kA-jy)-t NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1315 DISPLACEMENT EFFECT OF THE LAMINAR BOUNDARY LAYER AND THE PRESSURE DRAG By H. Gbrtler Translation of " Verdrangungswirkung der iaminaren Grenzschichten und Druckwiderstand." Ingenieur-Archiv, vol. 14, 1944 Washington October 1951UN,V^RS.1Y OF Pm^^^^^^ y ,,.io:.ov..cNCE LIBRARY Pw ,;w,^ 117011 r.A'M!^GViLLE,FL 32611-7011 US/= ?^^^6 6 may be selected instead of the upper limit 6 of the integral in equation (3.I), as long as the velocity U(x,y,t) in ^ y ^ yi is replaced by Uo(x,t)J According to definition, 6* is, therefore, a measure of the displacement of the streamlines of the outer potential flow away from the body on the basis of the reduction (caused by the friction layer near the body) in the quantity of fluid flowing by the point x at the time t. (Therein a streamline in its identity for all times is prescribed by the fact that it, together with the wall y = 0, includes a stream tube of temporally constant through flow.) In order to obtain, instead of the potential flow about the pre- scribed body, a corrected outer potential flow which takes the dis- placement effect of the boundary layer into account, we visualize the following model flow: Outside of a line y = 6*(x,t) a potential flow with y = 6* as streamline is assumed to flow. Within ^ y - 5* one assumes water at rest relative to the body. In this model flow the same q\aantity of fluid is to flow past the body per unit time as in the viscous fl-?". Equation (3.1) then indicates the value of 6*(x,t) in first approximation for sufficiently high Re values. NACA TM 131::^ Ag to the line y = 5* which is to be a streamline of our substitute flow^ it must be taken into consideration that for the general nonsteady case the course of this line varies with time. The line y = 6* then is a movable dividing line between potential flow and water at rest. In contrast to the dynamic dividing lines^ it therefore consists in general not permanently of the same fluid particles, but represents, for reasons of continuity, a permeable line. In mathematical formulation the boundary' condition to be stipulated expresses that the normal component of the potential-flow velocity along the dividing line y = 6*(x,t) should vanish every moment. Then y = 6* is a streamline, A simple example which we shall investigate more thoroughly later (section 5) will serve to clear up these conditions. VJe assume that a circular cylinder of the radius R is set at the time t = 0, from a state of rest, relative to the surrounding infinitely extended fluid, into a rectilinear and uniformly accelerated motion perpendicular to its axis. The frictionless flow relative to the body is then given by the velocity potential r2\ <1> = btlr + — Icos t3 where r and 13 signify polar coordinates in the flow plane, referred to the center of the circle, r=R + y, -3=tc- x/R, and b denotes a constant acceleration. This potential flow yields the pressure variation on r = R required for the usual boimdary-layer calculation. For very small times (small compared to the time t = t. of the start of separation) this calculation results in a displacement thickness b* increasing proportionally to V^- For these very small times after the start of the motion the potential of our improved outer flow therefore reads * = bt ^ (R + c fvt : cos a (t > 0, r > R + cyvt, &* = c ^vt, c = const.) 8 ' NACA TM 1315 The line y = c -/vt is a streamline. V/hile it travels out into the fluid starting from t = 0, the streeimline pattern of the entire outer flow correspondingly varies continuously 10. In order to clarify the conception we shall add a few remarks regarding the mass displacement of the boundary layers. The streajnline displacement thickness &* does by no means always represent at the same time a measure for the mass displacement. This becomes immediately clear from the following simple example. An unlimited plane wall which up to the time t = is at rest relative to the surrounding infinitely extended fluid is assumed to be moved in itself^ according to an arbitrary acceleration law, starting from t = 0. A certain velocity profile (which is known to be easily defined) develops, and one obtains a dis- placement thickness 6* different from zero. However, a mass displace- ment away from the wall does not take place due to v = (u = u(y,t)] . We could have made clear the difference in the two displacement phenomena in a perfectly analogous manner on the case of the circular cylinder