B2/Citrus UNITED ST/TES DEPARTI.'U-.MT OF AGJ^ICITiTUl^lE Bureau o!: >]ntomolo2y f'nd Plant Quarentino Vfeshir.j;ton, , D. C. January ?.U, I9I4.6. B. E. P. Q. 307 (Supersedes P. Q,. C. A. 3O5, Revised) Sec, 55'^»9 Ad^nini strati VP Instructions; Citrus truit fron Me.ri'^.o in Transit to Foroi^^.n Countries via the United Gtates Citrus fri.ut cs referred t*^ herein is defi] ed ps all citrus fruit other than lemons and scv.r li^ios. Tp prevent the entry into th« United State? of an injurious insect kn'^vm as tho Mexican fruitfly (Anastrephr ludeiis Loe'i;) the importstion from Mexico of cicrus fruity e-.cept lemons and sour li'nes, for consump- tion in the United Str^.te?: is not c.uthcrized under Quarantine ilo, '^6 (Sec. 319«5'^3> i'ts governing quprantire, unless so treated as to elimin- ate pest risk. Hovfever, in accordance v.lth the Plant Safer;uard Refr/alations (Sees. 352«2 to 35'^*^)) v.'hich prsvide for the entry of prohibited pcnF.iodities for iTmaediato transportation and exportation in b^nd or for immediate export wk-en sivoh movement can bo made vdthoul: risk to the plant rultures of the Un:'.tsd States, I!oxican citri's fruit is authorized to enter f'^r either of thes'": purposes as folloT.-s: A K^trv jvl_a__2r>jts_ on Border I^^nBPp.' Permits shall be procured in advance of shipment froi.i the Bvroru of }'^tcmolp.g-"- and Plant i^ua-sntine, Tvasld ifr;ton, JJ. Or , by the forv.^irding af:ei:t or other repre- sencativo of the con:?if,noo or rcnsifaor in tli-o United £ bates. Applicr.tion for pora.dts shall indicate the prd_ _S_tates : C'.rs conveying Moxicrn citruc. frait through the United States to Canada or J''exico shall be carofullir swept and freed cf all fruit, o.s vroll as boxes and other rubbish, by the railroad comr)any involved prior to re^i.try into the United Statc-s. 3ntr;/_ via^ h-r r t h_ At 1 - a r. t i c ^ Pc r t s C-^nditions as in A 1 (Permits), 5 (■•Notice cf arrival), 6 (inspection), 9 (cleaning of cars prior to return to the United States), and in addition as follcv;s: 9S?-£}-P-^f^Jti^ry\^^ \r>2-J?.' citrus fruit produced in any prrt of liexicc . -5- 2, Author! z 3d portn 2JLj2'^^'IX.'' -•'^"^'^ York pnd Boston and such other northern ports as may later be approved. 3« Period of entry; Sntry is authorized only durinp the period October I5 to March I5. Ij. Authorized rout_in^; All shipments shall move by ivater direct to Vev/- York or Boston or to suoh othoi- northern ports as may later be approved for i^iiediate direct export or for immediate transportation and exportation in bond by direct approved rail route to Canada, (Issued under Sees. 352.2 - 352.8) [.B. E. P. Q. 5O7, Jan. 2/+, 19i+q| L.:;E A. STROi.G, Chief, Bureau__ o f_ .^^toTacl 0f;y_^ c nd^ PI r nt_ Quarn ntin_e .