R. G. Sachs Argonnc National Laboratory, Chicago, Illinois (Received April 29, 1947) In order to account for the measured magnetic moment of the triton it is necessary to assume that the wave function in the ground state is a linear combination of 2 5, 2 P, *P, and *D functions. An attempt is made to determine the amplitudes of these functions from the magnetic moment on the assumption that the intrinsic nucleon moments are additive and relativistic effects are negligible. With certain reasonable assumptions concerning the nature of the wave functions, it is found that the relative probabilities for finding the system in the 1 P , *P, and i D states satisfy the relation shown by the curves in Fig. 1. Wherever the results would otherwise be arbitrary, the wave functions have been chosen in such a way as to mini- mize the amount of P state, with the exception that only the lowest one-particle configurations have been considered. If the amplitude of the 2 S state is taken to be as large as possible, the wave function contains no l D state, 8 percent i P state, and 17 percent i P state. A wave function of this form would seem to indicate that there is a spin-orbit coupling other than the tensor interaction acting among nuclear particles. In the other extreme case that the wave function contains a maximum of the *D function, the 2 5 state probability is zero, the 4 Z5 probability is 22 percent, the 'P is 30 percent, and the 2 P is 48 percent. If the wave function of He 3 has the same form as that of H 3 , the He 3 moment would be expected to lie on one of the curves shown in Fig. 2. 1. INTRODUCTION THE recent measurements 1 - 2 of the magnetic moment of the triton give a value about 6.7 percent greater than that of the proton. If the ground state of the triton were a pure 2 S( state, it would be expected that the moment would be equal to the proton moment. It is believed, of course, that the ground state is not a pure 2 S state but contains an admixture of 2 P, *P, and 4 £> states. 3 A theory based on simpli- fying assumptions leads 4 to the conclusion that * This work has been carried out under the auspices of the Atomic Energy Commission. It was completed and submitted for declassification on March 14, 1947. l H. L. Anderson and A. Novick, Phys. Rev. 71, 372 (19471. 2 F. Bloch, A. C. Graves, M. Packard.'and R.'.W. Spence, Phys. Rev. 71,1373 and 551 (1947). the presence of these states should result in a reduction of the moment instead of the observed increase. However, it has been pointed out 6 that cross terms between the various states in the expression for the magnetic moment have been neglected in the simple theory. These may be positive and could, therefore, account for the large moment. It is the purpose of this paper to obtain a general expression for the magnetic moment in terms of the amplitudes of the various wave functions and thereby to gain some information concerning the nature of the ground state wave 8 E. Gerjuoy and J. Schwinger, Phvs. Rev. 61, 138 (1942). * R. G. Sachs and [. Schwinger, Phvs. Rev. 70, 41 (1946). » R. G. Sachs, Phvs. Rev. 71, 457 (1947). 1 T R I TO N M () M [•: x T function of the triton. The expression for the moment will be found to consist of a sum of terms of three different types. The first are the diagonal elements which are uniquely given in terms of the constant amplitudes of the wave functions. The second are cross terms which involve overlap integrals between the "radial" parts of the wave functions. These "radial" wave functions actually are not purely radial but are also functions of the cosine, q. of tl e angle between the vector connecting the tv -citrons and the vector connecting the proton to the center of mass of the two neutrons. The third set of terms consists of cross terms involving overlap integrals between one radial function and the derivative with respect to q of another such function. These may be very large if the wave functions contain very high con- figurations, that is, if the individual particles have very high orbital angular momenta. How- ever, it