set rotating about its axis from a state of rest; thus we should have spared ourselves the fiction of an infinitely extended body. Here, just as in the above limiting case of the plane wall, a boundary layer develops; a mass displacement away from the cylinder in radial direction, however, cannot take place due to reasons of continuity and symmetry. If one relinquishes this symmetry by selecting for instance instead of the circular cylinder a cylinder slightly wavy in comparison, the mass displacement normal to the contour will be, in general, different from zero; however, the length 6* does not present a measure for it. 10 '^ We shall give here for comparison the velocity potential ^ of the corresponding flow about an expanding impermeable circular cylinder. If its contour is prescribed by r = R(t), one has $ = bt R^(t) r + — ;: — - „,^vdR(t) , r cos -a + R(t) ^^ In - dt R The additively appearing soiirce yields that additional fluid in the outer space r = R(t) which the impermeable circular cylinder itself displaces while expanding (dS\ ^ dR(t) NACA TM 1315 Looking for a measure for the mass displacement, one may start from the relation following from equation (3.1) hy differentiation with respect to X and consideration of the continuity equation |- (U06*) = v(x,5,t) + 6 ^ (x,t) (3.2) (Again any y = y-, > 5 may be substituted for 6) . The right side indicates the excess of the v-velocity at the edge of the boundary layer compared to the V-velocity - 5SUq/Bx of the corresponding frictionless flow prevailing there. Thus the entire volume displaced by friction effect between two points x^ and x, per unit time is at any rate always prescribed by r^i / (v - V)dx = rUo6*1 - [Uo6*1 ^ 1- -J X=X-|_ ^ -1 X=Xq We now visualize, as in the definition of &*, a model flow. We assume a frictionless potential flow, with the quantity 6^ generally different from 5*, to be prevailing for y = &^(x,t); the length S^ is assumed to be fixed so that precisely the fluid which actually is displaced by the friction effect would flow through = y = 5^ with the velocity Uq. Inside = y = 6^ we assume for our model flow water at rest relative to the body. Then there follows from equation (3.2) |;("o5.;=^H^*). (3.3) Hence there results by integration for the "mass displacement thickness" 5^ the statement that is, this difference is only dependent on t. Hence one can recognize: If one were to proceed in the determination of the first correction of the outer potential flow described above, 10 NACA TM 1315 and therewith of the pressure field correction for large Re-values, in such a manner that one would make not y = 5* but y = 5^ for all times the streamline of the substitute flow, the result would remain unchanged, according to equation (3.^). Both models differ at any moment only in the numbering of the streamlines. As to the relation between 6* and 6^, one may state: If one assumes that at the respective time t the stream tube which includes at the point x the region = y = y-, with y^ = & followed up upstream finally blends completely in a region where the flow is frictionless (case of approach flow), 6* = 5^. If, however, this presupposition is not fulfilled, as for instance in the examples with vanishing S^ selected above, the conclusion drawn above is not valid, either. In every flow of this type the streamtube just considered is either bounded by the wall in its entire course upstream, or it leaves the wall in stretches as when a separation of the boiondary layer material from the tody with subsequent readherence takes placed upstream (case of longitudinal flow.) The value of S^ at the time t can be given for all x if one is able to give, in addition to the variation of 5*(x,t), known according to equation (3.1)^ the value of 6^ at a single point x = x^j for eqixation (3.^) then yields only the difference statement Uq^* x Uq6* JO "TEt is always presupposed that the flow in the x-interval of Interest of the body contour and outside of the boundary layer next to the body is frictionless. Thus for instance the case where the body gets into its own wake during the motion is left out of consideration. -^^It must be noted, though, that cases exist where it is impossible on principle to give such a value. Let us visualize for instance the bo\andary-layer flow originating when an unlimited wall, deviating from a mean plane by surface waviness, is moved in its mean plane out of a state of rest. If no special conditions prevail, the expression for the total volume displaced at the time t up to a point x in unit time rx v(x,yi,t) + y^ — !