-0Btf3#*»* UNITED SPATES DSPAHTMSOT OP AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D.C B.2.P.Q,.— 403, Supplement No. 1. September 2, 1937 PLA1IT-QJUARANTIHE IMPORT 32 STRICT IONS OP THE REPUBLIC OF FRANCE Countries Contaminated by San Jose Scale The decree of July 7, 1936, makes the prohibition of article 1 of the decree of March 3, 1932 (see B.E.P.Q.-403, p. 6), applicable also to Uruguay and Yugoslavia. Notice Concerning the Shipment of Presh Fruits from Puerto Rico via a Dort of the Mainland A notice of the French Ministry of Agriculture to importers of fresh fruits from Puerto Rico, published in the "Journal Official" of September 1, 1936, draws attention to the fact that this island, having oeeii recognized as being free from San Jose scale (Aspidiotus perniciosus) , consignments of fresh fruits originating therein may be imported through any custom house on the French maritime frontier if shipped direct and if accompanied by a declaration of origin in accordance with the model published in the "Journal Officiel" of June 2, 1932, as follows in English and French: Declaration of Origin Required to Accompany Shipments of Presh Pruits Proceeding from Countries in Which San Jose Scale Has Never Been Determined, in Conformity with "■>,'.%„ the Decree of March 8, 1932 The undersigned (full name and official title) , certifies that the fresh fruits, comprising the shipment hereafter- described, were gathered a* , situated in (locality) (state and country) Le soussigne. , cert if ie que les fruits- f-rais, faisant l'objet de 1 'envoi decrit ci-apres, ont ete . recoltes va , situee dans lf (localite) (etat) sur le territoire de . (nom du pays) 2 - Number and kind of packages Nombre et nature des col is Marks and numbers of packages Marques et numeros des col is Kind of products Nature des produits Name and address of shipper Norn et adresse de l'expediteur Name and address of consignee Norn et adresse du destinataire Date of shipment Late de lr expedition Railroad station or port of landing in France G-are ou port de debarquement en France Approximate date of arrival Date approximative de 1'arrivee Official seal Cachet officiel Done at (place) , (date) 19 Fait a le 19 If the said consignments have entered a port of the continental United States, the territory of which is recognized as infested with San Jose scale, such consignments can be introduced into France only under the following conditions: 1. Importation is restricted to the ports of Dunkerque, Bordeaux, and Marseilles. 2. Sach consignment must be accompanied by the certificate shown in the "Journal Officiel" of May 4, 1932, issued by the phytosanitary inspector of the port of landing in the United States (Form EQ-926) . 3. The consignment must be transported directly from the United States port to the French port, and 4. It must bo recognized by the phytosanitary inspectors of the French port as free (from disease and dangerous parasites, especially from gan Jose scale. Importation and Transit of Plants from United Kingdom Authorized The decree of April 12, 1937, authorizes the importation into and transit through France of certain vegetables, f lower duIds, and orrirjoauntals from the United Kingdom daring the entire year and of certain ornamentals and all other living plants from October 1 to April 7, inclusive, when accompanied "by a phytosanitary certificate indicating origin. (This may constitute an additional item in the summary under the caption "Importation Restricted.*1) Coloring of Imported Clover and Alfalfa Seed Required The Law of March 12, 1937, modifies that of July 20, 1927 (see page 10 of B.E.P.Q.-403) , by requiring that at least 6 percent, instead of 5 percent, of alfalfa and red clover seed offered for entry into France "be stained to disclose its foreign origin. (The first paragraph of the Law of July 20, 1927, should he amended accordingly.) Citrus Fruits Now Inspected on Arrival The Order of the French ivlinistry of Agriculture of July 7, 1937, revokes article 2 of the Order of March 15, 1932, relating to the importation of citrus fruits. Consequently, that article should he stricken from page 8 of Circular B.E.P.Q.-403. (This means that all shipments of citrus fruits offered for entry into France are subject to inspection on arrival, although accompanied "by an inspection cer- tificate, Form EQ-926. In other words, citrus fruits now have the same status as deciduous fruits.) / AVERT S. EOYT. & Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09241 6501