/ 2 : ^3 a €PT. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Agricultural Economics Economic Library List No. 22 Washington, D. C, April 1941 RELATION OF EWIRONMENTAL FACTORS TO COTTON FIBER LENGTH Selected References in English, 1915-1939 Compiled by Oliver M. Shipley Under the Direction of Emily L. Lay, Library Specialist in Cotton Marketing This is a partial list of references to books, pamphlets and periodical • articles in the English language published between 1915 and 1940 on the 'effect of environment (fertilizers, soils and weather conditions) on the length of cotton lint. References to the effect of other factors, such as rust, root rot and spacing have been omitted. References listed were compiled from the card catalogue of the U. S. Division of Cotton Marketing Branch Library; the Botanical Catalogue of the U. S. Bureau of Plant Industry; Cotton Literature, 1931-1940; Experiment Station Record, 1900-1939; Index to Publica- tions of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1901-1935 (3v.); The Influence of Weather on Crops: 1900-1930, compiled by A. M. Hannay ("J. S. Dept. Agr. Misc. Pub. 118); Cotton and Cotton- seed, compiled by Rachel P. Lane (U. S. Dept. Agr. Misc. Pub. 203). Call numbers following the citations are those of the United States Department of 'Agriculture Library. General cBarre, H. W. : Seed determines lint quality. Cotton Ginners' Jour. 9(7): 56. Apr. 1938. 304.8 C824 Extracts from a press release issued February 10, 1938 oi r the U. S. Department of Agriculture on the regional cotton studies. "Contrary to popular opinion none of the 16 varieties varied more than 1/8, and in many instances as little as l/l6 of an inch in staple length whether it was grown in the Mississippi Delta under the most satisfactory moisture and soil conditions or on the western fringe of the Cotton Belt where farmers long have planted short staple cotton for the simple reason that they believed they could not grow longer staple varieties." - 2 - Bar re, H. W. Some production and "biological aspects of cotton quality. 10pp., processed. Washington, D. C. , U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bureau of plant industry, 1938. 1.9 P6971SO ' Presented at a meeting of the Textile Section of American Society for Testing Materials in Washington, D. C. , March 9, 10, and 11, 1938. Preliminary results of the Regional variety study are discussed. In the case of staple length, the author states that variety is the most important factor. "Contrary to popular opinion, there is seldom more than 1/8 of an inch difference in the staple length of any particular variety when grown in the southeast under optimum moisture conditions, in the Mississippi Delta, or when grown under extremely dry condition of 1935 in Oklahoma and West Texas." Brown, C. H. The effect of locality on the halo length of various strains of Egyptian cotton. Egypt. Min. Agr. Tech. and Sci. Serv. Bui. 84, 3pp. Cairo, 1929. 24 Eg93 no. 84 Brown, Harry Bates. Cotton. History, species, varieties, morphology, "breeding, culture, diseases, marketing, and uses. 2d ed. 592pp. New York & London, McGraw-Hill "book co., inc., 1938. 72 B81 Effect of the environment of cotton plants on staple, pp. 147-148. Hancock, N. I. Tennessee experiment station finds no large differences in staple length of cotton variety grown in various sections. Mid-So. Cotton Hews 16(7): 4. Jan. 1939. 72.8 C8295 Humbert, E. P., and Mogford, J. S. Variation in certain lint characters in a cotton plant and its progeny. Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 349, 23pp. College Station, 1927. 100 T31S "Weather conditions were favorable for cotton in 1915, the year the parent plant was grown. The hot dry summer of 1917, however, was unfavorable to the growth of the progeny plants. This may ac- count in part for the fact that the average length of lint of the progeny was slightly shorter than that of the parent plant, since a lack of moisture is known to affect the length of lint." Humphrey, L. M. Arkansas experiments with cotton varieties show varia- tions in acreage, yield and staple lengths. The two tables show comparisons at the several locations of plots in different sections of the state. Mid-So. Cotton Hews 16(8): 4. Feb. 1939. 