■^/^ t f)t^ y'^/A^pD^-^^^ ^ &0 I MDDC - 812 LADC - 316 UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION RANGES IN AIR OF PLUTONIUM FISSION FRAGMENTS AS A FUNCTION OF THEIR MASS by S. Katcoff J. A. Miskel Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory This document consists of 3 pages. Date of Manuscript: October 16, 1946 Date Declassified: March 6, 1947 This document is for official use. Its issuance does not constitute authority for declassification of classified copies of the same or similar content and title and by the same author(s). i Technical Information Division, Oak Ridge Directed Operations Oak Ridge, Tennessee RANGES IN AIR OF PLUTONIUM FISSION FRAGMENTS AS A FUNCTION OF THEIR MASS By S. Katcoff and J. A. Miskel It is possible to effect a partial separation of fission products by taking advantage of the varia- tion in the range of fission fragments as a function of their mass. The same phenomenon can be used to determine the mass numbers of previously unassigned fission products. In the experiments reported here, the ranges in air of seven plutonium fission products have been determined and mass numbers have been assigned to two of these. The straggling in the range has been determined for each of these also. The apparatus consists of a beryllium tube about 8 inches long and one inch in diameter, which contains a thin flat plutonium foil at one end. Starting at about 4 inches from the plutonium, there is a series of 14 zapon films (about 7 /ig/cm^ thick) spaced 1/8-inch apart. The tube is ordinarily evacuated to an air pressure of 12.0 cm Hg and then irradiated in a high neutron flux at the center of the Los Alamos water boiler. The zapon films are so situated that all fission fragments in the mass range being studied, which do not strike the walls of the tube, are stopped in the region of the zapon films. They then diffuse to the nearest film where they remain. Nearly all of the stopping material is air. After irradiation, each zapon film (except the first and last). Is radiochemically analyzed for a few fission products. The activities found on each film are corrected to the same solid angle and then plotted against distance of dry air traversed by the fragments, as in Figure 1. The distance 33h Ce"'l 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 -1.4 1.6 1.8 2-0 2.2 2.4 2.6 RANGE IN AIR (CM AT NTP) Figure 1. Differential range curves. MDDC - 812 [ 1 2 ] MDDC - 812 o72 074 06 ote To ^7^ Ti its ti a.of 2^| 2.4 Te 2.8 RANGE IN AIR (CM AT NTP) Figure 2. Integral range curves. is corrected to 76.0 cm Hg pressure, to 15°C, and account is taken of the thickness of zapon trav- ersed. By integrating the area under these curves, integral range curves are obtained, as in Figure 2. The straight portions of these are extrapolated to zero activity to give extrapolated ranges. So far, 8 fission products in the heavy group have been investigated. The extrapolated ranges and widths at half height of the differential range curves are listed in the following table. The re- sults for 85 m Ba"^ are considerably distorted because of diffusion of its 41 sec Xe ancestor through, or around, the zapon films; therefore, they are omitted from the table. 93 h Sb'" 4.2 h 77 h Te''^ 60 m 43 m 12.8 d 33 h rpgi34 Ba'*" Ce'" Extrapolated range Straggling 2.317 cm 13.2% 2.296 11.7% 2.253 11.9% 2.232 10.8% 2.210 9.6% 2.108 2.084 10.4% 11.5% The results for 60 m Te"^ and 43 m Te^** were obtained by analyzing for their 22 h I and 54 m I daughters, respectively. In Figure 3, the ranges are plotted against the mass numbers. A straight line has been drawn through the points in the absence of a better approximation. Masses 132 and 134 were previously unassigned, but it is now obvious from Figure 3 that they should be assigned to 77 h Te and 43 m Te, respectively. The results reported here should be considered only as tentative because the experi- ments are still in progress. MDDC - 812 [3 <46 *42 (40 (38 (36 "D (34 132 < S (30 (28 126 X © N N V X N N 'N ^>. '^^ X •^1 n ^ N, -^ V % X 2.08 2.10 2.12 2.14 2.16 2.n8 2.20 2.22 2.24 2.26 2.28 2.30 2.32 RANGE IN AIR (CM AT N T P) Figure 3. Ranges of F>u fission fragments in air as a function of mass. iiiiiiiii