fy Hawaii Agricultural Experiment HONOLULU. E. V. WILCOX, Special Agent in Charge. PRESS BULLETIN INO. 24. A Preliminary Report Experiments By F. G. KRAUSS. \^ NSW Expert in Agriculture, Hawaii Experiment StVflfij,- Un States Department of Agriculture. X ;ress inve'sfciea^,*'' The Hawaii Experiment Station has in progress inve'sfciga, tions in the culture of cotton, of which this bulletin is a first re- port. Nine varieties or strains, representing three distinct class- es, are under comparative test for yield, quality of lint, habits of growth and methods of culture. Considerable attention is be- ing given to the selection of superior individual specimens, with a view to securing desirable mother plants from which to breed pure strains. It is believed that a method of propagation has been devised whereby the qualities of an individual plant may be perpetuated. Owing to the tendency of cotton to cross-fertilize, plants propagated by seed show more or less variability and any scheme which will tend to establish a uniform strain should prove a distinct aid in cotton breeding. A systematic pruning experiment was begun as soon as the first crop was harvested, the general culture project including the test Hawaii has exceptionally fine climatic conditions for cotton. The in- creasing demand for cotton in the world's markets puts upon us the duty of adding to the supply. To grow the best cotton requires care- ful selection of seed. This cannot be done in the nurseries without danger of hybridzation. Fortunately, the effects of crossing can be easily avoided by the propagation of selected plants through cuttings. The present bulletin contains the first published account of this method as applied to cotton. By its use the cotton breeder will be able to ac- complish results without danger of the mixing of strains by cross-ferti- lization. — E. V. Wilcox. *•. en H W »— • W X u ON o H H O u o CD W H W — < > o Q W w < S 8 £ LU UJ ^ i "3 «a '5 o _2 t — — '— — I I + £ & & i 7 7 + V* \H \M VSO 4- o — . £ ° ■2 t. c-cjo o o o * 2 3 ■- 2 ♦f o 9 * 03 ^ < O Pi ~ 'O o> c S = s p s 3 l> TJ O ■3 ~. c- o © o ■d . o T 7" U 5 - P.2 ed 'C . £ c OOsJ H ^ ~ ^ !N o o tj -r i* « S -< 5 I Pi s § S X cs © X 8 8 o o > > > M- **• "* o c o ~- ^ w XXX Su 3 _. ir; tt N X X - - I O i o ^ ^ ^ x x x bi ti ii I I I < < < -III g * S g 2mc § * - c i> ^i o o o a o o g £ £ S fa 5 -d d 6 .5 £ 5 5 -a § 5 d S3 - M t- <- * oa oa CM « iH ^ o v £ 55 Sep - a o 5 h fi o ^ V V, -r J. u X Gi O 3 c o -t o a X "g "=o '3 S £ O . Pi 13 - -" it |5 m 5 ► S ° ;iri 111 o — 3 a3 S § o C o o s > 52 55 X — — ■J ci O O t t E- H x — ■ DO « ^ -' _ — C\) fV^ XJ. (^ of varieties as a perennial crop. In addition to the experiments conducted on the Station grounds, which are here reported in full, several cooperative experiments were conducted with in- terested parties in different parts of Oahu, the results of which are only briefly recorded. Beginning with the present year, two carefully planned experiments on a large scale were under- taken w T ith private parties cooperatively, the Station supplying the seed, fertilizers and supervision. That much local interest is being taken in cotton culture is at- tested by the application for seed and information, which has taxed the Station to the utmost. Seed has been distributed to about fifty applicants, representing many sections throughout the islands. Altogether, seed sufficient to plant about 200 acres has been distributed within the last twelve months and it is safe to say that at least 100 acres are planted to cotton at this time. While definite conclusions cannot be drawn from a single set of experiments, the present data may indicate some of the possi- bilities of cotton growing in Hawaii. VARIETY TESTS. Table I summarizes the results of the first year's comparative test of varieties. The Sea Island type of cotton is characterized by its long, strong, silky staple especially adapted to the manu- facture of fine threads and mercerized goods. It brings the highest price of all cottons, ranging from 20 to 50 cents a pound, according to quality and supply. The demand is said to be con- stantly increasing, and while the market for the choicest grades at the highest prices is now rather limited, it does not seem like- ly that the amount that may be grown in Hawaii can material- ly affect the market. As will be seen by referring to Table I, seed sown March 9th- 30th, produced a first picking August 8th ; a second, September 14th; and a third, on October 12th. The Florida strain yielded at the rate of 1322 pounds seed cotton per acre, equivalent to 409 pounds lint, or thirty-one per cent. The Georgia strain pro- duced at the rate of 2270 pounds seed cotton, yielding 31 per cent fiber, or an equivalent of 703 pounds lint per acre. It should be noted that the first picking gave by far the largest yield, main- ly because subsequent pickings became infested with the boll- worm. The quality of the lint, the weights of which