72.8 C8295 A table showing the staple length of. sixteen varieties grown in thirteen locations in Arkansas is given. Moore, J. H. Relation of the quality of cotton planting seed to length of staple. N. C. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 296, 4 P p. State College Station, 1934. 100 N81 "Seasonal conditions may sometimes cause the staple from good seed stocks to he shorter than the usual standard, hut averages prove that quality seed give the best results." - 3 - Pope, 0. A. Effects of certain soil types, seasonal conditions and fertilizer treatments on length and strength of' cotton fiber. Ark. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 319, 98pp. Eayetteville, 1935. ICO Ar42 Literature cited, p. 98. cPope, 0. A. 3 Environment changes cottons. Prog. Farmer (Tex. ed. ) 52(5): 58. ( May 1937. 6 T311 Extracts from a press release issued March 10, 1937 "by the U. S. Department of Agriculture on the regional cotton studies. The first year of the study on the sixteen varieties grown under widely different environments "indicates that staple length, lint percentage, weight of lint per 100 seed and lint fineness do not change greatly as environment changes." Pope, 0. A., and .Ware, J. .0. Influence of variety, -season, and location on the finer properties of cotton. 15pp., processed. c Washington, D. C, U. S. Dept. of agriculture, Bureau of plant industry, 1939: 1.965 C3In3 "Presented at the meeting of the American Society of Agronomy, New Orleans, La.,, November 22, 23,- 24, 1939." "Piber length and fineness are large.ly determined by variety although both may be modified to a rather great extent by environ- mental conditions." Contains 14 tables from the regional variety study, 1935-1937. Ramakrishna Rao, K. L. Effects of environments on characters in cotton. Madras Agr. Students' Union Jour. 16(12): 500-504. Dec. 1928. 22 M262 The effects of excessive rainfall, variation in the soil 'and soil ingredients on fiber length are discussed briefly. Reynolds, E. E., and Kill ough, D. T. The effect of fertilizers and rainfall on length of cotton fiber. Araer. Soc. Agron. Jour. 25(ll): 756-764. Nov. 1933. 4 Am34? "When the average results for the 3 years or. the Lufkin fine sandy loam soil are considered, there did not appear to be any significant correlation between the percentage of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, or potash and the length of cotton fiber... The length of fiber at College Station was positively correlated with the amount of rainfall during the time the bolls were developing in 2 of the 3 years' of the experiment. There was, however, no correlation apparent between the rainfall and the length of fiber during the 1 year of the work at Troup." Reynolds, E. E., and Kill ough, D. T. The effect cf fertilizers and rain- fall on the length of cotton fibers C abstract u Assoc. South. Agr. Workers. Proc. (1932)33: 36. 4 C82 33d, 1932 - 4 - Sen, Kamakhyaranjan. Studies of variations in the physical properties cf cotton. 7Cpp. Lyallpur, India, 1934. 72 Se5 Thesis, D. Sc, Dacca, University. Bibliographical, footnotes. Effect cf environment, water supply, manure and sowing dates on the length of the fiber is discussed on pp. 36-41. cStaten, Hi W.d College lists factors which affect cotton. Okla. Cotton Grower 16(5): 2. Jan. 15, 1936. 72.3 0k4 The effect of root rot, growing conditions, date of picking and moisture on fiber length is included in this "brief report of two years of experimental work at the Oklahoma A. and M. College on the factors affecting the quality of raw cotton. Sturkie, D. G. Some factors affecting the length of lint of cotton c abstract: Assoc. South. Agr. Workers. Proc. (1932)33: 40 r 4 C82 33d,1932 Soil type, soil moisture, temperature, evaporation and humidity were the factors considered. Sturkie, D. G. A study of lint and seed development in cotton as influenced by environmental factors. Amer. Soc. Agr on. Jour. 26(l): 1-24. Jan. 1934. 