B. E. P. Q. 553, Revised Effective July 19, 1950 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUl AGRICliLTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTCBCDLCOy AND PLA: T T QUARANTINE DOMESTIC c; NOTICES PINK B0LD.70RM ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS AUTHORIZING METHODS OF TREATING COTTONSEED AND MOVEMENT OF COTTONSEED FROM HEAVILY INFESTED AREA TO ANY DESTINATION UPON CERTAIN TREATMENT Pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Chief of the Bureau of Ento- mology and Plant Quarantine by the second proviso of Pink Bollworm Quarantine *io. 52 (7 CFR 301.52), under section 8 of the Plant Quarantine Act, as amended (7 U. S. C. l6l), and having determined that facts exist as to the pest risk involved which make it safe to modify, by making loss stringent f the require- ments contained in § 301,52-3 and 5 3C1.52-A (c) (l) and (2; of the regulations under such quarantine, the following revision of administrative instructions authorizing additional methods of treating cottonseed (7 C! 7 ?. 301.52-Aa; 14 r.P. 5733, 15 F.R. 840) is hereby adopted: § 301»52-4a Administrative, instructions authorizing methods of treating ottonseed and movement of cottonseed from heavily infested r.rra to '■- ~ destination upon certain treatment. C (a) Cottonseed from lirhtly infested area , — For cottonseed originating in the counties of Andrews, I - Uey ( Baylor, Bor , Ircwn, Callahan, Childress, Cochran, Coke, Coleman, Colli; ii, Concho, Cottle, Crane, Crosby, Dawson, Dickens, Donley, Ector, Pi3hor, I" : , ' ird, Gaines, Garza, Glasscock, Gray, Hale, Hall, Hardeman, Haskell, lockley, Howard, Irion, .Jones, Kent, King, Knox, Lamb, Lubbock, Lynn, Martin, 1 , McCulloch, Menard, Midland, Mitchell,. Motley, Nolan, Reagan, Runnels, San Saba, Schleicher, Scurry ^Shackelford, Sterling! Stonewall, Taylor, Terry, Throckmorton, Too Cr. fq-dr^tion of sacked cottonseed . — The seed sh tr Ln an approved fumigation eh : r with thyl brc/ri a dosage 3 pounds per 1000 cubic feet for* an sxposur riod of 24 hours, shall .d stacked on a floor rack which will allow circulation b< - neath the . r.i I ulk • at the beginning of the fumigation shall be 60* F. or above-. A circulating fan shall be op.- • for a period of ?0 minut- introduction of tb fumigant. An ar \tion chamber shall ) lie lined with 3 , Lth all openings fitted tightly against a double row of molded sponge rur 1 gasket ing. Chambers than ] ^ haVi '' c ' '- bination circulating and venting . Cha: 9 than 100 cubic foot shnll have a circulating fan. All chamboi'8 nust : -uro test whereby the time- laps* is mors then 22 C r an int rr.-d r ■ . of 50 mm. on a k .'.-filled open r : mm. ; -.O- ( 2 ) -x-thyl bro mide funJ.cr.tio n c f bu lk cottonseed in stationary ch- ^ers \i) Equipment. The f irrigation chamber shall be cylindrical in shape, with Trails and top made of sheet steel. All .joints or seams must be gastight. It shall have a foundation and base of concrete. The chamber shall have a false floor raised at least 12" above the concrete bottar. perforated by lA" holes A. inches apart in each direction. Tim floor joists shall be staggered so that free circu- lation of air beneath the floor can b3 obtained. It will v :e permissible to in- stall a screw conveyor beneath the floor, protected by an inverted V tunnel, to remove cottonseed from the chamber. All entrances tc ths chamber, except tha exit conveyor channel, must be provided with covers that oari elamped in pLace against sponge rubber gaskets, or be sealed in sere manner, tc provide a gastight closure. Each chamber must be provided with a circulatory system which can draw air from beneath the false floor and return it to the top of the chamber above the load line. This system can be contained entirely within the tank by • in the motor rnd blower on the floor near one wall, and running the re turn duct up the inside cf the wall. If the blower and return duct are outside of the chamber the blower housing and all ducts must be <- stisht . The blower intake shall be connected to two lateral ducts, one across the center cf each half of the bottom of the chamberi These ducts shall have ."cur or five openings spaced equidistant along their