are record- ed, was very choice, ranging from i 1-2 to 2 inches in length and of good color and strength. Aside from that grown at the Station, an especially fine sample of lint was grown at Hauula from the. same stock of seed. Concerning its culture the grower writes, under date of October 19, 1908, as follows: "The seeds were planted last April, on the edge of a marsh. The cotton sent you (13 1-4 pounds seed-cotton) is from about forty plants growing from six to eight inches apart and about six feet high. Much of the cotton was lost owing to the wind, and its late picking." This little test represents a very high yield, an average of five ounces per plant, from one picking, with plants set less than one foot apart. Another lot, grown at Waialee, gave similar results. A large area of land of this type is available for cotton culture. Four different samples, submitted to D. N. Shoemaker, cot- ton expert, of the U. S. Department of Agriculture at Wash- ington were rated as follows : "Sample E* — Sea Island, (unginnedi), Florida Strain. Color, white Length, 1 1-2—1 7-8 inches Strength, good Drag, good Covering of seed, good for Sea Island Uniformity of lint, fair." "Sample Ff— Sea Island, Georgia Strain. Color, white, Length, 1 1-2 — 1 7-8 inches Strength, good Drag, good Covering of seed, good Uniformity, good." The A. P. Brantley Company reported as follows: "We should say that sample H$ has staple quite two inches in length, and is very strong, fine cotton. We consider sample G-* to have staple 1 3-4 to 1 7-8 inches in length and is also fine and strong. "We do not think there is any Georgia or Florida cotton in this crop to compare with this cotton. We should think that it would class more nearly with Fine or Extra Fine Islands. We notice that these two grades are quoted in Charleston, S. C, at 22 and 24 cents. "It is quite difficult to estimate the value of this cotton, because it is in a class by itself." * Station Test No. 100 f Station Test No. 101. t Hauula cooperative experiment. * Waialee cooperative experiment. Samples were likewise submitted to the cotton factors' asso- ciation of Bremen, Germany, who made a most extended and favorable report, quoting 30 to 34 cents per pound for lots of sufficient quantity. Other reports have been similarly favor- able and it would appear that there is an active demand for this quality of cotton at good prices. Compared with the yields, obtained in the Sea Island belt, the Station experimental yields, based on one-tenth acre plots, as well as those of smaller lots grown cooperatively, were very satisfactory. Authorities are also unanimous as to high quality of the fiber. It would appear that the samples grown on the windward side of the island direct- ly facing the sea, have better conditions for producing the de- sirable qualities of length, fineness and strength of fiber. The bolls of Sea Island cotton are small as compared with those of other types, averaging about 102 to the pound, which, together with the rather tenacious grasp in which the cotton is held, increases the cost of picking over that of other sorts. From 50 to 60 pounds of seed cotton per day was the maximum amount picked by a fairly active Japanese laborer, or, at the rate of about five cents per pound for lint. Experienced pickers could doubtlessly do much better. At this writing (March 30, 1909), the second year's crop is well under way. Squares are forming in great profusion, and it is believed that the yield will average 50 per cent greater than that from the first year plants. After the third and final picking of the crop, in October 1908, seven months from seeding, the pruning experiment was begun in accordance with the following- plan : Series I, plants cut back immediately after final picking, October 12th, prunings burned to destroy infested bolls; Series II, Plants cut back immediately following December rains; Se- ries III, Plants cut back January 2, 1909; Series IV, Plants not pruned. Two types of pruning were adhered to under each se- ries. In one type, the plants were cut back to within three or four inches of the ground, which is designated as type "A ;" and in the other, the plants were pruned back to 12-20 inches, or equivalent to one-third to one-half their original growth, which has been designated as type "B." Xo laterals were permitted on the low pruned plants but spurs bearing two to four buds were maintained on the long pruned canes, if they were well located. 