UITITED STATES DEPARTl^iENT OF A GEICULTUEE Bxireau of Entomology and Plant Quai^antine V/ashington, D. C . B. E. ?. Q.— 3S2 September 4 , 1935, PLAIIT-qUARAITTI^IE IMPOST PJ^STPICTIOHS OP T'iiE REPUBLIC 0? URUGUAY CERTIFICATION OF FIELD INSPECTION OF SEED POTATOES TEMPORARILY SUSPE^TDED Reference is made to tlie memorandijm of November 9> 193^ > to InspectnrG in Charge, presenting the text of Uru£nia7an decree ir-. 106o/9:;l, of Jazauarv 10, 193^. restrictin; the inrortation of seed potatoes. It is learned that the decree of July U, 1935 > temporarily suspends article 2 of the decree of Janiiary 10, ^-93^'' I^^ otlier words, until further notice, the certification th>jt tne potatoes concerned were selected seed noto,toes and that the cultures from whicn tney were ottained had "been officially inspected and found free frou tiie so-called dSj^'entjrative diseases, is not required. LEE A. STRONG, Chief, Bur e au of En to inolo.":y and Pl an t Qu aran tine. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09245 2985