seems likely that such high configurations do not occur in the ground state, since in the ground state the wave function adjusts itself in such a way as to minimize the kinetic energy of the system. For that reason, it will be assumed in the final analysis that these cross terms vanish, or, more specifically, that the radial functions do not depend on q. This assumption eliminates a great deal of the arbitrariness from the results. Considering then terms of only the first two types, it is found that the observed moment can be accounted for only if the D state probability- is less than that of either the 2 P or 4 P states. This conclusion appears to be at variance with current ideas concerning the nature of the triton wave function. 3 If it is accepted that the inter- action term responsible for the mixing of states is the tensor interaction, then the 4 D state would be directly coupled to the 2 5 state but the P states would not be. Therefore, it might be expected that the D state probability- would be larger than the P probabilities. This expectation is based on the premise that the wave function is predominately' a "S state. There is the possibility that the wave function contains little or no 2 5 state; that i* that the advantage gained through the large average value of the tensor interaction in the P and D states might be large enough to over-compensate the correspondingly large kinetic energy, in which case the energy would be a minimum for a small 5 state probability . Further information concerning these ques- tions may be obtained experimentally by means of a measurement of the moment of He 3 . This paper includes a discussion of the relation be- tween the moment of He* and the various possible mixtures of states which are consistent with the observed moment of H 3 . In this discussion, no consideration is given to the possibility that the intrinsic moments of the neutron and proton are not additive. Also, the relativistic correction to the triton moment is ignored.'' 2. THE WAVE FUNCTIONS The possible forms of the triton wave func- tions, with respect to their dependence on the spins of the particles, have been given by Gerjuoy and Schwinger. 3 We denote by p, the unit vector in the direction of the distance between the two neutrons and r, the unit vector in the direction of the distance from the center of gravity of the neutrons to the proton. If u-rXp+i(«rj-r)(«Fis-p) -j'(w3-p)((7i 2 r)>/4, (Id) , = \Ol A P: ^ s = |«Ms-rXp-r— ( (le) *D: ^c = [(ai-r)(a;rr)-(a I2 -p)(<, r p)] X(r-p)f/- , (If) V-; = [(w 12 • r) (ff : , • r) + («r, 2 • p) (a 3 ■ p) -!("i2-ff3)](r-p)^/7, (lg) 6 H. Margenau, Phvs. Rev. 57, 383 (1940). P. Caldirola, Phvs. Rev. 69, 608 (1946). G. Breit, Phvs. Rev. 71, 400 (1947). R. G. Sachs, Phvs. Rev. 72, 91 (1947). K . G . SACHS ^8 = [(«* 12 • r) (CT3 ' p) + (WIS ' ?) ( (ih) ^ B = C(ffis-rXp)(i»a-rXe) -i(rX»)*(*ii-*i)](r- ( ')*fg. (1i) The function ^ is given by * = (4tV2)" 1 (xi + X2- - xrx* + X3 M , (2) where the x are the spin wave functions of the indicated particles. The functions /,■ are functions of the distances corresponding to r and j>, and they are also even functions of the quantity $=(r-j>). For simplicity, they will be described as "radial" functions. The extra factors (r-p) which are displayed in these equations, but not in those tabulated by Gerjuoy and Sch winger, are introduced in order to satisfy the Pauli principle for the two neutrons. The normalization conditions for the radial functions take the form »JlAl--i. (3a) »JVi/.i , -i. (3b) *JW-Y)l/iI"-i. (3c) §/(i-l'+)=0, (8) ( 4 P|)=0, where j = 1, 2, 3. Also: ( 2 SjZ, 3 '| 4 P)=0, C-P\L 3 '\ i P)=0, ( 2 S!L 3 2 ! 