6 Most of the plants had shed the greater part of their leaves during the dry period following the last picking in October, and in consequence, remained quite dormant up to the first rains in December. However, the plants pruned immediately after har- vest, especially those pruned low, were forced into fairly active growth almost immediately after being cut back. The different periods and types of pruning, together with the dry and wet sea- sons, are means for controlling the resting period of the plant, and within certain limits, the subsequent fruiting period and har- vest of the crop. Thus, as was to be expected, drought and noninterference brought about partial dormancy, while on the other hand, pruning, irrigation and cultivation stirred the plant to renewed activity, apparently in direct ratio to the degree and sequence in which the several influencing factors were applied. The most marked results followed a combination of all the con- ditions named. So far as these factors can be controlled, they will aid the grower in securing the strongest and most uniform plants ; in determining the best seasons for maturity, from the standpoint of labor and prices ; in the control of insect pests and dis- eases ; and in obtaining the quality and quantity of product, which will determine success or failure. From present indications, the best growth is secured from low pruning in January. Plants so treated are making the strongest and most uniform growth of wood, and appear to be the most prolific. Their season of ripening should prove much more favorable than that of plants pruned in October. The lat- ter already show an occasional mature boll, as well as great irre- gularity in fruiting when pruned high. It should be remem- bered that the foregoing applies primarily, if not entirely, to the Sea Island cotton. The qualities to be sought in Sea Island cotton are long lint (i 3-4 inch or longer), uniform staple, strength and drag of fiber, high percentage of lint, lustrous cream-white color, fineness, productiveness, well formed plants, long medium-large well filled bolls, and resistance to disease. There is every indication that Sea Island cotton will adapt it- self to culture as a perennial. The plants on the Station grounds are entering their second year in promising conditon. And as is well known, many stray specimens in the islands are five or more years old and still flourishing. A limited amount of Sta- tion grown seed is available for distribution. Test No. 1 02 deals with an upland type of cotton of Chinese origin. The seed was procured from Mr. Ah Ai, to whom it was sefnt from China as of exceptional quality. The fiber is said to be used entirely for mixture with wool, and it is claimed, com- mands a ready sale at prices equivalent to about 40 cents Ameri- can currency. . As will be seen by referring to Table I this cotton gave the heaviest yield per plant of all varieties tested, sixteen plants approximating an average yield of one pound seed cot- ton per plant, equivalent to 1150 pounds of lint cotton per acre, if planted 2 1-2 by 5 feet apart. The plants are dwarf as compared with the Sea Island type, of broad base and pyramidal form ; very compact and of uniform growth ; fruiting limbs branch frequently and occur at close in- tervals. The plant is an extremely prolific and continuous bear- er. As grown at the Station during the past year, the plants were slower in maturing than the Sea Island, the first picking be- ing made September 12th. An average of nearly 50 mature bolls per plant presented themselves at one time. The locks were very easily picked and showed some inclina- tion to shed when left too long. Nearly twice as much of this cotton could be picked in a given time as of Sea Island, the bolls in addition being somewhat larger and more easily reached. The percentage of lint to seed is larger than in Sea Island, averaging 34.5 per cent, but the fiber bears no comparison in length. Concerning samples of lint of this variety submitted to Mr. Shoemaker, who judged the Sea Island samples, we have the following; report : "Color, white Length, 7-8 inches Strength, good Drag, fair Covering of seed, fairly heavy Uniformity of lint, good." "It would grade as Very fair American Upland in length/' The Chinese are said to claim for it unusual qualities of "warmth and feel," and because of these qualities, it is termed 8 "fire" cotton, and should the demand and prices be satis - factory this variety may prove of special value in certain local- ities where Sea Island does not thrive. It seems drought re- sisting, and is believed to be hard/. The plant does not seem to be as well adapted to perennial culture as Sea Island, a number of the plants dying at the end of the first season. Several of the pruned plants, however, are making a fairly vigorous growth and may in time acquire the habit of persisting from year to year. The same general scheme of pruning as applied to the Sea Island cotton was adopted for this variety, but the limited number of plants available makes conclusions uncertain at this time. Samples of lint have been submitted to cotton factors in China and reports will be given to the press. A limited amount of selected seed is available for distribution. The Caravonica cottons (tests Nos. 106-108), were grown from seed received from the originator in Queensland in 1905, by Mr. William M. Langton, who passed it on to the Station for trial. The seed was sown in July and is