UNITED STATES PEPAR'xMMT OR AGRICULTURE bureau of Entomology and Plant quarantine Washington, D. C- .4KfflrBM» *TVH?, PLAOT 3. S. ?. C— 431 April 1, 1937 PLANT -QUARANTINE IMPORT RE3TRIC IONS OF THE COLONY OR :\UNT VIM P, RITISH WEST INDIES UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 3ureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D- C 3. E. ?• Q.— 431 April 1, 1937. PLANT-QUARANT DTE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE C0L01T OF SAINT VINCENT, BRITISH WEST INDIES This summary of the plant -quarantine import restrictions of Saint Vincent, British West Indies, has been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant-quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and nlant products to that Colony. It was prepared by Harry B. Shaw, Plant Quarantine Inspector, in Charge of Foreign Information Service, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from the Plant Protection Ordinance of May 10, 1935, and the Proclamation of August 1, 1935, and reviewed by the Superin- tendent of Agriculture of that Colony. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not in- tended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the orig- inal texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. ^LEE A. STR0:E>r/ Chief, Bureau of lEntomology and plairx Quarantine -.•■SF— PI^NT- QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP THE COLQNT OF SAINT VINCENT, BRITISH '"EST INDIES Basic Legislation The Plant Quarantine Ordinance, May 10, 1935. This ordinance empowers the Governor in Council, 1/ procla- mation, to prohibit absolutely, or to admit under prescribed condi- tions, the importation into the Colony of any plant materials or pack- ages; to have the same examined before they are landed and to prohib- it their landing if found infected by any pest or disease. Authorized Port of Entry Section 6 of the Ordinance prescribes that all plant material shall be landed at the port of Kingstown, unless permission has beer- obtained to land at another place. PROCLAMATION UNDER THE PLANT PROTECTION ORDINANCE, 1935 (Aug. 1, 1935) Importation Prohibited Article 1. The following shall not be imported into the Colony: (a) Soil and packages containing soil. (b) Packages, coverings, bags, or other articles or things that have boen in contact with or suspected of having been in contact with cottonseed, seed cotton, cotton lint, or cottonseed meal. (c_) Plants, fruits, seeds, cuttings, or other parts (but not including manufactured or processed products) of: (l) Cotton, including cottonseed, seed cotton, cottonseed meal , and cotton lint ( Cossypium spp.). _ 1 _ (2) Citrus, provided that the fruit of the orange and grapefruit may "be imported from the British West Indian Islands if the Agricultural Authority is satisfied that the fruit is home grown. (3 (4 (5 (6 (7 (8 (9 (10 (11 (12 (13 Sugarcane ( Saccharum o ff icinarum L.) Coffee ( Cof fea spp.), including raw coffee, husked or unhusked (except raw coffee from the islands of the British West Indies). Banana, plantain, or other species of Mils a . Co co a ( T heobroma cacao L . ) . Coconut ( Co co s nucif era L. ) . Sweetpotato ( ipomoea "batatas Poir.). Cassava ( Manihot esculenta L. ) . Arrowroot ( Maranta arundi nacea L. ) • Hevea spp . Nutmegs ( Myristica fra.grans Houtt.). Groundnuts or peanuts ( Arachi s hyoo^aea L.)- (d) Fruits and vegetables not specified in paragraph (c) , except from the British Isles, Canada, United States, and British West Indies*; provided that this prohibition shall not apply to nuts, dried fruits, canned, candied, and other processed fruits or vegetables, onions, and potatoes. Importation Restricted Certificate of Origin Required (e_) Fruits and vegetables not specified in paragraph (c) from the British West Indies*, Canada, United States, and the 3ritish Isles, except on production of a certificate of origin stating, to the satisfaction of the Agricultural Authority, that such products are home grown; provided that this prohibition shall not apply to nuts, dried fruits, canned, candied, or other