=!■ (x,t) ox dx will not even be unique. NACA TM 1315 11 Therewith we shall close this little digression concerning mass displacement. Following we shall make use only of the streamline displacement thickness 6*. k. CALCULATION OF THE PRESSURE DRAG IN FIRST APPROXIMATION With the improvement in the calculation of the outer potential flow a more accurate specification of the pressure distribution in the outer frictionless flow becomes possible. However, we must warn here against the following fallacy: In general, one cannot use the resulting pressure distribution at the edge of the boundary layer as impressed 'pressure p(x,t) for an Improved boundary-layer calculation according to the equations (l.l) and (1.2), for the obtained correction of the outer pressure gradient is, in general, of the same order of magnitude as the terms which have been neglected in the equations of motion. To obtain an improved bo\indary-layer calculation it would thus be necessary to take corresponding further terms into consideration in the equations of motion as well. The general Navier-Stokes equations of motion and the continuity equation read in ovr curvilinear coordinates x,y in full strictness -^ 3u R Bu Su uv u — + V — + dt R + y bx ^ R + y R dp p R + y Sx Su + V R "u 1^2. idr + 6^u R + y Sy (R + y)2 Sx^ + 2R Sv k ^ '''^ (R + yr (R + y) S R dR (R + y)3 dx V + Ry dR du (R + y)3 dx Sx (l^.la) 13 Compare, for instance: Tollmien, W.: Grenzschichttheorie (Boundary-Layer Theory). Handbuch der Experimentalphysik (Manual of Experimental Physics) Vol. k, Part I, p. 2l+8, Leipzig 1931. 12 NACA TM 1315 u 1 Sp dt R + y Sx by R + y P by bv B. bv bv + u — + V + "v 2R Su Sfv Sy^ (R + y)^ ^x _i Sv R^ R + y By (R + y)^ Sx^ ^ +— £ .^u + (R + y)^ (R + y)3 dx (i+.2a) Ry dR ^ (R + y)-^ dx Sx_ R Su Sv V ^- + T— + R + y dx dy R + y = 0. (i^.3a) Therein R(x) denotes the radius of curvature of the wall contour y = (contrary to the mathematical definition positive on walls convex with respect to the flow). If one considers in these equations, on the "basis of the customary estimates founded on the physical picture, only the terms of highest order for very large Reynolds numbers Re = UL/v (U is a characteristic velocity, L a characteristic length), one arrives, in the known manner, at the boundary-layer equations (l.l)l^. If one considers in improved approximation also the terms of the order 0(&/L) compared with 0(1), there results Su c)u Su 1 c3p — +u — +v — + — - V at ax By p hx 3fu _ y Su uv y Sp V Su R dx R pR Sx R Sy (^.1) 1 Sp ^ uf P Sy R ' (i^.2) 1^, Compare, for instance, V/. Tollmien, footnote I3. KACA TM 1315 13 Su I ^v _ y 5u V Sx hy R hx R* (J+.3) On the left side are the terms from equation (l.l)^ on the right the newly added terms. The correction of the outer pressure we obtained above is, in general, of this same order 0(&/L). Thus, if one wants to perform with this improved outer flow an improved boundary-layer calculation ( second approximation for large Re), one can in general no longer neglect the right sides and can, therefore, no longer calculate with a pressure p = p(x,t) impressed on the boundary layer. (Compare addi- ..tional remark at the end of this section.) For calculation of the pressure drag in first approximation for large Re, the problem that interests us here, the solution is simpler. We now know, according to the expositions of section 3^ the outer pressure field, far remote from the body, sufficiently accurately; it only remains for us to continue this pressure field up to the body surface by deter- mining the pressure gradient in y-direction through the boundary layer. Equation (^.2) serves this purpose: It yields Sp/Sy sufficiently accurately for this approximation, if we substitute in it on the right side u from the first boundary-layer approximation. If y = &(x,t) denotes the "outer edge" of the boundary layer, and p[x,6(x,t),"ir] is the pressure distribution of the improved outer potential flow along this line, one has for approximation = y = 6 in this p(x,y,t) = p(x,&,t; rW u dy. (h.k) The pressure drag of the unit length of the cylinder in the flow becomes W- D K K p(x,0,t) cos cp dx p(x,S,t) - _P / u^dy R(x) Jq cos 9 dx, (^^.5) Ik NACA TM 1315 Wherein cp signifies the angle between surface normal and main flow direction, and the integral is to be formed over the entire contour K of the cylinder cross section. -^ -'Additional remark at the time of proof correction: Regarding the problem of an improved calculation of the boundary layer flow (second approximation for moderately large Reynolds numbers), not followed up further in the present report, the following calculation procedure seems to me to be promising: 1. Calculation of the boundary layer in the customary first approximation for very large Re. 2. Hence correction of the outer frictionless flow according to Ziff 's method. 