4 Am34P Literature cited, p. 24. Report of a study on the influence of soil type, climatic conditions and soil moisture on the development of lint and seed made at the Alabama Experiment Station. Lint length did not appear to be affected by soil type, temperature or humidity, but was markedly affected by available moisture in the soil. Sudan. Dept. of agriculture and forests. Locality effect on lint quality. Sudan Dept. Agr. and Forests. Rpt. pt. 2, 1937: 84. C1938: 24 Su232 Staple length was one of the quality factors considered in the experiment. Teeter, C. E. Physiological and environmental factors affecting the length of cotton fibre. Ariz. Univ. Bui. 4(5) (Gen. Bui. no. l): 46-47. July 1, 1933. 241.8 Ar4 Abstract of thesis, 1933. Soil moisture and temperature were among the factors considered. Ware, J. 0., and Pope, 0. A. Some agronomic aspects of the regional variety study. (Preliminary report of work). 20pp., processed. C Washington, D. C. , U. S. Dept. of agriculture, Bureau of plant industry, 1939: 1.965 C3So5 "Presented at the meeting of the American Society of Agronomy, New Orleans, La., November 22, 23, 24, .1939." "Lint percentage and staple length both were affected most by variety, second in order by station, and least among the years." Contains 19 tables from the regional variety study, 1935-1937. : - 5 - Clouds Knight, R. L. The effect of shade on American, cotton. Empire Jour. Expt. Agr. 3(9): 31-40. Jan. 1935. 10 En7 References, p. 39, "The experiments were designed as a preliminary investigation to determine, by means of artificial shades, the effect of continual clouds on American cotton... Shading with cotton cloth reduced the production of "buds, flowers, and bolls... Plant-height was increased and also the height of the first s?/np odium, and the lint produced was longer." Fertilizer Killough, D. T. Relation of soil fertility, to quality cotton. I>£ js and # Ranch 50(7): 4, 13. Feb. 14, 1931. 6 T31 "There is very little difference in the length of staple of the same variety grown in the different regions on uplands which grow the principal part of the Texas cotton crcxj. .Also it appears that the use ^f fertilizers on the sandy soils of Eastern Texas had no appreciable effect on length of lint, but at Angleton, on the black prairie soils which are deficient in phosphoric acid, the application of fertilizers containing phosphoric acid increased the length of the staple on the average 1/16 inch." Mogre, S. B., and Wad, Y. D. Soil texture, nutrition and staple length of cotton c abstract:! Indian Sci. Cong. Proc. (1936) 23: 431-432. 513 In22 23d, 1936 Report of experiments with Malvi and Cambodia cottons. The authors sta,te that "compost increased and nitrogen decreased staple-length of Cambodia, in Malvi it was decreased by conpost but unaffected by nitrogen. Potash and phosphate reduced lint length but this effect was modified by nitrogen, texture differences and varieties." ITayak, H. P.. Effect of farmyard manure on fibre-characters - of cotton. Indian Jour. Agr. Sci. 7(6): 877-893. Dec. 1937. 22 Ag83I References, p. 893. The effect of various applications of manure on the length of cotton fibers is included in the discussion. llelson, Martin, and Ware, J. 0. The relation of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium' to the fruiting of cotton. Ark. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 273, 75pp. Payetteville, 1932. 100 Ar42 "The staple lengths as determined by the usual method were not affected," p. 74. Oakes, J. Y. The effects of potash fertilizer on cotton in Louisiana. La. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 291, 11pp. cBaton Rouge] 1937. 100 L93 Literature cited, p. 11. "Decreases in the length and percentage of lint when potash "- 6 - starvation occurs, it is said, can "be corrected by use of potash fertilizer. Additional potash does not increase fiber length on soils containing potash enough for normal plant growth. . Dry seasons appeared to decrease length of fiber and to encourage potash starva- tion." - Expt. Sta. P.ec. 78(3): 329-330.' Mar. 1938. Reynolds, E. B., and Stansel, R. H. Effect of fertilizers on the length of cotton fiber. Amer. Soc. Agron. Jour. 27(5) :- 408-411. May 1935. 