probably the first Caravonica cotton grown in Hawaii. Caravonica ''wool," (test No. 104), and Caravonica "silk" (test No. 105), were grown from seed secured by Mr. E. W. Jordan from the originator in 1907. The Caravonica class of cottons are of a comparatively new type, of hybrid origin, one of the parents unquestionably being the Sea Island with a probable admixture of the arborescent kid- ney type. The three strains designated by the originator as "wool," "silk" and "kidney" are characterized by their large, up- right growth which assumes a tree form after the second year. The plant succeeds eminently as a perennial and three year old plants of the three types, grown on the Station grounds, show every indication of persisting indefinitely. The heavy yielding power of this class of cottons is indicated in Table I, (tests Nos. 106-108). A conservative estimate of aver- age yields from two year old plants, in a series of ten speci- mens, are 104, 70 and 57 ounces seed cotton per single plant, covering a period of approximately twelve months. This is equivalent to yields of 4505, 2975 and 2448 pounds of seed cot- ton, respectively per acre, with plants set 10 x 10 feet apart, which allows 680 plants per acre. The percentage of lint was 37, 32 and 29 per cent, respectively. The length and quality of the fiber had greatly deteriorated, but this was probably due to the entire neglect of the plants, which had not been tilled, irri- gated or pruned for over a year. The plants appear to be res- ponding to a severe pruning and it is hoped that the original quality may be restored by careful culture. Test No. 103.. a selection from the neglected plants in test No. 106, yielded a considerably better sample of lint than was obtained from the parent plants. The yields were fair consider- ing that the habit of this class is to fruit late. The planting- was made at the same distance as the Sea Island and Upland, which overcrowded the plants, doubtless to their detriment. The percentage of lint was not so high as in the parent stock, nor does the uniformity appear as good. This may be explained as being due to cross-fertilization, the three strains being planted in close proximity. Mr. Shoemaker submits the following report concerning sam- ples of this variety : '"Sample B — Caravonica Wool Cotton, 1908 Crop. Color, slightly darker brown than A Length, 1 1-4 — 1 1-2 inches Strength, very strong Drag, good Covering of seed, fairly heavy Uniformity of lint, only fair Seeds many of them of the 'Kidney type." 'This sample lacks a great deal of being uniform, and this is the one great fault of Caravonica cotton — it is a hybrid and one of the parents is a 'Kidney' cotton ; that is, the seeds are all glued together in a mass in the center of each lock. The lint in this sample varies greatly in length, and the variation in the character of the seeds would probably make considerable diffi- culty in ginning." Caravonica "Wool" (test No. 104), although planted at ample distances apart, yielded lightly, averaging 6.3 ounces seed cot" ton per plant up to November 30th, eight months after planting. A subsequent picking in December, just preceding pruning, brought the yield per plant up to the average Sea Island. Since however, the plants require at least twice as much room as the Sea Island, and Upland types, it will be seen that the yields would be smaller. The amount of lint is high, averaging about 40 per cent. As will be seen from Mr. Shoemaker's report, which fol- lows, the quality of the lint is considered choice. TO Sample C— Caravonica Wool Cotton, 1908 Crop. Color, much like first sample* Length, 1 1-4—1 3-8 inches Strength, very strong Drag, good Covering of seed, heavy Uniformity of lint, fair..'* "I think this sample is hardly so uniform as sample "A" ; but otherwise, not far different." As in the case of pruning the Sea Island cotton, this test shows the same general effects, i. e., late, low pruning tends to the pro- duction of a uniform growth of canes, together with unformity in fruiting. This report would be incomplete without a brief mention of the remarkable results obtained by Mr. E. C. Smith at The Peninsula near Pearl City. In a well sheltered spot, some thirty hills were planted to the identical stock seed sown in test No. 104. The ground is of a broken coral formation in- termixed with a dry silty loam. It appears to be shallow, but papaias, bananas and other garden truck thrive with but little ir- rigation. The elevation is about ten feet above sea-level. Sown on January 6, 1908, the plants began bearing in August, and have continued to fruit almost uninterruptedly up to the present time. Careful test weighings from the three best plants, cover- ing the first twelve months of growth, gave the following yields in seed cotton, averaging 40 per cent lint : 36, 40 and 48 ounces respectively. Of this cotton, Mr. Shoemaker reports as follows : "Sample A— Caravonica Wool Cotton, 1908 Crop. Color, light