3. Improved calculation of the pressure field p(x,y,t) in the boundary-layer zone according to equation (k.h). k. Again calculation of the velocity components u and v of the boundary layer in second approximation from equations (^.1) and (^.3)^ using th'? pressure field calculated above and replacing the right sides of equations (4.1) and (4.3) "by the known expressions of first approxi- mation so that the newly added terms of the order 0(6/R) compared with 1 appear in the calculation as prescribed functions. NACA TM 1315 15 5. example!^ Following we shall consider as an example a nonsteady flow which originates if a body is, from a state of rest, set into a rectilinear motion relative to 'the ciirrounding infinitely extended fluid, onward from t = 0. The relative velocity of the tindisturbed approach flow with respect to the body visualized as. being at rest is assumed to ^he simplest, almost trivial example on which the method developed may be tested is the case of the plane steady stagnation point flow. Here the strict solution of the Navier-Stokes equations is known, and the flow near the wall calculated on the basis of the boundary-layer theory is kno'^m to agree with the exact solution. If one replaces the potential-theoretical stagnation point flow at the wall by the stag- nation point flow at the wall shifted by 6*(= const.), one obtains as the corrected outer flow for y > & also full agreement with the exact solution. Since the outer pressure gradient parallel to the wall has remained unchanged in this correction and the wall is plane, an Improvement of the boxmdary-layer calculation proves to be impossible as it has to be. Thus the exact solution has already been attained with this one step. A further example with plane body boundaries (for which the boundary-layer equations (l.l) therefore are valid except for terms of the order 0(6^/R^) compared with 1) is the case of longitudinal flow over a plate. According to Blasius, elsewhere, 6* = 1.73 yvx/Uoo (U„ free stream velocity, x distance from the leading edge of the plate). With the improved outer pressure distribution calculated as suggested above, there results as the superimposed pressure for an improved boundary calculation P(x) = ^ 1 + 1.35 He(x) (Re(x) = Uoox/v ) . One does obtain here a considerable pressure correc- tion since the new outer flow has a stagnation point, but one recognizes that the pressure correction has already dropped at Re(x) = 75 to 1 percent of the stagnation pressure. However, in the proximity of the leading edge of the plate (small Re(x) - values) Blasius' boundary layer equation cannot be used. An improved calculation of the flow which in this range does not use the boundary layer approximations is still lacking. Thus for the time being the method of improvement for larger Re(x) suggested in this report cannot be utilized for this example . 16 NACA ™ 1315 be U = C t^(c = const., n = 0, t = o). Then the potential velocity U^(x,t) along the body boundaries can be represented in the form Un(x,t) = for t = , (l(x)t'^ for t ^ (5.1) We assume \^(x,y,t) to be the stream function of the boundary-layer flow defined by u = b^/hj, v = - S\|f/Sx which is obtained when the pressure gradient to be calculated from equation (5.1) according to equation (1.2) is taken as a basis, on the strength of the boundary- layer equations (l.l), thus in the custofliary first approximation for very large Re-values. Generalizing the series developments set up by Blasius ' for the special cases n = (sudden transition from state of rest to motion at constant velocity) and n = 1 (uniform acceleration) one obtains the result ^tr(x,y,t) = 2 fvt [^t^^j,^o(T) + T - ^- M n,0 (5.6) (a few numerical values 0, does not coincide with that of the cylinder cross- section, but travels slowly downstream. The equation of such a circle reads formally r = b cos 3 + a (1 - g sin^ 3)1 NACA TM 1315 19 (a = radius, b = displacement of the center), and if b « a r = a + b cos -3 ; of#i We identify L(t) =: R + 2an ^/vt^ Mt) = it^ ^ (oo)Cot--^\ R n,l ^ (5.12) If, temporarily, Y,"^ denote polar coordinates about the center of this circle in motion relative to the cylinder, the potential flow appertaining to the latter, the streamline of which is the line r = R + 6*, that is, r = a(t), is given by the potential ^1 = (" - i)(^ * i) 2\_ r cos t3 thus the potential flow here required in the polar coordinate system r,T3 fixed relative to the body by $T = Ufl + ? 