^ S. R. A.— B. S. 89 Issuf'.l OctolKT. VXM United States Department of Agriculture BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS FOR THE ADMINIS- TRATION OF THE OKEFENOKEE WILDLIFE REFUGE, GEORGIA ^ [Issued August 17, 1937—2 F. K. 1G84] FISHING 1. Waters open to fishing. — The following waters of the refuge are designated as areas open to fishing, and fishihg will not be permitted in any other waters unless and until further ordered: Suwanee (Okefenokee) Canal, Billys Lake, Minnie Lake, Big Water Lake, Chesser Prairie, Chase Prairie, Grand Prairie, and connecting boat runs. 2. State fishing laws. — Every person who fishes in any of the aforesaid waters must comply with the applicable fishing laws of the State of Georgia, and in the absence of any State law or regulation in respect to fishing seasons and number of fish that may be taken, the Chief of the Bureau of Biological Survey of the United States Department of Agriculture, hereinafter referred to as the Chief of the Bureau, may fix such seasons and limits ; and in event he shall find that fishing in any of the aforesaid waters is unduly depleting any species of the fishes therein, he may suspend the privilege of fishing in such waters pending final determination by the Secretary of Agriculture. 3. Fishing permits. — No person is permitted to fish in the aforesaid waters until he has obtained a permit from the oflBcer in charge, which permit shall be limited to the period specified therein, and such ofiicer will not issue a permit until the applicant therefor exhibits to him a State fishing license, if such license is required by State law or regulation. The permit must be carried on the person of the permittee when exercising the privileges thereunder and must be exhibited upon request to any Federal or State oflScer authorized to enforce Federal and State fishing laws and regulations. 4. Special fishing restrictions. — Live bait shall not be used in fishing, and no seine shall be employed in taking minnows for bait in any of the waters of the refuge. 5. Fishing guides. — No person or group of persons to whom a permit has been issued for fishing in the aforesaid waters of the refuge shall engage in such fishing unless accompanied by a guide previously designated in writing by the officer in charge, except that such officer may waive this requirement as to any person or group of persons who he has reason to believe may safely be allowed on the refuge without a guide : and with respect to fishing in such of the afore- said waters as he may specify from time to time, the Chief of the Bureau may waive the requirement that fishermen must be accompanied by a guide. QUALIFICATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF GUIDES 6. Designating guides. — An applicant for the privilege of guiding on the refuge shall submit to the officer in charge application in writing on a form to be provided. If the applicant is found to have the necessary qualifications the officer in charge may issue to him a written designation as guide, as he also will to any person who similarly applies to be designated as assistant guide. Any designation as a guide or assistant guide may be revoked at any time by the officer in charge for failure of the guide or the assistant guide to cooperate with the officer in charge or his subordinates in the administration of the refuge for -^ 1 General regulations for the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Bi >logical administ ^crfffiNi8^^^2^!l^^ ^Y^^^^ under the ^im^t 'wfH^TAltWttL J hi jiLi oth( T number of this series, S. R. A.-B. S. 78. Mhich contains also the text of certaii tions, including those relating tio wildlife protection. Jyi •es on the public domain. ] «». •» "" 1J048— .S7 " ' '>rK»r^ api licable laws and on national forests. U.S. DEPOSITORY 2 BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY [S. R. A. Willful violation of the regulations governing the administration of the refuge, for intoxication while on the refuge, or for discourteous or inefficient treatment of patrons. Every guide or assistant guide shall carry his designation on his person while rendering guide service on the refuge and shall exhibit it to any Federal or State officer authorized to enforce Federal and State fishing laws and regulations. 7. Qualifications of guides. — No person shall be designated as a guide unless he is a citizen of the United States ; is of known good character and reputation ; is familiar with the territory comprised within the refuge and with Federal and State laws and regulations governing fishing and entries for other purposes on the refuge : is in possession of such guide license as may be required by the laws or regulations of Georgia ; and is equipped with necessary boats and other paraphernalia for service as a guide. 