brown, much like Egyptian Length 1 1-2—1 3-8 inches Strength, very strong, much stronger than ordinary cotton. Drag, very good Covering of seed, heavy Uniformity of lint, good." "This is a very beautiful sample of cotton, and I believe that if you could secure a field which would uniformly produce this grade, that it would be very much more valuable than any other sample submitted; in fact, more valuable than most of the Sea Island that is produced anywhere at present." * See report on Caravonica cotton grown by E. C. Smith. II Samples of this cotton have been submitted to American, Eng- lish, French and German cotton experts, all of whom have made favorable reports, and prices ranging- from 14 to 23 cents per pound have been freely quoted. It seems certain that this va- riety would prove of exceptional fitness to well sheltered low- lands. An extensive area is being planted, and definite data may be looked for at the end of another year. A cooperative pruning experiment is being conducted with Mr. Smith's plants. It ap- pears that, under his conditions, high pruning, similar to that practised by California prune-growers, will give the best results. CULTURAL NOTES. Soil. — The experiments herein recorded were conducted at the Station grounds on a well drained, silty loam of fair depth and moderate fertility. The cotton plant appears to thrive best in light, rather than heavy soils, although thrifty plants abound throughout the islands on all kinds of soil. Temperature. — The Station records show the minimum tem- perature, covering the period of these experiments, to have been 58 F. and the maximum, 86° F. The mean minimum was 64. 5 and the mean maximum, 84. 3 . The average tem- perature for the year was 73.0°. The Station grounds are at about 70 feet elevation. Xo data are at hand on the limits of temperature and elevation for the cotton crop in Hawaii, but it is hoped that the numerous plantings now made will shed need- ed light on this phase of the work. Moisture. — The rainfall during the period in this report, ap- proximated 30 inches. In addition to the natural precipita- tion, the cotton planted in March received three irrigations, all of which preceded May 1st. This brought the total moisture up to approximately 33 inches for the year. The total moisture supplied up to the first picking was something less than 20 inches. It is believed that the cotton plant, when once estab- lished, is tolerant to a lesser amount of moisture than most of our cultivated crops, and that it may be grown over a wide range of unirrigated territory by the aid of thorough tillage calculated to husband limited amount of soil moisture. The moisture in the Station cotton plots, as determined by the Station chemist, was found to be 14.06-17. 51 per cent one foot below the surface during the periods of greatest growth. 12 Tillage. — Insufficient tillage was accorded the cotton plots during the earlier stages of preparation. After lying in undis- turbed fallow for some months, the ground cracked badly through drought. A single plowing, followed immediately by a discing and cross-discing, preceded the planting of the seed. The short interval between breaking up the land and seeding was too short to prepare a suitable seed bed and bring about a conserva- tion of soil moisture ; and a preliminary irrigation had to be made to facilitate germination. Subsequent tillage was frequent and thorough, and although the season was unusually dry, two additional irrigations were found sufficient to carry the crop to successful fruiting. Tillage, has been found to be a most im- portant factor in the culture of cotton. Deep plowing, at least on our leeward uplands, where the nature of the sub-soil per- mits, would seem advisable. Storage room is thus provided for the conservation of all the rainfall; the deep rooted cotton ob- tains a good foothold and the feeding ground for the extensive root system is greatly enlarged. Frequent shallow surface til- lage lessens evaporation by providing a soil or dust mulch ; keeps the soil aerated ; destroys weeds and avoids the harboring of in- sect pests. Planting. — The- Sea Island cottons and Caravonica "Wool" cotton (103) were planted in hills two and one-half feet apart in rows five feet apart, or 3484 hills per acre. Five seeds were planted in a hill, two inches deep. All but a single strong seed- ling were removed when the plants were six to ten inches tall. The Sea Island seed germinated very poorly and some destruc- tion by cut-worms necessitated considerable transplanting to make a full stand. Transplanted seedlings never attain as good growth as plants from direct sowings, although sturdy seedlings may be successfully transplanted under favorable weather condi- tions. With late plantings, or in localities with minimum moisture, it is recommended to plant the Sea Island and Upland cottons in four foot rows, hills two feet apart in the row. Early plantings in more favorable locations