E2/Central America UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D ? C. B.E.P.Q. kk5, Supplement No. 6 October 2k, 1950 PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF CENTRAL AMERICA THE REPUBLIC OF COSTA RICA AMENDMENTS TO PLANT QUARANTINE REGULATIONS • According to information supplied "by the American Embassy, San Jose, Costa Rica, concerning amendments to the regulations governing the importation of plants, seeds, etc., into Costa Rica the following action has been taken.: - Presidential Decree No. Ik of November 8, 1929, on which the summary for Costa Rica on pages 5 and 6 of B.E.P.Q. kk5 was based, was amended by Decree No. 7°1 of La Junta Fundadora of the Second Republic, published in La Gaceta No. 205, September 13, 19^9, to be effective on that date. The amendments add cacao to coffee and sugarcane as plants ' which may not be imported by private persons, although at least one official agency, The National Agricultural Center, is permitted to import such plants for research. The un- restricted entry of several classes of seeds provided for in Article 6 of Decree No..l4 has been revoked. In the interim since 1929 a Plant Protection Service (Servicio de Sanidad Vegetal) has been set up in the Department of Agriculture which has taken over the in- spection duties previously carried on by the National Agricultural Center. " Decree No. 701 - : - ■'-- Effective September 13, 19^9 Article 1 amends Articles 1 and 2 of Decree No. Ik of November 8, 1929 as follows: - Article 1. - Private persons are prohibited from im- porting live plants, seeds and reproductive parts of any species and varieties of the genera Coffea , coffee, Saccharum , sugarcane, and Theobroma , cacao. The im- portation of other reproductive plants which in the Judgement of the Department of Agriculture may be in- jurious to national agriculture, is likewise prohibited. (importation restricted to official agency. See Art. 5 below) Article 2. - The license for the importation of live plants or parts thereof such as roots, tubers, bulbs, rhizomes, sprouts, etc . and seeds of forage and vegetable plants for planting or immediate consumption, as well as ornamental and forest plants, shall be applied for at the Department of Agriculture. The Department will ex- amine said reproductive plants as soon as they arrive in the country and if they are found in perfect sanitary condition, it shall advise the interested parties and the Ministry of Finance so that the plants may be cleared through the Customhouse. Article 3 of Decree No. Ik was not revoked by Decree No. 701. . Apparently the authority for the destruction of plants found infested or infected without the right of indemnity remains in force . Article k of Decree No. Ik referred to inspection pro- cedure which is now performed by the Department of Agriculture. (See Art. 2 above.) Article 5 of Decree No. Ik remains in force. It author- izes the National Agricultural Center to import any kind of plants and parts thereof exclusively for research in its experiment stations without observing the pro.- cedures required by the decree . Article 2 of Decree No. 701 revokes Article 6 of Decree No. Ik which provided for the unrestricted entry of several classes of seeds . Article 3 of Decree No. 701: - Effective date. Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine