°\ TECHNICAL NOTE number 119 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY FOREST SERVICE MADISON 8. WISCONSIN EVI8ED DECEMBER 1952 T STRENGTH OF SOUTHERN PINE DOUGLAS-FIR COMPARED There is little difference between the strength of the southern pines and that of Douglas -fiT from the Pacific Northwest, tests made at the United States Forest Products Laboratory show. True longleaf yellow pine averages heavier, stronger, and tougher than Douglas - fir. Longleaf pine, however, is somewhat variable in its properties so that its lower range is comparable to the lower range inDouglas-fir. True shortleaf pine averages heavier and tougher than the fir, but is about equal to it in strength as a beam or post. Loblolly pine, though averaging heavier than the fir, is some- what weaker. The difference in strength between any of these pines and Douglas -fir is not so great but that low density pieces of the one species are weaker than the average for the other species. As far as strength properties are concerned, the choice between any two lots of southern pine and Douglas -fir will depend upon the grade and density of the timber composing each lot. ZM3813l+F U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Library Experiment Stations . K. Cresap, Librarian / iry — 209 Horticulture Bldg/ Gai. Agr icu Iture-Mad 1 son UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA II II III 3 1262 09216 7229