ZM \ I. Order -- rTtToEPOSVtORY. United States Department of Agriculture. BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. s B. A. I. ORDER 287— TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF FOOT AND-MOUTH DISEASE IN CATTLE, SHEEP, OTHER RUMI NANTS, AND SWINE. (Effective on and after February .' :. l U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary. The fact has been determined by the Secretary of Agriculture, and notice is hereby given, that a contagious, communicable disease, known as foot-and-mouth disease, exists in livestock in the State of California. Now. therefore, I, Henry C. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture, under authority conferred by section 1 of the act of Congress approved March 3, 1905 (33 Stat. 1264), do hereby quarantine the count Alameda, Contra Costa, and Solano, in the State of California. During the existence of this quarantine the interstate or foreign transportation, movement, or trailing or driving of cattle, sheep, other ruminants, and swine from the area herein quarantined is prohibited. Under authority conferred by section 2 of the act of Congress ap- proved February 2, 1903 (32 Stat. 791), shipments of dressed car- casses of calves, sheep, and other ruminants, interstate or to foreign countries, from a point in the territory herein quarantined are pro- hibited, unless the hides or skins and hoofs are removed from the carcasses; and the interstate or foreign transportation of hides, skins, and hoofs of cattle, sheep, and other ruminants, and of hay. straw, or similar fodder, from a point in the quarantined territory is absolutely prohibited unless the said hides, skins, and hoofs of cattle, sheep, and other ruminants, and all hay. straw, or similar fodder be disinfected prior to shipment under the supervision of an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry. No railroad car- or boat-, within the area herein quarantined, which have carried livestock shall be moved interstate until the said car- or boats have been cleaned and disinfected with a permitted disinfectant as provided in B. A. 1. Order 273. or 3 per cent solution cresol com- pound. U. S. P. When shipments by rail of cattle, sheep, other ruminants, and swine are made from and to points not included in the territory herein quarantined for foot-and-mouth disease, the said shipments shall not I -24 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA II ^ ■ 3 1262 08858 8305 be unloaded within the quarantined territory, except when the animals are unloaded en route, as hereinafter provided, for purposes of feed, rest, and water, as required by the act of Congress of June 29, 1906 (34 Stat. 607). Such unloading shall be into pens or yards which have been specially cleaned and disinfected for the purpose, under the supervision of an employee of the Bureau of Animal Industry, and which have been specially designated and approved for that pur- pose by the chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. When shipments interstate by rail of cattle, sr^ep, other rumi- nants, and swine are made from and to points not incrucled in the area herein quarantined for foot-and-moutn disease, the cars containing the livestock shall be sealed by an employee of the Bureau of Animal Industry before the cars enter the said area; and when such ship- ments are unloaded en route within the said area in cleaned and disinfected pens, for the purposes of feed, rest, and water, as herein- before provided, the cars shall, after reloading, be again sealed by an employee of the Bureau of Animal Industry, it being the purpose and intent of this provision that cars containing such shipments shall remain sealed during the time they are passing through the quarantined area, except when broken for the purpose of unloading for feed, rest, and water. This order, for the purpose of identification, is designated as B. A. I. Order 287, and will be effective on and after February 23, 1924. This order is subject to amendment or revision on statutory notice. Done at Washington this 23d day of February, 1924. Witness my hand and the seal of the Department of Agriculture. Henry C. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture. WASHINGTON \ GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1924