UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine . Washington, D. C. B. E. P. Q. U93, Revised May 1, I9U0 Sec. 301«52-^"b ' Administrative instructions relating to nink bollworm quarantine. —Restoring the treatment requirements as to cotton linters, cottonseed hulls, cake, and Meal, and extending the area in which "baled cotton lint may he moved fro™ certain lightly in- fested areas in New Mexico and Texas without treatment Introductory Note Administrative instructions issued March 30, 1939 . (circular S, E. P. Q,. ^93) modified the treatment requirements for the -;ink bollworm as to "baled lint and linters and products thereof, and also as to cottonseed hulls, cake, and meal when moved inters-tote from certain counties in north- western Texas and from Lea and Roosevelt Counties, N. Mex. At the time this action was taken, it was hoped that climatic conditions unfavorable to the develoTjment of the pink bollworm, plus control and regulatory activi- ties, would- result in e Uminati on of the pink bollworm in northwest Texas and adjacent areas in New Mexico. However, infestations have 'oersistei in such areas and spread to additional counties to the south Find southeast. Therefore, it is considered necessary to restore the restrictions previously in effect 80 that linters, cottonseed hulls, cake, and meal shall be pro- duced, as a condition of interstate movement from such areas, from steri- lized seed, or in the case of linters, otherwise treated as specified in quarantine regulations. Baled cotton lint, however, may, under the current instructions, continue to be shipped from the designated area, without the treatment formerly required. The purposes of the present revision of the administrative instructions are therefore (l) f> return to the treatment requirements raphe (a) and (c) of regulation U, in shipping cotton linters, cottonseed hulls, cake, and meal, and (2) to extend the area from which it is considered safe to re- move treatment requirements for baled cotton lint, by adding the Texas coun- ties of Concho, Irion, Mitchell, Sterling, Toti Green, and the regulated part of Coke County. Modification of Restrictions Under authority contained in the second proviso of Notice of Quaran- tine No. 5?, revised (Sec. 301,52), and having determined that facts exist as to the -nest risk involved which make it safe to modify, by making less stringent, the restrictions contained in paragraph (a) of regulation h (Sec. 301.52-U) of the pink bollworm quarantine, notice is h Lven that I cotton lint and products th ■• be moved interstate without restriction from the following ari UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IlillllTIIII 3 1262 09311 5433 -2- New Mexico: Lea and Roosevelt Counties. Texas: Counties of Andrews, Cochran, Concho, Dawson, Ector, Gaines, Glasscock, Hockley, Howard, Irion, Martin, Midland, Mitchell, Sterling, Terry, Tom Green, Yoakum, and the regu- lated parts of Bailey, Coke , and Lamb Counties; Provided, (l) That the products have been produced in an authorized gin and subsequently protected from contamination, and (2) that a certificate of the United States Department of Agriculture has be-n- obtained and at- tached to the containers or shipping papers in accordance with the re- quirements prescribed in regulation 11 (Sec. 301.52-11) of said quaran- tine. These instructions supersede and cancel those in circular 3. E. P. q. U93 dated March 30, 1939. (Sec. 301.52-U) [S. E. P. Q. U93, revised Key 1, 191!01 . AVERY S. HOYT, Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine .