UNITED STATES DEPARTIffiltT OF AGRICULTUIS Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. 3. E. P. q.— 391 March I9, I936, PLANT- QUARAIJTIlffi IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE BRITISH GOLD COAST COLONT This summary of the plant-qiiarantine import restrictions of the Gold Coast Colony has been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant qu-'\rantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that country. It was prepared "by Harry B. Shaw, Plant Quarantine Inspector, in Charge of Foreign Service Infdrmaticri, Division of Foreign Plant Q,uarantines, from the Plants (injurious Pests) Ordinance, No. 37. of December 28, 1923. ^■'^'-'^ Orders promulgated there-ander, and reviewed by the Director of Agriculture of the Colony. Tlie information contain-d in tliis circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. AVERY S. HOYT, Acting C hief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Qur.rantine , PLAilT-qUAHAIWIiffi IMPORT RESTRICTIONS . OF. THE BRITISH GOLD COAST COLOOT BASIC LEGISLATION ' •■ • The Plants (injiirious Pests) Ordinoaice, December 28, I923. CONCISE SIIC/IARY IMPORTATION PROHIBITED: Nothing. ■ IMPORTATION COl® I TI0N;lL ANY PLANT from Central 'md South i\merica and the West Indies: Impor- tation subject to a license from the Director of ^-^riculture (Order No. 20 of 193O) » to prevent the introduction of Fusarium cub ens e E. E. Sm. , Panama disease, and I'larasmius perniciosus Stahcl, witches' broom. COCOA (Theobroma cacao L.) , COTTON ( Gossyoiu^n spp.) , and RU3BER ( Hevea spp.): Importation from any source subject to a license from the Director (Ordin?jace No. 37 of 1^23) to pre- vent the introduction of Marasmius pe rniciosus Stahel, v.'itches' broom; "Hello this obsoleta Fab., corn ear worm; diseases likely to affect cocoa. COLA ( Cola spp.), and B^UJANAS (Husa spp.): Importation from any source subject to a license from the Director (Order No. Uh of 1926) to prevent the introduction of Fusarium vas - infectum Atk. ; Fusarium cubense E. F. Sm. , and diseases likely to affect cocoa. IMPORTATION UNRESTRICTED IWRSERY STOCK, OTHER PL;jITS, SEEDS, BULBS, FRUITS AiTO VEGETjiBLES, other than those above specifically mentioned, may be imported into this Colony from any country v/ithout plant quarantine restriction. 2 - OHDIlWircE FOR Tri3 PREVSITTION ..-JO TRZATr.lENT . .OF PESTS niJTItllOUS TO PLjUITS (The Plants (Injurious Pests) Ordinance, December 28, 1923) SHOUT TITLE ,■ , . •. " Section 1. This Ordin.'^iice may bo cited as "The. Plants (in- jurious Pests) Ordin,a:ice , I923" -"^id shall become effective Janunry 1, 192^. ' , , • DSFIKITIOliS .. Sec, 2, "Plant" includes tree, shrub, and aiiy other vegetable growth, as also any part th^.;reof . "Declared plant" includes cocoa ( Thepbroma cacao L.)f cotton ( G-ossyniurn spp.). '"'•i'-'d rubber ( Hevea spp.) plants, as also any other plant v/hich may be declared under section 3 ^o bo a declared plant; "Injurious pest" includes .-xny disense, pest, f u:i{;,u.s , parasite, insect, or animal, declared under section 3 to be an injurious pest; "Prescribed port of entry" includes the ports of Accra, and Seccondee, as also any other port declared unler section 3 to be a prescribed port of en-ory. PO^YEH OF GOVEHJIOH TO DECLAP.S PLAIITS Sec. 3. It shall be lav;ful for the Governor "oy Order under his haXid: (1) To declare any plant to be a "declared plant"; (2) To declare any disease, pest, f un-r^us , parasite, insect, or anii.ial, to be an injurious -ocst; (3) To declare any port of the Colony to be a "prescribed port of entry"; (U) To prescribe any treatment of an injurious pest and any treatment or destruction of a declared plant to be a "prescribed treatment", for the pui-poses of this Ordinance, - 3 - 3 1262 6924l'77i5 f J ^liTHY TO 3E I/LU33 ..^T A P3E3CRIB3D FOAT Sec. h, No person shall inport into the Colony pjiy declared plpjit except at a prescribed port of entry, namely, Accra nnd Seccon- dee. HZSTrJCTSD UAT^HIAIS Sec. 5« 0) No person shall import into the Colony any of the follov/ing articles or materials except under license of the Director of A ^'i"! culture: (a) Declared plaiits; (Id) Wrappings, cases, packages, or other coverings which contain or have contained declared plants; (c) Soil or earth; (d) Wrapnngs, ca-ses, packages, or other covering vdiich contain or have contained soil or earth; (o) Any article or material of v.hatever kind packed with such soil or plant. Paragraphs 2 wad 3 relate to the character of licenses and authorize the seizure of shipments imported contrary to the regula- tions. Sees. D to lU. Insular adiainistrotion of the Ordinance, penalties, etc. GCV3:i.iio:i i^i/i?0',.T.RZD TO :-i;js hzgulaTIOKs Sec. 15. It shall oe lav/ful for the G-overnor in Council to make regulations for the further, better, or more convenient effectua- tion of nny of the provisions or purposes of this Orc'inance.