30lufi*48 MDDC - 10U8 TOUTED STATES atomic energt com-hssion oae: eidge TEMESSEE FISSION OE BI-SI'IUTH, LE^D, THALLIUM, PLATHTCM Alff) T.'mTALUM /OrrH HIGE ENERGY P.-VPTICLES I. Perlnan 3. H. Goeckermaxm D. H. Templeton J. J. Howleaid University of California Published for use within the Atomic Energy Commission. Inquiries for additional copies and any questions regarding reproduction by recipients of this document may be referred to the Technical Information Division, Atomic Energy Commission, P. 0. Box E, Oak Eidge, Tennessee. Inasmuch as a declassified document may differ materially from the original classified document by reason of deletions necessary to accoii5)lish declassification, this copy does not constitute authority for declassification of classified copies of a similar docxanent which may bear the same title and authors. Date of Manuscript: Unknown Document Declassified: June 12, 19^7 This document consists of \ pages ^jJNIV. OF FL LIB" ^ DOCUMFNTR nJTp U.S. DEPOSITORY This document is a direct reproduction, by photo offset, of the copy in the files of the Technical Information Division. This method of repro- duction is being used temporarily as an emergency expedient in order to effect earliest possible distribution of the information contained therein. As soon as the expansion of the TID composing unit and of the Oak Ridge printing plant, now under way, is completed, MDDC's will be issued in an attractive permanent form. 1,'DDC - 1048 Fission of Bismuth, Lead, Thallium, Platinum and Tantalum with High Energy Particles I. Perlman, R. H. Goeokerraann, D. H. Templeton and J. J. Rowland Radiation Laboratory and Department of Chemistry University of California, Berkeley, California May 16, 1947 f^-. ttie Atomic Energy CoamiisDion DC - low It is of interest to -speculate on the mechanism of the fission In view of the high degree of excitation of the compound nucleus. Since the probability of fission would increase with a greater charge/ (3) mass ratio and since it is known that large numbers of neutrons may be ejected from such highly excited nuclei, it seems likely that the actual fission reaction is preceded, on the average, by fthe boiling- off of a large n\imber of neutrons. Some experimental evidence sup- porting this view is the appearance of light isotopes for a given element in a few cases and the finding that the most probable fission results in products the sum of whose masses lies well below that of the target mass number. However, the same observations would result If the fission reaction would occur first with the fragments still in highly excited states after dissipation of their kinetic energy. The co-operation of Prof. R. L. Thornton, Dr. D. C. Sewell and all those whose operation of the 184-inch cyclotron made these irradia- tions possible is gratefully acknov/ledged . We wish to thank Professor E. 0. Lawrence for continued interest and Professor G. T. , Seaborg for helpful discussions regarding this work. 1) Plutonium Project compilation of nuclei formed in fission. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 68, 2411(1946). 2) G. T. Seaborg "Table of Isotopes" , Rev. Mod. Phys . 16_, l(l944) 3) B. B. Cunningham, H. H. Hopkins, >M. Lindner, D. R. Miller, P. R. O'Connor, I. Pcrlman, G. T. Seaborg and R. C. Thompson, Paper to be given before Stanford University meeting of the American Physical Society, July 11-12, 1947. UNIVERSITY OF FlORIDA 3 1262 08909 7512