had better be planted 2 1-2x5 ^ eet apart. Especially important is this wider spacing when the crop is grown as a perennial. In this case it will be necessary to re- move every alternate plant the second year, making the final stand 5x5 feet, or 1742 plants per acre. Our Caravonica plants stand approximately 8x8 feet apart. This is too close for two 13 year old plants under our conditions, 10 x 10 feet would be bet- ter ; but for less favorable conditions, 4x8 feet apart for the first year, thinned out to 8 x 8 feet would give good results. The Caravonica Nos. 104 and 105, were planted very wide apart, but would have yielded quite as w r ell had they been plant- ed closer. In calculating acre yields, 5 x 10 feet was used as the space factor. The results obtained with Caravonica No. 103 indicate that much closer planting would be feasible for the first year's growth, but more experience is necessary to prove this point. It has also been found that close planting acts as a pro- tective measure against destructive winds, especially while the growth is young and brittle. The severe winds of November 28th and 29th failed to damage mature plants, while less severe winds at an earlier period badly shattered the Caravonica plants growing far apart. To avoid the expense of hand tillage as much as possible, it is essential that planting be done in straight check rows at suffi- cient distances apart to facilitate horse cultivation. Planting may also be done with a horse seeder, but until seed becomes more plentiful, it will be more economical to plant by hand. The best season for planting has not yet been determined ex- perimentally, but it is believed that as soon as the ground is in good working condition, after the first of January, and up to the first of March, cotton may be planted on the leeward side of Oahu. Planting later than March, unless the rainy season ex- tends beyond that time, will likely result in the plants making a poor growth unless irrigation is provided. On the other hand, early planting should be avoided in excessively wet localities. To a certain extent, the time of planting controls the harvest- ing period. The aim should be to have the crop mature at the most favorable season for picking, both from the standpoint of weather conditions and labor supply. During the past year the Upland cotton matured in six to seven months ; the Sea Island in about the same length of time ; and the Caravonica. from one to two months later. Fertilization and Rotation. — The cotton plant is a strong feed- er and it seems very likely that our most fertile soils may within a few years of cotton growing, respond profitably to a rational system of. fertilization. A fertilizer experiment was attempted in connection with the Sea Island cotton during the past year, 14 and while some benefit appears to have resulted from the appli- cation of 300 pounds per acre of a complete fertilizer ; based up- on the removal of an average crop of cotton, the unusual dry weather made the outcome too uncertain to form definite con- clusions. We now have in progress a fertilizer experiment covering two acres. That the rotation of other crops with cotton will prove benefi- cial, there can be no doubt. Experiments along: this line are well under way ; but it will require several years before definite data can be secured. Corn, soy beans, peanuts and other legu- minous crops would enter well into a two or three-course rota- tion. In the southern United States corn and cow peas most frequently enter into rotation with cotton, although in the Sea Islands themselves, rotation is too often neglected. Picking and Ginning. — Picking will probably prove the heav- iest item of expense and one of the most difficult problems the Hawaiian cotton grower will have to meet, until the industry be- comes adjusted. Tests made on a small scale at the Station in- dicate, that a good Japanese laborer can not pick over fifty pounds of average Sea Island cotton per day of ten hours ; pos- sibly a fourth more of Caravonica ; and at best, a hundred pounds ot Upland, which is the easiest of all to pick. Greater skill would doubtlessly be acquired with experience. Even by piece work, the cost at present would probably run from $1 .00 to $2.00 per too pounds seed-cotton, depending on the varietv and yield. The removal of the lint from the smooth seeded cottons, such a3 the Sea Island and Caravonica types, is done on the roller- gin to avoid injury to the long and more delicate staple. The more closely adhering and coarser Upland lint is removed on saw-gins, which also have greater capacity. Small machines of both types, are on the market ; but a large central ginning plant would prove more economical when the area under cotton war- ranted its establishment. For experimental purposes, the Sta- tion uses a simple wooden contrivance of Japanese manufacture, which is well suited for the removal of seed from selected plants. Its cost is about $5.00. By