processed fruits or vege- - 3 - tables, onions, and potatoes. Citrus fruits, may be imported from the British 7;est indies* if the Agricultural Authority is satisfied that the fruit is home grown. (See art. 1, par. (c).) phy to sanitary Certificate Required Plants and parts of plants; Must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate as prescribed in Schedule I. (See art. 3.) Importation Unrestricted Nuts, dried fruits, canned, candied, and other processed fruits and vegetables, onions, and potatoes. (See art. 1, pars, (d) and (e).) Raw coffee from the British West Indies*. (See art. 1, par. (o) (4).) Agricultural Authority May Import any Plant Material Art. 2. Nothing in the preceding part of this proclamation shall prevent the Agricultural Authority from importing into the Colony any plant material from any source, if obtainable through or with the approval of the Committee of the Plant Quarantine Sta- tion in Trinidad. Phyt isanitary Certificate Required Art. 3. All slants and parts cf plants (not including man- ctured or processed products , nut;., dried fruits, canned, candied, and other processed fruits or vegetables, onions, potatoes, garden seeds, and the fruit of the orange or grapefruit), shall not be im- ported into the Colony except on production of a health certificate similar to that prescribed in Schedule I; provided that the Agricul- tural Authority may permit the importation of any such plants or parts of plants as ha may deem ^roaer. * In paragraphs (d) and (e) the expression "British West Indies" does not include Bermuda, Jamaica, the Bahamas, or British Guiana. - 4 - PROCLAIMED DISEASES MD PESTS Bud-rot disease of Co^os n uci f era (phytop hthora palmivora Butler). Red-ring- disease of Co cos nucif era ( Aohelenchoides coco'ohila (Cobb) Go o dey ) . Little-leaf disease of Co cos nucif era (undertermined) . Mosaic disease of Saccharum off ic in arum L- Blossom-blight and withertip of the lime tree ( Colletotri chum limetticolu m R.F. Clausen) . Panama disease of Mus a spp. (Fusarium cubense E. F. Sm.). lloko disease of Mus a spp. ( Bacterium solanacearum E. F. Sm.)* Burning disease of Ma rant a arundinaceae ( Rosellina bunodes B. & Br.) Mistletoe (pho radendron flavescens ITutt.). Dodder (C uscuta and Cassytha spp.). Cocoa beetle ( Steirastoma depressum L- ) • Gru-gru beetle, palm weevil ( Rhyncopho rus palmarum L.). Rhinoceros beetle ( Strategus aloeus L-). Banana root borer ( Cosmopolites sordidus Germ.). Arrowroot leaf roller ( Calpodes ethiius Cram.). Sugarcane borers ( piatraea saccharalis Fab, and D_. canella Hampson) . Cotton worm, cotton leaf worm ( Alabama argillacea Hbn.). Cotton stainer ( pysdercus delaun eyi Leth. ) . Pink bollowrm ( ( Platyedra) pectinopnora ^ossypiella Saund. ) . SCHEDULE I Prescribed Type of Certificate This is to certify that the living plants or plant pro ducts a representative sample of the living plants or plant products included in the consignment, of which particulars are given below was/ were thoroughly examined (date) by (name of inspector) , a duly authorised official of the (name of inspection service) . and found to be healthy, no evidence of the presence of any injurious insect, pest, or disease destructive to vegetation/ destructive to agri- cultural or horticultural crops/having been found in/on them, and that the consignment (including the packing) covered oy this certif- icate has/ has not been treated in the following manner (e.g. fumigated with , or disinfected by prior/ immediately subsequent to inspection) . Inspected/ not inspected in the field "by a duly authorized inspector on (date) Signature: Official title Date No. and description of cackages Distinguishing marks Description of the living slants or plant products place where gro\ .. E^orted hy Name and address of consignee Name of vessel or particulars of route Date of shipment Fort or place of entry Additional certificates attached (if any) (Strike out words that are not applicable) UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA ii 111 111 mil mil ...IL. 3 1262 09242 2079