2 r - 2br cos fl + b , (r cos i3 - b) (5.13) At first we introduce dimensionless quantities as follows: V/e choose R as the characteristic length, and the time T the body requires to cover the distance R, starting from the beginning of motion t = 0, as the characteristic time, thus T = (n + 1) _R_ Co _ 1 n+1 (5.li|) 20 NACA TM 1315 Hence results the characteristic velocity R _ ( ^0^ 1 n\ n+ T \ n+1, and the Reynolds number Re formed with this velocity and the length R become slo R^ /R\R R^ (5.15) By making dimensionless the variable lengths x, y^ r, a, b by dividing by R, the time t by dividing by T^ the velocity U(t) by dividing by R/T, the potential by dividing by R /T^ and the pressiore by dividing by pR2/t2 (we denote the dimensionless quantities by adding a wavy line), we obtain 1 1 a = 1 + 2a^ Re 2'^ 2^ b = 4(n + 1)^ (00) Re ^t ^j n,l (5.12a) (n + Dt^l + r^ + 2 b '■Nrf z-^' r cos X + b' (? cos X + b) . (5.13a) ■'■°If one forms the Reynolds number Re^ with the length VvT one obtains Rej_ = (r/t) ffjr/v = Re^ NACA TM 1315 21 Furthermore, y = = I Re^t"2 2 //vt and 6* R ~T Re ^u. 2a - 4(n + l)f T (°°)t cos x n ^ ^n,l (5.11a) We consider first the case n = 1 of uniform acceleration from a state of rest. Following, F^ without more precise data will represent ,2/m2, those additive portions of the pressure p, = p, /(pR /T ) which do not make any contributions to the pressure and are therefore not of interest to us. Furthermore, terms of the order 0(62/r2) compared with 1 are neglected. One obtains for the pressure calculation according to the Bernoulli equation at the distance from the wall y = 6/r ^ = ll (1 ^ 3a^Re ^^) cos x + P^ + ol^] & - € - U- r-^ 1 = 16 ^ t^ sin^ + Po + 2\y ax R 2 Thus one obtains Pi -. |. t) = ^(1 + 1 1\ 3a^Re"^^y co s x + 16 ^ t^sln^ R (5.16) 22 MCA TM 1315 According to equation (^.^) p^(x, 0, ^) = p^(Sc, |, ^) 6/R u^dy. (i+.ita) In the small times of Interest to us there is u = U ^ sin x^ ' {t\) - 16 ^ sin x cos x^ ' (t)). 1,0 1.1 therefore I u dy = - 16 t^sin^x / C r,^ + ^0 ^ -4o^^2~ 6/R 128 t^sin'^x cos x / r r dy _ ^0 1,0 1,1 r6/R 256 t°sin^ cos^x / ^' ^dy. Jo 1,1 ^(5.17) Because of lim ^ (-q) = 1, lim ^ (ti) = the two last integrals Ti-> 00 1,0 T)-> 00 1.1 on the right are. If S/R is chosen so large that these asymptotic values are attained with the desirahle accuracy, numbers independent of the variation of the boundary-layer edge 6(x,t) with x. The first integral at the right, together with the corresponding second term at the right in equation (5.I6), may also be combined into an expression independent of 5(x,'£), namely the expression 16 t^sin^^ / (1 - ^1 Q^)df. NACA TM 1315 23 Thus the variation of 5(x,^) over x does not play any role in judging what terms make contributions to the pressure drag which is as it should be. If one finally inserts _1 1 dy = 2 Re ^t^di]. all together one obtains, therefore. ( 2~ 2 ) \1 + Sa^Re t Jc p(x, 0, *?) = Uyl + So-jRe "t /cos x 1 9 — p 00 + 256 sin% cos X Re'^t^ / tj^ qI;^ ^dr] + P]^ + 0(Re-^). (5.13) Thus the following pressure drag of a circular cylinder of the length L for small times after start of the motion and in first order for large Re -values results 1 a 2prf^^LCQ 1 + -^Re 2(3a +16-^/ C' ^ .drj). (5.19a) 1 Oq i^U 1,X 2pj^ LC„ = W_ is the potential-theoretical pressure drag. (Compare U Uq equation (5. 10).) According to Blasius 'calc\ilations 3C'± = 2 /•Jt(=1.128) , furthermore, according to the author's numerical evaluation / C q dTi = 0.09804 ' ' 2k NACA TO 1315 Thus the result in dimencional form is ^•'d = ■■^D. 1 + J^(-^^+ 0.392% t^ ^ w^ R (5.19) As friction drag '2n W = pv / — (x, 0, t) sin - dx R JO Sy there results from Blasius' calculation results 19 u _ V Vvt f 2 n n?Q ^ tM (5.20) For sufficiently small times t(t « l) thus V/ = W - W . that is, the friction drag increases immediately after start of the motion according to the same law as the contribution of the skin friction to the pressijre drag. The total drag becomes '' - '''b ^ \ = V 1 + Vvt h Co .h\ 4x-. 