4 Am34P "In previous work to determine the effect of fertilizer on length of fiber, the application of phosphoric acid to cotton on a soil that responds readily to phosphoric acid apparently increased the length of fiber. An experiment using 10 different fertilizers was conducted in 1933 on Lake Charles clay soil, which is low in phosphoric acid, to study the matter further. Some significant differences in length of fiber were obtained from variously treated plats, but the differences apparently were not caused "by differences in the amounts of nitrogen, phosphoric acid or potash, or to different rates of ap- plication of fertilizer." - Summary. Reynolds, E. B., Johnson, P. P., and Langley, B. C. The effect of time and rate of application of nitrate of soda on the yield of cotton. Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 490, 20pp. College Station, 1934. 100 T31S "All of the fertilizers used increased yield, size of "boll, number of bolls per plant, percentage of 5-lock bolls, size of plant, number of fruiting branches, and earliness. Fertilizers, however, did not increase the length of lint, nor the percentage of lint, nor did they reduce the amount of shedding." - Summary, p. 3. Staten, Glen, and Hinkle, D. A. Fertilizer experiments with cotton on heavy irrigated soils. N. M. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 248, 16pp. State College, 1937. 100 M65 "There is very little difference in the staple length of no-fertilizer plots and those receiving commercial fertilizer, none of the staple length values being significantly longer or shorter than those of no- fertilizer plots. It will be noted, however, that the staple length of the cotton grown in the plots that received manure averaged almost 1/32 inch longer than that of the cotton raised in the plots which received no fertilizer. The difference is fairly consistent and is significant." - p. 11. Wood, P.. C. Potash starvation and the cotton plant. Empire Cotton Grow- ing Rev. 11(1): 25-29. Jan. 1934. 72.8 E m 7 "The yield of cotton from plots at the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture, Trinidad, which showed definite symptoms of potash de- ficiency, was very much lower than that from plots which had received potash, while the lint was shorter, more irregular and contained a larger proportion of poorly thickened hairs." - Summary. - 7 - Rainfall, Moisture and Irrigation Armstrong, George M. , and Bennett, C. C. Effect of the water supply during various stages of "boll development on the distribution of the length groups of cotton fibers as shown by the sorter method. Assoc. South. Agr. Workers. Proc. (1935) 36: 462-463. 4 C82 36th, 1935 Results of experiments performed ,r tc determine the effect a* a water shortage on the usual lint length, and also on the distribution of the different length groups of the sorter array" are reported briefly. Balls, W. Lawrence. The development and properties of raw cotton. 221pp. London, A. & C. Black, ltd,, 1915. 72 321D List of references, pp. 211-214. In Chapter IV, Development of the Boll: II. Environmental In- fluences, the author notes the length of lint from plots starved of water, compared with that from normal plots. A difference of nearly 2.5 millimeters or 1/10 inch wp.s noted. Balls, ff. Lawrence. Growth fluctuations during the development of seed- cotton. Egynt Min. Agr. Tech. and Sci. Serv. 3ul. 101, 15pp. Cairo, 1930. 24 Eg93 No. 101 List of references, p. 15. Graphs show (among other items) irrigation periods, mean hair length and halo length of daily pickings from August 11 to October 30, 1913. Beckett, S. K. , and Dunshee, C. F. Water requirements of cotton on sandy loam soils in southern San Joaquin valley. Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 537, 48pp. Berkeley, 1932. 100 C12H Effect of irrigation on length of fiber and lint index, pp. 32-33. Burd, L. H. Reports on the research work carried out at the Cotton ex- periment station, St. Vincent, West Indies. I.. The influence of rain- fall on the lint length of sea island cotton in St. Vincent. Empire Cotton Growing Rev. 2(3): 225-228. July 1925. 