length, and adjusted so as to take in approximately equal portions of air at each opening* The duct may be buried in the concrete floor with only the risers opening above the level of the concrete, or .it can be laid directly on the concrete surface. The blower shall have sufficient capacity to R3tablish air circulation through a full load of cottonseed within 10 minutes* (This fact will be de- termined by pressure readings above and b lew the load cf cotti ns j .) In experimental tests, a blower with a blade wheel AO" in diameter, run at 1800 r.p.m., established air circulation in 8 minutes in a 54#5SO cu. ft. chamber through seed A-0 1 deep. As near as can be determined, this b] rc r ha I a rat ' of 6000 to 8000 c.f.m. at a static pressure of 10" • The return duct shsll be arranged so that the discharge can be dlv H to the open air in order that the fumigant can be evacuated at the • nd of the exposure ^riod. (ii) Dosar:e « The dosage of methyl bromide to b ' used in the case of all- metal cylindrical fumigation chambers shall be as follows: Avert d Teoq 1 Dosage : rate (lbs. per 1,000 1 cu. ft.) : Ex; : riod t (hours) 60 e F. or above Below 60° F. (6 (5 12 24 : 12 Tht; doi • hall be introduced as a Into bl 'urn du^t at some point beyond the blower* The circulatory system shall be operated at the beginning for a period to be designated by the inspector in charge* ( 3) Uethyl bromide fq-nication of bulk cottonseed in railway cars or v-r,% ~(i) Equipment . AH-mt;tal freight cars or all-metal trucking vans will be cccptable as fumigation chambers. The floor of the car or van. may be of wood of tight construction. The doors must be single doors and net over 7 feet in width. S.ioJ-kraft pop-jr shall, bo used to cover wooden floors of cars or vans. Doors and ether apertures must be sealed in a manner and with material's as required by the inspector. ch railway car or trucking van shall be prepared so that air can be with- drawn from beneath th.3 seed and returned to the space above the load. This shall bo | rovided by a dispensable duct system r.^ade of 4" downspout perforated at 2" intervals on three sidesj laid on the err floor* A portable blower with cm- necting tubular duct shall be atti to the duct system in the car long enough to pre vide the required circulation. This blower shall have i capacity of not less than 625 CF1 ainst 5" static pressur , • ' hall! -~ i f a design that can be made gastight. The intake 3ide ef the blc-wer shall be connect* d with the duct outlet extended through a paper grain deer (installed in the aperture of the regular door) by means of a 10* length of 6" spiral tubing. A 15* length of 8" spiral tube shall be connected to the exhaust side cf blower to return the air to the space above the load« (ii) Dosage . The- dosage of methyl bromide to be used in the c : \' all- 1 railway cars or all-metal trucJdLr \ vans shall be as follows! : Dos Average Seed Tern] ratur : rate (lbs. : per 1,0C0 : cu. ft.) Exposure period ( hours ) 60* F. or above . 7 B *low 60* 7 . .8 2k 24 The dosage shall be introduced a. - a into the return duct at e i beyond the blower. The gas must be volebil:\?c :1 as it is introduced into t . chamber in manner and method r d by th i r« The railway car a trucking van shall be ' I in such to It a two-foot air space abew the 3c (b) Cett • . ■ i from •■'. ';• '-■■' .sf. d ; •• . — Cottons* 11" Lthin •ilv ii .?• s, as d fin d in. ! j 301 .5. --2, which has been treated as vided in § 301.52-4 (c)'(l) as a part >f the continuous process- of ginni I subsequently prot< ri n ntamin* r ! n and in , within tl \-ily infested an.?., rmy i the f Lng addi ments in i rvlsioj ~-nd ir • n< r appi I by hir, may be c-rtifi n. (1.) Additi-T.nl. h ' - r ■■atrru.pt . — with stuam as the heatii \ i :ium in an .tus a | art from tl gin or gins which - ; it. Th of bhi ' '. during an xp< sur I of 2 minutes. Tht xp< - — - I to travel frca point of entrance into the heater to the point where the tempera- ture reading of the seed is taken beyond the exit of the heater* The hooting apparatus must be sc constructed as t > apply an adequate amount of live steam to the gcko promptly upon entrance into the apparatus^ and radiated hoat for the full Length of the heating unit. The apparatus shall be constructed so as to assure a constant and uniform flc?