8. Guiding fees. — No guide siiall charge for his services a fee or other com- pensation in excess of the amounts previously ascertained, determined, and de- clared by the Chief of the Bureau to be reasonable and fair for such services. 9. Duties and responsibilities of guides. — Every person designated as a guide shall comply with the following provisions, conditions, and requirements: a. He shall be responsible for the orderly conduct of persons guided and shall immediately report to the officer in charge any disorderly conduct or violation of Federal or State laws or regulations applicable to the refuge. b. Guides shall not undertake guide services for any person who does not exhibit a permit issued to him by the officer in charge authorizing entry on the refuge. c. Every guide shall keep a record of the names and addresses of tlie persons guided by him and of the kinds and numbers of fishes taken by each one of them and of the waters from which taken, and as soon as practicable after each fishing trip shall submit a report of the aforesaid facts to the officer in charge on a form furnished therefor. d. Every guide must exercise strict caution in the building of fires on the refuge and must totally extinguish every fire built by him and must extinguish, if possible, any fire discovered by him on the refuge or immediately report to the officer in charge any fire not promptly extinguishable. Every guide shall main- tain vigilant care to protect property, wildlife, and vegetation on the refuge. e. Every guide must render courteous, dependable, and efficient service to his patrons and so far as possible must protect them from hardship and danger. f. Every guide must at all times maintain his boats in safe condition and in good working order and shall conspicuously display thereon the number assigned by the officer in charge. ff. In order to accommodate unusually large parties holding permits to enter the refuge on any one day. the guide engaged may employ assistant guides, previously designated as hereinbefore provided, and such guide shall be respon- sible and accountable for the conduct of such assistants as may be employed by him. ENTRY ON REFUGE FOR SIGHTSEEING AND STUDY OF THE FAUNA AND FLORA 10. Permits for sightseeing and study. — No person is permitted to enter the refuge for sightseeing or to observe the fauna and flora unless authorized by permit issued to him by the officer in charge, which permit shall be limited to the period specified therein ; such permit shall be carried on the person of the permittee while on the refuge and must be exhibited to any Federal or State officer authorized to enforce game and fish laws and regulations. 11. Sightseeing guides. — Every person or group of persons entering the refuge for the purpose of sightseeing or observing the fauna and flora shall be accom- panied by a guide, designated as hereinbefore provided, and every such guide, in performance of services to such persons, shall be subject to the provisions, condi- tions, and requirejuents hereinbefore prescribed. :>.tm1 slinll keep a record of the names and addresses of such persons guided by him and of the purpo.ses for which they entered the refuge, and shall make a report thereon to the officer in charge at the conclusion of each employment as guide. SPECIAL PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL PERSONS ENTERING THE REFUGE 12. Firearms. — The carrying of firearms on the refuge is not permitted except on the part of the officer in charge and other employees of the Department of ^•'^•^^^ OKKFKXOKEE WILDLIFE REFUGE, GA. 3 Agriculture and officers or employees of the State Department of Natural Re- sources of Georgia while engaged in the enforcement of fish and game laws. 13. Fires and camping. — Except as authorized by permit issued by the officer in charge, no person other than a guide shall build a fire on the refuge for any purpose, and special care must be taken to prevent lighted matches, cigars, or cigarettes or pipe ashes from being dropped in grass or other inflammable mate- rial. Camping on any part of the refuge except under permit issued by the officer in charge is not permitted. 14. Disorderly conduct. — Disorderly conduct of any nature, including intoxica- tion, will not be tolerated on the refuge: any offender will be requested to leave immediately, and failing to do so he will be removed by the ofiicer in charge or by his assistants. Presence on the refuge in an intoxicated condition shall ipso facto annul and forfeit any permit such intoxicated person may hold for any privilege on the refuge, and the permit will be taken up forthwith by the officer in charge or by his assistants. 15. Introducing extralimital wildlife. — Live fishes, frogs, snakes, or turtles taken elsewhere shall not be placed in any waters of the refuge unless authorized by a permit issued by the Chief of the Bureau. U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: i937