0,363 ^t vV^ R^ (5.21) In figure 2 we represented these results using the dimensionless "t = t/T (with T = \f2R/CQ for the present case n = 1), thus the relations J!]L=i+ ^fe ^(1.128 + l.569?S, (5.19-l) ^n order to obtain the term with t , one must here include in equation (5.2) also the third term of the series. The necessary data may be found in Blasius' report, footnote h. NACA TM 1315 25 ^= J!pt2(l.l28.0.1l6t^), Br (5.20 j^) (5.211) Our formiLLas caxi be applied with good approxlniation only for very small times after start of the motion (solidly drawn parts of the curves), because we had, for the sake of simplicity, taken into consideration only a few terms of the developement (5.2); but of course, with a little calculation expenditure they can be easily improved, at least so far that they are valid up to times shortly after setting- in of the separation. The value t = tA( = Vo • 586 ) = 0.766 plotted in figure 2 indicates the time of the start of separation, in first approximation, at the rearward stagnation point according to Blasius. (Compare also appendix.) For an arbitrary integral n > one obtains correspondingly as pressure drag with n(t) = CQt^ and Wj^ = 2prf^2L du/dt = 1 + Vvt R i^^i) °n he. nR 2n+2 n,0 n,l dT] (5.22) .2n+2 For the calculation of the coefficient of t'^^'^'^ sufficient numerical data concerning f ' _(ti) are lacking so far. For this reason we limit =n,l ourselves in our numerical statements to the first term of the develop- 1 ment with time (term with t2) and put the question whether the law Wt, = Wj) - W- "Br obtained above for n = 1, for times Immediately after R JJ UQ start of the motion, is valid also for arbitrary n > 0. The friction drag has for these ptmall times the value "r = "d. R 2n (5.23) 26 NACA TM 1315 In the appendix the exact expressions for f (t]) are derived. n,0 However, the relation 2(2n + Dan ^;o(°) ,2n (n.')2 (2n); ^ (5.2i^) Is valid; we produce a very simple proof for it in the appendix (one may confirm it also with the aid of the tables of the appendix we calculated for n = 1, 2, 3, and k) . Thus, for very small times after start of the motion, there applies indeed % = Wc - Wp VIZ : = Wt Vvt ,2n n.'(n - 1) .' (2n): ^ ^0 R > (n > 0) (5.25) (One has 2^l{n - l).'/(2n)J \/it = 1.128^ for n = 1; 0.7522 for n = 2; 0.6018 for n = 3; 0.5158 for n = k, etc.) One may now consider more general laws of motion of the form U(t) = 10 for t = f(t) for t = 0(f(0) = 0) and carry out corresponding calculations. If one presupposes that the function f(t) defined in t :^ can be developed into a Taylor series < after around t = which converges for the small times = t « t^ start of the motion which are of interest to us, one may attain the result quite analogously with a series expression correspondingly generalized compared to equation (5.2). One can interpret the law U = CQt^ which has been valid so far as the first term of the development with time of such a general law of motion. Hence it follows NACA TM 1315 27 that for all these laws of motion the portion of the pressure dra^ caused by friction W D w. D. '0 increases immediately after the start of This is motion according to the same law (5.25) as the friction drag a noteworthy quality of the circular cylinder. One may also include the case of a sudden start of motion in these considerations; it is true that one must then accept, corresponding to this degeneration of the form of motion at the time t = 0^ infinite pressures and drags at the time t = 0. With one oh tains U = Cq = const, for t a-o Wj^ = 2pnRLCo n °D r2 i' ^' dT) ^0,0 0,1 (5.26) and W^ = 2prf?LC ii ^0,0 (0) §t2 (5.27) The function f-0,2a(^) is explained at the end of the appendix. We did not numerically determine the coefficients at t^ in eq\mtions (5.26) and (5.27). Because of Oq above W = W R D W i ^^'^(0)(= 1/ /{^= 0.56i+2) the law stated D„ is valid also in this limiting case n = of the sudden start of motion, for times immediately after the start of motion. Here in particular W '0 (d'Alembert ' s paradox). 