4 £>)=o, ( 2 P|L 3 *| 4 £>)=0. (9) It is now possible to resort to symmetry arguments to show that other elements vanish. The operators, — p. Therefore, if the functions to be mixed by the matrix element have opposite symmetry under this transformation, the element vanishes. A study of the functions given in Eq. (1) leads to the new results: (l|i is antisymmetric and ^ 7 , yp%, ^- 9 are symmetric under the operation being considered. Therefore, there are cross terms between \f>6 and the other three functions which depend on the more detailed properties of the functions. The other terms can be evaluated by the above method. If A D' denotes an arbitrary linear combination of ^ 7 , ^s, and ^ a , then : (6|L 3 <|6) = ( 4 £>'|£3'| 4 £>') = ( 4 £>'jL'| 4 £>') = l/3. (19) It is also a simple matter to evaluate the diagonal elements of ,-1I«4|»(m,-m-)D 2 2 9 3 2 1 1 9 9 3 where ji, contains the cross terms. This last quantity is given by u x = -£»*(RJa,*aJ 5 Jg*(l -g*)/.*/* + 2JV(l-g=)/ 6 *//] + 2a i *a i fq(l-r)f e *f s ' + - i PsA-a 3 *a i j(\-q-)qf 3 *f l ' +a i *a i J(l-q')f i *(f, + qf 2 ') +-D*Ps\2a 7 *al2 fg*/ 7 */s - fq(i-g-)fi*fA 4-o„*= D 2 \ (xtXi+ygyi) (.v 6 .v 9 + v 6 v 9 ) 3v3~ Lv/7 2 J 8v2 + (Hp-Hn) *P i P(x t x i +y t y i ) 9 2\/5 r 2 9 LV7 V7 -i (Xiyi-Xnys) . (38) 10 J Here, use has been made of the normalization conditions given by Eq. (3) as well as the assumption Eq. (36). The normalization condi- tion expressed by Eq. (32) now has the form 9 4 L (x, 3 +yj 2 )-\ (x 1 x i +y 7 y t ) - (xv-VQ+yvjo) ;-6 y/7 (*»x»+y«y,) = l. (39) The magnetic moment is still given by Eq. {33), with | a 2 1 2 = x 2 2 +3'2 2 and |a 4 | 2 = .r 4 2 +y4 2 . The constants, Xj, yj, are to be chosen in such a manner that they satisfy the conditions of Eqs. (29) to (31) and Eq. (39), and that they give the correct value of the magnetic moment, i.e., 1 to minimize the negative diagonal terms in Eq. (33) we are led to choose M=1.067/i„. (40) The eighteen constants are clearly not deter- mined by these five conditions, so some further assumptions may be made in order to make the final results somewhat more specific. The fact that the coefficient in Eq. (40) is larger than unity does lead to a considerable limitation on the choice of the constants, since the diagonal terms in Eq. (33) tend to reduce the moment helow the proton moment. There- fore, it is necessary to take the non-diagonal terms to be positive and rather large. In order fl 2 = 0, j a-4 1 2 = 1 - (41) Since it seems likely that the amount of 5 state will be as large as possible, we might require that the constants Xj, yj be chosen in such a way as to lead to the largest possible value of 5"-. There is also some reason to guess that the D state probability will be large com- pared to the -P and 4 P probabilities. 3 Although it will be found that this condition cannot be satisfied, we will choose the values of the con- stants in such a way as to make D" as large as possible just to see how closely we can approach the desired result. No simple analytical method was found for choosing the constants Xj, yj in such a way that Z> 2 would turn out to be a maximum. For this purpose, it is desirable to make the coefficients of the terms containing D in Eq. (38) as large as is consistent with Eq. (39). It was found by examination that the maximum amount of D state resulted when x 6 =y 6 = x 7 =y 7 = .v 9 = y 9 = 0, Xi = x 4 = —ys, yi = yi = x&. (42) With these values of the constants, the relation between the amplitudes of the P and D states which is given by Eq. (40) is 2.12 4 P 2 P + 0.178 4 PZ>-[0.50 2 P 2 + 1.25 4 P 2 +0.759Z> 2 ] = 0.067, (43) where we have taken /i p = 2.79 and n„/cp = -0.685. The values of 4 P 2 , 2 P 2 , and Z> which are given by this equation are shown in Fig. 1. It should be emphasized that these are not the only possible combinations of these constants which will agree with the triton moment because the choice of the xy, y,- which has been made is rather special. It is to be noted that the 5 state probability will be a maximum for Z> 2 = 0, 4 P 2 = 8 percent and ! P 2 = 17 percent. D- is never as large as 2 P 2 , and it is at most equal to 4P 2 in spite of the fact that the coefficients Xj, yj have been chosen in such a way as to lead to as large a value of D 2 as possible. The largest value of U 1 is 22 percent with 4 P 2 = 30 percent and 2 P 2 = 48 percent. In this case the wave function contains no 5 state. 