UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA v" 3 1262 08486 7729 Registry No. 215—14 NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE BUTTONHOLE INDUSTRY AS SUBMITTED ON SEPTEMBER 2, 1933 WE DO OUR PART u^'!V. c ,... U.S. DEPGS'iTCRY The Code for the Buttonhole Industry in its present form merely reflects the proposal of the above-mentioned industry, and none of the provisions contained therein are to be regarded as having received the approval of the National Recovery Administration as applying to this industry UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1933 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. Price 5 cents SUBMITTEa) BY NATIONAL BUTTONHOLE MAKERS' ASSOCIATION (II) PROPOSED CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE BUTTONHOLE INDUSTRY To effectuate the policy of Title I of the National Industrial Re- covery Act, during the period of the emergency, by reducing and relieving unemployment, improving the standards of labor, eliminat- ing competitive and trade practices destructive of the interests of the public, employees, and employers; rehabilitating the industry and otherwise to improve the condition of the Buttonhole Industry and in other respects to foster the best interests of this industry and those engaged in or having connection therewith, the following provi- sions are established as a Code of Fair Competition for the Industry : I — Definitions As used herein, the term " Buttonhole Industry " shall include all manufacturers of buttonholes and eyelets on women's wearing apparel. The term " employer " or " manufacturer " shall mean all persons who employ labor. The term " employees " shall mean all persons employed in the shops or factories conducted in this industry by such employers engaged in the making of buttonholes and eyelets. The term " person " shall mean any individual, partnership, or corporation. The term " manufacturing employer ", as used herein, shall include all employers who work in their shops or factories. The term " effective date " shall mean the first Monday following the expiration of a week after the President's approval shall have been given to this Code. Wherever the term " President " is used, it shall refer to the Presi- dent of the United States. II — Official Agency In order that the President of the United States may be informed of the extent of observance of the provisions of this Code and of the extent to Avhich the declared policy of the National Industrial Recovery Act, as stated herein, is being effectuated in the Buttonhole Industry, all persons subject to the jurisdiction of this Code shall, at its request, make, periodically, reports as hereinafter provided. The Executive Board of the National Buttonhole Makers Association, 570 Seventh Avenue, New York City, is hereby constituted the agency to provide for the collection and receipt of such reports. It shall be the general planning and coordinating agency for the Industry. The Executive Board shall forward the substance of all reports to the President; the Board to provide for receiving and holding such reports themselves in confidence. Such reports shall be in such form 9720—33 (1) and shall be furnished at such intervals as shall be prescribed by the Board, and shall contain such information relevant to the pur- poses of this Code as shall be prescribed by the Board from time to time, including information with respect to the following or related subjects : (a) Membership, hours, wages, and wage rates. (b) Production, orders, and billings. (c) Financial and cost data, (d) Activity, purchases, sales, and scrapping of machinery. (e) Application shall be made by persons desiring to enter the Buttonhole Industry to the Executive Board, and said Board shall forward said applications, with its recommendations, to the President. (f ) The Executive Board shall have full power to make rules and regulations necessary for the administration and enforcement of this Code. (g) Upon complaint of interested parties, or upon its own initia- tive, the Executice Board may make such inquiry and investigation into the operation of the Code as it may deem necessary. (h) It shall recommend to the Industry from time to time, modi- fications of the hours for operating productive machinery as estab- lished by this Code or curtailment of the number of operating machines. Such recommendations to the Industry shall be operative as part of this Code, provided (1) the}'' do not vitiate the main pro- visions of this Code and (2) are approved by at least seventy (70%) percent of the members affected. (i) The Executive Board may require from all persons engaged in the manufacture of buttonholes and eyelets registration of machines engaged in this industry. (j) The Executive Board may delegate any of its authority by designating an agent, or agents, as it shall determine. (k) The Executive Board, in cooperation with and subject to the approval of the President of the United States, may (1) from time to time submit supplemental provisions, amendments, or revisions to this Code or additional Codes, as it may deem necessary. (1) The Association imposes no inequitable restrictions on admis- sion to membership therein, and is truly representative of the But- tonhole Industry. Ill — Child Labor On and after the effective date employers shall not employ any person under the age of sixteen (16) years. IV — Minimum Wage On and after the effective date the minimum wages that shall be paid by any employer to any employee for ever}?^ working hour shall be as follows : Per hour For making mannish buttonholes ' $0.75 For making straight Singer buttonholes . 