28 NACA TM 1315 APPENDIX A FEW CALCULATIONS REGARDING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BOUNDARY LAYERS A few calculations will be given in this appendix which yield^ among other data, those required for the preceding investigation (section 5) concerning the basic functions ^^ ±i'^) of the unsteady boundary layers; for the rest, they represent Merely an extension of the related calculations by Blasius. We give these calculations apart from the previous considerations, first, because they wo\ild have disrupted the connection there, and second, because the da to, and tables attained are of interest in their own right. As assumed in section 5^ let a velocity proportional to t (n = O) be imparted to a body from a state of rest relative to the surrounding indefinitely extended fluid, beginning at t = 0. The potential- theoretical circumferential velocity U(x,0,t) = Uo(x,t) then has the form (5.1). For calculation of the boundary layer development from t = 0, if a generalization is made of the series set up by Blasius for n = and n = 1, the expression with >tr(x,Ti,t) = 2/Vt XI tn+^(n+l)x^ ^ (x,Ti) X=0 n,X (1) Ti = y/2 ffjt for the stream function ^ of the boundary-layer flow is obtained and one obtains for the functions X -y by substituting equation (l) into the boimdary layer differential equation (l.l) a system of differential equations solved by recursion; we limit ourselves here to the two first equations of this system which read b3x n,0 ^' a3x bn' + 2T) kn — = - 4nq(x), 4-+ 2ti S^X h,l ^ S^X W bx T /ax .... ^ , , , n,l , f n.O n.O i|(2n + 1) — = k I '- '— K,0 ^\,0 M2) bx ^^' - qq' . NACA TM 1315 29 We assume first n (later 2n) to be an integer. Then the solutions may be represented with the aid of Hermite polynomials. With the statements n,0 n,0 \,1 = q(x)ci'(x)^n,l(n) (3) one obtains from equation (2) the ordinary differential equations P'> + 2ti^" n,0 n^O i^n^' n,0 hn. (^) ^;.. . 2,^;.^ - M2n . l)r^^ = 4(^;/ - ^oCo- 1)^ (5) The boundary conditions to be satisfied by f ^ and t ^ are •' '' ^n,0 ^n,l formulated in equation (5-^) 30 NACA TM 1315 In the case of a plane wall moving in its own plane, ■'I'' = 2 Yvt q't'^^- 0^^) represents the complete solution (because of q. = const. )> not only in the boundary-layer theory approximation set up here, but in strict fulfillment of the complete Navier-Stokes ' 20 equations. The calculation of t, may take place as follows. The n,0 temporary eplitting-off i' M = 1 - e-^\(Ti) (6) n,0 ^^ transforms equation (h) into ^n - ^^n - 2(2n + l)qp^ = (?) Because of U_ = U (t), u = u(y,t) and v = 0, the Navier- Stokes equations are for these motions simplified to Su S u BU^ = V + '-'■ ht by^ St The analogy between U^ - u and the corresponding solutions of the problem of heat conduction has been known for a long time; it offered one of the few possibilities of attaining exact solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. For the rest, one can see for the present problem that the first term qt^' of the series development following from equation (l) for u as a solution of the above equation approximately satisfies the boundary-layer equation in the sense that only the terms of highest order are taken into consideration for small times after start of the motion, whereas the quadratic inertia terms are neglected. The iterative improvement of this first approximation for small times then yields step by step the ascending terms of the series we set up formally at the outset. This consideration led Blasius, (elsewhere), at the time to his special series formulations for n = and n = 1. MCA TM 1315 31 For every integral 2n ^ the general solution of this differential eqviatlon is '^ - ii;^ dri; "(' e'' Ct + C ^Tl 2 1 ^ ^2 -A) =( (8) (C,^ Cp are integration constants). As is veil known, the Hermite polynomials Hjjj(x) are given by ■>»(") = A- Irf^-^' = „5Z^(- x)«(/J (Mi (.x: m-2ic m' (9) (in the form originally given "by Hermite). For further use we also put Hjj^(ix) = l"^(x), thus ij.) - e-=^(|,)V - I- (,:)li^(.,--, (.0, 0^ ' (13) Because of ^ S^) = (- 1)*^" ^{^)^., 1 + ^ [Bti^ + 60ti^ + 90ti2 + 15)$o(ti) + (l|Ti^+ 28ti2+ 33)ti$^(ti)J , 16118+ 22I+T16+ 8l40ii^+ 8iK)Ti2+ 105) ^(ii) + ^2,0(^ 4,0^^) ^i,o(^) 1 + 105 (81)6+ 108ti'^+ 3T0ti2+ 279)t]*-l(ti)]. (13b) Thence one obtains by elementary quadratures ^ n^^^' likewise expressed by $^ and with polynomial coefficients. The numerical evaluation is reproduced in table 1 ■^. Because of the special impor- tance of the solutions ^' (ti) as boundary-layer profiles u/qt^ n,0 in the case of the plane wall (compare above) we represented them in figure 3. [owing to 5* = 2^^ lim (t) - ^ Ar\)) = 2a^ Jvt the stream- line displacement thickness &* can easily be taken from the numerical cal table 1; compare -also table 2.j Since it follows directly from equation (7), by single differ- entiation, that the general integral cp , is the first derivative of the general integral 9^ with respect to t], it is, with the boundary conditions satisfied, easy to find as expressions for the basic functions ^ {t\) with the integral n n^O ^n;0 - ^(^ - ^A,o)} (iM 23 'All nimierical calculations were performed by Miss Ursula Ludewig. 