8 TRITON MOMENT It is generally believed that the properties of the wave function of He 3 are the same as those of the wave functions of the triton. Therefore, the conclusions drawn here concerning the ad- mixture of states in the triton may be assumed to hold also for He 3 . This makes it possible to make certain predictions concerning the mag- netic moment of He 3 . It has been shown that the moment of He 3 is given in terms of the moment of H 3 by the relation 1 M(He 3 )+M(H 3 )= M p + M n -2(Mr + M,-^) X(3£> 2 - 4 P 2 -|-2 2 .P 2 )/3. (44) The consequences of this equation are demon- strated in Fig. 2 which shows the relation be- tween the moment of He 3 and the amounts of \P, 4 P, and *D states which satisfy the relation- ship shown in Fig. 1. These are not the only possible values for the He 3 moment, since certain specific assumptions have been made concerning the wave function in order to obtain Fig. 1. The value of the He 3 moment to be expected on the basis of the 4 percent of k D state and percent P state found by Gerjuoy and Schwinger 3 is yu(He 3 )/ju p = —0.763, a value which seems to be well out of the range of possibilities allowed by the considerations put forth here. 8 Therefore, a measurement of the moment of He 3 should prove to be a definitive experiment for distinguishing between the two cases. If the results are in agreement with expectations, it would then be possible to obtain another relation between the probabilities of the various states by taking the horizontal intercept of the observed moment with the various curves in Fig. 2. 5. CONCLUSION The conclusion that the amount of D function is small compared to the amount of P function ■ The Gerjuoy-Schwinger assumption of a small amount of 'D function and even smaller amounts of the P functions is not consistent with the results obtained here because of the condition, Eq. (35). However, if the average value of f\ happens to be large enough, in contrast to the requirement of Eq. (35), the term Eq. (26a) would give a contribution to the moment sufficient to account for the measured value even if the 2 P , l P, and 'D probabilities are small. In this sense the measurement of the moment of He 3 might be considered as a test of the assumption expressed by Eq. (35). A large average value of // would be rather surprising, since the usual assumption that /, be a function of (r 1 2 2 -}- r , 3 2 -f- r ea 2 ) . where r,„„ is the distance between particles m and n, would lead lo /V = 0. i 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 : 1 1 "\ 10 X "\ \ \ us \ - \ , / 20% \ 6 ?> / / 40V' . i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fig. 1. Relation between i P, *P, and 'Z> state proba- bilities required to account for experimental moment of the triton. The special assumptions made in obtaining these curves are expressed by Eqs. (35), (41), and (42). in the ground state of the triton is somewhat surprising if one believes that the tensor inter- action is responsible for the admixture of states since, then, it would appear that the D state should play a predominant role. It is possible, of course, that this conclusion is a consequence of erroneous assumptions concerning the nature of the radial wave functions /,-. The derivatives of these functions have been neglected, and it can be seen that important terms could be introduced if the derivatives were not negligible. However, it has been found that the values of ft required to make these terms appreciable are quite large. To assume that it has such a large value would imply that the wave functions consist of products of one particle wave functions corresponding to high orbital angular momenta of the individual particles. This seems most unlikely. For the present, it seems reasonable to drop such terms. There appear to be two essentially different wave functions of the triton which are consistent R . G . SACHS with the measured magnetic moment. The amount of 5 state may be large and the amount of D state very small or zero. In this case, one might be forced to assume that a spin-orbit cou- -i : 1 1 r 10 12