/ cf cottonseed through the machine v;hen in operation end equipped with devices which will stir the seed 3'; as to ex each seed to both the introduced steam and radiated heat during tlia entire exposure period* (2) ?■ :thyl bromide fumigation of bulk or packed rontons?. od . — As : Lterna- tive treatment, any type of methyl bromide fumigation authorized in subrv - graphs (l)i (2) fT (3) of paragraph (a) of this section for certain counties in the lightly infested area may be employed as the additional tr. t~._nt. The Bureau cf Entomology and Plant Quarantine has made tests which show that methyl bromide fumigation of cottonseed dcea not affect its germir . cr pro- cessing qualities. It has not, however, had an opportunity to tost seed under all conditions or from all areas* Tiro: who sleet to use this method of troatner. are, therefore, hereby notified that no liability shall be attached to the Depart- ment of Agriculture or any of its employ&es for damage to 3eed that might result from application of the treatment of cottonseed with methyl bromide. (c) Approval . — All containers, equipment and apparatus for treatments under those instruct! >ns shall be approved by the Bureau of Entomolqgy and Plant Quaran- tine* Inspectors v.ill approve only such containers, equipment ?nd apparatus as are suitable and effective for the purpose. Any poroon contemplating the erectioj cf equipment or the use >f railway flight car3 or trucldjig vans as fumigation charters under these instructions should rake application and submit plans of pro posed structures for approval to the Bureau cf Entomology and Flar.t Quarantine . After construction cf fumigation chambers, the Bureau of Entomology and PI- Quarantine will require porf< rmancc tests of the loaded chamb ro •• o shall be deemed necessary before final approval is granted. The use cf all-metal railway cars or trucking vans as fumigation chambers i. j available to all shippers from the counties liJted in paragraph (a) of this section, but utilisation of this pro^dur will be -ov -r^ sd by the trained and eanpetent personnel availabl' that can bo assigned to the supervision rtf this type of fumigation. This provision definitely limits the number of shipping points that it will b. possible to designate. Each individual railway car or trucking van must be approved by an inspector of the Bur.au of Ent raclogy and Plant Quarantine befor 1 - ding ; -:ith cottons* ed to be fumigated. Certificates for mcv went of seed tr- ; with methyl bromide will be refused if satisfactory fumigation has not be^n obtained in accordance with performance toots made of the loaded railway car, trucking van icr approved fumigation chamber. (> c. 8, 37 Stat. 318, as amended; 7 U. S. C. l6lj 7 CPR 3^1.52) Those instructions shall beccme effootive July 19, 1950, when they shall B. E. P. Q. 558, effective June 11, 194*. " amended S Pj«*wJ°f 1%?, and February 16, 1950 (7 CFR 301.52-4a, U amended; 14 F.R. 5733, . I •«• 840). Tiv.se r d administrative inetl as add the c -unties ef Curry and Qu , y> n„ the lightly in* stod area in which » rt in y be appli« f> 3. curiar- c rtification for movement t > any dest ina- tion." Such treatments are not now authorised for use in these cou . rhe -5- • "revision al3o authorizes a new method of fumigating bulk cot 4 - d in railway cars or trucking vans as a secend treatment preliminary tc certi 4 "' 'op movement from the heavily infested area to ~ny destination* The r vision thero- fcre relievos restrictions heretofore imposed. It is important that ship] ra be afforded this relief at the earliest possible date. Accordingly, pur be the provisions of section 1+ of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 IJ . 3. G. 1003 } it is found, upon good cause, that notice and public procedure en thd urtend- ment are impracticable and contrary to the public interest, and good cause is found for the issuance of the- revision effective les3 than ; ays after its publication in the Federal Register, Done at Washington, D. C, this 10th day of July, 1950* UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09313 7189