72.8 Em7 Literature, p. 228. "Observations on the influence of rainfall on the lint length of sea island cotton indicate that in St. Vincent the mean maximum lint length of a strain is seriously depreciated by a heavy fall of rain about 19 days after flowering. Apparently as little as 0.2 in. may suffice." - Expt. Sta. Rec. 54(9): 830. June 1926. Cook, 0. E. Cotton improvement under weevil conditions. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers' Bui. 501, rev., 17pp. Washington, D. C, 1924. 1 Ag84E "It is safe to say that many of the variations of quality ascribed to differences in the composition of the soil in reality arise from differences of cultural conditions that affect the supply of moisture available for the plants." - p. 10. Funchess, M. J. The weather has a lot to do with fixing the length of cotton staple. Prog. Farmer (Ga.-Ala.-Fla. ed. ) 46(6): 238A. Mar. 15-31, 1931. 6 P945G Brief report of results of experiments conducted at the Alabama Experiment Station. Variations in staple length are attributed to seasonal variations in rainfall and the water holding capacity of soils. Harland, S. C. The importance of cotton breeding to the spinner. Textile Rec. 45(531): 87. "June 15, 1927. 304.8 T311 "An experimental study of the effect of varying water supply on the character of the staple was begun by Mr. F. S. Parsons, in 1924, at the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture. His results have not yet been published, but briefly, he established clearly that with excessive water, the individual hairs became long and thin walled, while with deficient water the hairs were greatly shortened and thickened, with a considerable proportion of dead, half-grown seeds bearing immature hairs." Hu, C. L. A study of seed cotton by means of fiber arrays. China. Cent, Cotton Improvement Inst., Tech. Bui. 2, 85pp. Nanking, 1937. 72.9 C44T "Studies were made during the years 1934 and 1935 to determine the fiber distribution and fiber length of the varieties Half and Half, Mebane, Lone Star, Missdel, and. Sea Island cotton. . . The length of lint was increased from 2mm. to 4mm. by the presence of an abundance of soil moisture." Kelsick, R. E. Some observations on the relations of lint length to rain- fall. West Indian Bui. 17(2): 79-82. Oct. 22, 1918. 8 ¥522 There is shown to be "a definite appearance of correlation between rainfall and the ultimate length of lint attained." Mohammad Afzal, M* Watering experiments on cotton at the Cotton research station, Risalewala, Lyllapur. Cong. Sci. Res. Workers on Cotton in India. Proc. (1937)1: 86-93. 72.9 C764 1st, 1937 "Variations in the lint length of a pure strain of cotton may be ascribed to environmental variations. Adverse climatic conditions result in reduced lint length. A reduction of as much as 3.7 m.m. in staple length has been noted in St. Vincent in years of excessive rainfall which results in partial waterlogging of soil. The optimum amount of irrigations would, therefore, tend to produce the best fibre." - p. 91. U. S. Dept. of the interior. Soil erosion service. Economic survey. U. S. Dept. Interior. Soil Erosion Serv. News Letter, no. 4, pp. 8-11. Sept. 1934. 1.96 So39E Report of a study in progress in the Elm Creek Watershed area of Central Texas on "the effect of moisture in the soil on the staple length of cotton." - 9 - Soil Armstrong, George M. , and Bennett, C. C. Effect of soil fertility, boll- maturation period, and early or late production of "bolls, on the length ' of cotton' f iters. *!>. S. ■ Dorct. Agr. Jour. Agr. Res. 47(7): 467-474. Oct. 1, 1933.. 1 Ag84J : - Technical Cent fibut ion no. 30- (new series) from the South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station. "Small plants, growing on plots of low fertility and clearly suffer- ing from malnutrition, produced lint of practically the same length as. that produced "by vigorous plants growing on plots of high fer- tility, though the uniformity of distribution of the different lengths was less in the poorly nourished plants." - Summary, p. 474. Kearney, T. H. The uniformity of Fima cotton. U. S. Dept. Agr. Dept. Cir. 247, 6pp. Washington, D. C. , 1922. 