50 For making eyelet buttonholes . 50 Unskilled labor shall be paid a minimum wage of $12.00 per week. V — Hours of Labor On and after the effective date, no employer shall employ any employee in excess of forty (40) hours per week. This does not include office help and salesmen. The employer or employee cannot work in his shop or factory after the regular shop hours. Factories or shops shall be open every day of the week, except Saturday and Sunday, at 8.30 a.m. and operate until 5.30 p.m., with the exception of one hour for lunch. VI — Participation An employer must participate in this Code and in any revisions or additions thereto, and receive the benefits thereof. He shall accept the proper pro rata share of the cost and responsibility of creating or administering it, either by becoming a member of the National Buttonhole Makers Association, or, by paying to it an amount equal to the dues, from time to time provided to be paid, by a member of the National Buttonhole Makers Association. VII — Correct Eecords Every employer shall keep clear and correct books and records in order that he shall comply with the provisions set forth in this Code with correctness and dispatch. VIII — Eelations With Workers As required by Section 7 (a) of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act, the following provisions are hereby made conditions of this Code : "(1) That employees shall have the right to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing and shall be free from the interference, restraint, or coercion of employers of labor, or their agents, in the designation of such representatives or in self-organization or in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection; (2) that no employee and no one seeking employment shall be required as a condition of employment to join any company union or to refrain from joining, organizing, or assisting in a labor organization of his own choosing; and (3) that employers shall comply with the maxi- mum hours of labor, minimum rules of pay, and other conditions of employment approved or prescribed by the President." IX — Unfair Methods or Competition Any violation of any provision or provisions of this Code, or of any accepted rule issued thereunder, is declared to be an unfair method of competition. The following trade practices are hereby declared to be detrimental to the welfare of those engaged in the Buttonhole Industry and, therefore, are unfair methods of compe- tition : (1) Making false and derogatory reference — written, oral, or printed — of competitors or their products. (2) Circulating harmful rumors regarding competitors' products or personal or financial rex^resentation. (3) Incorporating in advertisting false or derogatory references to the products of competitors or misleading comparisons therewith. (4) AVorking or offering work to customers below cost, plus a reasonable profit. (5) Enticing employees away from a competitor without his con- sent, for the purpose of injuring said competitor. (6) Selling at a discount greater than two (2%) percent, for pay- ment on the loth day of the month following shipment. (7) Continuing to sell to customers who habitually and unjusti- fiably make claims. (8) Continuing to sell to customers who habitually refuse to pay the agreed price for merchandise, in accordance with order. (9) Giving secret or open rebates, refunds, or special discount in any form to any purchaser, his representative or agent, on any condition whatsoever. (10) Securing or attempting to secure, illicitly, information re- garding competitor, his method of doing business, lists of his cus- tomers, etc. (11) Giving certain customers confidential prices, special services or privileges. (12) Furnishing customers articles other than the product of the factory or shop of the members of this Code at unreasonable prices for the purpose of affecting or defeating the terms of this Code. (13) Deviating from announced or published price lists, directly or inclirectly, in any guise, by allowance of rebates, refunds, com- missions, or discounts. (14) Paying or promising to pay to employees or representatives of a customer or prospective customer commissions in the form of money or in the form of an article of value for the purpose of inducing or compensating for a sale. (This does not apply to ordi- nary Christmas gifts.) (15) Not adhering to the terms of sale as provided in the order placed by a customer. (16) Not enforcing collection on a due date in accordance with the terms of an order. (17) Indulging in commercial bribery in any form. X — No Pending Contracts No manufacturer shall make contracts with customers — with price quotations — while the adoption of this Code is pending, except sub- ject to the provisions of this Code. XI — Stabilizing Prices As the Buttonhole Industry is entirely one of service to other industries which it serves; and, as it is practically a worker using the materials of its customers in the manufacture of its product, labor forms the main part of its expense. Pending the duration of this Code, therefore, the following shall be the minimum prices charged : Per hundred Straight buttonholes $1. 00 Eyelets . 75 Mannish buttonholes (dresses) 1.25 Mannish buttonholes (cloaks) 1.50 Mannish buttonholes (children's cloaks) 1.25 XII This Code is not designed to promote monopolies or to eliminate or oppress small enterprises, and will not operate to discriminate against them. It is designed for the protection of consumers, fac- tories, employees, and others, and in furtherance of the public interest. o