3 o E> p< q # ^g^ Effective December 5, 1949 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND FLINT QUARANTINE FOREIGN QUARANTINE NOTICES ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS EXEMPTING STERILE CULTURES OF ORCHID SEEDLINGS FROM PERIMT REQUIREMENT On October 26, 1949, there was published in the Federal Register ( 14 F.R. 6522) notice of the proposed issuance of administrative instructions exempting sterile cultures of orchid seedlings in glass containers from the individual permit requirements of the regulations supplemental to the nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (7 CFR 319*37-1 «£ seq.). After due consideration of all relevant matters presented, including the proposals set forth in the aforesaid notice, and pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine by the first proviso of the said quarantine (7 CFR 319»37(a)), administrative instructions are hereby issued as follows: § 319.37a Administrative instructions exempting sterile cultures of orchid seedlings in glass containers from some of the requirements of nursery s tock, plant, and seed quarantine regulations .— Sterile cultures of orchid seedlings in glass containers may be imported into the United States without further permit other than the authorization contained in this paragraph, but subject to the conditions and requirements of § 319*37-2. These instructions exempt sterile cultures of orchid seedlings in glass containers frcm the individual permit requirements of the regulations supple- mental to nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine No. 37 (7 CFR 319*37-1 et se