GLADIOLUS THRIPS MXRY F. BENSON a. Adult thnps: b, egg; c, larva; d, pupa (or resting stage); e, foliage and flower spike showing typical feeding injury; /, uninjured gladi- olus corm; g, corms injured by feeding of thnps, showing charac- teristic russeted appearance, (a, b, c, and d about 20 times natural size; e, /, and g about one-halt natural size.) (See other side for life history and control) Bureau of Entomology and PUnt Quarantine States Department of Agriculture Picture Sheet No. 6 GLADIOLUS THRIPS (Taeniothrips simplex Mor.) Life I listen The gladiolus thrips overwinters on the stored corms, where feed- ing and reproduction are continuous as long as the temperature Is above 50° F. During the growing season the foliage and (lowers of the growing plant are attacked. The eggs are inserted in the plant ti>sue. Under favorable conditions a generation of the thrips may he completed in 2 weeks or less. The larvae and adults are responsible for tin' injury; no feeding occurs in the pupal stage. Control This thrips is subject to chemical control, either on the stored corms or on the growing plants. Very often both types of control measure's may be used. Control on the Corms On dormant corms the thrips may be eliminated by the use of naphthalene (lakes. Apply the flakes at the rate of 1 ounce per 100 corms and leave them with the corms for 4 weeks at a temperature of ()()° to 70° F. The conns may be contained in paper sacks, or in bulb trays or boxes covered with paper. Do not use naphthalene on non- dormant corms. If late spring treatments are necessary, soak the corms for 12 to 24 hours in a solution of 1 ounce of mercuric chloride (corrosive sublimate) in 7}i gallons of water, in an earthenware or wooden container. Control on the Plants The growing plants should be watched for evidence of thrips feeding; and if such feeding is noted, spraying should be begun at once and continued at weekly intervals until flowering. If infested plants are not sprayed until blooming, the (lowers cannot be saved. The spray should be applied as a fine mist, and an effort made to avoid run-off. The recommended spray combination is as follows: Small Large quantities quantities Tartar emetic. - 1 ounce. 2 pounds. Brown sugar.. 2 ounces. I pounds. Witter 3 gaUons. LOO gallons. 16 20760 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09082 4649 April 1941 U.S. Government Printing Office For Bale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, I). C. Price 5 cents