UNI'TED STATES DSPAETMEFT 01"' AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plan.t Q,'ar?xantine Washin^tr- . , D, C. B. E. P. q. 476, Supplement Ko. 4. July 3, 1930. PLANT- (QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE COMOMEALTH OE AUSTRALIA Stone Fruit Trees from United States Each. State Regarded as a Country The eighth para^ra.ph, pase 2, B. E. P. Q. 476, reading: "STONE FRUIT TPJ:ES, or pa;.."te thereof, including the fruit, grown in any country in which any of the diseases known as peach yellows, peach rosette, little peach, or phony pea,ch exists," is supplemented "by the following words: "For the purposes of this prohiliition any State of the United States of America is deemed to "be a country," Acting Chief, Bur ca,u of Entomology akcl Plant Quarantine* UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09314 6669