1 Ag34D "There is considerable diversity in the soil of the Salt River Valley and exactly the same seed may produce fiber of very different staple and quality, depending upon whether it is planted on good or on poor soil." Stroman, G. 3Sf. Certain characters of cotton fiber as affected ''oy plat placement. Amer. Soc. Agron. Jour. 29(8): 638-643. Aug. 1937. 4 Am34P Literature cited, p. 643. "Length and uniformity of fiber are affected by variation of soil, as shown by different placements of plats." Vilbrandt, F. C. , and Murphy, J. R. , jr. The yield and quality of cotton fiber and seed as influenced oy soil conditions. Cellulose l(5): 142-144. June 1930. 309.8 C333 The authors state that fibers of cotton grown on light or badly washed land were 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch shorter than fibers grown on stiff land. Youngblood, B. Relation of soil fertility to the quality of cotton. 7pp., processed. Washington, D. C, U. 3. Dept. of agriculture, Bureau of agricultural economics, 1929. 1.9 Ec733Rel "Address at the meeting of the Southern Agricultural Workers, Houston, Texas, February 6, 1929." The author by studying the reports on length of lint from various sections of the South and by correlating length of lint with soil type concludes that longer lint was associated with the more fertile soils. In the- case of the poor soils of the Piedmont, however, longer lint than on the more fertile soils of the Coastal Plains was produced. Also in Assoc. South. Agr. Workers. Proc. (1929)30: 106-114. 4 C32 30th, 1929. - 10 - Temperature Hawkins, R. S. , and Serviss, George H. Development of cotton fibers in the Pima and Acala varieties. U. S. Dept. Agr. Jour. Agr. Res. 40(11): 1017-1029. June 1, 1930. 1 Ag84J ■ "The time of the season during which cotton fibers are developing affects the rate of fiber- wall thickening greatly but does not in- fluence the rate of fiber growth in length to an,7 appreciable extent until late in the season. Prevailing temperatures contribute to the rate of fiber development, and, when lower than necessary for optimum plant growth have a retarding effect on both fiber elongation and fiber-wall thickening." - 11 - ECONOMIC LIBRARY LISTS No. 1. State trade "barriers; selected references. March 1939; Revised June 1940. No. 2. The frozen food industry; selected references, January 1937 to March 1939. April 1939. No. 3. High drafting in cotton spinning; selected references. April 1939. No. 4. Egg auctions; selected references. July 1939. No. 5. Acts administered by Agricultural Marketing Service. October 1939. No, 6. Periodicals relating to shipping. October 1939. No. 7. Electrical properties of cotton; some references to the literature, 1931-date. November 1939. No. 8. Sea island cotton; selected references. November 1939. No. 9. Cotton picking machinery; a' short list of references. March 1940. No. 10. The tomato industry in Puerto Rico and Cuba; a short list of refer- ences. June 1940. No. 11. The dairy industry in the United States; selected references on the economic aspects of the industry. July 1940. No. 12. Planning for the farmer; a short reading list of free and inex- pensive material. July 1940. No. 13. Indirect flood damages; a list of references. August 1940. No. 14. Relocation of fam families; selected references on settler re- location. September 1940. No. 15. Homestead tax exemption in the United States; a selected list of references. October 1940. No. 16. Mate'; a list of references. October 1940. No. 17. Exhibits; a selected list of references. November 1940. No. 18. Pood and cotton stamp plans; a selected list of references. November 1940. No. 19. The banana industry in tropical America with special reference to the Caribbean area, 1930-1940; a selected list of refer- ences. January 1941. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA - 12 - 3 1262 08926 5549 No. 20. The sunflower, its cultivation and uses; a selected list of references. April 1941. No. 21. Delta county, Colorado; a selected list of references. April 1941. No. 22. Relation of environmental factors to cotton fiber length; selected references in English, 1915-1939. April 1941.