replacing the rubber rollers on a wash-wringer, with wooden ones, a simple roller-gin of twenty 01 thirty pounds daily capacity could easily be made. Seed Selection. — To the writer's mind the most important single factor in the future success of the cotton industry in Ha- i5 waii will be the development and maintenance of superior strains of the type of cotton which proves best suited to a given locality. Grade and quantity of lint are the chief qualities sought for in cotton, although the value of seed may in time prove equally important. These qualities are very largely hereditary, and as the plant is extremely variable, the opportunities for selection are correspondingly great. The striking difference between individuals among a given lot of plants are well illustrated in our experiments with the Sea Island cottons. In row 4, of the Florida strain, the plants rang- ed from 24 to 60 inches in height; adjoining plants bore 30 to 120 bolls, and yielded four to 18 ounces of seed-cotton. The percentage and length of lint were somewhat more uniform, but differences in these respects were sufficiently marked to al- low of considerable improvement by selection. Other qualities, such as early and late maturing, length of fruiting period, ease of picking, inclination to shatter, resistance to pests and diseases, all may be controlled to a large extent by careful selection. Some sixty selections of individual plants have been made during the past year from among the Station plants. These will be planted separately and selection made, generation after genera- tion, a definite ideal being kept in mind. It will be well for grow- ers to start out with the best seed obtainable, and then select rigidly their best plants for stock seed. The seed from each mother plant should be sown separately and the progeny again carefully examined for breeding plants showing improvement. A single plant will yield 500 or more seeds the first year, and the progeny from this stock should pro- duce sufficient seed to plant from ten to twenty acres the year following. In the search for a method whereby the qualities of an in- dividual specimen might be perpetuated, a scheme of propaga- tion by layers or cuttings was hit upon. It was noted that the old Caravonica plants budded freely from the surface roots and as many as ten plants were secured from a single lateral by this method. This suggested that similar results might be secured from cuttings of the branches and a large number were made from immature wood. These gave indifferent results and a more systematic experiment was undertaken as the plants ma- UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1262 08929 9142 16 tured and were ready for general pruning. Accordingly, on De- cember 15th, cuttings were made from a number of select plants, representing the three classes of cotton under experiment. Se- lecting the best formed and most fruitful branches, cuttings were made from the tip end, the intermediate portion and the base. Cuttings eight to ten inches long and containing five to eight eyes, were cut from each of the three divisions and planted in the field after the manner of rooting grape cuttings. The Sea Island and Caravonica cottons rooted equally well, about fifty per cent of all the cuttings planted rooting and making a satisfac- tory growth. The Caravonica root cuttings practically all grew, and are making a fine growth. The Upland cuttings failed en- tirely. With the Sea Island, the base cuttings rooted best, but with the Caravonicas, the tip cuttings gave the largest percent- age of strong plants. With the Caravonica root cuttings, all portions were of about equal value. At this writing one hundred days from planting, the cuttings have grown from twelve to thirty inches in height. Squares are forming on some of the advanced plants, and the general growth compares favorably with stock grown from seed. It is believed that a larger per- centage of cuttings can be made to grow under more favorable conditions. Mr. E. C. Smith of Pearl City has demonstrated that it is feasible to propagate the Caravonica cottons by budding, and this method would likewise lend itself to furthering the work in hand. The plan now is to grow any desired number of cotton va~ rieties and strains in comparative tests and as individual plants are selected for breeding purposes they are marked. When the proper time for pruning arrives all available wood is utilized for cuttings. These are then planted in isolated plots and allowed to fruit. The resultant seed will be of a pure strain. Should continuous inbreeding tend to the deterioration of a strain, some method of line-breeding, as successfully practiced by breeders of other crops, can doubtlessly be devised, the ''ear-row" plan for the improvement of cotton being suggested as a feasible method. The important point is that we now have a simple method whereby the exceptional individual when once found may be propagated true to type.