3^ NACA TM 1315 Therein (2n).' a/tt n^O (15) In order to calculate the fundamental functions of the first order t, -,(11)^ the total course of ^ n^^^ must be known (according to equation (5)). Only the additional knowledge of t" (O) is required n,l for the problem which is of foremost interest, the question regarding location and time of a possible separation of the boxmdary layer in first approximation. For because of ^ ) = t^ ^^y/y=o 2^/vt ir (0) + qq't'^+^r (0) + . . ri _ n,0 n,l J one obtains in first approximation the connection 1 - C.o(°' .-in+1 q'(x)t" (0) ^n,l (16) for location x and time t of the separation. On the other hand, we are interested in f (00) (compare section 5)^ with a view to the n,l calculation of the displacement thickness. These two data can be determined without solution of the differential equation (5) by a well-known method as follows: ^(t^) is assumed to be a function of -t] in = T] = 00 provided with the continuity properties required for the following calculation. By partial integration one obtains the following relations. If L and M are the differential operators n n n M = n dii"^ dT] - l|(2n + 1), d^ o„ ti dTi^ dT] - i'^ ^ i} NACA TM 1315 35 one has /J^(^)^n[^A,l]^^ = p;,l - ^'^A,l - ^^^A,l]^ 'fo\l ^^'^'^' (IT) ^(t])L R' "]dT) = 1^^" - ^'?' + 2ti^^' + i M„M1" - n|^n,lj 1^ n,l n,l n,l n,l Jq (18) We choose, therefore, -9 = t3 {r\) so that a,0 M n with (17a) ,3 (0) = - 1, 73 (00) = 0' n,0 n,0 If then equation (5) and the boundary conditions valid for t (t^) n,l are taken Into consideration the result Is On the other hand we choose ^ = i3„ (ti) so that n^ CO* ' ' S (0) .0, i, (J finite 36 NACA TM 1315 Then one obtains, in analogy ^n,l Jo n,co ^^n_,0 " ^n,0^n,0 " ^ (18b) dT). It is easily confirmed that furthermore by comparison with equation (7) \0^^^ = ^' P2n.l,0(^) - ^]^ (^) Therewith the desired functions i3 ^ and 3 are traced back, to n^O n, 00 the known basic functions of zero order ^,-. n ^ 2ii+l,0. Numerical evaluation yielded for n = 0, 1, 2, 3, and k all together the data here of interest given in table 2. It also shows the numerical values of a^. For the n-values 1, 2, 3, and k one finds the law (5.2^) confirmed. A general proof of this law may be produced with a few calculations on the basis of the known expressions for ^j^ 0^^^' ^ much simpler proof of the relation (5.24) will be presented below. As mentioned above, the expression u = 0 Sx ^0 ^0 at Bx NACA TM 1315 37 thus for the above flow^ due to the velocity distribution u(Ti,t) being independent of x as well as due to -i- = _ p -— and with ox dt "^ - ,^-^o[^ - ^n,0^^] T = p :^ / (U - u)dy = p A(U6*) = pq(2n + l)a Jv t~^. (22) ° at Jo at n» . On the other hand 1 au(0,t) ^„ , , a/V ^"" ? , > ^ Sy n,0 2 and thus in combination with equation (15)^ as asserted, 22n+l( ,n2 In the case of the flow about a circular cylinder moved rectilinear ly out of a state of rest, investigated in section 5 [compare equation (5.8)n one has q(x) = 2Cq sin x/R and therefore -Q.'(x)iiiax " ^Cq/R for x/R = n. Thus the separation starts according to equation (I6) at the rearward stagnation point at the time •A = p;;,o(°>/^o?;i«'^ i_ in+l (compare table 3). The distance covered by the cylinder during that time is ^A C-t,W(n + 1) = R^" (0)/2(n + 1)^" (O) ^ ^ ' n,0 n,l 38 NACA TM 1315 Finally we want to give a few indications where to find further data regarding the "basic fimctions of the plane nonsteady boundary-layer flow. The series development (5.2) written down up to the third term reads f-2^ ,t-[^^„ . t-1..?^^, . t''---^\,'\,, . q,"?„,2,) . ...]. Blasius gives, in addition to the ftmctions ^ o^^^ ^^^ ^1 n^^^ calculated above, the rigorous solutions t (t\) and C (ti). } & ^0,1 ' "1,1 ' Beyond that, he calculates the numerical values ^'' p (o) and ^'' py^(o) which are of interest for the determination of the separation. S. Goldstein and L. Rosenhead^^ give the exact expressions for ^q 2a(^) and L, p, (t)). These integrals were, by the way, n\imerically determined before by Boltze^^ on the occasion of treatment of the corresponding problem n = of rotationally symmetrical flows which seems to have escaped the attention of the authors. Translated by Mary L. Mahler National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Compare footnote 6 of this report. 2"^ ''Compare footnote 5 of this report. 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